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March 30th


Napoleon 1799Napoleons victories: New order for Europe
Napoleons Defeats: New map of Europe
Transformed the map of Europe as well as the type of government
Basis of the Civil Code - great new way of thinking about peoples rights
New map of Europe
Was grant for the countries and the leader of those who defeated napoleon
Many groups and peoples became oppressed as a result of the restructuring of the map
Industrialization 1700-1800s
Invention and technology
Speed: The railroad
Wealth and progress
Workers: men and women
Century of revolutions
revolutions of 1830 - liberty
revolutions of 18__ - class wars
Nations and nationalism
Nations as states
Germany united
Italy united
Nations as world powers
Wars of the 20th century
the great war - World War 1
Everyone thought it would be a war of movementlike beforebut it was a war of
fixed positions
Europe tore themselves apart
tried to build themselves back but it didnt work and the result was WW2
the global war - World War 2
The Cold War
Russia to the Soviet Union 1917
From Lenin to Stalin
From world communism to nuclear arms
Students rebel against authority - 1968
Berlin wall falls, Cold War ends - 1989
Other major subject matter

Ideals, ideas, and ideologies

politics (domestic and international)
Social change
Globalization: Imperialism
Wars and their byproducts
Discussion sections
Writing assignments
Napoleon crosses the alps 1800
called the New Hanabal
The hero of the french after the war he fought and was victorious in in Italy
Becomes too content
Spain the common people fight back and rebel against the oppressive French
Napoleon decides to invade Russia
Comes back defeated and is shunned by the people
Big question in the class will be what is the significance of?

March 30th

French revolution - 1798

revolution is to overthrow a system not people
before revolution - idea that the people that are french or the french nation is defined as those
who are in support of the french ruler
after the revolution - idea that a nation consisted of its people, citizens, who held a certain
common identity
Declaration of the rights of man & citizen

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