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Fibroadenoma of Breast

Written by Jaime Herndon | Published on July 9, 2012

Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD

What Is a Fibroadenoma?
Finding a lump in your breast can be a scary experience, but not all lumps and tumors are
cancerous. One type of benign (non-cancerous) tumor is called a fibroadenoma. While not
life-threatening, a fibroadenoma may still require treatment.
A fibroadenoma is a non-cancerous tumor in the breast that is commonly found in women
under the age of 30. According to Mammotome, fibroadenomas are diagnosed in
approximately 10 percent of women in the United States (Mammotome). African-American
women are more likely to develop these tumors.
The tumor consists of breast tissue and connective (stromal) tissue. According to Dr. David
Zieve for PubMed, while most women only have one tumor, 10 to 15 percent of women have
multiple lumps (PubMed). Fibroadenomas can occur in one or both breasts.

Some fibroadenomas are so small that they cannot be felt. When you are able to feel one, it is
very distinct from the surrounding tissue. The edges are clearly defined and the tumors have a
detectable shape. They are moveable under the skin and are typically not tender. These
tumors often feel like marbles, but may have a rubbery feel to them.

The exact cause of fibroadenomas is not known. Hormones such as estrogen may play a part
in the growth and development of the tumors. Taking oral contraceptives before the age of 20
has been associated with a higher risk of developing fibroadenomas.
These tumors may grow, particularly during pregnancy. During menopause, they often shrink.
It is also possible for fibroadenomas to resolve on their own.

There are two types of fibroadenomas: simple fibroadenomas and complex fibroadenomas.
The simple tumors do not increase breast cancer risk and look the same all over when viewed
under a microscope. The complex tumors contain other components such as macrocysts
(fluid-filled sacs large enough to feel and to see without a microscope) and calcifications
(calcium deposits).
Complex fibroadenomas can slightly increase your risk of breast cancer. The American
Cancer Society states that women with complex fibroadenomas have approximately one and
a half to two times greater risk of developing breast cancer than women with no breast lumps

Part 2 of 4: Diagnosis

How Are Fibroadenomas Diagnosed?

A physical examination will be conducted and your breasts will be palpated (examined
manually). A breast ultrasound or mammogram imaging test may also be ordered. A breast
ultrasound involves lying on a table while a hand-held device called a transducer is moved
over the skin of the breast, creating a picture on a screen. A mammogram is an X-ray of the
breast taken while the breast is compressed between two flat surfaces.
A fine needle aspiration or biopsy may be performed to remove tissue for testing. This
involves inserting a needle into the breast and removing small pieces of the tumor. The tissue
will then be sent to a lab for microscopic examination to determine the type of fibroadenoma
and if it is cancerous.
Part 3 of 4: Treatment

Treating a Fibroadenoma
If you are diagnosed with a fibroadenoma, it does not necessarily have to be removed.
Depending on your physical symptoms, family history, and personal concerns, you and your
doctor can decide whether to have it removed or not. Fibroadenomas that do not grow and are
definitely not cancerous can be closely monitored with clinical breast exams and imaging
tests, such as mammograms and ultrasounds.
The decision to have a fibroadenoma removed typically depends on the following:

if it impacts the natural shape of the breast

if it causes pain

if you are concerned about developing cancer

if you have a family history of cancer

if you received questionable biopsy results

If a fibroadenoma is removed, it is possible for one or more to grow in its place.

Part 4 of 4: Coping

Living with a Fibroadenoma

Due to the slightly increased risk of breast cancer, you should have regular checkups with
your doctor and schedule regular mammograms if you have fibroadenomas. You should also
make breast self-exams a regular part of your routine. If there are any changes in the size or
shape of an existing fibroadenoma, call your doctor right away.

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