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Student’s Names: Muzamil Kousar,

Student’s ID 06010611-011

Session B.S (HONS) 7th


Department Psychology

Subject Organizational

Course Code PSY-405

Topic Nonverbal
Communication And
Effectiveness of Five
Communication Network

Submitted Date 5th January, 2010

Supervisor’s Name Miss Humaira Murtaza

“The body says what words cannot.”
(Martha Graham, Choreographer)
Content Table

Components Of Emotional Experience
• Physiological/ Physical Component
• Behavioral Component
• Cognitive Component
Non-Verbal Communication
• Non-Verbal Communication Divides Into Four Broad
• Channels Of Nonverbal Behaviors
1. Static Features
2. Dynamic Features
• Nonverbal Communication Cues Can Play Five Roles
• Common Mistakes
• How to improve non-verbal communication
• Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Cues
Interpersonal Communication
• Elements of Interpersonal Communication
• Effective Interpersonal Communication
• Five Person Communication Network
1. Chain network

2. Y network

3. Star network

4. Circle network
5. All-Channel Network
• Effects of Five Person Communication Networks

As human beings, we have all experienced a range of emotions from happiness, sadness, love,
hate, to indifference along with many other emotions. Emotions are feelings, highly subjective
personal tendencies to respond to internal and external variables. Emotions have cognitive,
physiological and behavioral components. Our cognitive appraisals and evaluations of events in
our lives are key determinants to our emotional responses. Emotions are accompanied by
physiological arousal of the automatic nervous system that leads to physical symptoms such as
increase in respiration and heart rate. The behavioral component of emotions is expressed in our
nonverbal body language including facial expressions.

Components Of Emotional

Physiological Behavioral Cognitive

Physiological/ Physical Component

The physical component of emotion is a psychological arousal that usually accompanies the
emotion the body is feeling. If the body did not experience this arousal, the intensity of this
emotion would be greatly decreased.

Behavioral Component
This component has been called the outward expression of our emotions. Body gestures, posture,
facial expressions, and our tone of voice display what emotions we are feeling. Many of our
facial expressions are universal. For instance, if somebody has a mad look on their face, it
doesn't matter what language they speak or where they are from. However, some emotional
expressions are influenced by our cultures and society's rules for displaying emotions.
Cognitive Component
The cognitive component is how we interpret certain situations or stimulations. This determines
which emotion our body will feel. For example; if you are alone, sitting in the dark, watching a
frightening movie, and you hear a loud noise, you may become frightened... fearing that there is
an immediate threat or that you are in danger. This emotional response to this imaginary threat is
just as powerful as it would be to a real threat. Our perception to the imaginary threat is what
makes it feel real to us and causes the emotion in our body.

Facial expressions clearly reflect the intensity of emotional experiences such as happiness,
sadness, anger, and sorrow: all can be understood from emotional expressions. However these
vary from person to person.

Non-Verbal Communication
The first scientific study of nonverbal communication was Charles
Darwin’s book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and
Animals (1872). He argued that all mammals show emotion
reliably in their faces. Studies now range across a number of
fields, including, linguistics, semiotics and social psychology.

We send a nonverbal message every time we send a verbal one. At times the nonverbal message
may stand alone. The nonverbal element of the communication process is comprised of several
factors including appearance, facial expressions, eye contrast, gestures, touch, posture, voice,
silence, time, and space between sender and receiver.

Non verbal
The power of nonverbal communication cannot be underestimated. In his book, Silent Messages,
Professor Albert Mehrabian says the messages we send through our posture, gestures, facial
expression, and spatial distance account for 55% of what is perceived and understood by others
while the Tone of voice is 38% account and Words are 7% account. In fact, through our body
language we are always communicating, whether we want to or not! We use body language to
convey a message and typically do unconsciously.

Non-Verbal Communication Divides Into Four Broad Categories

Physical: This is the personal type of communication. It includes facial expressions, tone of
voice, sense of touch, sense of smell, and body motions.

Aesthetic: This is the type of communication that takes place through creative expressions:
playing instrumental music, dancing, painting and sculpturing.

Signs: This is the mechanical type of communication, which includes the use of signal flags, the
21-gun salute, horns, and sirens.

Symbolic: This is the type of communication that makes use of religious, status, or ego-building

Channels Of Nonverbal Behaviors

If the team members show a true awareness to non-verbal cues, the organization will have a
better chance to succeed, for it will be an open, honest, and confronting unit. Argyle and his
associates have been studying the features of nonverbal communication that provide information
to managers and their team members. The following summarizes their findings:

Static Features


The distance one stands from another frequently conveys a non-verbal message. In some cultures
it is a sign of attraction, while in others it may reflect status or the intensity of the exchange.

People may present themselves in various ways: face-to-face, side-to-side, or even back-to-back.
For example, cooperating people are likely to sit side-by-side while competitors frequently face
one another.


Obviously one can be lying down, seated, or standing. These are not the elements of posture that
convey messages. Are we slouched or erect ? Are our legs crossed or our arms folded ? Such
postures convey a degree of formality and the degree of relaxation in the communication

Physical Contact

Shaking hands, touching, holding, embracing, pushing, or patting on the back all convey
messages. They reflect an element of intimacy or a feeling of (or lack of) attraction.

Dynamic Features

Facial Expressions

A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information. Facial expressions
continually change during interaction and are monitored constantly by the recipient. There is
evidence that the meaning of these expressions may be similar across cultures.


One of the most frequently observed, but least understood, cues is a hand movement. Most
people use hand movements regularly when talking. While some gestures (e.g., a clenched fist)
have universal meanings, most of the others are individually learned and idiosyncratic.

A major feature of social communication is eye contact. It can convey emotion, signal when to
talk or finish, or aversion. The frequency of contact may suggest either interest or boredom. The
above list shows that both static features and dynamic features transmit important information
from the sender to the receiver.


Lamb believes the best way to access an executive's managerial potential is not to listen to what
he has to say, but to observe what he does when he is saying it. He calls this new behavioral
science "movement analysis." Some of the movements and gestures he has analyzed follow:

Forward and Backward Movements

If you extend a hand straight forward during an interview or tend to lean forward, Lamb
considers you to be an "operator"- good for an organization requiring an infusion of energy or
dramatic change of course.

Vertical Movements

If you tend to draw yourself up to your tallest during the handshake, Lamb considers you to be a
"presenter." You are a master at selling yourself or the organization in which you are employed.

Side-to-Side Movements

If a person take a lot of space while talking by moving his arms about, he is a good informer and
good listener. He is best suited for an organization seeking a better sense of direction.
Facial Expressions

Facial expressions usually communicate emotions. The expressions tell the attitudes of the
communicator. Researchers have discovered that certain facial areas reveal our emotional state
better than others. For example, the eyes tend to reveal happiness or sadness, and even surprise.
The lower face also can reveal happiness or surprise; the smile, for example, can communicate
friendliness and cooperation. The lower face, brows, and forehead can also reveal anger.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. The superior in the
organization generally maintains eye contact longer than the subordinate. The direct stare of the
sender of the message conveys candor and openness.

Tactile Communication

Communication through touch is obviously non-verbal. Used properly it can create a more direct
message than dozens of words; used improperly it can build barriers and cause mistrust. Person
can easily attack someone's space through this type of communication. Touch not only facilitates
the sending of the message, but the emotional impact of the message as well.

Personal Space
Personal space is a person’s "bubble" - the space person place between himself and others. This
invisible boundary becomes apparent only when someone bumps or tries to enter his bubble.


How does a person arrange the objects in his environment - the desks, chairs, tables, and
bookcases? The design of his office, according to researchers, can greatly affect the
communications within it. Some managers divide their offices into personal and impersonal
areas. This can improve the communication process if the areas are used for the purposes

His pecking-order in the organization is frequently determined by such things as the size of his
desk, square feet in his office, number of windows in the office, quality of the carpet, and type of
paintings (originals or copies) on the wall.

It is obvious that his personal space and environment affect the level of his comfort and his status
and facilitate or hinder the communication process.


Is the content of person message contradicted by the attitude with which he is communicating it?
Researchers have found that the tone, pitch, quality of voice, and rate of speaking convey
emotions that can be accurately judged regardless of the content of the message. The important
thing to gain from this is that the voice is important, not just as the conveyor of the message, but
as a complement to the message.

Silence and Time

Silence can be a positive or negative influence in the communications process. It can provide a
link between messages or sever relationships. It can create tension and uneasiness or create a
peaceful situation. Silence can also be judgmental by indicating favor or disfavor - agreement or

For example, suppose a manager finds a couple of his staff members resting.

If he believes these staff members are basically lazy, the idleness conveys to him that they are
"goofing off" and should be given additional assignments.

If he believes these staff members are self-motivated and good workers, the idleness conveys to
him that they are taking a well-deserved "break."

Nonverbal Communication Cues Can Play Five Roles

Repetition: They can repeat the message the person is making verbally

Contradiction: They can contradict a message the individual is trying to convey

Substitution: They can substitute for a verbal message. For example, a person's eyes can often
convey a far more vivid message than words and often do

Complementing: They may add to or complement a verbal message. A boss who pats a person
on the back in addition to giving praise can increase the impact of the message

Accenting: They may accent or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example,
can underline a message.

Common Mistakes

You’re not subtle. Be objective about your own observations to make sure you aren’t offending
others by broadly mimicking their speech or behavior. Remember, most people instinctively send
and interpret nonverbal signals all the time, so don’t assume you’re the only one who’s aware of
nonverbal undercurrents. Finally, stay true to yourself. Be aware of your own natural style, and
don’t adopt behavior that is incompatible with it.

You bluff. Thinking you can bluff by deliberately altering your body language can do more
harm than good. Unless you’re a proficient actor, it will be hard to overcome your body’s
inability to lie. There will always be mixed messages, signs that your channels of communication
are not congruent. It’s a prime example of leakage, and something others will detect, one way or
You rush to accuse based on body language alone. Incorrect accusations based on erroneous
observations can be embarrassing and damaging and take a long time to overcome. Always
verify your interpretation with another communications channel before rushing in. You could say
something like, “I get the feeling you’re uncomfortable with this course of action. Would you
like to add something to the discussion?” This should draw out the real message and force the
individual to come clean or to adjust his or her body language.

How to improve non-verbal communication

Three key points can be defined to improve non-verbal communication:

Look at the whole situation

When the non-verbal behavior of a person is an emotional response, it is reflection of what is

going on within his or her mind or what sort of a situation he or she is in. It can therefore be use
to better understand the person’s non-verbal behavior.

Note Discrepancy between Verbal and Non-Verbal Language

Often non-verbal signals show that the verbal communication is not accurate or the information
provider is either hiding something or lying.

Note Subtleties

It is important to note the subtleties or hidden motives. A genuine or fake smile by be discovered
to improve non-verbal communication. Cultural differences play an important part in body
language. Different gestures and moves or different non-verbal communications may be
interpreted differently across cultures.

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Cues:

Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning

Direct eye contact Attentiveness

Lack of contact Withdrawal

Looking Down/ away Avoidance, Preoccupation

Fixed Staring Uptightness, Psychosis

Eye Blinking Anxiety, Excitement

Squinting or Wrinkled Frustration, Concern,

Brow Attention to detail

Alarm, Interest
Dilated Pupils

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Kinesics:

Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning
Greeting, Positive
mood, Contradiction

Stress, Anger/ Hostility,

Tight Lips

Trembling Lips Sadness, Anger, Anxiety

Biting/ Chewing of Anxiety, Bad Habit


Surprise, Boredom/
Open Mouth
Fatigue/ deep

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Kinesics:

Facial Expressions
Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning
Flushed Face
Embarrassment, Anxiety

Eyes Open Wide Surprise, Sudden Insight

& Mouth Opening

Deep Thought/
Furrowed Brow With Tight
Irritation/ Displeasure,
Rejection of
a Interviewer Response

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Kinesics:

Shoulders and Arms

Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning

Shrugging Shoulders Uncertainty or

Sadness, Withdrawal/
Slouched Shoulders Shyness
Bad Posture, Self-

Closed to Contact,
Folded Arms
emotional distance

Open Gesturing Openness to Disclosure

Stiff and/or Unmoving Anger, Anxiety

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Kinesics:

Legs and Feet
Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning
Anxiety/ Nervousness,
Crossing & Uncrossing Depression

Foot Tapping Anxiety, Impatience

Closed to Contact,
Stiff and/or Controlled
Attitude, Sore Muscles

Sample of Possible Interpretations of Common Kinesics:

Body Movement
Images Nonverbal Expression Possible Meaning
Leaning Forward Attentiveness, Interest

Leaning Away or Back Withdrawal, Rejection

Relaxation or Comfort

Avoidance, Fear of
Turned to the Side

Focused Attention,
Habitual Movement (e.g.,
Tapping, Hair Twirling)
Impatience, Bad habit

Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or
more people.

Elements of Interpersonal Communication


Effective Interpersonal Communication

Following are some of the characteristics of effective interpersonal communication:

 Intended to help the employee rather than discourage him or her

 Specific to the situation or the need of the employee
 Useful for correcting the situation or suitable to the situation.

Other Variable Effecting Interpersonal Communication

Some other variables also effect interposal communication, such as: Trust; expectations; values;
status; compatibility. If the employees do not trust the boss or his judgment, the communication
is likely to be ineffective. All other variables mentioned above also effect interpersonal

Five Person Communication Network

A communication network is the linkages among work groups, departmental or organizational
members, we are concerned with communication networks, which are systems of communication
lines linking various senders and receivers.
The flow of information is regulated by several factors: the proximity of workers to one another,
the rules governing who communicates with whom, the status hierarchy, and other elements such
as job assignments and duties.

Five Alternative Communication Networks for a Five-Person Team

Centralized networks (Chain, Y, and Wheel) where the flow is centralized or directed through
specific members.

Decentralized networks, (Circle, All-Channel) where the communication flow can originate at
any point and does not have to be directed through certain central group members.

Five major types have been studied in depth with the Centralized networks and Decentralized

1. Chain network Centralized networks

2. Y network Centralized networks

3. Star network Centralized networks

4. Circle network Decentralized networks

5. All-Channel Network Decentralized networks

1. Chain Network
The first centralized network – the chain – represents a five-member status hierarchy. A
message originates at the top or bottom of the chain and works its way upward or downward.
The flow of information in a chain system is relatively slow process, but it is direct with all
members in the hierarchy being made aware of the message since it must pass through each link.

Saba Muzamil Rabia Lubna Sana

2. Y Network
A related communication network is the Y. It is also a hierarchical network and represents four
levels of status within the organization, but its last level of communication involves more than
one person. Both chain and Y are similar in speed of communication and formality of who
communicates with whom.

Saba Sana




3. Star/Wheel Network
The wheel network involves two status levels: a higher status member (usually a work
supervisor) and four lower-lever members. The higher status member is the centre or hub
through which all messages must pass. There is no direct communication between lower-level
members. An example might be a sales manager and his four salespersons in the field.

Muzamil Lubna


4. Circle Network
The circle network represents communication between members who are immediately accessible
to each other, such as workers positioned side by side on an assembly line. Because messages
can originate anywhere and no rules govern the direction in which messages can be sent, it can
be difficult to trace the original source of a message. It has a fairly quick rate of transmission


Saba Sana

Rabia Lubna

5. All-Channel Network
An all-channel network allows complete freedom among communication links. Any member can
freely communicate with any other member and all members are accessible to each other.
Communication can be very rapid and there is maximum opportunity for feedback. Boards of
directors, problem-solving task forces and employees working as a team are examples of this
form of communication.


Saba Sana


There has been extensive research on communication networks; most of it has been conducted in
laboratory settings. The results of these studies indicate that each of the different networks has
different strengths and weaknesses.

 Centralized networks are faster and make fewer errors in dealing with simple repetitive
tasks than do decentralized networks.

 Decentralized networks, on the other hand, are better at dealing with complex tasks such
as problem solving. In general, straightforward, repetitive tasks, such as assembly or
manufacturing work, tend to operate well with a centralized communication network,
while creative tasks, such as group working on a product advertising campaign, are best
accomplished using decentralized networks.

 One reason why centralized networks may have difficulty in solving complex problems is
because of information overload on the central person. Because messages cannot be
passed on intact to the various members efficiently and quickly, group performance

 The type of network can also affect the satisfaction of network members. Because of
restriction in who can initiate and who can communicate with whom, members in
centralized networks have lower levels of satisfaction. More specifically, the persons in
the central position tend to have high levels of satisfaction due to their role, whereas the
non-central members have extremely low satisfaction

Some of the research has been criticized for oversimplifying the process. Evidence suggests that
in the workplace, the differences in the speed and efficiency among the various networks may
disappear over time as the group involved learns to adjust to the required pattern. Because most
of the research has been conducted in laboratory settings, there has been some concern about
whether these studies will generalize to actual workplaces, although the findings do allow us to
model (although simplistically) the communication networks in work organizations.

Effects of Five Person Communication Networks


Degree of Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Leadership Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Average group Low Low Moderate Moderate High
Range in individual High High Moderate Low Very Low
member satisfaction

 Communication Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2009

 MCM 301 Lecture Handouts. (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2009

 PSY 632 Lecture Handouts. (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2009

 MGMT 623 Lecture Handouts. (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2009

 Interpersonal communication systems. (n.d.). Retrieved December 25, 2009

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