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12 Months of Intent

A Guide to Conscious Co-Creation with

the Universe Through Focused Intention

MONTH 1 Return to Innocence

Innocence is remembrance of birthing through Source,

returning to Source and the constant supply of Source.
Innocence allies with Trust and Openness.



Experience stillness; the source of my inner

2. Recognize my wholeness; the first step toward
3. Receive from Mother earth; she is abundant
with healing remedies of the purest sources.
4. Discover balance is not static; to achieve it, I
must move, adjust, and change.
5. Respect my bodys need for exercise... and for
6. Allow bold, vibrant beginnings of a new year to
stoke my inner fire and call out new dreams.
7. Live with intent, knowing I am the power that
creates my reality.
8. Have compassion and forgiveness for myself in
all situations.
9. Become aware that the only unhealthy
emotions are the ones I do not express.
10. Engage fully in life, love and joy; remembering
to stay present in all circumstance.
11. Heart-fully embrace the journey Breathing in
each step, my unique path is revealed on a
moment-by-moment basis.

MONTH 2 Return to Action

Action requires will, focus intent and movement but is

the primary vehicle of expression for the creative
human experience. Action aligns with Vision and


1. I KNOW I am exactly where I am supposed to
2. I SEE myself as healthy, happy, whole and
3. I DREAM grand visions.
4. I CHANNEL my fear into the gateway to
passion and abundant creativity.
5. I MOVE beyond all lack and limitation and into
my Divine right.
6. I EMBRACE all aspects of my personality; its
light and its shadow.
7. I BEHOLD my body as sexy, bold and
8. I HEAR my inner voice and feel the essence
of my spirit
9. I ACKNOWLEDGE that I create my reality.
10. I CHOOSE to be forgiving of everyone and all
things, including myself.
11. I LEAP into my power knowing that the words
I have spoken are the truth of my being.

MONTH 3 Return to My Nature

Human Nature and Mother Nature are of the same,

mirrors of the soul experience, and expressions of our
co-creative focus. The weather outside is dependant
upon the collective forecast inside.

It is my Intention to ...

1. Create conscious choices in every arena of my

2. Vision with creativity and watch my dreams
seed, bud, and blossom.
3. Embrace change as an opportunity to
experience myself in a new way.
4. View every event and circumstance as a
5. Commit with courage in everything I do.
6. Celebrate lifes gifts through the eyes of
innocence, the gentle touch of wonder, and an
open heart of gratitude.
7. Breathe and balance every moment of every
8. Be authentic and take the lead in my life.
9. Step with reverence.
10. Inspire my world by imagining possibility.
11. Go within to the place of Oneness in order to

MONTH 4 Return to Sacredness

One must recognize the sacred in themselves, their

actions, mistakes, wins and celebrations. The sacred is
the complete embrace and integration of opposites for
expansion to be experienced. The sacred is ally to
wholeness and allness.

In embracing freedom as my divine

birthright, I openly accept and receive ...

all I give out.

abundance and prosperity.
loving and being loved.
voice and expression.
forgiveness of myself and others.
gifts and talents.
the responsibility of being a teacher and wayshower.
8. the use of my thoughts, words, and actions as a
method of ministering to those individuals that
appear upon my path.
9. expansiveness and being-ness.
10. transformation and healing.
11. open doors of opportunity, God ordained
encounters, Divine appointments,
coincidences as synchronicity, and
messages from the universe in the many
languages in which it expresses...

Thank You So Be It ...And So It Is!

MONTH 5 Return to Mastery

Mastery engages the ability to allow ALL experiences

with a calm heart, quiet understanding and sacred
surrender. Mastery allies with Higher Self and Holy

In becoming the Master of my own

experience ...
1. I ACCEPT myself fully and completely.
2. I RECOGNIZE the how I handle the issue is
more important than the issue itself.
3. I HONOR my walk within the circumstances I have
4. I CELEBRATE challenging and painful events as
the places of greatest growth and wisdom.
5. I IDENTIFY people as loving, and doing the best
they can with the knowledge they have.
6. I allow myself the opportunity to be human as I reDISCOVER my Divine nature.
7. I SEEK healthy environments, nourishing food,
loving relationships, and adventures in fun!
8. I COMMIT to a daily spiritual and study practice
that feeds my mind, body, and spirit.
9. I CLEANSE my words and mind by re-languaging
how I approach the world.
10. I take a moment each day to BREATHE and be
11. I acknowledge that every situation is part of a
SACRED contract.

MONTH 6 Return to Oneness

Oneness is accepting all that exists as extensions to

oneself. The world and its experiences is
representative of the collective consciousness in its
current state of Oneness. The illusion of which is
division and separation. Oneness has as great allies
Compassion and Empathy.

As a commitment to Oneness on the


I open my heart and my mind to a full range of

2. I embrace self-love, self-acceptance, and selfforgiveness as tenets to live by.
3. I seek experiences that expand my joy, passion,
and purpose on the planet.
4. I engage with people and celebrate the
similarities and differences.
5. I embrace friendships engaging with all races
and nationalities.
6. I spend time walking in nature.
7. I question everything, in order to create new
reservoirs of empowering beliefs.
8. I enact ways of conserving and caring for myself,
my home, and my planet.
9. I listen to my heart by allowing time for silence.
10. I close my eyes when seeking my own answers.
11. I pray for peace....inner peace... outer peace.

MONTH 7 Return to Knowing

Knowing is a truth that exists within. The human

experience is the remembrance of our knowing which
comes from Living and Being, its allies.

Today I stand fully intending my arms

open, my experience receiving, my mind
filled with expectancy, and my heart
1. I am responsible for the co-creation of my life.
2. Unlimited possibilities lay within me ready to
3. Every occurrence in my life is a gift to take my
level of knowing myself.
4. I am worthy of love, prosperity and abundance.
5. Change is a loving way that I renew my mind,
body, and spirit.
6. My thoughts, words, and actions are continuously
being lifted toward a higher vibration.
7. Saying YES to all that I desire is my Divine right.
8. Saying YES opens the gates to all that I AM.
9. Saying YES, I give myself permission to be
powerful beyond measure.
10. Saying YES supports me in greeting selfdiscovery and self-realization.
11. I AM deserving.

MONTH 8 Return to Authenticity

By placing my own health and well-being

at the forefront of my life, I set the
conscious commitment to be the
authentic me by activating
1. Acceptance of my function and dysfunction as
neutral steps within my personal journey.
2. Understanding necessary to forgive myself and
others for being who we needed to be.
3. Truth in my thoughts, words, actions, and beliefs.
4. Heart full of love in the approach of living my best
5. Energy I need to move forward within my own
6. Neutral observer witnessing who I am in each
7. Teaching those in need while also recognizing
myself as a student.
8. Ingredients necessary for powerful and inspired
9. Clarity when I walk into circumstances that reveal
the illusion of chaos.
10. Manifestation of the highest vision possible for
myself and others.
11. Elegance of ease, flow, openness, and grace as I
refine my internal landscape.

MONTH 9 Return to Balance

The remembrance of balance brings rise to the

unloved parts of who we are. Love is the ultimate
discovery of the soul path, in as and thru us.
Balance brings forth the allies of self care and self

It is my Intention to integrate and

experience all GIVING & RECEIVING as...

AUTHENTIC doorways of connecting, learning

and growing.
DIVINE experiences of service to myself and
JEWELS waiting to be discovered and cherished.
EXPRESSING my song and dance within the
rythmic choreography of the Universe.
SACRED gifts for my journey.
Tasks appointed to me by my SOURCE!
CREATING life and love.
INSPIRED action, knowing, and being.
WAYS to inhale and exhale.
MANIFESTING the union of my human
experience and my spiritual being.

MONTH 10 Return to Truth

Truth is unchanging. It is that which is the same in all

sacred textsthat which is the same in the heart, also
a sacred text. Truths allies are Authenticity and Love.

Today I awaken my deepest desire of

connecting to the Voice that IS calling

Being conscious of how I treat my body temple.

Listening to the stirrings of my heart.
Believing that all things within the contrast of my
experience are part of the awakening stretch.
4. Committing to a more expansive study of who I
really am.
5. Chanting the Name of God, that which I regard as
my Source.
6. Dancing in the vibration of Love as I walk through
7. Breathing in my connection to ALL things.
8. Exhaling the Light of my essence for ALL things
to experience.
9. Discovering my Divine expansiveness through
creativity and self-expression.
10. Recognizing my own voice as worthy, necessary
and important.
11. Knowing I AM that I AM.

MONTH 11 Return to Vision

Vision is being held whether we are conscious or not.

That which is created is the vision. Conscious vision
may be activated and manifested with the allies of
Right Thought, Right Feeling and Right Action.

I consciously sit in my Knowing as I

vision what is before me...

Recognizing purpose does not require doing of

anything but being of everything.
2. Holding the space for energetic manifestation that
supports physical manifestation.
3. Witnessing outcomes that past thoughts are
bringing into my current life experience.
4. Lovingly holding the space for those caught up in
drama, turmoil and illusion.
5. As I accept Grace.
6. Understanding balance requires preparation, rest,
connection & action.
7. Relishing all experienced as the beautiful tapestry
that I AM.
8. Realizing unsupportive patterns, belief, and
dysfunction have never been my truth.
9. breath, long and deep, at a time.
10. Meditating to increase Source communication.
11. Sitting for the mind to reach deep clarity.

MONTH 12 Return to Essence of Awakening

Awakening is living consciously through the human

experience by recognizing everything means
something, there are no coincidences and the outer
landscape is a mirror to the inner landscape.

It is my intention to allow the ESSENCE

of my SOUL to awaken by ...

Opening my heart to ALL of who I am.

Embracing the SHADOW parts as well as the
LIGHT of myself.
3. Recognizing that we are all as much the SAME
as we are UNIQUE.
4. CONSCIOUS participation in the activities that
bring me bliss.
5. Forgiving all those who I BELIEVE have hurt or
harmed me.
6. FORGIVING myself for self-inflicted wounds,
harsh thoughts, negative words, and actions of
shame and blame.
7. Recognizing my HEART as the heart of GOD.
8. Stepping into my DREAMS, passions and joy.
9. Viewing my story from a higher PERSPECTIVE.
10. SURRENDERING all that is no longer true about
2011 SimRick LLC Simran Singh

OTHER RESOURCES - SIMRAN SINGH - Award Winning Magazine Devoted to the Journey of the Soul - Visionary Catalyst Coach- Speaker - #1 Rated Program on VoiceAmerica 7th Wave - Conscious Conversations Devoted to Your Soul - The Leading Online Coaching Space for Self Awareness


Simran Singh, Visionary, Catalyst Coach and Voice

of the Soul is the publisher of the Nautilus Award winning 11:11 Magazine, the only
publication to have ever been given this distinguished honor. In addition, 11:11 Talk
Radio, is the #1 rated program on the largest online radio network, Voice America
7th Wave, hosted by Singh.
Simrans passion and purpose is providing resources, wisdom and creative
expression through vehicles that support the growth and evolution of consciousness
on the planet. Simran assists individuals in making meaning out of the experiences
in their lives, while providing focus upon the conversation begging to be had from
the Universe, as a means of greater connection and self-realization.
Her unique yet gentle manner of relaying thought forms catalyzes authentic living
and action. Expertise in generating interpretation and understanding for the various
messages and languages the Universe has available is what has led to the expansion
of 11:11 media resources and audience.
Simran Singh, heralded as the New Voice in Spirituality and celebrated for her in
depth knowledge of a wide range of topics from mindfulness to metaphysics. Prior
to a mystical encounter with the Master Number 11 and foray into the realm of
consciousness and evolution, Simran spent several decades in the fashion industry
as a model, television personality and fashion designer.

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