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Here we haqve created a scenario of macro BS having coverage radius 500m,which

includes 4 raffic hot spots (L=4) randomly placed each having a radius of 80m. all of
the K users are located within 4 hot spots.
The density of each user is non-uniform in each hotspot,where Nl, femo BSs are
deployed in areas of high user density(femto hot spots) within hot spot we
define Phot as femto hotspot probability ,the probability lies at a distance of less
than 20m from a femto around a femto BS,to determine number of femto hotspot
users:TEXT1 users are near to femto BS n in picocell l. a remaining TEXT2 users are
uniformly distributed in lth picocell.
Here we considered a drop model in which user positions and BS positions are
generated randomly in each realizations.slow fading is modeled a log-normal
shadowing having a standard deviation of 8db.each user having a traffic demand of
Dlnk=10Mbits,having a total bandwidth of 10MHz.details of the simulation
parameters are given in tableII.
in each of the experiments transmission power is same for all BSs at same tier and
constant over transmission.we have considered interference from other femtos and
it is included as a part of the noise.the link capacity is computed by Shannon

C. performance evaluation and discussion

For performance evaluation,benefit of the three tier HETNETS is compared with the
two first baseline (two-tier pico only),here we have considered a two
tier deployment,where each hot spot contains only one pico BS(no femtos).users
can be served by , users can be served by the macro(during the macro NS ) and
one of the pico BSs(during macro ABS).
In second baseline,we consider two tier deployment ,i.e. two tier femto only where
in each hot spots ,only the same femos in the three tier scenario are deployed
which means no picos are considered.
All the femtos are operating simultaneously during the macro ABS.the femtos in the
same hot spot interfere with each other but femtos in different hot spots do not

The algorithm developed [] is readily applicable to the two base lines with two tier

The reason of not considering a two tier model with boh picos and femtos is that it
would be then necessary to partition time or frequency between them to avoid
inter-tier interference.
for all the results shown below,the number of DSL iterations,heuristic iterations and
smoothning iterations for the three tier algorithms are fixed at
20,30,100, dual ascent algorim ,smoothning iterations are performed
after heuristic iterations.
Fig no. will give the results for L=4 hotspots and Nl=2 femtos per no of
users are fixed at K=60.heuristic algorithm will provide close to optimal
performance.smoothning iterations will improve the results of of heuristic
algorithm.generally large number of iterations are required to approach to the
When the users are uniformly distributed within the hot spots (Phot=0),pico-only
deployment will provide the better results than femto only deployment.because of
higher rate that a pico BS can -provide . a particular problem with the two-tier
femto approach in this scenario is the loss in rate due to interference between
femto BSs .in the Phot=0 scenario ,not all the users are close to a nearby femto BS
so significant inter-femto interference occurs,which is why the pico-only approach
does better.

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