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Sujet 1, Inde, avril 2013, sries ES, S, L, LV1

Mythes et hros

Document A
The scene is set in the fifties. Samantha, Miras friend, has a money problem. Mira has offered to
help her.





Absolutely not, Norm said.

Norm, poor Samantha !
I feel very very sorry for Samantha, he said solemnly, but Ill be goddamned if Im going to lay
out my hard-earned money to help that creep Simp.
You wouldnt be helping Simp. He doesnt even live there now.
He owns the house, doesnt he ? It would be different if I thought hed ever repay it, but from
what you say, hes a loser and a stupid bastard, and Id never see that money again.
Oh, Norm, what difference does it make ? We have plenty.
Thats easy for you to say. That money comes out of my hide.
What do you think I do all day ? What have I done all these years ? I work as hard as you do.
Oh, come off it, Mira.
What do you mean, come off it ? Her voice rose wildly. Am I not an equal participant in this
marriage ? Dont I contribute to it ?
Of course you do, he said placatingly, but there was an edge of disgust in his voice, but you
contribute different things. You dont contribute money.
My work enables you to make that money !
Oh, Mira, dont be ridiculous. Do you think I need you to do my work ? I could live anywhere,
I could have a housekeeper, or live in a hotel. I support your way of life by my work, not the
And I have nothing to say about how its spent ?
Of course you do. Dont I give you everything you want ?
I dont know. I never seem to want anything.
Do I complain about your bills for clothes, or the kids music lessons or camp ?
I want this, then. I want three hundred dollars for Samantha.
No, Mira. And thats the end of it. He stood up and left the room, and in a few minutes, she heard
the shower running. He was going out to a meeting that evening.
She stood up too, and only then did she realize her whole body was shaking. She held on to the
back of the kitchen chair. She wanted to pick it up, she wanted to race upstairs with it and smash
open the bathroom door and crash it down on his head.
Marilyn French, The Womens Room, 1978.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

Document B
The scene is set in the late sixties.




But what I hadnt understood about my mother was that buried deep beneath this conventional
exterior was the hardy little seed of a feminist. Im sure that word never passed her lips, but it
made no difference. Her certainty frightened me. She said it was my duty as a woman to go to
Cambridge to study maths. As a woman ? In those days, in our milieu, no one ever spoke like that.
No woman did anything as a woman. She told me she would not permit me to waste my talent.
I was to excel and become extraordinary. I must have a proper career in science or engineering or
economics. She allowed herself the world-oyster clich 1 . It was unfair on my sister that I was both
clever and beautiful when she was neither. It would compound the injustice if I failed to aim high.
I didnt follow the logic of this, but I said nothing. My mother told me she would never forgive
me and she would never forgive herself if I went off to read 2 English and became no more than a
slightly better educated housewife than she was. I was in danger of wasting my life. Those were
her words, and they represented an admission. This was the only time she expressed or implied
dissatisfaction with her lot 3 .
Then she enlisted my father the Bishop was what my sister and I called him. When I came
in from school one afternoon my mother told me he was waiting for me in his study. In my green
blazer with its heraldic crest and emblazoned motto Nisi Dominus Vanum (Without the Lord
All is in Vain) I sulkily lolled in his clubbish leather armchair while he presided at his desk,
shuffling papers, humming to himself as he ordered his thoughts. [...] He had made some enquiries.
Cambridge was anxious to be seen to be opening its gates to the modern egalitarian world. With
my burden of triple misfortune a grammar-school 4 , a girl, an all-male subject I was certain
to get in.
Ian McEwan, Sweet Tooth, 2011.


3 (From Thats easy for you to say. That money comes out of my hide. to He was going
out to a meeting that evening.)

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

Contrast Miras and Norms views on money.

Find at least two of the arguments used by each
of them (about 70 words).

1 How are the four main characters related ?

2 (From the beginning to Oh, come off it,
Mira.) Does Norm agree with Miras suggestion to help Samantha ? Explain in your own
words (about 40 words).

4 Describe Miras feelings at the end of the

text (about 30 words).

1. When the world is your oyster , you have everything to succeed in life.
2. read : study (at university)
3. her lot : her own life
4. grammar-school : traditional British school where uniforms are required and pupils generally go on to study at prestigious universities.


Sujet 1 Le sujet

8 In your own words, explain why, according

to the narrators father, she was certain to get
a place at Cambridge University. Find at least
three reasons (about 40 words).

Questions on document B
5 What did the narrators mother want her to
do ?
6 a) I was in danger of wasting my life. Explain the mothers attitude about the narrators
future. Give at least two reasons to justify your
answer (about 30 words).

Question on documents A and B

9 Compare and contrast the following female
characters in terms of influence over their
present (or future) situations.

b) Did the narrator agree with her mother ?

(Find a sentence in the first paragraph to justify your answer.)

a) Mira in document A and the narrators mother in document B.

7 Then she enlisted my father What does

this sentence reveal about the fathers attitude
concerning his wifes plans ?


b) Mira in document A and the narrator in document B.

Expression crite

Le candidat choisira le sujet 1 ou le sujet 2.

1 Le candidat traitera les deux suiets (a + b)
a) Imagine the conversation between Mira and Samantha after the scene described in document A.
b) Would you say that the mother in document B is too ambitious for her daughter ?
2 In document B, we are told that Cambridge was anxious to be seen to be opening its gates
to the modern egalitarian world. Generally speaking, do you think that our modern world has
become egalitarian concerning equality between men and women ?


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


pliquer votre rponse avec vos propres mots et

en rdigeant au moins 4 lignes. Cela veut dire
quil faudra rechercher des indications sur les
motivations du personnage dans les douze premires lignes du document.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
How are... related ? nous demande dtablir
le lien de parent ou de hirarchie professionnelle entre les personnages.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour rpondre, il faudra exprimer :
laccord : he agrees with/ he approves of
+ V-ing/ he is in favour of + V-ing

Mobiliser ses connaissances

La question nous prcise que les personnages
principaux sont au nombre de quatre.
La lecture de lextrait semble suggrer que
nous sommes dans un contexte social plutt
que professionnel : il convient de rechercher
des liens de parent. On peut mobiliser le
lexique de la famille (parent/ child/ brother/
sister/ husband/ wife) et de lamiti (friend/
boyfriend/ lover) etc. Mais ce lien nest pas forcment explicit dans le texte. Vous en aurez
besoin pour rdiger la rponse. Noubliez pas
le gnitif (apostrophe s ) qui sutilise en anglais pour exprimer la notion dappartenance
avec des personnes. Exemple : Joes mother.

le dsaccord : he disagrees with/ he refuses

to + Verbe/ he is against + V-ing
la raison : because/ since/ as + Sujet + Verbe ; because of / on account of
+ Complment
Procder par tapes
1. Identifier si Norm est daccord ou pas.
2. Recherchez ses motifs et reformulezles.
3. Rdigez votre rponse la question en
indiquant dabord la position de Norm
et ensuite la ou les raisons.
4. Vrifiez que vous avez rdig au moins
4 lignes : si ce nest pas le cas, vous
avez peut-tre omis un lment important. Relisez le passage pour vrifier que
rien ne vous a chapp.

Procder par tapes

tablir la relation qui existe entre les quatre
personnages, en recherchant leurs noms et/ ou
prnoms et en reprant les passages o ils sinterpellent ou bien o ils parlent des autres personnages pour analyser comment ils les identifient. Le lien de parent peut tre implicite,
auquel cas il faut le dduire partir des informations repres.
Rdigez votre rponse en indiquant clairement
chaque personnage et son lien avec au moins
un des autres personnages.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver au moins 2 arguments par
personnage (Mira et Norm) au sujet de largent
et de souligner la diffrence entre les deux. On
comprend dj quils ne sont pas daccord au
sujet de largent. Il faut faire attention : la rponse doit prcisment porter sur le passage
mentionn. Il faudra rdiger environ 7 lignes.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dune question ferme : la rponse est
oui ou non . Cependant, vous devez ex-

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour rpondre, il faudra exprimer :

Sujet 1 Le sujet Pas


3. Rdigez votre rponse en utilisant des

expressions dintensit de telle sorte que
vous associez un sentiment chaque
action principale (formule avec vos
propres mots).

le contraste : whereas/ while

+ Sujet + Verbe ; contrary to/ unlike + Complment
les verbes dopinion : think, consider, say,
Procder par tapes

Questions on document B

1. Utilisez deux couleurs diffrentes pour

surligner les arguments des deux personnages dans le passage.

Comprendre la question
La question porte sur une information simple
sans ncessit dcrire une longue rponse :
que voulait la mre de la narratrice que celleci fasse ?
Cette question vous apporte aussi une confirmation de la situation : le narrateur est de sexe
fminin et cette personne parle de sa mre.

2. Choisissez les deux arguments les plus

porteurs pour chaque personnage et
3. Rdigez votre rponse en utilisant des
expressions de contraste pour associer
les arguments de lun et de lautre.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Lorsque la question ninvite pas un dveloppement et quelle ne prcise pas quil faut utiliser
ses propres mots, on peut repartir de la question
pour structurer la rponse. Dans le cas prsent,
la question est au pass Did... : il faut donc
utiliser le prtrit (Verbe + -ed) pour rpondre.
Ne pas oublier que la structure avec want est
particulire en anglais : want + Complment
+ to + Verbe.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dcrire les sentiments de Mira la
fin du texte en 3 lignes. Cela veut dire quil faut
dduire ce quelle ressent partir du texte et le
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Les motions sexpriment sous forme dadjectifs (sad, happy, angry...) ou bien sous forme
de substantifs (sadness, happiness, anger...)
Pour rpondre, il faudra exprimer lintensit de
ses motions :

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez le passage dans le texte o on
apprend ce que la mre dsire pour sa

she feels + so + Adjectif (exemple : she

feels so shocked that...)
her anger is so great/ intense/ deep/ forceful

2. Vrifiez que vous avez bien compris en

vous assurant que la suite du texte est en
cohrence avec votre hypothse.

Procder par tapes

3. Rdigez votre rponse en faisant bien attention la forme verbale (prtrit) et

la structure particulire de want. Veillez
aussi oprer les changements de pronom ou adjectif personnels si besoin.

1. Reprez le passage prcis qui parle de

Mira la fin du texte.
2. Identifiez ses actions, et dduisez pour
chacune, le sentiment quelle traduit.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


2. Pour la question b), reprez la raction

de la narratrice dans le passage. Rflchissez au sens de cette raction : sagitil dune expression daccord, de dsaccord ou bien dautre chose ? Rdigez
votre rponse, sans oublier la citation.

Comprendre la question
Il y a deux parties la question : a) et b).
La question a) part dune citation du texte quil
faudrait dvelopper : on vous demande dexpliquer ce que veut dire la mre en disant que
sa fille risque de gcher sa vie . Pour cela,
on vous propose de trouver au moins deux raisons dans le texte et de rdiger une rponse sur
3 lignes.
La question b) vous demande de citer une
phrase du premier paragraphe dans laquelle le
narrateur exprime sa raction et de lexpliquer.

Comprendre la question
Cette question porte sur limplication derrire
la phrase cite. Limplicite est vhicul par la
phrase elle-mme, mais aussi par son articulation avec ce qui prcde. Deux mots sont importants ici Then et enlisted.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Comme on vous demande dexpliquer, il faut
reformuler les ides du texte. Cela peut se faire
laide de :
Synonymes :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Comment faire quand vous tes gn par le sens
dun mot tel que enlisted ? Intressez-vous la
drivation du mot. Ici, on trouve le prfixe enque lon rencontre aussi frquemment en anglais (engage, enjoy...) quen franais (enjoliver, enrler...). Ce prfixe a le sens de rendre
+ Adjectif , ou bien intgrer + Nom .
Si la rflexion sur la drivation ne vous aide
pas : tout simplement, remplacez le mot par
un autre avec la mme fonction (enlisted est
un verbe). Ce mot doit tre aussi neutre que
possible. Vrifiez que le sens de ce mot puisse
fonctionner avec la suite du texte. Ici, ask pourrait convenir.

(to) waste = (to) spoil, (to) ruin ;

(to) excel = (to) do brilliantly, (to) achieve
Constructions de phrases diffrentes :
le comparatif (more + Adjectif long/ adjectif
court -er + than) pour comparer la narratrice
avec sa sur.
la notion dattente (she expected her daughter to + Verbe) pour exprimer ce que la mre
attendait de sa fille.

Procder par tapes

la notion despoir (she hoped she would

(not) + Verbe) pour exprimer ses souhaits.

1. Recherchez ce que lon sait de lattitude du pre lgard des projets de sa

femme dans le premier paragraphe. Y
trouve-t-on la raison ?

Procder par tapes

1. Pour la question a), reprez prcisment
ce que la mre entend par wasting my
life, puis recherchez deux arguments
quelle avance pour soutenir son propos.
Rdigez votre rponse la question a) en
reformulant soigneusement les ides.

2. Explicitez le sens de la phrase cite

en intgrant ce que vous a trouv dans
la premire tape. Que nous indique la
phrase cite sur lattitude du pre ? Que
peut-on en dduire ?

Sujet 1 Le sujet Pas

3. Rdigez votre rponse. (Si vous voulez

partir de la question, il faudra commencer This question reveals that + Sujet
+ Verbe.)


3. Rdigez votre rponse en utilisant les

adverbes dnumration pour la structurer. vitez de rester trop prs du texte :
vous devez reformuler.

Question on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
La question vous indique que le pre donne
au moins trois raisons pour lesquelles sa fille
est certaine davoir une place luniversit de
Cambridge. Vous devez expliquer cette certitude et les trois raisons avec vos propres mots
en 4 lignes.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de comparer les personnages fminins par rapport au degr dinfluence quelles peuvent exercer sur leur situation actuelle ou future. Il sagit dans un premier
temps de Mira et la mre du narrateur dans le
document B (question a)) et ensuite de Mira et
la narratrice (question b)). Vous devez rdiger
5 lignes par question.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour reformuler les ides du texte, vous aurez
besoin de/d :
Synonymes :

girl = female, woman

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour rpondre une telle question, vous avez
besoin dexprimer :
La comparaison :

Adverbes dnumration : firstly/ secondly/

thirdly/ finally

le comparatif (more + Adjectif long/ Adjectif court -er + than) ;

anxious = keen, enthusiastic

egalitarian = equal, fair

similar to/ different from ;

Procder par tapes

the same as ;

1. Reprez le passage dans le deuxime paragraphe o le pre formule ces certitudes quant lobtention dune place
luniversit. Identifiez les trois raisons.

likewise = in the same way ;

Both + nom pluriel + Verbe/ Sujet + both
+ Verbe.
Le contraste :

2. Vous aurez peut-tre besoin de rflchir

au sens de an all-male subject . Il faut
chercher des indices dans le reste du
texte pour vous aider comprendre :
quel endroit parle-t-on des matires que
lon peut tudier Cambridge ? Y parlet-on des hommes (male) ou bien de lantonyme (women) ? Quelle matire doitelle tudier ? Quelle place occupent les
hommes ? Les rponses ces questions
vous permettront de comprendre.

whereas/ while + Sujet + verbe ;

contrary to/ unlike + Complment.
Procder par tapes
1. Relisez les deux documents pour analyser le degr dinfluence quexercent
chacun des personnages fminins sur
leur situation actuelle ou future. Listez
vos ides par personnage.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes

2. Comparez vos rsultats pour Mira avec

les deux personnages. Dcidez chaque
fois sil sagit dune similitude ou dune

1. Rflchissez la situation de la rencontre (o ? quand ?) et aux grandes

lignes de la conversation.

3. Rdigez votre rponse chaque question en mettant en relief les convergences et les divergences chaque fois.


2. crivez une phrase dintroduction pour

exposer la situation, puis rdigez la
conversation au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.

Expression crite


Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport lattitude de la mre et dexprimer son propre point
de vue. Cette mre doit-elle avoir de lambition
pour sa fille ? Si oui , y a-t-il des limites ?
Si non , sagit-il dune prise de position gnrale en ce qui concerne les rapports parentsenfants, ou est-ce en raison de la personnalit
prcise des personnages ici (mre fministe,
fille quelque peu passive...) ? Quelle que soit la
position que vous adoptiez, il sagit dun essai
argumentatif. Ce qui importe le plus, cest que
vous dmontriez votre capacit argumenter.
Vous pouvez fort bien, prsenter les deux faces
du mme argument et annoncer votre position
personnelle dans la conclusion.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre Mira
et sa copine Samantha ( qui elle a demand
son mari de prter de largent).
Mobilisez vos connaissances
Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral : formes contractes (its/
dont...), impratif (tell me.../ dont worry) et
formules idiomatiques :
Whats up ?/ Whats the matter ?/ Whats
wrong ?
Are you okay ?/ Are you alright ?/ Is everything okay ?
Theres nothing worth + V-ing/ Its no use +

Mobilisez vos connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion : to my mind/ in my
opinion/ from my point of view/ as far as Im
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la

conversation :
Samantha espre de bonnes nouvelles : I
hope (that).../ Please tell me that...
Mira doit expliquer lavis de son mari : He
thinks/ says/ considers/ reckons... et assurer Samantha de sa solidarit : You know.../
Please dont think...

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and

Sujet 1 Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes

1. Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
2. Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats


introduction (reformulation du sujet)

Des expressions pour contextualiser vos arguments :

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and

yet/ on the one hand... on the other hand...

1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple : la

mre a raison parce que...)

expressions de lieu : on a world scale/ in the

western world/ in the southern hemisphere/
in Third World countries

2 paragraphe = antithse (Exemple : la

mre a tort parce que...)

expressions temporelles : over the course of

history/ in prehistoric times/ during the Industrial Revolution/ during the First World
War/ in the past = before/ more recently/ in
the present = nowadays/ in the future

conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis personnel circonstanci)

3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer votre point de vue sur
lgalit des sexes au xxi e sicle dans un essai argumentatif. Cette galit est-elle rellement acquise aujourdhui ? Vous allez pouvoir
dmontrer dun ct ce qui est acquis, et de
lautre ce qui reste acqurir. Dans la conclusion, vous pouvez exprimer un point de vue
plus personnel : par exemple, expliquer pourquoi pour vous lgalit des sexes nest pas une
bonne chose.

in theory/ in practice, in reality

Procder par tapes
1. Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
2. Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :
introduction (reformulation du sujet)
1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple : lgalit sexuelle est une ralit parce que...)

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :

lgalit sexuelle nest que thorique parce

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned

conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis personnel circonstanci)

Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

young university educated women. She wanted

her to achieve excellence in a domain that at the
time was dominated by men. She argued that
she owed it to her less smart and less beautiful
sister to succeed.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Norm and Mira are husband and wife. Samantha is Miras friend and Simp must be her
boyfriend or husband, but it would seem that
they no longer live together.

b) The narrator doesnt actually voice her opinion, however she has difficulty understanding
the logic behind her mothers arguments : I
didnt follow the logic of this, but I said nothing.

2 Whereas Mira is very keen to help Samantha financially, Norm refuses to do so. He reasons that as the loan concerns Simp and that he
is totally unreliable, they would never get the
money back. Norm considers that the decision
is his to make alone, as he is the breadwinner.

7 It seems that the husband lets his wife run

the household and organise the childrens lives
without being consulted. When she asks for his
help, he doesnt question the matter and simply
does what she asks him to do.

3 While Norm considers that he alone is responsible for the fact that the family is well off,
since he is the only one to have a job, Mira
argues that her participation in running the
household and looking after the children gives
her equal rights with her husband as to how the
money is spent. Norm doesnt accept Miras
argument that her role allows Norm to concentrate on his work without other worries. The
difference is that Norm makes money, Mira
only spends it, and Norm doesnt need Mira to
do his job.

8 The father expresses the same certainty as

the mother with regards the narrators acceptance at Cambridge. He enumerates three reasons.
Firstly, the narrator has a grammar school education, so she is an ideal candidate.
Secondly, she is a woman and Cambridge
wants to be seen as practising sexual equality.
Finally, in choosing a subject such as mathematics that no other woman chose, she would
inevitably be chosen.

4 Mira is in a state of shock. She is trembling

so much that she is unable to stand up without
holding onto her chair. She is furious with her
husband. Her anger is so great that she would
like to hit him over the head with the kitchen

Question on documents A and B

9 a) Both Mira and the narrators mother are
housewives who are devoted to running their
households and looking after their families interests to the best of their abilities.
In both households, the husbands are the sole
breadwinners. However, the degree of influence in the decision making is not the same.
Indeed, the narrators mother takes a very active role in the important decisions concerning
her daughters future, and her husband appears
to be content to let her do so and complies with
her wishes approvingly. On the contrary, Mira

Questions on document B
5 The narrators mother wanted her daughter
to go to Cambridge University to study mathematics.
6 a) The mother was a feminist at heart and
she did not want her daughter to simply accept
the role of housewife that traditionally awaited

Sujet 1 Le corrig

is in conflict with her husband, who considers

he is the sole decision maker.

her husbands opinion that she has no say as

to how the familys money is spent. As for the
narrator in document B, she seems to adopt
a more passive attitude, since the passage focuses on her parents comments. One major
difference is that Mira is trying to defend a
friends interests, while the object of the discussion in document B is the narrators own future.

b) Mira and the narrator in document B are in a

similar situation : in both cases, another member of the family is trying to make the right decision for the young woman. In Miras case, she
reacts violently, as she totally disagrees with

Expression crite

1 a) Samantha pops round to Miras house after Norm has left for work the next day.
Samantha : Hi Mira, its me ! I hope youve got good news for me the bank is threatening to
close my account. Hey whats up ? You look really sick ! Are you okay ?
Mira : Oh Samantha, I dont know how to tell you ! I thought Norm would be more than ready to
give you a helping hand but
Samantha : If he needs a bit more time to free some cash, it doesnt matter ! Ill find a way to hold
off my bank manager another few days ! Dont worry !
Mira : No, Samantha, its worse than that ! He refuses to help you at all !
Samantha : Hmmm, I should have expected him to react like that. I always felt he didnt really
like me !
Mira : Dont be stupid ! He loves you as much as I do ! The problem is he cant forgive Simp
for walking out on you and as the house is his, Norm reckons hed be helping Simp, if he helps
you ! And worse than that (she bursts out crying)
Samantha : Mira, whats wrong ? Theres nothing worth crying about its only money !
Mira : No, Sam Ive finally seen the true Norm ! He despises me, he considers that my contribution to running the house is no better than a domestics. I have no say in how he uses his money !
b) In my opinion, the narrators mother is right to be ambitious for her daughter. Indeed, it
is important for children to feel that their parents have confidence in them. In encouraging the
narrator to be ambitious, her mother shows her that she deserves to succeed.
What I find less satisfactory is the fact that the narrators mother is trying to organise her daughters future, without giving her any say in the matter. Its not said explicitly in the extract, but we
can imagine that the narrator has chosen to go to Cambridge to study English. Her mother is trying
to force her to do mathematics. The level of education is a matter of ambition, but to my mind
the subject is a matter of personal choice.
There is another element in the passage that makes me wonder about the mothers motivations.
Apparently, she is dissatisfied with her own life, and I get the impression that she would like her
daughter to live the life she would have liked for herself. Trying to fulfil your dreams through
your children is never a good idea : I disapprove.
2 Sexual equality is an issue that regularly hits the news today, but which is relatively modern
with regards to the history of the human race. Indeed, over the course of history, the physical

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

superiority of males has always meant that they played the role of protector of women. The situation has evolved progressively in recent centuries with first, the active participation of women at
work outside the home, then, the schooling of girls on an equal level with boys, next, the development of time-saving household equipment and more recently, the invention of the pill enabling
women to choose when to have children.
In theory, men and women are considered equal in the twenty-first century. However, the reality
is very different. On a world scale, there are still countries such as India or China, where parents
are disappointed if their new-born baby is a girl. Sad to say, some go as far as infanticide to solve
the problem. In the western world, society encourages parents to treat their children the same
way, whether they are boys or girls, and yet we often hear stories of parents continuing to produce
children until they finally have their first son. Children of both sexes now receive an identical
education, until the first choices have to be made regarding a future career. We still find more
girls doing courses geared towards office work and more boys for technical, even scientific jobs.
Worse still, in jobs where men and women occupy the same post, the males very often are better
paid than the women, and women with the same qualifications as men find themselves confronted
by a glass ceiling that prevents them from progressing as far as their male counterparts.
On the other hand, in the last century there has been considerable evolution in the way men and
women handle their social and family life. Indeed, most men now play an active role in the home.
They no longer come home, put on their slippers and watch TV while their wife cooks a meal
and looks after the children. As most women also work outside the home, the husband shares the
chores and taking care of the children. More and more men actually volunteer to take time off
work when the baby is little to let their wife return to work.
In conclusion, I would say that apart from the discrimination that still exists in the professional
world, men and women are more egalitarian today than ever before. In modern society, its not so
much a matter of one sex being able to do the same as the other, but rather a matter of sharing
and accepting inevitable differences.


Sujet 2, Sujet indit, toutes sries, LV1

Espaces et changes

Document A






Father Flood was tall ; his accent was a mixture of Irish and American. Nothing he said could
convince Eiliss mother that she had known him or his family. His mother, he said, had been a
I dont think I knew her, her mother said. The only Rochford we knew was old Hatchethead.
Father Flood looked at her solemnly. Hatchethead was my uncle, he said.
Was he ? her mother asked. Eilis saw how close she was to nervous laughter.
But of course we didnt call him that, Father Flood said. His real name was Seamus.
Well, he was very nice, her mother said. Werent we awful to call him that ?
Rose poured more tea as Eilis quietly left the room, afraid that if she stayed she would be unable
to disguise an urge to begin laughing.
When she returned she realized that Father Flood had heard about her job at Miss Kellys, had
found out about her pay and had expressed shock at how low it was. He inquired about her qualifications.
In the United States, he said, there would be plenty of work for someone like you and with
good pay.
She thought of going to England, her mother said, but the boys said to wait, that it wasnt the
best time there, and she might only get factory work.
In Brooklyn, where my parish 1 is, there would be office work for someone who was hardworking and educated and honest.
Its very far away, though, her mother said. Thats the only thing.
Parts of Brooklyn, Father Flood replied, are just like Ireland. Theyre full of Irish.
He crossed his legs and sipped his tea from the china cup and said nothing for a while. The silence
that descended made it clear to Eilis what the others were thinking. She looked across at her
mother, who deliberately, it seemed to her, did not return her glance, but kept her gaze fixed on
the floor. Rose, normally so good at moving the conversation along if they had a visitor, also said
nothing. She twisted her ring and then her bracelet.
It would be a great opportunity, especially if you were young, Father Flood said finally.
It might be very dangerous, her mother said, her eyes still fixed on the floor.
Not in my parish, Father Flood said. Its full of lovely people. A lot of life centres round the
parish, even more than in Ireland. And theres work for anyone whos willing to work.
Eilis felt like a child when the doctor would come to the house, her mother listening with cowed
Colm Toibin, Brooklyn, 2009, sujet national, juin 2011, sries ES, S, LV1.
1. parish : name given to the Christian community attached to a church.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

Document B





But the best of all the stories were, naturally, the ones told by my mothers father, since after all
he was the only one of my relatives whod made the remarkable trip to America and has been
old enough at the time to have anything to remember about it. How was the trip to America, you
want to know ? my grandfather would repeat, chuckling softly, when I interviewed him about his
life. I couldnt tell you, because I was in the toilet throwing up the whole time ! But of course this
self-deprecating joke, meant to suggest that there was no story to tell, was part of the story of his
coming to America, a story, as I knew, that had many chapters. In no particular order, I remember,
now, these stories : the one about he and his sister, my glum Aunt Sylvia, whom he always called
Susha, and whose name appears on the passenger manifest, now available online through the Ellis
Island database, as Sosi Jger, had traveled for weeks to get from Lwow to Rotterdam where
the boat was waiting, he would say, and being a child with little knowledge of the world, I would
be impressed, back then, to think that such a big boat would wait for these two young people from
Bolechow, a false impression that my grandfather did little to correct ; and then how, after the long
trip on the train, from Lwow to Warsaw, then Warsaw through Germany to the Netherlands, they
almost missed the boat, because the girls had such long hair.
Because the girls had such long hair ? ! I would exclaim.
Yes, because the girls had such long hair ! he would go on. And then he would tell me how, before boarding the big boat that took him and my perennially disappointed aunt to America, all the
steerage 2 passengers had to be inspected for lice, and because the girls, including my twenty-twoyear-old great-aunt Sylvia, had such long hair in those days, these preboarding examinations took
a very long time, and at a certain point my grandfather (who today, I suspect, we would describe
as suffering from severe anxiety, although in those days people just said he was meticulous)
So what did you do ? I would ask, on cue 3 . And he would say, so I yelled Fire ! Fire ! and in all
the confusion, I took your aunt Sushas hand and we ran up the gangplank and got on the boat !
And thats how we came to America.
Daniel Mendelsohn, The Lost, 2006, sujet national, juin 2010, sries L, S, LV2.


3 Where do the three women live ? In what

country ? (justify by quoting the text)

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

4 What is the main topic of the conversation ?

1 Name the characters who are present.

5 a) What is Eiliss present situation ?

2 What character is mentioned at the beginning of the document, what was his real name
and whats his relationship with Father Flood ?

b) What had she intended to do before Father

Floods visit ?

2. steerage : third-class.
3. on cue : at exactly the moment you expect or that is appropriate.


Sujet 2 Le sujet

c) Why didnt she carry out her plans ? Give 2


c) What for ?
d) What means of transport ?

6 Why was Eilis close to nervous laughter and

what did she do to prevent it ?

10 a) How many characters made that remarkable trip ?

7 a) How does Father Flood earn his living ?

b) How were they related to each other ?

b) What is the reason for Father Floods visit to

Eiliss house ?

11 a) Why was the girls long hair a problem ? (50 words)

c) What suggestions did he make as far as her

future is concerned ? Give his arguments.

b) How was it solved ? (40 words)

The narrators comments on the story of this
remarkable trip

8 Eilis felt like a child when the doctor would

come to the house, her mother listening with
cowed respect.
What does this sentence suggest about the outcome of the meeting with Father Flood ?

12 How is the narrator related to the main characters ?

13 Why is the phrase Because the girls
had such long hair, repeated several times ?
(40-50 words)

Questions on document B
9 the remarkable trip

Question on A and B

a) Where from ?

14 List 2 similarities and 2 differences between the two documents.

b) Where to ?


Expression crite

Vous devez traiter les deux sujets.

1 Imagine the conversation between Eilis and her mother before she leaves to go abroad.
(150 mots)
2 What kind of stories appeal to your imagination ? Explain why. (150 mots)


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Des liens troits : brother, father

Comprhension de lcrit

Des liens plus loigns : grandfather, cousin, uncle

Questions on document A

Procder par tapes

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier les personnages
prsents (et non pas simplement mentionns).

1. Passez en revue les noms propres au dbut du paragraphe que vous navez pas
retenus pour la question 1 : liminez celui qui dsigne une femme.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous savez identifier les personnages grce aux
noms propres. Pour reprer leur prsence dans
la scne du rcit, il faut pouvoir reprer des
verbes daction ou de discours.
Exemples de verbes daction : leave, return,
cross, look...
Exemples de verbes de discours : say, reply...

2. Analysez les noms restants : vous devez

pouvoir identifier un nom de famille, un
prnom et un surnom.
3. Reprez le lien de famille entre les deux
4. Rdigez votre rponse en faisant attention la formulation (le gnitif pour le
lien de famille).

Procder par tapes

1. Identifiez les noms propres et classezles : personnages, ou lieu.

2. Recherchez des verbes daction ou de
discours pour identifier les personnages

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier le pays dans lequel les trois femmes rsident et de citer le
texte pour justifier votre rponse. (Vrifiez que
vous avez mentionn ces trois femmes en question 1.)

Comprendre la question
On vous prcise quun personnage de sexe
masculin est mentionn au dbut du passage.
On vous demande didentifier son vrai nom (ce
qui implique quil doit avoir un surnom) et son
lien de parent avec Father Flood.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Assurez-vous que vous savez classer les noms
des lieux entre le pays et la ville. Savez-vous
dans quel pays la ville de Brooklyn se situe ?
Attention : ce nest pas parce quun personnage
parle dun lieu quil y rside.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pensez aux pronoms et aux adjectifs personnels
pour ne pas faire derreur.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprenez les noms de lieu que vous avez

dj identifis pour la question 1. Vrifiez que vous nen avez pas oublis.

Personnage de sexe masculin he, his

Personnage de sexe fminin she, her

2. Pour chaque lieu, identifiez qui en parle

pour en dduire leur degr de proximit
avec ce lieu.

Noubliez pas que le nom peut comporter un

prnom et un nom de famille.
Pensez aux diffrents liens de parent qui
peuvent exister entre deux hommes :

3. Procdez par limination et par croisement des informations si besoin.


Sujet 2 Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes

4. Identifiez la citation qui vous semble la

plus pertinente pour indiquer le nom du

1. Identifier les deux passages dans le texte

qui traitent a) de la situation actuelle
dEilis et b) du projet avort.

2. Reprez les deux raisons qui expliquent

labandon du projet.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier le sujet de la
conversation qui anime les personnages.

3. Rdigez vos rponses en respectant la

forme verbale utilise dans la question
chaque fois.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le sujet dune conversation qui reste implicite sidentifie grce aux redondances et aux
champs lexicaux qui reviennent tout au long de
la conversation. Il faut prendre en compte aussi
la raction des personnages qui ne participent
pas forcment au dialogue pour comprendre le

Comprendre la question
On vous indique quEilis tait sur le point de
rire de nervosit. Vous devez expliquer la raison de cette nervosit et ce quelle entreprit
pour lviter.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le texte ne correspond pas forcment la formulation prcise de la question. Rflchissez
aux diffrentes formes grammaticales drives
de la mme racine : nom : laughter, verbe :
laugh, adjectif : laughing.

Procder par tapes

1. Identifiez les diffrents champs lexicaux
qui sont rpts dans le dialogue.
2. Recherchez le personnage qui semble la
cible de cette discussion.
3. Vrifiez que votre conclusion est en accord avec la question qui suit.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez les diffrentes phrases qui
contiennent une rfrence laugh-.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliciter la situation actuelle dEilis et le projet quelle a abandonn
pour deux raisons.

2. Analysez le texte en amont et la phrase

elle-mme pour identifier la rponse aux
diffrentes parties de la question.
3. Formulez votre rponse en reprenant la
question partie par partie.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Faites attention aux formes verbales :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de questions portant sur : a) la source de
revenus de Father Flood (son occupation professionnelle), b) le motif de sa visite chez Eilis
et c) ses suggestions au sujet de lavenir dEilis. Pour la question c), il faut indiquer les arguments que Father Flood avance.

Prsent simple (is) pour parler de la situation

actuelle ;
Prtrit (didnt carry out) pour parler de la
situation passe ;
Plus-que- parfait ou pass antrieur (had intended) pour parler dune action antrieure
une autre dans le pass.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Mobiliser ses connaissances

Rflchissez au sens du titre du visiteur. Quelle
diffrence de sens y a-t-il entre le domaine familial, social et religieux pour le mot Father ?

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
La citation parle dun voyage remarquable. Les
quatre questions ciblent : a) le point de dpart ;
b) la destination ; c) le but ; d) le moyen de

Procder par tapes

1. Identifiez le passage du texte qui rpond
chaque sous-question.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Tout nest pas explicit dans le texte. Cependant, un lment culturel vous permet de situer
ce rcit. Quel rle jouait Ellis Island dans lhistoire des tats-Unis ? Quel tait le point commun de toutes les personnes qui y sont passes ?

2. Rpondez avec vos propres mots.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande ce que la citation nous apprend sur le dnouement probable de cette visite. Autrement dit, quel est le sort rserv Eilis.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez la citation dans le texte et cherchez les rponses aux questions partir
de l. (Attention : il y a deux moyens de
transport !)

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Faites la distinction entre ce qui relve de faits
ou dactions dans la phrase, et ce qui relve
dimpressions ou de commentaires de la part
des personnages ou du narrateur. Eilis felt like a
child signifie quelle avait limpression dtre
un petit enfant. On fait un parallle entre la visite du docteur et la visite de Father Flood, en
suggrant que dans les deux cas la mre ragit
de la mme manire. Vous ne connaissez pas le
sens de cowed, mais vous avez reconnu le nom
que cet adjectif qualifie : respect. Servez-vous
du contexte du passage, pour imaginer la nature du respect de la mre : est-elle soumise ou
rfractaire ? Va-t-elle acquiescer ou bien sopposer la proposition de Father Flood.

2. Utilisez vos connaissances culturelles

pour complter les lments manquants.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier le nombre de personnages
ayant particip au voyage ainsi que le lien de
parent entre eux.
Procder par tapes
1. Reprez les diffrentes mentions des
personnages et identifiez ceux qui ont
embarqu. Combien sont-ils ?

Procder par tapes

2. Relisez pour trouver leur lien de parent.

1. Analysez le sens de la citation.


2. Rflchissez ce que cela suggre par

rapport au dnouement de la visite.

Comprendre la question
On vous indique que les longs cheveux des
filles posaient problme. Vous devez expliciter
ce problme et indiquer la solution trouve.

3. Rdigez votre rponse en vitant de reprendre le texte.


Sujet 2 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous serez certainement gn par un mot que
vous ne connaissez pas en lien avec linspection des cheveux : lice. Utilisez votre connaissance gnrale (et peut-tre votre propre vcu
lcole primaire par exemple) pour deviner ce
que lon recherchait dans les cheveux.


Procder par tapes

1. Balayez le texte la recherche de
lutilisation du pronom I associ
chacun des deux personnages.
2. Rdigez votre rponse en faisant attention au sens : avez-vous trouv le lien de
parent du narrateur ou des voyageurs ?

Procder par tapes

1. Identifiez le passage qui correspond
lhistoire des cheveux des filles. (Attention : le passage est assez long.)

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer les nombreuses rptitions
de la mme phrase dans le texte. Cette explication doit tre assez longue.

2. Reprez en quoi cet examen des cheveux posait problme.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le texte raconte le rcit dun des personnages
en prsence du narrateur qui nous relate le tout
de son point de vue. Il y a donc interaction entre
ces deux personnages. Lanalyse du temps de
rcit (I would exclaim... He would go on... I
would ask...) nous indique que lon nous prsente une habitude dans le pass : cet change
entre les deux personnages se reproduisait sous
le mme format chaque fois. La phrase cite
est rpte plusieurs fois, car elle est prononce
par les deux, mais en exprimant des ides diffrentes en lien avec le rapport entre eux. (Regardez bien la ponctuation !)

3. Recherchez comment les personnages

ont rsolu le problme.
4. Rdigez votre rponse avec vos propres
mots et en faisant attention au nombre
de mots.
The narrators comments on the story of this
remarkable trip
Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier le lien de parent entre les
personnages principaux et le narrateur.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Lorsquil y a un lien de parent entre les
personnages et le narrateur, en rgle gnrale
celui-ci raconte un rcit autobiographique dans
lequel il utilise le pronom personnel I pour
sidentifier. Attention, ne vous contentez pas de
ritrer le lien de parent entre les deux voyageurs : vous devez expliciter le lien de chacun
avec le narrateur. (Les deux mots figurent dans
le texte.) Noubliez pas que lon utilise le gnitif pour indiquer le lien de parent : the narrators ......... .

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez chaque prsence de la citation
et analysez qui des deux personnages la
produit chaque fois.
2. Approfondissez votre analyse pour dterminer ce que chacun exprime en prononant cette phrase chaque fois. (Quel
sentiment expriment-ils chaque fois ?)
3. Rdigez votre rponse sans citer le texte.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Chaque interlocuteur sexprime tour de

rle. On passe la ligne pour chaque nouvelle rplique.

Questions on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
Vous devez montrer que vous tes capable de
prendre du recul par rapport aux deux documents et de les comparer.

Les propos tenus sont entre guillemets.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour rpondre il faudra exprimer :
Le contraste :

Le lecteur est guid dans le droulement de

la conversation par des commentaires narratifs indiquant qui parle et le cas chant de
quelle manire. Pour tre en cohrence avec
le document A, ces commentaires doivent se
rdiger au pass.

whereas/ while + Sujet + Verbe ;

Le lexique pour commenter :

les rpliques : she said/ replied/ answered/ asked/ added ; hesitantly/ firmly/ sadly/
with excitement/ with insistance

contrary to/ unlike + Complment

La similitude :

le travail : find a job/ look for work/ earn

money/ save money/ work hard

similar to 6= different from

the same as

le retour en Irlande : come back/ visit/ write


likewise = in the same way

both + Nom pluriel + Verbe/ Sujet + both
+ Verbe

Le choix des formes verbales au sein des rpliques :

Pour parler de la visite de Father Flood : prtrit ou bien present perfect.

Procder par tapes

1. Intressez-vous aux ides gnrales :
thme, personnages (liens de parent,
nationalit), gographie, histoire, plutt
quaux menus dtails.

Pour parler de la situation actuelle : prsent.

Pour parler de lavenir : futur.
Attention toutefois : aprs when en tant que
conjonction de temps, on utilise le prsent (et
non pas le futur) en anglais : Ill write you a
letter, when I arrive in New York.

2. Exprimez vos ides de manire simple,

mais claire.


Procder par tapes

Expression crite

1. Rflchissez aux ides principales de

lchange et la tonalit.

Comprendre la question
Identifiez la nature de la production (une
conversation) et le contenu (change entre Eilis
et sa mre avant son dpart ltranger).

2. Rdigez

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le format dune conversation :

4. Comptez le nombre de mots, et

indiquez-le la fin de la conversation.



3. Contrlez la correction linguistique

avant de la recopier au propre.


Sujet 2 Le sujet Pas


Les structures qui vous permettent dexprimer

vos raisons :

Comprendre la question
Identifiez la nature de la production (un essai) et le contenu (vos prfrences en matire
dhistoires imaginaires et les raisons de ces
prfrences). Attention : on value votre niveau de langue. Plus vous utilisez une langue
riche et varie, meilleure sera votre note. Il
convient donc dessayer dlargir vos ides et
de limiter les rptitions. Si vous navez pas
beaucoup dides, essayez dexpliquer pourquoi les histoire imaginaires ne vous plaisent
pas. (Rappelez-vous : votre rdaction est anonyme. Vous ntes pas oblig de dire la vrit.)

Cause : because/ as/ since + Sujet + Verbe/

because of / on account of + Complment
But : to/ in order to/ so as to + Verbe
Gots : like/ love/ enjoy/ prefer + V-ing/ dislike/ hate/ loathe/ cant stand + V-ing ; prefer X to Y
Les mots de liaison et expressions qui permettent darticuler les ides dans un essai : on
the one hand (dune part), on the other hand
(dautre part).
Procder par tapes

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le lexique en lien avec limaginaire et les histoires :

1. Mobilisez vos ides sur la question (de

prfrence directement en anglais, pour
viter le calque depuis le franais) : les
histoires que vous aimez : points communs + exemples ; pourquoi limaginaire vous plat (ou pas).

imaginary/ fictitious/ make-believe/ mythical/ fantastic/ invented

true/ plausible/ real-life/ believable/ realistic

2. Rdigez votre essai au brouillon en

changeant de paragraphe pour chaque
nouvelle ide.

story/ tale
novel/ short story/ plot/ storyline
character/ hero/ heroine

3. Chaque fois que vous faites une affirmation, essayez de lillustrer avec un
exemple comment.

genre : romance, science fiction, fantasy,

Gothic, social realism, historical, manga,
comic strip, thriller, detective story, comedy

4. Contrlez la qualit de votre travail

avant de recopier votre essai au propre,
en indiquant le nombre de mots.

film/ scenario/ chain of events


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

Questions on document B

Comprhension de lcrit

9 a) From Lwow.

Questions on document A

b) To America.

1 Father Flood, Eilis, Eiliss mother and Rose

(Eiliss sister).

c) To settle in America.

2 Old Hatchethead is mentioned, he is Father

Floods uncle, his real name was Seamus

d) By train from Lwow to Rotterdam, then by

boat to America.
10 a) Two characters made the remarkable

3 They live in Ireland.

4 The main topic of the conversation is Eiliss
future and her possible emigration to the US.

b) They are brother and sister.

b) She had intended to go to England before Father Floods visit.

11 a) The girls long hair was a problem because before taking the boat the passengers had
to be inspected to make sure they didnt have
lice in their hair, and as the girls had long hair
it took quite a long time for them to be inspected.

c) Her brothers told her not to come, they told

her that she would only get factory work. They
also said that these werent good times. Her
mother had been opposed to her going to England.

b) To solve the problem the grandfather, who

was a boy at that time, yelled Fire ! Fire !
which created a panick and confusion and they
took advantage of that to get on the boat more

6 She was close to nervous laughter because

her mother used a nickname for Father Floods
uncle, which she found very funny so she preferred to leave the room in order to calm herself.

The narrators comments on the story of this

remarkable trip

5 a) She is working in a shop/at Miss Kellys

and is being humiliated on a regular basis. She
is not well paid.

12 The main characters are the narrators

grandfather and great-aunt.
13 The phrase is repeated several times because it is the main point of the story, and it is
what creates suspense and what makes people
who listen to it ask the question for an explanation and what captures their attention and they
wish to know more about it.

7 a) He is the Parish priest in Brooklyn.

b) He wants to convince Eilis to emigrate to the
United States.
c) He told her that her future would be brighter in the United States. He told her that if she
came to Brooklyn she would get an office job
easily and that she would be well paid.

Question on documents A and B

8 It suggests that Eiliss mother accepts Father

Floods proposal that Eilis should emigrate to
Brooklyn and that Eilis will obey.

14 Similarities : Both documents deal with

a story of emigration to the USA.The characters in both documents include members of the

Sujet 2 Le corrig

same family. Both passages focus on an event

before the arrival in the USA.
Differences : In document A, the character has
not yet emigrated whereas in document B, it


was a long time ago. In document A, the protagonists are Irish, while in document B they
come from Eastern Europe, probably Poland.

Expression crite

1 Youll be careful, wont you ? Eiliss mother asked.

Of course, mum. Eilis replied.
You should contact Father Flood as soon as you arrive in Brooklyn. He said he would find you a
job and somewhere to live.
I know mum. Ive got the address of his parish and Ill go straight there.
You should also pay attention to what you eat once youre there.
Dont worry mum. Ill come back for Christmas if Ive managed to save enough money by then.
And Ill write to you every week.
Youre such a sweet girl. Im scared of what may happen to you but at the same time Im sure
that youll be successful in America. And Im sure Father Flood will take good care of you.
Ill do my best to get a good job and Ill work hard. I want you to be proud of me.
2 In general, I like detective stories whether they are books or films because they are full of
suspense and present a mystery which the reader or the viewer has to sort out to identify the
murderer. Furthermore, these stories are always entertaining and thrilling. On the one hand, they
are the perfect reading or entertainment when you want to relax. You have the pleasure of playing
the part of the detective if your reading or viewing is particularly active, or you can wait until
the end to find out the name of the murderer if you are more passive. On top of that, the variety
of writers and of characters is very wide. What is interesting is the range of detectives you can
find in both novels or films. Each one has his own distinct personality. For instance Miss Marple,
Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes.


Sujet 3, Sujet national, juin 2013, sries ES, S, L, LV1

Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Document A






From the first day he could walk Simon had always wanted to outdistance his rivals. The Americans would have described him as an achiever, while many of his contemporaries thought of
him as pushy, or even arrogant, according to their aptitude for jealousy. During his last term at
Lancing Simon was passed over for head of school and he still found himself unable to forgive
the headmaster his lack of foresight. Later that year, some weeks after he had completed his Slevels 1 and been interviewed by Magdalen 2 , a circular letter informed him that he would not be
offered a place at Oxford ; it was a decision Simon was unwilling to accept.
In the same mail Durham University offered him a scholarship, which he rejected by return of
Future Prime Ministers arent educated at Durham, he informed his mother.
How about Cambridge ? she enquired continuing to wipe the dishes.
No political tradition, replied Simon.
But if there is no chance of being offered a place at Oxford, surely
Thats not what I said, Mother, replied the young man. I shall be an undergraduate at Oxford
by the first day of term. After eighteen years of forty-yard goals Mrs Kerslake had learned to stop
asking her son.
How will you manage that ?
Some fourteen days before the start of the Michaelmas 3 Term at Oxford Simon booked himself
into a small guest house just off the Iffley Road. On a trestle table in the corner of lodgings he
intended to make permanent he wrote out a list of all the colleges, then divided them into five
columns, planning to visit three each morning and three each afternoon until his question had
been answered positively by a resident Tutor for Admissions : Have you accepted any freshmen
for this year who are now unable to take up their places ?
It was on the fourth afternoon, just as doubt was beginning to set in and Simon was wondering
if after all he would have to travel to Cambridge the following week, that he received the first
affirmative reply.
The Tutor for Admissions at Worcester College 4 removed the glasses from the end of his nose
and stared at the tall young man with a mop of dark hair falling over his forehead. Alan Brown
was the twenty-second don Kerslake had visited in four days.
Yes, he replied. It so happens that a young man from Nottingham High School, who had been
offered a place here, was tragically killed in a motor cycle accident last month.
What course what subject was he going to read ? Simons words were unusually faltering. He
prayed it wasnt Chemistry, Anthropology or Classics. Allan Brown flicked through a rotary index
1. S-levels : an exam similar to A-levels for students hoping to get into the most prestigious universities.
2. Magdalen College : a college that is part of Oxford University.
3. Michaelmas Term : name given to first term at Oxford University.
4. Worcester College : a college that is part of Oxford University.


Sujet 3 Le sujet



on his desk, obviously enjoying the little cross-examination. He peered at the card in front of him.
History, he announced.
Simons heartbeat reached 120. I just missed a place at Magdalen to read Politics, Philosophy
and Economics, he said. Would you consider me for the vacancy ?
The older man was unable to hide a smile. He had never in twenty-four years come across such a
request. [...]
Mrs Kerslake was not surprised when her son went on to be President of the Oxford Union. After
all, she teased, wasnt it just another stepping stone on the path to Prime Minister ?
Jeffrey Archer, First Among Equals (1984).

Document B




What happened to me ?
The eighties happened. The nineties happened. Death and sickness and getting fat and going bald
happened. I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never realized I was doing it.
Yet here was Morrie talking with the wonder of our college years, as if Id simply been on a long
Have you found someone to share your heart with ? he asked.
Are you giving to your community ?
Are you at peace with yourself ?
Are you trying to be as human as you can be ?
I squirmed, wanting to show I had been grappling deeply with such questions. What happened to
me ? I once promised myself I would never work for money, that I would join the Peace Corps,
that I would live in beautiful, inspirational places.
Instead, I had been in Detroit for ten years now, at the same workplace, using the same bank,
visiting the same barber. I was thirty-seven, more efficient than in college, tied to computers and
modems and cell phones. I wrote articles about rich athletes who, for the most part, could not care
less about rich people like me. I was no longer young for my peer group, nor did I walk around in
gray sweatshirts with unlit cigarettes in my mouth. I did not have long discussions over egg salad
sandwiches about the meaning of life.
My days were full, yet I remained, much of the time, unsatisfied.
What happened to me ?
Coach, I said suddenly, remembering the nick-name. Morrie beamed. Thats me. Im still your
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie (1997).


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

Questions on document B

Comprhension du texte

6 Who are the characters present in the extract

and how do they know each other ?

Questions on document A
From From the first day [...] to How will
you manage that ?

7 The passage refers to two periods in the narrators life. Which ones ?

1 Which statement best corresponds to the situation here ?

8 Are the following statements Right or

Wrong ? Quote from the text to justify.

a) Simon has just finished high school. His

dream is to go either to Cambridge University
or to Oxford University.

a) The narrator earns a lot of money.

b) The two characters havent seen each other
for quite a long time.

b) Simon is a university student at Oxford. He

has rejected an offer from Durham University
as his only dream was to go to Oxford.

c) As a student the narrator had a lot of ideals.

d) The visit makes him realize he is content
with his current life.

c) Simon is at high school. He is determined to

go to Oxford University and so he rejects offers
from all other universities.

9 What happened to me ? What did happen

to him ? Explain in a few sentences what he has
just realized.

2 Explain what determines his choice of university ? Justify with a quote.

From Some fourteen days to the end.

10 What do we realize about the narrators

state of mind when meeting his friend ?

3 Copy out the text and fill in the blanks (one

blank = one word).
Simon is in ......... (name of the city). He intends
to visit all the ......... to see if they have a .........
for him. He intends to visit six every day until
he is ..........

Question on documents A and B

11 a) In your opinion what is the theme common to both documents ?
1. Absence of ambition

4 Which adjective best describes Simon as he

goes about his visits ? Give two quotations to
justify your choice.

2. Failure
3. Success in life
4. Pride

5 Does he succeed in getting a place at university ? Justify with an element from the text.

b) Explain your choice of answer in a few sentences.


Sujet 3 Le sujet


Expression crite

Il faut traiter lun des deux sujets. (150 mots pour chaque partie)
1 a) After meeting Alan Brown, Simon writes to his mother in order to keep her informed. Write
his letter.
b) Simon has decided to run for President of the Universitys Student Union. Write his first campaign speech.
2 a) Is it possible to reconcile your dreams with a professional life ?
b) I once promised myself I would never work for money, (document B).
How easy is it to stick to such a decision ?


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


visites. Vous devez citer deux phrases du texte

pour justifier votre rponse.

Comprhension du texte

Questions on document A

From From the first day [...] to How will

you manage that ?

Comprendre la question
Vous devez dire si Simon russit ou non obtenir une place luniversit en citant le texte
pour justifier votre rponse.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de slectionner laffirmation qui correspond le mieux la situation dans la premire
partie du document.

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier les personnages prsents
dans lextrait et dexpliquer comment ils se

a) Simon vient de quitter le lyce. Il rve daller soit lUniversit dOxford ou bien Cambridge.
b) Simon est tudiant luniversit dOxford.
Il a rejet une offre de lUniversit de Durham,
puisquil rvait daller Oxford.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier les deux priodes de la vie du narrateur dont il est question
dans lextrait.

c) Simon est au lyce. Il veut absolument aller

lUniversit dOxford et rejette donc toutes les
propositions des autres universits.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer ce qui dtermine son
choix duniversit et justifier votre rponse en
citant le texte.

Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, vous devez dire si elle
est vraie ou fausse et citer le texte pour justifier
votre rponse.

From Some fourteen days to the end.

a) Le narrateur gagne beaucoup dargent.

b) Cela fait un certain temps que les deux personnages ne se sont pas vus.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de recopier le court paragraphe en compltant les blancs. (Un
blanc = un mot).

c) En tant qutudiant, le narrateur avait beaucoup didaux.

d) La visite lui fait raliser quil est satisfait de
sa vie actuelle.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

until = jusqu ce que


Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliciter ce dont il vient de se rendre
compte par rapport ce qui lui est arriv.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de slectionner ladjectif qui correspond le mieux lattitude de Simon pendant ses

Sujet 3 Le sujet Pas


la langue peut tre assez familire.

Pour un discours de campagne, vous cherchez
convaincre :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande danalyser ce que lon peut
dduire de ltat desprit du narrateur lors de
cette rencontre avec son ami.

impliquez votre auditoire (you/ students at

Oxford/ members of the Union),
utilisez des arguments et des anecdotes,

Question on documents A and B

utilisez des superlatifs,


recourez la rhtorique (pensez I have a

Dream de M. L. King)

Comprendre la question
Vous devez slectionnez le thme qui vous
semble commun aux deux documents et justifier votre choix en quelques phrases.

Procder par tapes

1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de votre

Mobiliser ses connaissances

failure 6= success ; pride : amour propre



2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Dans les deux cas, il sagit de prendre position.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de productions cratives et imaginaires
partir de la situation dans le document A.

a) Est-il possible de concilier ses rves avec une

vie professionnelle ?

a) Vous devez rdiger la lettre que Simon

adresse sa mre pour la tenir informe aprs
sa rencontre avec Alan Brown.

b) Dans quelle mesure est-il possible de respecter lengagement de ne jamais travailler pour de
largent ?
Les deux sujets sont assez proches. Quel que
soit votre choix de sujet et la position que vous
adoptiez, il sagit dun essai argumentatif. Ce
qui importe le plus, cest que vous dmontriez
votre capacit argumenter. Vous pouvez fort
bien, prsenter les deux faces du mme argument et annoncer votre position personnelle
dans la conclusion.

b) Simon se prsente aux lections du Prsident

du Syndicat des tudiants de lUniversit. Vous
devez rdiger son premier discours pour la
campagne dlection.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour une lettre personnelle, il convient de respecter certaines rgles :
indiquez ladresse ( Oxford) et la date en
haut droite,
commencez par la salutation Dear Mum/
Hi Mum ,

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

terminez avec la salutation love suivie de

la signature de Simon.

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats
pour marquer une opposition : however/ and

1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)

2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple : le
rve et un mtier sont compatibles parce
3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :
ils ne sont pas compatibles parce que...)

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis

personnel circonstanci)
Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.


Sujet 3 Le corrig


long time. He is 37 years old, working as a journalist specialised in sport events maybe.

Comprhension du texte

Questions on document A

8 Right or Wrong ?

1 Simon is at high school. He is determined to

go to Oxford University and so he rejects offers
from all other universities.

a) Right : I traded lots of dreams for a bigger

OR rich people like me

2 He wants to become Prime Minister. So he

is determined to get to Oxford University as it is
according to him the best courses he could follow to fulfill his dream.Future Prime Ministers arent educated at Durham, How about
Cambridge ?, No political tradition.

b) Right :[...] Morrie talking of our college

years as if Id simply been on a long vacation
c) Right : I once promised myself I would never work for money that I would join the Peace
Cops, that I would live in beautiful, inspirational places

3 Simon is in Oxford. He intends to visit all

the colleges to see if they have a place for him.
He intends to visit six everyday until he is accepted in/ taken.

d) Wrong : [...] I never realized I was doing it,

What happened to me ?, [...] I remained [...]

[...]until his question had been answered positively by a resident Tutor for Admissions. On
a trestle table in the corner of the lodgings he intended to make permanent [...]. Alan Brown
was the twenty-second don Kerslake had visited in four days.

9 He realizes that he abandoned all his

dreams, that he has become what he disliked
most when he was a young adult. He has given
up his dreams for a comfortable, materialistic
life which leaves him unsatisfied and frustrated.
10 Before meeting his friend, it had never
dawned on him to consider the choices he made
and the meaning of his life. As he is talking to
Morrie and trying to find answers to his simple
but embarrassing questions, he realizes what he
has become. This conversation is a revelation,
comes as a shock for him. As he is talking, he
is thinking and grows confused and disturbed.

5 Yes he does. Quote : Mrs Kerslake was not

surprised when her son went on to be President
of the Oxford Union.
Questions on document B
6 Morrie and the narrator are present.
The two characters used to be close friends
when they were at university/ during their college years.

Questions on documents A and B

11 Success in life. Doc A : the narrators idea
of being successful is to become Prime Minister, and so be accepted in Oxford University
which he manages to do at the end of the extract. Doc B : the narrator leads a successful
life as far as money, job and social position are
concerned, but not quite if personal fulfilment
is taken into account.

7 The two periods of time covered by the extract are the past and the present day. The past
period refers to the university years, when the
narrator was a student with Morrie, still dreaming about what he would become later. The
present day corresponds to the day of the meeting with Morrie whom he has not seen for a

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

Expression crite

1 a) Oxford, 12th August

Dear Mum,
Just a quick note to let you know how I am getting on.
Ive been really busy since I arrived four days ago. Ive seen twenty-two dons, and with a bit of
luck, I should receive confirmation that Worcester College is going to take me.
Ive just met the Don, Alan Brown and he explained to me that some poor guy from Nottingham
High School was supposed to read history there, but he died in a car accident a few weeks ago. So
theres a vacancy in history. I know its not exactly what I planned to read at Magdalen College,
but I can choose politics, philosophy and economics as options, so I will still get to study what I
Mr Brown is presenting my dossier to his colleagues this evening and will give me a formal
response tomorrow. I do hope its affirmative. I couldnt bear not to come to Oxford, after trying
so hard this week.
Ill phone you as soon as I know for sure.
b) Fellow Students, I stand before you, in all humility, in all modesty, but with a great sense of
commitment. I do not intend to tell you how wonderful I am, for that is not how I view the role of
President. On the contrary, to prove you how good a President I can be, I intend to tell you how
important it is for this Student Union to be correctly represented, so that the wonderful people that
you are, can enjoy the best conditions possible to pursue your studies here in Oxford.
The Student Union represents the students in all the different meetings concerning university life.
The President must be someone who is selfless, accessible, open-minded and a good communicator. It is important for all of you to feel that the person who represents your interests is really
interested in defending you. That person is me !
2 a) Can people fulfil their dreams and occupy a professional position at the same time ?
I would say that it all depends on the degree of compatibility between a persons dreams and their
professional occupation. Quite often, children choose their first choice of profession in relation
to their dreams : we all remember classmates who wanted to be fighter pilots or firemen, doctors
or teachers. Some children will go on to fulfil these childhood dreams, but for others the dreams
evolve and change.
Not everybody has dreams about their professional career. Some people are quite content to occupy
an unexciting, but satisfying job in order to earn enough money to fulfil their dreams outside the
sphere of work. In this case, their dream may be to travel to a particular place, or to buy luxury
products or to offer themselves lessons in a professional racing car or such like.
In conclusion, dreams and professional life can go hand in hand, but it is by no means a generality,
nor a necessity. Its a matter of personal choice.


Sujet 3 Le corrig

b) Is it possible to work without any financial incentive ? In other words, to work simply for pleasure or another motive or to serve other people. Is it possible to only accept work that enables you
to fulfil other more noble ambitions ?
The problem is that we live in a capitalist society, in which the system of exchange is based on
money. We need money to pay for accommodation, food and clothes. People receive money in
return for work.
On the other hand, I think it is quite possible, if ones basic necessities are satisfied, to refuse work
that is inconsistent with ones personal values. For example, a sales representative could refuse
to sell a product that he knows is addictive. A scientist could refuse to develop a technique that
could be used against humanity.
To conclude, everyone needs to earn a minimum salary to guarantee the basic necessities. But
beyond that minimum salary, it is possible to work for other values than money.


Sujet 4, Sujet indit, sries ES, S, L, LV1

Lide de progrs
Document A






Nancy had arrived in England six months ago, and had invited Victoria to a coffee morning with
Philly Bingham, a fellow mother at the school where Nancy had recently enrolled her son, Connor.
All three women had sons in the same class. Alex and Phillys son, Rufus, were old friends, but
Connor was becoming popular with his classmates on account of the hundreds of electronic toys
and state-of-the-art computer games that filled his enormous bedroom. Also, he had a home cinema
in the basement with all the latest films. And Nancy Masters served fabulous teas with real chips
and American burgers followed by tubs of expensive ice-cream. Philly Bingham was attempting
to stare discreetly around the room, taking in the sound system, the television and the acres of
mahogany furniture. Philly, thought Victoria, would probably describe herself as an old-fashioned
Englishwoman from an old-established English family. Phillys own drawing room consisted of
good but shabby furniture, a few faded rugs and a Labrador. On no account would Philly allow
into her house a television the size of the one Nancy possessed. But, then, Philly couldnt afford
one. She and her husband had inherited their house from Algys father, and although Algy had a
prestigious job valuing paintings for Londons smartest auctioneers his salary barely kept them in
There followed a stilted attempt at conversation.
So, Nancy, how are you settling into London ? asked Victoria politely.
Weeell, Im finding my feet. Ive located the American library, signed on with an American
doctor. Of course, the US school was full so we had to put Connor into the local one.
Nancy was really getting into the English way of life, then.
And Hayden ?
Weeell, hes kinda busy at work. Theyve been doing a big takeover 1 . The cab comes for him at
Philly sounded bright. Oh, thats not too bad. I know these banks can demand the most ghastly 2
hours. So he has the evening with you ?
Nancy looked nonplussed. I mean the cab comes at six in the morning. To go to Canary Wharf 3 .
Hes up at five. He gets home most nights at around eight.
Gosh. Philly was aghast. How does he keep going ?
Oh, hes pretty health conscious. I watch his diet and I dont let him drink alcohol in the week.
And we go jogging at the weekend, that kinda thing.
Wow, thought Victoria, life was a bundle of fun for Hayden Masters.
But I still have some things to sort out, continued Nancy. Philly seized deftly on the opportunity
to make some suggestions. Maybe we can give you some pointers. Algy and I have been here for
ten years so we know virtually everyone.
1. takeover : (here) taking control of a company.
2. ghastly : frightening, bad and unpleasant.
3. Canary Wharf : large business and shopping development, in the London Docklands.


Sujet 4 Le sujet




Nancy seemed doubtful. Im kinda hoping to find a decent hairdresser. I find the salons here a
little... dull. Her eyes took in Phillys chubby face and her lank brown hair, pushed back for the
occasion with a velvet Alice band. You see, I need volume in my hair, but I cannot find anyone
here who can really backcomb.
Victoria thought that Nancys hair was immaculate already, platinum blonde with the ends curled
neatly outwards. But she knew just the man to take her on. Jean-Pierre. Hes excellent. Ill write
down his number for you.
Is he American ?
Nancy looked disappointed, but evidently decided to change the subject. Let me pass you some
Jane Elizabeth Varley, Wives and Lovers, 2003.

Document B



Ravi is meeting his cousin Sonny who is flying in from Bangalore at a London hotel
Flying to Frankfurt tomorrow, said Sonny. You know Meyer Systems ? Theyre relocating to
Bangalore, to our very own Silicon Valley these tekkies, they have their heads screwed on,
they all want a piece of the action. You wouldnt recognise the place, yaar, you know how much
software were exporting ? We have the satellite links, we have the know- how... He counted on
his fingers. Motorola, Texas Instruments... The worlds shrunk, my friend...
Ravis temples throbbed. Outside an ambulance sped by, its siren wailing. Today he had failed to
revive a cardiac arrest. Asthma attack, a young man with newborn twins.
The drinks arrived. Sonny was still blathering on. Ravi took a sip of orange juice and put down
his glass.
Sonny, he said. Im having a terrible time.
That he confided in his cousin of all people, a man not overly interested in others, took him by
surprise. Once he started, however, the words gushed forth.
Paulines fathers come to live with us, we cant get rid of him and Im going out of my mind.
Last week he set fire to the kitchen. He was boiling up his revolting old hankies in my Le Creuset
saucepan, nearly burned the house down. I cant tell you how disgusting he is. Ravis voice rose.
He strains his tea through the fly-swat , he never lifts a finger to help, he drops biscuit crumbs
everywhere, I cant stand him, I cant get any sleep, Pauline and I are quarrelling all the time,
sooner or later Im going to have to move out, I cant stand it any more, I think Im cracking up.
Deborah Moggach, These Foolish Things, 2005.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

11 a) Is Ravi paying attention to Sonnys

words ?

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

b) What is he doing ?

1 Nancy Masters, Philly Bingham and Victoria are the three main female characters. Alex,
Algy, Connor, Hayden and Rufus are male characters. Each of them is related to one of the
three women. Say in what way.

c) What is Ravis job ?

12 What does he decide to do at the end of this
passage ? (10 words max.)
13 Does Ravis decision come as a surprise to
the reader ? Quote one element to justify your

2 How did Alex, Connor and Rufus get to

know each other ?
3 Where is the scene set (country, city) ? In
whose house ?

14 a) Two other members of Ravis family are

mentioned. Among them, which one is Ravis
main concern at the time of the story ?

4 How long has Nancy been living there and

where did she use to live ?

b) Choose four adjectives from the list below

which best apply to that character and justify
each chosen adjective with a quotation from the
dangerous - desperate - caring - dirty
- uncooperative - friendly - intrusive - rich

5 What does her home reveal about her standard of living ? Explain in your own words.
6 a) What do we learn about Nancys husbands working hours ?
b) I mean the cab comes at six in the morning. Why does Nancy feel the need to insist
on morning ?

c) What incidence does that characters attitude

have on Ravis mood ? (10 words max.)

7 How does Nancy make sure such working

hours have no consequence on her husbands
health ? (30 words)

Question on documents A and B

15 Explain in your own words what these two
documents suggest about progress.
Do they both convey the same message ?

8 Wow, thought Victoria, life was a bundle of

fun for Hayden Masters. Explain in your own
words what Victoria really thinks of Haydens
life. (30 words)


9 Has Nancy adopted the culture and way of

life of the country she is now living in ? Answer in your own words (25 words), then quote
at least four elements to support your answer.

Expression crite

Choose subject 1 (a + b)
or subject 2 (a + b).
1 a) Connor was becoming popular with his
classmates on account of the hundreds of electronic toys and state-of-the-art computer games
that filled his enormous bedroom.
Does popularity depend on what you have ?
(150 words)

Questions on document B
10 Explain what Sonny means by the worlds shrunk. Give three examples, using your
own words.

Sujet 4 Le sujet

talk to Paulines father. Imagine their conversation.

b) Algy had a prestigious job valuing paintings for Londons smartest auctioneers. What
is your idea of a prestigious job ? (150 words)

b) To what extent have new technologies changed the world ? Give examples.

2 a) Ravi comes back home and decides to


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin de synonymes pour :
expensive : costly/ extravagant/ lavish
state-of-the-art : ultramodern/ the latest/ revolutionary
rich : wealthy/ affluent/ well-to-do/ prosperous

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande dindiquer le lien de parent
entre les personnages fminins et les personnages masculins.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliciter :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il ne faut pas reprendre la structure is related
to pour rpondre. Au contraire, il faut expliciter ce lien de parent : mother/ father/ wife/
husband/ son/ daughter

a) les horaires de travail du mari de Nancy.

b) la raison pour laquelle elle souligne du matin quand elle parle de larrive du taxi.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer comment ces trois personnages ont fait connaissance.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer comment Nancy
sassure que les horaires pnibles de son mari
ne portent pas prjudice sa sant.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez situer la scne en indiquant qui
appartient la maison et dans quelle ville et quel
pays elle se trouve.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de montrer comment vous pensez quil
convient dinterprter les penses de Victoria. Est-elle sincre ou bien sarcastique ? Que
pense-t-elle de la manire dont Nancy soccupe
de son mari ?

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de spcifier depuis combien
de temps Nancy y vit, ainsi que son ancien lieu
de rsidence.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer lapprobation ou
son contraire :
(to) approve of/ think well of/ admire/ go along
(to) disapprove of/ condemn/ frown on/ take a
dim view of

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il faut reprendre la question et bien respecter
les structures :
She has been living there... for + dure
She used to live in...

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer dans quelle mesure
Nancy sest assimile la culture et au mode
de vie du pays dans lequel elle se trouve.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dcrire le niveau de vie de Nancy
avec vos propres mots.

Sujet 4 Le sujet Pas


b) dechoisir les quatre adjectifs qui dcrivent le

mieux la personnalit de cette personne et de
justifier chaque adjectif avec une citation du

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliciter le sens de la rplique le monde a rtrci et de donner trois
exemples sans reproduire le texte.

c) danalyser lincidence qua lattitude de ce

membre de la famille sur lhumeur de Ravi.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous aurez besoin dexprimer :
Lide de dpression nerveuse : nervous breakdown
Lide de ne plus supporter : cant stand/ cant
put up with... any longer

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer :
Lhabitude dans le pass : used to + Verbe
La notion de progress : advance/ development/
breakthrough/ evolution/ improvement
software = computer programme
link = connection

Question on documents A and B



Comprendre la question
Il sagit de/d :

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer lide principale des
deux documents par rapport au progrs en explicitant si ces ides convergent ou non.

a) dire si Ravi est attentif ou non au discours de

b) prciser ce quil est en train de faire.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer :
Lenthousiasme : enthusiastic/ ardent/ wholehearted/ committed
Le soutien : endorsement/ approval/ support

c) expliquer ce quil fait comme mtier.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez dire ce que Ravi dcide de faire
la fin de lextrait.


Expression crite


Comprendre la question
On vous demande si cette dcision vous surprend ou non. Vous devez citer un lment du
texte pour justifier votre rponse.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de disserter sur le lien entre la popularit de quelquun et ses biens. La citation donne
lexemple du jeune amricain qui est plbiscit
par ses camarades de classe en raison de tous
les jeux lectroniques et jeux vido nec plus ultra quil possde. En 150 mots, il est difficile de
construire un essai argumentatif avec plusieurs

Comprendre la question
Il sagit :
a) didentifier par quel membre de sa famille
Ravi est particulirement proccup.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


paragraphes. Il convient donc de prendre position demble et de justifier celle-ci avec des
exemples prcis.

Formes contractes (its/ dont...)

Impratif (tell me.../ dont worry)
Formules idiomatiques :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin de synonymes de :
popular : well liked/ admired/ in demand
materialistic : consumerist/ capitalistic
values : spiritual qualities/ moral principles
friendly : companionable/ sociable/ sympathetic/ well-disposed/ good-natured

youre driving me crazy/ Im fed up to the

eyes with all this.
Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la
conversation :
pour Ravi, il espre convaincre son beau-pre
de changer :
I hope (that).../ Please tell me that...


pour son beau-pre, il nie peut-tre :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer quel type de mtier selon vous est prestigieux. En 150 mots, il
est difficile de construire un essai argumentatif
avec plusieurs paragraphes. Il convient donc de
prendre position demble et de justifier celleci avec des exemples prcis.

this is ridiculous/ how can you suggest such

things ?
ou bien sexcuse en promettant de changer :
Im so sorry.../ I didnt realise.../ I promise
things will change...
Procder par tapes

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin de synonymes de :
prestigious : impressive/ important/ imposing/
powerful/ glamorous/ well-paid
important : valuable/ useful/ beneficial/ essential/ indispensable
famous : celebrated/ great/ grand/ outstanding
(to) sacrifice : devote/ commit/ give/ dedicate

1. Rflchissez la situation de la rencontre (o ? quand ?) et aux grandes

lignes de la conversation.
2. crivez une phrase dintroduction pour
exposer la situation, puis rdigez la
conversation au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.


Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer dans quelle mesure les nouvelles technologies ont chang le
monde. Vous devez donner des exemples. En
150 mots, il est difficile de construire un essai argumentatif avec plusieurs paragraphes. Il
convient donc de prendre position demble et
de justifier celle-ci avec des exemples prcis.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre Ravi
et son beau-pre (qui lui rend la vie insupportable la maison par son manque dgards pour
son entourage).
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :

Sujet 4 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Des exemples de nouvelles technologies : Internet/ television/ telephone/ computers/ tablets
Lexpression de changement positif : (to)
change/ modify/ revolutionize/ improve


Lexpression de changement negative : (to)

lose/ destroy/ harm/ reduce
Le comparatif : adjectif court + suffixe -er
(faster) ; MORE + adjectif long (more complicated)


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

9 Nancy has not adopted the culture and way

of life of the country at all. On the contrary she
clings to her American way of life and culture.
She has :
located the American library,
signed on with an American doctor,
the US school was full so we had to put
Connor into the local one,
Im kinda hoping to find a decent hairdresser. I find the salons here a little [...] dull.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Nancy Masters has a son named Connor and
a husband called Hayden. Philly Bingham has
a son called Rufus. Victoria has a son named
Alex and a husband called Algy.
2 The three boys got to know each other since
they attend the same class in the same school.
3 The scene is set in England in a well-off district in London, at Nancys place.

Questions on document B
10 Sonny means that the technological advances that used to exist only in the Western World and more particularly in the United
States are now readily available in Bangalore.
Indeed this Indian town now has its own hightech industrial site, like Silicon Valley in California. It produces and exports computer programmes, and it has its own satellite connections.

4 Nancy has been living there for 6 months

and previously lived in the USA, in Dallas,
5 Her home reveals she belongs to a high class
of the social ladder since she can afford very
expensive furniture and all the last technological gadgets as well.
6 a) Nancys husband Hayden works a lot
since we learn that a taxi comes to fetch him at
6 a.m. in the morning and that he comes back
home at about 8 p.m.

11 a) Ravi is not paying attention to Sonnys

b) He is thinking of his day at work.

b) Nancy insists since Philly thinks Hayden

gets back home at 6 p.m. whereas he leaves
home at 6 a.m.

c) He is a doctor.
12 He decides to tell his cousin about his problems.

7 Nancy feels very concerned about her husbands health as she is very careful about his
diet, she makes sure he doesnt drink alcohol
during the week and they go jogging together
at weekends.

13 Yes, Ravis decision comes as a surprise to

the reader, as Sonny is not portrayed as being
particularly sympathetic : ... a man not overly
interested in others...
14 a) Ravis main concern is his father-in-law.

8 Through this sentence, we clearly understand that Victoria thinks that kind of life is not
pleasant and funny at all as Hayden works for
hours and hes surveyed by his wife who allows
him nothing but only a very strict diet on healthy food. Moreover she kind of obliges him to
practice sport at weekends. Victoria is critical.

b) dangerous : ... he set fire to the kitchen. ... nearly burned the house down.
dirty : -... boiling up his revolting old hankies... - I cant tell you how disgusting he is.
- He strains his tea through the fly-swat. - ...
he drops biscuits crumbs everywhere...

Sujet 4 Le corrig

uncooperative : - ... he never lifts a finger to

help. intrusive : - ... we cant get rid of him...

the latest technology available (home cinema

and computer games in Document A, and the
high-tech set up in Bangalore in Document B).
However at the same time, other characters express a certain exasperation with this modernity. In Document A, Philly the English woman
views her American hosts display of electronic
gadgets with a certain dismay, and in Document
B, Ravi seems unable to cope any longer with
the stress of modern life.

c) He cannot stand it any more/ any longer. Hes

cracking up. He is on the verge of a nervous
Question on documents A and B
15 Both documents present a contradictory
view of progress. In each of them, some of the
characters seem particularly enthusiastic about


Expression crite

1 a) I must say that I believe that it is a terrible thing if popularity depends on what a person has.
If people have relationships with other people only on account of what the other one possesses,
in that case we can say these people are superficial and down-to-earth and they must not be very
interesting people but rather materialistic and interested.
Popularity means having friends, and friends must be interested in sharing values, points of view.
Friends have to be attentive one to another, they have to show good human qualities which are
much more important than belongings. They have to be friendly, affectionate, devoted, likeable,
pleasing. People can only be friends and share real good moments if they have these basic and
necessary qualities.
b) To me, a prestigious job has to do with the importance and impact it has on peoples lives. So
these jobs have to do with politics, health, peoples welfare.
Needless to say that to me actor or singer dont have a prestigious job. It is not because they are
famous and popular that we can say they have a prestigious one. Many other people who are not
necessarily well-known have a prestigious job, for instance doctors who devote their life to cure
people clearly have one of these jobs.
Real politicians like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or others less popular but who
have been given the Nobel Prize for peace and who have devoted their life to improve peoples
lives have had or have a prestigious job.
All this goes to show that for many people a prestigious job is being famous or being well-paid.
To me this is nonsense and prestigious doesnt mean that at all.
2 a) Il faudra penser prsenter le travail sous la forme dun dialogue (tirets, guillemets, retour
la ligne lorsquun personnage prend la parole). Ne pas oublier ce qui sest pass auparavant et
respecter la psychologie des personnages.
b) Obviously new technologies have changed the world, but this is not new. We can say that throughout the ages whenever a new technology was found it changed the world and this is still true

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

Nowadays, when we refer to new technologies we mainly think of new means of communication
which offer a wide range of possibilities. The Internet is probably the most important one since it
is now available almost everywhere in the world and many people are equipped with computers
at home. Sending an email or receiving one doesnt take a long time. Furthermore, if you want
to send documents such as photographs or information, you do not have to write a letter, put it in
an envelope, stick a stamp on it and go to the post office or find a letterbox to send it and wait a
few days for the answer. This can now be done in a split second which is much more convenient,
quicker and time saving even if you send it to the other side of the planet.
Moreover, you can also use the web to phone for a very low price compared to wired phones or
cellular phones. But, phoning is not the only thing you can do, you can also see the person you are
phoning to thanks to the webcam. Keeping in touch with parents or relatives, whether you simply
travel or work abroad is fast and easy.
Not only can people communicate, but they can also find all sorts of information and read the
news thanks to their computer.
Its also possible to check bank accounts, look for a job or apply for one and do numerous other
Needless to say that for companies, students and individuals, the Internet has changed life and it
would be difficult to manage without it now.


Sujet 5, Polynsie, juin 2013, sries ES, S, L, LV1

Lide de progrs

Document A
How we choose to journey reflects and shapes the way we think






SLUMPING into the cramped confines of my seat, recovering my composure after a frantic, protracted check-in that made me mislay my wallet, almost miss my flight, and become 100 poorer,
the result of my experiment in travel seemed obvious : boats and trains beat the pains of planes
any day.
But the real problem with air travel is not the carbon footprint, the hassle of security checks, the
tedium of the boarding gate [...], [or] the soulless sprawl of the hire car lot [...]. The deeper issue
is that how we travel reflects and shapes the way we think, and we have become a society of
I started thinking about this because of a recurring desire to recreate an annual childhood journey
by ferry and overnight train to visit our family in northern Italy. Was it just nostalgia pulling me,
or is something of real value lost at 30,000ft ? I decided to go to Italy the old way and return the
new, to see how the experiences really compared.
The passenger terminal at Dover docks did not provide the most promising start, having all the
charm of a 1970s coach station. But once on deck, with the white cliffs fading into the distance,
I had a real sense of a proper trip starting, something that the palm-sweat-inducing jolt of takeoff doesnt provide. The sedate passage of the ship, the gradual emergence of the French coast,
and the disembarkation in the open air, with a real town in clear sight, provided a sense of the
continuities between places. In contrast, planes simply transport you from one anonymous, homogenous edgeland to another, between airports virtually identical in their black and yellow signage
and multinational franchises. Its the difference between travel a movement between places in
which the journey is part of the experience and transit, the utilitarian linking of here and there, in
which the destination becomes all that matters and the transfer simply something to put up with.
Consumer culture has made us too accustomed to getting only what we want, no more and no less.
[...] It is a contemporary malaise to avoid things that require effort but are rewarding in favour of
gains in convenience that come at the price of blandness and loss of variety. [...]
It might be objected that slow travel is just an indulgence of the time and cash-rich. But you
actually gain holiday time when travelling is an integral part of the experience, because you lose
none to mere transit. [...] And yet despite all Ive written, I admit I have another trip coming up
and, guess what, Im flying. Im just another airhead, led by apparent ease and convenience away
from what is more profoundly rewarding.
From The Guardian, September 30, 2012, Julian Baggini.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

Document B


Occasionally he would look up to see if he knew where he was but saw only the darkness and
himself reflected from it. The streetlights of small towns showed more and more snow on the
roads the further north he got. To stretch he went to the toilet and noticed the faces as he passed
between the seats. Like animals being transported. On his way back he saw a completely different
set of faces but he knew they looked the same. He hated train journeys, seeing so many people,
so many houses. It made him realize he was part of things whether he liked it or not. Seeing so
many unknown people through their back windows, standing outside shops, walking the streets,
moronically waving from level-crossingsthey grew amorphous and repulsive. They were going
about their static lives while he had a sense of being on the move. And yet he knew he was not. At
some stage any one of those people might travel past his flat on a train and see him in the act of
pulling his curtains. The thought depressed him so much that he could no longer read. He leaned
his head against the window and, although he had his eyes closed, he did not sleep.
Bernard Mac Laverty, Life Drawing (in A time to Dance, 1982).


5 Focus on the passage starting down to the

end. The journalist gives two definitions of
going from one place to another.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

a) What are they ?

1 Who do the following pronouns refer to ?

b) Explain the two different concepts.

a) I I started thinking... ) ?
b) Us/ We (made us/ what we want... )

Questions on document B

c) You (You actually gain...)

6 What do the following pronouns refer to ?

2 Focus on the first three paragraphs. Which

means of transportation are mentioned ? What
does the author think of each of them ?

a) He (Occasionally he would look up to see if

he knew where he was but saw only the darkness and himself reflected from it.)

3 The journalist mentions his experiment in

travel when visiting his family.

b) They (On his way back he saw a completely

different set of faces but he knew they looked
the same.)

a) What did he do ?

c) They (They were going about their static

lives while he had a sense of being on the

b) Why did he make this choice ?

4 Focus on the fourth paragraph. (up to ...
between places). Justify your answers.

7 What is your interpretation of [...]he had a

sense of being on the move. And yet he knew he
was not ?

a) What part of the journey is referred to ?

b) What are the authors impressions ?

Sujet 5 Le sujet

8 Describe the characters state of mind at the

beginning of the passage and then at the end.


Question on documents A and B

9 Find three elements in text 1 and two elements in text 2 showing that travelling is not
always a pleasure.

Expression crite

Vous devez traiter lun des deux sujets

1 How we travel reflects and shapes the way we think. Discuss.
2 Old ways and/or new ways of travelling : which would you favour and why ?


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


a) De quelle partie du voyage sagit-il au dbut

de ce quatrime paragraphe ?

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

b) Quelles sont les impressions de lauteur ?

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier qui renvoient
les pronoms ici.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :
a) chercher dans la deuxime partie du texte
les deux dfinitions donnes par le journaliste
pour la notion de dplacement dun endroit
un autre.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il ny a aucun nom propre dans le texte. Les personnes cibles par les pronoms sont soit lauteur lui-mme, soit les lecteurs, soit les gens en
gnral, dont lauteur.

b) expliquer les deux concepts.

Procder par tapes

Questions on document B

1. Analysez le rle du pronom dans le

texte en prenant en compte le sens de la

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier qui renvoient
les pronoms ici.

2. Choisissez entre les trois propositions :

the writer, the readers, people in general
including the writer.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il ny a aucun nom propre dans le texte. Les
pronoms ciblent soit des personnes, soit des objets.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez reprer les moyens de transport
mentionns dans les trois premiers paragraphes
et expliquer ce quen pense lauteur chaque

[...]he had a sense of being on the move. And
yet he knew he was not ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dinterprter la citation ci-dessus. Que
signifie-t-elle ? Il avait la sensation dtre en
train de se dplacer. Et pourtant, il savait quil
ne se dplaait pas.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit danalyser lexprience du journaliste
par rapport au voyage.
a) Qua-t-il fait ?
b) Quest-ce qui a motiv ce choix ?

Comprendre la question
Vous devez comparer ltat desprit du personnage au dbut et la fin de lextrait.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dutiliser des lments du
texte pour justifier vos rponses.

Sujet 5 Le sujet Pas


Vous aurez besoin aussi de synonymes de :

reflect : indicate/ show/ demonstrate
shape : model
the way we think : our concept of life/ our attitude to life/ our vision of life/ our philosophy
of life

Question on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de reprer 3 lments dans le
documents A et B. Les lments du document B
montrent que voyager nest pas toujours une
partie de plaisir.

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides.


Expression crite

Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport
la citation du texte et dexprimer son propre
point de vue. Le choix du moyen de transport reflte-t-il et faonne-t-il notre mode de
pense ? Quelle que soit la position que vous
adoptiez, il sagit dun essai argumentatif. Ce
qui importe le plus, cest que vous dmontriez
votre capacit argumenter. Vous pouvez fort
bien, prsenter les deux faces du mme argument et annoncer votre position personnelle
dans la conclusion.

2. un nouveau paragraphe pour chaque

nouvelle ide
3. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis
personnel circonstanci)
Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer si vous prfrez
les anciens moyens de transports ou les nouveaux. Vous devez justifier votre rponse.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, voir les aides pour
le sujet A ci-dessus.
Vous aurez besoin aussi dexpressions de got :

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned/ it seems to me

like/ love/ enjoy/ appreciate + V-ing

Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

dislike/ hate/ loathe/ detest + V-ing

ou dexpressions de prfrence :

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats


prefer X to Y
would prefer to + Verbe than + Verbe

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and


Id rather + verbe than + Verbe


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

sion in time between two places with no enriching experience to be gained from it.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
Questions on document B

1 a) I = the journalist

6 a) he = the character who is travelling on the


b) us/ we = people today

c) you = the reader/ people in general

b) they = the faces he remarks as he returns to

his seat.

2 air travel : the check-in is time consuming,

and leg space on board is limited. When you
travel by air, you dont really appreciate the fact
of travelling.
ferry (boat) and trains : these two means of
transport are less stressful than air travel, and
more appropriate for appreciating the fact of

c) they = the unknown people outside the train.

7 The character is under the impression that
the people outside the train are motionless as
they are caught at a single moment, and that
on the contrary, he is moving. However, in fact
he remains motionless in his seat on the train,
while the people outside go about their business. The train is moving, but not him.

3 a) The journalist travelled from the UK to

Italy by ferry and train, then took a plane for
the return journey.

8 At the beginning of the passage, the character tries to decipher what he can see outside the
window to work out where exactly he is on his
journey. He is curious. At the end of the passage, he has given up trying to follow the trains
progress and has closed his eyes, as he finds
it depressing to think that just as he looks into
peoples homes as the train goes by, people do
the same going past his flat on the train.

b) He wanted to compare the two journeys to

see if his hypothesis about the difference between the two was right.
4 a) This part refers to the crossing by ferry
from Dover to France. I quote The sedate passage of the ship, the gradual emergence of the
French coast, and the disembarkation in the
open air.

Question on documents A and B

b) The journalist was really aware of moving

from one place to another : he was able to see
the English coast disappear in the distance as
the French coast grew closer.

9 The elements that show that travelling is not

always a pleasure are :
In text 1 - the cramped confines of my seat ;
the hassle of security checks, the tedium of the
boarding gate.
In text 2 - Like animals being transported ; He
hated train journeys ; seeing so many people ;
so many houses.

5 a) The two different means of going from

one place to another are travel and transit.
b) Whereas the journey in itself is part of the
pleasure of travel, transit is simply a suspen-


Sujet 5 Le corrig


Expression crite

1 The writer in Text 1 suggests that the way people travel both indicates and influences their
concept of life. This may well be true of people who lead a similar lifestyle to the writer, but I do
not believe that it is possible to make such a sweeping generalisation.
Indeed, children have no say in the way they travel, as they are dependent on their parents, and
yet their concept of life is not necessarily modelled on that of their parents.
Moreover, for most people today, the choice of transport is determined by economic criteria. In
general, travellers dont mind sacrificing some of their comfort and time to save money for more
worthwhile parts of their journey. At the same time, businessmen and women are dictated by their
companies as to how they should travel : the latter try to save both money and time !
It seems to me that it is more the purpose of the journey than the travellers vision of life that
determines the means of travel. A tourist may very well travel by plane to Greece, take a boat
to one of the Greek islands and then climb a mountain on the back of a donkey. There is more
pragmatism than philosophy of life in these choices.
That being said the choice of a personal vehicle may reflect a persons attitude to life, as long
as money does not condition this choice. Someone who chooses to drive an electric car around
the city can be thought of as being ecological, although he is probably less ecological than the
commuter who cannot afford an electric car, but who makes a conscious decision to hire a bike to
ride to work !
2 Personally, I am something of a traditionalist and somewhat nostalgic. Like the writer in Text 2,
I enjoy the actually act of travelling and dislike embarking on a place and arriving at a new destination just a few hours later. Its really important for me to appreciate the notion of distance : so I
prefer a car or train journey to flying.
Im also very keen on trying more old-fashioned means of transport such as the tramway or even
the horse and carriage. Theres much more pomp and circumstance when the Queen of England
rides through London in a horse-drawn carriage than in a Rolls Royce.
If I try to be more analytical, I would say that I prefer the forms of transport that play on all my
senses I love feeling the rhythm of the train, seeing the landscape pass by, hearing the shunting
and smelling the coal of the steam locomotive.
Yes, Im romantic, but at the same time Im practical. When it comes to daily travel, I prefer the
means of transport that gives me the most independence, and saves time. So I would prefer to
travel by car than be tied down by the train schedule.
That being said, when a new form of transport is introduced, Im always ready to try it, as long as I
dont feel that Im risking my life. I particularly enjoy all the different means of transport available
in Switzerland for climbing the Alps. My favourite is undoubtedly the Jungfraubahn that takes you
to the top of the Jungfrau with a halt halfway up so that you can peer out of the Eiger Wall. Its
exhilarating !


Sujet 6, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV1

Mythes et hros

Document A







Shall I tell you how Haultrey shot me ?

Shot you ? said Andrew. With a gun ?
With an airgun. It was a long time ago.
Everything thats happened to you, Grandad, said Emma, was a long time ago.
Very true, my sweetheart. This was sixty-five years ago. I was seven.
So it wasnt as long ago as when you had your hair cut, said Emma, who already showed promise
as an arithmetician.
Walter laughed. Haultrey was a boy I knew. He lived down our road. We used to play down by
the river, a whole bunch of us. There were fish in the river then but I dont think any of us were
fishing that day. Wed been climbing trees. You could get across the river by climbing willow
trees, the branches stretched right across.
And then one of us saw a kingfisher, a little tiny bright-blue bird it was, the colour of a peacock,
and Haultrey said he was going to shoot it. I knew that would be wrong, even then I knew. Maybe
we all did except Haultrey. He had an airgun, he showed it to us. I clapped my hands and the
kingfisher flew away. All the birds went, wed frightened them away with all the racket we were
making. I had a friend called William Robbins, we called him Bill, he was my best friend, and he
said to Haultrey that hed bet he couldnt shoot anything, not aim at it and shoot it. Well, Haultrey
wasnt having that and he said, yes, he could. He pointed to a stone sticking up out of the water
and said hed hit that. He didnt, though. He shot me.
Wow, said Andrew. ? But he didnt mean to, Grandad, said Emma. He didnt do it on purpose.
No, I dont suppose he did but it hurt all the same. The shot went into my leg, into the calf, just
below my right knee. Bill Robbins went off to my house, he ran as fast as he could, he was a very
good runner, the best in the school, and he fetched my dad and my dad took me to the doctor.
And did the doctor dig the bullet out ?
A pellet, not a bullet. No, he didnt dig it out. Walter rubbed his leg, just below the right knee.
As a matter of fact, its still there.
Its still there ?
Emma got off the arm of the chair and Andrew got off Walters lap, and both children stood
contemplating his right leg in its grey flannel trouser leg and grey-and-white Argyll pattern sock.
Walter pulled up the trouser leg to the knee. There was nothing to be seen.
If you like, said Walter, Ill show you a photograph of the inside of my leg next time you come
to my house.
The suggestion was greeted with rapture. They wanted next time to be now but were told by
their mother that they would have to wait till Thursday.
Ruth Rendell, Piranha to Scurfy, Arrow books, 2001.

Sujet 6 Le sujet

Document B





Chuckie had been ashamed of his mother ever since he could remember. Shame was, perhaps, the
wrong word. His mother provoked a constant low-level anxiety in him. Sometimes, he would comfort himself with thoughts of her incontrovertible mediocrity. She was just an archetypal workingclass Protestant Belfast mother. [..]
Caroline Causton looked up and saw him at his bedroom window. He did not flinch.
What are you up to, Chuckie ? quizzed Caroline.
Nice evening. Chuckie smiled. His mother, too, was looking at him now. She couldnt remember
when she had last seen her sons face split with a smile of such warmth.
Are you all right, son ?
I was just listening to you talk, explained Chuckie gently. The two women exchanged looks.
It reminded me of when I was a kid, he went on. His voice was quiet. But it was an easy matter
to talk thus on that dwarf street with their faces only a few feet from his own.
When I was a kid and you sent me to bed I would sit under the window and listen to you two
talk just as youre talking now. When the Troubles started you did it every night. Youd stand and
whisper about bombs and soldiers and what the Catholics would do. I could hear. I havent been
as happy since. I liked the Troubles. They were like television.
As Chuckies mother listened to those words, her face fell and fell again and, as Chuckie finished, she was speechless. She clutched her hand to her heart and staggered. Shall I call him an
ambulance ? asked Caroline.
Chuckie laughed a healthy laugh and disappeared from the window.
Caroline faced his mother. Peggy, whats got into your boy ?
But Peggy was thinking about what her son had said. She remembered that frightened time well
but his memory seemed more vivid, more powerful than her own. She remembered soldiers on
the television and on the streets. She remembered parts of her city shed never seen being made
suddenly famous. She remembered the mens big talk of resistance and of civil war, of finally
wiping the Catholics off the cloth of the country. Chuckie remembered pressing his head against
the wall underneath his bedroom window and the whispers of his mother and her friend. For the
first time, she glimpsed how beautiful it might have been to him.
Caroline was unmoved. Is he on drugs ?
Adapted from Robert Mc Liam Wilson, Eureka Street, 1996.


2 a) List the characters who appear in the


Comprhension de lcrit

b) He didnt do it on purpose.. Who and what

do the underlined words refer to ? What caused
the incident ? (25 words)

Questions on document A
1 Who are the characters present and whats
the relationship between them ? How old are
they ?

c) Compare Walters and Haultreys behaviour.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

What does it reveal about their personalities ?

Justify your answer (40 words) and quote the

8 a) Where exactly are all the characters ?

b) What mood is Chuckie in now and what
causes that mood ? (20-30 words)

3 Read from Its still there ? to the end

of the text.

c) In your own words, explain why The two

women exchanged looks. (20-30 words)

a) What does it refer to ?

9 a) In your own words, say what effect Chuckies words have on his mother and explain
how it shows. (20 words)

b) The word there appears in italics. What

does it imply about the childrens feelings ?
(15 words)

b) How does the other woman react ? Why ?

(30 words)

c) Find two quotations which express the same

feelings (indicate the line).

10 a) Drawing information from the text, explain what the Troubles were. (40 words)

4 What vision do the children have of Walter ?

How important is he in their lives ? (40 words)

b) Contrast the mothers and Chuckies perceptions of the Troubles. (50 words)

Questions on document B
Questions on document B

5 In what country does the story take place ?

11 In document A, the children idolize their

grandfather, and in document B, Chuckie glorifies the Troubles. Is this idolatry of a heroic
figure or event presented in a positive way in
both stories ? Explain.

6 Give precise information about Chuckies

family, and background (social and religious).
7 Say how the two women present in the passage are connected.


Expression crite

Choisir un seul des deux sujets suivants (250 mots +/- 10 %).
1 Do parents and grandparents play the same role in childrens lives ? Give examples.
2 To what extent can TV affect the distinction between fiction and reality in peoples minds ?
Illustrate your answer with examples.


Sujet 6 Le sujet Pas



Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra exprimer ltonnement :
surprise/ amazement/ astonishment
surprised/ amazed/ astonished

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier les personnages prsents
et tablir le lien de parent entre eux.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit danalyser la place que prend Walter
dans la vie des enfants. Quelle importance a-til pour eux ?

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra exprimer :
Le degr de proximit : intimate/ close/ attached
Le plaisir : like/ love/ enjoy/ appreciate + Complment + V-ing
Laffection : fond/ adoring/ devoted/ caring/ attentive

a) dnumrer les personnages qui figurent

dans lhistoire.
b) didentifier quoi renvoient he et it
dans la citation, puis dexpliquer la cause de
c) de comparer le comportement de Walter et de
Haultrey pour analyser leur personnalit. Vous
devez rdiger votre rponse en y intgrant des

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser le pays dans lequel laction se passe.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin de ce lexique :
rater : (to) miss
tre indiffrent : (to) not mind + V-ing/ not be
interested in + V-ing
vouloir : want to + Verbe

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le pays nest pas nomm, mais on vous indique
la ville : Belfast.

Comprendre la question
Dans la dernire partie du texte, on vous demande :

Comprendre la question
Vous devez reprer tous les lments au sujet de
la famille de Chuckie, de son milieu religieux
et social.

a) dexpliquer quoi renvoie it dans Its

still there ?

b) dexpliquer ce que lemploi de litalique

pour there implique au sujet des sentiments
des enfants.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dindiquer ce qui lie les deux femmes.
Sont-elles de la mme famille, des amies, ou de
simples voisines ?

c) de trouver deux citations qui expriment les

mmes sentiments

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


a) ce que the Troubles signifie.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

b) la diffrence entre la perception de cette ralit de Chuckie et celle de sa mre.

a) dexpliquer o se trouve chacun des personnages.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous pouvez complter les lments dans le
texte par vos connaissances personnelles : que
savez-vous de la lutte en Irlande du Nord ? Qui
est lennemi des Catholiques ? Qui sont les rsistants ? Qui sont les soldats des Irlandais
ou bien une autre nationalit ?

b) didentifier lhumeur de Chuckie et expliquer ce qui la provoque.

c) dexpliquer pourquoi les deux femmes
changent un regard. Que pensent-elles ?
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Chuckie smiled. Son sourire montre quil est :
contented/ cheerful/ happy/ jovial
It reminded me of when I was a kid. Cela lui
rappelait sa jeunesse.
remember/ recall + V-ing
nostalgic/ emotional about the past

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez les diffrentes parties du texte
o Charlie et sa mre ragissent par rapport lvocation de the Troubles.
2. Analysez comment chaque personnage
voque cette priode : de manire positive ou ngative ? Essayez dexpliquer

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :

3. Rdigez votre rponse avec vos propres


a) expliquer limpact des propos de Chuckie sur

sa mre, en indiquant comment cela se manifeste.

Question on documents A and B

b) analyser la raction de lautre femme en prcisant ce quelle fait et pourquoi.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer si la vnration
dun personnage ou dun vnement hroque
est prsente de manire positive dans les deux

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra exprimer :
La confusion : perplexed/ bewildered/ at a loss/
La stupfaction : lost for words/ dumbstruck/
speechless/ shocked
Linquitude : worried/ concerned/ anxious

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra exprimer :
La vnration : admiration/ adulation/ idolization/ hero-worship ;(to) admire/ worship/ venerate/ adore
Le contraste : whereas/ while + Sujet + Verbe

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dindiquer :


Sujet 6 Le sujet Pas



Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire si la tlvision peut amener les
gens confondre la fiction et la ralit. Vous
devez tayer vos arguments avec des illustrations.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire si les parents et grands-parents
jouent le mme rle dans la vie dun enfant.
tayez vos arguments avec des illustrations.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous allez pouvoir parler de :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous allez pouvoir parler de :
La disponibilit des grand parents

La crdulit des gens :naive/ innocent/ gullible/ credulous

retired, available

Les types dmission :films/ series/ news/

bulletins/ documentaries/ reality shows

free time/ leisure activities

La clbrit :stardom/ fame/ celebrity ; stars/

celebrities/ actors ; famous/ well-known/ celebrated/ renown

family tradition/ experience/ memories
calm/ serene/ relaxed/ tranquil

Lidentit :identify with/ empathize with/ relate to ; regard/ consider something to be

Des difficults des parents

work/ job pressure/ pressure of time

La ralit :real world/ real life/ truth/ actuality

household responsibilities
worry/ anxiety

La fiction :fiction/ fantasy/ dream world/

make-believe world/ myth

Procder par tapes

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et

contre les parents et les grands-parents.

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et

contre la tlvision.

Rdigez votre rponse :

Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

1. Introduction (reformulation du sujet)

2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple : les
parents sont mieux parce que...)

1. Introduction (reformulation du sujet)

2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple :
la tlvision amne les gens confondre
fiction et ralit parce que...)

3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :

les grands-parents sont mieux parce

3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :

la tlvision ne cre pas de confusion
entre la fiction et la rait parce que...)

4. Conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis

personnel circonstanci)

4. Conclusion (votre avis personnel)

Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

4 The children are obviously close to their

grandfather ; they love him and like him telling them stories. He is kind and they admire
him. He is very important for them ; his attitude shows he is a caring person and he feels
concern for his grandchildren.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 The characters present are : Walter, the
grandfather ; Andrew, his grandson and Emma,
his granddaughter.

Questions on document B

2 a) The characters who appear in the story

are : a bunch of friends : Walter, Haultrey,
William Robbins (Bill) and other boys, Walters father and a doctor.

5 The story takes place in Northern Ireland

6 Chuckies family is Irish. They are protestants, they are working-class. His mothers first
name is Peggy.

b) He refers to Haultrey and it refers to

Haultreys shooting at Walter. Since Haultrey
couldnt shoot at the kingfisher or any other
bird, he wanted to show that he was able to
shoot at something but he missed the stone in
the river and shot Walter.

7 The two women present in the passage have

known each other for quite a long time, they are
8 a) Chuckie is at the window in his room upstairs. The two women are in front of the house.

c) Walters and Haultreys behaviours are totally different. Haultrey doesnt mind shooting
at birds, he is not interested in what he is shooting at, he only wants to play with his gun : ...
and Haultrey said he was going to shoot it. and
Well, Haultrey wasnt having that and he said,
yes, he could.. On the contrary, Walter disapproves of Haultreys shooting and knows that
birds are more important than simply playing
with a gun : I knew that would be wrong, even
then I knew. and I clapped my hands and the
kingfisher flew away.

b) Chuckie seems happy while remembering

the past when his mother and her friend were
in front of the house talking about the troubles.
c) The two women exchanged looks. because
they are quite surprised at his words and behaviour. Not only does he talk to them but he also
smiles, which is unusual.
9 a) His mother is perplexed, confused by this
unusual attitude. She understands why he has
changed so much and the reasons for his behaviour in the past years. She is speechless.

3 a) It refers to the bullet/pellet in Walters


b) The other womans reaction is different. She

doesnt understand Chuckies reaction in the
same way. She expresses astonishment and
even concern about Chuckies mental health.

b) there in italics implies that the children are

amazed and cant imagine that the pellet is still
in Walters calf. It shows they cant believe
what they are told.

10 a) The Troubles refer to the time when

the Catholics rebelled against the Protestants in
Northern Ireland. It ended in a civil war. There
were fights and conflicts between the British
soldiers and the IRA.

c) - [...] and both children stood contemplating

his right leg [...] - The suggestion was greeted with rapture.. They wanted next time to
be now [...]

Sujet 6 Le corrig

b) For Chuckie, the Troubles were a good

period of time. He made no difference between
fiction on television and reality, whereas his
mother has a negative point of view. For her
it was a troubled period which was dangerous
and frightening.

nation with their grandfathers childhood is natural and healthy, whereas Chuckies idolization of the Troubles is disconnected from reality. Indeed, he remembers the powerful images
on TV without considering the horror and pain
that the events inflicted on the population. Its
not surprising that his mothers friend thinks he
is out of his mind.

Question on documents A and B

In Document A, the childrens innocent fasci-


Expression crite

1 In my opinion, grandparents play a very important role in their grandchildrens lives all the
more so since we live in a youth-oriented society.
Most parents are torn between their working day with their job pressure, and their household
responsibilities. They dont have much time left to listen to the youngsters who have become
more independent from adults. The first advantage of grandparents is that since theyre retired,
they have more time to devote to their grandchildren. When both parents work and when their
children are very young, grandparents can look after the children in a more loving way than regular
baby-sitters. They keep contact with family traditions better than any stranger would. Then, as
they are not really in charge of the education of their grandchildren, they are in a position not
to worry about authority and guide the children in a gentler way. As they are no longer under
the pressure of time and of work, they feel more relaxed and peaceful than parents and they can
communicate calmness and serenity to the young people. They are more receptive and have time to
listen to the trifles that worry children and that parents would laugh at. Besides, their experience
and their memories of the historical events they have lived through, and of the old styles and
customs they have known provide a different outlook on life which may be extremely profitable
to their grandchildren. They can give many small or funny details that no book can supply. When
grandchildren and grandparents communicate and exchange ideas, instead of living in two separate
worlds which brings no good to either, they will tremendously enjoy each others company and
benefit from it.
2 Needless to say TV can affect the distinction between fiction and reality.
This is particularly true for young children and teenagers. Both watch television a lot and quite
often not in the presence of their parents since a lot of them have a TV set in their bedroom now.
They watch a lot of films and series and are quite gullible as everyone is at that age. It takes time
to be able to analyze what is shown on TV. Young people have difficulty in making the difference
between what is real and what is fiction so much so that sometimes what is shown in news bulletins
is not far from what can be seen in a TV programme. Violence in the news and violence in a film
or serial is not very different. Some kids will tend to think that when you are faced with a problem,
you can solve it by violence as easily as in a film or as in a TV serial. Teenagers easily identify
with the would-be stars or singers and they think they can do the same, that is to say rise to stardom

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

and earn their living just having fun acting or singing. Unfortunately not everybody can become
famous, it takes time and sweat to succeed. But that is not the way it appears on TV. Kids are told
anybody can become well-known just in a few weeks or even instantly.
It is the parents role to tell them that it isnt that way in real life and to teach them that entertainment and reality are different.


Sujet 7, Sujet national, juin 2013, sries technologiques, LV1

Espaces et changes
Document A




Childhood experiences often shape the path one takes in life. In Hannah Taylors case, it was not
what she experienced herself, but rather something she saw, that altered the course of her young
life. At the age of 5, Hannah, for the first time, saw a homeless man eating out of a garbage can.
The sight caused her great sadness, so much so that for the next year she found herself increasingly worried about the plight of the homeless, and constantly asking her family questions about
Seeing how emotionally affected Hannah was, her mother suggested she do something about it....
never imagining what this would lead to.
The next day Hannah asked her first grade teacher if she could speak to the class about what she
had learned about homelessness, and how they might be able to help. In response, the class had
an art sale and bake sale and gave all donations to a local homeless mission.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Soon after, at the age of 6, Hannah created the Ladybug
Foundation, in hopes to help end homelessness. A Winnipeg, Canada native, she began making
ladybug jars to collect change during Canadas Make Change month. It was the first major
fundraising campaign for her foundation.
Today at the age of 11, Hannah travels throughout Canada speaking on homelessness and spreading
her message of hope. She has even spoken to the Prime Minister ! So far, Hannah has helped raise
over $1 million for Canadian homeless charities.
Beyond fundraising, Hannah strives to restore a dignified humanity to the homeless population by
educating the general public. She hopes that people will see them as members of their community,
rather than as threats or as someone to avoid contact with or to ignore.
Yet despite all the work she does for her Ladybug Foundation, Hannah remains a normal kid and
she still enjoys other endeavors, like spending time with her friends. She feels it is important for
others to realize that regular people can make a difference in the lives of others.
From, September 18, 2006.

Document B

Connie was a student at a small Catholic academy, St Catherines, where the girls wore uniforms
and were forbidden all jewelry except one ring (simple, all metal), one watch (simple, no jewels), and two earrings (simple, all metal, half-inch maximum in size). It happened that one of
the popular ninth-grade girls at Joeys own school, Central High, had come home from a family trip
to New York City with a cheap watch, widely admired at lunch hour. In its chewable-looking yellow band a Canal Street vendor had thermo-embedded tiny candy-pink plastic letters spelling out
a Pearl Jam lyric, DONT CALL ME DAUGHTER, at the girls request. Joey had immediately

Anglais LV1/LV2





Le sujet

taken the initiative to research the price of a thermo-embedding press. Hed invested four hundred
dollars of his own savings in equipment, had made Connie a sample plastic band (READY FOR
THE PUSH, it said) to flash at St. Catherines, and then, employing Connie as a courier, had sold
personalized watches to fully a quarter of her schoolmates, at thirty dollars each, before the nuns 1
amended the dress code to forbid watchbands with embedded text. Which, of course, struck Joey
as an outrage.
Its not an outrage, Walter told him 2 . You were benefiting from an artificial restraint of trade.
I didnt notice you complaining about the rules when they were working in your favor.
I made an investment. I took a risk.
You were exploiting a loophole, and they closed the loophole. Couldnt you see that coming ?
Well, why didnt you warn me ?
I did warn you.
You just warned me I could lose money.
Well, and you didnt even lose money. You just didnt make as much as you hoped.
Its still money I should have had.
Joey, making money is not a right. Youre selling junk those girls dont really need and some
of them probably cant even afford. Thats why Connies school has a dress codeto be fair to
Righteverybody but me.
From Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen, 2010.

Bracelets with thermo-embedded letters

1. nuns : female members of a religious order.

2. Walter is Joeys father.


Sujet 7 Le sujet


Joey/ the nuns/ many St Catherines students/

Connie/ one of Joeys schoolmates

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

a) ...bought a cheap watch.

1 Choose and write down the right answer.

Hannah lives in India/ Canada/ the USA/ England. She was five/ six/ eleven/ eighteen years
old when she realized that something had to be
done for her family/ her classmates/ homeless

b) ...decided to buy a machine to customize

c) ...wore a watch at school to start the trend.
d) ...followed the fashion.
e) ...made the regulations at St Catherines

2 Write down the following sentences in chronological order.

Hannah toured her country./ Hannah collected
money./ Hannah talked to her schoolfriends./
Hannah was shocked./ Hannah set up an association.

6 Right or wrong ? Answer and justify by quoting the text.

a) At St Catherines, students could wear whatever they wanted.
b) Joey was a student at St Catherines.

3 The following statements are TRUE. Justify

by quoting the text.
a) Hannah was not shy.

c) Joey was revolted by the change in the rules

at St Catherines.

b) Hannahs schoolmates supported her.

d) Walter thinks Joeys product is useless.

c) Hannah wants to change peoples opinions.

Questions on documents A and B

d) Hannah thinks everybody can do something.

7 Write down the two titles that correspond to

both documents A and B.

Questions on document B

a) Helping poor people.

4 Write down the right answer and justify by

quoting the text.
Joey wanted to :

b) Early experiences.

a) steal money.

d) Fashion victims.

b) earn money.

e) Making profits.

c) donate money.

8 Write down the five adjectives that can apply to both Hannah from document A and Joey
from document B.
talented/ enterprising/ selfless/ determined/ ungenerous/ egocentric/ understanding/ precocious/ ambitious/ obedient

c) Showing initiative.

d) print fake money.

5 Complete each sentence with the right element from the list below (one blank = one element).


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

Expression crite

Il faut choisir lun des deux sujets (180-250 words).

1 You are part of an organization that fights for a good cause. Write an article for the school
newspaper to convince your schoolmates to help you or to join the organization.
2 The students at your school disagree with one of the schools rules and ask you to represent
them. You go and see the headmaster to try to persuade him/ her to change it. Imagine the conversation.


Sujet 7 Le sujet Pas



2. Identifiez prcisment la phrase ou partie de phrase qui lillustre au mieux.

Comprhension de lcrit

Question on document A

3. Reportez la citation sur votre copie.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de slectionner un seul lment.

Question on document B

Procder par tapes

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de complter la phrase avec
la bonne rponse et de citer le texte pour justifier votre rponse.
Joey voulait :

1. Reprez les lments prsents dans le

2. Analysez lequel des lments permet de
complter chaque phrase en respectant
le sens du document.

a) voler de largent.
b) gagner de largent.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez classer ces phrases dans lordre
chronologique (= lordre du document ici).

c) donner de largent.

Procder par tapes

Vous devez choisir le bon sujet dans la liste
pour amorcer chacune des cinq phrases correctement.
Il sagit didentifier qui :

d) imprimer des faux billets.

1. Analysez le sens de chaque partie du

texte en vous servant des diffrentes
propositions ici pour vous aider.
2. Recopiez les propositions dans le bon
ordre sur votre copie.

a) a achet une montre bon march.

b) a dcid dacheter une machine pour customiser des montres.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de citer le texte pour prouver
que chacune de ces affirmations est vraie.

c) a port une montre lcole pour dclencher

la tendance.

a) Hannah ntait pas timide.

d) a suivi la mode.

b) Ses camarades de classe la soutenaient.

e) a rendu plus stricts les rglements lcole

Ste Catherine.

c) Elle voulait que les gens changent davis.

d) Elle pense que tout le monde peut faire
quelque chose.

Procder par tapes

1. Commencez par liminer tout ce qui est
de toute vidence erron.

Procder par tapes

1. Cherchez la partie du texte qui illustre
chaque affirmation.

2. Testez vos hypothses de rponse en

cherchant la confirmation dans le texte.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas



Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, il sagit de dcider si
elle est vraie ou fausse et de justifier en citant
le texte.

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger un article pour le journal
du lyce afin de convaincre les lycens de se
joindre votre organisation qui dfend une
cause intressante ou de vous aider.

a) lcole Ste Catherine, les lves pouvaient

shabiller comme ils voulaient.
b) Joey tait lve lcole Ste Catherine.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un article persuasif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

c) Joey tait rvolt par le changement dans les

rglements de lcole Ste Catherine.

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned

d) Walter estime que le produit de Joey est inutile.

Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

Procder par tapes

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats


1. Cherchez la partie du texte qui illustre

chaque affirmation. (Elles sont dans
lordre du texte.)

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and

yet/ on the one hand... on the other hand...

2. Analysez la phrase du texte pour dcider si elle confirme laffirmation ou non.

Vous allez pouvoir dterminer si laffirmation est vraie ou fausse.

Des expressions pour contextualiser vos arguments :

expressions de lieu : on a world scale/ in the
western world/ in the southern hemisphere/
in Third World countries

3. Notez votre rponse (Right/ Wrong) et

recopiez la phrase pour la justifier.

expressions temporelles : in the past = before/ more recently/ in the present = nowadays/ in the future

Questions on documents A and B

in theory =
6 in practice/ in reality

Comprendre la question
Vous devez choisir les deux titres qui
conviennent pour les deux documents.

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides :
la nature de la cause que vous dfendez.

Vos arguments pour :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de choisir les cinq adjectifs
qui peuvent sappliquer la fois Hannah dans
le document A et Joey dans le document B.

expliquer la ncessit de dfendre cette

convaincre les lycens de limportance de
leur soutien.

Sujet 7 Le sujet Pas

Rdigez votre article.

Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Impratif (tell me.../ dont worry)

Formules idiomatiques :

Comprendre la question
Les lves de votre lyce dsapprouvent lun
des rglements et vous demandent de les reprsenter. Vous vous rendez chez le proviseur dans
lespoir de le convaincre de le modifier.
Vous devez rdiger la conversation entre vousmme et le proviseur.

Whats the matter ?/ Whats wrong ?


Theres nothing worth + V-ing/ Its no use

+ V-ing
Procder par tapes
1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la
2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :
Formes contractes (its/ dont... )

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de

votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

5 a) One of Joeys schoolmates

Comprhension de lcrit

b) Joey

Questions on document A
1 Hannah lives in Canada. She was five years
old when she realized that something had to be
done for homeless people.

c) Connie

2 Hannah was shocked, Hannah talked to her

schoolfriends, Hannah set up an association,
Hannah collected money, Hannah toured her

e) The nuns

d) Many St Catherines students

6 a) WRONG : [...] were forbidden all jewelry except...

b) WRONG : Joeys own school, Central
High, [...]

3 a) [...] if she could speak to the class

b) In response the class had an art sale and
bake sale

c) RIGHT : [...] which of course struck Joey

as an outrage.

c) [...] by educating the general public

d) RIGHT : Youre selling junk those girls
dont need.

d) [...] feels it is important for others to realize

that regular people can make a difference in the
lives of others.

Questions on documents A and B

Questions on document B
7 b) Early experiences

4 Joey wanted to : b) earn money

[...] had sold personalized watches [...] at
30 dollars each.
Its still money I should have had, or Joey,
making money is not a right.


c) Showing initiative
8 talented/ enterprising/ determined/ precocious/ ambitious.

Expression crite


Im sure you watch horse racing on television from time to time. You must know about the money
that changes hands for such big events as the Arc de Triomphe Grand Prix at Longchamp every
year. A jockey who wins a grand prix becomes famous over night. But what about the horses ?
Have you ever asked yourself what the horses become when they are too old or too slow to win
races ?
I was never really interested in horses or horse racing, but when I discovered that horses that do
not perform satisfactorily are sent to the butchers, I felt outraged. Thanks to these horses, lots of
people have had a good time and some have even made money. The horses deserve to live happily
in a field with other horses and plenty to eat.
That is why, I want you to join my association Protect Old Racehorses !. You can help by demonstrating outside race courses, or by finding a field where we can put old race horses. We can

Sujet 7 Le corrig

also offer to wash cars to raise money to pay for the vet if necessary.
If like me, you hate injustice and you love animals, join my association today.





Hello, Sir. Could I have a word please in the

name of the students of this school ?
I havent really got a lot of time, but I can give
you two minutes, no more. Whats it all about ?
Well, Sir. Its this rule about not being allowed to
use cell phones in school.
Its a perfectly good rule, if you ask me and I have
no intention of changing it.
With no disrespect, Sir, we think it was a very
good rule when it was first introduced.
But ?
But... times have changed, society has evolved.
Teenagers today have been using cell phones
since they were small children.
Im sure youre exaggerating nobody buys a cell
phone for a baby.
True, but cell phones play an important role in
family life today and we believe it is important
that adolescents should learn to use cell phones in
an appropriate way.
Thats a reasonable argument.
I thought you would see our point of view ! So,
we would like cell phones to be authorised in
school and we have made a list of the rules to
control their use.
Im afraid your two minutes are over. If you just
leave your list of rules on my desk, I will give
your request consideration. Good day, young man.
Thank you, Sir. Goodbye.


Sujet 8, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV1

Espaces et changes

Document A





Once I was invited to a wedding ; the bride suggested I drive up from New York with a pair of
other guests, a Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, whom I had never met before. It was a cold April day,
and on the ride to Connecticut, the Robertses, a couple in their early forties, seemed agreeable
enough no one you would want to spend a long weekend with, but not bad. However, at the
wedding reception a great deal of liquor was consumed, I should say a third of it by my chauffeurs.
They were the last to leave the party at approximately 11 P.M. and I was most wary of
accompanying them ; I knew they were drunk, but I didnt realize how drunk. We had driven
about twenty miles, the car weaving considerably, and Mr. and Mrs. Roberts insulting each other
in the most extraordinary language, when Mr. Roberts, very understandably, made a wrong turn
and got lost on a dark country road. I kept asking them, finally begging them, to stop the car
and let me out, but they were so involved in their invectives that they ignored me. Eventually the
car stopped of its own accord (temporarily) when it swiped against the side of a tree. I used the
opportunity to jump out the cars back door and run into the woods. Presently the cursed vehicle
drove off, leaving me alone in the icy dark. Im sure my hosts never missed me ; Lord knows I
didnt miss them.
But it wasnt a joy to be stranded out there on a windy cold night. I started walking, hoping Id
reach a highway. I walked for half an hour without sighting a habitation. Then, just off the road,
I saw a small cottage with a porch and a window lighted by a lamp. I tiptoed onto the porch and
looked in the window ; an elderly woman with soft white hair and a round pleasant face was sitting
by a fireside reading a book. There was a cat curled in her lap, and several others slumbering at
her feet.
I knocked at the door, and when she opened it I said, with chattering teeth : I am sorry to disturb
you, but Ive had a sort of accident ; I wonder if I could use your phone to call a taxi.
Oh, dear, she said, smiling, Im afraid I dont have a phone. Too poor. But please, come in. And
as I stepped through the door into the cosy room, she said : My goodness, boy. Youre freezing.
Can I make coffee ? A cup of tea ? I have a little whiskey my husband left he died six years
I said a little whiskey would be very welcome.
Truman Capote, Music for Chameleons, 1975.


Sujet 8 Le sujet

Document B







Is this seat taken ? It was a woman ; no, a girl. Not as far as I know, I said.
She sat upright, looking out of the window. I picked my newspaper, but as I did so my glance
swept across my neighbour opposite, and was arrested for a moment.
Although it was eleven oclock in the morning, she was wearing a long dark green dress made of
velvet like that worn at a formal dinner party, but not at eleven in the morning on a train. She was
dark-haired, with a heart-shaped face and large dark brown eyes, so dark as to be almost black.
Two ruby earrings glinted under the dark helmet of her hair. What caught my eye, however, was
her gaze. There was something familiar about her. With some difficulty, I turned my eyes away
from her and looked at the view. I was not in the mood for talking to a stranger, no matter how
attractive. Then, involuntarily, I glanced at her again and saw that she was looking straight at me.
Why was she dressed in such old-fashioned clothes ? I turned back to my Sudoku puzzle, but she
was aware of my glance.
Why were you staring at me ? she asked.
I looked up in surprise and mumbled : I thought we might have met before somewhere but Im
afraid I have a terrible memory.
I blushed. It sounded as if I was trying to pick her up, which was the last thing on my mind.
You will remember me if we meet again, Im sure.
I could think of no reply to this and did not want to be drawn into conversation. There was something about the girls tone of voice that hinted at instability. Her dress alone was deeply eccentric.
There was a silence as the train rattled through the Durham countryside. The girl spoke again.
As a matter of fact, you have seen me before but Im not surprised that you cant remember
Im sorry ?
She gazed at me, her brown eyes looking directly into mine so that I found it hard to look away.
Can you not picture where you first caught sight of me ? But perhaps you would not believe it if
you could.
I wondered again whether she was mentally deranged and decided to change my seat. Perhaps I
could say I was going to get a cup of coffee, and then find a place in another carriage. I hated
personal revelations from complete strangers ; I didnt much appreciate them from anyone, come
to that.
I couldnt think of anything to say and decided I would go and sit somewhere else. But she
anticipated me and said, Dont go, weve only begun to talk.
I wasnt going anywhere, I lied, relaxing back into my seat. I was stuck with this mad woman
now. How excruciating !
Dont you like talking to strangers ? asked the girl. You should, you know. You can say anything
you want. Mostly youll never see them again, so it simply doesnt matter. Thats the whole point
of journeys : the strangers you meet, the lies you tell them.
Paul Torday, The Girl on the Landing, 2009.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

e) a sentence which indicates that the lady used

to be married.

Comprhension de lcrit

4 Who or what do the following pronouns or

possessive adjectives refer to ?

Questions on document A
1 Complete the following sum-up with words
taken from the text (one blank is one world).
The narrator left a reception with a couple in
their ............ (1) ............ (2) who had had too
much ............ (3) to drink. He was afraid of
being in the car with them and the man was
............ (4) his wife. The narrator managed to
............ (5) ............ (6) of the vehicle and ran
through the woods to a house. He wanted to
............ (7) but he couldnt. He was happy to
have a ............ (8).

a) we
b) its
c) them
d) my
5 Find synonyms in the text for the following
words :
imploring ;
insults ;
finally ;

2 Right or Wrong ? Answer and justify by

quoting the text.

on ones own ;

a) The narrator knew the Robertses very well.

6 What do the following expressions mean ?
Write down the answer.

b) The narrator went to the wedding in the winter.

a) ...I was most wary of accompanying


c) On the way home the narrator was determined to leave the car.

Rponse 1 : He was very happy.

d) The narrator supposes his disappearance was

not noticed.

Rponse 2 : He was very anxious.

e) He saw the house immediately after leaving

the car.

b) ...I didnt miss them.

Rponse 3 : He was indifferent.

Rponse 1 : He was happy to see them go.

Rponse 2 : He was worried to see them go.

3 Write down :

Rponse 3 : He was sorry to see them go.

a) one element which indicates that the Robertses couldnt find their way home.

Questions on document B

b) two elements which indicate that the weather

was bad.

7 What kind of document is this ?

c) two elements which indicate that the lady

looked welcoming.

8 Situate the narrator and the girl precisely,

why is the place important for the suspense ?
(30-40 words)

d) one element which indicates the lady had

money problems.

9 What part do the girls clothes play in the

story ? (20-30 words)

Sujet 8 Le sujet

10 Pick out and write down :

12 Here is a list of adjectives :

perplexed - comical - insistent - furious - ill at
ease - talkative.
From the list, pick out and write down.

a) two phrases showing that the narrator

couldnt take his eyes off the girl.
b) two phrases showing that the narrator wondered if he had not seen the girl before.

a) 2 adjectives that describe the girl.

c) two phrases showing that the narrator wanted to go away.

b) 2 adjectives that describe the narrator.

d) two phrases showing that the narrator feared

the girl might be crazy.

Question on documents A and B

13 Indicate two similarities and two differences in the main characters situation in the
two documents.

11 Pick out the sentence showing that the girl

can guess what the narrator is going to do.


Expression crite

Vous devez traiter les deux sujets suivants.

1 What happens next ? Write the next part of the story for document A. (120 words)
2 The girl in document B finally reveals her identity. Imagine the conversation. (120 words)


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


a) Le narrateur connaissait trs bien le couple


Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

b) Le mariage auquel se rendit le narrateur avait

lieu en hiver.

Vous devez complter le rsum laide de
mots prlevs dans le texte : chaque blanc correspond un mot.

c) Sur le trajet de retour, le narrateur voulait

tout prix quitter la voiture.
d) Le narrateur suppose que sa disparition est
passe inaperue.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

1. + 2. couple in their ......... ......... : les lments qui manquent sont en lien avec leur ge.
In their forties = qui avaient la quarantaine ; in
their early forties = au dbut de la quarantaine ;
in their late forties = la fin de la quarantaine.
3. had too much ......... to drink : il sagit de ce
quils ont bu (drink).
4. the man was ......... his wife : llment qui
manque est un verbe en -ing qui dcrit lattitude de lhomme envers sa femme.
5. managed to ......... : il sagit dun verbe pour
indiquer ce que le narrateur russit (manage to)
6. ......... of the vehicle : vous devez rechercher
la prposition qui indique son mouvement en
dehors du vhicule.
7. wanted to ......... : il sagit dun verbe pour
indiquer ce que le narrateur voulait faire.
8. happy to have a ......... : llment manquant est un objet que le narrateur se contentait

e) Il aperut la maison aussitt aprs tre descendu de la voiture.

Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous aurez besoin de comprendre ces mots :
host = hte
miss = manquer (tu me manques = I miss you)
Procder par tapes
1. Il faut reprer la partie de lextrait qui
correspond chaque affirmation.
2. Ensuite, vous devez analyser si la phrase
du texte a le mme sens ou non que laffirmation pour choisir true ou false.
3. Recopiez la phrase du texte ct de
votre rponse true ou false.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de trouver :
a) 1 lment qui montre que le couple Roberts
ne trouvait pas le trajet pour rentrer chez eux.

Procder par tapes

1. Il faut reprer la partie de lextrait qui
correspond chaque phrase du rsum.

b) 2 lments qui montrent que le temps tait


2. Ensuite, vous devez identifier llment


c) 2 lments qui montrent que la dame avait

lair accueillant.

d) 1 lment qui montre que la dame avait des

difficults financires.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire pour chaque affirmation si elle
est vraie ou fausse et de justifier en citant une
courte phrase du texte.

e) 1 phrase qui indique que la dame tait marie


Sujet 8 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

b) lments qui peuvent relever du mauvais
temps :


au pass ce qui limine la premire possibilit. Vous recherchez donc un nom au pluriel.
finally est un adverbe. Vous en cherchez un
autre (qui se termine par -ly)

ice, fog, wind (= le temps)

wet, cold, freezing (= les personnes)

on ones own signifie seul : vous recherchez un adjectif.

Procder par tapes

old : vous connaissez le sens, et vous recherchez un autre adjectif qui veut dire la mme

1. Il faut reprer la partie de lextrait qui

correspond chaque question.

2. Ensuite, vous devez reprer les lments


Comprendre la question
Il sagit de deux questions choix multiple. On
vous donne une citation du texte, et vous devez
choisir la rponse qui correspond le mieux au
sens de la citation.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire quoi renvoie chaque pronom
ou adjectif possessif.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Lorsque vous ne comprenez pas bien le sens
dun mot cl dans la citation (wary en a)), il
convient de regarder le contexte immdiat dans
le document pour voir quelle est la solution la
plus logique. Aprs la citation a), le narrateur
parle de livresse (drunk) de ses chauffeurs :
quelle est la rponse qui convient le mieux ?

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pronoms personnels (ils dsignent des personnes) : we, them (ici)
Adjectifs possessifs : its (dsigne un objet), my
Procder par tapes
1. Il faut reprer chaque mot dans lextrait.
2. Ensuite, vous devez reprer llment
dans le contexte immdiat qui y correspond.

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier la nature du document.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez trouver un synonyme dans le texte
pour chaque lment list. Ils sont prsents
dans lordre du texte.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Un document peut tre :
un article de presse : informations brutes
prsentes en paragraphes courts + source
journalistique + date de publication gnralement rcente.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Les trois premiers mots sont transparents : vous
pouvez comprendre leur sens.
imploring correspond un verbe diffrent
+ -ing

un extrait de roman : nom dauteur + titre de

luvre + date de publication la fin de lextrait. Texte descriptif ou bien un dialogue

insults pourrait tre un verbe au prsent ou

bien un nom au pluriel, sauf que le rcit est

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes


1. Regardez la source du document.

Correspond-il davantage un article de
presse ou un extrait de roman ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de reprer chaque fois deux citations
qui montrent que :

2. Regardez le type de contenu pour confirmer votre impression.

a) le narrateur narrtait pas de regarder la fille,

malgr lui.

3. Rdigez votre rponse en explicitant les

lments de la source pour justifier.

b) il se demandait sil ne lavait pas vue auparavant.

c) il voulait sen aller.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez situer laction prcisment et expliquer pourquoi ce lieu convient particulirement
crer du suspense.

d) il craignait quelle ne soit folle.

Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour le regard :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

En gnral, il y a du suspense quand le personnage ne peut chapper un danger imminent.
Dans ce texte, pourquoi a-t-il du mal schapper ? Et quel est le danger ?

look/ stare/ glance at : on dirige son regard

vers quelque chose ou quelquun.
look/ glance/ turn away : on dtourne son

Pour changer de place dans le train :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer le rle de la tenue vestimentaire de la fille dans lhistoire.

change places/ seats

sit elsewhere/ somewhere else
Le lexique de la folie :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra reprer les endroits o lon parle
de sa tenue. Ces expressions figurent peut-tre
dans le texte :

mad, insane, mentally ill, crazy, unstable,


clothes, dress, costume, outfit

Comprendre la question
Vous devez trouver la phrase qui montre que la
fille devine ce que le narrateur a lintention de

wearing, dressed in
Procder par tapes
1. Reprer les passages o lon parle de sa


2. Analyser comment on la dcrit : de manire positive ou ngative ? Quelle impression donne-t-elle ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de choisir dans la liste :

3. Dans votre rponse, expliquez dabord

comme elle est habille et ensuite ce que
cela suggre.

a) deux adjectifs pour dcrire la fille.

b) deux adjectifs pour dcrire le narrateur.

Sujet 8 Le sujet Pas


la vieille dame na pas le tlphone,

Question on documents A and B

elle est accueillante,


elle est veuve depuis 6 ans,

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dindiquer deux similitudes
et deux diffrences dans la situation dans laquelle se trouve le personnage central des deux

la maison est coquette.

Pour raconter son sjour chez la vieille dame,
vous avez peut-tre besoin :
du lexique de la maison : bedroom, kitchen,
bathroom, hall

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer la notion de :
Pige :

du lexique de la nourriture : soup, bread and

butter, toast, breakfast, bacon and eggs
du lexique pour parler de son mari, de sa profession : woodcutter, vet, beekeeper, librarian, schoolteacher ...

in a trap/ trapped
want to escape/ get away
Drangement, trouble :
disturbing, frightening, scary, disconcerting

la raison de sa mort : illness : cancer, heart

attack ; accident : car/ train accident, fishing/ shooting accident

Procder par tapes

Procder par tapes

(to) disturb, trouble, perturb, frighten, scare

1. Pensez lidentit du personnage central, puis la situation dans laquelle il

se trouve.

1. Rdigez la suite directement au

brouillon en rflchissant en anglais.
2. Ne cherchez pas dire ce que vous ne
savez pas dire en anglais.

2. Identifiez deux points communs et deux

diffrences entre les deux supports.

3. Relisez-vous. Essayez de limiter les rptitions et de relier les phrases.

3. Rdigez votre rponse en anglais.

4. Recopiez votre rcit au propre.


Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Vous devez rdiger la conversation entre la fille
et lhomme dans le document B. Au cours de
cette conversation, la fille va rvler son identit et la raison pour laquelle elle se trouve dans
le mme wagon que lhomme.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger la suite de lhistoire concernant la rencontre entre le protagoniste et la
vieille dame dans le document A. (Comme il
accepte le whisky quelle lui offre, on peut supposer quil va passer la nuit chez elle. Le dnouement sera-t-il heureux ou non ?)

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour continuer le rcit, il faut respecter le temps
de narration (le prtrit) et les lments de lhistoire dj fournis :

formes contractes (its/ dont...)

impratif (tell me.../ dont be scared)
formules idiomatiques :

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes

Who on earth are you ?/ What the hell are

you talking about ?
Are you okay ?
Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la
conversation :
pour lhomme, il aimerait bien quitter le wagon et ne plus voir la fille :I dont want to.../
Please let me + Verbe...
pour la fille, elle a une information importante lui donner : You must listen to me/
what I have to say is very important...

1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la

conversation. (Que va-t-elle dvoiler ?)
2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon en
vitant dexprimer des ides trop complexes pour vous en anglais.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.


Sujet 8 Le corrig


Comprhension de lcrit

imploring = begging ;
Questions on document A

insults = invectives ;

1 The narrator left a reception with a couple in

their early (1) forties (2) who had had too much
liquor (3) to drink.
He was afraid of being in the car with them and
the man was insulting (4) his wife.
The narrator managed to jump (5) out (6) of the
vehicle and ran through the woods to a house.
He wanted to phone/ call (7) but he couldnt.
He was happy to have a whiskey (8).

finally = eventually ;
on ones own = alone ;
old = elderly.
6 a) Answer 2 : He was very anxious.
b) Answer 1 : He was happy to see them go.
Questions on document B
7 This document is an extract/ excerpt from a
novel The girl on the landing written by Paul
Torday in 2009.

2 a) Wrong : [...] whom I had never met before.

b) Wrong : [...] a cold April day [...]

8 The narrator and the girl are alone in the

same train compartment, they are facing each
other so that he cant help seeing her and it is
easy for her to attract his attention. She takes
advantage of the place which is very close so
as to get round him : he cant escape her.

c) Right : I kept asking them [...] to stop the

car and let me out [...]
d) Right : Im sure my hosts never missed me
e) Wrong : I walked for half an hour without
sighting a habitation.

9 The girl acts as if she were a magician, she

is good at attracting peoples attention with her
clothes and general appearance. He can even
hardly say how old she is. Her clothes make
him doubt about her identity.

3 a) Mr. Roberts [...] made a wrong turn and

got lost [...]
b) [...] icy dark. ; [...] windy cold night. ;
Youre freezing.

10 a) With some difficulty, I turned my eyes

away from her [...], [...] involuntarily I glanced at her again, [...] I found it hard to look

c) [...] round pleasant face... ; [...] smiling...

d) Too poor.
e) [...] he died six years ago.

b) There was something familiar about her, I

thought we might have met before somewhere

4 a) we refers to the Robertses and the narrator.

c) [...] and decided to change my seat, Perhaps I could say I was going to get a cup of
coffee, and then find a place in another carriage, [...] decided I would go and sit somewhere else.

b) its refers to the car.

c) them refers to the Robertses.
d) my refers to the elderly woman.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

d) There was something about the girls tone

of voice that hinted at instability,
I wondered again whether she was mentally
deranged [...],
I was stuck with this mad woman [...].

(le narrateur est mal laise et cette rencontre

le laisse dans le doute, il se demande sil la
connat, puis si elle est folle).

11 But she anticipated me

(ici, il faut trouver la phrase qui nous dit que la
jeune femme devine ou anticipe ce que va faire
le narrateur).

13 In both documents the main character is

He is trapped in a means of transport with
people that he would like to escape from.
However, in document A he manages to escape,
whereas in document B, we dont know how
this episode ends.
In document A, the couple disturbs him because they are excessively drunk and dangerous, while in document B, the girl is disturbing
because she seems rather crazy.

Question on documents A and B

12 Adjectives that describe the girl : insistent and talkative

(la jeune femme est bavarde alors quelle ne
connat pas le narrateur Elle insiste pour attirer son attention).
Adjectives that describe the narrator : perplexed and ill at ease


Expression crite

1 The lady went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of whiskey. I sipped it and felt a little
better since I had felt quite cold walking outside to reach her house.
We chatted for a while and she told me that her husband had died in a car accident. She felt lonely
as the house was isolated and she was obviously pleased to have an unexpected visitor she could
talk to. I told her how I happened to knock at her door. Outside it was dark and cold. She told me
she couldnt do anything to help me since it was late and she suggested I stayed at her place for
the night, which I most willingly accepted. She led me to a guest bedroom which was as cosy as
the rest of the house. I went into bed and fell asleep very quickly for the day I had spent had been
The following morning, I woke up and went to the sitting room where I heard noise coming from
the kitchen. I went in and found the elderly woman preparing breakfast. We sat at the table and
had breakfast together. After breakfast, we left the house on foot and she led me to a small hamlet
where she had friends. She knocked at a door. We were greeted by an old lady who had a phone. I
gave a call to a taxi and after thanking the two old ladies I got into the taxi and went back home.


Sujet 8 Le corrig

2 (Il sagit bien sr dun exemple)

Girl : So, dont you want to know who I am ?
Narrator : Im afraid Im not good at riddles and Id like to rest, you see.
Girl : Why do you think Ive chosen this carriage ? We have to talk ! Ive seen you looking at me.
Narrator : Only because I find your outfit rather eccentric its nothing personal !
Girl : On the contrary, its very personal !
Narrator : I dont know what you mean...
Girl : Well, a long time ago, you met a woman and had an affair with her but then, you simply
got rid of her. You were at a Christmas party, she was wearing a long dark green dress for the
occasion and you let her down that night. Dont you think I look very much like her ? May I call
you Daddy ?


Sujet 9, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV1

Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Document A






Mary Ann Singleton was twenty-five years old when she saw San Francisco for the first time. She
came to the city alone for an eight-day vacation. On the fifth night, she drank three Irish coffees
at the Buena Vista, realized that her Mood Ring was blue, and decided to phone her mother in
Hi, Mom. Its me.
Oh, darling. Your daddy and I were just talking about you. There was this crazy man on McMillan
and Wife 1 who was strangling all these secretaries, and I just couldnt help thinking....
I know. Just crazy ol Mom, worrying herself sick over nothing. But you can never tell about
those things. Look at that poor Patty Hearst 2 locked up in that closet with all those awful....
Mom... long distance.
Oh... yes. You must be having a grand time.
Mom, I want you to do me a favor.
Of course, darling. Just listen to me. Oh... before I forget it, I ran into Mr Lassiter yesterday at the
Ridgemont Mall, and he said the office is just falling apart with you gone. They dont get many
good secretaries at Lassiter Fertilizers.
Mom, thats sort of why I called.
Yes, darling ?
I want you to call Mr Lassiter and tell him I wont be in on Monday morning.
Oh... Mary Ann, Im not sure you should ask for an extension on your vacation.
Its not an extension, Mom.
Well, then why...
Im not coming home, Mom.
Silence. Then, dimly in the distance, a television voice began to tell Mary Anns father about the
temporary relief of hemorrhoids.
Finally, her mother spoke : Dont be silly, darling.
Mom... Im not being silly. I like it here. It feels like home already.
Mary Ann, if theres a boy...
Theres no boy... Ive thought about this for a long time.
Dont be ridiculous. Youve been there five days !
Mom, I know how you feel, but... well, its got nothing to do with you and Daddy. I just want to
start making my own life... have my own apartment and all.
Oh, that. Well, darling... of course you can.
1. A television program.
2. The daughter of an American millionaire who was kidnapped in California in 1974.


Sujet 9 Le sujet





As a matter of fact, your daddy and I thought those new apartments out at Ridgemont might be
just perfect for you. They take lots of young people, and theyve got a swimming pool and a sauna,
and I could make some of those darling curtains like I made for Sonny and Vicki when they got
married. You could have all the privacy you...
You arent listening, Mom. Im trying to tell you Im a grown woman.
Well, act like it, then ! You cant just... run away from your family and friends to go live with a
bunch of hippies and mass murderers !
Youve been watching too much TV.
OK... then what about The Horoscope ?
What ?
The Horoscope. That crazy man. The killer.
Mom... The Zodiac.
Same difference. And what about... earthquakes ? I saw that movie, Mary Ann, and I nearly died
when Ava Gardner...
Will you just call Mr Lassiter for me ?
Her mother began to cry. You wont come back. I just know it.
Mom... please... I will. I promise.
But you wont be... the same !
No ! I hope not.
Armistead Maupin, Tales of the City, (1978).

Document B
22 year-old Sara has just announced to her parents that she is accepting a trainee job at Life, and
that she will not marry Horace and live in Hartford.


I felt shaky all the way to New York and more than a little scared. After all, I had directly defied
my father something I had never attempted before. Though I was trying to be dauntless and
self-confident, I was suddenly terrified of the thought that I might just lose my parents. Just as
I was also terrified by the thought that if I heeded Fathers wish I would end up writing the
Church Notes column in the Hartford Courant, and ruing 3 the fact that I had allowed my parents
to force me into a small life.
And yes, I did believe I had a destiny. I know that probably sounds vainglorious and absurdly
romantic... but at this early juncture in so-called adult life, I had reached one simple conclusion
about the future : it had possibilities ...but only if you allowed yourself the chance to explore
those possibilities. However, most of my contemporaries were falling into line, doing what was
expected of them. At least fifty per cent of my class at Bryn Mawr had weddings planned for the
summer after they graduated. All those boys trickling home from the war were, by and large, just
thinking about getting jobs, settling down. Here we were the generation who was about to inherit
3. ruing : regretting


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

all that post-war plenty, who (compared to our parents) had infinite opportunities. But instead of
running with those opportunities, what did most of us do ? We became good company men, good
housewives, good consumers. We narrowed our horizons, and trapped ourselves into small lives.
Douglas Kennedy, The Pursuit of Happiness, Arrow Books, 2002.


5 The mother

Comprhension de lcrit

a) Choose four adjectives from the following

list and use them in a short paragraph to
describe the mothers personality : loving/
over-protective/ bossy/ narrow-minded/ indifferent/ apprehensive/ over-imaginative/ interfering/ down-to-earth/ rational. (50 words)

Questions on document A
1 Where are Mary Ann and her mother, how
do they communicate ?
2 Where does Mary Ann usually live precisely ? (justify by quoting the text)

b) What negative image does the mother have

of the city ? Use elements from the text to illustrate your answer. (20 words)

3 The location
The scene takes place in the USA. Find in the
text the American-English equivalents of the
following words :

6 The decision.
Focus on the passage from I want you [...]
to the end.


a) What decision has the main character made ?

(10 words)

shopping centre

b) Pick out three different quotes justifying her

decision. Explain in your own words what desires motivated her choice. (40 words)

4 The main character

c) Explain in your own words why the mother begins to cry. Give at least three reasons.
(40 words)

a) Write a sentence about the main character

(name, age, job, hometown). (20 words)
b) In which city is she and why ?

Questions on document B

c) What is the relationship between the main

character and Mr. Lassiter ?

7 Draw a portrait of the narrator (name, sex,

age, family, hometown).

d) Is she appreciated by him ? Justify by quoting from the text.

8 When does the story take place ? Choose the

right answer. Justify your answer with one quotation from the last paragraph.
in the late 1940s in the late 1960s in the
late 1990s

e) What favor does she want her mother to do

for her ?
(15 words)

Sujet 9 Le sujet

9 What decisions has the narrator just made ?

ted of them. Explain in your own words what

young people were expected to do at that time.
(30 words)

10 Read from I felt shaky [...] to [...] a

small life. and explain, in your own words,
the inner conflict the narrator is experiencing.
(30-40 words)

Question on documents A and B

11 However, most of my contemporaries

were falling into line, doing what was expec-


12 Explain how the central protagonist in both

these extracts have taken control of their lives.

Expression crite

Vous devez faire un des deux sujets (250-300 mots)

1 Using your own experience, explain how young people gradually gain independence from their
parents. Illustrate with examples.
2 Imagine the conversation Sara has with her brother, Eric, when she arrives in New York.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


The mother

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer o se trouvent Mary Ann
et sa mre et dire comment elles communiquent
entre elles.

a) de slectionner quatre adjectifs dans la liste

et de les utiliser pour rdiger un paragraphe sur
la personnalit de la mre.
b) dexpliquer limage ngative quentretient la
mre de la ville. Vous devez utiliser des lments dans le texte pour illustrer votre rponse.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer o Mary Ann
habite habituellement et de citer llment du
texte qui vous permet de linfrer.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Voici des synonymes pour vous aider comprendre les adjectifs les moins communs :

The location

over-protective : too careful/ possessive

bossy : domineering/ authoritarian

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver les mots en anglais amricain dans le texte qui correspondent aux mots

narrow-minded : intolerant/ reactionary/

conventional/ provincial
interfering : intrusive/ nosy/ inquisitive
down-to-earth : practical/ pragmatic/ realistic

The main character

The decision

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit :

a) rdiger une phrase pour prsenter le personnage principal en indiquant son nom, son ge,
sa profession et sa ville natale.

a) dexpliciter la dcision prise par le personnage principal.

b) dire dans quelle ville elle se trouve dans ce

passage et pour quelle raison.
c) expliciter le lien entre le personnage principal et Mr. Lassiter.

b) de reprer trois citations diffrentes qui justifient sa dcision. Vous devez en plus expliquer
avec vos propres mots ce qui motive son choix.

d) prciser si M. Lassiter apprcie le personnage principal, en citant le texte pour justifier

votre rponse.

c) dexpliquer avec vos propres mots pourquoi

la mre se met pleurer, en donnant au moins
trois raisons.

e) indiquer le service quelle demande sa

mre. (Prcisez pourquoi.)

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous pouvez avoir besoin :

Sujet 9 Le sujet Pas


de lexique par rapport lge adulte : adult/

grown-up/ adulthood

des expressions de peur : afraid/ scared/

frightened that + Sujet + might + Verbe

de lexpression du dsir : want/ would like

+ Complment + to + Verbe

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer ce qui tait attendu des jeunes gens cette poque.

de lexique de linquitude : worried/ anxious/ frightened/ afraid

dexpressions pour numrer les raisons :
firstly/ secondly/ last but not least

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous pouvez avoir besoin :
de synonymes pour be expected to : it was
assumed that.../ they were supposed to...

Questions on document B

dexpressions en lien avec wedding : marriage/ (to) get married

Comprendre la question
Vous devez indiquer la fiche didentit du personnage : son nom, son sexe, son ge, sa famille
et sa ville dorigine.

dexpressions en lien avec getting jobs :

start work/ enter active employment
dexpressions en lien avec settling down :
set up home/ buy a house

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de situer le rcit dans son
contexte historique. (Il sagit de reprer un
indice dans le dernier paragraphe qui permet
didentifier la priode historique.)

de synonymes pour company men : employees/ workers

de synonymes pour housewives : wives/
de synonymes pour consumers : shoppers/

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de montrer que vous avez repr les
dcisions que le narrateur vient de prendre.

Question on documents A and B


Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer avec vos propres mots le
trouble intrieur qui envahit le narrateur.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer en quoi chacun des protagonistes a su prendre le contrle de sa vie.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous pouvez avoir besoin :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Les notions suivantes pourront vous servir :

dexpressions pour souligner le contraste :

on the one hand, she... on the other hand,

lide de sopposer : resist/ stand up to/ take

a stand against
lide de se rebeller : defy/ rebel/ disobey/

dexpressions pour prsenter la division

dans son esprit : be in two minds/ divided/
unsure/ have mixed feelings

lide de contrler : be in control of/ take

control of/ manage/ be the boss

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


2. Rdigez votre rponse en vitant dexprimer les ides pour lesquelles vous ne
matrisez pas langlais.

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer votre point de vue sur la
prise dindpendance progressive des jeunes
gens par rapport leurs parents dans un essai
argumentatif. Comment sorganise-t-elle aujourdhui ? Vous devez illustrer votre rponse
avec des exemples.

3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre Sara
et son frre Eric (qui vit dj New York et qui
connat les difficults avec leurs parents).

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral ; par exemple, des formes
contractes (its/ dont...), lusage de limpratif
(tell me.../ dont worry), ou encore de formules
idiomatiques :

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

Whats up ?/ Whats the matter ?/ Whats

wrong ?

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and
yet/ on the one hand... on the other hand...

Are you okay ?/ Are you alrignt ?/ Is everything okay ?

Des expressions pour contextualiser vos arguments :

Its not worth + V-ing/ Its no use + V-ing

Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la
conversation :

expressions pour les diffrents ges :

child/ children/ teenager/ adult/ parent ;
childhood/ adolescence/ adulthood/ parenthood

pour Sara, elle exprime sa colre envers ses

parents, et aussi ses propres inquitudes ;
pour Eric, il la rassure.

expressions par rapport lindpendance :

selfsustaining ;
stand on ones own two feet/ think for oneself/ make ones own decisions

Procder par tapes

1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la
2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

Procder par tapes

1. Prparez vos ides en suivant la progression de lge et le dveloppement de

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de

votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.


Sujet 9 Le corrig


shows she is loving. Moreover she is a possessive mother since she wants her daughter to live
not far from them, consequently we can say she
is both over-protecting and interfering. All in
all, she has a very negative image of San Francisco and is prejudiced against that city which
she thinks is very dangerous which implies that
she is over-imaginative.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Mary Ann is in San Francisco at the Buena
Vista and her mother is in Cleveland, they communicate on the phone.
2 She usually lives with her parents in Cleveland, I quote : I just want [...] have my own
apartment and all.

b) She is worried for her daughter who is there

because she has clichs in mind about a city
which can be dangerous : [...] a bunch of hippies and mass murderers !, And what about...
earthquakes ?

3 The location
holiday : vacation
wardrobe : closet

6 The decision

shopping centre : mall

a) The main character has decided to stay in San

Francisco and wont come back.

flat : apartment
film : movie

b) Mom... Im not being silly. I like it there. It

feels like home already.
I just want to start making my own life... have
my own apartment and all.
[...] Im trying to tell you Im a grown woman
The main character seems to be more mature,
she is a grown-up now and she has understood
that her parents, and more particularly her mother, are too over-protective and she wants them
to let her live her life as she wants. She wants to
have her independence, to lead her life the way
she wants and not the way her parents want her
to. For her, being far away from them is the solution to the problem.

4 The main character

a) The main characters name is Mary Ann Singleton who is twenty-five years old and she is
a secretary, she is from Cleveland.
b) She is in San Francisco where she is on holiday for a week.
c) She is one of Mr. Lassiters employees, she
works for him as a secretary.
d) She is clearly appreciated by Mr. Lassiter.
[...] the office is just falling apart with you
They dont get many good secretaries at Lassiters Fertilizers.
e) As she has decided she wont come back
from San Francisco, she would like her mother
to phone the firm and announce Mr. Lassiter
she wont go back to work.

c) There are different reasons why the mother

begins to cry at the end. First she thought she
could make her daughter change her mind, but
she has failed. In addition, she is worried and
afraid as she has negative images of the city
and she thinks it is dangerous for her daughter
to stay there, that she may put her life at risks.
Moreover, she is frightened because she has the

5 The mother
a) The mother really loves her daughter, she
seems to be used to calling her darling, which

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

feeling that she wont see her daughter very often and she really understands that she has lost
her and that things will never be the same.

her parents and her wish to handle her life and

make her choices for her future. She really has
mixed feelings. Although she loves her parents,
she is irritated about their reaction to her plans
and at the same time she refuses to give up
which makes her feel uncomfortable.

Questions on document B
7 The narrators first name is Sara, she is a
22 year old female, she has a mother and a father and she lives in Hartford.

11 At that time, young people were expected

to lead a quiet and secure life. They were supposed to find a good job, to get married, to
found a family, to have children and thus to
become good citizens and as a consequence
good consumers in that society of plenty.

8 The story could take place in the late 1940s

(post WW2) or in the late 1960s (back from
Vietnam war).
All those boys trickling home from the war
were, by and large, just thinking about getting
jobs, settling down. Here we were the generation who was about to inherit all that post-war
plenty, who (compared to our parents) had infinite opportunities.

Question on document A and B

12 Both female protagonists have decided to
go against their parents wishes and to stand up
for themselves and lead an independent existence. This independence entails leaving their
home town and working in a large city. In both
cases, neither of them is setting up home with
a boyfriend : they are totally in control of their
own lives.

9 The narrator has decided to work for Life

as a trainee and turn down Horaces marriage
proposal and a future life in Hartford.
10 The narrator is torn between her love for


Expression crite

1 I think that to explain how people gradually gain independence from their parents, we have to
consider the period of time when children have become teenagers and when they come of age to
become adults. First of all, I would say that it depends on how old children are. Of course when
they are young children or young teenagers, it seems quite difficult for them to go against their
parents will which is the necessary phase to become independent. As a consequence they have to
impose on them a certain number of things and values children do not necessarily agree with (on
account of their age and their thirst to do as they have decided). During their childhood and their
youth they usually follow their parents will even if sometimes they are quite reluctant, but thats
how it all starts. Later when they grow older and after, when they come of age, they often try to
talk things over with their parents to convince them they are right and should be allowed to do
as they want when their decisions do not meet their parents approval. Most parents always want
the best for their children and often think that what they want or say is good for them and tend
to refuse their children the right to decide on their own. This can still be true when children have
become adults. I think that there comes a time when children should make their own decisions
and should go against their parents will because one has to stand on ones own two feet sooner or

Sujet 9 Le corrig

later and has to be given the possibility to make his own choices, even if it is sometimes difficult.
Parents cant always dictate to their children what they have to do. Parents had better give their
children advice and tell them what they should think or shouldnt do but they must let them make
the final decision. By gradually giving the possibility to their children to choose, to decide, parents
help them to become mature, self-confident and to give them the opportunity to build their own
personality and consequently to become independent and adult.
2 Eric : Hi Sara, how are you ? Im glad to see you.
Sara : Hi Eric, Im glad to see you too, but I cant say I feel that well.
Eric : Why is that ? You are in New York now and you are going to work for Life, isnt that
wonderful ?
Sara : Yes, of course, but you know that, although Im excited at the prospect of working for Life,
I am also really disappointed by our parents reaction to it.
Eric : Tell me what happened, Sara ?
Sara : Well, you know how our parents are. They are quite strict and stubborn sometimes and
they often dictate what we have to do. That was alright when we were kids and teenagers, but now
Im 22, an adult and I dont understand why they still behave that way.
Eric : Well, you know they have always been like that and they wont change behavior now, it is
too late. So what we have to do is to cope with it even though it is not always easy.
Sara : Of course I know that for sure, but making me feel guilty about my decision and blackmailing me makes me angry and I have some difficulties to forgive them, specially Dad who has
tried everything to make me change my mind in such a way that I felt both guilty and revolted.
We are not children any longer and we have the right to decide of our own life and future I think
and they behave as if they had the right to control our lives, I cant stand that.
Eric : You have to keep aloof. You perfectly know how they are and you are a grown-up now so
you have the right to make your mind and decide for yourself.
Sara : I know, Im absolutely convinced about that, but telling me that if I did what I had decided
they would cut me off make me fly off the handle.
Eric : Sara, I think Dad has done that and tried his luck to see if you were sure about what you
had decided, it was his last possible argument since he didnt succeed in making you change your
mind, but Im sure they wont do it, they love you too much for that. He took a gamble because
he had no other possibility but he wont cut you off Im sure about it. Dont be afraid, youll see.
Sara : Well, you may be right Eric and I hope I am not going to lose them for good simply because
I want to lead my life the way I want.


Sujet 10, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV1

Lide de progrs

Document A






I asked my mother yesterday how much freedom she had as a child.

Well, she replied, I walked to my nursery school in Cambridge alone, aged three, and by four
I was roaming the fields behind my house. After that, she explained, came the war 1 .
Your grandfather was away and your grandmother was organising the Womens Voluntary Service ; no one knew where the four children were. We spent our afternoons canoeing down the Cam
without life-jackets, eating sausages out of tins and, when it rained, we slipped into the cinema to
watch unsuitable love stories. No one worried about us, they had more important issues on their
minds. Her childhood sounded idyllic. My mother explained that it wasnt always perfect. She
had once been accosted by a man while bicycling to her friends. I managed to get away. I carried
on cycling to my friends house and ate my tea ; it never occurred to me to say anything until I
went home. The police were called but I was back on my bike the next day.
My mother took a similar attitude to my childhood. My younger sister and I were allowed to take
the Tube home from school across London from the age of five. My sister was hit by a car once
when she crossed a busy road to a sweet shop. She broke her leg but, as soon as it had mended
we were walking home alone again. My brothers took the train to my grandmothers in Suffolk
on their own from the age of six and spent all day without adults in the park playing football.
Now, according to the Good Childhood Inquiry, children have everything iPods, computer games
and designer clothes except the freedom to play outside on their own. Two thirds of 10-year-olds
have never been to a shop or the park by themselves.
Fewer than one in ten eight-year-olds walk to school alone.
Im just as neurotic as other parents. I walk my three-, four- and six-year-olds to school every day,
clutching their hands. Their every moment in London is supervised, with playdates and trips to
museums. I drive them to football and tennis. No wonder they love going to the country where
they can spend all day making camps in the garden, pretending to be orphans. It isnt just because
I fear they may be abducted or run over, its because Im also worried about being seen as a bad
parent. When I let my eldest son go to the loo 2 on his own on a train, less than 20 feet from where
I was seated, the guard lectured me on my irresponsibility. When we go to the park there are signs
in the playground saying that parents may be prosecuted if they leave their children unsupervised,
and at the swimming pool there must be an adult for every two children.
It is insane. My children still end up in the A&E 3 department as often as we did. The inside of
a house can be more dangerous than the street, and sitting at a computer all day, eating crisps,
carries more long-term risks than skateboarding alone to a park., June 2007.
1. the war : World War II.
2. the loo : the toilet.
3. A&E : les urgences.


Sujet 10 Le sujet

Document B




A Dutch clinic that has begun offering the worlds first treatment for computer game addicts has
been overwhelmed with pleas for help from parents and children all over the world.
Its amazing, Ive never seen anything like it, said Keith Bakker, the American director of the
clinic in Amsterdam. The phone has been ringing constantly. Computer game addiction is obviously an even greater problem than we imagined.
The clinic will begin treating two teenagers from Britain this week and other sufferers are being
signed in from America and Asia.
These are perfectly decent kids whose lives have been taken over by an addiction, said Bakker,
a former drug addict.
Although experts are still debating whether excessive game playing counts as an addiction, Bakker
has no doubt that the symptoms are the same. Its not a chemical dependency, but its got everything of an obsessive compulsive disorder and all of the other stuff that comes with chemical
Tim, a 21-year-old from Utrecht, said he had hardly left his bedroom for five years because he
was so obsessed by his computer games. My room was a mess, he said. Curtains drawn, pizza
boxes, empty bottles and junk food wrappers everywhere. His parents were frightened of him
because, weighing more than 21 stone 4 , he was too strong for them to confront. Eventually they
threatened to kick him out unless he enrolled for a month of therapy.
Many adolescent addicts have stopped maturing because of their addiction, claims Bakker. Ive
met 19-year-olds with the emotional intelligence of 10-year-olds, he said, because when they
were 10 a parent said Here, have this Game Boy, and they havent stopped playing ever since.
South Korea and China, where people are particularly passionate about computer games, are discussing with manufacturers ways of discouraging compulsive behaviour.
Bakker thinks that European and American distributors should issue warnings about the dangers.
The Sunday Times, July 23rd, 2006.


Comprhension de lcrit

b) The main subject is :

[] childhood memories

Questions on document A
1 Write down the correct answer.
a) This text is from :
[] a magazine
[] an internet site
[] a diary

[] the evolution of man

[] the evolution of parenting
c) How many generations are mentioned ?
[] two
[] three
[] four

4. 21 stone = 133 kg.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

c) ... they can spend all day...

d) The text is set in :

[] England
[] Ireland
[] Wales

d) ...if they leave their children...

e) often as we did.

2 The following statements are right. Justify

by quoting from the text.

6 In the text find the synonyms for :

a) The writers mother did not grow up in London.

a) problems

b) The writers mother grew up in troubled


b) repaired

c) The writers mother had several brothers and


c) holding tightly
d) short journeys

d) The writer grew up in a city.

3 Right or Wrong ? Answer and justify by
quoting the text.

e) kidnapped
f) reprimanded

a) The writers mother always told her parents

where she was.
b) After the writers sisters accident, her parents were more careful.

7 Write down the correct answer.

a) Your grandfather was away... means :
[] he was a soldier.

c) The writers children are keen on playing without adults.

d) The writer is afraid of what other people

[] he emigrated.
[] he died.
b) ...unsuitable love stories. means :

e) Children nowadays have fewer accidents.

[] films that they didnt really like.

f) Staying at home may be bad for your health

4 Quote the sentence from the text that gives
two LEGAL rules concerning parents obligations today.
5 Who or what do the following pronouns refer to ?
a) one worried about us...
b) She broke her leg...

[] films that they were not allowed to see.

[] films that made them laugh.
c) it never occurred to me to say anything...
means :
[] I never had the opportunity to say anything.
[] I was never allowed to say anything.
[] I never thought of saying anything.


Sujet 10 Le sujet

d) Im just as neurotic as other parents.

means :
[] I look after my children as well as other parents.
[] I worry a lot about my children, like other
[] I spend a lot of time with my children, like
other parents.

b) This problem can lead to obesity.

Questions on document B


c) This problem prevents teenagers from growing up normally.

13 Write down 3 adjectives which best describe the players.

8 This text is an extract from :


a web page.


a newspaper.


a medical journal.

14 Find the equivalent words or expressions

in the text.

a novel.

young people between the ages of 13 and 19

9 The text deals with people accustomed to :

have stopped doing something





video games.

signed up

the Internet.

to publish

10 The clinic offering help is located in :

the Netherlands.

15 From the following list, write down the

four adjectives which best describe the parents



the United States.

fed up

11 Right or wrong ? Justify your answers by

quoting the text.


a) Treatment has been on offer for a long time.


b) This situation is only a European problem.


Great Britain.



c) The director of the clinic used to have the

same sort of problem.
12 The following statements are right. Pick
sentences to justify them. Quote the line.
a) Experts disagree on the nature of the problem.

Question on documents A and B
16 Both documents deal with the idea of progress. Find two similarities and two differences
in the ideas expressed in these two documents.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

Expression crite

Vous traiterez les deux sujets.

1 Imagine a conversation between the writer of Document A and her daughter who wants to go
to school alone. (120 words)
2 A parents association writes an article about the dangers of computer games and offers advice.
(120 words)


Sujet 10 Le sujet Pas



2. Analysez si laffirmation et la phrase du

texte disent la mme chose ou non.

Comprhension de lcrit

3. Formulez votre rponse (Right ou

Wrong), et citez la phrase que vous avez

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

a) didentifier la source du document : magazine/ site internet/ journal intime

Comprendre la question
Vous devez retrouver dans le texte la phrase qui
indique les deux rgles juridiques au sujet des
obligations parentales aujourdhui.

b) didentifier le thme : mmoires denfance/

lvolution de lhomme/ lvolution du rle des
c) dindiquer le nombre de gnrations qui sont
mentionnes : 2/ 3/ 4
d) dindiquer le cadre : Angleterre/ Irlande/
Pays de Galles
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver la citation dans le texte qui
prouve que chaque affirmation est vraie.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Take legal action against = prosecute (poursuivre)
Comprendre la question
On vous demande dindiquer qui ou quoi
renvoie chaque pronom en italiques.
Mobiliser ses connaissances

Mobiliser ses connaissances

grow up = grandir, passer son enfance
Comprendre la question
Il sagit cette fois de dcider si chaque affirmation est vraie ou fausse et de trouver la citation
dans le texte qui le prouve.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Moins = less + Nom singulier ; fewer + Nom
Procder par tapes
1. Reprez la phrase dans le texte qui
voque la mme ide que laffirmation.
(Elles sont prsentes dans lordre du


Llment auquel correspond le pronom se

trouve toujours dans le texte en amont.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver des synonymes pour chaque
mot dans le texte. (Ils sont prsents dans
lordre du texte.)
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour tester si vous avez trouv le bon mot, il
faut le remplacer par le synonyme et vrifier


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


que cela fait sens. Cela vous aidera aussi rflchir la fonction grammaticale :
Problems, short journeys = des noms au pluriel
(avec un s)
Repaired, kidnapped, reprimanded = des
verbes au prtrit (V-ed)
Holding tightly = V-ing
Comprendre la question
Pour chaque citation vous devez dcider laquelle des propositions correspond le mieux au
niveau du sens. (Il faut remettre la citation dans
le contexte de lhistoire et des personnes pour
oprer votre choix.)
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Suitable = appropriate
Occur = enter ones head (ici)

Great Britain => British

the Netherlands => Dutch
Germany => German
the United States => American
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dcider si chaque affirmation est
vraie ou fausse et de trouver la citation dans le
texte qui le prouve.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Used to + Verbe : exprime lhabitude dans le
Ladjectif former signifie ancien : il indique
quautrefois la personne avait ce statut.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver la citation dans le texte qui
prouve que chaque affirmation est vraie.

Question on document B
Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier la source du document.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier le genre daddiction dont sont victimes les personnes ici. (Attention : ce nest pas parce que vous trouvez un
de ces mots une fois que tout le texte en parle.
Il faut passer en revue la totalit du document
pour cerner le sujet principal.)

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Prevent from = stop + V-ing
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de slectionner les 3 adjectifs qui dcrivent les joueurs.
Procder par tapes
1. Reprez les passages dans le texte o
lon parle des joueurs.
2. Analysez le sens de chaque passage et
choisissez ladjectif qui correspond le

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier le pays o se trouve la clinique dont on parle.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le pays peut tre identifi par lemploi dun adjectif de nationalit.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver des synonymes pour chaque
mot ou expression dans le texte. (Ils sont prsents dans lordre du texte.)


Sujet 10 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Menaced et signed up sont des verbes au prtrit (V-ed).
Scared peut tre un verbe au prtrit ou bien un
Publish est un verbe linfinitif.

Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la

conversation :
pour la fille, elle espre convaincre sa mre :
I wish I could.../ Please let me + Verbe...
all my friends...
pour la journaliste, elle doit trouver des arguments solides :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de slectionner les 4 adjectifs qui dcrivent lattitude des parents. (Ils correspondent deux sentiments 2 adjectifs par
sentiment indiqus dans le texte.)

too much traffic

dangerous drivers
too many strangers
Procder par tapes
1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la

Question on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer deux similitudes et deux
diffrences dans lapproche de lide de progrs dans les deux documents. Pensez aux ides
gnrales plutt quaux dtails. De qui parle-ton ? Quont-ils en commun ? Quest-ce qui les
diffrencie ? Cette vision du progrs, dans les
deux cas, est-elle optimiste ou pessimiste ?



Expression personnelle

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre la
journaliste et sa fille qui veut se rendre lcole
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :
Formes contractes (its/ dont...)
Impratif (tell me.../ dont worry)
Formules idiomatiques :

2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger un article sur les dangers des
jeux vido lintention de parents.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Il vous faudra exprimer :
La raison : thats why/ as a consequence/ as a
Lobligation : have to + Verbe ; must + Verbe
Le lexique de la surveillance : keep an eye on/
watch/ be aware/ be careful, warn, inform
La consquence : lead to/ result in/ bring about/
La probabilit : may/ might/ could + Verbe, be
likely to/ will probably + Verbe
Procder par tapes
1. Faites un plan cohrent.

I swear (= I promise)

2. Rdigez larticle au brouillon.

Im afraid (= Im sorry)

3. Contrlez sa prcision linguistique.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

secuted if they leave their children unsupervised, and at the swimming pool there must be an
adult for every two children.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

5 a) ...No one worried about us [...] : The

writers mother and her brothers and sisters.

1 a) This text is from an internet site.

b) The main subject is the evolution of parenting.

b) She broke her leg [...] : the writers sister.

c) Four generations are mentioned.

c) [...] they can spend all day [...] : the writers children.

d) The text is set in England.

2 a) I walked to my nursery school in Cambridge [...]
We spent our afternoons canoeing down the
Cam [...]

d) [...] if they leave their children [...] : parents (like the writer).
e) [...] as often as we did [...] : the writers
generation (people about the same age as the

b) After that, she explained, came the war.

6 a) problems : issues
c) [...] no one knew where the four children
d) My younger sister and I were allowed to
take the Tube home from school across London

b) repaired : mended
c) holding tightly : clutching
d) short journeys : trips
e) kidnapped : abducted

3 a) Wrong : [...] no one knew where the four

children were.

f) reprimanded : lectured

b) Wrong : [...] as soon as it had mended we

were walking home alone again.

7 a) Your grandfather was away [...] means

he was a soldier.

c) Right : [...] they can spend all day [...] pretending to be orphans.

b) [...] unsuitable love stories [...] means

films that they were not allowed to see.

d) Right : Im also worried about being seen

as a bad parent.

c) it never occurred to me saying anything

[...] means I never thought of saying anything.

e) Wrong : My children still end up in the A&E

department as often as we did.

d) Im just as neurotic as other parents means

I worry a lot about my children, like other parents.

f) Right : The inside of a house can be more

dangerous than the street [...] sitting at a computer all day, eating crisps, carries more longterm risks than skateboarding alone to a park.
4 When we go to the park there are signs in
the playground saying that parents may be pro-

Questions on document B
8 This text is an extract from a newspaper.
9 The text deals with people accustomed to
video games.


Sujet 10 Le corrig

10 The clinic offering help is located in the



11 a) Wrong : has begun offering the worlds

first treatment [...]


b) Wrong : all over the world. - from Britain

[...] from America and Asia.


c) Right : a former drug addict.

fed up




12 a) Although experts are still debating

whether excessive game playing counts as an


b) [...] weighing more than 21 stone [...]

c) Many adolescent addicts have stopped maturing because of their addiction [...]
have given up


Question on documents A and B

16 Both documents show that progress represents a danger for young people. However, in Document A the danger is outside the
home, whereas in Document B the video games
played by the addicts are in the home. In both
cases, the danger is more pronounced if parents
are not present to guide children. The addiction
to video games seems much more dangerous
that the lack of liberty for children, as it is easier to find a solution.

Expression crite

1 Daughter Mum : Id like to go to school on my own, Im old enough now.

Mother : Im afraid I wont let you go to school alone. We live in a big city, the streets are
dangerous places. I think youre too young for the moment.
Daughter : But Mum, Ive lots of friends who go to school on their own.
Mother : Well, I know, but they live closer to school than you do. However I really think their
parents are too permissive considering the age of their children.
Daughter : But Mum, I swear I will be very careful.
Mother : Youre definitely too young, the streets are full of dangers, the traffic is too heavy and
drivers are not cautious enough and there are dangerous people as well. Ill let you go to school
on your own when you are older.
2 Computer games are dangerous for your children.
Many teenagers play video games, an activity which is dangerous for them, thats why parents
have to be cautious and must keep an eye on the behaviour and reactions of their children.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

Quite often, playing video games becomes a real problem for teenagers and it may lead to a real
addiction. It can be compared to drug addiction. There are signs which can be noticed and must
be taken into account so as to react as quickly as possible.
If you notice the following signs, they are likely to become addicted.
They stay in their room and play video games hours on end. They also lose their friends and dont
speak a lot with their parents or even do not communicate with them any longer. They eat junk
food so as to save time for their favourite activity. They may even give up school.
Not only do many teenagers suffer from this addiction but young children may also become addicted. Eventually, they may even stop maturing.
Consequently parents must be aware of these signs and be very cautious. To avoid that kind of
problem, the first thing to do is to have the computer in a common room and not in the teenagers
room which will help parents to keep an eye on the time spent playing video games.
Parents must insist on their children having meals with them and grasp that opportunity to communicate as much as possible with their children. They must also talk with them about video games
and warn them not to spend too much time playing those games.
Unfortunately, if it is too late, parents may consult a Dutch clinic which offers treatment for that
kind of problem.


Sujet 11, Sujet national, juin 2013, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Mythes et hros

Document A




The Great Escape on TNT features teams competing for a cash prize in an hour-long episode.
One could try to avoid comparing TNTs new reality show The Great Escape with CBS longrunning and perpetually Emmy-winning reality show The Amazing Race, but why ? Especially
when the similarities and differences are so readily apparent.
In The Amazing Race, 11 teams of two travel around the world chasing clues and fighting off
elimination in hour-long episodes until the finale where three teams compete for the $1,000,000
grand prize. Meanwhile, in The Great Escape, three pairs of contestants spend an hour-long episode chasing clues and evading capture as they frantically labor to escape from some labyrinthine
site in order to win $100,000. [...]
Yes, the prize is smaller, but even though most of us do not have the time, or the endurance, for a
weeks-long, continents-wide race, we could all give up a day or so to participate in a super-cool
treasure hunt.
In the second episode, [...] the activities were more demanding and a bit more extreme contestants
had to tolerate cold water and rappel from lofty heights. Though the more timid among us might
have hesitated, it was great fun to watch a father and daughter try to not just win but keep their
relationship intact while doing so.
The shows episodic nature, however, limits the attachment viewers can form for the teams (and
also, mercifully, the level of celebrity these folks can later attain). But there is something to be
said for brevity unlike many competitive reality shows, The Great Escape doesnt take itself
too seriously. The contestants are playing a game, not transforming themselves as human beings.
Mary McNamara, June 23, 2012.

Document B

Thats the stuff, Marley ! Marley did not know why he had started talking like this to himself, since
he had never been anywhere near the Army. But he remembered when the voice had begun. It had
suddenly come to him, out of nowhere at the end of the first week, after his seventh unbearable,
sleepless vigil in the forest (the days were horrendous, but the nights beggared belief), when he
had been on the verge of quickly giving up on the chance of winning Brit Pluck 1 , Green Hell,
Two Million. That morning, the helicopters had come down to offer the six contestants for the
first time the (of course) dramatically televised and (naturally) well-strung-out choice : were they
really going to stay for another week in the soaking, sauna-hot, pitch-black forest [...] ? Or would
they choose instead to fly straight off home, to warmth, sanity, medical care and the consolation
1. Pluck = courage.


Anglais LV1/LV2




Le sujet

of many tabloid interviews ? Marley had hesitated, pen in sweating hand, as he looked at the legal
waiver 2 which they all had to re-sign each week, before the helicopters left them here again. Live
in front of the cameras, he had almost cracked. [...]
One by one, his rivals had given up, their greed for money and their lust for that modern sainthood,
media fame, giving way under the unspeakable, crawling, winged nightmare of the rainforest. Each
had at last taken the helicopter out in a state of total mental and physical collapse (great telly !) 3 .
How clearly Marley could remember the moment, the glorious moment, when the choppers had
come down once again and the schoolteacher had crawled towards the landing place, blubbering 4
gratefully, already clearly doomed to lose his left leg to gangrene. Marley had stood and watched
quite happily, assuming an At Ease position, saluting the two helicopters in a nonchalant manner.
He knew the rules. He was now the sole remaining competitor, he would sign a final legal waiver,
they would cart off the destroyed schoolteacher from Swansea and leave him, Brian Marley, there
for one further week, a whole week utterly alone, just himself [...].
James Hawes, Speak for England, 2006.


Questions on document B

Comprhension de lcrit

4 What is the nature of document B ?

Questions on document A
5 Choose the statement which best sums up
the action in this document.

1 What is the nature of this document ?

2 Which statement best corresponds to the
passage ?
a) It deals with reality shows in general.
b) It compares two reality shows.
c) It explains how to become a candidate on a
reality show.
d) It describes a reality show.
3 Fill in the blanks. Each blank corresponds
to one word.
If you take part in The Great Escape you may
win ......... money than in ......... ......... .........,
however the competition will not last .........
.........and it will demand ......... physical effort.

a) Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality

show and has decided to abandon the show.
b) Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality show and has managed to become the last
contestant in the tropical forest.
c) Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality
show and is waiting for the helicopter to come
and take him home.
d) Brian and a schoolteacher from Swansea are
two remaining contestants on a reality show.
6 Find one quotation revealing why Marley
and the other contestants wanted to take part
in the show.

2. waiver = document in which a person abandons a legal right.

3. telly = television.
4. blubbering = crying noisily.


Sujet 11 Le sujet

7 Say whether the following statements are

Right or Wrong. Justify each answer with two
a) Marley has found the whole experience very
b) He has never considered abandoning the TV
Questions on documents A and B
8 Which shows (The Great Escape, The
Amazing Race or Brit Pluck, Green Hell,
Two Million) do the following statements refer to ?
a) A treasure hunt.
b) A chance for families to work together.
c) A show where the contestants can decide
whether to stay or leave.


d) A show where contestants are eliminated.

e) A show where contestants are transformed
physically and mentally.
9 Which show in document A corresponds
best to the TV show in document B ? Give two
reasons to explain why. Use your own words.
Seuls les candidats de la srie L traiteront les
deux questions suivantes (10 et 11).
10 In a few words, compare and contrast the
names of the reality shows in both documents.
11 a) Which adjectives from the following list
best describe the tone of document B ?
uncritical - romantic - critical - humorous - sarcastic - impartial
b) Explain in a few sentences what the name of
the show in document B tells us about the intention of the narrator.

Expression crite

Les candidats des sries S et ES traiteront un des trois sujets. (150 mots au moins)
Les candidats de la srie L traiteront deux des trois sujets. (total pour les deux sujets : 250 mots
au moins)
1 Do you personally consider that reality shows are great television ?
2 Marley becomes a celebrity after winning the show. A journalist interviews him about the
changes that have happened in his life since the end of the show. Imagine the interview.
3 Would you personally be tempted to take part in a reality show ? Explain why.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Comprhension de lcrit

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier laffirmation qui
correspond le mieux au sens du passage.

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier la nature du document.

a) Brian Marley participe une mission de tlralit et il a dcid dabandonner.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

La source en bas droite vous indique que le
document a t publi dans un journal, et vous
fournit la date. Il sagit donc dun article.

b) Brian Marley participe une mission de

tlralit et il a russi devenir le dernier
concurrent dans la fort tropicale.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier laffirmation qui
correspond le mieux au sens du passage.
a) Il sagit dmissions de tlralit en gnral.

c) Brian Marley participe une mission de tlralit et il attend que lhlicoptre le ramne
la maison.
d) Brian Marley et un professeur dcole de
Swansea sont les seuls concurrents qui restent
dans une mission de tlralit.

b) Il compare deux missions de tlralit.

c) Il explique comment devenir un candidat sur
une mission de tlralit.
d) Il dcrit une mission de tlralit.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de citer la phrase du texte qui explique
pourquoi Marley et les autres concurrents voulaient participer lmission.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de complter ce court texte en mettant
un mot par blanc. (Cest une comparaison avec
une autre mission de tlralit dont on parle
dans le passage.)

Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, vous devez dire si elle
est vraie ou fausse et justifier votre rponse
avec deux citations chaque fois.
Questions on document A and B

Questions on document B

Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier la nature du document.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
La source en bas droite ne fait aucune mention
ni dun journal ni dune date prcise. Vous avez
un nom dauteur, un titre et une date de publication. Il sagit donc dun livre. vous de dire
si cest de la fiction ou non.

Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, on vous demande
didentifier la ou les missions de tlralit
(parmi les trois cites) qui y correspond(ent).
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de choisir laquelle des deux missions
cites dans le document A correspond le mieux


Sujet 11 Le sujet Pas

celle du document B. Vous devez donner deux

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de comparer et de contraster
les noms des trois missions de ralit.


faut utiliser le present perfect : have + participe pass).

Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :
to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of
view/ as far as Im concerned


Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats


1. choisir dans la liste les adjectifs qui dcrivent le mieux la tonalit du document B.
2. expliquer ce que le nom de lmission
dans le document B nous indique au sujet de lintention de lauteur.

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and

Pour parler des missions de tlralit :
La notion de comptition :
(to) compete/ fight/ win/ lose

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour exprimer lintention :
(to) intend/ mean/ aim to + Verbe

competition/ game/ race

prize/ reward
team/ individual


Expression crite

individual/ collective

Comprendre la question
Vous avez le choix entre 2 questions de rflexion (1 et 3) et une production crative (2) :

La notion de difficult :

Pensez-vous que les missions de tlralit relvent dune tlvision de qualit ?

La notion dexploit :

hard/ difficult/ unbearable/ taxing/ challenging

exploit/ achievement
(to) achieve/ accomplish

Auriez-vous envie de participer une mission
de tlralit ? Expliquez pourquoi. (Il faut reprendre la mme forme verbale => I would be
tempted/ I would not like/ I would refuse).

(to) push oneself to ones limit

(to) surpass/ excel/ outdo
Procder par tapes

Marley devient clbre en remportant lmission. Un journaliste linterviewe au sujet des
changements qui sont intervenus dans sa vie
depuis. Vous devez imaginer linterview (sous
forme de conversation). (Pour faire le bilan, il

1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de votre

production et notez les ides principales.
2. Rdigez votre production au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

Questions on documents A and B

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

8 a) A treasure Hunt : The Amazing Race, The

Great Escape.

1 The document is an excerpt from a press article published in the Los Angeles Times, published in June 2012.

b) A chance for families to work together : The

Great capture.

2 It compares two reality shows.

3 If you take part in the Great Escape you
may win less money than in The Amazing
Race, however the competition will not last a
week and it will demand no/ little physical effort.
Questions on document B
4 The document is an excerpt from a novel entitled Speak for England, written by James
Hawes and published in 2006.
5 Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality show and has managed to become the last
contestant in the tropical forest.
6 Their main motivation is money and becoming famous : [...] their greed for money
and their lust for that modern sainthood, media
fame [...].
7 Right or Wrong.
a) Right : [...] after that seventh unbearable,
sleepless vigil in the forest.
the days were horrendous/ were they really
going to stay for another week in the soaking, sauna-hot, pitch-black forest/ the unspeakable, crawling, winged nightmare of the
rainforest [...] ?.
b) Wrong : when he had been on the verge
of quickly giving up on the chance of winning
Marley had hesitated, pen in sweating hand.
Live in front of the cameras, he had almost
cracked [...]..

c) A show where the contestants can decide

whether to stay or leave : Brit Pluck, Green
Hell, Two Million.
d) A show where contestants are eliminated :
the Amazing Race, The Great Capture.
e) A show where contestants are transformed
physically and mentally : Brit Pluck, Green
Hell, Two Million.
9 The reality game The Amazing Race
seems to correspond best to the game described
in document B. First the amount of the prize
is similar : a one-million-dollar cash prize for
The Amazing Race and a two million one for
The Brit Pluck game. Both games are based
on how enduring the contestants are. They are
supposed to go beyond their limits at all cost
and the shows last weeks and encourage the
viewers to identify to the contestants, as opposed to The Great Escape.
10 The Amazing Race and The Great Escape
both suggest the idea of adventure and fun.
They seem to promote a positive experience.
The title of the third reality show evokes the
idea of a difficult and demanding experience in
a jungle or forest. It requires courage and will
necessitate suffering (hell), but the reward is
worth it.
11 a) numerous, sarcastic, critical.
b) In this work of fiction, the writer wants to
parody a TV reality show. He is denouncing
the excesses of such programs and accuses the
contestants of being thirsty for fame.


Sujet 11 Le corrig


Expression crite

1 In my opinion, reality shows are very far from offering great television. I will first explain
what I think great television is and then give my opinion of reality shows.
For me, a good television programme is either very informative or else very entertaining. Indeed,
I think TV serves a dual purpose. It enables viewers to improve their knowledge and widen their
culture with documentaries and news programmes, but also lets them relax and escape from the
stress of the rat race with fictional shows like sitcoms or TV games like quizzes.
Reality shows were intended to offer a mixture of information and entertainment. Viewers are
supposed to take pleasure in watching how real people deal with difficult situations or difficult
people. However, there is considerable difference between the theory and the reality of reality
shows. Indeed, nothing is really real, as the TV programmers create situations and provoke the
participants in order to make the show entertaining.
This type of manipulation or even brainwashing of viewers is nowhere near great TV to my mind !




Brian Marley, twelve months ago you won Brit

Pluck1, Green Hell, Two Million. Could you tell
us how your life has changed since then ?
I thought the game was hell, but life as a celebrity
has turned out to be even worse !
What do you mean ? Dont you have everything
youve ever dreamed of money, fame and
happiness ?
You must be joking ! I was much happier when I
was anonymous and nobody knew me. I cant go
anywhere without paparazzi chasing after me or
somebody coming up to ask for my autograph.
Well, there have to be one or two drawbacks to
celebrity, I suppose !
Im not sure there are any advantages to
compensate for all the rest ! Winning 2 million
has made me everyones best friend, but nobody
wants true friendship, they just want my money !
As for happiness, I was much happier when I was
unknown and penniless. Today, I have so much to
worry about and no dreams to look forward to ! I
wish I had never entered the game !


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

3 I enjoy challenges and I also enjoy team sports, so I think I would like taking part in a game like
Fort Boyard or Kolohontas, if it was not a reality show. In other words, I would like to participate
in a competitive game as a member of a team, but I would not appreciate being manipulated by a
TV producer for a reality show.
At the same time, I would love to win a lot of money like the prize for a reality show, so I suppose
I would be ready to sacrifice my principles for a few weeks, if I really thought I had a chance of
So, it would seem that I am unable to offer a clear cut answer. My participation in a reality show
would depend on the nature of the competition, the prize money and the degree of manipulation
by the producer.


Sujet 12, Sujet indit, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Mythes et hros
Document A





I am a teacher and I understand this is the place at which I should present myself for a position
in that particular profession. Through the womans warm smile I detected a little confusion. Too
well bred to say What ? she looked a quizzical eye on me, which shouted the word just as audibly.
I repeated myself clearly but before I had completed the statement the woman asked of me sweetly,
Did you say you are a teacher ?
I am, I said. My own smile was causing me some pain behind my ears but still I endeavoured to
respond correctly. I handed her the two letters of recommendation which I had taken from my bag
in anticipation of their requirement. She politely held out her slim hand, took them, then indicated
for me to sit. However, instead of studying the letters she merely held them in her hand without
even glancing at their contents.
What are these ? she asked with a little laugh ruffling up the words.
These are my letters of recommendation. One you will see is from the headmaster at
Interrupting me, her lips relaxed for just a moment before taking up a smile once more, Where
are you from ? she asked. The letters were still held in mid-air where I had placed them.
I am from Jamaica, I told her.
She was silent, we both grinning on each other in a genteel way. I thought to bring her attention back to the letters. One of the letters I have given you is from my last post. Written by the
headmaster himself. You will see that
But once more she interrupted me : Where ?
In Kingston, Jamaica.
Well, Im afraid you cant teach here, and passed the unopened letters back to me.
I was sure there had been some misunderstanding, although I was not clear as to where it had
occurred. Perhaps I had not made myself as understood as I could. If you would read the letters,
I said, one will tell you about the three years of training as a teacher I received in Jamaica while
the other letter is concerned with the position I held as a teacher at
She did not let me finish. The letters dont matter, she told me. You cant teach in this country.
Youre not qualified to teach here in England.
Abridged and adapted from Andrea Levy, Small Island, 2004.

Document B
Daytona Beach, Florida, summer of seventy-seven. Here we are, three milk-bottle white Irish girls
looking for summer jobs.
Grumbling, my friends both follow me into Paesanos Perfect Pasta and Pizzeria. I order three
Cokes and a waitress brings them to our table.

Anglais LV1/LV2





Le sujet

Do you think we will get jobs, Maggie ? Maureen sounds worried. Sure, maybe they need
people here. l hope I sound more confident than I feel. I get up and walk over to the waitress and
ask her if there is a manager I can speak to. She tells me the owner will be back in half an hour. I
go back to the table. The owner will be here in half an hour. Im going to wait.
The place is half empty, I doubt if youd make much working here. Maureen sounds dubious.
Wait if you want, Patricia announces. Im going to try the hotels.
Two Cokes later, the owner arrives. He is a squat little peasant with a tanned, gnome-like face.
He is solid, rather than fat, with very white teeth and the palest blue eyes. I go over to him. I am
officially freezing now, my teeth are chattering.
Im looking for a job as a waitress.
No vacancies for waitresses. The blue eyes stare unflinchingly at me not offensively though.
Where are you from ? he asks eventually, adding : Its too late in the season to get jobs.
Im from Belfast, Northern Ireland. How is it too late ? Its only June.
He shrugs. Season starts in May.
Where are you from ? I ask. You arent American.
For a moment I think he isnt going to answer. Everyones an American eventually. He smiles
finally. Greece via New Jersey.
Ive been to Greece every summer until now, I tell him. I love Greece.
Whats your name ?
Maggie Lennon.
He indicates for me to sit down, and pours us both a coffee. It is bitter. It burns my mouth.
Tell me about Greece.
An hour later I have a job, and he agrees to see Maureen and Patricia. He says hell fire some
people. Thats the way it works in America. You see something or someone you like better you
Annie MacCartney, Your Cheatin Heart, 2005.


b) Explain what the narrator has come there for.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 What do you learn about the narrator : occupation, country of origin and sex ?
2 In what country does the scene take place ?
3 I understand this is the place at which I
should present myself for a position in that particular profession.
a) In the passage the place is not described in
detail. What could it refer to ?

4 I handed her the two letters of recommendation.... Who does the underlined pronoun
refer to ? Suggest what that characters status
or job may be ?
5 What does the narrator expect the other character to do with the letters ?
6 What does the narrator feel these letters
prove ?
Questions 7 and 8. Read from She politely
held out... to ...reached out for the letters.


Sujet 12 Le sujet

7 There are three stages in the way the other

character deals with the letters. Describe what
these stages are.
8 Pick out two quotations from the text which
show how this character justifies such an attitude.

9 a) Say who the four main characters are.

b) What are their countries of origin ? Quote the
text to support your answer.

13 Where exactly is the scene set from Lets

go in here... to the end of the text ?

15 Explain what objections the male character

raises. Quote the text to justify your answer.
16 What strategy does the narrator use to persuade this character ? (30 words)

10 Who is the narrator ?

11 Where does the story take place ? (country
and city)
12 True or False ?
Justify your answer each time with a quotation
from the text.


c) The female characters are all confident about

the near future.

14 Who does the narrator decide to wait for

and why ?

Questions on document B

a) The scene takes place nowadays.

b) The female characters are trying to find


17 What are the consequences of the narrators effort ? (20 words)

Question on documents A and B
18 Both of the main characters can be considered heroic, but for different reasons. Explain.

Expression crite

Choose subject 1 or subject 2.

1 How can overcoming obstacles at school or at work make someone stronger ? Illustrate your
point with one or two examples. (300 words)
2 Travel broadens the minds, as the saying goes. Do you think that the more you travel, the
more open-minded you become ? (300 words)


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Comprhension crite

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de dresser le portrait du narrateur : profession, pays dorigine et sexe.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez nommer le pays dans lequel laction se passe.
I understand this is the place at which I should
present myself for a position in that particular
Comprendre la question
Il sagit :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Dans le domaine du recrutement : headhunter/
recruiting officer/ potential employer/ agent at
an employment office
Dans le domaine de la direction dtablissement scolaire : school administrator/ headmaster/ headmistress/ governor/ secretary
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer ce que le narrateur attend
que lautre personnage fasse de ses lettres. Que
veut-elle quelle fasse ?
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Attention la structure : expect + Complment + to + Verbe
( want fonctionne lidentique et peut la

a) dexpliciter ce que the place dsigne.

b) dexpliquer la raison pour laquelle le narrateur sy rend.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
La nature du lieu nest pas explicite dans le document. Vous devez donc linfrer partir de
la situation gnrale. Votre rponse indiquera
que vous avez compris le rle jou par les personnages, et de ce fait le lieu possible de leur
I handed her the two letters of recommendation...

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer ce que le narrateur pense dmontrer travers la lecture des
deux lettres.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Une lettre de rfrence pour la candidature un
emploi indique gnralement :
le degr de comptence (skilled, talented,
competent) ;
le niveau de qualification (qualified/ highly
qualified/ fully qualified).
Procder par tape

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer qui est le personnage dsign par her , et dimaginer quels
peuvent tre sa fonction ou son travail.

1. Reprez la nature et les auteurs des

lettres. Imaginez leur contenu.
2. Formulez votre rponse en termes de
comptences et de qualifications.

Sujet 12 Le sujet Pas

Comprendre la question
numrez les trois tapes dans le traitement
que lautre personnage rserve aux lettres.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour numrer des tapes : firstly/ at first ; secondly/ next/ then ; thirdly/ finally.


c) Les personnages fminins sont confiants

quant leur avenir proche.
Lets go in here and get a Coke.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliciter o se droule laction
partir de la citation.


Comprendre la question
Vous devez prlever deux citations dans le texte
qui montrent comment ce personnage justifie
son attitude.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire qui le narrateur dcide dattendre et pour quelle raison.

Questions on document B

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer quelles sont les
objections avances par le personnage masculin et de citer le texte pour justifier vos rponses.

a) didentifier les quatre personnages centraux

(en indiquant leur nom ou bien leur profession).

Mobiliser ses connaissances

vacancy = vacant position/ job opportunity

b) de nommer leurs pays dorigine en citant le

texte pour justifier votre rponse.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez prciser qui (parmi les quatre personnages) est le narrateur.
Comprendre la question
Situez laction en indiquant la ville et le pays.


Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliciter la stratgie adopte par le
narrateur pour convaincre le personnage masculin.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
passer du temps = spend time + V-ing
Les expressions de persuasion : (to) convince/
persuade/ make someone believe

Comprendre la question
Prcisez si chaque affirmation est vraie ou
fausse et justifier en citant le texte.
a) La scne se passe de nos jours.
b) Les personnages fminins sont la recherche
dun emploi.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer le dnouement : quel est le
rsultat des efforts fournis par le narrateur ?
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Lexpression de russite : manage to + Verbe/
succeed in + V-ing


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


ladversit :
problems/ hardships/ difficulties ;
(to) face/ confront/ cope with/ deal with/
overcome ;
(to) stand on ones own two feet
la persvrance :
perseverance/ tenacity/ determination/ commitment ;
(to) persevere/ persist/ keep on ;
persistent/ determined/ patient/ tenacious ;
(to) stand ones ground/ go the distance/ stay
the course
le dpassement de soi :
(to) surpass oneself/ excel oneself

Question on document A and B

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer en quoi chacun
des personnages principaux est hroque. On
vous prcise que les raisons sont diffrentes.
vous de les expliquer.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Heroic : courageous/ intrepid/ audacious


Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer votre point de vue sur ladversit et lide que surmonter des obstacles
lcole ou au travail permet quelquun de devenir plus fort. Vous pouvez dmontrer dun
ct que cest vrai, et de lautre que cela ne
russit pas pour tout le monde. Dans la conclusion, vous pouvez exprimer un point de vue
plus personnel : par exemple, expliquer pourquoi ladversit peut tre un ennemi redoutable
pour bien des personnes...

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :
1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)
2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple :
surmonter des obstacles permet de se dpasser...)
3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :
trop dobstacles est nfaste...)
4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis
personnel circonstanci).

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :
en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats
pour marquer une opposition : however/ and
yet/ on the one hand... on the other hand
pour insister : there is no denying

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer votre point de vue sur le
lien entre les voyages et louverture desprit.
Vous allez pouvoir dmontrer dun ct que ce
lien est incontestable, et de lautre quil y a
forcment des exceptions. Dans la conclusion,
vous pouvez exprimer un point de vue plus personnel : par exemple, expliquer la place des
voyages dans vos projets futurs.

Des expressions pour exprimer :


Sujet 12 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser
les expressions dopinion et les mots de liaison
(voir sujet 1 ci-dessus) :
Des expressions pour contextualiser vos arguments :
La notion de voyage :

keep your mind open

diversity/ variety
aware of/ open to/ responsive to
open-minded 6= narrow-minded
La notion dadaptation :
(to) adapt/ fit in

travel/ travelling

(to) mix/ share

new & different lifestyles/ cultures/ values/

customs/ habits

La notion de fermeture desprit :

prejudice/ discrimination

tourists/ students/ backpackers/ businessmen

natives/ locals
La notion douverture desprit :
broaden your perspective/ horizon


prejudiced/ biased/ discriminatory

Procder par tapes
Suivre le modle pour le sujet 1 en modifiant le
thme des paragraphes centraux.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

12 a) False : [...] summer of seventy-seven.

Comprhension de lcrit

b) True :
- [...] looking for summer jobs.
- [...] we will get jobs

Questions on document A
1 The narrator is a female Jamaican teacher.
2 The scene takes place in England.
3 a) This place could be a school office, an office at the national department of education or
a job centre.
b) She has come there to apply for a job as a
4 It refers to the other woman who may be a
secretary or headmistress.
5 The narrator expects her to take them and
read them through.
6 She feels these letters prove she is a competent and fully qualified teacher.
7 She takes them but then she doesnt take the
trouble to read them. In the end, she wants the
narrator to take them back.
8 Youre not qualified to teach here in England.. Well, Im afraid you cant teach
here.. The letters dont matter.. You cant
teach in this country..

13 The second scene is set inside Paesanos

Perfect Pizza and pizzeria which is a restaurant.
14 Maggie decides to wait for the restaurant
owner to ask him for a job.
15 The restaurant owner objects to her demand that he has already hired the staff he
needs for the season and tells her she should
have applied for the job earlier.
- No vacancies for waitresses.
- Its too late in the season to get job.
16 While talking with him, she tries to make
him believe that she is fond of Greece and spent
her holidays there. Since she tries to flatter him
she hopes she will influence him and make him
give her a job.
17 She succeeds in convincing him to give her
a job and to interview her two friends.
Question on document A and B

Questions on document B
9 a) The four main characters are : Maggie
Lennon, Maureen, Patricia and the restaurant
b) The three girls are from Northern Ireland.
- ...three milk-bottle white Irish girls... - Im
from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The restaurant owner is from Greece.
- Greece via New Jersey.
10 The narrator is Maggie Lennon.
11 The story takes place in the USA, in Daytona Beach.

18 In Jamaica, the main character in document A is something of a heroine, as she is a

teacher, and she is all the more heroic as she
crosses the Atlantic to apply for a teaching job
in England. In document B, as a young Irish girl
looking for a summer job in the States, Maggie
does not seem very heroic, and yet her persistence and quick thinking enable her to get a job
herself and most likely jobs for her friends too.
The character in document A had all the qualities on paper to merit her teaching job, but she
was no match for the racial prejudice demonstrated by the person who received her.


Sujet 12 Le corrig


Expression personnelle

1 There is no denying that when somebody overcomes obstacles at school or at work it is a way
to become stronger.
Life is not a bed of roses and we have to face problems, hardships, reality and difficulties and to
discover that life is made of joy and pain, but this is how we become stronger and stand on our two
feet. Ambition is necessary to overcome obstacles. We have to do our best to achieve our goals
but we are also full of joy when we succeed in doing what we wanted.
Everything is not handed out to us on a silver platter. Thats why we have to be full of perseverance
and we must not get disheartened. We often think that it is impossible to get or achieve what we
want because the amount of work that is necessary to obtain it seems impossible to do.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not try, it is often because we do not try that things
seem impossible. Depending on the situation, sometimes people do not try because they are too
shy or they think they do not have the capacities to achieve or to get something.
When you have a dream, if you want to fulfil it you have to make efforts and of course there will
be ups and downs but if you do not give up you can eventually get what you want. Not only do
you have what you wanted but you also have a feeling of self-fulfilment. Stamina and optimism
are necessary to attain a goal. It is a matter of personal work and ambition.
On a purely individual basis the realisation of ones ambition when overcoming difficulties is
worthy of admiration for example great men or women who have a vision for the future of their
country. Those who never despair of making a better world and dedicate their life to the benefit
of others like Martin Luther King, Gandhi or Nelson Mandela.
In view of what has just been said, I think that overcoming difficulties is a virtue when it comes
to surpassing oneself and achieving small or great things depending on what the aim is and it is
clearly what strengthens and makes a person stronger.
2 I think that travelling broadens your perspective and your horizon in life and it develops an
open mind. Travelling means new experiences with other lifestyles, cultures, values and it teaches
diversity. But, a lot depends on your attitude towards the natives of the country where you are. To
make the most of it you have to get to know the people and their different habits.
Many tourists only go to resorts where they spend their time in a closed-in place where they stay
with each other, they are in a kind of colony and do not take any interest in the country and the
people that surround them. In that case travelling doesnt broaden the mind.
On the contrary if you decide to really travel, that is to say, to leave your everyday conveniences
behind and to cope without them as people did in the 18th and 19th centuries, or like many European students nowadays, you will have to fit in and to share a new lifestyle. This will certainly
make you aware of new ideas and experiences which will be enriching. To make it possible, you
have to take a real interest in the country and its people. Furthermore, you have to try to learn
something of the different aspects of everyday life, the culture, the customs, the habits and the
language as well. In addition, you have to keep your mind open and to discard prejudice and preconceptions. Only then will you be able to take advantage of a trip, broaden your mind and forget
about narrow-mindedness.

Sujet 13, Sujet indit, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Espaces et changes

Document A







Like so many of her peers, she had gone travelling for a year after completing her course in physical
education at the University of Western Australia. She had gone to Thailand, where she had spent
four months working her way up from Krabi to Chiang Mai, staying in hostels and cheap guest
houses. But the life of a lotus-eater, to which the existence of staying in Thai resorts proved to be
so similar, became boring and eventually palled. Travel was all very well, but it needed a sense
of purpose something which a journey without a terminus always lacked. After Thailand there
were Vietnam and Cambodia, but she was impatient and beginning to run out of money. It was
time to go to London.
The flat in Corduroy Mansions was the first one she looked at, seeing Jennys advertisement by
chance a few minutes after it had gone live on Gumtree. She had arrived two hours later, been
interviewed by Jenny and agreed to move in the next day.
Dee had been interviewed the day after that, with Jo being co-opted onto the vetting committee.
She and Jo had taken to one another immediately, although both of them had been less sure about
Caroline when it was her turn to be assessed as the final member of the flat. Im not too sure,
Dee whispered to Jo as Jenny took Caroline out of the room to show her the bedroom she would
No ? Whats the problem ?
Shes a bit... you know.
Jo had her doubts too, but was it because Caroline was a bit... you know ? And what was you
know anyway ?
I dont know actually, she said. Was you know the same as being a whinger ? English people
were said to whinge a bit but perhaps in England itself they could be allowed to do so. After all,
it was their country, even if it was run by Scots.
Posh, said Dee simply.
Oh. That was different from being a whinger, although one might have, of course, a posh whinger.
But Jos fundamental sense of fairness, her Australian heritage, came to the fore. She remembered
her father once remarking, You cant help the bed youre born in, you know. She had been a
teenager when he said that, and the observation had stuck in her memory. Of course you cant help
who you are. That is something that people forgot, she felt. They forgot it when they were unkind
to people because of where they came from, or because they were different, or because they had
greasy skin. Her father was right. She cant help that, you know, she pointed out. She cant
help the way she talks, can she ? None of us can.
Dee had found herself unable to argue with that, although she mumbled something about Sloane
Rangers 1 . But they both decided that they would not object to Carolines admission to the flat,
1. Sloane Rangers : young conventional upper-class people from Londons West End.


Sujet 13 Le sujet




which was just as well because Jenny announced when she came back into the room that Caroline
would be moving in.
Why did she ask us to interview her if she was going to make up her mind by herself ? Jo later
complained to Dee.
Dee thought for a moment. Because thats what we call consultation in this country, she said.
Its the same with government. Look at how they have all these consultation exercises. But they
decide policy in advance, before they have the consultation exercise, and then they announce what
theyre going to do which is exactly what they were always going to do anyway. Thats the way
it works.
But thats very hypocritical, said Jo.
Dee laughed. Oh yes, its hypocritical all right. But theres an awful lot of hypocrisy in this
Isnt it the same in Australia ?
That question required more than a few moments of thought. Then Jo replied, I think were more
direct speakers, she said. We say things to peoples faces.
Alexander McCall Smith, Corduroy Mansions, 2009.

Document B

[The main characters are on the phone.]

So why was it you moved there again ? asked Laura for what felt like the hundredth time. You
know, propertys much cheaper up here in Yorkshire. We could have done the project together.
Much more fun.
Anna embarked on her explanation again rather patiently, she thought. I didnt want to be so
far from London, and Amberford is a much more desirable area. Commutable from London, just.
Weve been through this.
Laura sighed. I just dont like you doing it all on your own, so far from us. And I really wish you
hadnt rushed into buying it, without me having a chance to see it first.
Katie Fforde, Practically Perfect, 2006.


b) Did Jo work in Thailand ? Explain and justify by quoting the text.

Comprhension de lcrit

2 Where do Jo, Jenny, Caroline and Dee

meet ? (City ? Precise location ?)

Questions on document A
1 a) What do we learn about Jo (nationality,
education, travel experience) ? Answer in your
own words. (15-20 words)

3 What brings them all together ? Write one



Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

4 Who was in the place first ? Justify with one


Explain the parallel with the situation in the

text. (30-40 words)

5 In what order do the other characters arrive ?

Justify with a quotation for each character.

11 Contrast Jos and Dees visions of their respective countries. (30-40 words)

6 a) After all, it was their country. Who is

speaking ?

Questions on document B
12 What kind of document is this ?

b) Because thats what we call consultation in

this country. Who is speaking ?

13 a) Where is Laura calling from ?

c) What can one conclude about Dee and Carolines nationality ?

b) Is the document the beginning of the phone

conversation ? (justify by quoting the text)

7 Why do Jo and Dee have doubts about

Caroline ? Explain in your own words.
(10-20 words)

c) Do both characters agree with each other or

do they argue ? Explain why ! (20-30 mots)

8 Explain : You cant help the bed youre

born in. (15-20 words)
9 How does it influence Jos final opinion
about Caroline ? (25-30 words)
10 What political behaviour does Dee refer to
when she mentions the British government ?


14 Give the two reasons why Anna has moved

to a new location. Justify with one quotation for
each reason.
Question on documents A and B
15 Explain what the two documents suggest
about finding a place to live. Is the writers
message similar or different in each case ?

Expression crite

Are parental values the only values that can influence peoples lives ? Justify your answer.
(200 words)


Sujet 13 Le sujet Pas



Comprhension de lcrit

Comprendre la question
Pour a) et b), vous devez indiquer qui tient ces
propos. Cela vous permettra de tirer la conclusion demande pour c) : que sait-on de la nationalit de Dee et de Caroline ?

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

a) de dresser le portrait de Jo (nationalit, ducation, voyages).

b) dindiquer si Jo a travaill pendant son sjour
en Thalande. Vous devez expliquer et citer le
Mobiliser ses connaissances
spend time + V-ing = passer du temps
work ones way up = avancer sur un territoire

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer avec vos propres mots
pourquoi Jo et Dee expriment des doutes au sujet de Caroline.
You cant help the bed youre born in.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser le sens de cette

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dindiquer le lieu de rencontre des
quatre filles en indiquant la ville, mais aussi
Comprendre la question
Vous devez indiquer la raison de leur rencontre
en une phrase.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer laquelle des quatre filles
est arrive en premier. Vous devez citer le texte
pour justifier votre rponse.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser lordre darrive
des trois autres filles, en citant le texte pour justifier chaque fois.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

La citation signifie on ne choisit pas le lit dans
lequel on est n .
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer comment la rplique cite en question 8 influe sur lopinion finale que
Jo a de Caroline.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
La notion dquit : be fair/ show fairness
Le lexique de la critique : be critical of/ criticize/ find fault with
La notion de responsabilit : be responsible for/
be to blame for/ be guilty of
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer le comportement politique
auquel fait allusion Dee lorsquelle parle du
gouvernement britannique. Vous devez expliciter le parallle avec la situation dans le passage.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Mobiliser ses connaissances

sans = without + V-ing/ any + Nom

c) de dcider si les deux personnages sentendent ou non et dexpliquer pourquoi.



Comprendre la question
On vous demande de comparer la vision quentretiennent Jo et Dee de leurs pays respectifs.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour rpondre il faudra exprimer :
Le contraste :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver deux raisons qui motivent
le dmnagement dAnna. Vous devez fournir
une citation pour chacune des raisons.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
commute = travel to and from work
commutable = close enough to travel to and
from work every day

whereas/ while + Sujet + Verbe

contrary to/ unlike + Complment
La notion de participation :

Question on documents A and B

take part in/ participate in/ contribute to


part/ participation/ contribution

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser les ides vhicules par les deux documents sur le choix
dun lieu pour vivre et dindiquer si ces ides
convergent ou non entre les deux supports.

Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier la nature du document.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Il vous faudra parler :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

de location : rented accommodation/ sharing

a flat

a) dexpliquer o se trouve Laura.

dachat : purchasing/ buying a house

b) dindiquer si le passage correspond au dbut

de la conversation tlphonique, et de justifier
en citant le texte.

dindpendance : setting up home on ones



Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer dans un essai argumentatif votre point de vue sur le rle que jouent
les valeurs parentales dans nos vies. Ces valeurs parentales sont-elles les seules qui nous
guident dans nos choix de vie ? Vous allez pouvoir dmontrer dun ct leur rle prpondrant, et de lautre linfluence dautres valeurs

de slection : choose/ vet ones flatmates

que nous pouvons rencontrer lors de nos expriences. Dans la conclusion, vous pouvez exprimer un point de vue plus personnel : par
exemple, expliquer pourquoi les valeurs de vos
parents vous guideront toujours (ou pas).
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser les
expressions dopinion : to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of view.


Sujet 13 Le sujet Pas

Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/
whats more ; pour marquer une opposition : however/ and yet/ on the one hand... on the other


Procder par tapes

La notion dinfluence : influence/ impact/

control/ guidance ;(to) influence/ affect/ determine/ guide/ predispose.
Le lexique de lenfance : childhood/ kids/ learn
the basics/ good behaviour.

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et

Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :
1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)
2. 1er paragraphe = thse . (Exemple :
les valeurs parentales sont une relle influence parce que...)

Le rle des parents : teach/ role models/ bring

children up/ educate.

3. 2e paragraphe = 1antithse .
(Exemple : linfluence des valeurs parentales nest que thorique parce que...)

La notion dexprience : (to) experience/ learn/

discover/ meet ;experience/ discovery/ encounter/ knowledge.

4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis

personnel circonstanci)


Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

9 Jo wants to be fair and doesnt want to criticize her because of the way she talks. She
doesnt want to hold her responsible for her
posh accent and wants to be tolerant.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 a) Jo is Australian, she has studied physical
education at university and she has spent a few
months travelling in Thailand, in Vietnam and
b) No, she didnt. She spent four months in hostels and guest houses as a tourist and she got
bored, I quote But the life of a lotus-eater,
to which the existence of staying in Thai resorts proved to be so similar, became boring
and eventually palled.

10 The British government makes decisions

without consulting people. Even if people are
consulted, it doesnt really affect the decision
since it is taken prior to the consultation. Likewise, Jenny has asked Jo and Dee to conduct
the interviews with her but she chooses to have
Caroline as their flatmate without asking them
for their opinions.

3 They are looking for a flat to share/ They are

looking for shared accommodation.

11 Dee has quite a cynical vision of England

as she thinks the system is hypocritical and that
people do not really take part in the decisions
of the government whereas Jo thinks that things
are different in Australia, that people are more
direct and that they say what they think.

4 Jenny was in the place first : [...] seeing

Jennys advertisement [...].

Questions on document B

2 Jo, Jenny, Caroline and Dee meet in London, in Corduroy Mansions.

5 Jo : She had arrived two hours later, been

interviewed by Jenny and agreed to move in
the next day. Then Dee : Dee had been interviewed the day after that [...]. Then Caroline : [...] although both of them had been less
sure about Caroline when it was her turn to be
assessed as the final member of the flat.
6 a) Jo is speaking.
b) Dee is speaking.

12 This document is an extract/ excerpt from

the novel Practically perfect written by Katie
Fforde in 2006. It is mainly a dialogue.
13 a) Laura is calling from Yorkshire. Laura
is speaking (asked Laura) and she says [...]
propertys much cheaper up here in Yorkshire.
Laura is comparing the prices of properties in
Yorkshire where she lives and in the great suburb of London where Anna has just bought a

c) Dee and Caroline are both British.

7 They are not sure if they will get on well
with her. Dee thinks that she is from a different
social background and that she sounds snobbish.
8 You are not responsible for your social origins, you cant be blamed for the family you
have or the way you were brought up.

b) No, it isnt, I quote [...] asked Laura for

what felt like the hundredth time, Anna embarked on her explanation again [...]
c) They dont agree with each other because
Anna has just bought a house and Laura is jealous, she reproaches Anna for living on her own
and having projects without her.


Sujet 13 Le corrig

14 Anna has moved to a new location because : she wanted to get nearer London (I
didnt want to be so far from London [...]) to
be able to travel to London more easily every
day : Commutable from London [...].
She likes the place very much and prefers it to
the place she was before (usage du comparatif), she finds it nice[...] Amberford is a much
more desirable area.


Question on documents A and B

15 Both documents are about acquiring a
place to live. However, in document A Jo has
just been accepted as a flatmate in a flat with
three other girls, whereas in document B, Anna
has purchased a house of her own. Both girls
have decided to live in or near London, but
Anna has had more say in her choice of home.
Jo, on the contrary, as she is renting, had to be
vetted by her flatmates.

Expression crite

Parental values are extremely important in peoples lives but I believe that they are not the only
values which have an influence on our lives. Everybody agrees to say that childhood is a determining period for our future. This is when our parents teach us all the basics of proper behaviour.
Our parents are our role models as kids and we learn from them. The way our parents bring us up,
the way they behave with other people and the way they behave with us as well as the values they
teach us will have a strong influence on our lives and on the way we behave and think once we
are adults. If, for instance, they tell us how important it is to be tolerant and open-minded, these
values will probably stay with us for the rest of our lives. However, even though I believe parental
values are the most influential values in our lives, I think that other values can be very influential
too. School is also a major place where people learn how to feel, think and act. We meet friends
who have been raised differently and we meet teachers who may teach us different values. We
may also be influenced by religious values. If we believe in God, our faith will have an impact on
the decisions we make and on how we behave. Besides, we may be influenced by the experiences
we have. As we get older, we go through different experiences, we start to think for ourselves
and we may question the parental values we have been taught. When we travel, for example, we
find out about different cultures, different ways of thinking and different values, it gives us a new
perspective on life and we may change what we believe in. In conclusion, I would say that even
though parental values have a great influence on our lives, other values can be influential too.


Sujet 14, Sujet indit, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Document A






The scene takes place in Charleston, South Carolina.

The gallery door to the street opened.
Dear, Sarah Cutworth said.
Grandmama !
Your mother said you were working here Sarah paused and looked round. She wore a powderblue linen two-piece and pearls. Why, she said, this is just precious.
Gillon came forward to kiss her cheek.
I just waxed the floor.
Sarah looked down.
You did ?
Gillon nodded. Cleaned every picture. She backed herself up against the table, shielding the
I call this, Sarah said, a lovely place to work. You get to meet people here.
Mostly people who dont quite buy a picture. And tourists. Sarah made a dismissive gesture.
She had seldom herself been west of Virginia, and no further north than New York City, where
she stayed, firmly, at the Waldorf Astoria 1 because of its welcoming Junior League floor 2 .
Tourists. They are ruining this city. Gillon pointed.
Do you like that landscape, Grandmama ?
Sarah looked.
No, dear.
She took a few neat steps sideways and peered at the table.
What are those ? Halloween goblins ?
Sculptures, Grandmama. Figures of female deities.
Sarah put out a trimly manicured small hand and picked up a soapstone goddess. She inspected it
in silence. Then she returned it to the table.
Nice people, she said, dont need to see such things.
Its art
Art, Sarah said firmly, is not a licence for obscenity.
Gillon put a reassuring finger on the soapstone goddess.
It isnt obscenity to many people, Grandmama. Its truth and beauty.
Dont argue with me, Gillon, Sarah said. She straightened and looked about her. Its a charming
More, Sarah said, than I gather your present residence is ?
1. The Waldorf Astoria : a luxury hotel.
2. Junior League floor : an area of the hotel reserved for the association of the Junior Leagues of America.


Sujet 14 Le sujet






Its not too bad

Society Street, Sarah said. What are you thinking of ? Its quite bohemian.
Gillon bit her lip.
Its cheap.
And what is the matter with your home ? Or my home ?
I need my independence
You wont have one shred of independence, my girl, until you marry.
Gillon turned the goddess round so that her solid little back was towards Sarah.
Is that why you came to see me, Grandmama ? Did you come to find me here to tell me what
youve told me at least one hundred times before ?
No, Sarah said, I came to invite you to dinner.
I have met your perfectly charming English friend. She gave Gillon a coquettish look. He is
coming. He is delighted to come.
What a fine young man, Sarah said.
Grandmama, Gillon said, Henry is not here as as a kind of family play thing. Henry is here
to work. Henry is here to take pictures of the low country. 3
Your mother and father are very taken with him.
Hes a nice guy
Miss Minda is making chicken enchiladas. And a German chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Or
maybe sweetpotato-stuffed apples. What do you think ?
Either, Gillon said. Anything
Sarah leaned forward and brushed her cheek against her granddaughters.
Find a dress, dear, she said. Or a skirt at least. Just to please me.
Joanna Trollope, Girl From the South, 2002.

Document B


In this passage, Arabella meets her step-father whom she calls Dad, her half-brother and her
teenage half-sister for a day out in London.
When they see me, Dad and Lucy turn and look at Teddy, who greets me with his arms open and
his head on one side, Arabella ! He gives me a hug.
When he releases me I move back a pace, and find myself staring at Dad. He stares straight back.
Hello Arabella, he says after a while, and nods deeply, which seems to me to be about the right
level of gesture for now anyway.
Lucy half smiles. Hi, she murmurs. She looks down at her feet.
Im jealous of Lucy. Not only has she got her real dad, but shes going to be a real dancer, not
a dodgy 4 one like me. I make myself look at her properly, to see whats good about her. I see
3. The low country : South Carolinas coastal counties.
4. dodgy (dancer) : a professional night-club dancer, as opposed to a ballet dancer.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

her nervousness, the way shes jiggling change in her pockets and looking up at us now and then,
trusting us to get her to where she needs to go. Whereas Lucys head appears to swivel a hundred
and eighty degrees every few minutes, in an attempt to take everything in, Dad is determined
to ignore his surroundings. When he sees two short spiky pink and red haircuts, he looks away
quickly, as if hairstyles are a disease that might be contagious. I can see its irritating to him that
he doesnt know where hes going, and he has to rely on me.
Adapted from Fiona Dunscombe, The Triple Point of Water, 2007.


Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 a) Choose the right answer. The characters
are in a place where you can :
stay overnight
buy art

Gillon is ..........
affectionate - aggressive - funny - furious - meticulous - rude - self-restrained
Focus on Sarah.
5 Find three quotations showing that Sarah
has a high standard of living.
6 Choose and copy the right statement from
the following list.

play games
get beauty treatments

Sarah has a supportive attitude towards Gillon.

b) Pick out three words from the text to justify

your choice in the first question.
c) Copy the following paragraph and fill in the
blanks using elements from the text (one blank
is one word).
Gillon is a) .........s b) .......... She works in a c)
.......... d) ......... has come to e) ......... Gillon in
order to f) ......... her for g) ..........
Focus on Gillon.

Sarahs values are traditional.

Sarah is open-minded.
Sarah is patient.
Sarah is easily influenced.
7 a) Who or what do the underlined words refer to ? Quote from the text.
They are ruining this city.

2 a) Where does she live exactly in Charleston ?

b) Quote the three reasons why she chose that

What are those ?

Its quite bohemian.

b) Justify your answer in the previous question

by quoting from the text.

b) Read the three sentences in the previous

question. What can you conclude about Sarahs
state of mind ? (10 words maximum)
Read from Gillon pointed. to ... Sarah

4 Choose three adjectives among the following. Justify each answer with one quotation.

8 The conversation is about the works of art

shown in the place.

3 a) Is she married ?


Sujet 14 Le sujet

a) Quote two words or phrases which Gillon

uses to refer to them.

12 Find a dress, dear, she said. Or a

skirt at least. Just to please me.

b) Quote two words or phrases which Sarah

uses to refer to them.

a) Who is the speaker ?

c) What does the conversation reveal about

their views on the topic ? Explain in your own
words. (20 words max.)
Read from No Sarah said [...] to the end.
9 a) Who does He refer to ?

b) Explain in your own words what the speaker

actually means. (20 words max.)
Questions on document B
13 Whose point of view is expressed throughout the text ?

b) Give information about this character (country of origin, age group, occupation). (15 words

14 Comment on the different ways the visitors

greet Arabella, taking into account their words
and gestures. (30-40 words)

10 a) Quote two phrases illustrating what Sarah thinks of the character referred to in 9. a).

15 I make myself look at her properly What

does Arabella realise concerning the image she
had of Lucy ?

b) Quote two phrases illustrating how Gillon

views that character.
c) Compare the two womens views on that
character. (15 words max.)
11 a) Who invites the character mentioned in
9. a) for dinner ?
b) What seems to be the real motivation behind
this invitation ? (10-15 words)


16 In your own words, comment on Lucys

and Dads reactions to their environment.
Question on documents A and B
17. The two central characters both demonstrate a certain degree of power over the other
characters. Which do you consider to have the
most power ? Explain.

Expression crite

Vous devez traiter les deux sujets (300 mots au total, soit environ 150 mots pour chaque sujet).
1 A week later, Gillon comes to Sarahs place for the dinner, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Write
the conversation.
2 Is a work of art necessarily beautiful ? Illustrate your view with examples.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


e) Situ la suite de has come , le mot manquant ne peut tre quun verbe qui cre le lien
entre le sujet (d) et Gillon. Pourquoi est-elle venue ?

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

f) La structure, cest in order to + Verbe .

(Mme rflexion quen e).)

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :
a) de choisir la bonne rponse par rapport
lendroit o se trouvent les personnages. Il
sagit dun lieu o on peut passer la nuit, acheter de lart, jouer ou bien recevoir des soins de

g) est le complment de f). quelle fin le faitelle ?

Procder par tapes
1. Reprez les diffrentes parties du texte
qui voquent ce que vous recherchez.

b) de reprer trois mots dans le texte pour justifier la rponse que vous avez donn la question a).
c) de recopier le paragraphe en compltant
chaque blanc laide dun mot prlev dans le
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour la question c), lanalyse de la fonction
grammaticale du mot manquant et du contexte
de la phrase vous aidera identifier llment

2. Analysez bien chaque phrase pour en

identifier llment pertinent.
Focus on Gillon.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de :
a) prciser o est-ce que Gillon rside Charleston.
b) citer les trois raisons pour lesquelles elle a
choisi cet endroit.

a) ......... s
b) .......... : s est le gnitif, indiquant le lien de
possession. Il ne sutilise quavec des noms de
personnes. a) correspond donc un nom de personnage, et b) au lien de parent entre Gillon et
ce personnage.
c) Le a , devant, vous indique que le mot
manquant est un nom ; in quil sagit dun
lieu ; work que lactivit quelle y pratique,
cest son travail.
d) Le mot manquant vient avant le verbe has
come : il sagit donc du sujet de la phrase qui
est en relation avec Gillon (en fin de phrase).
Qui est venu ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit :
a) dindiquer si Gillon est marie ou non.
b) de justifier votre rponse en citant le texte.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous allez reprer ...until you are married .
Faites attention, until modifie totalement le
sens apparent de la phrase.
until = jusqu ce que ...


Sujet 14 Le sujet Pas


Procder par tapes

Comprendre la question
Vous devez choisir 3 adjectifs qui correspondent la personnalit de Gillon et citer le
texte pour justifier votre choix chaque fois.

1. Reprez les diffrentes parties du texte

qui focalisent sur Sarah.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

self-restrain = self-control/ self-discipline

3. Retenez laffirmation pour laquelle vous

avez trouv une illustration dans le

2. Essayez chaque fois de voir quelle affirmation pourrait correspondre.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez les diffrentes parties du texte

qui dcrivent les actions de Gillon ou
bien ses propos.
2. Essayez chaque fois de voir quel adjectif
pourrait correspondre.
3. Retenez les 3 passages pour lesquels
vous avez trouv un adjectif appropri.
Focus on Sarah.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de citer trois lments qui
montrent que Sarah a un niveau de vie lev.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le niveau de vie transparat dans le soin apport son apparence physique, la tenue vestimentaire, le lieu de rsidence et la prsence
ou non de domestiques.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :
a) identifier llment dans le texte auquel renvoie chaque pronom soulign.
b) analyser ces trois rpliques pour en dduire
ltat desprit de Sarah.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pronoms pluriels : they/ those => renvoient
des noms au pluriel
Pronom singulier : it => renvoie un lment
neutre (non humain)
Read from Gillon pointed. to ... Sarah
Comprendre la question
Les questions portent sur la discussion au sujet
des uvres dart que lon peut voir dans une
exposition. On vous demande :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de slectionner la seule affirmation
correcte dans la liste et de la recopier sur votre

a) de citer deux mots ou phrases utiliss par Gillon pour parler de ces uvres.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

supportive = encouraging/ understanding
open-minded = tolerant/ non-judgmental

c) dexpliquer avec vos propres mots ce que la

conversation nous dvoile de leurs avis sur le

b) de citer deux mots ou phrases utiliss par Sarah pour parler de ces uvres.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer la notion de :
Beaut : beautiful/ aesthetic/ pleasing to the
eye/ appealing
Critique : critical/ disapproving/ faultfinding/

b) expliciter le vrai motif de cette invitation.

(to) criticize/ disapprove of/ find fault with

Find a dress, dear, she said. Or a skirt at
least. Just to please me.

Qualit : inferior/ common/ vulgar/ worthless ;

valuable/ precious/ out of the ordinary/ priceless
Valeurs : unconventional/ bohemian ; conformist/ conservative
Read from No Sarah said [...] to the end.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez :
a) identifier le personnage auquel renvoie
he .
b) dresser le portrait de ce personnage (pays
dorigine, ge approximatif, profession).
Comprendre la question
Les questions portent sur le personnage voqu
en 9). On vous demande de :
a) citer deux phrases utilises par Sarah pour
dire ce quelle pense de lui.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Amiti : friendship/ friendly relationship
Mariage : marriage/ wedding/ potential husband/ marriage material

Comprendre la question
Il sagit :
a) didentifier qui est lauteur de la rplique.
b) dexpliciter le sens de ses propos.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Apparence : (to) look/ appear/ seem + Adjectif
(to) look like + Nom
(to) wear/ dress in/ put on + Nom de vtement
Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
Vous devez indiquer lidentit du narrateur.
(Cest le narrateur qui exprime son point de vue
tout au long du texte.)

b) citer deux mots ou phrases utiliss par Gillon

pour dire ce quelle pense de lui.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de commenter les diffrentes faons
quont les visiteurs de saluer Arabella, en analysant leurs dires et leurs gestes.

c) comparer le point de vue des deux femmes

son sujet.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Laccueil peut tre :
cold/ icy/ distant


tense/ strained parce que la personne est

nervous/ ill at ease/ stressed

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :

warm/ affectionate/ friendly

a) prciser qui est lorigine de linvitation du

personnage en 9) au dner.

exuberant/ enthusiastic/ hearty

Sujet 14 Le sujet Pas



Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer ce dont Arabella
se rend compte concernant limage quelle
avait de Lucy.
Procder par tapes
1. Reprez limage quelle entretenait
dArabella au dpart (= avant la citation).
2. Analysez ce quelle constate (= aprs la
3. Explicitez lcart observ.


Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre Gillon et sa grand-mre (qui lui a demand de venir habille en robe pour faire la conversation
avec Henry).
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :
formes contractes (its/ dont...)
impratif (dont tell me.../ dont worry)
Procder par tapes


1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la


Comprendre la question
Il sagit de commenter la manire dont Lucy et
Dad ragissent leur environnement, avec vos
propres mots.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous aurez besoin de la notion de :
Fascination : enchantment/ fascination/ captivation.
Rejet : (to) shut out/ reject/ exclude.
Question on documents A and B
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer lequel des deux personnages principaux exerce selon vous le plus
grand pouvoir sur son entourage.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous aurez besoin de la notion de :
Contrle : control/ power/ authority ;
(to) control/ dominate/ command.
Dpendance : (to) depend on/ rely on/ count on ;
dependent/ reliant on ;
independent/ self-reliant/ self-supporting.

2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexprimer votre point de vue sur la
beaut et lart. Vont-ils forcment de pair ? Lart
est-il forcment beau ? Vous allez pouvoir dmontrer dun ct que lart relve de lesthtique, et de lautre que la beaut est subjective.
Dans la conclusion, vous pouvez exprimer un
point de vue plus personnel : par exemple, expliquer pourquoi pour vous lart est toujours
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :
to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of
view/ as far as Im concerned
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and
yet/ on the one hand... on the other hand...
Procder par tapes
Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :


1. introduction (reformulation du sujet.)

2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple :
lart relve de lesthtique parce que...)
3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :
la beaut est subjective parce que...)
4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis
personnel circonstanci)
Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Sujet 14 Le corrig


6 Sarahs values are traditional.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 a) The characters are in a place where you
can buy art.
b) The three words from the text that justify
that the characters are in a place where you can
buy art are : gallery, sculptures, buy a picture.
c) Gillon is a) Sarahs b) granddaughter. She
works in a c) gallery. d) Sarah has come to e)
meet Gillon in order to f) invite her for g) dinner.

7 a) They are ruining this city : tourists

What are those ? : sculptures [...] Figures of
female deities
Its quite bohemian : your present residence Society Street
b) Sarah is very conservative not really openminded. She criticizes many things. Obviously
tourists are not welcome. She doesnt like the
kind of art she sees since it is obscene to her and
she disapproves of her granddaughters place
of residence which she finds a lower-class district.

2 a) Gillon lives in Society Street in Charleston.

8 a) Sculptures
Figures of female deities
Its art

b) She chose that address to live here because

its bohemian, because its cheap and because
she needs her independence.

b) Halloween goblins
Art, [...], is not a licence for obscenity

3 a) She is not married, she is single.

b) You wont have a shred of independence,
my girl, until you are married.
4 Gillon is :
affectionate : Gillon came forward to kiss
her cheek.
meticulous : I just waxed the floor Cleaned every picture
self-restrained : Gillon bit her lip

c) The conversation reveals that Gillon and Sarah do not have the same point of view on art
and they are really different. On the one hand,
Gillon thinks art is really varied and on the
other hand Sarah has a very traditional point of
view and doesnt think primitive art is art but
that it is obscene. Gillon is open-minded whereas Sarah is narrow-minded when it has to do
with art.
9 a) He refers to Henry.

5 Sarah has a high standard of living since :

b) Henry is a young Englishman, he is a photographer.

She wore a powder-blue linen two-piece

and pearls.

10 a) perfectly charming English friend,

What a fine young man.

where she stayed, firmly, at the Waldorf Astoria

b) Henry is not a kind of family play thing,

He is a nice guy.

Sarah put out a trimly manicured small


c) For Gillon, Henry is simply a friend and an

artist, whereas for Sarah he is a potential husband for Gillon.

Miss Minda is making chicken enchiladas


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

11 a) Henry is invited to dinner by Sarah.

b) The real motivation behind this invitation
is to make Gillon and Henry meet and try to
make them know each other better so that their
friendly relationship may change and turn into
a love affair as for Sarah and the family Henry
is the perfect husband for Gillon.
12 a) The speaker is Sarah.
b) Sarah wants Gillon to dress for dinner, to
change her look so has to be more attractive
than she is, to look more feminine.
Questions on document B

15 Arabella realizes that although she feels

jealous of Lucy, the image she has of her is
wrong and Lucy seems normal, even nervous.
16 Lucy seems fascinated by what she sees
around her, she keeps looking at everything and
turns her head around not to lose the slightest
thing whereas her Dad seems to be ill-at-ease,
embarrassed, obviously he doesnt like what he
sees and feels the world around him as a threat
or something which disturbs him.
Question on documents A and B

13 The point of view which is expressed is

Arabellas one.
14 The visitors greet Arabella in very different ways. Teddy is very enthusiastic and
takes Arabella in his arms, he is affectionate
and seems glad to see her. Contrary to Dad who
is distant and rather cold as well as Lucy who
is very shy even ill-at-ease since she doesnt


even look at Arabella and only murmurs and

half smiles.

17 Gillon seems to have really taken control

of her life and established her independence without worrying about what her family thinks.
Arabella is also independent, but she is far less
confident, especially as she is trying to establish her position in relation to her stepfather
and stepsister. She seems to be suffering from
lack of affection.

Expression crite

1 Good evening Grandmother

Good evening Gillon. Dear, why are you wearing jeans and a T-shirt ? I asked you to dress when
I invited you.
Grandmother, thats the way I am used to dressing, and Im not going to a stiff party but to dinner
with you.
Gillon, we have a guest so at least you could have made an effort.
Grandmother, I know that guest, he is a friend of mine, so I dont have to make effort for you and
a friend.
But Gillon, people dress for dinner you know, even if Im your Grandmother and if Henry is a
friend of yours. Thats the way people generally do.
Grandmother, it is not a formal dinner and Henry is a guy who can perfectly understand what I
think. You belong to another generation. Nowadays things have changed and people do not dress
when they meet with a relative or with friends.
Well at least thats what I would do and I think you should do the same, it is a way to respect
people and to show we are attentive to them.

Sujet 14 Le corrig

Grandmother you really have to become aware that things are not what they used to be any longer.
Besides, I perfectly understand that you want to attract Henrys attention on me. Im not a fool
and I know what you would like : you want me to marry Henry, but he is only a friend and Im
afraid you wont succeed in your enterprise.
Gillon, I think a woman like you should get married and I think that Henry is a very nice and
charming man and that he would be a good husband for you.
Grandmother Im old enough to know if a man is good or bad for me and I will be the one to
choose my husband when I decide to get married. Lets forget about that now, shall we ?
2 I think we cant say a work of art is necessarily beautiful. The notion of beauty is very subjective
and as a consequence very different from one person to another. What I think is beautiful may not
be considered as beautiful by other people.
This is true in everyday life and consequently it is also true for art. In the text we can clearly see
that for Gillon, primitive religious statues of deities are beautiful whereas her grandmother finds
them obscene and doesnt like them.
This can also be the case for any kind of art. People like classical music but may not like modern
music. Others may like classical paintings by Rembrandt or Michael Angelo but may not like
paintings by Picasso for instance.
Needless to say we have all heard of the exhibition devoted to human bodies showing the inside
of a corpse which created a real debate among people who clearly had different points of view.
For some it is art, and for others it is unbearable to display human corpses like that, they find it
Throughout the centuries, there have always been debates on art. We all know that when a new
trend in art appeared, there were those who clearly found that it was art and those who thought it
was not art. It takes time for people to accept a new form of art and there are always some who
wont find it is art.
To conclude, art and beauty are very subjective and may appeal to some and not to others. Art
is not rational and it never will be, just like beauty. Each person who likes a work of art finds it
beautiful but this view may not be shared by others.


Sujet 15, Polynsie, juin 2013, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Lide de progrs
Document A
A robot with a reassuring touch




BOSTON If you grab the hand of a two-armed robot named Baxter, it will turn its head and a
pair of cartoon eyes displayed on a tablet-size computer-screen face will peer at you with
The sensation that Baxter conveys is not creepy, but benign, perhaps even disarmingly friendly.
And that is intentional.
Baxter, the first product of Rethink Robotics, an ambitious start-up company in a revived manufacturing district here, is a significant bet that robots in the future will work directly with humans
in the workplace.
That is a marked shift from todays machines, which are kept safely isolated from humans, either
inside glass-cages or behind laser-controlled light curtains, because they move with Terminatorlike speed and accuracy and could flatten any human they encountered. By contrast, Baxter, which
comes encased in plastic and has a nine-foot wingspan, is relatively slow and imprecise in the
way it moves. And it has an elaborate array of safety mechanisms and sensors to protect the human
workers it assists.
Here in a brick factory that was once one of the first electrified manufacturing sites in New England, Rodney A. Brooks, the legendary roboticist who is Rethinks founder, proves its safety by
placing his head in the path of Baxters arm while it moves objects on an assembly line.[...]
The $22,000 robot that Rethink will begin selling in October is the clearest evidence yet that
robotics is more than a laboratory curiosity or a tool only for large companies with vast amounts
of capital. The company is betting it can broaden the market for robots by selling an inexpensive
machine that can collaborate with human workers, the way the computer industry took off in the
1980s when the prices of PCs fell sharply and people without programming experience could start
using them right out of the box.
John Markoff, The New York Times, September 18, 2012.

Document B
Alter our DNA or robots will take over, warns hawking

Stephen Hawking, the acclaimed scientist and writer, reignited the debate over genetic engineering
yesterday by recommending that humans change their DNA through genetic modification to keep
ahead of advances in computer technology and stop intelligent machines from taking over the
He made the remarks in an interview with the German magazine Focus. Because technology is
advancing so quickly, Hawking said, computers double their performance every month. Humans,

Sujet 15 Le sujet


in contrast, are developing much more slowly, and so must change their DNA make-up or be left
behind. The danger is real, he said, that this [computer] intelligence will develop and take over
the world. [...]
He also advocated cyber-technology direct links between human brains and computers. We
must develop as quickly as possible technologies that make possible a direct connection between
brain and computer, so that artificial brains contribute to human intelligence rather than opposing
Nick Paton Walsh, The Observer, Sunday 2 September 2001.


e) John Markoff :

Comprhension de lcrit

1 Read the two texts and find the following

Document A

f) Nick Walsh :
Questions on document A
3 a) Choose six adjectives characterizing
Baxter. Justify by quoting from the text.
ambitious/ benign/ creepy/ dangerous/ fast/
friendly-looking/ imprecise/ inexpensive/ safe/

a) Type :
b) Author :
c) Source :

b) Are the statements Right or Wrong ? Justify

with a quote from or a reference to the text :

d) Is it informative or fictional ?
e) Subject :

1. Rethink Robotics is an American company.

Document B

2. Rethink Robotics began selling the Baxter robots in the 1980s.

a) Type :
b) Author :

3. The company has created a robot that is

dangerous for humans.

c) Source :

4. Robots today do not work in direct

contact with humans.

d) Is it informative or fictional ?
e) Subject :
2 Who or what do the following names refer
to ?
a) Baxter :
b) Rethink :
c) RodneyBrooks :
d) Stephen Hawking :

5. The price of a Baxter robot will remain

c) In a few words, compare Terminator-like robots and Baxter.
Questions on document B
4 a) How does Hawking feel about intelligent machines ?


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

b) What solutions does he suggest ? What

would be the objective of each solution ?
Seuls les candidats de la srie L traiteront la
question suivante.


Question on documents A and B

5 Compare and contrast how the two texts
present and analyse the issue of machine intelligence (80-100 words).

Expression crite

Les candidats de la srie L traiteront les deux sujets. Les candidats des sries S et ES choisiront
un sujet.
1 How do you feel about the rise of intelligent machines ? Do you think they are dangerous ?
Discuss and illustrate your point using precise examples.
2 Imagine living with a robot in your home. Write about a typical day in the company of your


Sujet 15 Le sujet Pas



2. Elle a commenc vendre les robots

Baxter dans les annes 80.

Comprhension de lcrit

3. Elle a cr un robot qui est dangereux

pour lhomme.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de reprer les informations suivantes
pour chacun des deux textes :

4. Aujourdhui, les robots ne travaillent

pas en contact direct avec les humains.

a) nature du support

5. Le prix dun robot Baxter va rester


b) auteur

Procder par tapes

c) source

1. Reprez la partie du texte qui correspond aux ides de laffirmation.

d) est-ce informatif ou fictif ?

e) quel est le sujet ?

2. Analysez les phrases du texte pour dterminer si laffirmation est vraie ou


Comprendre la question
On vous demande de spcifier quoi ou qui
renvoie chaque nom propre.

3. Indiquez votre rponse et citez la phrase

chaque fois.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez le nom propre dans le texte.
2. Analysez linformation autour de ce
nom propre pour identifier ce quil qualifie.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez comparer les robots qui ressemblent Terminator et Baxter.
Questions on document B

Questions on document A


Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier les six adjectifs qui caractrisent Baxter et justifier votre rponse en
citant le texte.
Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation il sagit de dire si elle
est vraie ou fausse et de citer le texte pour le

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de reprer les sentiments de
Hawking lgard des intelligent machines .
Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier les solutions proposes
par Hawking en analysant le but chaque fois.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour exprimer le but :

1. Rethink Robotics est une entreprise


to, in order to, so as to + Verbe

so that + Sujet + Verbe conjugu

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Vous aurez besoin aussi des ides de :

Question on document A and B

take over : take control/ overrun/ invade/


Comprendre la question
Il sagit de comparer et de contraster la manire
dont les deux textes prsentent et analysent la
question de lintelligence des machines.

perfection : (to) perfect/ develop/ design/

danger :
dangerous/ harmful/ nightmare scenario
safe/ safety/ security/ harmless

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour exprimer le contraste :
on the contrary, on the other hand + sujet + verbe conjugu
whereas/ while + sujet + verbe conjugu


Procder par tapes

1. Prparez vos ides.
2. Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :
introduction (reformulation du sujet)

Expression crite

un nouveau paragraphe pour chaque nouvelle ide

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport lide
que les machines intelligentes puissent saisir le
pouvoir et dexprimer son propre point de vue.
Sont-elles dangereuses ? Quelle que soit la position que vous adoptiez, il sagit dun essai argumentatif. Ce qui importe le plus, cest que
vous dmontriez votre capacit argumenter.
Vous pouvez fort bien, prsenter les deux faces
du mme argument et annoncer votre position
personnelle dans la conclusion.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :
to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of
view/ as far as Im concerned/ it seems to me
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :
en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats

conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis personnel circonstanci)

Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dun sujet dinvention. On vous demande dimaginer une journe typique dans
votre vie accompagn de votre propre robot.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour parler des robots :
robotized household
Pour parler des tches domestiques :
(to) put away/ wash/ press/ tidy away
Pour parler des activits de la journe :
(to) wake up/ take breakfast/ brush my teeth/ go
to school/ follow classes/ exercise
Procder par tapes

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and


1. Prparez vos ides.

2. Rdigez votre rponse au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Sujet 15 Le corrig


Question on document A

Comprhension de lcrit

1 Read the two texts and find the following

Document A

a) Type : newspaper article

b) Author : John MARKOFF
c) Source : The New York Times
d) Is it informative or fictional ? informative

3 a) Baxter is :
> benign, creepy and friendly-looking
The sensation that Baxter conveys is not
creepy, but benign, perhaps even disarmingly
> imprecise and slow
Baxter, [...], is relatively slow and imprecise in
the way it moves.
> safe
it has an elaborate array of safety mechanisms...

e) Subject : a two-armed robot named Baxter

b) Right or Wrong ?
Document B

1. Right : in New England.

a) Type : newspaper article

2. Wrong : The $22,000 robot that Rethink will begin selling in October.

b) Author : Nick Paton WALSH

3. Wrong : And it has an elaborate array of

safety mechanisms and sensors to protect the human workers it assists.

c) Source : The Observer

d) Is it informative or fictional ? informative

4. Wrong : robots in the future will work

directly with humans in the workplace.

e) Subject : a warning that robots are capable

of taking over humans (if we dont change our

5. Wrong : The company is betting it can

broaden the market for robots by selling
an inexpensive machine.

2 Who or what do the following names refer

to ?
a) Baxter : the robot designed by Rethink
b) Rethink : a start-up company specialised in
c) Rodney Brooks : the founder of Rethink, and
legendary roboticist
d) Stephen Hawking : the acclaimed scientist
and writer
e) John Markoff : a journalist for the New York
f) Nick Paton Walsh : a journalist for the Observer

c) Terminator-like robots are fast and accurate,

whereas Baxter is slow and imprecise. Unlike
Terminator-like robots, Baxter is not dangerous
for human beings.
Questions on document B
4 a) Hawkings thinks that computers are evolving so fast that they will end up being superior
to human beings. He considers this to be a real
b) He proposes two solutions. Firstly, that human beings change their DNA to match the
evolution in computers. Secondly, that scientists exploit the direct link that is possible bet-


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

ween a computer and the human brain in order that cybertechnology contributes to creating better humans.
Question on document A and B
5 Text A presents machine intelligence as
being a form of progress that will be useful for
man. On the contrary, text B is very alarmist
and suggests that unless human beings modify
their DNA or their brain function, they will be


overtaken by intelligent machines. The journalist in text A underlines the dangers of existing robots, which are incapable of working
alongside humans. He is optimistic, saying that
the evolution proposed by Rethink will ensure
that robots are both human-friendly and relatively inexpensive. Hawkings, on the other hand,
is pessimistic and suggests that the only solution is for mankind to integrate cybertechnology into their brains.

Expression crite

1 In text B, Stephen Hawkings is more than alarmist : he predicts that the human race will be
overrun by intelligent machines, unless we perfect our own brain. I find such a nightmare scenario exaggerated, as I can think of no example of machines outdoing men that exists today.
Maybe the scene described in text A is true : that robots today are kept inside glass cages or
controlled by laser to stop them interacting with humans. However, inventors like Rodney Brooks
are careful enough to keep their prototypes under lock and key until they are safe enough to use
in ordinary conditions.
Up till now, it seems to me that the only time technology has been used against man, was in the
case of the atom bomb. This bomb in itself is harmless, if it is used as a simple deterrent as it was
intended. Mans enemy in this case was not technology but man himself. I would say that arms
are a case apart and demonstrate mans cruelty and lack of humanity that dates back to prehistoric
It is true that there are more and more tales in fiction or on the big screen of machines rebelling
and taking control of human society. They are of course totally fictional, but play their role in
making society aware of the potential danger. At the end of the day, Rodney Brooks invention is
a concrete example of a human-friendly machine. Hawkings cry of danger is that of an old man
who revels in the limelight of the media. Take no notice !
2 I live in the first fully robotized household. My father Rodney Brooks has spent all his free
time designing robots for the family. We each have our own. This is how a typical day goes by for
me in the company of my robot.
While Im asleep, Fred (thats the name of my robot) puts away whatever toys, games or clothes
that I left out before I went to bed. The clothes are washed and pressed and returned to my wardrobe
before I wake up. I dont like alarm bells, so Fred wakes me up with some light music that gradually
gets louder, until I react.
Breakfast is taken in the family room with each of our robots serving us. Fred prepares my school
tablet by putting all the work I will be using during the day on the tactile screen. He accompanies
me to the bathroom while I brush my teeth and tells me off if I stop brushing before the three
minutes are up.

Sujet 15 Le corrig

Our robots dont accompany the kids to school, as Dad wants us to have a normal existence, but
while I am at school, Fred follows the classes and prepares multimedia dossiers on the subjects so
that I can revise in a more dynamic way when I get back home. I could use Fred to cheat, but Dad
has insisted on the moral issue : Fred is here to help us succeed, not to help us take advantage of
other people.
After school, Fred becomes my personal coach and sets me through a tough exercise regime. Dad
has realised that if we become too dependent on our robots, our physical and intellectual mass will
gradually disappear. So we are constantly exercising our minds and our bodies.
I sometimes wish that we lived in a normal household and that only my Mum and Dad told me to
get some exercise or to use my brain !


Sujet 16, Sujet indit, sries ES, S, L, LV2

Lide de progrs

Document A







Is there a Kipper in the house ?

Im living with a Kipper. Some of my friends have them, too. In fact countrywide, I think they are
increasing phenomena and it makes you think : was it all worth it the stress, the tears, even the
expense to end up with a Kipper ?
What am I talking about ? Twenty-somethings who have fledged and flown the nest, only to return
for an indefinite period. Home is cheap and it comes as fully-catered accommodation in fact,
home is a comfy hotel.
The Kipper rises from bed at the last possible moment, arrives at the breakfast table, where it may
or may not speak, and then speeds off to work. Ah yes, we have a working Kipper, but it only
stays in adult mode (I presume) through the working day. Once home, Kipper reclines in front of
satellite TV or may retire to its en-suite accommodation to watch DVDs until supper.
On at least two nights of the week, though, Kipper is bright-eyed and bushy tailed and able to
throw itself into rowing training and circuits but returns even more tired and hungry to the nest
and squawks loudly for food.
When we go out to dinner, Kipper comes too, because it cant cook. However, when Kipper goes
out for a meal, we are not welcome olds should stay at home.
Many of my friends have Kippers and they notice, too, that, although often in their mid-twenties,
they revert to parent-dependent behaviour on returning to the nest. One acquaintance has a Kipper
aged 40+, but this is probably a different syndrome because Kippers hadnt been invented in the
early Eighties.
So what are Kippers ? They are kids invading parents pockets eroding retirement savings. The
Japanese have a more derogatory phrase : parasite singles. It refers to those grown children in their
twenties and thirties who are unmarried and still sharing the family home. Rather worryingly, it is
estimated that there could be 10 million parasite singles in Japan.
Could Britain be following in Japans footsteps ? It appears so, because the UK is estimated to
have some seven million adults over the age of 18 still living with their parents. Perhaps even
more worryingly for Kipper owners, two million are over 30 years of age and one million approaching 40 ! The thought of reaching 70 with a pair of Kippers still in the house is too terrible
to contemplate. But we wont be alone, because one in four households apparently still has adult
children at home.
However, it is also depressing for young people. They attend university, get a good degree and
then try to enter the employment market. One of two things happens : they cant get a graduate
job and so end up waitressing, working in a supermarket, entering data for libraries or working
in a call centre, and cant make enough money to rent accommodation and live. Or they obtain a
graduate post but find the funds are insufficient to live on. [...]
Part of the problem with parasite singles is the amount of debt young people are forced to take on
at university, coupled with the ever-increasing rise in house prices.

Sujet 16 Le sujet


So for the moment we are stuck with Kipper too poor to move out, still trapped in student mode
and inflicting her clutter on our house.
But we promise not to use the term parasite single well at least not until she is 40 and still at
Frances Green, The Daily Telegraph, August 10th , 2005.

Document B


A missing seven-year-old boy has been reunited with his family four months after he accidentally
kicked his football inside a freight carriage and became trapped on the moving train as he tried
to get it back. Mohamed Fazlu was playing close to the railway tracks when a kick sent his ball
aboard the train, which then carried him 812 miles from his home in Bangalore.
He was discovered by railway police in Vellore district, in Tamil Nadu. Local child welfare officials put him in a home for runaways while they began a search for his family, but they started
looking in the wrong place after Mohamed told them he was from Mumbai 1 .
Eventually officers invited local television channels to join their search for the boys family and
got an almost instant result. Mohameds brother, Roshan Zameer, three, was watching the television when he called out to his parents that Mohamed has climbed inside the television and was
speaking from inside.
The reunion was a joyous moment.
The Daily Telegraph, September 11, 2010.


2 What are the negative characteristics of a typical Kipper ?

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Describe a typical Kippers various activities. Use elements from the text to complete the
following sentences.
a) In the morning .........
b) During the day .........
c) In the evening .........
d) Twice a week .........
e) Occasionally .........

3 a) What are Kippers ? Complete the following summary.

The Kipper phenomenon appeared at the end of
the ......... century in several countries, notably
in ......... and .........
The Kipper phenomenon affects people aged
........., who are usually not ......... but who still
live .........
b) Which sentence in the text explains the origin of the word Kipper ?

1. Mumbai : Bombay


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

4 There are some advantages in being a Kipper : according to the journalist, what are the
two main advantages ? Answer in your own
5 a) What group of people does the journalist
represent ?
b) How do these people view Kippers ? Why ?
6 The article mentions the causes of the Kipper phenomenon. What are they ? Answer in
your own words.

a) The boy didnt mean to put his ball on the

b) Once he was on the train, the boy could not
get off.
c) Mohamed and his parents were happy to be
together again.
9 Pick out from the text and write down the
place where the boy...
a) lives.

7 Which of the following statements best describes the tone of the text ?

b) was found.

a) The journalist thinks that the situation is dramatic and puts the blame on young people who
dont do enough to become independent.

10 a) Where did the boy live after being found

on the train ? (justify by quoting the text)

b) The journalist considers the situation can be

difficult for some parents but there is some humour in the way she presents this situation.

c) said he lived.

b) Who recognized Mohamed and where did he

see him ?
11 Find one sentence showing that the medias role was essential.

c) The journalist is depressed about the situation and clearly wants her daughter to leave
home as quickly as possible.

12 Is this a true story ? (Justify by quoting the


Questions on document B

Question on documents A and B

8 The following statements are right. Justify

by quoting the text.

Do these two documents present the same vision of progress ? Explain.


Expression crite

Traitez les deux sujets.

1 Do you consider that Kippers can be regarded as parasites ? (150 words)
2 The mother of a Kipper writes a letter to a friend of hers expressing her feelings about her
childs situation. (150 words)


Sujet 16 Le sujet Pas


Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de dcrire les activits du
kipper typique .
a) le matin
b) pendant la journe
c) le soir
d) deux fois par semaine
e) de temps en temps
Procder par tapes

at the end of the ......... century : il sagit du

nombre ordinal identifiant le sicle (century).
in several countries, notably in ......... and
......... : les deux mots manquants sont des noms
de pays (countries)
people aged ......... : vous recherchez le nombre
cardinal pour lge des personnes qui sont des
kippers potentiels.
people who are usually not ......... but who still
live ......... : il faut commencer par reprer le
lieu de rsidence des kippers (= le deuxime
blanc). Ensuite, le but vous indique la
contradiction : ils habitent l, et pourtant ils ne
sont pas .... Cest vous de faire preuve de logique (lide est prsente dans le texte, mais
cest vous de proposer ladjectif qui lui correspond.)

1. Reprez les phrases qui dcrivent les activits.

2. Analysez quel moment (= quelle
sous-question) lactivit correspond.
3. Recopiez les amorces donnes et intgrez la citation du texte.


Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prsenter avec vos
propres mots les deux avantages principaux
dtre kipper .

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier les caractristiques ngatives du kipper typique . Autrement dit, que
reproche la journaliste au kipper ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier :
a) le groupe de personnes que le journaliste reprsente.
b) la manire dont ce groupe de personnes
considre les kippers en en expliquant la raison.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez :
a) complter le rsum pour fournir une dfinition des kippers .

b) prlever la phrase du texte qui explique lorigine du mot kipper .

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer avec vos propres mots les
origines du phnomne Kipper .

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour le rsum, il faut analyser le contexte pour
connatre la nature et le sens du mot qui manque
chaque fois.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer autrement :
graduate = someone with a university degree
accommodation = lodging = a place to live


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas



Comprendre la question
On vous demande de choisir laffirmation
parmi les trois proposes qui dcrit le mieux la
tonalit de larticle.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez dire sil sagit dune histoire vraie
ou non, en citant le texte pour justifier votre rponse.

Questions on document B

Question on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier la phrase dans le texte qui
prouve que chaque affirmation est juste.
a) Le garon navait pas lintention de mettre
son ballon dans le train.
b) Une fois mont bord du train, le garon ne
pouvait plus descendre.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de dire si selon vous ces
deux documents prsentent la mme vision du
progrs. Pour cela, il faut prendre du recul et
examiner ce que chaque document semble dire
en plaant llment de progrs quil prsente
dans le contexte historique. De quoi parle-t-on
au nom du progrs ? La vision prsente estelle positive ou ngative chaque fois ?

c) Mohamed et ses parents taient heureux de

se retrouver.


Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Vous devez rechercher dans larticle le lieu o :
le garon vit.
on la trouv.
il a dit quil vivait.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande :
a) dexpliciter o le garon a vcu aprs avoir
t trouv dans le train. Vous devez citer le texte
pour justifier votre rponse.
b) de dire qui a reconnu Mohamed, et expliquer
o cette personne la vu.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport lattitude des Japonais qui considrent que les kippers sont des parasites et dexprimer VOTRE
propre point de vue. Est-on un parasite si on
continue vivre chez ses parents alors que lon
est dj adulte ? Il faudra justifier en argumentant quelle que soit la position que vous adoptiez. Ce qui importe le plus, cest que vous
dmontriez votre capacit argumenter. Vous
pouvez fort bien prsenter les deux faces du
mme argument et annoncer votre position personnelle dans la conclusion.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de citer la phrase qui montre que le rle
des mdia a t essentiel.

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :


Sujet 16 Le sujet Pas

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats

pour marquer une opposition : however/ and


Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour une lettre personnelle, il faut :
Commencer par :

(to) rely on/ depend on/ count on

ladresse en haut droite. (Inventez quelque

chose en anglais ......... Road, London,
par exemple.)

(to) take advantage of/ benefit from

la date, en-dessous de ladresse

dependent on/ reliant on

Le lexique du partage :

Dear + le prnom du destinataire au dbut

de la lettre.

(to) share

terminer par :

(to) join in/ help out/ participate in/ contribute to

la salutation : lots of love/ all my love/ hugs

and kisses/ all the best

Le lexique de la difficult financire :

la signature de lexpditeur (vitez de donner la vtre, ce serait liminatoire !)

Le lexique de la dpendance :

cant make ends meet/ cant provide for oneself

cant afford

Vous aurez besoin dexprimer des sentiments :

La frustration :

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et

cant stand/ be sick of/ had enough of

+ V-ing
Lapprobation, la dsapprobation :

Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

approve of/ dont mind + V-ing

disapprove of/ mind + V-ing

1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)

2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple : les
kippers sont des parasites...)

Le souhait :
I wish + Sujet + would + Verbe

3. 2 paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :

ils ne sont pas des parasites...)

if only + Sujet + would + Verbe

4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis

personnel circonstanci)

Procder par tapes

Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez imaginer la lettre rdige par la
mre dun kipper un(e) ami(e), qui elle
confie ses sentiments par rapport la situation
de son enfant.


1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la

2. crivez une phrase dintroduction pour
exposer la situation au dbut, puis rdigez la suite au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

- as they live in their parents home, they are

given free lodging ; - moreover, they do not
have to bother about cooking as they are served
meals everyday without helping in the kitchen.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1) a) In the morning, a kipper rises from
bed at the last possible moment, arrives at
the breakfast table, where he may or may not
speak, and then speeds off to work.
b) During the day, he is in adult mode.
c) In the evening, he reclines in front of satellite TV or may retire to its en-suite accommodation to watch DVDs until supper.
d) Twice a week, Kipper is bright-eyed and
brushy tailed and able to throw himself into
rowing training and circuits - but returns even
more tired and hungry to the nest and squawks
loudly for food.
e) Occasionally, the kipper goes out to dinner
with the parents because it cant cook.

5 a) The journalist represents the group of parents who are invaded by a Kipper.
b) These people view Kippers as parasites because they take advantage of everything and do
not help in any way, moreover they live at the
expense of their parents.
6 This phenomenon is due to the difficulty to
find a job in accordance with the diploma/degree these people have passed, so quite often
they have to accept badly paid or even underpaid jobs. In addition, even when they have a
good job, they do not earn enough money to
be self-sufficient and to afford their own apartment, because they have to pay debts back and
the prices in housing rise all the time.

2 There are some negative characteristics. A

kipper considers the parents home as a fully
catered accommodation, in other words a comfortable free hotel. Thats why he doesnt help
when it comes to domestic chores and even
takes advantage of the situation.

7 The statement which best describes the tone

of the text is : b) The journalist considers the
situation can be difficult for some parents but
there is some humour in the way she presents
this situation.

3 a) The Kipper phenomenon appeared at the

end of the twentieth century in several countries, notably in Japan and in Britain.
The Kipper phenomenon affects people aged
twenty or thirty something, who are usually not
unemployed, but who still live in their parents

Questions on document B
8 a) [...] he accidentally kicked his ball inside
a freight carriage [...].
b) [...] became trapped on the moving train
c) The reunion was a joyous moment.

b) The sentence that explains the origin of the

word Kipper is : - So what are Kippers ? They
are kids invading parents pocket eroding retirement savings.
4 According to the journalist, the advantages
in being a Kipper are :

9 a) The boy lives in Karnataka in Bangalore :

a language spoken in the state of Karnataka
[...], his carers began to doubt his story and
expanded their search to Karnataka, [...] from
his home in Bangalore.


Sujet 16 Le corrig

b) The boy was found [...] in Vellore district,

in Tamil Nadu, [...] 812 miles from his home
c) He said he lived in Bombay : Despite the
boys insistance that he was from Bombay,
[...] after Mohamed told them he was from
10 a) He lived in a home for children without
a family : Local child welfare officials put him
in a home for runaways [...].
b) Roshan Zameer, Mohameds younger brother recognized him on a TV program, I quote
Mohameds younger brother, Roshan Zameer,
three, was watching the television[...].
11 The medias role was essential because :
Eventually officers invited local television


channels to join their search for the boys family and got an almost instant result.
12 Yes, it is a true story that was published in
The Daily Telegraph on September, 11th , 2010.
Question on documents A and B
The newspaper article about kippers presents a
negative vision of progress, as the journalist is
critical of this evolution in society, which leads
young adults to squat their parents homes instead of establishing their independence. Its almost a regression, since before the 20th century
children stayed with their parents until they
married. On the contrary, the story about Mohamed being found thanks to a TV program illustrates how modern technology has improved
communication and makes it possible to find
solutions to even desperate causes.

Expression crite

1 I dont think that Kippers can be regarded as parasites, because this word is rather derogatory.
Nevertheless, I can understand that some parents call them parasites as they quite often take advantage of the situation. It is quite difficult to understand why they do not take their share of the
domestic chores. They are not children any longer and could understand that they may represent
a burden for their parents who are not as young as they were before and that their help would
be welcome.
This is probably the reason why parents quite often resent their adult children living at home.
However, we must understand that since the economic situation has become difficult, it is very
hard for them to provide for themselves and to stand on their own two feet. They have no choice
but to stay at their parents home.
In her article, we can see that the journalist understands the situation as she takes into account the
reasons why her daughter had to resort to coming back to live at her parents house. To conclude,
I would say that if adult children didnt take advantage of the situation so much they wouldnt
be regarded as parasites. To avoid it, they should help at home and should also take part in the
management of the household instead of behaving like parasites.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

2 London,
21st May
Dear June,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. Youre probably surprised to get a letter from me, as
we normally phone each other, but I need to put my thoughts in writing to clarify my ideas - and
Id like you to take the time to think your ideas through before answering.
I remember you talking a few years ago about having a kipper at home. At the time, I didnt
really pay much attention to what you said, as I didnt feel concerned, but things have changed,
and I need your help and advice desperately !
Our son Joe has broken up with his girlfriend. (Theyd been together for five years.) He has moved
back home, and hes driving me crazy. He does absolutely nothing around the house he doesnt
even clean the bath after hes used it ! He expects me to cook his food and do his washing, but
does not contribute to the household expenses at all !
Please write and tell me how you encouraged your kipper to leave home !
Best wishes,


Sujet 17, Sujet indit, toutes sries, LV2

Lide de progrs

Document A






A domestic droid opened the door of the Icoves home. Shed been created to replicate a woman
in her comfortable forties, with a pleasant face, a trim build. She showed them directly into the
main living area, offered them a seat, refreshment, then stepped out. Moments later, Icove came
in. There were shadows under his eyes and a weary pailor to his cheeks.
You have news ? he asked immediately.
Im sorry, Dr. Icove, we dont have anything to tell you at this time. We do have some follow-up
Oh. He rubbed the center of his forehead in a firm up-and-down motion. Of course.
As he crossed over to take a seat, Eve 1 saw the young boy peek around the doorway. His hair was
so blond it was nearly white and spiked up as the current fashion demanded from a youthful
and pretty face. He had his mothers eyes, she noted. So blue they were nearly purpled.
I think we might want to discuss this in private, Eve told Icove.
Yes. My wife and children are still at breakfast.
Not all of them. Eve inclined her head, and Icove turned in time to catch a glimpse of his son
before the boy scooted back out of sight.
Ben ! The sharp command had the boy sliding into view again, chin on chest. But those eyes,
Eve saw, were bright and avid despite the shamed posture.
Havent we discussed eavesdropping 2 on private conversations ?
Yes, sir.
Lieutenant Dallas, Detective Peabody, Icove said, my son, Ben.
Wilfred B. Icove the Third, the boy announced, straightening his shoulders. Benjamins my
middle name. Youre the police.
Because Peabody knew her partner, she took the front line with the boy. Thats right. Were very
sorry about your grandfather, Ben, and were here to talk to your father.
Somebody killed my granddad. They stabbed him right in the heart.
They know, Bens face was a study in frustration as he turned to his father. Now they have to
ask questions and follow leads and gather evidence. Do you have suspects ? he demanded.
Ben. Icove spoke more gently and wrapped an arm around his sons shoulders. My son doesnt
want to follow family tradition and enter the medical field. He hopes to be a private investigator.
Cops have to follow too many rules, the boy explained, PIs get to break them and they get big,
fat fees 3 and hang out with shady characters.
J. D. Robb, Origin In Death, 2005, sujet national, juin 2008, sries L et S, LV2.
1. Eve : Lieutenant Eve Daffas.
2. eavesdropping : to a conversation without permission.
3. fees : sums of money.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

Document B



About a year ago, in the depths of winter, a young college student left a party in a village near
the small town in New Hampshire in which I live to walk to his parents house a couple of miles
away. Foolishly for it was dark and he had been drinking he decided to take a shortcut
through the woods. He never made it.
The next day when his disappearance became known hundreds of volunteers took to the woods to
search for him. They searched for days, but without success. It wasnt until spring that someone
walking in the woods stumbled on his body.
Five weeks ago, something broadly similar happened. A small private jet with two people aboard
had to abort its approach as it came in to land at our local airport in poor weather. As the pilot
swung round to the northeast to make a new approach, he radioed his intentions to the control
A moment later the little green blip that was his plane disappeared from the airport radar screen.
Somewhere out there, abruptly and for reasons unknown, the plane came down in the woods.
Again a large-scale search was mounted, this time with a dozen planes and eleven helicopters
augmenting more than 200 volunteer searchers on the ground. Again they searched for days, and
again without luck. [...] The plane had simply vanished without trace.
I dont mean to imply that we live on the edge of some kind of Bermuda triangle of the deciduous
world, merely that the woods of New Hampshire are a rather strange and sinister place.
Bill Bryson, Notes front a Big Country, 1998, sujet national, septembre 2008, sries technologiques, LV1.


3 a) Pick out the names of the characters

present and classify them into two groups. Give
a name to each group.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
Group 1 : ...

1 a) Choose two answers to define the genre

of the extract.
 travel literature
 historical novel
 science fiction
 detective story

Group 2 : ...

b) For each group, define the relationships between the characters. (20 words maximum)
c) What is the standard of living of the Icoves ?
Quote three elements to justify your answer.
4 You have news ? he asked immediately.
a) Who does You refer to ?

b) Justify your choice with two short quotations

for each answer.

b) Who does he refer to ?

2 Where does the action take place ? Be as

specific as you can. (10-15 words)

c) What event is he alluding to ? (10 words



Sujet 17 Le sujet

5 Focus on the passage As he crossed

over... to Youre the police.
a) Eve saw the young boy peek around the
Write the full name of the young boy.
b) Who says Ben ! ?

More recently, a quite similar incident happened with a (6). Despite the efforts of the (7), the
aircraft was never seen again. According to the
narrator, that part of the country is a (8) place
to live in.

c) What does the use of the exclamation mark

show ? (10 words maximum)

9 Focus on the passage About a year ago

[...] to [...] in the woods stumbled on his

d) Account for this reaction in your own words,

using elements from the text. (25-30 words)

Right or wrong. Answer and justify by quoting

the text.

6 Focus on the passage from Willred B. the end.
a) What does the reader learn about Bens professional plans ? (10-15 words)
b) Why is he attracted to this job ? Give two reasons. (20 words maximum)
7 a) Choose two adjectives which apply to
Ben from the list below :
b) Pick out one quotation for each adjective. Do
not use the same quotation twice.

a) The young man had been playing tennis with

a friend before going home.
b) He got lost in the middle of the day.
c) He didnt want to have a long walk in the forest.
d) The following summer, he was found dead.
10 Focus on the passage Five weeks ago
to [...] vanished without trace
Right or wrong. Answer and justify by quoting
the text.
a) There were 200 passengers onboard.

Questions on document B
8 Complete the following summary with
words taken from the text. (one number = one
The narrator, who lives in the state of (1), relates two stories taking place in the (2) of this
region. One day a young (3) got lost there. After his (4) many people looked for him. His (5)
was found only a few months later.

b) The landing conditions were bad on that particular day.

c) Nobody could explain the incident.
d) Very few people were ready to help.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

11 Who or what do the underlined pronouns

refer to ?

12 Find an equivalent in the text for each of

the following :

a) He never made it.

a) stupidly

b) [...] it came in to land [...]

b) he didnt reach his final destination

c) [...] he radioed [...]

c) organised

d) [...] they searched [...]

d) disappeared

Question on documents A and B

13 What do the two documents have in common ? Explain the most important difference between


Expression crite

Vous devez traiter les deux sujets.

1 Write the dialogue between Dr Icove and his visitors after the interruption.
2 Imagine a newspaper report on a new unsolved mystery in New Hampshire. (150 words)


Sujet 17 Le sujet Pas



Procder par tapes

Comprhension de lcrit

1. Reprez tous les noms propres. Attention : certains noms propres peuvent dsigner la mme personne : cest le cas
des diminutifs.

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de dfinir le genre de cet extrait et de justifier les deux choix que vous allez faire avec une citation du texte chaque fois.
(pour vous aider, rflchissez au type de situation et de personnages que lon peut sattendre
rencontrer pour chaque genre.)

2. Listez les noms propres en deux catgories et attribuez un nom chaque catgorie.
3. Procdez par limination et par croisement des informations si besoin.
4. Recherchez des indices pour identifier
le rapport entre les personnages et le niveau de vie des Icoves.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez dire o se passe laction prcisment. Vous ntes pas cens citer le texte.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit :
a) de denommer les personnages prsents et de
les classer en 2 groupes.
Vous devez donner un nom chaque groupe (=
indiquer la catgorie de personnes).
b) de dfinir les rapports entre les personnages
au sein de chaque groupe.
c) didentifier le niveau de vie des Icoves.
Pour ce faire, vous devez citer trois lments
du texte pour justifier votre rponse.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le lexique du niveau de vie :
At the top of the social ladder = upper class
= rich, well off, wealthy
In the middle of the social ladder = middle
class = reasonably comfortable, quite well
At the bottom of the social ladder = working
class = poor, on the poverty line

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier qui renvoient
les pronoms en italique pour les questions a) et
b). Dans la question c), on vous demande dexpliciter la rfrence news : de quelles nouvelles sagit-il ?
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le rfrent dun pronom nest pas toujours explicit dans le contexte en amont. Cest le cas
pour he, mais pas pour they : on retrouve them,
mais il faudra aller plus loin en aval pour retrouver de qui il sagit. Lexplicitation de lincident se trouve beaucoup plus loin dans le texte.
Pour rpondre, il faudra formuler vos noncs
sur le modle suivant : You refers to .........
Comprendre la question
On vous demande d :
a) identifier le nom complet du jeune garon.
b) identifier qui dit Ben !
c) expliquer le sens du point dexclamation
aprs son prnom : quel sentiment vhicule-til ?


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


d) expliciter avec vos propres termes les raisons

de cette raction en vous appuyant sur des lments du texte.

1. Ltat o vit le narrateur.

Procder par tapes

3. Une prcision concernant la jeune personne qui sy est perdue.

2. Lendroit de la rgion o se droulent les

deux histoires.

1. Identifiez lauteur de la rplique Ben !,

puis recherchez tout ce qui relve de la
relation entre les deux personnes.

4. la suite de quoi, les gens se sont mis

sa recherche.
5. Ce que lon retrouva de lui quelques
mois plus tard.

2. Analysez la situation, puis dduisez le

sentiment vhicul.

6. Lacteur du deuxime incident.

3. Rpondez chaque question pas pas.

7. Les personnes qui ont fait de vrais efforts pour le retrouver.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier les ambitions professionnelles de Ben et deux raisons qui peuvent justifier son attrait pour ce mtier.

8. Ladjectif utilis par le narrateur pour

dcrire cette partie du pays.
Procder par tapes
1. Reprez avec prcision les passages du
texte qui correspondent chaque partie
de ce rsum.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Lexpression de lambition : want to/ plan to

2. Analysez bien ce que dit le texte pour

identifier llment manquant dans le rcit.

Lexpression de lintrt : to be interested in

/ to be attracted by
Procder par tapes

1. Reprez le passage qui voque les ambitions professionnelles de Ben.

2. Reprez les deux raisons quil donne.
3. Formulez votre rponse avec vos
propres termes.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de choisir deux adjectifs pour dcrire
la personnalit de Ben et de trouver une citation dans le texte pour justifier chaque choix.
Questions on document B

Comprendre la question
Vous devez dcider si chaque affirmation (a
d) est vraie ou fausse et citer le texte pour justifier votre choix.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Les quatre saisons de lanne : spring, summer,
autumn, winter.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez dcider si chaque affirmation (a
d) est vraie ou fausse et citer le texte pour justifier votre choix.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de complter le rsum
laide dun mot tir du texte pour chaque blanc.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le lexique de laviation :


jet = plane

Sujet 17 Le sujet Pas

atterrir : to land ; atterrissage : landing

3. Pour b), il sagit de retrouver une phrase

qui signifie la mme chose. Le sujet
est une personne et non pas un objet

aroport : airport ; radar : radar ; cran :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande didentifier qui renvoient
les pronoms en gras.

4. Exprimez vos ides de manire simple,

mais claire.
Questions on documents A and B



Comprendre la question
Il sagit de trouver des synonymes dans le texte
pour chaque mot ou phrase. Ils sont donns
dans lordre du texte.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous recherchez des mots qui ont la mme
Suffixe -ly => il sagit dun adverbe.
V-ed => il sagit dun verbe au prtrit (rgulier
ou irrgulier).

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de reprer les similitudes et les diffrences entre les deux documents. (Rflchissez
en termes de situation et de personnages.)
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour rpondre, il faudra exprimer :
La similitude :
similar to 6= different from
the same as
both + Nom pluriel + Verbe/ Sujet + both
+ Verbe

Procder par tapes



1. Reprez les mots qui ont la mme fonction dans le texte. Essayez de les remplacer par les synonymes proposs.

Le contraste :

2. Rdigez votre rponse sans citer le texte.

contrary to/ unlike + Complment

whereas/ while + Sujet + Verbe ;

Chaque interlocuteur sexprime tour de

rle. On passe la ligne pour chaque nouvelle rplique.

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Identifiez la nature de la production (une
conversation) et le contenu (change entre Dr
Icove et les personnes venues lui rendre visite
aprs linterruption de son fils. (Cette conversation va porter sur laffaire criminelle dont il
est question. Les personnages ont trs certainement des questions se poser (lalibi de Dr
Icove, lavancement de lenqute...).

Les propos tenus sont entre guillemets.

Le lexique pour voquer :

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Le format dune conversation :

Le crime : murderer/ criminal ; to kill/ stab/

murder ; brutal killing/stabbing/ murder
Lenqute : to investigate/ find clues/ interrogate a suspect
Lalibi : alibi ; evidence/ proof
Linsatisfaction : this isnt good enough/ inefficient/ unsatisfactory


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Le choix des formes verbales au sein des rpliques :

disappearance/ vanishing act

to disappear/ vanish

Pour poser des questions : inversion sujet verbe.

inexplicable/ incomprehensible
police/ authorities/ government

Pour parler de la situation actuelle : prsent

Pour faire le bilan de lenqute : have + V-en
(present perfect)

Les choix des formes verbales au sein des rpliques :

Pour parler du pass : prtrit (avec be

+ V-ing pour focaliser sur une action qui
tait en cours)

Pour parler du pass : prtrit (avec be V-ing

pour focaliser sur une action qui tait en
Pour faire le bilan de ce qui sest fait pour
rsoudre le mystre : have + V-en (present

Procder par tapes

1. Rflchissez aux ides principales de
lchange et la tonalit.
2. Rdigez



3. Contrlez la correction linguistique

avant de la recopier au propre.
4. Comptez le nombre de mots, et
indiquez-le la fin de la conversation.
Comprendre la question
Identifiez la nature de la production (un article de presse) et le contenu (un reportage sur
un nouveau mystre irrsolu dans la mme rgion). Vous devez prsenter la situation avant le
mystre, expliquer en quoi consiste le mystre
et dire ce qui sest fait depuis.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le lexique en lien avec le mystre :
mystery/ strange incident
mysterious/ strange/ weird/ supernatural

Pour parler de la situation actuelle : prsent

Les mots de liaison et expressions qui permettent darticuler les ides dans un essai :
despite/ inspite of + V-ing (malgr)
Procder par tapes
1. Inventez votre mystre (de prfrence directement en anglais, pour viter le calque depuis
le franais)
le(s) acteur(s) ; le lieu ; lincident mystrieux
ce qui sest pass avant et depuis
la situation actuelle
2. Rdigez votre article au brouillon en changeant de paragraphe pour chaque nouvelle ide.
(Noubliez pas quun article se veut objectif et
impersonnel : on relate des faits.)
3. Contrlez la qualit de votre travail avant de
recopier votre essai au propre, en indiquant le
nombre de mots.


Sujet 17 Le corrig


4 a) You refers to the police, Lieutenant Eve

Dallas and Detective Peabody.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

b) He refers to Dr Icove.

1 a) The genre of the extract : science fiction

and detective story.

c) He is alluding to the murder of his father.

b) Science fiction :
A domestic droid...
Shed been created to replicate a woman in her
comfortable forties...
Detective story :
We do have some follow-up questions.
Lieutenant Dallas, Detective Peabody...
Youre the police.
... killed... stabbed...
... evidence... suspects...
... a private investigator.
... cops... PIs...
2 The action takes place in the main living
area of the Icoves home.

b) Bens father (Dr Icove) says Ben !.

c) The exclamation mark shows that Dr Icove
is angry at his son.
d) Dr Icove is angry at his son who is eavesdropping because the police want to discuss
this in private. His son shouldnt try to listen
to conversations, thats why he disapproves of
his disobeying. Ben should still be at breakfast.
6 a) We learn that Ben is not interested in medical studies so as to follow the family tradition,
he wants to become a private investigator.
b) He seems to be attracted by this job because
he thinks it is funny to break the rules, meet
shady characters. Moreover he also thinks
that he will earn a lot of money get big fat

3 a)
Group 1 : the
Peabody family
Dr Will Icove
Avril Icove
Ben Icove

5 a) The young boy is Wilfred Benjamin Icove

the Third.

Group 2 : the police

Lieutenant Eve Dallas
Detective Peabody

7 a) Two adjectives which apply to Ben : inquisitive and self-assured.

b) Group 1 : Dr Will Icove is Avril Icoves husband and Bens Father.

Group 2 : Lieutenant Dallas and Detective Peabody work together, they are colleagues.
c) The Icove family are at the top of the social
ladder, they belong to the upper class, they are
A domestic droid opened the door...
... Dr Icove...
Yes, sir.
My son doesnt want to follow family tradition and enter the medical field.

b) Inquisitive :
Havent we discussed eavesdropping on
private conversations ?
But those eyes... were bright and avid despite the shamed posture.
Do you have suspects ?
Self-assured :


Youre the police.

... straightening his shoulders.
Now they have to ask questions and follow
leads and gather evidence.

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

Do you have suspects ?

b) Right : [...], had to abort its approach as it

came into land at our local airport in poor weather.

Cops have to follow too many rules...

Questions on document B
8 The narrator, who lives in the state of New
Hampshire, relates two stories taking place
in the forest/ woods of this region. One day
a young student got lost there. After his disappearance many people looked for him. His
body was found only a few months later.
More recently, a quite similar incident happened with a jet/ plane. Despite the efforts of the
searchers/ volunteers/ plans/ helicopters, the
aircraft was never seen again. According to the
narrator, that part of the country is a strange/
sinister/ unsettling place to live in.
9 a) Wrong : [...] a young college student left
a party [...]
b) Wrong : [...] it was dark [...]

c) Right : [...], abruptly and for reasons

unknown, the plane came down in the woods.
d) Wrong : [...], with a dozen planes and eleven helicopters augmenting more than 200 volunteer searchers on the ground.
11 a) He never made it = the student
b) it came in to land = the plane
c) he radioed = the pilot
d) they searched = the searchers/ the volunteers/ the dozen planes/ the eleven helicopters
12 a) Stupidly = Foolishly
b) He didnt reach its final destination = his
never made it
c) Organised = mounted

c) Right : he decided to take a shortcut in the


d) Disappeared = vanished

d) Wrong : It wasnt until spring that someone

walking in the woods stumbled on his body.

Question on documents A and B

10 a) Wrong : A small private jet with two

people aboard [...]


13 Both documents are about unsolved mysteries. However, Document A is pure fiction,
whereas Document B presents real-life events.

Expression crite

1 Rdaction personnelle. Pensez rester cohrent avec ce que lon sait de la situation ici, peu
de choses ce qui laisse une certaine libert limagination de chacun. Le Lieutenant Dallas et le
Dtective Peabody viennent certainement poser un certain nombre de questions au Dr Icove.
Pensez prsenter ce travail sous forme de dialogue avec retour la ligne chaque changement
dinterlocuteur et utilisation des guillemets. Vous pouvez insrer des parties narratives notamment
sur les ractions et le comportement des diffrents personnages en prsence.
2 Rdaction personnelle. Il peut sagir dune disparition, dun meurtre ou bien du dplacement
dun objet encombrant.
Pensez prsenter ce travail sous forme darticle dans un langage neutre et objectif. Vous pouvez
insrer des citations de tmoins ou policiers interviews notamment sur les hypothses possibles.

Sujet 18, Polynsie, juin 2013, sries technologiques, LV2

Mythes et hros

Document A





My first experiences of disability sport were pretty confusing, not to mention painful and slightly
I lost my sight very suddenly aged 13 in 1984 and, before I could blink, or think, I was whisked
away to a special boarding school for blind children in Worcester200 miles away from my
Braille books were put in front of me, a white cane was stuffed in my hand, and the hard rehabilitation work began.
After weeks of not being able to feel the difference between an S and a T in this annoying dotty
feelable alphabet, I was pretty relieved, and intrigued, when it came to having my first PE lesson.
So, how does sports work with one teacher and 10 blind kids in a class ? Im still not quite sure
actually but we all trooped out onto the running track, with everyone cracking jokes and pushing
each other, all seeing it as an entirely normal lesson except me.
We were going to do a 100m sprint, I learned. But how do you run if you cant see ? A fairly basic
question which, seemingly, I was a bit too embarrassed to ask at that tender age. So I didnt.
We all lined up at the top of the track, and, as new boy, I was chosen to go first.
The teacher stood at the other end with a very loud megaphone. OK Damon. On your marks, get
set, go...
I ran as hard and as fast as I could but something weird was happening. The teacher started shouting
five, five, five !
I didnt get it. Was he adding maths into our leisure curriculum ?
Five, five, five, six, six, six, seven ! I must have been going impressively fast because I could
no longer feel the track under my trainers.
Eight, eight, eight, nine ! It was all happening at a dizzying pace and, was it my imagination or
was I going slightly downhill ?
Nine, nine, nine, 10, 11, ditch, long grass, brambles...Whittington Road.
Everyone laughed loudly and, as the teacher unravelled me from the bushes, he explained his
number shouting system.
Did you not know ? Five means youre running straight towards me, four means youve gone a
little to the left, six means youre erring right. Id gone off the scale.
Damon Rose, Paralympics : The perils of being a blind athlete, BBC News, 7 September 2012.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

Document B





London 2012 : How the world saw the Paralympics

As the final day of the Paralympic Games unfolded across London, media commentators from
around the world have reflected on its achievements.
Chinas Xinhua news agency said : London has pushed the Paralympics to a new height after
taking over the legacy of the Beijing Paralympics.
It added that a better understanding of disability had become one of the core parts of the Paralympic story. It said it was struck by the spirit of increasingly fierce competition at the Paralympics.
Bahrains Gulf Daily went as far as to say that the abiding legacy of London 2012 may not be the
victories of the likes of Mo Farah or Bradley Wiggins, but the fundamental change in the way
much of the world looks at disability.
It said the Paralympics have swiftly taught us to look beyond disability towards achievement.
Nigerias Vanguard newspaper said the games have given humanity an opportunity to push the
limits of human capacity to adapt as evident in the stunning performances of disabled athletes.
Germanys Zeit daily said : The British can not only organise, they can celebrate. With seemingly
boundless enthusiasm they cheered in the packed stadiums every last runner to finish the Paralympics.
Australias Canberra Times said : Those who admire, respect and are inspired by the magnificent
feats of athletes with a disability might reflect on folk who show as much courage, determination
and perseverance in their daily personal and professional lives.
During the games, Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda said Russians are not used to encountering disabled people in the street... Yet for the first time, they discovered a previously unknown
sporting world and its courageous fighters. Moscow famously refused to stage the Paralympic
games in 1980.
Writing for the Australian newspaper, disabled journalist Melanie Reid marvelled at the unique
sights of Paralympic events : 80,000 people falling silent so that a blind long-jumper can sprint
into her darkness towards the sound of someone clapping.
The sight of a young woman, her body frantic with cerebral palsy, achieving serenity on the back
of a horse. The potency of men with no legs turned into gods by the menace of their running
blades. She concluded that the games had somehow made disability cool.


4 When he left the track during the PE lesson,

where did he end up ? (document A)

Comprhension de lcrit

1 What do documents A and B deal with ?

2 What terrible thing happened to the narrator
of document A and when ?

5 Why didnt the narrator ask his teacher for

more information about how to run in a straight
line ? (document A)

3 In his new special school, what did he

have to do ? Give two quotes from the text.
(document A)

6 Document B is :
1. a newspaper article.
2. a collection of newspaper clips.

Sujet 18 Le sujet

3. an extract from the Guinness Book of

World Records.

these expressions show about the general opinion expressed by all media.

7 Document B : increasingly fierce competition ; stunning performances ; boundless

enthusiasm. Explain in your own words what

8 How have the London Paralympics changed

the perception of disabled people among the
public ? (document B)


Expression crite

Vous traiterez les deux sujets.

1 You are a disabled athlete. Explain why you would like to enter an Olympic competition ? (80
2 After a ski accident, one of your arms is broken. You tell a friend about your daily life and
feelings about this temporary handicap. (120 words)


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Comprhension de lcrit

Comprendre la question
Il sagit didentifier le sujet des deux documents.
De quoi parlent-ils ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de reprer la raison pour laquelle le narrateur na pas demand son professeur comment courir dans une ligne droite.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez identifier la nature du document B.
Est-ce :

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser ce qui est arriv
au narrateur et quand.

1. un article de presse ?
2. une collection de coupures de presse ?
3. un extrait du livre des records ?

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Vous avez besoin de connatre quelques handicaps.
If you cant hear, youre deaf.
If you cant speak, youre dumb.
If you cant see, youre blind.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer ce que le narrateur a d
faire dans son cole spcialise, en recopiant
deux citations du texte.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de prciser o le narrateur a
atterri quand il a quitt la piste pendant le cours
de sports.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dexpliquer ce que montrent
les trois citations par rapport lattitude du public. Ce lexique peut vous faire dfaut :
increasingly = more and more
fierce = intense / strong / powerful
stunning = surprising / amazing / unbelievable
boundless = unlimited / unconditional / endless
/ infinite
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer en quoi les Jeux Paralympiques de Londres ont chang la vision qua le
public des personnes handicapes.


Mobiliser ses connaissances

Ce lexique peut vous faire dfaut :
pace = speed
slightly = a little bit
downhill = vers le bas
ditch = foss
brambles = ronces
bush = buisson

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dun sujet dinvention pour lequel vous
devez dmontrer votre capacit argumenter.
Vous devez vous mettre dans la peau dun athlte handicap et expliquer pourquoi vous souhaitez participer aux Jeux Olympiques.

Sujet 18 Le sujet Pas

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Ces structures peuvent vous tre utiles :
to / in order to / so as to + Verbe (lexpression du but)
need to + Verbe
Its important / essential / vital for + complment to + Verbe
as a result of / as a consequence of
Procder par tapes
1. Prparez vos ides.
2. Rdigez votre rponse au brouillon.
3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.


un ami au sujet de votre vie quotidienne et vos

sentiments par rapport votre bras cass.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Ces structures peuvent vous tre utiles :
it would be easy / better if Sujet + Prtrit
Ce lexique peut vous servir :
right handed / left handed
(to) get dressed / feed / eat / write
(to) lose balance / fall over
difficult / time consuming
(to) complain / moan
Procder par tapes

1. Prparez vos ides.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dun sujet dinvention pour lequel vous
devez imaginer ce que vous pourriez raconter


2. Rdigez votre rponse au brouillon.

3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

6 a collection of newspaper clips.

Comprhension de lcrit

1 Both texts deal with the Paralympics in

2 The narrator in document A lost his sight all
of a sudden when he was 13.
3 In his new special school, he had to learn
Braille (Braille books were put in front of me)
and do sports (my first PE lesson).
4 He ended up in bushes on the side of Whittington Road.
5 He was too embarrassed to ask.


7 increasingly fierce competition : the public are impressed by the fighting spirit of the
disabled sportsmen and women.
stunning performances : everyone is surprised by the high level of the results.
boundless enthusiasm : the disabled show no
limit to their enthusiasm.
8 As a result of the London Paralympics,
people are no longer embarrassed by disability,
but are keen to talk about it and to show what
can be done. Its become cool.

Expression crite

1 I would like to enter the running competition to prove to the public that Oscar Pistorius is
not the only blade runner in the world. He has made bad publicity for disabled people with the
horrendous crime he committed against his wife. We need to turn the page and show that his
behaviour is totally atypical.
I think its important to make young people who are born disabled and others who become disabled
as a result of an accident that it is not the end of their lives. Everyone can learn to overcome their
disability and accomplish something great.
2 It would be so easy if it was my left arm, but Im right handed and its my right hand I cant
use. Im learning to get dressed by myself, to eat and to write. But it takes an awful lot of time and
Ive already lost balance and fallen over, so I need to be more careful. Eating is more difficult than
I thought it would be ! It would be much better if we were all encouraged to be ambidextrous ! As
for writing, its an excuse to be lazy in class the person I sit next to in each lesson takes notes
for me !
Im not going to complain, as in fact everyone has been very comprehensive and compassionate.
I never realised I had so many friends. Everyone has come to see me and signed their autograph
or drawn a silly picture on my plaster.
If it didnt scratch so much, I could actually consider keeping it !


Sujet 19, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV2

Espaces et changes
Document A







At five oclock on Tuesday afternoon, Zach Willet drove to the neighboring town of Madison and
parked in front of the sales office of the Cartwright Town Houses Corporation. He went inside,
where he found a sales clerk, a woman in her thirties, tidying up in preparation for closing down
for the day. He noted the nameplate on her desk : AMY STACK.
Hi, Amy, Zach said as he looked around the room. I can see youre getting ready to skedaddle 1
out of here, so I wont take but two minutes of your time.
On the walls were sketches of different models of the town houses, and the artists conception of
how they might look when furnished. Zach walked from one to the other, examining them closely.
He walked over to the biggest picture, and pointed to it. Now, Amy, I know youre probably
rushing to meet your husband or your boyfriend, but how about indulging a nice fellow like me
and show me that fancy homestead.
Ill be glad to take you over, Mr.... Amy hesitated. I dont think you introduced yourself.
Thats right. I didnt. Im Zach Willet, and unless you borrowed somebody elses nameplate
youre Amy Stack.
Youve got it. Amy opened the top drawer of her desk and fished inside for her key ring.
Thats 8, Pawnee Avenue. I have to warn you that is our top-of-the-line town house. Its fully loaded with every conceivable extra, and naturally that is reflected in the cost. Its also the furnished
Sounds better and better Zach said genially. Lets take a look at it.
On the way through the development 2 , Amy Stack pointed out that the landscaping was almost
finished, and that the driveways were heated to prevent ice from forming in the winter. Mr. Cartwright has thought of everything, she said proudly. Hes one of those hands-on builders who is
involved in every detail, every step of the way.
Teds a good friend of mine, Zach said expansively. Has been for forty years, since we were
both kids riding bareback at the stable. He looked around. Expensive cars in the driveways, he
commented. Nice class of neighbors. I can see that.
Absolutely, Amy assured him. The nicest people youd ever want to meet. She walked a few
steps more, then said, Here we are at number 8. As you can see, its a corner unit, and it really is
the crown jewel of the development.
Zachs smile broadened as Amy turned the key, opened the door, and led him into the family room
on the entry level. Some people use the room on the other side for a gym, and, of course, theres
a full bath with a hot tub right beside it. Its such a convenient arrangement.
Amy said, her voice crackling with professional enthusiasm.
Two guest bedrooms, he joked. I dont have close family, but with those two bedrooms, Id
better look up those cousins of mine in Ohio and have them out for a weekend.
1. to skedaddle : run away hurriedly.
2. Development : housing development.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

They rode back down in the elevator, went outside, and, as Amy locked the front door, Zach said,
Ill take it. As is. Furnished.
Thats wonderful, Amy Stack exclaimed. Are you prepared to make a deposit now ?
Didnt Ted Cartwright tell you that hes giving me this unit ? Zach asked, his tone astonished.
I saved his life once, and now that I have to get out of where Ive been living, he told me to come
over and choose my space. Ted never forgets a favor. You must be proud to be in his employ.
Adapted from Mary Higgins Clark, No Place Like Home, 2005.

Document B


After the engagement 3 , Pranab Kaku and Deborah began drifting out of our lives. They moved
in together, to an apartment in Boston, in the South End, a part of the city my parents considered
unsafe. A few weeks before the wedding, my parents invited Pranab Kaku to the house alone,
and my mother prepared a special meal to mark the end of his bachelorhood. It would be the
only Bengali aspect of the wedding ; the rest of it would be strictly American, with a cake and
minister 4 and Deborah in a long white dress and veil. She will leave him, my mother told her
friends afterward. He is throwing his life away. The wedding was at a church in Ipswich, with
a reception at a country club. Though we were the closest thing Pranab Kaku had to a family that
day, we were not included in the group photographs that were taken on the grounds of the country
Jhumpa Lahiri, Hell-Heaven, 2004.


Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 a) Give the full names of the characters who
are present.
b) Give the full name of one of the characters
2 When exactly does the scene take place ?
(10 words maximum)
3 a) Focus on the passage from the start down

to Lets take a look at it. Where exactly are

the characters ? (10 words max.)
b) Focus on the passage from Zachs smile
broadened down to for a weekend. Where
are they ? (10 words max.)
c) How do they go from one place to another ?
d) Justify your answer in 3. c) by quoting from
the text.

3. Engagement : a formal agreement to get married.

4. Minister : a member of the clergy.


Sujet 19 Le sujet

e) What do they go to the second place for ?

(10 words max.)

a) Ill take it.. What does the pronoun it refer to ?

f) Characterize the second place with four adjectives of your own.

b) Ill take it.. What does take mean for the

female character ?
c) Justify your answer in 6. b) by quoting one
element from the text.

4 Focus on the female character.

a) Give her bosss full name. What is her job ?
What does it consist in ? (30 words max.)
b) What is she about to do at the beginning of
the text ? (10 words max.)
c) What does she do instead ? (10 words max.)

d) Ill take it.. What does take mean for the

male character ?
e) Justify your answer in 6. d) by quoting from
the text.
Questions on document B

d) What does it reveal about her ? (5 to

10 words max.)

7 In which country does the story take place ?

Justify with a quote from the text.

e) Quote one element from the text to support

your answer in 4. d)

8 a) Which two characters are not members of

the narrators family ?

f) Focus on the passage from Absolutely

down to Furnished. Choose the adjective that
best applies to her. She is : sensitive - surprised
- convincing - rude - indifferent

b) What major event in their lives is going to

take place ?

g) Justify your answer in 4. f) by quoting two

elements from the passage.

b) What is the ethnic background of the people

present ?

5 Focus on the male character.

Read the passage from the start down to
youre Amy Stack.
a) Choose the adjective that best corresponds to
his attitude.
He is : well-mannered - shy - distant - over familiar
b) Justify your answer in 5. a) with a quotation
from the passage.

9 a) Say where Pranab Kaku is invited before

this major event and on what special occasion.

10 What is Deborahs ethnic background ?

Read the whole text and find one element to
justify your answer.
11 The narrators mothers feelings towards
Pranab Kaku are contradictory. Explain.
12 Say whether the following statement is
true or false. Justify with a quotation from the
text. At one point the narrator feels that her
family is excluded.
Question on documents A and B

6 Focus on the passage from Thats wonderful down to the end.

13 Do these two documents present a similar

vision of space and exchanges ? Explain.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet

Expression crite

1 The next morning, the female character meets her boss at the office. Write their conversation.
(200 words)
2 How important is friendship in life ? Illustrate your point of view with examples. (200 words)


Sujet 19 Le sujet Pas



f) citer le texte pour montrer le caractre unique

de ce deuxime lieu.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A

Procder par tapes

1. Identifier la partie du texte qui correspond chaque sous-question.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande :

2. Analyser cette partie au moyen dune

lecture fine afin de pouvoir reprer la rponse la question.

a) de donner les noms entiers des personnages

b) de donner le nom entier dun des personnages mentionns.

Focus on the female character

Procder par tapes

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de/d :

1. Reprez tous les noms propres et identifiez ceux qui correspondent des noms
de personnages.
2. Analysez si le personnage dont il sagit
chaque fois est prsent ou seulement
3. Rdigez votre rponse clairement.

a) donner le nom du patron du personnage fminin en entier, dindiquer son mtier et dexpliquer en quoi celui-ci consiste.
b) expliquer ce quelle est sur le point de faire
au dbut du texte.
c) indiquer ce quelle fait au lieu de cela.

d) analyser ce que son action nous rvle.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez prciser quel moment (jour et
heure) la scne se droule.

e) citer un lment du texte pour justifier votre

rponse en d).
f) choisir ladjectif qui la dcrit le mieux pour la
partie du texte prcise. Est-elle : sensible - surprise - convaincante - impolie ou indiffrente ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit d/de :
a) indiquer prcisment o se trouvent les personnages dans ce premier passage.

g) citer deux lments du texte pour justifier

votre rponse en f).
Focus on the male character

b) indiquer prcisment o se trouvent les personnages dans cette partie du document.

c) expliquer comment ils se dplacent dun lieu

un autre.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez vous intresser au personnage masculin et la partie du texte indiqu.

d) justifier votre rponse en c) en citant le texte.

e) expliquer la raison de leur dplacement au
deuxime lieu.

a) Il s agit de choisir ladjectif qui correspond

le mieux son attitude : bien lev - timide distant ou trop familier.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


b) On vous demande de justifier la rponse donne en a) en citant le passage.

a) dire ou Pranab Kaku est invit avant cet vnement et quelle occasion.

Focus on the passage from Thats wonderful down to the end.

b) expliciter lorigine ethnique des personnes

prsentes cette occasion.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de :
a) dire quoi correspond it dans Ill take
b) dire ce que le personnage fminin comprend
par take dans Ill take it.
c) justifier la rponse donne en b) en citant le
d) dire ce que le personnage masculin comprend par take dans Ill take it.
e) justifier la rponse donne en b) en citant le
Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de dire o se passe lhistoire en citant
le texte pour justifier votre rponse.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer :
a) quels sont les deux personnages qui ne sont
pas membres de la famille du narrateur.
b) quel vnement majeur par rapport leurs
vies est sur le point de se produire.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de :

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliciter lorigine ethnique de Deborah, et de citer un lment du texte pour justifier votre rponse.
Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer les sentiments contradictoires de la mre du narrateur vis--vis de Pranab Kaku. (Cela veut dire quelle est la fois
gentille et hostile.)
At one point the narrator feels that her family is excluded.

Mobiliser ses connaissances

childhood = the state of being a child.
motherhood = the state of being a mother.
bachelorhood = the state of being a bachelor.

Comprendre la question
On vous demande de dire si laffirmation cidessus est vraie ou fausse en justifiant avec une
citation du texte.
Question on documents A and B
Comprendre la question
Il sagit dexpliquer si la vision de lespace et
des changes prsente dans ces deux documents est similaire ou non. (Cela veut dire quil
faut vous demander si chaque fois la vision est
positive ou ngative, puis expliquer pourquoi.)


Sujet 19 Le sujet Pas



Expression crite

I dont believe it/ You did WHAT ?/ Are you

out of your mind ?

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de rdiger une conversation entre Amy
Stack et son patron Ted Cartwright ( qui elle
raconte sa rencontre avec Zach). Deux options
possibles :

How stupid can you get... / You are so naive,

its just not true
Procder par tapes
1. Rflchissez aux grandes lignes de la

a) Ted confirme sa dette envers Zach et raconte

comment celui-ci lui a sauv la vie.

2. Rdigez la conversation au brouillon.

b) Ted nie tout lien avec Zach et est furieux

aprs Amy qui lui a laiss prendre possession
de leur meilleur logement gratuitement.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Une conversation ncessite lutilisation de
langlais oral :
Formes contractes (its/dont... )
Impratif (tell me.../dont worry)
Formules idiomatiques :
Whats up ?/ Whats the matter ?/ Whats
wrong ?
Are you okay ?/ Are you alright ?/ Is everything okay ?
Its not good + V-ing/ Its no use + V-ing
Chaque personnage joue un rle prcis dans la
conversation :
Pour Amy, elle espre que Ted confirmera
quelle a bien fait :

3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de

votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport limportance de lamiti dans la vie et dexprimer
son propre point de vue. Lamiti est-elle importante ? Si oui , y a-t-il des limites ? Si
non , pourquoi ? Quelle que soit la position que vous adoptiez, il sagit dun essai argumentatif. Ce qui importe le plus, cest que
vous dmontriez votre capacit argumenter.
Vous pouvez fort bien prsenter les deux faces
du mme argument et annoncer votre position
personnelle dans la conclusion.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion :

I hope (that).../ Please tell me that...

Pour Ted, ou bien il la rassure et explique leur
histoire :
I owe Zach/ Zach saved my life

to my mind/ in my opinion/ from my point of

view/ as far as Im concerned)
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours :

It was a long time ago/ When we were kids...

en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/ whats


This is what happened/ Ill tell you what


pour marquer une opposition : however/ and


Ou bien il exprime sa colre et son imbcilit :

Pour parler de lamiti, il vous faudra parler de :


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


activits : have fun, chat, exchange ideas,

support, listen to, talk, confide in

Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :

valeurs : have things in common/ share interests, ideals, tastes, values

1. introduction (reformulation du sujet)

caractristiques : understanding, spontaneous, carefree, tolerant

points ngatifs : bad quarrels/ rejection
Procder par tapes
Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et


2. 1er paragraphe = thse (Exemple :

lamiti est importante parce que...)
3. 2e paragraphe = antithse (Exemple :
elle nest pas vraiment importante parce
4. conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis
personnel circonstanci)
Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Sujet 19 Le corrig


f) She is convincing.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 a) The characters who are present are Zach
Willet and Amy Stack.
b) The character mentioned is Ted Cartwright.
2 The scene takes place at five oclock on a
Tuesday afternoon.
3 a) The characters are in the sales office of
the Cartwright Town houses Corporation.
b) The characters are in a house situated at
number 8, Pawnee Avenue, Madison, located
in a housing development.
c) They go from one place to another on foot./
They walk from one place to another.
d) She walked a few steps more...

g) - Absolutely, Amy assured him..

-[...] it is really the crown jewel of the development.
-[...] her voice crackling with professional enthusiasm.
5 a) He is over familiar.
b) Hi, Amy.
- Now, Amy, I know youre probably rushing
to meet your husband or your boyfriend, but
how about indulging a nice fellow like me and
show me that fancy homestead ?
6 a) The pronoun it refers to the house.
b) For the female character take means to buy
the house.
c) Are you prepared to make a deposit now ?

e) They go to the second place to visit a house

in the housing development.
f) It really is the crown jewel of the development.
4 a) Her bosss full name is Ted Cartwright.
She is a sales clerk who makes people visit the
new houses in the housing development. Her
job consists in selling the houses.
b) She is about to leave because it is closing
c) She takes the keys of one of the houses to
show it to Zach Willet.
d) She is deeply involved in her job and doesnt
mind working overtime.
e) - Amy opened the top drawer of her desk
and fished inside for her key ring.
-...her voice crackling with professional enthusiasm.
Are you prepared to make a deposit now ?

d) For the male character, take means he has

just chosen the present Ted Cartwright has promised to give him.
e) - Didnt Ted Cartwright tell you that hes giving me this unit ?
-... he told me to come over and choose my
Questions on document B
7 The story takes place in the USA : Boston.
8 a) Pranab Kaku and Deborah are not a member of the family.
b) They are going to get married.
9 a) He is invited to Ushas parents for dinner
for the end of his bachelorhood.
b) The people present are of Bengali origin.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

10 Deborah is American. the rest of it would

be strictly American
11 She is kind with Pranab Kaku, as she prepares a special meal for him. At the same time,
she also disapproves of his marriage with an
12 True : we were not included in the group


Question on documents A and B

13 These two documents present a contrasting
vision of space and exchanges. Indeed, in document A Ted Cartwright is ready to pay for
luxury accommodation for his old friend Zach
Willet to express his gratitude for saving his
life. The mood is one of generosity and openmindedness. On the contrary, in document B,
the mood centres on distrust and intolerance, as
the narrators Bengali family is hostile to Pranab Kakus marriage with an American girl.

Expression crite

1 Ted C. : Morning, Amy ! Did everything go alright, yesterday ?

Amy S. : Morning, boss ! Yes, it was a good day. Pretty busy !
Ted C. : Did you make any sales, then ?
Amy S. : Well, youll be pleased to know that N 8 Pawnee Street, our crown jewel, is already
occupied !
Ted C. : Amy thats amazing ! Im away from the office a day and you make the best sale ever !
If I dont watch out, youll be taking my job next !
Amy S. : Well, I dont know about that. Its a bit more complicated than that, and Im not even
sure Ive done the right thing.
Ted C. : Why ? Didnt the buyer pay a deposit before you gave him the key ?
Amy S. : No, he didnt and he had a very convincing argument.
Ted C. : Amy, I dont like the sound of this. You know, Ive always told you never to hand over
the keys before the client pays...
Amy S. : I know, but this guy his names Zach Willet said that he was a good friend of yours,
and that he had saved your life in the past, and that youd invited him to choose the house of his
choice and move in !
Ted C. : And you believed him ! Zach Willet, you say ? Ive never heard of him and no ones ever
had to save my life. Amy, youve been had by a con man. Get the police on the line for me, right
now !
Amy S. : Oh no ! What have I done now ! I should have known ! Im so sorry...
2 Friends generally have a lot of fun together since relationships with friends are spontaneous
and carefree. They chat for hours about serious or dramatic subjects. Friendship has generally
developed between people who know each other very well, have things in common, share the
same interests, ideals, tastes, activities and values. They often confront opinions and ideas. It can
help solve problems and teach tolerance.

Sujet 19 Le corrig

All this goes to show that when you have a problem you often ask friends for support more easily
than to your parents. Parents are not always able to listen to their childrens problems, to talk
about them, to help find a solution although they have come of age, are adults and have a certain
experience of life. They are not always understanding and very often they judge and may also be
biased. This might lead to bad quarrels and maybe to rejection. This is often due to the generation
gap whereas when you talk about your problems with friends, they are much more understanding.
Furthermore friends, unlike parents, dont tend to judge you because you belong to the same generation and even though you are very close the problem wont affect them as it will affect your
That is why friendship is very important in life as you share things which are different from the
ones you share with your parents and you can confide in friends.


Sujet 20, Sujet indit, sries technologiques, LV2

Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Document A






I found our station wagon in the line of cars. Robert had already gotten in the backseat with Albert
so I could have the front.
Robert resumed the conversation hed been having with my mother.
Then abruptly, Robert stopped talking.
My mother didnt seem to notice : she was driving even more slowly than usual, looking in the
windows of a house, which she said gave her ideas about decorating.
When I turned around, Robert was staring at me.
What ? I said.
He shook his head.
At home he went upstairs without taking his jacket off. He was waiting for me in my room when
I got there, and he closed the door after me.
I know, he said.
When I breathed in, my chest was icy. I said, Know what ?
I know youve been smoking, he said. I smelled it in the car.
I tasted the cigarette on my breath. I was just trying it.
Dont lie to me, he said. This is a matter of life and I thought he was going to say breath,
like the TV commercial against smoking, but he said death. His face was as grave as it had been
at our grandfathers funeral.
He asked how much I smoked and with whom and where, and I told him.
When I said Margies name, he nodded, and to himself he added, From Girl Scouts. Robert
remembered everything I ever told him.
After I answered his questions, I told him about Margie robbing the gift shop and getting expelled ;
I repeated what shed said about her parents getting divorced and Miss King living at their house.
It was a relief to tell him, even though he was just my little brother.
Well, he said, sounding like the sheriff in a western. I dont think youll be spending much time
with Margie Muchnick anymore. Then he said, Where do you keep your cigarettes ?
I opened the bottom drawer of my desk, and Robert took the pack of cigarettes Margie had given
to me.
I said Are you going to tell Mom and Dad ?
He said, I will have to. He said he would do anything to get me to stop smoking. I will make
your life miserable, he said, and I knew that he would.
Melissa Bank, The Wonder Spot, 2005.


Sujet 20 Le sujet

Document B





The narrator is the mother of the family.

Everyones behaviour has altered for the worse.
At school, Jordan has been lashing out at other kids, even the bigger ones. He punched and kicked
Debbie Suffling who, though tall and strong-looking, actually has a blood condition that means
she must not be hit.
Julie Edmunds, his teacher, sent Jordan straight to the heads office where he sat stony-eyed and
sullen and refusing to say sorry. Thats what Julie tells us when we go in to see her that its not
the incident itself but his total lack of remorse about it that she takes most seriously.
Im sure hes sorry, Mick tells her. Hes just too proud to say it.
We dont encourage that sort of pride in this school, Julie says. We try to encourage children to
respect others and put the truth first.
And she eyes Livs buggy and I know what shes thinking : whats she doing with another baby at
her age when she cant even control the ones shes already got ?
But its not just Jordan. Rosa, whos loud and difficult at home but normally an angel at school
so good and conscientious that she will literally sweat if she doesnt get her homework done on
time has lost her pen, her PE kit and half of her books, and been in trouble more than once for
talking in assembly.
Our Rosa ? Mick says. Talking in assembly ?
Not only that, but her shoelaces are fraying, her shirts perpetually splattered with ink, her fingers
are grubby and her arms covered in strange itchy spots which she picks till they bleed.
Whos throwing ink at you, Rosa ? I ask her. Someones flicking it at you, arent they ?
Its my cartridge, she says flatly. It leaks.
All over your back ?
She makes an ugly face at me.
And the spots I wonder if theyre flea bites. We must get Maria a flea collar, I say.
Its not Maria, Rosa almost shouts. Marias fine. You leave my kitten out of this !
Julie Myerson, Something Might Happen, 2003.


At home Robert wants his brother to tell him

where he ......... (7) his cigarettes and threatens
him ......... (8) the truth to their parents.

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Complete this summary with words from
the text (one blank is one word).
A ......... (1) is ......... (2) her two sons ......... (3).
Robert, who is the narrators ......... (4) discovers that the narrator ......... (5) with his school
friend named ......... (6).

2 Right or wrong ?
Justify your answer by quoting from the text.
a) The woman was not paying attention to her
childrens conversation.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

b) Robert followed the narrator into his bedroom.

c) He knew that the narrator had smoked because he had seen him.
d) Robert wants to know all the details about
the narrators habit.
e) Robert is older than the narrator.
f) The narrators cigarettes were hidden under
his bed.
g) The narrator hadnt bought the cigarettes
3 The following statements are true. Justify
them by quoting the text.
a) Robert does not want to carry on with their
b) The narrator had just smoked a cigarette.
c) Robert thought smoking was a very serious
d) Margie had already been in trouble.
e) The narrator feels better after telling Robert
about Margie.

Focus on the passage from Everyones behaviour has [...] down to [...] shes already
6 a) Where did the incident take place ?
(10 words maximum)
b) Give the names of the two characters (one
boy and one girl) who took part in the incident.
7 a) Among the following list, choose the two
adjectives that best apply to the boy after the
ashamed - guilty - heartless - sympathetic - uncooperative - worried
b) Justify your answer with one quotation for
each adjective.
c) Im sure, hes sorry, Mick tells her. Who
do the underlined pronouns refer to ?
d) What did Mick try to do then ? (10-15 words)
Focus on the passage from But its not just
Jordan [...] down to the end.
8 Say whether these statements are right or
Justify your answers by quoting from the text.

f) Robert is authoritarian.
a) Rosa behaves well at home. (one quotation)
g) Robert is determined to make things difficult
for the narrator.
Questions on document B
4 a) There are five characters in the family
JClassify them into two age groups and give a
name to each age group.
b) What is Marias relationship with the family ?
5 Our Rosa ? Mick says. Who does Our
refer to ?

b) Rosas attitude at school has become positive. (one quotation)

c) Rosas physical appearance is worrying.
(two quotations)
d) The relationship between Rosa and the narrator is tense. (one quotation)
Question on documents A and B
9 Choose the one theme in the following list
which is the most appropriate for both document A and document B.


Sujet 20 Le sujet

Explain your choice briefly.

c) Keeping an eye on childrens behavior.

a) Family tensions.

d) Hiding from the parents.

b) Children rule the household.


Expression crite

Choose one subject. (200 words)

1 Imagine what happens after the conversation between Robert and the narrator in document A.
2 Smoking is banned in public places in France. What is your opinion ?


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


a) La femme ne prtait pas attention la

conversation des enfants.

Comprhension de lcrit

b) Robert a suivi le narrateur dans sa chambre.

Questions on document A
Comprendre la question
Il sagit de complter le rsum laide de mots
du texte. (Chaque blanc correspond un mot.)
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Vous devez vous servir des lments dans
chaque phrase pour analyser la nature et la
fonction des mots manquants.
Pour la premire phrase, her two sons vous
indique que le mot manquant en 1) est un nom
commun qui dsigne la mre des deux garons.
2) Il sagit dun verbe en -ing. (Seule possibilit
aprs is ....)
3) Cela ne peut tre quun complment dinformation par rapport aux lments dj identifis.
Le sujet, verbe et complment direct sont dj
4) Llment manquant correspond au lien de
parent entre Robert et le narrateur. Qui est Robert pour le narrateur ?
5) Il sagit dun verbe qui explicite ce que le
narrateur fait avec son camarade dcole.
6) named vous indique que cest le nom de
ce camarade qui fait dfaut.
7) La prsence du sujet ( he ) et du complment ( his cigarettes ) vous indique que
cest le verbe qui manque. Que veut savoir son
frre ?
8) Aprs to , cest un verbe quil faut. Que
Robert menace-t-il de faire ?
Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, vous devez indiquer
si elle est vraie ou fausse et le justifier en citant
le texte.

c) Il savait que le narrateur fumait parce quil

lavait vu.
d) Robert veut connatre tous les dtails de cette
habitude qua prise le narrateur.
e) Robert est plus g que le narrateur.
f) Les cigarettes du narrateur taient caches
sous son lit.
g) Le narrateur navait pas achet les cigarettes
Comprendre la question
Chaque affirmation est correcte. Vous devez citer la phrase qui le prouve chaque fois.
a) Robert ne veut pas poursuivre leur conversation.
b) Le narrateur venait de fumer une cigarette.
c) Robert pensait que fumer tait grave.
d) Margie avait dj eu des ennuis.
e) Le narrateur se sent mieux aprs avoir parl
de Margie avec Robert.
f) Robert est autoritaire.
g) Robert est dtermin rendre les choses difficiles pour le narrateur.
Questions on document B
Comprendre la question
On vous demande :
a) de classer les cinq personnages qui font partie de la famille en deux groupes en fonction de
leur ge.


Sujet 20 Le sujet Pas

b) dexpliquer le rapport entre Maria et la famille. Qui est Maria ?

c) dindiquer qui renvoient les pronoms souligns dans la citation.

d) dexpliquer ce que Mick a essay de faire ensuite.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez expliquer qui renvoie our .
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Rappelez-vous des pronoms et des adjectifs


Adjectif possessif

Mobiliser ses connaissances

ashamed = regretful
guilty 6= innocent
heartless = cruel
sympathetic = full of compassion
uncooperative 6= helpful
worried = anxious
Focus on the passage from But its not just
Jordan [...] down to the end.

Our signifie que Mick sassocie quelquun

dautre. Qui ?
Focus on the passage from Everyones behaviour has [...] down to [...] shes already

Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, vous devez indiquer
si elle est vraie ou fausse et le justifier en citant
le texte. (On vous indique le nombre de citations attendu chaque fois.)
a) Rosa se comporte bien la maison.
b) Son attitude lcole est devenue positive.
c) Son apparence physique est inquitante.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit :

d) La relation entre Rosa et le narrateur est tendue.

a) dexpliquer o lincident sest produit.

b) de nommer les deux personnages (une fille
et un garon) qui ont pris part lincident.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande :
a) de choisir les deux adjectifs dans la liste qui
correspondent le mieux au garon aprs lincident.
b) de proposer une citation par adjectif en justification.

Question on documents A and B

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de choisir la thmatique parmi les
quatre proposes qui vous semble la plus approprie pour les deux documents. Vous devez
expliquer votre choix brivement.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
(to) rule = govern
household = home
(to) keep an eye on = observe/ control


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le sujet Pas


Expression crite

Comprendre la question
On vous demande dimaginer la suite de lhistoire dans le document A. Que se passe-t-il
lissue de lchange entre Robert et le narrateur ? Autrement dit, on vous invite continuer
le rcit.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Le rcit dans le document A est au prtrit, avec
la conversation au discours direct (entre guillemets). Vous pouvez continuer de la sorte, ou
bien recourir au discours indirect pour varier.
Verbes dintroduction pour le discours indirect :
tell (+ Complment personnel)
explain/ protest/ confess
ask + Complment + to + Verbe
tell somebody off = reprimand
Le discours direct dans un rcit au prtrit ncessite un glissement des temps et dautres modifications :
She said Im angry => She said (that)
she was angry.
She shouted Ill tell your father. => She
shouted that she would tell my father.
Procder par tapes
1. Rflchissez lvolution de la situation
et aux grandes lignes de la suite de lhistoire.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de prendre position par rapport linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics en
France et dexprimer son point de vue. Est-ce
une bonne politique ? Si oui , y a-t-il des
limites ? Si non , quelles sont les raisons ?
Quelle que soit la position que vous adoptiez,
il sagit dun essai argumentatif.
Ce qui importe le plus, cest que vous dmontriez votre capacit argumenter.
Vous pouvez fort bien prsenter les deux faces
du mme argument et annoncer votre position
personnelle dans la conclusion.
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour un essai argumentatif, il faut mobiliser :
Les expressions dopinion : to my mind/ in my
opinion/ from my point of view/ as far as Im
Les mots de liaison pour articuler votre discours : en renforcement : indeed/ moreover/
whats more ; pour marquer une opposition : however/ and yet
Les effets nfastes de la fume :damage health,
inhale smoke, danger for passive smokers,
cough (tousser)
Procder par tapes
1. Prparez vos ides : des arguments pour et
2. Rdigez votre rponse en respectant la structure dun essai argumentatif :
introduction (reformulation du sujet.)
1er paragraphe = thse

2. Rdigez le rcit au brouillon en vitant

trop de prise de risque.
3. Contrlez la prcision linguistique de
votre brouillon (grammaire, lexique)
puis recopiez-le au propre.

2e paragraphe = antithse
conclusion (rappel du sujet et votre avis personnel circonstanci)
3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.


Sujet 20 Le corrig


b) Maria is Rosas kitten

Comprhension de lcrit

5 a) Our refers to the parents, Mick and the

mother who is the narrator.

Questions on document A
1 A mother (1) is driving (2) her two sons
home (3). Robert, who is the narrators brother
(4) discovers that the narrator smokes (5) with
his school friend named Margie Muchnick (6).
At home Robert wants his brother to tell him
where he keeps (7) his cigarettes and threatens
to tell (8) the truth to their parents.
2 a) Right : My mother didnt seem to notice
b) Wrong : He was waiting for me in my room
c) Wrong I smelled it in the car.
d) Right : He asked me how much I smoked
and with whom and where ...
e) Wrong : ...he was just my little brother.
f) Wrong : I opened the bottom drawer of my
desk ...
g) Right : ...the pack of cigarettes Margie had
given to me.
3 a) Then abruptly, Robert stopped talking
b) I tasted the cigarette on my breath.
c) This is a matter of life and ... death.
d) ...I told about Margie robbing the gift shop
and getting expelled...
e) It was a relief to tell him...
f) ...sounding like a sheriff in a western.

6 a) The incident took place at school.

b) Jordan and Debbie took part in the incident.
7 a) The boy is heartless and uncooperative.
b) Heartless : [...] his total lack of remorse
Uncooperative : [...] where he sat stony-eyed
and sullen and refusing to say sorry.
- Hes just too proud to say it.
c) I refers to Mick.
He refers to Jordan.
Her refers to Jordans teacher, Julie Edmunds.
d) Mick tries to make Jordans teacher, Julie Edmunds, understand that even if Jordan
doesnt say a word, he is in fact sorry for what
he did.
8 a) Wrong : Rosa, who is loud and difficult
at home [...]
b) Wrong : [...] been in trouble more than once
for talking in assembly.
c) Right : [...] her shoelaces are fraying, her
shirts perpetually splattered with ink, her fingers are grubby and her arms covered in strange
itchy spots which she picks till they bleed.
d) Right : [...] she says flatly. - She makes an
ugly face at me. - [...] Rosa almost shouts.
Question on documents A and B

g) I will make your life miserable...

Questions on document B
4 a) the parents = the mother/ narrator + Mick
the children = Jordan ; Liv, Rosa

9 c) Keeping an eye on childrens behavior

In document A, the parents are anxious about
their childrens attitude at home and at school.
In document B, Robert is concerned about his
little brothers behavior with regards smoking.


Anglais LV1/LV2


Le corrig

Expression crite

1 He left the room and went downstairs. The first thing he did was to tell my mother he had found
out I smoked and he gave her the pack of cigarettes he had taken in my drawer. No sooner had
he done so than I heard a voice from downstairs, it was my mother calling me and asking me to
come immediately. I knew it was going to be a hard time for me.
Showing me the pack of cigarettes Robert had just given her, she asked me to explain why I had
this pack and where I had bought it. I explained my friend Margie had given me the cigarettes but
I pretended I hadnt smoken any of them.
Robert who was present protested and said I had confessed to him that I had smoked and he added
that he had smelled it when I got into the car.
So my mother didnt believe me, she was distrustful. She asked me to breathe to check if she could
smell it as my brother did and she did.
She told me off for lying and smoking and reminded me that I was too young to smoke and that it
was very harmful to my health.
She sent me to my room and said she would talk about it with my father in the evening.
2 Needless to say that everybody knows smoking can damage peoples health thats why I think
it is a good thing that smoking is now banned from public places. Smoking is a personal choice
but the people who smoke mustnt impose their smoking on non-smokers which is what happens
since you cant help but inhale other peoples smoke if you are in the same place as them when
they smoke.
It is difficult to understand why it has taken such a long time for authorities to ban smoking in
public places as its been known for quite a long time that smoking is dangerous even as a passive
Being in premises full of smoke was not pleasant at all for non-smokers whether it was in a bar or
caf or at the restaurant. The smell is not pleasant and smoke makes people cough.
Moreover it was all the more dangerous for people who suffer from asthma or allergies. The
freedom of people was not really taken into consideration. Those who smoke felt free to smoke
wherever they were but the non-smokers had no choice but to accept that fact but, as far as they
were concerned, their freedom was not respected.


Sujet 21, Sujet national, juin 2013, sries technologiques, LV2

Lide de progrs
Document A
Sci-Fi : Future Atomic City (1942)

This painting by Frank R. Paul of a city of the future is pretty typical of sci-fi predictions. The
city is a massive pile of steel, plastic and glass put together in a way that not only has no past, but
actively rejects it. It is a place of heroic technology with skyscrapers the size of whole districts,
roof-top aerodromes, wide pedestrian boulevards, and metal roadways strangely devoid of traffic.
There are even urban space launch pads where giant rockets are winched upright before blasting
off to the heavens.
The iconic image of the future is the city. Think about it. In how many films have directors established the fact that were in the future by conjuring up some landscape of incredible buildings with
air cars whizzing about like semi-regulated gnats. Metropolis, Bladerunner, Just Imagine, Things

Anglais LV1/LV2



Le sujet

to Come, and any number of Star Trek instalments. Thats because a citys skyline tells you so
much about the culture that built it. New York looks different from London because New York is
different from London. Skyscrapers suit New York. They tell you about New Yorkers and the de
facto capital of the United States.
This was the reason why Stanley Kubrick decided against setting on Earth any scenes from his
film 2001 : a Space Odyssey. He felt it was impossible for him to predict what a city on Earth
would look like in 2001.
From .

Document B





Detroits bleak landscape is slowly changing due to the efforts of urban farmers and community
gardeners determined to grow their citys revival.
Once Americas most productive manufacturing city, Detroit was home to a thriving automotive
and music industry, with almost 2 million residents and a robust economy.
A dramatic decline began in the mid-1960s as factories began closing their doors for overseas
opportunities. The City eventually suffered near-collapse as residents left in droves to find work
elsewhere. The exodus is well-documented, as entire communities decamped, parts of the city
were literally abandoned and buildings were demolished or left neglected, with blocks of houses
torn down or left for ruin.
For residents that stayed, lack of employment, crumbling school systems, and the sheer size of
the city (which could fit all of Manhattan, Boston, and San Francisco inside and still have room
leftover) meant that many folks were living in a food desert, where grocery stores were often
more than 30 miles from their homes. All around, nature was taking over decrepit buildings on its
own, but not providing any source of nutrition for Detroits shrinking population.
About 15 years ago, green-minded citizens throughout Detroit began to reclaim these vacant lots,
clearing out the debris and creating gardens to provide both food and beauty to neighborhoods
throughout the City. Their work has led to a growing community of urban food activists, providing
fresh food where there was none, local opportunities where there were few, and productive green
space where there were bleak, empty lots.
Today, over 1,300 community gardens have sprouted throughout Detroit, and with the support
of non-profits like The Greening of Detroit, there is a growing network for urban farming. The
renewal of urban Detroit begins with its residents and hometown visionaries who see the chance
for change from within. As with the growth in local food and urban agriculture, similarly an
eclectic new scene in music, cuisine, art, performance, design, and even tech have sprung forth.
Some who seek to be a part of something interesting are actually returning to the city or relocating
to it for the first time.
Joe Gardener,, September 1, 2012.


Sujet 21 Le sujet


a) First paragraph

Comprhension de lcrit

b) Second paragraph
Questions on document A

c) Third paragraph

1 Write the correct answer.

Frank R. Paul was :

d) Fourth paragraph
e) Fifth paragraph

a) the man who painted Sci-Fi : Future City.

c) the writer of sci-fi novels.

5 Focus on lines 3 to line 9. Pick out four

expressions describing Detroits buildings between the mid-60s and the mid-90s.

d) the director of sci-fi films.

6 Write down the correct answer.

2 Focus on lines This painting by Frank R.

Paul to like semi-regulated gnats and write
your answers.

[...] many folks were living in a food

desertmeans :
a) shops where you could buy food were far

b) the author of this document.

a) Pick out four names of materials.

b) Pick out three adjectives relating to dimensions.
c) Pick out two methods of transport which allow you to fly.
3 Right or wrong ? Answer and justify by quoting the text.

b) shops where you could buy food were too expensive.

c) shops where you could buy food didnt have
enough staff.
d) the food on offer in the shops wasnt varied

a) The author is surprised that there arent more

cars in Sci-Fi : Future City.

The main objective of the association

The Greening of Detroit is :
a) to repaint the citys buildings in green.

b) Most science-fiction movie makers choose

urban areas as a setting.

b) to encourage people to recycle meticulously.

c) The action for 2001 : a Space Odyssey

takes place on our planet.

c) to encourage the development of renewable

d) to encourage people to cultivate gardens in
the city.

Questions on document B
4 Match each idea from the following list with
the corresponding passage.
Transforming the city together / Leaving the
city because of unemployment / A prosperous
city / Coming back to an attractive city / Disastrous consequences on peoples daily lives.

Questions on documents A and B

7 Complete the following sentence with 2 adjectives from the list.
old / real / fictional / safe / prestigious /smelly
The city described in document 1 is ... whereas
the city described in document 2 is ... .


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet

8 Here is a list of expressions :

enterprising / futuristic / urban recovery / technological development / celebration of the past
/ more efficient robots

b) Pick out 2 expressions which qualify document B.

a) Pick out 2 expressions which qualify document A.


Expression crite

Choose one of the following subjects. (150 - 180 words)

1 A building in your neighbourhood is going to be transformed. The population is asked to send
suggestions to the local authorities. Write out the project that you and other young people are
going to send.
2 You live in 2050. Describe your environment and explain what you like and what you dont


Sujet 21 Le sujet Pas



Procder par tapes

Comprhension de lcrit

1. Reprez la phrase du texte qui parle de

la mme chose que laffirmation.

Questions on document A

2. Analysez le sens de la phrase pour dcider si laffirmation est vraie ou fausse.

Comprendre la question
a) lhomme qui a peint Sci-Fi : Future City.

3. Notez la rponse (Right / Wrong) et recopiez la citation.

b) lauteur de ce document.
c) lauteur de romans de science fiction.

Questions on document B

d) le directeur de films de science fiction.

Procder par tapes

1. Reprez son nom dans le texte.
2. Analysez la manire dont on en parle et
slectionnez la bonne rponse.
Comprendre la question
Dans la premire partie du texte, vous devez reprer :
a) 4 noms de matriaux.
b) 3 adjectifs en rapport avec les dimensions.
c) 2 moyens de transports ariens.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit dapparier lide dans la liste la partie
du texte correspondante.
Procder par tapes
Analysez le sens de chaque partie pour dcider
quelle ide lui correspond.
Comprendre la question
On vous demande de reprer 4 expressions utilises pour dcrire les constructions Dtroit
entre le milieu des annes 60 et le milieu des
annes 90.

Comprendre la question
Pour chaque affirmation, vous devez dterminer si elle est vraie ou fausse et citer le texte
pour justifier votre rponse.

Comprendre la question
Vous devez choisir la bonne rponse pour complter chacune des phrases.

a) Lauteur tait surpris quil ny ait pas plus de

voitures dans le tableau.

Questions on documents A and B

b) La plupart des ralisateurs de films de

science fiction choisissent des zones urbaines
comme dcor.

Comprendre la question
Il sagit de choisir les deux adjectifs qui vous
permettent de complter la phrase.
La ville dcrite dans le document 1 est... tandis
que celle dcrite dans le document 2 est...

c) Laction pour 2001 : A Space Odyssey se

passe sur la Terre.


Anglais LV1/LV2

Le sujet Pas


Comprendre la question
On vous demande de reprer dans la liste dexpressions :
a) 2 expressions pour qualifier le document A
b) 2 expressions pour qualifier le document B.
Les expressions sont :
entreprenant / futuriste / reprise urbaine / dveloppement technologique / clbration du pass
/ des robots plus efficaces

Expression crite

Comprendre la question
On va transformer un btiment dans votre quartier. Les autorits locales ont invit les habitants
leur faire parvenir des propositions. Rdigez
le projet que vous allez envoyer avec dautres
jeunes gens.

Procder par tapes

Prparez vos ides.
1. Rdigez votre rponse en mettant une
proposition par paragraphe.
2. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.
Comprendre la question
Vous vivez en 2050. Dcrivez votre environnement et expliquez ce que vous apprciez et ce
que vous napprciez pas. Il sagit dun sujet
Mobiliser ses connaissances
Pour exprimer le got :
like / love / adore / appreciate + V-ing
dislike / hate / detest / loathe / cant stand
+ V-ing
Procder par tapes

Mobiliser ses connaissances

Pour exprimer les suggestions :
Why not / What about
+ V-ing ; We
could + verbe / It would be a good idea
to + verbe ; We suggest + V-ing


1. Prparez vos ides.

2. Rdigez votre rponse en mettant une
ide par paragraphe.
3. Contrlez la qualit de votre anglais.

Sujet 21 Le corrig


c) Third paragraph : disastrous consequences

on peoples daily lives

Comprhension de lcrit

Questions on document A
1 Frank R. Paul was a) the man who painted
Sci-Fi : Future City
2 a) steel, plastic, glass, metal
b) massive, wide, giant
c) rockets, air cars
3 a) Right : metal roadways strangely devoid
of traffic.

d) Fourth paragraph : transforming the city together

e) Fifth paragraph : coming back to an attractive city
5 parts of the city were literally abandoned
- buildings were demolished or left neglected
- with blocks of houses torn down ? - or left
for ruin
1. a. shops where you could buy food were
far away

b) Right : In how many films have directors

established the fact that were in the future by
conjuring up some landscape of incredible buildings.
c) Wrong : Stanley Kubrick decided against
setting on Earth any scenes from his film
2001 : a Space Odyssey.
Questions on document B
4 a) First paragraph : a prosperous city
b) Second paragraph : leaving the city because
of unemployment


2. d. to encourage people to cultivate gardens in the city.

Questions on documents A and B
7 The city described in document 1 is fictional whereas the city described in document 2 is
8 a) document 1 : futuristic, technological development
b) document 2 : enterprising, urban recovery

Expression crite

1 Proposition of Topsham Youth Club for the Transformation of the old supermarket, 15 High
Street, Topsham
The young people of Topsham have nowhere to meet after school. The old supermarket in the
town centre has been replaced by a large shopping centre outside town. The building of the old
supermarket is in very good condition, but nobody wants to use it for a store.
We have had a meeting at our Youth Club, and have a suggestion to make.
Indeed, the supermarket would make an ideal meeting place for the different associations which
the young people of Topsham belong to. There is sufficient room to offer a sports hall for ball
games like tennis, badminton, table tennis, volley ball ...
At the same time, it is possible to create smaller modules for the different associations the Youth
Club, the Chess Club, the Video Game Club ...

Anglais LV1/LV2

Le corrig

Of course, we are not in a position to pay for the use of the building. However, we will take good
care of it and renovate it regularly.
2 Life in 2050 is rather boring. At the end of the 20th century, there were a large number of
historical buildings which gave every town its individual charm. Today, only modern buildings
exist, and they are all very similar. They are all made of glass and steel. Every room is the same
size and shape.
The streets are all straight and cross each other at right angles. There are green areas with identical
plastic trees on every corner. Loudspeakers play relaxation music. We can hear birds singing, but
in fact there are no more birds. I really dislike this artificial environment.
However, I do appreciate the fact that every town has the same leisure facilities, so we do not have
to travel. If you want to ski, you go to your local ski dome. If you want to surf the waves, you go
to your local surf marina.
Even if it is aesthetically disappointing, the choice of identical ecological and economical infrastructures in every town and city has given local authorities the possibility to offer the same
facilities to everyone everywhere for nothing. It is the height of democracy.


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