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C language

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" C is most widely used general-purpose language today in operating systems, and embedded system development. "





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Basics of C Language
Overview of C (overview-of-

C Language Syntax Rules


C language syntax specify rules for sequence of characters to be written in C language. The rule specify how

Features of C (features-of-

character sequence will be grouped together to form tokens. A smallest individual unit in c program is known


as C Tokens. Tokens are either keyword, identifier, constant, variable or any symbol which has some meaning

My First C program (first-c-

in C language. A C program can also be called as collection of various tokens.

C Input / Output (c-inputoutput-function.php)

Example of C tokens,

curly braces { }


semicolon ;

C Syntax Rules (csyntax.php)

Keywords and Identifier



Comments are simple text in your C program that increases readability of programs. Compiler ignore anything

Operators in C Language

written as comment in your program.

Data Types in C (datatypein-c.php)

Example of comments :
//This is a comment

Single line Comment

Variables in C (Variables-inc.php)
Decision Making (decisionmaking-in-c.php)

/*This is a comment*/

Single line Comment

/*This is a long
and valid comment*/

Multi line Comment

//this is not
a valid comment

Wrong Syntax

Switch Statement (switchstatement-in-c.php)

Looping (loops-in-c.php)
Arrays (arrays-in-c.php)
string and character array

Some basic syntax rule for C program

Storage classes (storage-

C is a case sensitive language so all C instructions must be written in lower case letter.


All C statement must be end with a semicolon.

Functions in C

Whitespace is used in C to describe blanks and tabs.

Introduction to Functions

Whitespace is required between keywords and identifiers

Types of Function calls
Passing Array to function
Structures in C
Introduction to Structures
Typedef (typedef.php)
Unions (unions-in-c.php)
Pointers in C
Pointers concept (pointersin-c.php)

Declaring and initializing

pointer (declaring-andinitializing-pointer.php)
Pointer to Array (pointerswith-array.php)
Pointer to Structure
Pointer Arithmetic (pointerarithmetic-in-c.php)
Pointer with Functions
Advanced Topics in C
File Input / Output (file-inputoutput.php)
Error Handling (errorhandling-in-c.php)
Dynamic memory allocation

Prev (c-input-output-function.php)

Next (keywords-and-identifier.php)

Command line argument
C programs
Find Factorial of a Number
Reverse a String (reverse-astring-program.php)
Find Fabonacci Series
Find sum of a digit (sum-ofdigit-program.php)
Sorting an Array element
Swapping two number
Find largest number of an
array (find-largest-elementusing-recursion.php)
Pallindrome Program
Remove duplicate element
in an array program

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