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List of French verbs

followed by the preposition

+ verb in the infinitive
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In French, some verbs are followed by the prepositions "" (je

cherche comprendre) or "de" (J'vite de comprendre), others
by nothing (je veux comprendre). I looked all over the place for
an explanation, some sort of rule or logic, but couldn't find
anything, and couldn't figure it out myself (if you do know
something, please don't hesitate to share it with all of us and post
a comment, or contact me).
So, there seems to be no other way than to learn them by heart. And its not simple, because the
same way prepositions can change the meaning of a verb in English (to look at, for, forward to
something, down on someone, up to someone etc), the same verb can sometimes be followed
by or de and change meaning. And then there is the possible reflexive form
Furthermore, you cannot translate from English, so these verbs need to be memorized in French.
So needless to say that this a bit of a headhache, actually, even listing them is complicated!!
Today, Ill list common verbs (there are more) followed by + infinitive in French, and verbs
followed by + noun. Soon, Ill list the verbs followed by de, and the verbs followed by nothing.

List of common French verbs that

are followed by the preposition
+ infinitive
To make it clearer, Ill use faire quelque chose as my second verb, but you could replace it by
any other infinitive that makes sense.
aider faire quelque chose to help to do something
apprendre faire quelque chose to learn how to do something

arriver faire quelque chose to manage / succeed in doing something

sautoriser faire quelque chose to allow oneself to do something
avoir faire quelque chose to have to / be obliged to do something
chercher faire quelque chose to attempt to do something
commencer faire quelque chose to begin to do something
continuer faire quelque chose to continue to do something
se dcider faire quelque chose to make up ones mind to do something
encourager quelquun faire quelque chose to encourage someone to do something
shabituer faire quelque chose to get used to doing something
hsiter faire quelque chose to hesitate to do something
inviter (quelquun) faire quelque chose to invite (someone) to do something
se mettre faire quelque chose to start doing something
obliger (quelquun) faire quelque chose to force (someone) to do something
parvenir faire quelque chose to succeed in doing something
passer du temps faire quelque chose to spend time doing
perdre du temps faire quelque chose to waste time doing
persister faire quelque chose to persist in doing
pousser (quelquun) faire quelque chose to push someone to do something
se prparer faire quelque chose to prepare oneself to do something
recommencer faire quelque chose to begin doing something again
renoncer faire quelque chose to give up doing something
rsister faire quelque chose to resist doing
russir faire quelque chose to succeed in doing
servir faire quelque chose to be used to do something
tenir faire quelque chose to insist on doing something
samuser faire quelque chose to have fun doing something
shabituer faire quelque chose to get used to doing something

List of common French verbs that

are followed by the preposition
+ noun
To make it easier, Ill use Pierre as my noun, Pierre standing for a any person.
Note that these verbs will be followed by a indirect object ( Pierre), so its a good idea to drill,
do flash cards with these verbs and indirect object (je lui achte, nous leur conseillons etc)
acheter Pierre to buy from Pierre
arracher to tear away from Pierre
conseiller Pierre to advise Pierre
demander Pierre to ask Pierre
dfendre Pierre to forbid Pierre
dsobir Pierre to disobey Pierre
dire Pierre to tell Pierre
donner Pierre to give (to) Pierre
crire Pierre to write to Pierre
emprunter Pierre to borrow from Pierre
envoyer Pierre to send (to) Pierre
tre to belong to Pierre
faire attention Pierre to pay attention to Pierre/ be careful with Pierre
goter la confiture to taste the jam
shabituer Pierre to get used to Pierre
interdire Pierre to forbid Pierre
sintresser Pierre to be interested by Pierre
jouer to play (a game or sport), example jouer au tennis
obir Pierre to obey Pierre
sopposer Pierre to oppose Pierre
ordonner Pierre to order Pierre

pardonner Pierre to forgive Pierre

parler Pierre to talk to Pierre
penser Pierre to think about Pierre
permettre Pierre to allow Pierre
plaire Pierre to please Pierre
profiter Pierre to benefit Pierre
promettre Pierre to promise Pierre
rflchir to consider / reflect upon, example rflchir au problme
rpondre Pierre to answer Pierre
rsister Pierre to resist Pierre
ressembler Pierre to look like Pierre
russir lexamen to pass the test
serrer la main Pierre to shake hands with Pierre
servir Pierre to be useful for Pierre
tlphoner Pierre to call Pierre
voler (quelque chose) Pierre to steal (something) from Pierre

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