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Let the Wookiee Win!

Wookiee - Reveal Immediately, You may only Speak in Wookiee. You know
Everyone's Affiliation
Crime Boss - Reveal; When another player reveals their class to use their ability, You
may copy that Ability.
Assassin - Reveal to take a unrevealed Class card from another player. That player
then draws the top card of the Class deck, this is their new class. Discard this card.

Bounty Hunter - Reveal; Force another player to reveal their Class Card (That player
may not use their Class ability).
Force Adept - Reveal; Nulify the Reveal ability of any other Class. (Note: You can not
Nulify the Wookiee ability)
Senator - Reveal; You copy and use the ability of another player's previously
revealed Class Card.
Scout - Reveal; Look at any another player's unrevealed Class Card.

Han Solo - Smuggler - Reveal; Trade Affiliation cards with another player. (Note:
You may exchange even it they have already revealed their Affiliation)
Princess Leia - Princess - Reveal; If another player forces you to reveals your
Affiliation they must reveal their own instead.
Interrigator Droid - Reveal; Force another player to reveal their Affiliation.
Slave Dancer - Reveal; Look at another player's Affiliation Card.
Storm Trooper - Soldier - Reveal; Force another player to reveal their Affiliation.
Kyle Katarn - Gambler - Reveal; guess another players Affiliation. That player
reveals their affiliation to the table. If you are correct, take one of their Data Discs
(your choice). If you are wrong, give that player one of your Data Discs (their choice).

Astromech Droid - Reveal; Choose 2 players look at 1 Data Disc from each of them.
Watto - Trader - Reveal; Conduct a Special Data Exchange with another player. (You
chose which cards are traded)
Fugitive Thief - Reveal; Take another player's Data Disc.
Scavenger - Reveal; During a Standard Data Disc exchange, You may look at both
cards being traded.
Mechanic - Reveal; Choose a player to discard a "Non-Objective" Data Disc. (If able)
Fighter Ace - Reveal; Choose a player to Discard a "Non-Objective" Data Disc. If
they cannot take one of their Data Discs at random instead.
Spacer - Reveal; Draw the top card of the Data Disc deck.
Admiral - Reveal, Draw the top 2 cards of the Data Disc deck
Slicer - Reveal; During a Standard Data Exchange, You may look at both cards being
traded and replace one or both with your own Data Discs.

Protocol Droid - Reveal Immediately, You must move to be sitting next to the
Wookie Player. The Wookie player and yourself may speak to each other (whisper in
each others ear or pass notes).

Bothan Spy - Odd Men out
Rebel Alliance Agent
Galactic Imperium Agent
Underworld Agent

Data Discs possess

5x Deathstar Plans - Objective
3x Rebel Base Locations - Discard this card, Look at 1 Data Disc of a revealed Rebel
3x Cargo Manifests - Discard this card, Look at 1 Data Disc of a revealed Underworld
3x Imperial Troop Deployments - Discard this card, Look at 1 Data Disc of a revealed
Imperial Player.
4x It's a Trap - When you receive this card in a Data Exchange reveal and discard this
4x Jedi Holocron - When you receive this card in a Data Exchange, you may reveal it
and Take a Data Disc from another player. Discard this card.
4x Sith Holocron - When you receive this card in a Data Exchange, you may reveal it
and choose a player to discard a Non-Objective Data Disc.
4x Bounty - When you receive this card in a Data Exchange show the player you
received this from your Affiliation. Then Discard this card
10x Personal Communiques - Discard this card, look at the Class card of the player to
the left or right of you. Draw the top card of the Data Disc deck.
10x Holovid Transmissions - Discard this card, look at the affiliation card of the player
to the left or right of you. Draw the top card of the Data Disc deck.
10x Garbled Message - Discard this card, Draw the top card of the Data Disc deck.

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