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By Dr. Len C. Brown ND, DD

Americans pride themselves in their false assumptions that most of their racial problems
have been solved. They also believe significant progress has been made in race relations
over the past 135 years. As a researcher in both law and social realities , I find it amazing
that otherwise intelligent people can be so mis-informed. We watched the murder of a
man on video broadcast on television who was choked to death. However the experts
concluded that it was a justified killing and an armed gang of thugs , killing an over
weight ,middle aged black man was entirely agreeable as long as they wore badges. This
kind of demented thinking is only possible when certain human beings have no value in
the societies estimation. Europeans have always practiced slavery, they called it serfdom
when the people were owned by the king and were viewed as being part of the land.
When world wide exploration began they transported this practice to other places on
earth, the wholesale slaughter of human beings was endorsed by the Catholic Church who
received a $6.00 tax on each slave taken for sale. Englishmen treated the Irish like dogs
and the Scots were not treated better. It was only in the 1920s that Italians and Jews were
considered to be white. Do you think it to be an accident that Fire Departments and
Police Departments are staffed by the Irish ? It was the only job open to them in the early
part of the century.
The oldest form of subjugation in the world is cannibalism. It was in effective as a
strategy for tyranny because you consumed your seed. It would take another generation
to replace them. Chattel slavery is just one step above literal cannibalism. Slaves were
purchased as prisoners of war, taken by brute force, deception false ethics and by deceit.
Organized religion benefited greatly from slavery and still does ,now its called Capitalism
or labor force, those forced to labor. After the Middle Ages direct slavery changed to the
feudal model. Noble class given ownership of land but had to pay users fees [ taxes] to
the king who claimed divine right to all lands and crops . Religion is always a short in the
circuit to clear thinking. Slaves, low class workers still promised paradise in the world to
come. Religious leaders got a share of the money and freedom from taxation just as they
do now. King or Government was ruler class. Church & Army were enforcers. The
workers serfs, slaves, employees and average citizens are the functionaries. Forced labor
produces an excess food supply and enough money to build cities and supply armies for
defense. Progress was slow because the Catholic Church banned usury, however this ban
was lifted after the reformation and produced a boom that created the Industrial
Revolution. Further the separation of church and state allowed a rational and logical
process without church dogma and interference. People after the Industrial Revolution
were forcefully pushed off agricultural land and into the cities where they continued to
provide cheap labor at factories. They could choose what work they did and where they
worked. No matter what they did labor was cheap and wages were taxed. Corporations
were invented to shield the Noble class from loss. The people would not share in the
profits but would pay for the losses. No private wealth was ever put at risk nor is it now.
Big corporations needed managers that were smart but not a potential threat to Rulers.
The way these people are educated assures they will not think creatively outside the box.
They will not act independently.

Public schools are designed to insure incompetence. 90% of what is taught is useless
trivia. Latin, Literature, altered World History, non-specific Math are totally useless. High
school graduates can not balance a check book or write a paragraph that makes sense,
they read at the 8th grade level. They will become incompetent voters who will not notice
that those in the ruling class rotate in and out of industry and government. They will be
poor parents and will produce even more non functioning children. Birth rates have
crashed in the Western world, modern parenthood is too expensive for the uncertain job
market. Parents work most of the time, pay for daycare. Most opt for no children and
more freedom. Emigration will balance the shortage of ignorant, cheap labor.
People will remain divided. Racial tensions will increase as resources become
more costly. Those who are paid by the ruling class will never oppose them. Police ,
Teachers, Postal Workers and the Military will do what ever they are told. Slaves can
only attack each other. Their ownership is entirely hidden from them their masters are
nameless. Newspapers and other public media will never oppose governmental policies,
they will only read official press releases, they can not verify anything as true or false
from their reporting. It is far cheaper to simply restate what is written than to research or
do an objective investigation. Further Lawyers, Doctors Builders , Teachers and
Administrators are controlled by the licensing process, if they oppose the rulers, they will
not be re-licensed and have a hard time making a living. Access to real time information
is in the hands of the legal owners of the radio, television and newspaper owners.
Have you noticed, children are separated from their mothers earlier and earlier? Is it
to give them a head start in education or to bond them to the state and not to their
parents? This was originally the policy of the Nazi Government in Germany. Feminist
groups directly funded by the government convinced women to get jobs in taxable
occupations and get out of the home. This does permanent damage to the child. Namely,
the retardation of social skills. The owners of humanity rarely have to identify themselves
now, they can hide on corporate boards and as beneficiaries in nameless Trusts. For the
first time in mans history the slave master is unknown to the slave. Corporate paper work
shields the criminals from prosecution. Law enforcement protect the butchers from the
anger of the families they have assaulted. Why are we in a permanent state of war ? We
are no longer fighting the communist, now we are at battle with some ephemeral entity
called terrorism which does not really exist except in the virtual computer world. Isis for
instance is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and is recorded as a military contractor.
The man El Bakr Bagdadi has three Doctorate Degrees as its leader however publicly he
is presented as a fool. By the way did you know the infamous Fidel Castro was a
University Professor, extremely well educated and articulate. He was also presented to
Americans as a madman and an idiot. The real reason we are at war is that it is profitable
for corporations, there is no money in peace. We are not in Iraq or Afghanistan for
democracy but for the poppy plants [heroin] ,for profit. All of these so called terror
groups have to be funded, who is supporting them? Anyone can follow the money, in
bank transfers, checks , food ,weapons ,logistics and training. These people are pawns in
proxy wars , supported by mostly western nations. Only rich people can pay for
continuos conflicts, The oil rich Saudis and the Iranians are perhaps the only exceptions.
The murder of Qadafi was engineered by the French Government who owed him money
and elements in the American Government who wanted the Sixty tons of gold held by
that administration , now Libya has been thrown back into the dark ages and will not

soon recover. The idiots that revolted against that government have been hoodwinked by
the Americans and have traded relative prosperity for hopelessness. It will probably be
another century before they recover. The Liberians and Nigerians are also being
eliminated in great numbers by a disease that was patented by America & Briton some
years ago. Ebola fever in its natural state has been around for a thousand years and killed
nobody however after being enhanced and made into a biological weapon, it can kill
many people.

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