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Class Quiz

1) Which of the following can be used to improve the energy efficiency of wireless
cellular communication network?
a) Microcell b) Picocell c) Femtocell d) All
2) Which of the following cannot be categorized as a small cell in the context of
wireless communication network?
a) Distributed antenna system b) Macrocell c) Femtocell d) WiFi access point
3) Most power consuming component of a wireless communication network is
a) Retail b) Base station c) Core transmission d) Mobile switching
4) Which of the following is not a cellular base station component?
a) Radio trans receiver b) Power amplifier c) Frequency converter
d) Transmitting antenna
5) Which of the following is not an approach for improving energy efficiency?
a) Resource allocation management b) Power amplifier c) Small cells
d) Signal interference management
6) Which of the following are elements of the telecommunication network?
a) Core network b) BS with RF interface c) Mobile terminal d) all
7) Which of the following is not an advantage of cell zooming technology?
a) Load balancing b) Reduce energy consumption c) Energy redistribution
d) Minimize no. of users
8) .. cant lead to cell resizing?
a) Antenna angle adjustment b) Increase antenna power c) Reduce antenna
power d) Transmission frequency adjustment
9) Select correct order of different phases of Cognitive Cycle
a) Learn -> Sense -> Plan -> Decide -> Act
b) Sense -> Learn -> Plan -> Decide -> Act
c) Sense -> Learn -> Decide -> Plan -> Act
d) Sense -> Plan -> Learn -> Decide -> Act

10) Which is correct in case of Femto cells?

a) Used in house b) offer higher energy efficiency c) for routing call through ADSL
d) all

11) Which is not a benefit of Femto cell?

a) Higher user satisfaction b) Reduce CAPEX c) Macro cell traffic offload d) Lower
12) Which is correct regarding closed operating model of small cell?
a) Authentication needed b) All user can access c) Some resources for nonregistered users d) all
13) Which is not a part of Femto cell architecture?
a) Microprocessor b) Operating system c) FPGA d) RF transmitter
14) Smart grid is an excellent alternative to an existing electricity grid.
a) True b) False
15) When base station operates at lower cellular frequency instead of higher cellular
frequency, it leads to
a) Higher propagation path loss b) Fewer user support c) Higher available
bandwidth d) a and b
16) Which is not a part of Digital Front-end (DFE) of a wireless communication
a) Low noise amplifier 2) Sample rate converter 3) Filters 4) Digital down
17) Software defined radio paradigm can lead to improve
a) Energy efficiency b) Energy and Spectrum efficiency c) Energy efficiency and
Reconfigurability c) Spectrum efficiency and Reconfigurability

18) Chose the correct order of evolution of communication radio

a) Hardware driven radios -> Software defined radios -> Green radios -> Cognitive
b) Digital radios -> Software defined radios -> Digital radios -> Cognitive radios
c) Hardware driven radios -> Digital radios -> Software defined radios -> Cognitive
d) Hardware driven radios -> Cognitive radios -> Software defined radios ->
Green Radios
19) Cognitive radio paradigm can lead to
Energy and spectrum efficiency b) Network efficiency c) Spectrum efficiency
d) a and b
20) Channel capacity increases linearly with the increase in bandwidth but only
logarithmically with the increase in noise power
a) True b) False
21) Base station switching via Traffic reallocation leads to
a) From the mains power saving b) Transmission power savings c) Higher
hardware efficiency d) all
22) Let , and
be the loads for 3 cells respectively. If
, j

, then three cells can be shift to mode to save energy.

a) Omnidirectional mode b) Tri-sectorized mode c) Cant say d) Either a or b

be the loads for 3 cells respectively. Then,
, then three cells can be shift to mode to save energy.
b) Omnidirectional mode b) Tri-sectorized mode c) Cant say d) Either a or b

23) Let

24) White-Fi is the

a) WiFi service provided by cellular operators
b) WiFi service provided using cognitive radio services
c) Cellular services in conventional WiFi frequency bands
d) WiFi services in unused TV white space
25) White-Fi will have advantage of higher date rates over conventional WiFi.
a) True b) False

26) For wide range of path loss models, 1800MHz band experiences at least 4 times
(6dB) less path loss as compare d with the 900MHz band.
a) True b) False
27) Power saving by increasing the bandwidth B by factor A for a given capacity C is
given by
( )


b) 1

c) 1

( )


( )

28) Accuracy of GPS based localization is higher than RSS based localization.
a) True b) False
29) Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements of mobile terminals are affected
a) Small scale fading b) Path loss c) Large scale fading d) all
30) Nearby mobile terminals will have high probability of observing close RSS values.
a) True b) False
31) Non-parametric methods does not work when entries in RSS matrix are missing.
a) True b) False
32) Dedicated channel deployment in Macro-Femto cell network will lead to lower
spectrum efficiency.
a) True b) False

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