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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 17 JANUARY 2010 | DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2009.265

Active magneto-plasmonics in hybrid

metal–ferromagnet structures
Vasily V. Temnov1 *, Gaspar Armelles2, Ulrike Woggon3, Dmitry Guzatov4, Alfonso Cebollada2,
Antonio Garcia-Martin2, Jose-Miguel Garcia-Martin2, Tim Thomay5, Alfred Leitenstorfer5
and Rudolf Bratschitsch5

Surface-plasmon-mediated confinement of optical fields holds plasmon modes. Orders of magnitude smaller external magnetic
great promise for on-chip miniaturization of all-optical circuits1–4. fields might be sufficient to manipulate the optical properties of
Following successful demonstrations of passive nanoplasmonic their SPPs20. This concept allows the design and tailoring of the
devices5–7, active plasmonic systems have been designed to optical properties of complex composite magnetic materials21–24
control plasmon propagation. This goal has been achieved towards particular potential applications, such as high-sensitivity
either by coupling plasmons to optically active materials8–13 or biosensing devices25.
by making use of transient optical nonlinearities in metals via Here, we use plasmonic microinterferometry9,12,17,26,27 to demon-
strong excitation with ultrashort laser pulses14–17. Here, we strate active control of surface plasmons in a magneto-plasmonic
present a new concept in which the active optical component gold–cobalt–gold multilayer film by a weak external magnetic field
is a metal–ferromagnet–metal structure. It is based on active of a few millitesla. For a gold–cobalt–gold multilayer film with a
magneto-plasmonic microinterferometry, where the surface cobalt thickness of a few nanometres, the magnetization along the
plasmon wave vector in a gold–ferromagnet–gold trilayer easy axes (in the plane of the film) may be saturated by applying a
system is controlled using a weak external magnetic field. very low magnetic field of the order of 10 mT. If the magnetic
Application of this new technique allows measurement of the field is applied along the x-axis (see geometry in Fig. 1), the bulk
electromagnetic field distribution inside a metal at optical fre- dielectric tensor of cobalt,
quencies and with nanometre depth resolution. Significant 0 1
modulation depth combined with possible all-optical magnetiza- exx 0 0
tion reversal induced by femtosecond light pulses18 opens a eCo ¼ @ 0 exx eyz Mx A ð1Þ
route to ultrafast magneto-plasmonic switching. 0 eyz Mx exx
Continuous improvements in nanofabrication and nanocharac-
terization capabilities have changed projections about the role that is governed by the magnetization Mx in the same direction. Thus, in
metals could play in the development of new optical devices. Our the composite gold–cobalt–gold films the properties of surface plas-
present ability to manipulate both the electromagnetic field localiz- mons should not depend directly on the external magnetic field B,
ation and the nanoscale coupling between light and surface plas- but on the magnetization Mx in a cobalt layer. The wave vector
mons leads to the observation of new optical phenomena such as of the gold–cobalt–gold film surface plasmon ksp(Mx , h) ¼ k 0sp þ
enhanced optical transmission, sub-wavelength confinement of Dkmp(Mx , h) propagating in the y-direction depends on the com-
optical fields and sub-wavelength optical resolution. ponent of the magnetization Mx of the cobalt layer and the depth h
A magnetic field can modify the properties of an electron plasma. of the cobalt layer below the gold/air interface. Analytical thin-film cal-
This effect has been analysed for surface plasmons at terahertz fre- culations in gold–cobalt–gold multilayer films (see Supplementary
quencies propagating at an interface between a semiconductor and a Information for a detailed discussion) in the approximation of an
dielectric19 (also known as surface plasmon polariton, SPP). In par- infinitely thin cobalt layer demonstrate the possibility of magnetically
ticular, if the magnetic field is applied parallel to the interface and modulating the surface plasmon wave vector,
perpendicular to the SPP wave vector, it induces a modification of
the SPP wave vector while keeping its transverse magnetic (TM) 2h1 ðk0 eAu eAir Þ2 ieyz
Dkmp ðMx ; hÞ ’ M expðh=dskin Þ ð2Þ
character. Therefore, the magnetic field could be used to control ðeAir þ eAu Þðe2Air  e2Au Þ exx x
SPP propagation, opening the door for novel active plasmonic
devices. The technological drawback is that the magnetic fields which scales linearly with Mx and exponentially decays as a function
that enable noticeable changes in noble-metal-based plasmonic of h within a skin depth of light dskin (h1 is the cobalt layer thickness).
structures in the visible spectral range are of the order of several The maximum possible modulation of the surface plasmon wave
tesla and are therefore too large for realistic applications. vector 2Dkmp(h) ¼ ksp(Mx ¼ þ1, h) 2 ksp(Mx ¼ 21, h) can be
Ferromagnetic layers, however, exhibit a large magneto-optical achieved upon magnetization switching (Mx ¼+1 for a saturated
(MO) activity, but do not support propagating long-range surface sample).
plasmons due to high ohmic losses. Combining magnetic and Numerical calculations not only justify the validity of equation
plasmonic counterparts in a magneto-plasmonic system would (2) for h1  dskin , but also prove that the presence of a thin
both enable high MO activity and support propagating surface cobalt-layer introduces only a minor perturbation in the electric

Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA, 2 Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid-IMM
(CNM-CSIC), 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain, 3 Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik, TU Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10632 Berlin, Germany, 4 Yanka
Kupala Grodno State University, 230023 Grodno, Belarus, 5 Department of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics, University of Konstanz, D-78457
Konstanz, Germany. * e-mail:


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Microscope area in Fig. 2) to obtain the normalized magneto-plasmonic inter-

objective Electromagnet ference pattern
B(t) = B sin(ωt)

Imp ðx; BÞ ¼ dðxÞjDkmp j cosðFðxÞ þ fÞ ð3Þ

z Interferograms for two different plasmonic microinterferometers

x defined in a gold–cobalt–gold (5 nm/6 nm/189 nm) multilayer
Glass y
film on glass are shown in Fig. 2. The microinterferometers have
the same slit–groove tilt angle Q ¼ 58, but differ in the initial dis-
Au layer Slit tance d0 (d0 ¼ 0 and d0 ¼ 10 mm). Both interference patterns I(x)
Co layer
and Imp(x) have the same period lsp/sin Q, but are shifted with
h Au layer e plas
respect to each other by a constant phase f ’ 708. A change in
absorption of the surface plasmons only affects the contrast of the
plasmonic interference I(x); that is, Imp(x) is in phase (f ¼ 0). A
change in the surface plasmon wave vector, however, results in a
Incident beam fringe shift of I(x); that is, Imp(x) is shifted by f ¼ p/2. The
observed phase shift f ’ 708 is close to p/2, which clearly demon-
Figure 1 | Active magneto-plasmonic interferometry. A plasmonic strates that the magneto-plasmonic signal is dominated by the
microinterferometer consisting of a tilted slit–groove pair is milled in a gold– change of the real part of the surface plasmon wave vector.
cobalt–gold multilayer film using a focused ion beam. Surface plasmons are Figure 2g,h shows the normalized magneto-plasmonic signals
launched by the groove, propagate towards the slit, and interfere with the I (norm)
mp (x) described by equation (3) for an oscillating magnetic
directly transmitted light to produce a periodic interference pattern along the field with an amplitude of 20 mT. As expected, the amplitude
slit axes. The oscillating magnetic field of an electromagnet is used to jDkmpjd(x) of the normalized magneto-plasmonic interferogram
periodically switch the magnetization in the thin cobalt layer and thus I (norm)
mp (x) scales linearly with surface plasmon propagation distance
modify the wave vector of surface plasmons. An imaging nano-optical set-up d(x) ¼ d0 þ x sin Q between the slit and the groove, visualized by
is used to record the magneto-plasmonic modulation signal. straight dashed lines. The intrinsically small magneto-plasmonic
modulation of the surface plasmon wave vector jDkmpj/k0  1024
field distribution inside the metal as compared to bulk gold (see is accumulated over the long propagation distance, resulting in
Supplementary Fig. 1S). These calculations suggest that the depen- noticeable values of the magneto-plasmonic signal. In that way, a
dence of the magnetic modulation of the surface plasmon substantial enhancement factor of k0d  100 is achieved. For the
wave vector as a function of cobalt layer position h may be used central part of the microinterferometer in Fig. 2b with d ¼ 12 mm,
to directly measure the skin depth of light in gold at optical fre- we obtain a modulation depth of 2jDkmpjd ’ 0.01 (the factor 2
quencies with a spatial resolution determined by the thickness h1 accounts for magnetization switching between Mx ¼ 21 and
of the cobalt layer. Mx ¼ þ1). The experimental data for a microinterferometer with a
To explore the modulation of the surface plasmon wave vector, larger distance d ¼ 22 mm (interferograms not shown) provide a
the gold–cobalt–gold multilayer films were patterned with plasmo- value 2jDkmpjd ¼ 0.02, which is promising for potential applications
nic microinterferometers (Fig. 1). They consisted of a tilted slit– such as an optical switch. The slit–groove spacing of a few tens of
groove pair milled by a focused ion beam in a gold–cobalt–gold micrometres needed to achieve a significant modulation depth of
film grown on a glass substrate. The length of both the slit and the magneto-plasmonic signal limits the minimum device size. At
the groove was 50 mm. The slit had a width of 100 nm. Grooves the same time, a long propagation distance is favourable for
were 100 nm deep and 200 nm wide. The slit–groove tilt angle Q sensing applications. A further increase of the slit–groove spacing
was varied between 58 and 108 and the minimum slit–groove dis- results in a reduced modulation depth of I(x) due to larger surface
tance d0 varied from 0 to 20 mm. Illumination of a microinterferom- plasmon propagation losses.
eter with a collimated p-polarized continuous-wave laser diode at To explore the physical mechanism that links the external mag-
normal incidence (100 mW, 808 nm, spot diameter 30 mm netic field with the interference pattern, the magneto-plasmonic
FWHM) excited surface plasmons, which were launched by the signal jDkmp(B)jd is plotted against magnetic field amplitude B in
groove. They propagated towards the slit, where they were recon- Fig. 3. A gradual increase of the signal at small fields is observed,
verted into free-space radiation, interfering with light directly trans- followed by a sudden jump at 12 mT and saturation behaviour
mitted through the slit (Fig. 1). Owing to the slit–groove tilt angle, above 15 mT. This result indicates that the magneto-plasmonic
the geometrical path difference d(x) ¼ d0 þ x sin Q acquired by signal does not directly depend on the external magnetic field in a
surface plasmons on the way to the slit changes linearly along linear way, but is governed by the cobalt layer magnetization. This
the slit axis x, resulting in a sinusoidal interference pattern effect is demonstrated in the inset, where the magneto-plasmonic
I(x, B ¼ 0) ¼ E1(x)2 þ E2(x)2 þ 2E1(x)E2(x)cos(F(x)) with the two hysteresis loop (reconstructed from the temporal dependence of
electric fields E1(x) and E2(x) and the phase F(x) ¼ kspd(x) þ f0. Dkmp(t) and B(t)) is depicted together with the transverse Kerr
An oscillating external magnetic field with amplitude B was effect hysteresis loop measured in an unpatterned sample. The
applied in the x-direction to periodically switch the magnetization cycles have identical shapes, confirming the direct dependence of
of the cobalt layer and modulate the surface plasmon wave vector. the magneto-plasmonic signal on the cobalt magnetization.
In that way, the phase and the contrast of the plasmonic interfero- Up to this point, we have demonstrated control of the surface
gram changed. A lock-in based scanning imaging optical set-up17 plasmon wave vector by a small external magnetic field. We now
allowed the plasmonic interferogram to be recorded at zero mag- show that this effect allows for local probing of the electromagnetic
netic field I(x, B ¼ 0) together with the magneto-plasmonic interfer- field distribution inside the gold layer. For this purpose we have per-
ogram Imp(x, B) ¼ I(x, þB) 2 I(x, 2B) for a weak external magnetic formed magneto-plasmonic interferometry in multilayer structures
field of a few tens of millitesla. A normalization procedure was where the cobalt layer is located at different depth h below the gold–
applied to compensate for the spatially inhomogeneous modulation air interface. In Fig. 4 we compare the results of magneto-plasmonic
depth of I(x) (which is equal to 4E1(x)E2(x), marked as the grey measurements obtained for d ¼ 22 mm with the theoretical formula


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a b

Groove Surface plasm
Slit Slit

c 1,500 d 500
I(B = 0) I(B = 0) ϕ

signals (a.u.)
signals (a.u.)

1,000 Modulation 300
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Position along the slit x (μm) Position along the slit x (μm)
e f
2 Imp = I(+B)−I(−B) 10 Imp
signals (a.u.)

signals (a.u.)

1 5
0 0
−1 −5
−2 B = 20 mT −10 B = 20 mT

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Position along the slit x (μm) Position along the slit x (μm)

g h
0.01 (norm) 0.01 (norm)
I mp = –d(x) |Δkmp|cos(Φ(x) + ϕ) I mp
signals (a.u.)
signals (a.u.)


0.00 0.00

−0.01 B = 20 mT −0.01 B = 20 mT

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Position along the slit x (μm) Position along the slit x (μm)

Figure 2 | Magneto-plasmonic interferograms in tilted slit–groove microinterferometers. a,b, Two plasmonic microinterferometers with the same tilt–angle
of Q ¼ 58, but different minimum slit–groove spacings: d0 ¼ 0 (a) and d0 ¼ 10 mm (b). c,d, The plasmonic interference pattern I(x, B ¼ 0) at zero magnetic
field is due to surface plasmons propagating from the groove towards the slit. e,f, The periodic cycling of the magnetic field between þ20 mT and 220 mT
changes the surface plasmon wave vector, shifts the fringes of I(x, B) and gives rise to the magneto-plasmonic signal Imp(x) ¼ I(þB) 2 I(2B). g,h, After
normalization to the spatially inhomogeneous modulation depth of the plasmonic interferogram (grey shaded area in c,d) the normalized pattern I(norm)
mp (x)
shows the magneto-plasmonic modulation jDkmpj of the surface plasmon wave vector. The magnitude of the magneto-plasmonic signal jDkmpjd(x) scales
linearly with slit–groove distance d(x).

given by equation (2). Excellent agrement between theory and magnetization in GdFeCo can be reversed in a reproducible
experiment is obtained without using any fit parameters. The manner with a single circularly polarized 40 fs laser pulse focused
magneto-plasmonic signal decays exponentially within the skin to a 20 mm spot18. The origin of this effect is still subject to debate
depth of 13 nm. This quantitative agreement demonstrates the and may be governed by the interplay of different non-equilibrium
ability of the new experimental method to directly measure the skin processes. Nevertheless, these results are promising for femtosecond
depth of light inside a metal at optical frequencies with nanometre all-optical magnetization switching.
resolution. It also reveals the potential of equation (2) for the engin- In summary, we have demonstrated magnetic field control of
eering of magneto-plasmonic devices. For example, a strong enhance- surface plasmons in a composite gold–cobalt–gold multilayer film
ment of magneto-plasmonic modulation could be achieved by by magneto-plasmonic interferometry. Significant phase shifts are
increasing the dielectric constant of the upper dielectric material. achieved with external magnetic fields as small as a few millitesla.
To explore the potential switching speed of our magneto- Accurate measurements of the skin depth of visible light in gold in
plasmonic devices, local generation of magnetic fields by surface cur- the optical frequency range open the way for nanometre-resolved
rents with integrated on-chip electric circuits may be applied. Using measurements of optical fields and magneto-plasmonic properties of
magnetic pulses with appropriate characteristics, a precession-driven matter within the skin depth of nanostructured metal/ferromagnet
magnetic switching in the gigahertz range can be achieved28. The composites. The modulation of plasmonic optical properties using
ultimate speed limits of this technique could be explored by applying magnetization control in ferromagnetic materials by relatively weak
currents driven with intense picosecond terahertz pulses and using magnetic fields suggests a straightforward application of this system
ultrafast coherent control of magnetization by femtosecond as optical switches. The magnitude of magneto-plasmonic effects
lasers29. A possible route towards switching at terahertz rates has may be further enhanced through nanostructuring of metal compo-
been demonstrated recently. Stanciu et al. have shown that the sites, for example, with sub-wavelength hole arrays30. Motivated by


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0.006 Argon deposition pressure and deposition rates were 1  1023 mbar and
|Δkmp|d 12 nm min21 for gold, 3  1023 mbar and 2 nm min21 for chromium, and 6.6 
1023 mbar and 2.8 nm min21 for cobalt. Plasmonic microinterferometers were
milled into the multilayers with a 30-kV Gaþ focused ion beam.

0.004 Measurements. The magnetization in the cobalt layer was switched at a frequency of
Kerr loop 690 Hz by applying a periodic magnetic field with an amplitude of tens of millitesta

1.0 in a resonantly driven electromagnet coil of a transformer, which was embedded in a

MP signal (a.u.)
Kerr signal (a.u.)
series LC-circuit (quality factor Q ’ 5, with peak currents not exceeding 2 A).
Technical details of the lock-in based scanning imaging set-up used to record
0.0 plasmonic interferograms along the slit axes are given elsewhere17.
d = 12 μm −1.0 Optical constants. Thin-film calculations in gold–cobalt–gold multilayers were
−30−20 −10 0 10 20 30
performed with experimentally obtained values of the dielectric susceptibility for
Magnetic field (mT) gold e Au ¼ 224.8 þ 1.5i, for air e Air ¼ 1 and tensor components for cobalt
exx ¼ 217.1 þ 24.2i, Q ¼ ieyz/exx ¼ 0.0345 þ 0.01i at l ¼ 808 nm. As je Auj  1
0.000 the skin depth for the surface plasmon dskin ¼ (l/4p) Im ( 1 þ eAu /e Au) is
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 nearly identical to thatpfor a plane electromagnetic wave under normal incidence
Magnetic field amplitude (mT) dskin ¼ (l/4p) Im (1/ e Au).

Figure 3 | Magnetization switching of the magneto-plasmonic signal. The Received 20 July 2009; accepted 24 November 2009;
magnitude of the magneto-plasmonic signal jDkmpjd shows a pronounced published online 17 January 2010
threshold behaviour around B ¼ 12 mT. The inset shows how the magneto-
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30. Belotelov, V. I., Doskolovich, L. L. & Zvezdin, A. K. Extraordinary materials and analysis tools. V.T. and G.A. performed the measurements and analysed the
magneto-optical effects and transmission through metal–dielectric plasmonic data. G.A., A.G.M., D.G. and V.T. carried out theoretical calculations. All authors wrote
systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 077401 (2007). the manuscript.

Acknowledgements Additional information

This work was supported by the European Network of Excellence PhOREMOST, EU The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information
(NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma), Spanish MICINN (‘FUNCOAT’ CONSOLIDER accompanies this paper at Reprints and permission
INGENIO 2010 CSD2008-00023 and ‘MAGPLAS’ MAT2008-06765-C02-01/NAN) CM information is available online at
(‘NANOMAGNET’ S-0505/MAT/0194, ‘MICROSERES’ S-0505/TIC/0191), The Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to V.V.T.


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