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College English 2

Assignment 2

Write a critical response to the following article

Prepared by: Nguyen Trung Chinh

Class: VISK 2012 A
Prepared for: ISVNU

June 8th, 2012

Throughout the development history of human being, we realize that one of our most
noble rights that we always desire to is freedom. We play, talk, communicate, and work
freely, without any restriction, even want to die. From a long time, right to die laws has
been argued about legality and morality fiercely, which represent in a lot of countries that
enact different regulations belong to it. In this article on The Economist- a internet
website specialized in providing politic news and international affairs, author once again
raises a debate in difficulties how we should legalize euthanasia law toward patients in
our life

The article refers to dilemmas concerning with suicide assistance, whether it is kindness
or cruelty in morality. In order to clarify more this situation, the article begins with
circumstances of a spouse Edward and Joan. While the husband is deaf and blind, the
wife is terminal cancer and they decided an easeful death by dose of barbiturates on July
10th in Switzerland. It is an ideal place for patients who cannot torture their painful illness
anymore and want to end their life unnaturally because this country is the worlds most
liberal law. Helping people to commit is a crime in most of Western countries but in
Switzerland, provided that the motives are not for gain and lobby the government, it is
The author continues with ethical aspects in assisted suicide. After British police
investigated suicide case like Sir Edward and Lady Dowes, a new law has been enacted.
It prevents members of family from forcing their bereaved to die before running out of
asset. On the other hand, it is a sound law for suffering people who have terminal illness
to go gently like their wish. Prior to that decision, patients have agreements from 2
doctors and, checked to be definite with it. There are several countries like Switzerland
that has the same safeguards, which lead to number of suicides, is still in steady pace
However, turn back to real cases, this law will only allow severely, incurably ill patients
to die like Lady Downes. Her husband Sir Edward and also Daniel James- a disable
young man to find a release because they can still live for many years
A conflict still uncomfortably exists for patients like Edward or James. Opening an easy
way out for them is thought first to be a great thing to respect their free right to die, but it

will manipulate other old mans from society to die reluctantly.

According to the author, the facts refer to actual situation that more and more are trying
to find their escape through assisted dying. In order to fulfill this plea, they choose to go
to the countries which their safeguard permits them to do. Such places allow patients to
die as they wish are Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, as well as Oregon and
Washington states of America. Besides, a recent amendment supporting the idea not
legalizing assisted suicide is also mentioned. The author also gives opinion about this
new law, indicate that :
There is too great a danger that if those who are not terminally ill are allowed an easy
way out, greedy relations will put pressure on the elderly to choose to die
Another evidence comes from Marilyn Golden (n.a)- a senior policy analyst who also
oppose to assisted dying law:
A lethal prescription costs about $300, often much cheaper than treatment regimens.
Denying or delaying treatment to save money already poses a significant danger, far
greater if assisted suicide is legal
Despite the fact that the right to die belong to each of everyone as long as it is not
harmful to anyone, however, if the law become common widely, it t will urge innocent
people go to an end when life is worthless. Further, we still have several miracle cases,
when instead of choosing an easy way out, patients keep fighting against their severe pain
and get over it. However, get back to the examples on the article, this kind of law will be
a tough obstacle for Sir Edward and Daniel James to die as they request. The most
important ethic problem is that they are still able to live in many years ahead while
burdening lasting pain on their shoulder. It is heartless to their unfortunate destiny
Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez (n.a) said that:
When such people beg for a merciful end to their pain and indignity, it is cruel and
inhumane to refuse their pleas
On the opposite side of this moral controversy, the author suggests that it is ideal to
suffering patents for a gentle death. The fact is in countries permit suicide assistance,
patients still have to get approved by 2 doctors after diagnosis. Thus, they need to be
determined and have a conscious mind in making that decision. If this law is legalized, it

is perfect for those want to end their life whenever they want.
However, on the flip side, it generates another problem whether patients die voluntarily
or their inconvenienced relatives insist them to do that just to save medical fee. It trigger
to a prospect when people are older, will they have several options but dying. Anyhow, if
this right to die law doesnt laid out widely , we still have to worry about the abuse of it.
Marcia Angell (n.a) a senior lecturer claims that:
Where there is universal, comprehensive and largely nonprofit health care, there is much
less worry about abuse of right-to-die laws.

The language used in this article is argumentative and informative. It provides a
framework which we as readers can comprehend all contents clearly. As a second
language reader, I find the tone within the article is serious and straightforward because it
suit the topic and target it aim to. Moreover, considered to style the author use, from what
information and contention the author refer, we can the authors style is semi-formal that
might seem harsh but well supported within the dilemma in this article.

In my opinion, i assume that assisted sdying is a humanne alternative that people have the
right to pursue. It is a moral action that we show them respect they earn during their
miserable days. Because human is a creature that pocess dignity, so lying in hospital all
day and being incapable of functioning make them feel like not worth living anymore. If
some day i were suffering severe desease, illness of becoming disalbled, i would like to
have that option available.
Additionally, in order to make righ-to-die law legalisable, it should be planned caefully
and reformed reasonably so all sides involving in assisted sucide have to be transparentcy
and adequate

Overall this article is an analytical look at the dilemma within the field of suicide
assistance. The author pont out negative and positive sides though details that was given
during the article. It is a great contribution to sociology, paliament and i believe vital
reading for patients themselves and their ralatives to understand the situation clearer and
have a smart choce
Total words :

1, Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez (n.a) Assisted suicide : a Right or a Wrong ?
[ online]
Available at:
[ Accessed 15 June, 2012]

2, Marcia Angell (n.a) Comfort and Familarity [ online] ( Updated Apil 11,2012)

Available at :
[ Accesed 15 June ,2012]

3, Marilyn Golden ( April

10, 2012) Too many flaws in the law [ Online]

Avalalble at :
[ Accessed 15 June, 2012]

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