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1000 Angol Tesztkrds

1. Teszt
1. Im absolutely starving. Ianything to eat last night.
A/ havent got
B/ have got
C/ no have
D/ didnt have
2. Im my sunglasses. Have you seen them anywhehre?
A/ looking for
B/ watching
C/ looking at
D/ looking after
3. I was gettingready, I listened to my favourite radio station.
A/ During
B/ While
C/ For
4. Its my fathers birthday next week.
B/ in
C/ on
D/ at
5. He to walk on a tightrope when he was 5.
A/ taught
B/ was taught
C/ had taught
D/ had been taught
6. My car keeps breaking down.
-You buy another one.
A/ should
B/ could
C/ want to
7. Can you tell the difference butter and margarine? Yes, I can.
A/ among
B/ between
C/ about
D/ for

8. Did phone me while I was out?

A/ anybody
B/ everybody
C/ everyone
D/ any
9. If we enough money, wed have a vacation.
A/ had had
B/ will have
C/ had
D/ shall have
10.(In a crowded train) Excuse me! Can I justpast? Thank you!
A/ twist
B/ crush
C/ squeeze
D/ press
11. The situation was. . Nobody could do anything to help.
A/ hopeful
B/ hopeless
C/ careful
D/ careless
12. I gave my husband $5 million and he ran away with my best friend.
I wishhim any money.
A/ didnt have
B/ havent given
C/ hadnt given
D/ gave
13. enjoy talking and telling jokes.
A/ The Irish
B/ Irish
C/ Ireland
D/ The Irishes
14. We might have a picnic. It dependsthe weather.
A/ for
B/ with
C/ on
D/ of
15 .vegan doesnt eat animal products.
A/ The any
B/ Asome
C/ A .any
D/ The some

16. (You and your boyfriend are getting ready to go to a party. He doesnt
usually like parties. Hes looking pretty miserable.)
You want to go, you?
C/ dont.will
D/ didnt.did
17.Do you want to go out for a meal? She asked me.. .
A/ if I wanted to go out for a meal B/ if I want to go out for a meal
C/ I wanted to go out for a meal
D/ I want to go out for a meal
18. I learned to drive in 1998.the age of 17.
A/ in
B/ at C/
D/ on
19. She gave .to a beautiful healthy boy.
A/ birth
B/ a birthday
C/ born
D/ life
20. Someone the chocolates! Theyre nearly all gone!
A/ has eaten
B/ ate
C/ has been eating D/ eats
21. birds lay eggs, most have nests.
A/ All
B/ Each
C/ Every
D/ The all
22. What are you so excited? We are going on holiday tomorrow.
A/ of
B/ about
C/ to
D/ for

25.How long has he been working int he record shop?.1992.

A/ For
B/ Since C/ After
D/ In
26. When did she read that Harry Potter book?
Christmas time in 1998
A/ In
B/ On
C/ At
27. Give me Georges letter. If Ihim ,Iit to him.
A/ seewill give
B/ will.give
C/ sawwould give
D/ sawgave
28. I received a letter this morningreally upset me.
A/ that
B/ whose
D/ what
29. IEnglish Art & Music for four years now.
A/ have studied
B/ study
C/ am studying
D/ studied
30. The number of people out of nearly 3 million.
A/ has been risen
B/ has risen
C/ has been rising
D/ has rose
31.If you had to choose between a summer holiday or a winter holiday,
which would you choose? ..a winter holiday
A/ Id rather have had
B/ Id rather have
C/ I had had
D/ I have

23. How do I get the top of this lemonade bottle? .it.

A/ Rub
B/ Tear C/ Twist
D/ Zip
24. times has Peter been to the States?
A/ How much
B/ How many
C/How long
D/ Many

32. If I taller,I de a policeman, but Im too short.

A/ amwill be able to
B/ was could
C/ will bewilll be able to D/ am.will

33. The fire was so intense that it took the firemen 3 hours toit.
A/ putaway
B/ put off
C/ put down
D/ put out
34. Apparently, he lost all his money gambling, really annoyed her.
A/ which
B/ that
C/ what
35. Where do you want to this lovely apple tree?
A/ cut down
B/ plant
C/ chop up
D/ bring up
36. Where have you came from? The customs officer asked me..
A/ where I have come from
B/ where Id come from
C/ where have I come from
D/ where had I come from
37. You wont tell anyone,..?
A/ will you
B/ do you
C/ would you
D/you will
38. Teenagers are often rude.their parents.
A/ with
B/ for C/ to D/ about
39.Terrys a millionare. He to work.
A/ musnt go
B/ isnt allowed to go
C/ cant go
D/ doesnt have to go
40. What did you dolast night? I went to a classical concert.
B/ at C/ in D/on
41.The Olympic Gamesin London twice, in 1908 and 1948.
A/ have held
B/ have been held
C/ held
D/ were held

42. I told her I thought she was stupid to marry him!

A/ of
B/ to C/ from
D/ with
43. Is there a public call box near here? I have to.. .
A/ do a phone call
B/ make a phone
C/ make a phone call
D/ do a phone
44. I have .more to say to you.Goodbye.
A/ nothing B/ anything C/
D/ something
45. Are you thinking of going away.Easter?
A/ in
B/ at C/ D/ on
46. Did you post my letter this morning?
Penny wondered. .
A/ if Id posted her letter B/ if I posted her letter
C/ if I posted my letter
D/ if Id posted my letter
47. I just cant get to sleep these days. I suffer from insomnia.
Youtry to cut down on coffe.
A/ neednt to
B/ should
C/ mustnt
D/ arent allowed to
48. The bank nearlyrobbed last night.
A/ had
B/ has had itself C/ was

D/ itself

49. They are quite penniless. They have. .

A/ had money
B/ no money
C/ some money
D/ a life of clover
50. Jack was driving home from work when he.the accident.
A/ was seeing
B/ had seen
C/ saw
D/ see

2. Teszt
1. Could you tell me what Its nearly half past six.
A/ time it is
B/ time is it
C/ zime was it
D/ time is
2. Ill dry the dishesif youthem .I dont know where thely go.
A/ putout
B/ putaway
C/ putoff
D/ put on
3. Hes going to have an operation sooncould safe his life.
A/ what
B/ C/ that
D/ this
4. My brothers quite bald. He hair.
A/ hasnt any
B/ has beautiful
C/ have got
D/ hasnt some
5. John was repairinghis car when he.the good news.
A/ heard
B/ has heard C/ hears
D/ was hearing
6. You have to choose between fizzy mineral water or still mineral water.
I.fizzy mineral water.
A/ d rather have
B/ had
C/ had had
D/ have

10. My parents let me.what I wanted when I was young.

A/ do
B/ to do
C/ doing
D/to be done
11. Oh dear. The washing machine isnt working. I havent got any clean
clothes, and Ive got to go to work. What am I going to do?
Dont worry. all.Just go to work.
A/ sortout
B/ sortdown
C/ sortoff
D/ sort for
12. If Icleverer, I.a doctor.
A/ have been.would be B/ werewould be
C/ amwill be
D/ waswould
13. The flat.they bougt was very expensive, but ideally suited.
A/ when
B/ what
C/ D/ where
14. A stirkeby the air traffic controllers at Gatwick.
A/ has called
B/ has been called
C/ called
D/ had called
15. Watch your step with Dad. Hes a terrible mood.
A/ with
B/ in C/ D/ to
16. Italy is famous its antiquites and pizza.
A/ of
B/ from
C/ for

D/ about

7. I left my job at the factoy wich was a big mistake.

If only II wouldnt have lost all my friends.
A/ didnt leave
B/ left
C/ had left
D/ hadnt left

17. John F. Kennedy was not.American president. T Roosvelt was.

A/ the young
B/ youngest
C/ the youngest
D/ younger

8. Her fathers .came as a great shock. He was only 42.

A/ dead
B/ death
C/ mortality
D/ die

18. .atheist doesnt believe in God

A/ An
B/ The
C/ Thethe

9. Are you good maths? Im hopeless with figures.

A/ in
B/ with
C/ at
D/ for

19. The traffic is always badthe rush hour.

A/ while
B/ during
C/ for

D/ Anthe

D/ in between

20. The museum is free. Visitorspay to get in.

A/ should B/ mustnt
C/ dont have to

D/ will

22. I havent bought any new clothes lately. .

A/ Nor have I
B/ Nor I have
C/ No I have
D/ I have no
23. He Sheila that Ann wouldnt sing at the dance on Sunday.
A/ says
B/ said
C/ told
D/ spoke
24. I am looking for a job with good prospects.
He said that.with good prospects
A/ he is looking for a job B/ I am looking for a job
C/ I was looking for a job D/ ha was lookking for a job
25. Ive been bitten by insects. Ive been lying on the grass.
I.on the grass.
A/ wouldnt ne lying
B/ would have been lying
C/ wouldnt have been lying D/ shouldnt have lain
26.Tom later blamedfor the trouble at picnic.
A/ him self B/ himself
C/ herself
D/ hers
27. Im meeting Mr Roberts at ten,?
A/ am not I B/ am I
C/ arent I

D/ wont I

28.My uncle had a stroke andto hospital ina n ambulance.

A/ was taken
B/ took
C/ had to take
D/ is taken
29.judge sent the burglar to .prison for five years.
A/ A.
B/ .the
C/ The
D/ .
30. What are you doing for yourthis year? Ill let you know.
A/ birth
B/ born
C/ happy day D/ birthday

31. If much at the party, yousick afterwards.

A/ hadnt eatenwouldnt have felt
B/ havent eatenwouldnt feel
C/ atewouldnt have felt
D/ atewould have felt
32. I prefer .
A/ to stay in bed to get up early
B/ to stay in bed than to get up early
C/ to staying in bed to getting up early
D/ staying in bed to getting up early
33. You shouldnt go to work today. You have a temperature.
She doesnt want to work today. He has a temperature.
A/ him to go
B/ he going
C/ him going
D/ him not to go
34. Could you carry these bags for me please?
Yes of course. Mr Glover a porter his bags.
A/ madecarrying
B/ let carrying
C/ got to carry
D/ let to carry
35. You behave like a in a china shop. Youre so clumsy!
A/ elephant
B/ bull
C/ rabbit
D/ rhino
36. Did you know that chewing gum is good your teeth? Well it is.
A/ to
B/ of
C/ for
D/ at
37. I stopped when I was thirty. Im really glad I did.
A/ to smoke
B/ smoke
C/ smoking
D/ not to smoke
38. What are you giving your children for Christmas?
We havent decided yet.
A/ what we are going to give them B/ we are going to give them
C/ what we give them
D/ what we are going to givin them

39. What have you done to your fingers?

I them in a door. The door slammed shut int he wind, and my
fingers were in it.
A/ crushed
B/ twisted
C/ squeezed
D/ crumpled

48. The police find the man who stole my credit cards. He was sent to
A/ manage to
B/ could
C/ couldnt
D/ managed to

40. grow lots of tulips and other fine flowers.

A/ Dutch
B/ The DutchC/ The Dutches

49. Aunt Sarah looksshe were 20 years old.

A/ as if
B/ evenif
C/ when

D/ Dutches

41. Ive got a headache. Have you got any aspirin?

Yes, Its in the bathroom. I it for you.
A/ am going to get
B/ am getting
C/ ll get
D/ would get
42. Last night I was in the kitchen when I lost my specs. I looked all the
shelves and all the cupboards.
A/ in on
B/ on in
C/ at in
D/ for in
43. She asked me .
A/ if do you want to go out for a meal
B/ if I have wanted to go out for a meal
C/ if I want to go out for a meal
D/ if I wanted to go out for a meal
44. Im fed up this weather! Wheres the sunshine gone?
A/ with
B/ about
C/ of
D/ for
45. My sisters a science teacher, me.
A/ as
B/ like
C/ as if

D/ similar with

46. I wasnt allowed out unless they knew where I was going.
A/ going
B/ go
C/ to go
D/ to going
47. This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it, bot you lose it.
A/ musnt
B/ dont have to
C/ must
D/ need to

D/ like

50. Im tired work. I want to go fishing or sailing.

A/ of
B/ from
C/ for
D/ about

10. People identifywith the heroesand heroines of films.

A/ himself
B/ them
C/ themself
D/ themselves

3. Teszt

11. He always makes an of himself when we invite him to parties.

A/ ass
B/ elephant
C/ ox D/ animal

1.Shall I come with you to the shops?

You can if you want, but you.
A/ mustnt
B/ should C/ neednt

D/ dont have too

2. Since my father retired, he doesnt know what to do with himself.

Hea new hobby.
A/ should have
B/ musnt have
C/ should
D/ had to have
3. Im so stupid,..? I disagree with you there.
A/ arent I
B/ am not I
C/ I arent

D/ Im not

12.We rush. Weve got plenty of time.

A/ mustnt B/ cant
C/ dont have to
13.When I the window, the bee flew out.
A/ have opened B/ opened C/ opening

D/ need to
D/ have been opening

14. Why did I agreewith you? I cant stand you.

A/ to work B/ work
C/ working
D/ not working
15. Ive known Andy for years. He went to the same schoolI did.
A/ like
B/ similar to what
C/ as D/ but

4. Can I.these jeans,please?

Sure. The changing rooms are over there.
A/ tryon B/ tryin
C/ puton

D/ putonto

5. My great uncle diedthe war.

A/ while
B/ during
C/ for

D/ on

16. I had a crash this morning. Fortunately I didnt do much damage

A/ to
B/ for C/ in D/ with

6. He her that the band hadnt got a new lead singer.

A/ says
B/ said
C/ told
D/ spoke

17.What do you want to wach on TV,the news or the football match?

Ithe football match.
A/ Id prefer to wachB/ Id prefer wached
C/ Id prefer waching
D/ Id prefer you wach

7. The shop assistant..the mana collection note.

A/ madeto sign
B/ gotto sign
C/ gotsign
D/ letto sign

18. If Isome spare time, Id learn Italian.

A/ had
B/ have had
C/ had had

8. Im Ive got nothing to do and nowhere to go.

A/ boring
B/ bored
C/ exciting
D/ tired

19.Im never going toagain. Twice is enough.

A/ been married B/ got married C/ get married D/ married

9. We didnt go to Aberdeen last week. ..

A/ Nor did we
B/ No we did.
C/ Nor we did
D/ No we didnt

20.My maths homework was full mistakes.

A/ of
B/ with
C/ from

D/ have

D/ for

21.selfish people dont like think ofother people.

A/ Thethe B/
C/ The

32. I used to life ended at 30, buti t doesnt.

A/ thinking B/ think
C/ be thought D/ being thought

22.Toby, parents both died a few years ago, is the same age as me.
A/ who
B/ whose
C/ those
D/ when

33. Jenny believes herself competent in German.

A/ to be
B/ being
C/ be D/ can be

23. Does want a game of chess?

A/ anybody B/ somebody C/someone

D/ everybody

34. Whats forty-eight divided by eight? I neverto do sums in my

A/ cant. B/ couldnt.
C/ havebeen able
D/ wont be able

24. Congratulations ont he of little Albert.

A/ birthday B/ birth
C/ born

D/ berth

25. Somone has spilled water ont he floor. Ill have toit up.
A/ pour
B/ wipe
C/ pick
D/ clear
26. Everyone likes Bill. Hes good-looking, witty and charming, and Im
very jealous him!
A/ of
B/ from
C/ with
D/ about
27. The phone rang.Granny was telling the kids a story.
A/ while
B/ during
C/ for D/ meanwhile
28. If only I to universiry when I was younger! Now its too late.
A/ have gone B/ had gone C/ will be going D/ am going
29. I wasnt at the school assemmbly yesterday.
A/ So was I B/ Nor I was C/ Nor was I D/ I wasnt too
30. I saw Henry with Frieda.
A/ I saw B/ I have seen

Sha said that Henry with Frieda.

C/ she had seen D/ I had seen

31. The principal at the college where I work suggested that I should write
to you learn more about the Roberts Scholarship for advanced students
of English. A/ for to B/ in order to C/ so as I should D/ if only

35. He th audience.. a lot. Hes a stand-up comedian.

A/ got.laugh
B/ have laugh
C/ madelaugh
D/ made.. to laugh
36. He was first French actor ever to act inOscar prize-winning film.
A/ the the
B/ the an
C/ the
D/ the
37. Is the poor creaturealive? Yes, fortunately
A/ still
B/ any more
C/ yet D/ already
38. He wasnt found guitly of drug-smuggling,he was acquitted.
A/ so
B/ although
C/ however
D/ but
39. Its not how much you earn counts, but what you spend it on.
A/ wich

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