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Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, Jan u ary 8,1969
Page 4

On The Club Calendar

W. T h o m a s
UCSC Community Services
Officer and a fellow at Mer
rill College, will describe the
I CSC Educational O pportu
nity P r o g r a m for the 8
oclock meeting tonight of
Parents Without P a rtn e rs in
Room 911, Cahnllo College.
The general public is invited.

A special message from the

Rosirrucian O r d e r s new
grand master. Chris Warnken, will be read when Rose
Chapter meets at 8 p.m. Fri
day at Arion Hall.
The Hammond Organ Club
meets F riday at 7:45 p.m. at
the Santa Cruz Music Center,
107 Walnut Avenue.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa C ruz, California
Sunday, Jan u ary 12, 1%9
Page 8




$non*>ocd by Ro'>e Chapter of San1 Ctuz




Question flnd Answ er Period.
Sonal Hour.



A RIO N H A ll
230 Plymouth

S t , Snt Cruz

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, February 11, 1969
Page 14

To Meet Friday
Ralph M. TjCttis of San Jose,
impcrator of the Rosjcrucian
Order. A.M 0 R C., will speak
to members of the order's local
Rose chapter Friday at 8 p.m.
in Afion Hall, 230 Plymouth
Robert M alat chapter master,
said the meeting will be fol
lowed by a social hour to honor
Lewis' birthday. A.1J grand
lodge members are invited.
Lewis is the author of a bi
ography of H. Spencer Lewis,
first imperator of the present
evrle of tb* order in th< 1'nited
States, and of other mystical
and philosophical books

The Independent
Pasadena, California
Tuesday, M arch 4, 1969
Page A-3

A n e x c e r p t fro m th e a rticle: " S i r h a n A d m i t s K i l l i n g

was implanted. I did not

learn to live with it."
BuC Sirhan, he said, did
noc want lo come to the
United States.
Ado) olso described an
other pari of Sir-ban's life,
in the Pasadena house lie
called home until his ar*
resi June 5. 19US.
"He full from a horse in
IfHifi and wus nervous af
terwards and spent much
time in his room talking
to himself. He wuuld sit
staring at u candle on his
desk, reading some Rosicrucian
liters In re
making experiments. He
would say he could see
the colors change or see a
cross in the flame or
whatever his mind wanted
to see. He also said ynu
could think something and
not actually rio it and it
would be dune.**

The Des Moines Register

Des Moines, Iowa
Thursday, M arch 6, 1969
Page 16

An excerpt from the article:

Sirhan Tells How Israeli

Ad Led to Assassination

Sirhan Blshara Sirhan told

About a month before the

assassination, Sirhan read an
article in a religious magazine
urging the reader to put your
plan, your goal, your idea in
writing and see how It catches
Sirhan said he read the article
in the Rosicrucian Digest, a
publication issued by the m ysti
cal Rosicrucian religious order
to which he belonged.
See how your idea gains mo
mentum by the sim ple process
of writing down/* said the arti
cle in the May, 1968, issue.
. Sirhan grinned sheepishly as
Cooper read from two notebooks
of private entries and sighed
Thank God when the reading
was concluded.

Freeport Journal-Standard
Freeport, Illinois
Thursday, M arch 6,1969
Page 4

An excerpt from the article: Some Thoughts on Sirhan by Max Lerner

Such men arc likely to use big

words they dont quite under
stand, or gram m atical syntax
they have not mastered. Here is
a rather pathetic exam ple: For
a person to put his thoughts into
words is a difficult task if you
are to rem ember that that per
son is a troglodyte who is there
fore more physically inclined
than his urban contem porary.
Or the note at the top of the
page on which one finds the re
peated scrawl, Robert F. Ken
nedy must be assassinateda
note reading: My determ ina
tion to elim inate RFK is becom
ing more the more of an unsha
kable obsession.
It is not surprising that such a
m an, with little or no knowledge
of M arxism, should write I
firmly support the Communist
cause and its people'* or should
assert I believe that the U.S. is
ready to start declining. Nor is

it surprising that he should have

reached out to the m ysticism of
the Rosicrucian Society, writing
on an application, By reading
your book, Mastery of Life, I
have discovered how much I do
not know about m yself despite
all the philosophical works I
have been reading."
It is exactly out of such a hotch
potch of contradictory strands
that the m aster strand m ay
em erge: to wreak oneself on cir
cum stance by seeking out the
enem y and killing him, to im
press oneself thus on life and

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Friday, M arch 14,1969
Page 5-A

New Years
Event Slated
Rosicruclanti throughout the
Valley will h o i1 Jieif annual
New Years ceremony on
Sunday at 7:45 p.m.
The event will be held at the
San Fernando Valley Lodge
quarters, 15716 Parthenia St.,
members from surrounding
cities will be in attendance.
The new officers of San Fer
nando Valley Lodge who will
be Installed are: Delores Cas
Sorensen, outer guardian;
Ann Rainerl, inner guardian;
and Ernie Grothe, secretary
of the board of trustees. ^
According to Nancy-June
Thomas, lodge master, the an
cient Egyptians, from the
time of Memphis to the Ptole
maic Period, began their new
year always on or about the
time of the vernal equinox,
when the sun on its journey
crosses the celestial equator
and enters the zodiacal sign of
Aries, which always occurs
on or about March 21.
This was considered the be
ginning of the new year be
cause spring is the dormant
period of winter, the bursting
forth of blossoms, and the
growth of living things.

The occasion of the New

Year will be celebrated, states
Nancy-June Thomas, by a
symbolic feast in which the
participants receive simple
foods, corresponding to cer
tain basic elements of nature,
such as salt, com and unfer
mented grape juices.
AMORC, a nonreligious, phi
losophical fraternity, main
tains that its traditional
origin occurred during the
reign of Pharaoh Akhnaton in
1350 B.C. The order commem
orates the ancient New Years
beginning with a nonreligiou?
ceremony that embraces the
allegorical significance of .the
age-old Egyptian rite.
March 21 is also the begin
ning of the fiscal period tit all
Rosicrucian lodges and chap
ters throughout the world, and
the date is marked by the in
stallation of new ritualistic
and administrative officers.
For additional information
contact 0 . L. Peterson, office
391-0311, Ext. 6181 or 7421
(8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or at
home, 343-1248.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, M arch 16, 1969
Page 12

Rosicrucians Slate Installation

Rose Chapter of the Rosicruc Thrift, chaplain; Don Strike, out
ian Order, A.M.O.R.C., will cele er guardian; Esther Ross, inner
brate its annual New Year's guardian; Villy Dali, chairman
Fete, followed by the installa of the board of trustees.
tion of new officers, Friday at The order is a non-religious,
8 p.m. in Arion Hall, 230 Ply philosophical
maintains that its traditional ori
mouth Street.
New officers to be installed gin stems from the reign of
are Charles Rizzo, master; Paul Pharaoh Akhnaton in 1350 B.C.
Veatch, deputy master; Robert The Order celebrates New
Years, as did the Egyptians, at
the time of the vernal equinox,
about March 21.

The T erre H aute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
W ednesday, M arch 19,1969
Page 21

Plan Ceremony
For Sunday

nature *alt. corn, u n f e r

mented grape juice.
March 21 is also the beginning
of the fiscal year for all Rosicrucian lodges and chapters
throughout the world, ana the
d ay is marked by the installtion of new ritualistic and ad
ministrative officers.
New officers of the IocpI Rosi
crucian chapter who will be in
stalled are: Verna M. Horn,
m aster; Cletis Dunham, secre
tary, and Douglas Crow, guard
ian. The ceremony Is to be held
at the Rosicrucian Ix>dge q u art
ers. 215-217 O d d F e l l o w s

A ceremony that began in

ancient Egypt will be reenacted
by local Rosicrucians at their
m e e t i n g Sunday, March 23.
According to Frank Horn, Master
of the Rosicrucian Chapter in
T erre Haute, the ancient Egypt
ians began their New Year on S U S P E C T S O U G H T
the first day of spring, at the
time of the vernal equinox when I N P I S T O L S L A Y I N G
the sun crossed the celestial
equator, which occurs on or lice sought a young man with
a red goatee, wearing a black
about March 21 each year.
As the Rosicrucian O r d e r ieather motorcycle riding outfit,
AMORC traces its traditional after the pistol slaying of Dale
origin to the reign of the Egypt Wing. 33. in a southside Indian
ian Pharaoh Akhnaton in 1350 apolis tavern early today.
B. C. the Order commemorates
Police reported at least a
this ancient New Year with a dozen persons were involved in
ceremony that em braces the a brawl in the tavern. Clarence
symbolism of the ancient Ecypt- McDonald, 31. was arrested
ian rite. In this ceremony, says later on a charge of disorderly
Mr. Horn, the members partake conduct and hospitalized with a
of simple foods th at represent bullet wound in the right
c e r t a i*n basic elements of shoulder.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Tuesday, M arch 25, 1969
Page 3-A
An excerpt from the article:
"Sirhan Hipnotized by M irrors at Time of Slaying, Witness Says

Sirhan had hypnotized himself

I told him I was . . . (and)
and written In his diaries.
he went into a tirade on why
he hadnt been told, the wit His writing (under hypno
sis) is much more fluent, Dr
ness said.
Im quite sure he knew Diamond testified.
\ o Oonrt Te*t
perfectly well I was Jewish,"
Dr. Diamond said.
At one point, Defense Atty
During the interviews when1Emile Zola Berman asked
Sirhan was awake, the psy trial Judge Herbert V. Walker
chiatrist testified, the defen f he would allow Sirhan to be
dant was resistant and eva lypnotized by Dr. Diamond in
sive when thej' discussed his the courtroom .
in * Rosicrucian Judge Walker said it was
m agic.
lot necessary and would not
He wanted the discussion of allow such a demonstration.
the AMORC off the record,
Dr. Diamond said Sirhan
the witness said.
hever trusted him or believed
Dr. Diamond also contended
ho was working for the de
Sirhan tells lies when it
comes to revealing anything
that could be an indicator of The psychiatrist was the
only one hired by the defense.
mental illness . . .
Dr. Eric H. Marcus, a psy
Concerned on Bombers
who testified last
Under hypnosis, the psychi
atrist added, Sirhan Admits
he thought of the death of San. S irh a n s ex tre m e re s is
tance'* to the d ia ries being
He willed him to die so made, public, according to Dr.

The Van Nuys News
Van Nuys, California
Tuesday, M arch 25,1969
Page 3-A

! this craiy writing If he was hypnotised when he

asked the psychiatrist.
wrote in the notebooks at
He said Slrhan wrote 4Y es home and the defendant wrote
that he was.
eight or nine times."
Who hypnotized you? the
Wrote Fop Practice"
Dr. Diamond asked Slrhan psychiatrist said he asked.
if It was crazy writing* why Mirror, mirror, my mir*
or, my mirror . . .
he said
was he doing it?
Slrhan, he testified, replied
Who taught you (to hypnopractice" for mind con
ize yourself)?" Dr. Diamond
The mind control, Dr. Dia asked Slrhan.
mond quoted Slrhan as writ
He said the defendant
mg was for self Improve wrote, A M O R C ," several ti
i me*.
psychiatrisf w n r# Diamond told he previsaid, claimed he taught him ously had suspicions Sirhan
self selfhypnosis.
had been hypnotized before
Sirhan continually insisted because of the defendants
he was never successfully ability to easily slip into a
hypnotized and felt we were trance.
bugging him," said Dr. Dia
He said the mystery of why
the young Arab was some
The psychiatrist also taid
times uncommunicative was
Sirhan once asked him if he
solved when he learned
was Jewish.
Sirhan had hypnotized himself
I told him I was . . . (and)
and written in his diaries.
he went into a tirade on why
Sirlwn 'Hypnotized by Mirrors' at Time of Slaying, Witness Says " S X X S Z L .

The Arizona Republic

Phoenix, Arizona
Wednesday, M arch 26, 1969
Page 15

Sirhan trial delayed one day

United Press In fe m tfo fttl

LOS ANGELES Cross-examination of

Dr. Bernard Diamond, a key defense wit
ness In the murder trial of Sirhan B. Sirhan
was postponed yesterday to give the prose
cution time to marshal its attack upon his

ftje assassination of Kennedy was strictly

a fantasy and found expression only In ram
bling threats Sirhan wrote In notebooks
until the night of June 4 when he wandered
into the Ambassador Hotel and shot the
senator, Diamond said.

Diamond, a psychiatrist as well as a law

yer and a professor of criminology at the
University of California at Berkeley, testi
fied Monday Sirhan killed Sen. Rotttrt F.
Kennedy while Ui a self-induced hypnotic

Sirhan had been experimenting with self

hypnosis, Induced by staring into a m irror
in a room lighted only with two candles,
Diamond said. On one occasion, he saw not
his own face but the face of Kenendy in
the mirror.

When court convrned yesterday m ining,

associate prosecutor David N. Fitts asked
for a recess to allow him to study the
lengthy testimony given by Diamond.
Trial Judge Herbert V. Walker adjourned
the proceedings until today at 9:30 a m
Diamond, just as other expert witnesses
before him, expressed the belief Sirham
was mentally ill, a paranoid schizophrenic,
and his illness had roots in his boyhood
when he was exposed to violence in the
Arab-Israeli conflict in his native Palestine.
His resentment of the Jews who took over
parts of Arab territory to form the state of
Israel grew with the years and was trans
ferred to Kennedy when the New York sen
ator said he would send 50 Phantom jet
bombers to Israel if he were elected presi
dent, according to Diamond.

Some of the experiments were suggested

in literature received from the occult Roslcruclan Society to which Sirhan subscribed.
In summariilng his own examinations of
Sirhan which included placing the subject
under hypnosis six times, Diamond said.

"With absolutely no knowledge or aware

ness of what was actually happening in his
Roslcruclan and occult experiments, he was
gradually programming himself exactly like
a computer la programmed by Its magnetic
type, programming himself lor the coming
"In his unconscious mind there existed a
plan for the total fulfillment of his side,
paranoid hatred of Kennedy' and all who
might want to help the Jevre,
"In his conscious mind there was no aware
ness of such a plan or that he, Sirhan, was
to be the Instrument of assassination.

San M ateo Times

San Mateo, California
Tuesday, May 20, 1969
Page 15


: Is Slated
Peninsula Chapter. AMORC,
(R osicrucian Order) is sponsor
ing a free public lecture on
P erception
(KSP> :o be given by a well
known and we!i qualified speak
er Arthur C. Piepenbrink. su
prem e secretary of the R osicru
cian O rder, with headquarters
at San Jose. The R osicrucians
are a n o n - s e c t a r i a n , nonreligious fraternal organization
devoted to the investigation, .stu
dy, and practical application of
natural and spiritual laws
At the end of the lecture there
will be a question and answer
period on the subject oC ESP
and following this, refreshm ents
will be s e r v e d
The tim e is Saturday, M ay 24,
B p.m. at Lind Hall; 621 M asonic
Way, B elm ont which is located
just off Ralston Avenue and
across from the Belm ont Post

Alton Evening Telegraph

Alton, Illinois
Saturday, May 31,1969
Page A-7

Rosicrucians Have
Ancient Beginnings

f m m h u m

flit ottrnai fm it
m i generated b y a* or

pniiu^iw mm wti Upin


af chrtet li to

jp rttag spirit for ntU pub*
Udtod b y ittUi known,

aemi*reii^o^ie iHv,
TIM lywWU and ihorl
(MU of t o Boticnidifw
ere prtbtbly recaned by
t y m who raids the short
ada In many mags tines.
A t l a s t Alton woman,
Mre. Mildred Archar. a
member of the ardor for 10
yeart, wfU give a free, pub
lic lactam Sunday, at 7:M
p.m In the E m Alton
Wood River High School
Mra. Archar will talk
about the "ancient truthi
from Atlantia" promulgated
In 1350 B.C. by an Egyptian
pharaoh. Amenhotep TV,
termed by ancient historian
as "tha flrat monotheist,"
Mrs. Archar Mid
The proper name of the
group la the Ancient and
Mystical Order of the Rosy
Cress (AMORC) and mem
bers emphasise that It Is
net a religious organization.

a lto ag h tha mystical aura

wwen smToenM taer utsr

tare leaves one with the im*
prtsalM that It la.
THe ardor la "devoted to
t o investigation, study am
practical application of na
tural and setrttual laws . . .
to amble aB to live in ha* .
mony wfth the oroaUve, con*
etnicttve cosmic forces for
tha attainment of health,
happiness and peace;1 Mrs.
Archer, who' Is a registered
n u m . said
She will repeat the lec
ture at Southern Illinois Uni
versity KdwartavtUe, on
Monday at S p.m. at the
university center.
The flyer which Mrs.
Archer Is distributing has
the Intereating subtitles of
The Truth about Reincar
nation, Psychic Phenomena
and Personal Magnetism
and Human Aura."
She Is a member of the
St. Loula Lodge of AMORC
which numbers between S50
and 400 people, she said She
termed the midwest "a Ut-.
tie backward* in the ac
ceptance of tha prtndplea
which Roei crude os datm
to have been accepted by

Hr frm6t Reoafc


and fcstjamm franklin.
1 Mn. Archer expects the
movement to "spread like
fire through the whole
United States In refem a g
to t o pr i n t unreal, the
aaya "we have t o answer,
but we have to get to

Among the tenets of the
order la an advocacy of "ra
cial eqaellty, freedom of
conscience and of thought.
a Roelcrucian booklet ex*
plains Mrs Archer said
that "thoughts about our
cosmic origin and tha de
sire to awaken and utilise
our latent powers and tal
ents are not limited to any
race, creed or color or any
special daaa of people."
Hie order, which claims
members In M countries,
had its forms! beginning
with Amenhotep IV who
helped to form the "Mys
tery Schools of Ancient
Egypt" which becsme the
guanUana of "certain truths
and prindples/ Mrs. Arch
er said.
The principles spread

from t o shadows of t o
pyrm vt* th m g h o it

w w larouffl tm matot
Hebrews into t o "Eaaena
Order ef Enlightenment
and into Greece. Palestine,
Persia and India, she add*
Hie Roatcrudans taka
t o r e tam e from the aymboUe qualities of the rota
and the croes
The rooe, Mrs Archer
aald. la the "aoul of man
which unfolds m beamy and
fragrance." while the croao,
originally dilfcn from mans
arms outstretched in the
poeture of salutation to the
rising sun, has been extend
ed to "signify man'e body
crucified by the tests of suf
ferings of life."
The symbol has united
men of every religion. Mid
Mrs. Archer, to help In the
"great work of glorifying
God through service to man
kind, and from the slavery
of ignorance. The Silent Bro
thers of the Rosy Cross
have been a mighty factor
in t o eodal, spiritual, eco
nomic, and cultural devel
opment of men and na

Alton Evening Telegraph

Alton, Illinois
Saturday, May 31,1969
Page A-6

The Truth about
Psychic Phenomena
Personal Magnetism
and Human Aura
Learn about Roiicrucian Order and
Eternal Truths.
w iiiir n

kM C W C B




SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1969 at 7iS0 P.M.
JUNE 3, 1969-3 to 4 P.M.
H n m < ** *tW I t iM k U 4 | i ' < U W I A
t h e

B o a ic B v e u N a ,

n m

w tH fiM i o n u w


Long Beach, California
Tuesday, June 17,1969
Page B-9

Abdiel Lodge
se+s game night
Abdiel Lodge o f the
Rosicrocian Order will e n
tertain at a "bring, your
own people1' party at 7
.p.m. . Saturday
at .rhe
lodge, 2455 Atlantic Ave.
.. Guests are invited to
bring their ow n card table
and friends for an evening
of Bolivia, canasta, Yahtzee, bridge, pinochle and
other Table prizes
w ill be awarded.

The Odessa American

Odessa, Texas
Tuesday, August 19,1969
Page 3

Order Plans
New Chapter
Members of the Rosicrucian
Order, whose headquarters are
in San Jose, Calif, met Sunday,
Aug. 10 in the First National
Room of the First National Bank
in Midland.
Grand councilor, Dr. William
H. Clark, Plainview, acted as
advisor to the group, led by
Ed. L. McCollum.
The project for organizing a
chapter of the Permian Basin
Rosicrucian Order in Odessa
was discussed and all members
in this area are invited to
Interested members m a y
specify their acceptance of this
invitation by calling Mrs. E.
M. Jones. 1604 Redbud. They
will then be notified of meeting

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, August 19,1969
Page 3

Margaret McGowan, direc

tor of the Department of In
struction of (he Rosicrucian
(irand Lodge, will be the
speaker Friday at the local
convocation at 8 p.m. at Arion Hall. The lecture is en
titled Self E xam ination"

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times

Corpus Christi, Texas
M onday, Septem ber 1,1969
Page 2-B

Jim >0Bishop
;Waci-.r y:4

Man With
Two Minds
The man with no face ami (wo minds is Sirhan B.
Sirhan. lie shot a blight and ambitious young senator,
Robert F. Kennedy. The senator died. The Stale of
California says that Sirhan m ust die. He showed no
mercy; he gets none.

Sirhan's hatred ol Jews begun when his neighbor
hood in Jerusalem was bombed in the 1048 battle for
Israeli freedom. He was small and insecure and he
began to dream of glory and heroics. When he cam e
to America, he learned that the United States govern
ment has a political affinity for Israel and a chronic
suspicion of Arab intentions and motives.
Lite became a series of fantasies. He bought a
revolver nnd fired hundreds of rounds inlo im aginary
targets. He joined a group of mind-controllei's called
the Rosicrucians. He would light candles in front of a
mirror in his room, dwell upon love and peace, and go
into a paroxysm of self-hypnosis.
When he emerged, he found a notebook filled with
words calling for violence and assassination. He be
gan to believe 1hat if enough Rosicrucians got togeth
er and fixed iheir minds to it, they could cause Sen.
Robert Kennedys campaign plane to crash. In Kenne
dy, Sirhan Sirhan was caught in two swirling and
opposing currents: He adm ired the senator, but he
hated him for demanding that the U.S. government
send 50 bombers to Israel.
In a short while, the young man had two separate
and distinct minds working in his head. One was
violent and decreed that Sen. Kennedy be killed before
Tune 5. (The California prim ary was June 4.) The
other mind was fearful, impotent and cowardly.

North Hills News-Record

North Hills, Pennsylvania
W ednesday, Septem ber 17,1969
Page 10

on Sunday
The F irst Pennsylvania Lodge of the
Rosicrucian O rder AMORC I Ancient.
Mystical O rder TTosae XfucTsT.' 724
Wood St.. Wilkmsburg. will have a
convocation for m em bers Sunday. Sept.
21. at 3p.m .
The grand m a ster will - speak: on
. T heR easgnforR u le P '
*Rosicrucians will m eet in the lodge
hall to co m m e m o ra te the building of
the G reat P y ram id of Cheops when The
sun crosses th e-eq u ato r signalling the
autum nal equinox.
F r a te r F rank Cumimondo. m a ste r
of the local AMORC. said Rosicrucians
throughout the world will gather to
re-enact the building of the pyramid.
According to ResicruetatHf^drtionsTsaid M aster Cunimondo. the G reat
Pyram id at Gizeh was begun at the
time of the autum nal equinox Unlike
other pyramids built as a bufial place
during the pyram id age. it was erected
as a temple of learning.
It is said that its contruction
dem onstrates a knowledge of all the
known sciences of the period including
higher m athem atics, physics and the
fundamentals of astronomv recognized

m e Kosicrucians trace t h e ir b n g m
back to Akhnaton. Pharoah in 1350 B
C who has been described as the first
great personality in historv They
com m em orate their ancient origin by
th e r i t u a l i s t i c a nd s y mb o l i c
construction of a miniature pvramid
The placing of each piece symbolizes
the cultural accomplishments of the
The ceremonv will be followed bv
dinner at which 20-vear Grand Lodge
members will be recognized

San Antonio Express

San Antonio, Texas
Thursday, October 2, 1969
Page 9-A

Mystic Order
Plans Meet
The San Antonio Chapter of
the Rosicrucian Order, an inter
national fraternity of religious
mystics, will meet this Saturday
and Sunday at La Posada Hotel.
San Antonio Master Rosicru
cian William E. christilles saidi
Tuesday several internationally
prominent Rosicrurians will bei
at the conclave as will be the
ritualistic teams' of the Hous
ton and Reynosa Chapters of the
All Rosicrucians are invited to

Lon g Beach, C alifo rn ia
Friday, O ctober 17,1969
Page B 11

Amorc confab
Hollywood Masonic Tem
ple will be setting when
students of Amorc gather
for their Southern Califor
nia conclave Saturday and
Special guest will be Ar
thur C. Piepenbrink, su
preme secretary of Amorc
at San Jose. Also on the
program will be Erwin
Watermeyer, director of
teclinical department.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, O ctober 23,1969
Page 14

SC Rosicrucian
Chapter To Join
In Conclave
Hose Chapter of Santa Cruz
will participate Nov. 1-2 in the
sixth annual Central California)
Conclave of the Rosicrucian Or
der. AMORC in the Scottish Rite
Memorial Temple, San Fran
Featured speaker will b e
Chris R. Warnkcn, grand mas
ter of the order, according to
Charles Rizzo, Chapter master.
Chapter participants will in
clude Margaret Goodman. S
Ann Clark. Robert Thrift. Karl
Goescle. I>)ii Strike. Villy Dali.
Kina Jensen. Janice Luehich,
Jack Matthews. Saul Nasario.
Rosalie T e m p e s t and Paul

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, November 9,1969
Page 12

Humanitarian Award
Sadako Oklamura, a Goodwwill Industries employe who
resides at 840 32nd Ave., re
cently was presented the Hunamitarian Award of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, at
the orders Sixth Annual Cen
tral California conclave in

San Francisco. Robert Malat,

right, inspector general of the
Order for Santa Cruz area,
said the award was given to
non-Rosicrucians in recogni
tion of work with the handi
capped of all ages.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, November 20, 1969
Page 8



Sponsorad by Rose Chapter


by CHRIS R. WARNKEN, Grand Matter

Question 8> Answer Period

Arion Hall, 230 Plymouth
Chrii R. Wamlton

The Arizona Republic

Phoenix, Arizona
Sunday, December 14, 1969
Page M-13

K o s i c r u c i a n s p la n to m eet
Mrs. Josephine Huff will
friends and family arc invitprcsent her version of "The
Other Wise Men at the an
p a rty
AMORC. Uosicrucian Chapter
of Phoenix, a t 7:30 p.m. Tues- |
day in the Camelback Worn- 1
an*s Clubhouse, 3802 E. In
dian School.
A film for children and
group caroling will complete
the p r o g r a m . M em b ers.


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Jan u ary 13, 1970
Page 18

Speaks Friday
Ralph Lewis of San Jose,
Impcrator of the Rosicrueian
Order, will make a slide pres
entation of his recent trip to
the Middle and Far East to
members of the local chapter
on Friday at 8 p.m. at Arion
Hall. Lewis has l e c t u r e d
throughout the world and Is
the author of numerous books.

Port Angeles Evening News

P ort Angeles, Washington
T hursday, Jan u ary 22, 1970
Page 9

History and legend

relate . . .


Who! Is a R o s ic r u c ia n -5
Ono who h o s learned, or is le arn in g, a
p h ilo so p h y o l li f e - o path to confident
liv in g .
T o d a y there are th o u sa n d s of men and
women who enjoy the influence, the
comfort, the personol power, the unique
sc ie n c e of liv in g o s taught by t h e R o s i*
c ru c ia n s.
T h eir liv e s reflect the p e rso n a l accom
p lish m e n ts and u n de rstan din g thot come
wifh the m astery of life.
The men you see here were R o sic u *
c io n s - o r o s so c io te d w ith those who
were. T h e y were in spired and moved by
the te a c h in g s ond kn o w le d ge of the
R o sic ru c to n s.
A s these te a c h in gs in sp ire d th ese men,
so con they in sp ire you.

E n g l i s h p h i l o s o p h e r ond m o t h e m o t i c i o n .
D i s c o v e r e d the low of g r a v i t a t i o n . E
pe r im e n t e r >n w a v e b o n d s of c o l o r . M 6 J 2 1727)

M ost (om ous Fren ch com poser. T h e out
s t a n d i n g f ig u r e of the i m p r e s s i o n i s t
m o v e m e n t in m u s i c . ( 1 0 6 2 * 1 9 1 8 )



G e r m o n p h i l o s o p h e r on d m a t h e m a t i c i a n .
A t o n o time s e c r e t a r y o f a R o s i C r u C i o n
b o d y . C o u r t li b r a r i a n for li fe. ( 1 6 4 6 . 1 7 1 6 )

E n g l i s h p h i l o s o p h e r . C r e d i t e d w it h i m p h o s J t i n g the n e e d of s c i e n c e to e m
pl oy i n d u c t i v e r e a s o n i n g a nd o * p e t i .
mentation. (1561*1626)



A m c n t o n stotesm on, author, and colebrot*

ed in v e n t o r . W e ll k n o w n for h i t e a r l y a l o e *
t ric ot e x p e r i m e n t s . ( 1 7 0 6 - 1 7 9 0 )

F r e n c h p h i l o s o p h e r . W it h hi m b e g a n the
p e n o d of m o d e r n p h i l o s o p h y ; he pro*
p o s e d a b o s i s lor truth. ( 1 5 9 6 - 1 6 5 0 )

T H E P U R P O S E O F T H E R O S I C R U C I A N O R D E R - T h o R o s i c r u c i e n O rder. e x i s t i n g in o i l c i v i l i t e d
lu n d s, i s o n o n s e c io n o n fio 'o r n a l body 0* m en and w om en d e v o 'e d lo the in v e s t ig a t io n , stu d y ond p ra c
t ic a l a p p lic a tio n o f n a t u r a l o n d s p ir it u a l lo w s . T h e p u rp o se of the o r g a n iz a t io n I t to e n a b le a l l to liv e
in h o im o n y w ith the c r e a tiv e , c o n s t r u c t iv e c o sm ic fo r c e s (or the o ttoin rren t of h e a lth , h a p p in e s s , and
p e a ce . T h * O id o r i s .n te r n o tio n o lly k now n o s A M O R C (on a b b r e v ia tio n ), ond the A . M . O . R . C . in
A m e ric a ond a ll other la n d s c o n s t it u t e s the o n ly form ol R o f ic r u c ic n o c r i v l t l n u nited in one b o d y . T h e
A . M . O . R . C . d o e s not s e ll it s t e a c h in g s . |t g i v e s them fre e ly lo o f f llio le d m em b ers, together w ith mony
oilier b e n e fit s . ^ or co m p le te In lo im a iio n about the b e n e fit s ond o d v e n lo j e s of R o s i c r u c i a n a s s o c i a t i o n ,
w rile a letter to the a d d r e s s b e lo w and a s k for the free b o k . T h e M a s te r y of L i f e . A d d r e s s S c r ib e S . P . C .
R o s ic r u c ia n O rder, A M O R C , San J o s e , C a lif o r n ia 9 5 I U , U .S .A . ( C o b le A d d i e s s t " A M O R C O )

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, Jan u ary 25, 1970
Page 6



Sponsored by Rot Chapter

by ROBT. E. DANIELS, Grand Treasurer
Question L Answer Period
A much misunderstood subject.
We hope to clarify it for you.
ARION HALL, 230 Plymouth St.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Jan u ary 27,1970
Page 18

Mental Telepathy
Lecture Friday
A lecture on mental telepathy
will be presented at 8 p.m. Fri
day by the Rose Chapter of
the Rosicrucian Order AMORC
in the Arion Hall, 230 Plymouth
Robert E. Daniels, grand
treasurer of the order, will be
the speaker. A question and
answer period and social hour
will follow.
Charles Rizzo, chapter mas
ter, said the purpose of the
lecture is to give the public
an opportunity to become better
acquainted with the subject and
with the Rosicrucian Order,
which traces its origin to an
cient Egypt.

Port Angeles Evening News

Port Angeles, W ashington
Thursday, F ebruary 5,1970
Page 17

200 Personals
lngs are offered to those who
seek to use them so lely for
the Perfection of their Inner
facu lties and In the m astering
of the dally obstacles of llfe
The International R oslcruclan
O rder, A.M.O.R.C, w ill be
happy to receiv e the requests
of those who believe that
w orthiness and sin c er ity de*
term ine the right for one to
have such wisdom* A copy of
The M astery of L ife, a fa s
cinating book, w ill be given
fr e e . This book w ill show
you how to increase your per
sonal power. A ddress your
letter to Scribe S# E. C .,
AMORC T em ple, R oslcruclan
Park. San J o se, California

Port Angeles Evening News

P ort Angeles, Washington
Sunday, F ebruary 8,1970
Page 13

200 P e r so n a ls
a c o sm ic m eetlngplace for ad
vanced and spiritually devel.
oped m em bers of the Rosicrucian Order. It Is the focal
point of cosm ic radiations of
health, peace, happiness, and
Inner awakening. D uringevery
day, periods for special at
onem ents
when cosm ic benefits of spe
cific nature may be received.
Non-members as well as Rosicrucian students may parti*
cipate in the C elestia l Sanc
tum Contact. Liber 777, a
booklet describing the C eles
tial Sanctum and its several
periods, w ill be sent to non
m em bers requesting It. Ad
d ress Scribe S. P. C., Rosi
crucian Park, San Jose, Cal
ifornia 95114, stating that you
are not a m em ber of the Or
der and enclosing six cents
to cover m ailing.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa C ruz, California
M onday, February 16, 1970
Page 17

Editor: I was intrigued by
a letter from E. W Chattin
which appeared in the Voice
ot tin- People column, w which
he recommended the formation
of a Human Improvement As
sociation. to upgrade the quality
of humans as we do with our
plants and animals.
There is no doubt that the
human race sadly needs improvemenl and 1 quite agree
with Mr Chattin that an or
ganization devoted to this goal
could and would be of great
assistance As he says, the diffi
culty is to get people to work
at it. since the knowledge and
the means have been available
for many hundreds of years
It might be of interest to Mr.
ChatUn and other interested per
sons to know that an appropri
ate organization already exists,
though it does not go by the
title he suggests It is the An

cient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, commonly known as the

Rosicrucian O r d e r , AMORC
with headquarters at Roslcrucian Park in San Jo*e. The
purpose of the Order Is to en
able all to live in harmony with
the creative, constructive, cos
mic forces for the attainment
of health, happiness and peace
The method is through the in
vestigation. study and practical
application of natural laws on
all three planes, the physical,
mental and what is usually
called the spiritual
The Order is not a church
or a religion but is nonscctarian
and includes members of all
races, nations, creeds and cul
tural levels. It had Its tradition
al origin in andent Egypt and
has written records back to the
10th Century
The local Rose Chapter of the
Order sponsors local p u b l i c
meetings, including one held
last Friday at Arion Hall Here
is nn o p portune for all to
learn that the organization,
knowledge and means for hu
man improvement exiU. All
we need is greater numbers of
individuals who are willing to
work at it. Nature has decreed
that all high goals have their
price, and the price is effort.
Paul J Veatch
135 School St.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, February 26, 1970
Page 4

Inspector General Robert

Malat will speak on the topic
Why We Serve at the 8
p.m. convocation Friday of
Eosicrucians at Arion Hall.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, M arch 20, 1970
Page 32

Rosicrucian Order To Install

New Officers In Rites Tonight
New officers of the Santa Cruz time of Memphis to the Ptol
Rose chapter, Rosicrucian Or emaic period, began their New
der, will be installed at
8 Year at the time of the ver
o clock tonight in Arion Hall nal equinox, when the
in the orders annual New year crosses the celestial equator and
enters the Zodiacal Sign of Ar
According to Robert Malat, ies, which always occurs on or
inspector general, the officers about March 21.
will be Paul J. Veatch, master;
The Rosicrucian
Betty Jo Weatherbie, secretary; AMORC, a non-religions, phil
Jack Matthews, chaplain; Saul osophical fraternity, maintains
Nazario, outer guardian; Elna that its traditional origin oc
Jensen, inner guardian and curred during the reign
Romney Masters, secretary of Pharaoh Akhnaton in 1350 B.C.
the board. Villy Dali will con The Order commemorates the
tinue as chairman of the board ancient New Year's beginning
and Lillian Kueck as treasurer. with a non-religious ceremony
Charles Rizzo, current m as that embraces the allegorical
ter of Rose chapter, says the significance of the age - old
ancient Egyptians, from the Egyptian rite.

The Dominion News

M organtown, West Virginia
Saturday, April 11,1970
Page 9-A

M editation
beat a trip?
R esolved Is m e d ita tio n a b e tte r t r i p
than one re s u ltin g from drug u s e 9
A panel discussion, le c tu re and bull
sessions c o n ce rn in g the resolution a r e
scheduled to be held a t 3 30 p m Sunday
in P o tt e r s C ellar, the b a s e m e n t of
N e w m an Hall
T h e R o sic ru c ia n O rd e r, AMORC. is
sponsoring th e p ro g ra m A ccording to a
sp o k esm a n for th e group, th e R o sic ru c ia n
O rd e r believ es th a t m e d ita tio n , when
p ra c tic e d c o rre c tly , will not only p rovide
re su lts, but will allow a trip th a t is not
only safe but a s re w a rd in g a s a high
obtained through drug use


Sponsored by Rose Chapter

by ROBERT C. M A L A T Inspector General
Question & Answer Period

The Rosicrucian Viewpoint of Intuitive

Thoughts, Feelings and Hunches"

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, May 12, 1970
Page 20

Speaks Friday

Robert C. Malat, inspector

general of the Rosicrucian Or
der for Santa Cruz and Mon
terey, will speak on Proph
ecy or Intuitive Insight1' at
a free public lecture, Friday
at Arion Hall, 330 Plymouth
St. He is the former master
of the Santa Cruz Rose Chap
ter. A question and answer
period will follow. The Rosicrucian Order is a philosophi
cal fraternity.


The Evening Sun

Hanover, Pennsylvania
Saturday, June 20, 1970
Page 20


T h e llo s ic ru c iiin s KNOW IIOW ! l-'or a g e s t h r \ h a v e
d e m o n s tr a te d k n o w led g e ol a u n iq u e p o w e r o v e r o b s ta c le s
in life.

I-et th e m h e lp you so lv e y o u r p ro b le m s . T h e ir g u id a n c e
will re v e a l m y s ti c a l law s a n d p rin c ip le s w h ic h c a n b rin g
y o u H E A L T H . H A P P IN E S S . A M ) SK1.K M A S T K H S H IP .

T h e fre e book T he M a s te ry of L ife will te ll you how \o u

m a y re c e iv e , in th e p riv a c y of y o u r h o m e, th e ra tio n a l,
sim p le . K o sic ru c ia n te a c h in g s for s e lf-u n fo ld m e n t. W rite
fo r it to d a y .

S c rib e


K o sic ru c ia n

C a lifo rn ia 9.11 M

O rd e r. A.MOKC S an

Jo se ,

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, Septem ber 13,1970
Page 33

Rosicrucian Rites To Mark

Autumnal Equinox Sept. 18
When the sun crosses the celestial equator. signaling the anlumnal equinox in September,
the worldwide Rosicrucians will
commemorate the building of
the Great Pyramids of Egypt,
Paul Veatch. m aster of the local Rose chapter. AMORC. said
Rosicrucians will gather Sept
18 for a ceremony in which they
will re-enact the building of the
Great Pyramid of Cheops
Accordinc to Rosicrucian tradition. the Great Pyramid at was becun at the time of
the autumnal equinox,
Unlike other pyramids huilt
as a burial place, it was erected
as a temple of learning
It is said that its construction
demonstrates a knowledge of all
the known sciences of the period,
including higher m athem atics,

physics and the fundamentals nf

astronomy which are recognized today,
The Rosicrucians trace their
traditional origin back to Akhnaton, Pharaoh in 1350 B C.* who
has been described as the first
great personality in histoory.
Thus, said Veatch. they comrncmoratc their ancient origin
bv the ritualistic and symbolic
construction of a miniature pyramid,
The placing nf each piece symbolizes the cultural accomplishmcnts of the order.
Locally, the ceremony will be
enacted at Arion Hall. 230 Plymouth St., at 7:30 p.m. and will
be followed by a dinner honoroai?h oijm sjaqujaui asoijj 8uj
been Rosicrucians for 20 y ears
or more.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Friday, Septem ber 18, 1970
Page 6-A

Rosicrucians to Observe
Building of Great Pyramid
When the sun crosses
thr celestial equator sig
nalling the autumnal equi
nox in SeplcmiJer. the
\v u r klwlde Koaterusbms
w i l l com m em orate the
building of live Great
pvi-amifl m Egypt
T h a r les V Heckcr*.
m irier nf the San Kcrn a 11 d o V a I ley Lodge.
AMORC, states lhat Uoslcm cian s throughout the
world will gather for a
ceremony on Sunday, at
which time they will reen
act the building of the
Great Pyramid ol Cheops.
According to Rosicrus i a n tra d itio n s, stated
Rerkers, the Great Pyra
mid at Gizeh w as begun at
the time of the autumnal
e n u i n ox. Unlike other
pyramids built as a burial
place dtiring the pyramid
age. it wa# crected a a
t fir pie of learning

It Is said that its con

struction demonstrates a
of all the
known sciences of the pe
r i od In clu d in g higher
mathematics, physics and
ihe fundamentals of as
tronomy recognized todav
The Rosicrucians tracc
their traditional origin
hack to Akhnaton Pharoah in 1350 HC, who has
been described by lead er
of the order as the first
great personality in his
Thus, they com
memorate t h e i r ancicnt
origin by the ritualistic
and symbolic construction
of a miniature pyramid
The placing of each piece
symbolizes the cultural ac
complishments of the or
The ceremony will be
locally enacted on Sunday
at 4 p.m. at the San Forn a n d o V a 1 lev Lodge.
AMORC, 15716 Parthcnia
S t, Sepulveda The public
is invited to witness the

The T erre Haute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
Wednesday, Septem ber 23, 1970
Page 8

Hold Program
On Sunday
The building of the Great
Pyramid in Egypt will be com
memorated Sunday, when the
local order of Rosicrucians ob
serves the anniversary of that
Mrs c leo Englehart, master
of the Franz Hartmann Pornoas
of Rosicrusian, said the ob
servance comes when the au*
tumn season begins, as it was
at that time the Great Pyramid
was constructed at Gizch.
Unlike other pyramids, which
were built as burial places for
persons in high places, Gizeh
was a temple of learning. It is
said the construction demon*
strates n knowledge of all the
known sciences of the period:
mathematics, physics and the
which are recognized today.
The Bosicrucians can trace
their traditional origin to Akh*
naton, a pharaoh of the 14th
century B.C. who has been de
scribed as the first great per
sonality in history.
Thus, the order commemo
rates its ancient origin with the
ritualistic and symbolic con
struction accomplishments of the
The local ceremony w ill be
conducted at 2:45 p.m. at 217
Odd Fellows Bid", 22 S. 8th St.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, September 27, 1970
Page 20


Free Public Lecture

Sponsored by Rose Chapter


M rs

M a rg a re t M c G o w a n ,


Departm ent, G r a n d Lodge, Sen Jose.

a n s w e r period to *ollow .



Q u e stio n

an d



The T erre Haute Tribune

T erre Haute, Indiana
W ednesday, December 2,1970
Page 28

The R o s i c r u c i a n Order,
AMOHC, will sponsor a free lec
ture Sunday, Dec. 6, at 2:30 p.m.
at the Odd Fellows Temple.
Franz Hartmann Pronoas will
discuss the following questions:
Do tihe stars influence behavior?
Does the moon affect plant
growth? Are moods rtivthmical?
Are there seasons in our daily
lives that we can use to advan
tage? Can we harness Me law of
change for constructive results?

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Friday, December 25, 1970
Page 18-B

graduate of San Fernando
High School, is currently
holding an exhibition of
her paintings which will
continue through Jan. 12
at the Rosicrucian Egyp
tian Museum Gallery in
San Jose.
Theme of the collection
is In Search of Tradi
tion." Mrs. Kruskamps
paintings include a wide
range of subject m atter
and style. Race horses
pounding down a track
with tu rf flying are de
picted in her own im
pressionistic style while
an antique store window
s c e n e is d o n e in a
Trompe roeil technique.
A native of Southern
California. Mrs. Kruskamp
had lived in Los Gatos
since 1968. She studied in
Chouinard Art Institute in
Los Angeles and with pri
vate instructors. She is a
member of the Society of
W estern Artists.


The Daily Times-News

Burlington, North Carolina
Friday, Jan u ary 8, 1971
Page 6-B

Rosicrucian !
Order Sets
Hie newly organized Triangle
Rose Pronaos of the Rosicrucian
.Order, AMORC, will hold its
first convocation of the year
on Sunday a f t e r n o o n
at 2:30 p.m. at the YMCA. 217
W. Jones St., Raleigh. Mem
bership for the group is drawn
from the Triangle Area. Tbe
new Pronaos, authorized by the
Supreme Grand Lodge of
AMORC, is one of over 200 local
groups in this jurisdiction.
According to Robert G. Pease
of 2114 Woodland Ave., a mem
ber of the new Pronaos, the
Ancient Mystical Order, Rosae
Crucis (AMORC) is an inter
national philosophical fraternity
of men and women. It was tra
ditionally founded in ancient
Egypt during the 18th Dynasty
reign of Amenhotep TV. also
known as Akhnaton, who pro
mulgated the doctriae of the
one true God about 1K0 B.
It is not a religious organiza
tion. stated Mr. Pease. The
membership includes not only
Christians of almost every
denomination, but also those of
other religions and those who

The Daily Times-News

Burlington, North Carolina
Friday, Jan u ary 8, 1971
Page 6-B

Christians of almost every

denomination, but also those of
other religions and those who
belong to no religious group but
who believe in a Supreme Being,
a Divine Mind or a first Cause.
The Rosicrucian Order is
open to all sincere seekers. It
is a nonsectarian, nonpolitical,
nonprofit fraternity devoted to
the investigation, study, and
practical application of natural
and spiritual laws as exempli
fied in man and nature. Its
purpose is to understand these
laws more fully and to live
in harmony with the creative,
constructive forces of the uni
verse to attain health, happiness
and inner peace
As the membedship increases,
a ' pronaos'* can grow into a
chapter and later a lodge, as
the larger organized groups are
known. Headquarters of the
Rosicrucian Order is located in
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose.
Among its public cultural activitiee, the order maintains a
science museum, a planetarium, ologkal sites in remote pots
an Egyptian museum which of the world.
bouses the largest collection of Convocations of the Triangle
Egyptian antiquities in the west Rose Pronaos will be held at
ern part of the United States, the Raleigh YWCA at 2:30 p.m. |
and an art gallery. It also sends'on the second and fourth Sun-:
camera expeditions to archae-idays of the month.

The Pocono Record

The Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, Jan u ary 26,1971
Page 3

AAIORC mee/ing
The lliird
rnontliiy menling of the* Allen
town C h a p t e r . R o sic ru c ia n
Order of AMORC, will be held
at if: IS p.m. today in the
Masonic Temple building, 1524
L inden S t., A llentow n. All
grand lodge members arc in
vited to attend,

The T erre Haute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
Sunday, M arch 14,1971
Page 62

M em ber* of the F r a n t H a rt
m ann C h ap ter of the Rosicruclan O rd er AMORC will cele
b rate Its tenth an n iv ersary Sun
day, M arch 14, with a special
convocation at 2:0 0 p.m . a t the
Odd Fellow* Building.
P a s t M aster B ernadine W irt,

who was the first. M a ster n t

Ihls C h ap ter will conduct th e
convocation assisted hy the
C hapter ritu al team and by P a s t
M aater M ildred B achsteln who
w as the first c h a p te r S e c re ta ry .
A covered diah dinner for
m em b ers
follow the convocation.
m em b ers of this International
O rder a re invited t o ah ara In
this day of celfebration._____

The T erre H aute T ribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
M onday, M arch 15,1971
Page 9

Rosicrucians to Celebrate
Ancient New Year Rite
The reenactment of a cere* [that embraces the allegorical
mony that began in ancienlislgnlflcance of the age-old EgypEgypt over 40 centuries ago will Man rite.
be the highlight of a local Rosi
March 21 is also the beginning
crucian Conclave to be held of the fiscal period of all Rosihere Sunday, March 21, 2 p.m. cniclan lodges, chapters and
According to Mrs. Cleo EngJe- pronaol throughout the world:
hart, master of the Rosicrucian and the date Is marked by the
Franr Hartmann P r o n o a s, Installation of new ritualistic
AMORC, the ancient Egyptians, and administrative officers.
from the time of Memphis to the
New officers of the local RosiPtolemaic Period, began theiricr\jcinH organization who will
New Year on or about the time ^ Installed are Mrs. Mary Engof the vernal e<|umox. when th e ,|,,hi m aster; Mrs. Plaseak.
sun crosses the equator and en- i e c r c ^ r y .
f)j^her, guar*
ters the zodiacal sign of Arles,|fjjarl
which always occurs on or about
u^ a
March 21. This was considered . . oHrt FHMw, T # J^l ^
the beginning of the New Year "th^ d
and was symbolic of new life.
JJJ, St- Bo0m 21T' l r r T K H,ut,!'
The occasion of the New Year Many visiting members from
is celebrated, states Mrs. Cleo the surrounding cities are ex
Engleharf., by a symbolic feast pected to he in attendance. .
in which the celebrants partake,
of simple foods corresponding
to certain basic elements of
nature, such as: salt, corn and
unfermented grape juice.
As the Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, a nonreligious, philo
sophical fraternity, maintains1
that its traditional origin occurrcd during the reign of
Pharaoh Akhnaton, in 1350 B.C.
the order commemorates this
ancient New Year beginning
with a nonreligious ceremony
j o c j

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, M arch 16,1971
Page 20

Set Installation
Hose Chapter of the Rosicruc
ian Order, AMORC, will cele
brate the orders new year. 3324
Friday at 8 p.m in Arion Hall,
230 Plymouth St. All grand lodge
members are invited.
New officers in the Rosicrucian
Order arc installed world wide
on March 21. Local officers are
M argaret Goodman, m aster;
Robert Thrift, deputy m aster;
and Karl Goesele, board trea
surer. Incumbents Betty Jo Weatherbie, chapter secretary; Villy
Dali, board chairm an, and Romnew Masters, board secretary,
will continue in office through
the year.
Ritualistic officers are Junius
Hutton, outer guardian; Ailene
Angel, inner guardian; G r a c e
Sanders, m atre; William Ham
monds, chnplin; Karl Goesele,
chanter; Janice Lucich, chantress, and Charles Rizzo, musi

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times

Corpus Christi, Texas
Friday, M arch 19, 1971
Page 2-A

New Officers
O f Rosicrucians
T o Be Installed
N ew o ffic ers of th e C o rp u s
C h r i s t i c h a p t e r , of A M O RC

(Ancient Mystical Order Ro. sae Crucis) will be installed in

' a ceremony Monday at 8 p.m.
at 902 Buffalo.
Guadalupe Valdez Jr. will
be th e new m aster. Other new
.officers are Miss M ariaA m e
lia Cruz, secretary; Camtle S.
B a l d e r a z, chaplain; Jose
Guadalupe Flores, guardian,
and Richard L: Trevino, trus
tee. .
The Rosicrucian Order, a
nan-religious philosophical fra
ternity, maintains that its ori
gin occurred in th e year 1350.
The order commemorates the
ancient Egyptian new year at
the time of the. vernal equi

A lbuquerque Journal
A lbuquerque, New Mexico
Saturday, M arch 20, 1971
Page A-8

Ancient Rite Set

By Rosicrucians
A reetiaotmentof a n ancient
E g y p t i a n
N ew
Y e a r
eelobrutbn will h ig h lig h t th e

local Rosicrucian conclave

Sunday at 7:HO p.m. at 1027
Eubank N E in the h e a lth food
store T ectu re hall.




m a s t e r cf t h e R o s ic r u c ia n o r
A lb u q u e r q u e P r o n a o s , s a id th e
c c ie in o u y i s o v e r forty ceu*
lu r ic a old a n d
c e ! e b r& lc d
w hen
th e
c r o s s e s th e c e le s tia l e<|ntor
and enters th o s ig n 10I A rie s ,
u s u a lly on March 21.

The Brownsville Herald

Brownsville, Texas
Sun day, M arch 21, 1971
Page 10-A

Fi alernily
To Install
! M A T A M O R OS The
A r i s t o t l e chapter of the
(AMORC) in the TUo Grande
Valley \vdl jnstal! n ew officers
UkI celebrate the new year
Sunday at Ihc chapter meeting
sit ft a: Cnle *1 between Cristobal
Colon and Pedro de C'nronado
ridef07iso Zapata Villarreal is
to he ln.^n)prt as local m aster;
M artinez,
secretary, and Cecilia Cavazos
de Lope*, g jard ian .
Resume! ens s ta rt their new
year from the Vernal Equinox
or rebirth of life which occurs
on or nboul March 21. This
nistorr. Is derived from the
fraternity's ancient background
dating from the relgr. of
Pltftraoh Akhnalon in thn I4tb
Oen1i:r>r H-C* V art of the
.cen m o n y of (he Rosicnirian
New Year ts a 'm ystical
su p p e r
A ll
Roslmielnns are invited", ac
Jloslcnidans are confidential
group* who assert oriRiris golr.R,
bade lr> a:icicnt Egypt. Secret
learnings latlghl initiates deal
I cabalistic writings.

Hamilton Journal - The Daily News

Hamilton, Ohio
M onday, April 19,1971
Page 26

Rosicrucian Secret Teachings are offered to

those who seek to use them solely for the
perfection of their inner faculties and in the
mastering' of the daily obstacles of life. The
International Rosicrucian Order, A.M.O.R.*
C., will be happy to receive the requests of
those who believe that worthiness and sin
cerity determine the right for one to have
such wisdom. A copy of The Mastery of
Life, a fascinating book will be given free.
This book will show you how to increase
your personal power. Address your letter
to Scribe S. E. C., AMORC Temple, Rosicru*
cian Park, San Jose, California 95U4.

Evening Capital
Annapolis, M aryland
Thursday, May 6,1971
Page 4

The "paydtic erase" which
scents to be infecting w> many
people needs some leveling in
fluence, and I have found none
better than that offered by the
Rosicrucian Order, A.M.OR.C.
This international philosophical
fra te rn ity p rovides ra tio n a l
answers to p6ychic phenomena
and brings them into proper
perspective as a natural con
sequen ce of sp e cia l m en tal
faculties which are latent in all
They dispel the notion that
there are supernatural entities
acting upon man, or that divine
power* die "granted
to so*
m en.
popularized su b je c t a s rein

c a rn a tio n , a stro lo g y , sp irit

c o m m u n ic a tio n s ,
p s y c h ic
readings, and witchcraft have
caused a flurry by their tendency
toward sensationalism, but they
are all simply a p a rt of the ex
tension of m ans consciousness
into non-objective areas of his
The attempt by many in
dividuals to m ake something
mysterious out of a!) this is a
disservice to the entire subject
area. Meanwhile the volume of
misinformation put out on these
topics leads to weird practices
and wasted effort on the p art of
many who are M up a Mind path.

Charles H. Brand berry

1223-E Scot's Manor Cout
Odenton.'Md., 21113

The Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake City, Utah
Sunday, May 9,1971
Page 10W *

Nu p t i a 1 n e w s

A reception wa given at
the Regal Room of L Cita-

St. Mark'a Episcopal Cathe

dral was serJng for the Satur
day wedding of Klrstin Dawn
Mortensvn and Gerald Arthur



Tne bride, daughter of Mr.

ar.d Mr*. H. Vernet Bollard,
Saif Lav-! C ity , graduated

M n. Geraid A. Balky

from Utah Technical College.

She attended the University of
The bridegroom, te n of Mr.
and Mr. Arthur A. Baitcy,
Fredericton, New Bnjntwick,

Canada, graduated rrcm the

University of New Brunswick.
He ha* done graduate wxirk at
the University of London.
England. He It on the adminlitratlve #uff for the Rosicnielan Order. AMORC. San
Jose, Calif., where he Is editor
nf the Roslcmdan Digest and
Dear el the Croix Uni

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Thursday, May 20, 1971
Page 3-C

Local Man Named

Rosicrucian Volunteer
L a m a r K ilg o re, 516 N . Swope
A v e., w as re c e n tly p re se n te d a
c e rtific a te of a p p o in tm e n t a s a n
ex ten sio n v o lu n te e r fo r R o sic ru
c ia n

O rd e r

(A M O R C )


S an

J o s e , C alif.
V o lu n teers

p ro v id e

in fo rm a

tion on th e o rd e r an d m a k e p u b
lic atio n s a v a ila b le to lib r a r ie s
an d b o o k sto res an d a id in an y
c o m m u n ity s e rv ic e s in w h ich
th e o rd e r c a n p a rtic ip a te .
T h e R o s ic ru c ia n O rd e r is a
. n o n -s e c ta ria n f ra te r n a l body
people d ev o ted to th e in v e stig a
tio n , stu d y , a n d a p p lic a tio n of
n a tu ra l a n d s p ir itu a l la w s.

Long Beach, California
Thursday, May 20, 1971
Page A-23

AMORC festival I
slated Sunday
Annual Strawberry F e s
tival and Art Exhibit,
s p o n s o r e d by Abdiei
Lodge, AMORC, is sched
uled Sunday at 2 p.m. in
Rosicrucian Lodge,
2455 Atlantic Ave.
S h e r m a n Livingston,
i n s p e c t o r general of
AMORC, will speak on
Universal Truths.

The San B ernardino Daily Sun

San B ernardino, California
Sunday, August 22,1971
Page F-6

Inland (llia p lrr

Kosierueian Order
Open House, Sunday, Aug. 22
.3:30 P.M. Mafinnie Trmplp
Jftfi.iO Arrow, Fontana
P r o fi r a m :
W h a t are the R o s i c r u c i a n s
Ra r e & Uni que Books on d i s p l a y

Inltlir Invited

HpfrrshmenIn S c r m l

The Psychic Bridge...

San Antonio Express

San Antonio, Texas
M onday, July 12,1971
Page 7-A

Have you ever experienced a sense of f u tility seemed to be thwarted in your accomplishment?
Have you ever struggled for a new vital idea or
solution to n problem? Behind your thinking
mind may lie the very answer or vision you need.
You have a tremendous reservoir of mental
power waiting to be called forth. I t lies just be
yond your surface thoughts. True meditation is
not idle random thinkingor mere concent ra
tion which tics the mind to fixed ideas. I t is a
technique that opens channels to the full power
or mind and a realization of self. Every achieve
m entin anyones lifebegan with meditation.


Meditation is neither strictly an oriental nor oc
cidental practice or fantasy. I t is a natural func
tion of mind power. Let the Rosicrucians (not a
religion), an international society of men and
women devoted t o the study of natural laws,
explain thi3 marvelous phenomenon of medita
tion to you. Write today for the free book, Mas
tery of Life. It tells how you may use this tech
n iq ue fora fuller life.


San Jcso, California 95114

r v . - f :.-f

- f a : SC R IPE: A.D S.


Scrib* A.D.S
T M c H O S I f W lA N S (AMORC)
Sim Jom\ Cnl:!v>rni.i '.'111

I am sincerrly in u r o tH in thr vrnrtioal pt*cation of

rr.t filiation awl relate-1 n 1sws. PI e sen<l me a frro
copy of M ASTERY OF 1 H E .
. . ..



Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
W ednesday, August 25, 1971
Page 1-B

] Pronaoi Group
Elects Officers
T h e C olorado S prings P ro n ao i
h a s receiv ed official sa n ctio n
fro m th e G ran d Lodge of the
A ncient M y s t i c a l O rd e r of
R o sae C rucis.
N ew ly elected officers of the
P ro n ao i a re : m a s te r, L a m a r
K ilgore, s e c re ta ry , Leslie Z ak,
and g u a rd ia n . Stan V an de
T he R osicrucian O rd er is a
n o n -sectarian fra te rn a l body of
m en and w om en d ed icated to
th e in v estig atio n , stu d y an d a p
plication of n a tu ra l an d sp iri
tu a l law s.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, Septem ber 3, 1971
Page 15



Adm ission Free
Travel behind the veil of
time in llus Museum of
Antiquities. See the larg
est collection of Kpypt ism and Babylonian art
ifacts in the W estern
I'nited States. Located
in colorful Rosicrucian
P a rk amid sp acious
ground*, beautiful flow
ers and Egyptian archi
Sun.. Mon 12 p.m. lo I p.m.
thru Fri. . 9 m. lo S p.m.



The Abilene Reporter-News
Abilene, Texas
Saturday, Septem ber 4, 1971
Page 7-A

Cult Cultivates Followers

SAX JOSE, Calif. STOP one full Mock of (km b>r*nui|

BEING EAHTHBOUND,' urges c.ty For the headquarters of.;
the advertisement ofJvriag A-M 0.R.1T. (Ancient Mystical
membership in Tbe Rosicru
? * * t l'ruvu * 1** somenan Order
Ordw - A
EDrP,1Jndollar own-j ,
a **

followers w-tb aoa* 3i W ptwi

witiua oae IW ay period (tofelV
* er ardent Biblical admoni- tiobi to "Drink no longer waf. ter but u^e little wjw tor
1 thv stomachs tak*," 1 T\m' SECRET POWER . .INNER plei composed of EgyptUa mu- v
r othy 5 23 1
VISION ..THE A N C i n N T 5 **um and temp)?. planetarium,i*
& Impetator Lewis ardently deCALLED IT COSMIC CON- 4X1 ?.
tWei. Sphiax i
" nwd any connection with this
: branch of RosJcmcUnlsm al- 1
SUOUSNESS,* note the fam l|., "'UlrtJ- ,cr*11' aBd w a b l Ii
, though he did not deny reports
that his ovm organization was

i.ctu o u . frcm The I^ew Hrk tlon for lh bltarre and occult,
raided by the New York Distnci
Times ' to Popular Scienee.1 particularly when it ii skillfully Knicians Is their income and to- ample, feature-: contentions that Attorney's otftce in 118. It was
White liili advertising cost* pilthed as authentically iincl^nt u l membership, which lmpera under the Pacific Ocean there is subsequently relocated in San
considerable money (Chief Ksi. (like Mormooism), and gilded tor L*wls. during an interview,'ihe "Lost Continent <rf Ltmu-.prjncueo then In Tampa, and
'finally In San Jose,
crucian, lmperator, Ralph with the eicltjog allurement of a Indignantly refused to disclose, ria.">
Lewis admiu to half a million secret society.
,He did concede, however, that And wmlo lmperator Lewiij lmperator Lewis also recalled
or more") tte ad investment rt- But as Carlton
a writ- members pay 4 110 initiation d u c i ^ that "We are not di- that in Tamp* one Albert Saunturn is Impressively visible In w who for purpose* of invest! lee. plus ft W per monlh; that rectlv related to the E ^ p lia n ^ , was ousted from the Order
, gition joined in* RosIctvciirs there are members all over the Pharaohs only tradition ally'<saunders publicly accused H.
world, and that the Order has related." his erection of [j.lle Spencer Lewis the present
"Seem, jup^rwise and ad gro*n considerably since l 8 ,T,Kypt in Ran Jose hardly mn-'imperators father aaj prede. ^ 5, tn this office - of using
vnnced as these teaching are. when court records rewaled a forces this disclaimer
they 1*0 be mastered ai home membership of 60.WJ. (At the Roslcruclanlsm has b e e n an alias, Rolve Thurston." and
by anyone who can read. current dues rate, this would ex bouncing around cultic cfrclcs claiming credentials from non
ever since Medieval Germany.'existent educational Institutions
(There 13 even a home Initiation ceed S3 million per annum
1-Mem00), mlh the "Neophyte" lmpcratnr Lewis, an elderly, and there have been a number'in India and New York.)
mustariuoncd 0f m o d e r n manifestitalHm
Hp >lj0 conffJ(d thtl onril
looktng mto a mirror. *n candle while-haired,
light, and cbaotin* Hail Rosy man vchomemly and re^caledly. There as,
E T Rwlkrv-,.
r L i ^ 'lll0r<1 ^Umahleto
cOnlcnded: W are not a reli-' Kail
C to j. i
Kiul nrdner
cardiwrs/ tHoly
t t ! d lo" Ur
or^ l,
nan Order - d^nn* prohibl- c
{ j (K.imah-i
in actuality, therefore, the Rkm
a r jmj.1;
only real secrecy ab>ul the Itos Some Investigators of Rovrru Hob. As 1 cult, !b* order was * 1 z ,
ciaolsm, such as US CathoUc'sHowed bv law to diipense sa^
in w , chatrglns
magazine, would tn some raea- rmmi**i:al wine. But a band of 1.. .
j)1<J ouM
fd i,er romnure agree wi;Ji this contention Fed* dismvrrcd that Dr tec) f
v1wt hrr j^te husIn describinn the cult as "A Gardner had provided his 300 i { J ^ ^
)n 19l5 bankrolled as
business,'* with Lewis Sr.. I
providing none of the funds..,
only promotKWial ability)
, In addition to loftily dismiss
ing Mrs KllmaWeto ("She was
'an extortionist who died I" 1
lAgncws," - a local mental hos
'pital) lmperator Lewis charged,!
|ih Itcman C h u r c h " with|>
rmlsrepresentini and distortion j
' in attm pls to expose us "
Similar resentmen*. appeared
later when Imperstor L**i<; was
asked about reports lhal Sirhan
Sirhan had joined tlie lluiicru
clan Order.
J '-Yes. and A] Capone and aU;
the Mafia are all Catholics. he_
retorted angrily, "but who ever 1
antes about that?!"


<r t ^ j s p f f l s ' j a a i


The Abilene Reporter-News
Abilene, Texas
Saturday, Septem ber 4, 1971
Page 7-A


Cult Cultivates Followers

una bswim

SAN JOSE, Calif. STOP one full block of this b u rn in g

BEING EARTHBOUND, urges city. For the headquarters of,
the advertisem eftt o * 1 * r ) n * o i f e B m m Cm ? )
m em bership in The Rosicru- i^ing 0 f t n Egyptian Disneyland
cian O rder A.M.O.R.C
a muiti*irJlUofl dollar com SECRET P O W E R .. .INNER pie* composed of Egyptian mu
V ISIO N .. .THE A N C I E N T S s^ ri d temple, planetarium , i
> . Sphinx,
. , am ulets, scrolls and scarabs.
SCIOUSNESS, note the famil-; l t c . . .
, ..
. . ,
. ! U.S. history repeaiedly attests
ia r ads in a wide variety of p a b * ; ^ m assive American fascina
lications. from 'The New York tion for the bizarre and occult,
T im es' to Popular Science. particularly when it is skillfully
While this advertising costs pitched as authentically ancient
considerable money (Chief R<isi (like M ormonism), and gilded
crucian, lm perator, Ralph with the exciting allurement of a
Lewis adm its to half a million secret societyor m o re") the ad investment re-; But as Carlton Brown, a writturn is Impressively visible in :er who for purposes of investi
gation joined the Rosicrucians,
Secret, superwise and ad
vanced as these teachings are,
they can be m astered at home
by anyone who can read ."
(There is even a home initiation
ceremony, with the Neophyte
Jooking into a m irror, m candle
light, and chanting: Hail Rosy
Cross. )
In actuality, therefore, the
jonly real 3ecrecy abnut the Ros-

The Abilene Reporter-News

Abilene, Texas
S aturday, Septem ber 4, 1971
Page 7-A

kruciang is their income and to-,am ple, features contentions that

tal membership, which impera-juflder the Pacific Ocean there is
tor Lewis, during an interview ,'the Lost Continent of Limu-j
indignantly refused to disclose. ria ." )
jUe did concede, however, that And while lm p erato r Lewisj
m embers pay a $10 initiation disclosed that We are not di-j
fee, plus
per month; that rectlv related to the Egyptian
there are members all over the Pharaohs
. . . only . traditionally!
.. i
world; and that the Order has related,1 his erection of Little!
grown considerably since 1938,1 Egypt in Ran Jose hardly reinwhen court records revealed a forces thJs disclaimer.
membership of 60.WU. (At the Roslcruclanlsm has b e e n
current dues rate, this would ex bouncing around cultic circles
ceed S3 million per anoum.)
ever since Medieval G erm any,1
lm perator Lewis, an elderly, and there have been a number!
musiachioned of m o d e r n m an ifestatio n s.;
man. vehemently and repeatedly .There w as, for exam ple, Dr.i
contended: We are not a reli K ail Gardner's Holy Rosikru-|
rian Order" during pi'ohiblv
Some Investigators of Rosicru- tion. As a cull, the order was
cianlsm, such as U.S. Catholic ailowed by law to dispense samagazine, would in some m ea-'crum enal wine. But a band of
sure agree wtth this contention raiding Feds discovered that Dr.
In describing the cult as: A G ardner had provided his 31H)
popularized m ixture of Theoso
phy. alchemy, Gnosticism, Ma
sonry, Vedanta, Astrology, Ca
balism and antiquated science.
(Rosicrucian literature, for ex-'

The Abilene Reporter-News

Abilene, Texas
Saturday, Septem ber 4, 1971
Page 7-A

followers with om 50,to# pints

within ofle IQ-diy period (togeth
e r with ardent Biblical admonitioui to Drink no longer wa
iter. but use a little win* for
thv stom achs &ak," I Tim*
othv9 5:23.)9
lm perator Lewis ardently de
nied any connection with this
branch of Rosicruclanlsm al-1
though he did not deny reports
that his own organization was,
raided by the New York District:
Attorneys office in 1910. It was
subsequently relocated in San
!Francisco, then In Tairtpa, and
'finally in San Jose.
j lm perator Lewis also recalled
that in Tam pa one Albert Saufl*
jders was ousted lrom the Order.
(Saunders publicly accused H..
JSpencer Lewis the presentIm perators father and prede
cessor in this office' of usingi
an alias, Rolye Thurston." and
claiming credentials from non
ex isten t educational Institutions
'.in India and New Y ork.)
i He also conceded that onej
iThord Kiimahleto "w as once
to our or>
g a n i z a t i 0 n . (Kiimahlctos widow tiled a $2 mil-,
lion lawsuit in 1949. charging:
that Lewis had ousted h er com
pletely from what her late hus-_
band had in 1915 bankrolled as
h business," with Lewis Sr.,
providing none of the funds,
only promotional ability.)

: In addition to loftily dismiss

ing Mrs. Kiimahleto ( She was
an extortionist who died in
|Agnews. a local mental hos
pital) lm p erato r Lewis charged
the *' Homan C h u r c h with
"jnisrepresentinc and distortion
in attem pts to expose u s."
I Similar resentm ent appeared
later when lm perator Lewis was
asked about reports that Sirhan
Sirhan had joined the Rosicru*
cian Order.
Yes, and A] Capone and all!
the Mafia are all Catholics/' he.
retorted angrily, but who ever!
writes about th at?!"

Lester K insolving

The cult of Rosicrucianism

th e
advertisem ent offering
m em bership in "The Rosicru
cian O rder A.M.O.R.C.
POW ER.. .
note the fam iliar ads in a wide
variety of publications, from
The New York Tim es* to
Popular Science."
While this advertising costs
co n sid e ra b le money (Chief
R o s ic ru c ia n ,
lm p e r a to r .
R alph Lewis admits to half a
million or m ore") the ad
im pressively visibly in one full
block of this booming city. For
the headquarters of A.M.O.R.C.
("A ncient Mystical O rder Rosea
C rucia") is something of an
D i s n e y l a n d a
multi-million dollar complex
composed of Egyptian museum
and tem Dle. planetarium , a rt
gallery, idols, tablets. Sphinx,
am ulets, scrolls and scarabs.

U.S. history repeatedly attests

th e
fascination for the bizarre and
occult, particularly when it is
a u th e n tic a lly
ancient (like
M orm inism ), and gilded with the
exciting allurement of a secret
But as Carlton Brown, a w riter
who for purposes of investigation
jo in e d
th e
R o sicru cian s,
S ec re t, superw ise
advanced as these teachings arecthey can be m astered at home by
anyone who can read. (There is
h o me
in itiatio n
ceremony, with the Neophyte"
looking into a m irror, in
candlelight, and chanting: H a il,
Rosy Cross.")
In actuality, therefore, the
only real secrecy about the
Rosicrucians is their income and
m em bership, - which
lm perator Lewis, during an
interview, indignantly refused to
disclose. He did concede,
however, that members pay a

$10 initiation fee. plus $4.50 per

m onth; that there are m em bers
all over the world; and that the
O rder has grown considerably
since 1938, when court records
revealed a membership of 60.000.
(At the current dues rate, this
would exceed $3 million per
annum .)
Im pefator Lewis, an elderly,
w h ite -h a ire d ,
m ustachioned
m an. vehemently and repeatedly
contended: "We are not a
in v e s tig a to r s
Rosicrucianism. such as U.S.
Catholic magazine, would in
som e m easure agree with this
contention in describing the cult
as: "A popularized m ixture of
Gnosticism. Masonry. V edanta.
A s tro lo g y . C abalism
s c ie n c e .'
(R osicrucian literature, for
exam ple, features contentions
that under the Pacific Ocean
there is the "Lost Continent of
L im uria. )
And while lm perator Lewis
disclosed that "We *are not
directly related to the Egyptian
P h a ra o h s only traditionally
related. his erection of Little
Egypt in San Jose hardly
reinforces this disclaimer.
R osicrucianism has been
bouncing around cultic circles
ever since Medieval G erm any,
and there have been a num ber of
m odem manifestations. There
was. for example. Dr. Karl
G ard n ers "Holy Rosikrucian
O rder "during Prohibition. As
a cult, the order was allowed
by law to dispense sacram ental
wine, dui a band ol raiding Feds
discovered that Dr. G ardner had
provided his 300 followers with
som e 50.000 pints within one
60-day period (together with
ardent Biblical admonitions to
"D rink no longer water, but use
a little wine for thy stom ach's
sake, I Timothy 5 :23.)
lm perator Lewis ardently
denied any connection with this
branch of Rosicrucianism
although he did not deny reports
that his own organization was
raided by the New York District
A ttorneys office in 1918. It was
subsequently relocated in San
Francisco, then in Tampa, and
finally in San J o s ^

lm p erato r Lewis also recalled

th at in Tampa one Albert
Saunders was ousted from the
O rd e r.
(S au n d ers
accused H. Spencer Lewisthe
present Im perators father and
predecessor in this officeof
a lia s,
"R o ly e
T h u r s t o n . * and c laim in g
credentials from non-existent
educational institutions in India
and New York.)
He Also conceded that one
Thord Kiimahleto "w as once
o rg a n iz a tio n :'' (Kltmahletos
widow filed a $2 million lawsuit
in 1949. charging that Lewis had
ousted her completely from what
h er late husband had In 1915
bankrolled as a business. with
Lewis. St.. providing none of the
funds, only promotional ability. )
In addition to loftily dismissing
Mrs. Kiimahleto ("She was an
e x to rtio n is t-w h o
A g n e w s." - a
local m ental
h o s p ita l)
lm p erato r Lewis
charged the "Roman Church
m isrepresenting and
distortion in attem pts to expose
us. _
Sim ilar resentm ent appeared
la te r when lm perator Lewis was
asked about reports that Sirhan
J o in e d
th e
Rosicrucian Order .
"Y es. and Al Capone and all
the Mafia ore all Catholics." he
reto rted angirly. "but whQ ever
w rites about th at?!"

T he Free-L ance S ta r
F re d e ric k sb u rg , V irginia
S a tu rd a y , S ep tem b er 11, 1971
Page 4

Mail-order religious cults bloom

Slop being earthbound,
urges Uve advertisement offering
membership in The HosicoJcian
Secret p o w e r . . , i n n e r
vision . . . the ancients called it
cosmic consciousness, note the
familiar i ds In a wide variety or
publications, from The New
York Times to Popular
While thU advertising costs
considerable money (Chief
Rosicrucian lmperator Ralph
Lewis admits to half a million or
more) the ad Investment return
is impressively visible in one full
block of this booming city. For
the headquarters of A.M.O.R.C.
(Ancient Mystical Order Rosac
Cruris) is something of an
Egypt i an D i s n e y l a n d - a
multi-million dollar complex
composed of Egyptian museum
and temple, planetarium, art
gallery, Idols, tablets, Sphinx*
amulets, scrolls an d scarabs.
U.5. history repeatedly attests
u c ih w tt .Fumncui taw natron
for the bizarre and occult,
particularly when it is skillfully
pitched as authentically ancient
and gilded with the exciting
allurement of a sec**t
But as Carlton Brown, a writer
who for purposesof investigation
j o i n e d the Rosicrucians,

Secret, superwise and

advanced a* these teachings are,
they can be mastered at home by
anyone who can read. (There Is
even a home Initiation ceremony,
with the Neophyte looking
into a minor, in candlelight, and
chanting: uHail Rosy Cross.)
In actuality, therefore, the
only real secrecy about the
Rosicrucians Is their income and
t ot al membership, which
lmperator Lewis, during an
Interview, indignantly refused to
disclose. Hf did concede,
however, that members pay a $10
Initiation fee, pit* $4.50 per
month; that there are members all
over the world; and that the
Order has frown considerably
since 1938, when court records
revealed a membership of 60,000.
(At the current dues rate, this
would exceed $3 million per
lmperator Lewis, an elderly,
white-haired mustachioed man,
vehemently and repeatedly
contended: We are not a
Some i nve s t i gat or s of
Rosicrucianism, such as U.S.
Catholic magadne, would In
some measure agree with this
contention in describing the cult
is: A popularized mixture of
T h e o s o p h y , alchemy,
Gnosticism, Masonry, Vedanta,

Ast rol ogy, Cabalism and

a n t i q u a t e d ae j n e t . M
(Rosicrucian literature, for
example, features contentions
that undrr the Pad Tic Ocean
there * the Lost Continent of
And whilr lmperator Lewis
disclosed that We are not
directly related to the Egyptian
pharaohsonly traditionally
related/ his erection of Little
Egypt in San Jose hardly
reinforces this disclaimer.
Rosicrucianism has been
bouncing around cultic circles
eversinoe Medieval Germany, and
there have been a number of
modem manifestations. There
was, for example, Dr. Karl
Gardner's Holy Rosikrucian
Orderdurittf frohlbition. As a
cult, the order was allowed by law
to dispense sacramental wine. But
a band of n iO lf revs w cow m r
that Dr. Gardner had provided his
300 followers with some b Q fiO Q
pints within one 60-day period
(together with ardent biblical
admonitions to MDrink no longer
water, but use a little wine for thy
stomach's sake/*1 Timothy
lmperator Lewis ardently
denied any connection with this
branch o f Rosicrucianbmalthough he did not deny reports
that his own organization was

that hb own organization was

raided by the New York district
attorney's office in 191S. Jt was
subsequently relocated In Sin
Pmndwo, then in Tampa, and
finally in San Joee.
lmperator L e w is also rectikd
that in Taropa one Albert
Saunden was ousted from the
Order. (Saunders publicly
accused H. Spencer Lewij-the
present lmperator4* father tod
predecessor In this officeof
using an alias, uKoJye Thurston/'
and claiming credentials from
non e x i s t e n t educational
institutions In India and New

He also conceded that one

Thord Kiirasbieto was ottce
c o n n e c t e d wi t h o u r
organization.M (Kiimahleto*
widow filed a two million dollar
lawsuit in 1949, charging that
Lewn had ousted her completely
from wbat her late husband had
In 1915 bankrolled as i
b u sin ess/ with Lewis, Sr,,
providing none of the funds, only
promotional ability.)
Similar resentment appeared
later when lmperator Lewi* was
asked about reports that Sithan
Sirhan had joined the Rosicrucian

Fairbanks Daily N ews-M incr

Fairbanks, Alaska
Saturday, Septem ber
, 1971
Page 6


Stop Being E n rth to u n d ," urges the million jkt annum i

cused H Spencer Lewis the present
advertisem ent offering m em bership in
lm perator Lewis, an elderly, white lm perator s father and predecessor in
The R osurucian O rder A M O R C "
haired. mtislnchioned man, vehemently this office of using an alias, Rolye
'Secret power . . . inner vision . . the and repeatedly contended: We are not a T hurston," and claiming credentials
A n c i e n t s called it Cosmic Con- religion
from non-existent educational institutions
'Hiousness." note the fam iliar arts in n
Some investigators of Rosicrucianism. in Indian and New York.)
He also conceded th at one Thord Kiivariety of publication;! ranging from The such as U.S. Catholic magazine, would in
New York Tim es to Popular Science
some m easure agree with this contention mahleto was once connected with our
While this advertising costs consid in describing the cult as: "A popularized organization. (K iim ahletos widow filed
erable money (Chief Roxicruciun. **lm- mixture of Theos<*phy. alchcmy. Gnostic a $Z million lawsuit In 1919. charging that
p erato r." Ralph Lewis adm its to half a ism. Masonry. Vedanta, Astrology. Ca* Lewis had ousted her completely from
million or m ore ) the ad investment re balism and antiquated sc ien c e (Rosi* what her late husband had in 1915 bank
turn is im pressively visible in one full crucian literature, for example, features rolled os a business, with Lewis Sr.
block of this booming city For the head contentions that under the Pacific Ocean providing none of the funds, only promo
quarter* of A M O R C <"Ancient Mys Iherc is the ' Lost Continent of Li- tional ability.)
In addition to loftily dismissing Mrs.
tical Order Roane C nicls"* is something
m u r ia )
of an Egyptian Disneyland n muhimilAnd while lm perator Lewis disclosed Kiimahleto ("She was an extortionist
lion-dollnr complex composed of Egyp that *'We are not directly related to the who died n Agnews, a locsl m ental
tian m useum and tem ple, planetarium , Egyptian Pharoahs only traditionally hospital' lm perator Lewis charged the
art gallery, ulols, tablets. Sphinx, am u rotated.' his erection of Little Egypt in Roman Church with "m isrepresenting
and distortion in attem pts to expose us.
lets. scrolls and scarabs
San ,/osc hardly reinforces this dis
V.S history repeatedly a ll o ts the
Sim ilar resentment appeared later
m assive American fascination for the bi
when lm perator Lewis was asked about
ROSI CRV Cl AN ISM has been bouncing reports that Sirhan Sirhan had joined the
z arre and occult, particularly when it is
skillfully pitched as auMientically ancient around c ultic circles ever since Medieval Rosicrucian Order.
i like M orm om sm ', nnd gilded with the Germany, and there have been a number
"Yes, and At Capone and all (he Mafia
exciting allurem ent of a s e c r e t society
of modern manifestations. There was, for are all C atholics" he retorted angrily,
B IT AS CAHI.TON Brown a writer example. Dr Karl G ardners "Holy Ro- "but who ever writes about th a t?
who for purposes of investigation joined sikrucian O rder" during Prohibition.
the Rm tcrueians. nlisrrved:
As fk cult, the order was allowed by law
Secret. suporuive and advanced as
to dispense sacram ental wine. But a
these teachings are, they can be m aster bund of raiding feds discovered that Dr.
The Daily H erald
ed at home by anyone wlio can read ."
G ardner had provided his 100 followers
There is even a home initiation cerem o with .some SO.OftO pints within one GD-day
C hicago, Illinois
ny. with tlie Neophyte looking into a period i together with ardent Biblical ad
M onday, S eptem ber 13, 1971
monitions to Drink no longer w aler, but
m irror, m candlelight, and chanting:
Page 7
H a i l Rosy C ross "
u** a little wine for thy stom achs s a k e /'
In actuality. th rrrfo re. fhc only real se I Timothy 1.2'f >
crecy nbom the Ronjcnicians is Iheir in
Im prrator Ia' wis ardently denied any
come and total mom hers In p. which lm- conncclion with this branch of Rosicru
pcrafor Lewis, during nn interview ln- cianism although he did not deny re
d.gnantly refused tn disclose Me did ron- ports that his own organization was
raided by tin* New York district attorcode. however, that m em bers pay h
initiation fre. plus $4*0 per month, that r r v 's officc in 1918. It was subsequently
relocated in San Francisco, then in Tam
th e rr are m rm hers all over the world:
and that the order har. grown consid- pa. and finally in San .Jose
rrah lv mce t^TH when court records rolm perator Lewis recalled that in
vraled a oirm bership of Ko.noo r.\ flu* Tampa one AUxrt Saunders was ousted
m rrrii rtii-s rale. Ibis uotild cxceed *3 from lte O rder Saunilers publicly ac

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times

C orpus Christi, Texas
M onday, Septem ber 20, 1971
Page 2A

Ceremony Set
M e m b e rs of (h e AMORC.
R o sic ru c ia n
C orpus
C h risti
C h a p te r, w ill c o m m e m o ra te
the o r d e r 's founding w ith a
c e re m o n y a t S p .m . W ednes
d a y a t 902 B uffalo.
T h ey w ill h a v e a sy m b o lic
re c o n s tru c tio n of th e building
of th e G re a t P y ra m id of
C heops, M rs. R o sa H. H e rn a n
d ez, m a s te r of th e c h a p te r ,
sa id .

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Septem ber 21, 1971
Page 2

Ritual Friday
Local R osicrucians will com
m em orate the building of the
g reat pyram id of Cheops 8 p.m .
Friday at Arion Hall, 2 3 0
Plymouth St.
th e R osicrucians. who trace
their origin b ack to Akhnaton,
Pharaoh in 1350 B.C., com
m em orate th eir origin by con
structing a m in iatu re pyram id.
The placing of each stone sym
bolizes the
com plishm ents of the order.
The public is invited t o
witness the ritu a l.

The T erre H aute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
W ednesday, Septem ber 22, 1971
Page 40

Ceremony Set
For Sunday
* A cevemnnv commemorating
the building of the Great Pvra
mid in Egypt will bp held in
Terrr Haute Sunday. Sept 2fi.
iat 2 4S p m at the Odd Fellows
Temple. ?2 S Pth St
Mrs Mary English, master of
the local AMOU(\ said that
worldwide Rosicrusians w i l l
gather for the ceremony at
which time thev will re enact
the building of the Great Pyra
mid of Cheops
According to Rosicrucian tra
dilions. Mrs English said the
Great Pyramid at Gizch was ,
begun at the time of the au *
jtumnal Equinox t nlike other
pyramids built as a burial place
during the pyramid age it was*
erected as a temple of learning.
It i* said that its construction
demonstrate* a knowledge of
all the known science* of the
period including higher mat he
mattes. physics and th* funda
mentals of astronomy recog
ni/ed today
The Rosicrucians trace their;
t r a d i t i o n a l origin hack to
Akhnaton. Pharoah in 1350
B. C.. who has been described
as the first great personality
in history Thus, they com m em
orate their ancient origin by the
ritualistic and symbolic con
struction of a miniature pvra
mid The placing of each piece
symbolizes the cultural accom
plishment* of the order.

The Brownsville Herald

Brownsville, Texas
Friday, Septem ber 24,1971
Page 3

On Sunday

Local m em bers ol liie Ro ;

sicruclan O rder will celebrate!
the annual festival of the
pyram id Sunday, a! 4 p.m. al
Uie M aiam oros lodgo on Calle
4, between Pedro de Coronado
and Cristobal Colon.
According to lodge m aster
Ildcfonso Z apata V illarreal, Uie
festival celebrates Lhe building
of the great pyram id of Egypt
which, according to R osicrucian
tradition, w as not constructed
a s a burial place, but a s a tem* j
pie of higher learning.
Festival ritual reen acts syr-'
bolically the construction of this
pyram id to com m em orate the
R o s i e r u c l a n founding by
Pharaoh Aknaton Abput in 1350,|
B.C.. V illarreal said.

Traverse City Reeord-Eagle

Traverse City, Michigan
Thursday, Septem ber 30,1971
Page 17

(a d v .)


R osicrucian M ystical T eachings
are offered to those who seek
to use them for the perfection
of their inner fa cu lties and in
m asterin g the daily o b sta cles
of life. Thu International R o si
crucian Order, A.M .O.R.C., w ill
be happy to recciv e the rej quests of those who b eliev e sinj cerity and w orthiness are the
! cornerstones of p o ssessin g such
w isdom . Health, hap pin ess, and
! peace th ese are attain ab le.
: J h e M astery of L ife, a fa scin a t! ing book, will be given free,
i Allow this tb ok to show you
g rea ter potentials uf living. Ad
i c r e s s your letter to Scribe
: S E C., K osicrucian P ark , San
*J o se. California 05114.

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Fairbanks, Alaska
Saturday, O ctober 2, 1971
Page 4


an d


A re

The Rosicrucians
This Is What They Are:
A fraternal organization devoted to thn investiga
tion and study of cosmic and natural laws.
Their purpose in the awakening and development
of the faculties and talents of man for his greater
prnmnal attainm ent.

World-wide in extent and centuries /rf.

Active in dispelling superstition anrl stimulating
creative, original thought.
Operating a? a nonprofit and cultural organisation.

Thii Is What They Are Not:

Not a religious group, sect or cult ulisolutely non
Not political in purpose or function.
Not an eccentric society promulgating any ideas,
doctrines or concepts contrary to accepted public
morals or customs.

For further interesting literature, write for your free

copy of The Mastery of Uje. Address Secretary IN I

The Rosicrucians

95f M

r --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
I Secretary I N I

t The JtiMtcrucians (AMORC)

j San Joae. California 95114

I w ould like to k n o * m o re Pleav* tier*! m.v /* rojiy uf

Li/p. N u utilisation.

The Maslcryol

N aim -------------------------------------------- --------------..

J A rldrew
! City_ .

______________________ _ .

------- .


Zip C ode-------- --V'w 7i|i t"ik

lt** Iwludp

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, O ctober 10,1971
Page 20


Free Public Lecture

S p o n t o r a d by R o m C h a p t e r

>rr l l f f h t oil I

S p a a h a r , H u r r y B a r t o k . fn%trwcion
D tp i., G ra n d Lodga, S an J o w
O u a %t io n A m i w t r p a r tod R e l f t h m * n

FR ID AY I V I N I N G , O C T IS , 8 P M

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, November 12, 1971
Page 9

Conclave Set
R o s e c h a p t e r o f S a n ta C ruz
w ill be a m o n g n in e o th e r lo d g e s
th e an n u a l R o s ic r u c ia n O rder
c o n c la v e in O a k la n d s M a so n ic
M e m o r ia l T e m p le th is w e e k e n d .
H ig h lig h tin g th e a f f a ir w ill be
a ta lk by th e G r a n d T r e a s u r e r
o f th e O rd er. R o b e r t E . D a n ie ls .
T h e Third D e g r e e in itia tio n w ill
b e p r e se n te d S a t u r d a y .

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, November 17, 1971
Page 14

SC Rosicrucians
Join In Rites
S an ta Cruz Rose C hapter of
the Rosicrucian O rd e r, AMORC.
c o n t r i b u t e d m usical and
d r a m a tic numbers to the eighth
Annual Central C a l i f o r n i a
Conclave held in O akland last
G ra c e Ram say played the
violin and Robert T h rift played
the g u ita r and sa n g . P a u l
V eatch gave a poetic reading.
A dram atic presentation of
the history and sym bolic m ean
ing of the Great Seal of the U.S.
was written and d irec ted by S.
Ann Clark. The c a s t included
E sth e r Ross. T hrift. K a r l
Goesele. Richard Svihus. Jaxon
M atthews, Charles Rizzo, Fred
M cPherson, Russell Barden, L.
M. Hamblen, and R ob ert Perry.

Pottstown Mercury
Pottstow n, Pennsylvania
Friday, Decem ber 31, 1971
Page A9

A d ve rti s e m e n t
KEY TO S E C R E T S . Rosicrucian Mys
ticism in Modern F o r m . The Rosicru
cian Order, AMORC, which produced
some of the world's qreafest M a str r* .
is today a d y n a m i c , vital force in the
lives of thousands of persons. In i s
p r iv a te teachin gs it pr e s e r v e s the a n
cient wisdom that was fostered by the
P y r a m i d builders of Ancient Egypt
With a knowledge of cosmic laws and
mystical principles you can chan ge th
course of your life and a t t r a c t SUC
CESS, HEALTH, H A P P I N E S S , and a
de ve lo pm en t of m e n t a l foresight that
will be both satisfying and r ew a rd in g .
The official Rosi crucian teachings a r e
ne v e r sold in books. You m a y , how
e ve r, write for a free book called THE
M A ST ER Y OF L I F E in which the
s t r a n g e story of the Rosicrucians is
told and full p a r t i c u l a r s given as to
how you m a y h a v e their pr ivate teach
inos. Address: Scribe I. I. I. Rosicru
cian Orde r, AMORC, San Jose, Cali
fornia 95114.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
M onday, December 13,1971
Page 4

Y u le Party
Rose C h a p t e r of the
Rosicrucian O rd e r will hold its
annual C h ristm a s party F ri
day at 7:30 p.m . a t Arion Hall.
A potluck supper w i l l
precede the program with
families and f r i e n d s of
m em bers invited. Each person
is to bring a gift ($2 m a x
imum) m a rk e d m a n ,
lady/* g irl o r b o y
E ntertain m ent and s p e c i a 1
music a re planned.


San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Friday, February 18, 1972
Page 8

H a s M an a C re a tiv e M in d
Pouter T h a t May Be Used to
D eterm ine His F u tu re ?

by the


Fr. Robert t. Danials, Speaker

8 : 3 0 P.M.

Burlingame Woman's Cfub

241 Park Road, Burlingame

Independent Press-Telegram
Long Beach, California
Sunday, M arch 19,1972
Page W-5

Rosicrucians to install
new slate of officers


of Abdiel

L o d g e will be installed
during form al cerem onies
a t 0 p .m . F rid a y in Rosi
c ru cian Hall, 2455 A tlantic
M rs. Aleck N. E d w a rd s
will ta k e over as m a ster.
O thers assum ing new du
ties a r e M rs. F lo ren ce
Chappel, T hom as J. Bodine, S ylvester W iseheart,
John D elahunt and Mrs.
E m m a P . Delatiunt.
The installation coincides
with th e beginning of the
R osicrucian N e w Y e a r
which sta rts with a sy m

bolic feast at the tim e of

the vernal equinox.
The Rosicrucian Order
dates back Lo the reign ol
P h aro ali Akhnaton in 13f>0

The T erre Haute Tribune

Terre Haute, Indiana
Thursday, M arch 23, 1972
Page 26

To Celebrate
New Year
The Franz Hartmann Pronaos
of The Rosicrucian O r d e r ,
A.M.O.R.C., will hold its annual
New Years Ceremony Sunday,
March 2 6 , at 2 p m. in its lodge
rooms in The Odd Fellows
Temple, 22 S. 8th St.
A c c o r d i n g to Mrs. Mary
English. Master of the local
body, such a ceremony was cus
tomary in ancient Egypt from
t h e Memphite to Ptolemaic
times to mark the beginning of
the new year at the time of the
spring equinox.
The event was symbolic of
new life in the earth and was
commemorated by the use of
the basic food elements of corn,
grape juice and salt.
Since The Rosicrucian Order
traditionally had its beginning
in the reign of Akhnaton in B.C.
1350. it memorializes its ancient
origin Ih this symbolic feast.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, M arch 23,1972
Page 29

To Observe
Vernal Equinox
The Rosicrucian O rd e rs local
Rose chap ter will celeb rate the
ancient rite of new y e a r F riday,
observing the vernal equinox.
The order, known fully as the
Ancierrt and Mystical Order of
Ihe Rosae C rue is (AMORCi a
ii o n - r e I i glous philosophical
fraternity which claim s i t s
origin in the* reign of the Kgyptian Pharoh, Akhnatop in 1350
New ch apter officers who will
installed in the Tieeting a t
Arion J a il, 230 Plymouth St., at
a r e Robert T h r i f t ,




e c re ta ry ; Marlene S m i t h ,
ch airm an of the board o f
tru stie s;
Hassell B a r d v n ,
chaplain; Charles Rizzo, o u t'T
g u a r d i a n . and Betty Jo
W eatherbie. inner guardian
The vernal equinox, m ark in g
the beginning of spring, is
M arch 21. when the sun crosses
the celestial equalor and e n te rs
^the zodiacal sign of Aries.

The Odessa American

Odessa, Texas
Sunday, M arch 26, 1972
Page 16-A

Order Slated
Adm inistrative and ritualistic
officers of the Rosicrucian P e r
mian Basin Pronaos will be in
stalled in special cerem onies at
3:15 p.m. Sunday.
The celebration of the ancient
New Y ear rite will be held in the
Murphy Rochester Building, 420
North Lincoln.
New officers to be installed
are F. B. Corbell, m aster; Mrs.
Clemence Caston. guardian; and
Ben M cGlam ery, secretary.
According to M rs. Jeanne
Jones, currently m a ste r of the
Rosicrucians, the ancient Egyp
tians began their new y ear on or
about the time of the vernal
equinox, when the sun crosses
the celestial equator and enters
the zodiacal sign of Aries, which
alw ays occurs on o r about
M arch 21.
This was considered the be
ginning of the New Y ear and
symbolic of new life.*
"The occasion of the New
Y ear is celebrated by a sym
bolic feast in which the cele
brants partake of sim ple foods
corresponding to certain basic
elem ents of N ature; such as,
salt, corn and unferm ented
grape ju ic e / she said.

Evening Independent
St. Petersburg, Florida
Thursday, May 4, 1972
Page 17-B

Rosicrucian Confab In Tampa

The Southeastern Conclave of the
Rosicrucian Order AMORC will m eet
May 11-13 at International Inn in
, Principal speaker will be Gerald
Bailey of California, editor of R osi
crucian publications.
Other speakers are: Fern Palo,
Grand Councilor of the North Atlan
tic States; Leo Toussaint, Grand
Councilor for Southeastern States;

Dr. John Palo and three Regional

Monitors, Ted Shephard of M iamiFort Lauderdale, Haley Scurlock of
Atlanta and Andrew Powell, St. P e
Theme of the three-day session is
I Will Add My Light to Yours. The
program will include m ystical dis
courses, film s and slides, a ritual
drama, a banquet and other special

Independent Press-Telegram
Long Beach, California
Sunday, May 14, 1972
Page W-12

A M O R C slates strawberry fete

The annual Strawberry

Mrs. Frances R. Holland,

F estiv al,
by . AMORC grand.councilor.
AMORC R 06ierucian Or*
der. will take place next
Sunday at 2 p .m . in the p**tio garden of Abdiel Ixnlge,
2455 A tlantic Ave.
F eatured speaker will be !

Long Beach, California
Tuesday, June 13,1972
Page B-10

award fo doctor

' Charles LeRoy Low m an,

M .D ., of Los Angeles, foun
d e r of Orthopedic Hospital,
is recipient of th e 1971 R os
icru cian
H u m an itarian
A w ard presented by Long
B each Abdiel IiOdge.
D r. Lowman, now 01.
has retired after devoting
rposl of his life to aiding
children and polio victim s.
P resenting the aw ard
w h s Carol Young, m a ster
of the lodge.

Wins h u m an itarian aw ard

Daily Northwestern
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Saturday, July 1, 1972
Page 22-2

Rosicrucians Name
Extension Volunteer
NEEN AH Mrs. Ruth Barry,
1733 iNorth St., lias been appoint
ed an extension volunteer by the
g ran d .lod ge of the Rosicrucian
order (AMORC), San Jose, Cal
if. Her duties w ill be to dis
sem in a te information about the
which is devoted to the in
vestigation, study and practical
application of natural and spiri
tual la w s, she said.

Idaho Free Press

Nampa, Idaho
Thursday, August 3, 1972
Page 12

gather for
NAMPA Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry C. Lord 1235 Canyon S t ,
attended the Rosi*
crucian InternationalConvention
hold in San Jose, Calif. From
July 9-14, more than 1,200 Rosicrucians from throughout the
world attended c la ss e s, lec
tures, and demonstrations of
scientific Rosicrucian philoso
The Rosicrucian Order (AMOKC) is a non-profit, cultural
and educational fraternity of men
and women. It is nonsectarlan.
The organization sponsors an
Egyptian Museum in San Jose
which houses the largest Egyp
tian collection w est of Chicago.
Among many activities, con
sulting Egyptologist Dr. Max
Guilmot of B ru ssels, Belgium,
lectured on EgyptologyRosicrucian history dates traditi
onally to one of the Egyptian
Pharaohs. The entertainment
highlight was a performance by
the British concert pianist, Al
bert Ferber.

The T erre H aute S tar

T erre Haute, Indiana
Saturday, Septem ber 23, 1972
Page 6

The Franz Hartmann Pronaos
of the Rosicrucian O r d e r ,
(AMOHC) will conduct its an
nual fall Pyramid
Ceremony Sunday al 3 p.m. in
the lodge roms in the Odd*
Fellows Temple, 22 S. 8th St.

The ceremony, wlidch Lakes

place at the tim e of the f^Jl
equinox when -the sun enters Li
bra, cornmemoraies tbe building
of tohe Great Pyramid of Glzeh
in Egypt, begun at that time of
the year.
As the Rosicrucians tradi
tionally trace their beginning lo
Egypt around 1350 B. C.. they
commemorate their a n c i e n t
origin and reaffirm their c o m -.
mitment to e n lis tm e n t by
building a symbolic pyramid,
eadi stone representing some
cultural achievement of the or
T^ie public is invited bo
witness the ritual.

P a lm B e a c h P o s t
P a lm B e a c h , F lo r id a
M o n d a y , S e p te m b e r 2 5 , 1972
Pages C l an d C4

AM ORCs Mark
Order's Founding
All over the world yesterday, tliey gathered to build
k ven in Lake Park, nine people constructed a
pyramid of wooden blocks
The three-foot (all pyramid was bull! by local
m em bers of (he Rosicrucian order
a cultural, philo
sophical organization
(o com m em orate the building
of (h e C re a d 'y ra m id o ffh c o p s in Kgypl
*l( was (he pyram id ul learning and ach iev em en t
said ArUiur Hess, m aster ul the local Anctcn( Mystical
Order of (lie Rosy Cross tAMOKCi, a s (he pyramid
slowly rose.
About 10 people watrhod the Rosicrucians build the
sm all structure with 10 layers of long wooden blocks,
(he name of a virtue w nucn on each layer
First cam e (cm perance, (hen tolerance, fortitude.
chas(Ky. m orality, honesty, justice, (ruth, honor. and
lopping off the pyram id. du(y.
Symbolically (he immature pyram id commemo
rated (he founding of (lie non-secUinan organtzadon by
Akhna(on, Kgypdan lluiroah in 1350 U C and (he
building of his pyram id
Rosicrucians construct the pyram ids annually near
(he day of the auUimnal cquinux. when cons(rucdon of
(he original pyram id is said (o liave been begun more
Ilian I uuo years b efore (lie birth of Christ
In (he 18th century, the organization was reborn
and has flourished throughout the world since tliat
tim e
Turn 10 ROSlfllUCIAN, C4

Continued from Page Cl
T he lo ca l order, w hich
m eets every second Sunday,
has existed since last Novem
ber; 70-80 people from Palm
Beach and Martin counties be
Its devoted to bringing out
capabilities in people they
have a wealth of hidden capa
bilities We teach them how to
control their minds," Hess ex
Rosicrucian is the realiza
tion of God and man. truth,
how the world began. . sever
al studies, but it's m ostly cdu*
caliona! and charitable."

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Septem ber 26, 1972
Page 5


Free Public Lecture

Sponsored by Rose Chapter


Speaker: Chapter Master, Robert Thrift
Question and Answer Period


Social Hour Refreshments



Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, Septem ber 27, 1972
Page 18

Order To Meet
Robert Thrift will present a
lecturc on Awakening the
Power of Mastership when the
Rose Chapter of the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC, meets Friday
at 8 p.m. at Arion Hall, 230
Thrift is the local chapter
master and the lecture will be
followed by a question and
answer period. A film on
Egypt, Cradle of Culture also
will be shown, and a social hour
will follow.
The Rosicrucian Order in an
i n t e r national, nonsectarian,
fraternal body of men and
women devoted to the in
vestigation of natural a n d
spiritual laws.

The Vidette-M essenger

Valparaiso, Indiana
M onday, O ctober 2,1972
Page 3

Observe Rite
Over 250 years ago upon the
continent of North Am erica,
near w here now is located the
city of Philadelphia, Brethren
of the R osy Cross, who had
braved the dangers of the
elem en ts as well as the unjust
prejudices of public opinion to
reach this new land, laid the
foundation of a great pyramid a pyram id of ideals, which
envisaged a future freedom to
inquire into the nature of God,
the universe, and self; ideals
which conceived an era when
knowledge would be applied to
the b e tte r m e n t of m ankind
without restraint by dogm a,
selfish power, or fam e, notes
Mrs. Mary D. Far low, Hobart.
Mrs. Farlow , Master of the
local AM ORC, R o sicru cia n
Calumet Chapter, states that
R o sic r u c ia n s throu ghout the

world gathered to com m em or

ate the building of the great
pyram id in E gypt at the tim e of
th e a u tu m n a l equin ox in
Septem ber. The local Rosicru-.
cians of Calumet Chapter held
th eir c o m m e m o r a tiv e c e r e
mony at the hilltop home of the
Jam es Andersons of Hobart
w ith M rs. F a r lo w , m a s te r ,
The R osicrucians trace their
tr a d itio n a l o rig in back to
Akhnaton, Pharaoh in 1350 B.C.,
who has been described as the
fir s t g r e a t p e r so n a lity in
history. Thus, they com m em o
rate their ancient origin by the
ritualistic and sym bolic con
str u c tio n o f a m in ia tu r e
pyram id. The placing of each
piece sym bolizes the cultural
accom plishm ents of the Order.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
Page 10

Kites Slalcd
I his Weekend
77ic local Rose Chapter of the
Ros i c r u c i a n
A M O R C . will conduct a
ritual convocation at the annual
Central California Conclave of
the order Friday and Saturday
at flic Oa k l a n d Masoni c
M e m o r i a l T e m p l e . .'{903
M argaret
M cGowan,
sn rctarv of ihr Grand l.odgr,
will speak Degree initiations,
discussion periods, forums,
sem inars, experiments and
mystical dramas will he on the
T h e re will be a banquet and

entertainment S a tu rd a y night.
Saturday night

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Sunday, December 10, 1972
Page 7-A



Sunday, Dec. 10th, 3:00 P.M.



Lecturer: Dr. William H. Clark, FRC

G r a n d C o u n c ilo r of the A M O R C

The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC

(A P h i l o s o p h i c a l , C u l t u r a l , F r a t e r n a l O r d e r )


Rosicrucian Order, A M O R C
R o sicru cia n



n onsecta ria n


te rn a l body devoted to the in vestigation, stu dy, and

p r a ctica f a p p lica tio n of n a tu ra l and s p iritu a l (aws
w ill have an open m eeting a t the A n n Arbor Public
L ib r a r y (co rn er of 5th A v e . and W i l l ia m )


8:00 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15

A lecture entilled " V IB R A T IO N S A N D Y O U " and
and movie " D O M A I N OF D E S T IN Y " will be feautured. There will be no charge ond the public is
cordially invited.

The M ichigan Daily

Ann A rb o r, M ichigan
W ednesday, D ecem ber 13, 1972
Page 6


Arcadia Tribune
Arcadia, California
Sunday, F ebruary 4,1973
Page 12

Nflit' Rosicrucian
Rook Available
At Local Library
rea d er s w ill
hn\? a c c e s s to <\ new R osicru cian book in th e D u a r le
p u b lic lib ra ry . It h a s been
d o n a ted to th e lib r a r y by the
O rder and, che " R o sic r u c ia n
y u eM io n s ar.rj A n sw er s With
C om p lete H istory o f rhe Or
d e r b y H. S p en cer L e w is.
T his donation to th e lib r a r y
is th e resu lt of s e v e r a l re*
m ie s is from lo c a l r e a d e r s
that th e s e b o o k s be m a d e
a v a ila b le to th e p u b lic. A
y e a r ly ap p rn p iia tici; is m a d e
by tlie R o sicru cia n O rder :o
p rovid e the etlucnlionaJ, p h il
rsT iscclarin n
w orks of Hie o rg a n iza tio n to
such pu b lic in stitu tio n s ,v, li
b r a r ie s and h o s p ita ls. I! is
sa id lh a t the r u m her of R o si
c ru cia n book s nt th e lCLal li
b rary w ill bo in c r e a s e d a s
p u b lic in ter e st c ie n le s a d e
m an d for th en :.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, F ebruary 25,1973
Page 7-B

T he V alley L od ge of tlu*
A n cient M ystical Order ol
R osicrucians w ill host u
public lecture on W ed n es
day at 8 p.m. at th e lodge.
J0716 P arth en ia S t.. S epu l
T he R osicru cian Order
is a group of m en and
wom en d evoted to th e in\ c s lig a tio n , s tu d y and
p r actical a p p lica tio n of
natural and sp ir itu a l law s,
w hich w ill e n a b le m an
kind to liv e in h arm on y
w ith th e c r e a tiv e , con
stru ctiv e co sm ic forces.
G uest sp e a k e r for the
ev en in g w ill be F rancis
H olland, gran d co u n cilo r
for th e S o u th ern C alifor
nia area. S h e w ill sp eak on
The T h ree F old Path.**
v o v e r in g th e p h y sica l,
m ental and sp ir itu a l parts
of m an's being.
T here w ill be op p ortu
n it ie s to p a rticip a te in e x
perim ents. and q u estion *
w ill I k * an<wend.

The Tim es-Standard

Eureka, California
Sunday, M arch 4, 1973
Page 1*3



year 350,00ft persons visit one or
(lie world's finest Egypitan
museums or. a tour that includes
walking through a. tviil sited
replica of a tomb of 2000 B.C.
The museum Is housed in one
of nine buildings making up the
llw> in*
IcrnntionMl fraternal organiza
tion called the Rnstcnicinns, j
located in this Santa Clara
County city since 1927.
"We have aa iargo a mummy
collection as anywhere in the
United States," Rays Arthur
Plepenbrlnk, the g r o u p ' s !
. The fraternal order traces its.
origins back lo the Bnoienls of;
Eftypt and al! its Impressive
bulldlnfls fire in- Egyptian

Daily Independent Journal

San Rafael, California
Monday, M arch 5, 1973
Page 36

Museum O f Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly

EGYPTIAN MUSEUM One of the worlds

finest Egyptian museums is found in San
Jose at the headquarters of the Rosicrucians.
an international fraternal organization. Each

year some 350.000 persons visit the museum

and are taken on a tour which includes
walking through a full-sized replica of a
tomb of 2000 B D.
.w>i **<*

Daily Independent Journal

San Rafael, California
M onday, M arch 5, 1973
Page 36

Museum Of Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly

one can appreciate the words of


y ear 350.000 persons visit one of
the world's finest Egyptian mu
seums on a tour that includes
walking through a full sized
replica of a tomb of 2000 B.C.

B ritish a rc h e o lo g ist H ow ard

C arter when he discovered it in

The museum is housed in one

of nine buildings making up the
headquarters of the internation
al fraternal organization called
the Rosicrucians. located in this
Santa Clara Countv citv since
We have as large a mummy
collection as anywhere in the
U nited S ta te s . s a y s A rth u r
Piepenbrink. the group s secre
The fraternal order traces its
origins back to the ancients of
Egypt and all its im pressive
buildings are in Egyptian archi
We feel Western civilization
stems from Egypt and fashion
o u r buildings a f te r ancient
Egypt in the sam e way many
public buildings use Greek a r
chitecture. Piepenbrink said
A stately row of ram sphvnxes leads up to the golden doors
and papyrus-type columns of
the museum, built in 1968

In one museum gallery is a

full-sized reproduction of the
mummy case of the famous
King Tutankham en, the only
reproduction in the world of the
costly original located in Cairo.
Standing before the mummy.

"F o r a moment, time as a

factor in human li/e has lost its
m eaning. he said. The very
a ir you b re a th e , unchanged
through the c e n tu rie s, you
share with those who laid the
mummy to its re st."
A few yards from Tutankha
m ens mummy is the highlight
of the tour: a full-sized repro
duction of a noble's tomb of the
12th Dynasty.
The tomb, the only one of its
kind in North America, is fash
ioned after those found near the
Arab village of Beni Hasan.
The initial cham ber of the
tomb has m assive columns, a
false door, a recessed alcove
and sculptured walls.
The guide says the false door
was for the soul which was

often depicted as a humanhead

ed bird.
The Egyptians believed that
the soul flew about by day and
returned to the body at night. It
entered the outer coffin through
another false door and identi
fied the mummy by its facial
No m atter how impressive

Daily Independent Journal

San Rafael, California
M onday, M arch 5,1973
Page 36

IVutrrrkaa*rrk .
aiaaain iaar cl*h*r,

m r h r ii

Museum Of Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly

%j i*a njrmo
Itanaa afcfraaavaaaa
niaaartValagtat InaH
M T t - Car*
rartaraVahraraarw<aa TVCCrptaanahalaraa**al

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Ikroaifh Ihr rralanra. ym i
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AtaMtnaa>4 rawn>
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laaarmm (aimaaa

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EfiVPIWN' MfSKtM- Onr<>l II)e tirid*

mUHTim>ia fmind in San
J*ral IhrSr.u|quarlrr*of IhrRixirniriaiVa
iinrl E gyptian

an m trrn a tio n a l fra lrm a l urv.ini/uiinn Each

M -ar Mime ttfl onti p rrw n * v m i ih r m u m m

.irtrt art* lak cn on a lo u r a h ir h in c lu d e

alkirn; th rough a f u ll a im l rrp lic a o( a
lix n b u l 3 H 1)

TV tnUuaU>aMaaOa
rim*my4ajacaaaraa*U S V
Mr firmrahrrfbaarraa


Daily Independent Journal

San Rafael. California
Monday, March 5,1973
Page 36
I t fc ti m itn r l M f l .

Kotiy Hut* i H 73

Museum O f Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly
. . . . ..



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Radical Cap italists W o u ld G ive

Everyone A Piece O f The Action t*r2^2Jr5?HH
IN 0 ^ w r r M (I m

TV. Vnw*>*<
Vttwdrnn >u>|ltafM
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Impact Report
Due Discutsion

n Lrt*vvw DMmn


7 t M

fU K

3 W o * CfCtot N orm ol


$2 0 9 95

Museum O f Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly

EGYPTIAN MUSEUM One of the worlds

finest Egyptian museums is found in San
Jose nt the hradquarters of the Rosicrucians.
an international fraternal organization. Each

year some 150.000 persons visit the museum

and are taken on a tour which includes
walking through a full-sized replica of a
tomb of 2000 B D.

Museum O f Rosicrucians
Draws Thousands Yearly
year 350.000 persons visit one of
the world s finest Egyptian mu
seums on a tour that includes
walking through a full sized
replica of a tomb of 2000 B.C.
The museum is housed in one
of nine buildings making up the
headquarters of the internation
al fraternal organization called
the Rosicrucians. located in this
Santa Clara County city since
We have as large a mummy
collection as rmywhere in the
United S tates. says A rthur
Piepenbrink. the group s secre
The fraternal order traces its
origins back to the ancients of
Egypt and all its impressive
buildings are in Egyptian archi
"We feel Western civilization
stems from Egypt and fashion
our buildings a fte r ancient
Egypt in the same way many
public buildings use Greek ar
chitecture." Piepenbrink said
A stately row of ram sphynxes leads up to the golden doors
and papyrus-type columns of
the museum, built in 196ti
In one museum gallery is a
full-sized reproduction of the
mummy case of the famous
King Tutankhamen, the only
reproduction in the world of the
costly original located in Cairo.
Standing before the mummy.

one can appreciate the words of

B ritish archeologist Howard
Carter when he discovered it in
"For a moment, time as a
factor in human life has lost its
meaning." he said "The very
a ir you b reathe, unchanged
through the centuries, you
share with those who laid the
mummy to its rest
A few yards from Tutankha
men's mummy is the highlight
of the tour a full-sized repro
duction of a noble's tomb of the
12th Dynasty.
The tomb, the only one of its
kind in North America, is fash
ioned after those found near the
Arab village of Beni Hasan
The initial chamber of the
tomb has massive columns, a
false door, a recessed alcove
and sculptured walls.
The guide says the false door

was for the soul which was

often depicted as a humanhead

ed bird.
The Egyptians believed that
the soul new about by day and
returned to the body at night. It
entered the outer coffin through
another false door and identi
fied the mummy by its facial
No matter how impressive

' one feels the outer chamber is,

nothing prepares him for the
stu n n in g in n e r c h a m b e r,
reached via a descending corri
The brilliantly-colored walls
show everyday scenes of Egyp
tian life: farmers herding cows
to market, butchers slaughter
ing cattle, hunters going after
The Egyptians were fearful of
grave robbers and buried their
bejewelled mummies in a shaft
in the center of the chamber.
The outer coffin, however, is
damaged showing that the
thieves were even more clever.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, M arch 15, 1973
Page 30-A

Rosicrucians Set to Install

New Slate on Sunday Night
N e w officer* of th e R o
sicru cian s V alley L o d g e
w ill be installed S u n d a y a t
S p.m. at 15716 P a r th e n ia
St., Sepulveda, w ith m a n y
v i sitin g m em b ers fro m
surrou ndin g c itie s a tte n d i n g t h e c erem on y, a
sp ok esm an of th e o rd er
T he n e w o ffice r s are
Joh n P h illip son , m a ster;
A da M ay W eitv, s e c r e
t a r y; G w en d olyn W e tterstrom , chap lain ; L o rin
R am bo, outer g u a rd ia n ;
M ary V ann, in n er g u a r d
ian; and M ickey A d a m s,
A ccordin g to A p ril M anton ya, m aster of th e R o sic r u cian San F e r n a n d o
V a lle y Lodge, th e a n c ie n t
E g y p tia n s, from th e tim e
of M em phis to th e P to le
m aic Period, b eg a n th e ir
N e w Year a lw a y s on or

abou t th e tim e o f th e ver

nal equin ox, w h en th e sun
on its jo u rn ey c ro sses the
c elestia l equator an d e n
te r s the Z odiacal S ig n of
A ries, w h ich a lw a y s oc
cu rs on or about M arch 21.
T his w as co n sid ered the
b e g in n in g of th e
N ew
Year, b eca u se sp r in g is
sy m b o lic of n e w life
em p h asized b y th e rea w a
k e n in g of nature from th e
dorm an t period of w in ter,
th e b u rstin g forth o f blos
som s, and th e g r o w th of
liv in g th ings.
The occasion o f th e N ew
Y ear w ill b e celeb ra ted ,
stated A pril M an ton ya, by
a sym b olic fea st in w h ich
th e p a rticip a n ts r ec e iv e
sim p le foods, co rresp o n d
in g to certa in b a sic ele
m en ts of n atu re, su c h as
s a l t , corn and u n fer
m en ted grape ju ices.
A s th e R osicru cian Or
der, AMORC, a non re
lig io u s bu t p h ilo so p h ica l
fratern ity, m a in ta in s th at
its traditional o r ig in oc
curred d u rin g th e r e ig n of
A jnem h otep IV, in 1350
B C , t h e o r d er com -

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, M arch 15, 1973
Page 30-A

m em orates th is
a n c ie n t
N e w Y ear b e g in n in g w ith
a cerem on y th o u g h non
religiou s, th a t em b ra ces
th e allegorical sig n ific a n c e
of the age-old E g y p tia n
March 21 is also th e be
g in n in g of th e fis c a l peri
od of all R o sicru cia n lodg
es and ch ap ters th ro u g h
ou t th e w orld, an d th e
d ate is m arked b y th e in
sta lla tio n of n e w ritu a l
istic and a d m in istr a tiv e
o ffic e r s ____________________

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, M arch 18, 1973
Page 38

Install Friday
N e w o ffice r s for the R ose
C h a p ter of th e R o s ic r u c ia n
O rder. A M O R C w ill be in
sta lle d for the c o m in g R o sic r u
cian y e a r 3326. at a special
con vocation F r id a y at ft p m . in
Arion H all. 230 P lym ou th St
T h ey are:
L illian
B o y le,
m a s te r ; Robert M ead er. d ep u
ty m a s t e r , A l i e n e A n g e l ,
s e c r e t a r y of t h e b o a r d of
tru stees; Saul N azario.
chaplain. D w ayn e Bicknell.
outer guardian;
T e m p e st, inner guardian.
C arryover
o ffic e r s
another year are: Jam ee
Lucich. chapter s e c r eta r y .
Marlene Smith, chairman,
board of tr u s te e s ; and Karl
G o e se le . trea su rer.
R obert
T h rift.
retirin g
m a s t e r , w il l c o n d u c t the
c e r e m o n ie s
The R osicru cian Order is a
fraternity and ma i n t a i n s that
its traditional origin occu rred
during the reign of P h araoh
Akhnaton of E g y p t, in 1350 B C

B ec a u se the E g y p tia n s b egen

their N ew Y ear at the t i m e of
the v e r n a l e q u i n o x , w h i c h
a l w a y s o c c u r s on or a b o u t
M arch 21. the O rder d o es the
sam e
T his d a t e w a s
sid ered the b eginn ing of a new
y ea r b eca u se Spring is s y m
bolic o f new life

The T erre H aute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
W ednesday, M arch 21,1973
Page 21

d ers traditional beginnings in

ancient Egypt around 1350 B.C.
According to Mrs. Mary Eng
Members of the Franz Hart liah. the presiding m aster; the
mann Pronaos of the Rosicru cerem ony is a dual one: A sy m
cian Order. AMORC. will par bolic feast in which basic ele
ticipate in their annual New ments of nature such a-s sadt.
Year's celebration during the com and unfermented grape
period of the spring equinox. juice are made use o(; a*nd a
Nonreligious in character, the rorma! induction of new officers
event com m em orates the or for the com ing fiscal year


The feast em phasizes the a lle

gorical significance of this ageold Egyptian Spring Festival
which ushered in the new year
sym bolic of new We. This y ea rs
induction cerem ony will install
Cletis E. Dunham, m aster; Mrs.
Verna Horn, secretary, and
Mrs. Mildred Bachstein. guar
Visiting members from sur

rounding area<s are expected to

be in attendance. The observ
ance will be held in the Pronaos
quarters. 217 Odd Fellow s Tem
pie. this com ing Sunday after
noon. March 25. at 2 p.m .

Reno Evening Gazette

Reno, Nevada
W ednesday, M arch 21, 1973
Page 12

An ancient ceremony cele
brating the Egyptian new year
of the Vernal Equinox will
be performed March 28 by
the Reno Fronaos Rosicrudan s.
After the ceremony, which
will be held at the American
Legion Hall at Ninth and Ral
ston streets at 8 p.m., a sym
bolic meal will be served.
Officers will be installed.
Don Lynch1 will be installed
as new master, Minda Shields,
secretary and Mary Vannoy,
Grand Lodge members are

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Thursday, M arch 22,1973
Page 2-C

To Celebrate
New Year
R o s ic ru c ia n s of the Colorado!
S p rin g s a r e a an d visiting m e m
b e r s from su rro u n d in g cities
will e e le b r a te the R o sicru cian
New Y e a r F rid a y night at C a r
p e n te rs Hall.
It is the r e e n a c tm e n t of a c e r
em o n y th a t b egan in an c ien t
E g y p t o v er 40 c e n tu rie s ago.
T his occasion is also m a rk e d by
th e in stallatio n of new r itu a l
istic and a d m in is tra tiv e offi
c e rs .
O fficers
C olorado I
S p rin g s P ro n a o s who will be in
sta lle d a re: J a c k K um pf, m a s
te r; L o retta H enry, s e c r e ta ry
a n d M elvin McCullough, g u a r d
ian .
A ccording to L a m a r K ilgore,
m a s t e r of the p ron aos, th e a n
c ie n t E g y p tia n s, from the tim e
of M em phis to the P to lem aic i
P e rio d , b eg a n th e ir New Y e a r
on o r about the tim e of the ver-!
n al equinox, when the sun
c ro s s e s the celestial e q u a to r
a n d e n te rs th e zodiacal sign of
A ries, which alw a y s o cc u rs on
or about M arch 21. This w as

iconsidered the beginning of the

N ew Y e a r and w as symbolic of
new life.
T he occasion of the New Y e a r
is c e leb rated , by a symbolic
feast in which the c e l e b r a n t s
p a r t a k e of sim p le foods c o r r e
sponding to c e rta in basic ele
m e n ts of N a tu re , such as: salt,
corn an d u n f e r m e n te d g r a p e
As the R osicrucia n O rde r.
AMORC, a nonreligious, philo
sophical f r a te r n ity , m a in ta in s
that ils tr a d itio n al origin oc
c u r r e d during the reign of P h a
raoh Akhnaton, in 1350 B.C., the
O rd e r c o m m e m o r a t e s this a n
cient New Y e a r beginning with
a nonreligious c e r e m o n y that
e m b r a c e s the allegorical signifi
c a n c e of the age-old E g y p tia n
F o r f u rth e r information te le
phone Mrs. Leslie Zak. s e c r e
t a r y at 685-9790.

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Saturday, April 7, 1973
Page 14-B

Lamar Kilgore
Is Speaker
This Sunday
T he H u m a n A ura - F a c t or
F ic tio n " will be the topic of
L a m a r K ilgore at 10:30 a .m .
this Sunday a t The U n ita ria n
C o m m u n ity C h urch .
K ilgore is th e Regional M oni
tor of the R o sicru cia n O rd e r.
AMORC. In his discussion, he
will p re se n t the scientific and
lp sy chic a p p ro a c h to this d is
puted su b je c t.


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, May 30, 1973
Page 12

Rose Chapter, Rosicrucians,
meets Friday at 8 p.m. at Arion
Hall, 230 Plymouth Street. The
convocation lecture will be
Health: The First Law of
M an" presented by Master
Lillian Boyle. Social hour to

Arizona Daily Sun

Flagstaff, Arizona
Friday, June 29, 1973
Page 5

Karyn Lawrence New

"Extension Volunteer
The Rosicruci an Order,
AMOItC. with its
headquarters in San Jose, Cal.
nas recently issued a certificate
of a p poi nt me nt to Karyn
Lawrence of.27B0 W. Darken.
S\e has been appointed .is an
Extension Volunteer to help the
Order in its extension activities.
Among other duties, these
volunteers tike the responsibili
ly lo see that ail of those who
wish to know more about the
O rder are given the information
th e y wish, or arc referred
directly to the Order.
Volunteers also see th at
rc.iding and reception rooms
are offcrred free subscriptions
1j the Rosicrucian Internal focal
magazines, and that the official
publications of the Order are
!:nade available to the libraries
and bookstores. According to
.Miss Lawrence live volunteer
also needs to be aware of the
community services In which
the Order /nay be able to par
ticipate and help.

The Rosicrurians are a nonseetarian fraternal organization

devoted Id the study of natural
an d s p i r i t u a l l a w s . The
emphasis of ibe study Is on prac
tical application, to belp each
individual attain a happier,
healthier, more peaceful life.
The concerns of the Order
extend also beyond the im*
mediate membership to help
communities and nations.
The Rosirrucian Order is non
profit. It is open to those who
seek sincerely for knowledge lo
help p e r f e c t t he i r Inner
faculties, and knowledge to help
them to better meet their own
problems. The Order has its
roots In the beginning mystery
schools of Kgypl, and is believed
to have been spread to Palestine
by Solomon, to Greece by Solon,
and to Italy by Pythagoras.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
T hursday, Septem ber 20,1973
Page 31-B

Mystical Order
to (ommemorale
Rile ol Pyramid
The Rosicrucians are
s c h e d u l e d t o com
memorate the building of
the great pyramid in Eg
The ceremony w ill be
locally enacted Sunday at
3:30 p.m. at the San Fer
nando Valley Lodge. 15716
Parthenia St., Sepulveda.
The public is invited to
witness the ritual.
John Phillipson, master
of the San Fernando Val
ley Lodge, Ancient, Mys
tical Order Rosae Cnicis,
said Rosicrucians through
out the world will gather
for a ceremony on Sun
day, at which time they
w ill reenact the building
of the great pyramid of
Cheops, an Egyptian pharoalt

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, Septem ber 21, 1973
Page 30

Great Pyramid
During the autumnal equinox
in September, Roicnici*n
worldwide will commemorate
th e b u ild in g of the Great
Pyramid in Egypt
Lillian Boyle, mailer of the
local lodge. Rose Chapter, states
that Rosicrucians throughout
th e world wil l gather for
ceremonies today at which
time they will reenact the
building of the Pyramid of
A ccording to Rosicrucian
tradition the Pyramid at Gizah
was begun at the time of the
autumnal equinox Unlike other
pyramids built as burial places,
it was erected as a temple of
learning It is said that its con
s tr u c tio n d em o n stra tes a
know ledge of all the known
sciences of the period including
higher mathematics physics
and th e fu n d a m e n ta ls of
The Rosicrucians trace their
o r ig in back to Akhnaton.
Pharaoh in 1350 BC who has
been described as the first great
personality in history The lodge
co m m em orates its ancient
origin by the ritualistic andsym*
bolic construction of a miniature
Locally the ceremony will be
conducted at Arion Hall to
night at 8pm with the public in

Take a closer look

at Rosicrucian Order .
Although your article (Rosicru
cians Disrupted by Financial Scan* '
dal, Sept. 19) concerning the
financial mismanagement of the Bo*
sicrudan Order CAAfORO was tech- *
nically correct, the perspective'
gained from your description of the
purpose and goals of the Rosicrucian
movements was extremely distorted.
Your perspective was analogous to
that ot Judas describing the growth
of Christianity! As one ancient put it,
one can know everything and un
derstand nothing."
What is the Tea) reason for such
organizations as the Rosicrucians?
What are they attempting to accom
plish? What is the value of Rosimi-*
cianism in a world where life can so
often be insipid, tedious and empty?
Unfortunately, this is often true even
for the small minority of the world
that controls most of its material
assets. The paradox is the more we
get, the less wd enjoy i t For me, the
value of the graded Roekruoan
teachings is that it makes me whole.
It helps me to become consdous of
my soul and my life takes on a new
When one has experienced that
he/she is more than just a physical
body, the fear of death vanishes. Hie
ioy of living intensifies, and ooe
begins to welcome the.challenges of
daily living.

Integration of the self is another

benefit of Rosicrucianism. Learning
to love the masculine and feminine
aspects in us will assist one in
getting along with the opposite gen
der. Life is lived from the inside out,
so if one is having a problem with
women or men/ perhaps that is
mirroring some unresolved conflict
within. The integration of our shad
ow is the hardest to accomplish for it
means that one must respect our
pains and failures (as motivators) as
much as our successes (as sustainers).
It is true that Gary Stewart was
imperator of the Rosicrucians for
several years. However, the unim
portant question for us is whether
Gary Stewart attained the state of
consciousness symbolized by the
word imperator. The important
question is whether any of us has
attained that interior state.
For those of us who have spent no
little time in trying to publicize the
existence and activities of the Rosi
crucians, your mention of its secre
tive nature caused me to laugh. If
one wants to know the MsecrBu of
Rosicrucianism, please either read
Shakespeare or the Bible, but do it
with the heart Live according to
your highest ideas and quit judng
your neighbor. Act according to the
law of love and realize that Ufa is a
t from God, then all the secrets of
a e universe will pour out to you.
Because Rosicrucianism is non
sectarian and deals with universal
principles, it cannot correctly be
designated a sect as your article
s ta te d .

Pittsburgh Post-G azctte

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
W ednesday, O ctober 6 ,1 9 9 3
Page B2

* **

In conclusion, I have not experi

enced the hostility between the sev
eral Rosicrucian groups that the
article mentioned Most aspirants of
these movements understand that
the different forms are from the
same essence/tradition. In fact, at
this time, I am involved In another
organization that supposedly com*
petes with (he Rosicrucians.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, November 9, 1973
Page 12

Rosicrucians To Attend Conclave

Rose Cha pier. Rosicrucians.
will serve the luncheons Satur
day and Sunday at the 10th
annual Central California Con
clave of the order m Oakland,
announced Master Lillian Boyle
There will be no local meeting
Honored guest and speaker at
the convention will be Arthur C.
P ic p e n b r in k of San Jose,
supreme secretary trejisurer A
reception for him will be held
Friday, preceding the conclave
at Oakland Masonic Memorial
Temple. 3903 Broadway, where
the meetings a Iso will be conduc
The program will include
ritual convocations, degree

initiations, forums, seminars,

tech n ica l lectures, mystical
dramas, banquets and entertain
ment on Saturday
The conclave is sponsored by
the subordinate bodies of the
order from Santa Cruz. Mon
terey. San Carlos Oakland San
ta R osa. Stockton. Vallejo and
T he R o sicru cia n s are a
non-sectarian body of men and




investigation, study and prac

tical application of natural and
spiritual laws Its purpose is to
enable all to live in harmony

with the creative, constructive

cosmic forces for the attainment
of health, happiness and peace

The O ttawa Journal

O ttaw a, O ntario, C anada
Tuesday, November 13, 1973
Page 34

Gets award
P a tric ia


directo r

a d m in istra to r


m u ir C entre, will receive the

H u m an itarian aw ard from the
R osicrucian O r d e r a t the
IOOF hall, 332 S om erset St.,
T uesday, Nov. 20 a t 9 p .m .
She will sp eak of the w ork of
h e r c e n tre . P a tric ia Hesson is
the first O ttaw a person to re
ceive the aw ard .

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Tuesday, December 4, 1973
Page 9


You ire invited to a tree lecture

D&cembr 7th. 8:00 p.m.

1 1 5 0 A rro yo A v e n u e ,

S an C arlo s

M r . E d w a r d imm,

of Roriicrucian Order,
A M O ftC , I n s tr u c tio n

Deport merit will tp e a k


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, Jan u ary 17, 1974
Page 15

An a u r a l e c t u r e and
ex p e rim e n t will be given by
M a s t e r L illia n Boyle when
Rosicrucians meet at 8 p.m.
Friday at Arion Hall

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Monday, M arch 4,1974
Page 9

Order To Meet
Mystical svmbnlism will be
the subject ol a free p u b lic lec
ture sponsored by the l<xal Ri>se
ch ap ter of the Rosicrucian
Order, rhapter Master Ijllian
Bo>lo has announced
The d isco u rse bv Robert
Malat Regional Monitor ol the
order fr the Monterey Ray
area is set for KruJav in Anon
Hall. 230 Plymouth Si .it Hp m
A question and answer period
will follow the talk, and the
meeting will close with a social
hour including refreshments.
Boyle said Malat will explain
the R o sicru cia n practical
application of ancient symbolic
lore T he purpose of the
Rosicrucian organization, she
said, is to rnahlc one to live in
harmony with the creative. con
structive cosmic forces through
studv and application of natural
and spiritual laws

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, M arch 5, 1974
Page 8 '

R o sicru cian O r d r A .M .O .R .C .


Sponsored by R o tt Chapter

* The Rosicrucian practical
application of this oncient lore.

b y Robert M olat, Regional M onitor


Social Hour
F rid a y , March 8

S p.m.
2 3 0 Plymouth St.

The Xenia Daily Gazette

Xenia, Ohio
Tuesday, M arch 12, 1974
Page 5

plan conclave
Installation of o ffice r s of E l
bert Hubbard Chapter, Rosi*
(crucian Order, w ill be conduct:ed at the con clave M arch 1?) at
lllo lle n c a m p B ldg., 15 S. Jcfferjson S t., D ayton. T he chapter in ielu d es m em b ers from Greene
County and surrounding areas.
M rs. E v ely n H a n n i n g of j
Union w ill be in sta lled as m as-;
ter of the organization . The an-,
ciont K gvptians b eg a n l l i c i r l
N ew Y ear near the time of thei
vernal equinox, about M arch!

T he N ew Y ear w ill be c e l e
brated by a feast in w hich par
ticipants r ec e iv e sim p le foods,
corresponding to c cr ia in b a sic
elem en ts of nature, s u c h
corn and un ferm en ted
. .
grape ju ice.
The R osicrucian O r d e r , a j
non-religious, philosophical fra
te r n ity , m ain tain s its tradition
al origin occurred during t h e
reign of Pharaoh Adknaton in
1350 B. C. The Order co m m em
orates the ancicnt New Y ea rs
beginning with a non-religious
cerem on y that e m b r a c e s th c
sig n ifica n ce of the age - o Id
E gyptian rite.

The T erre H aute Tribune

T erre H aute, Indiana
M onday, M arch 18, 1974
Page 9

Will Observe
Ancient Rite
The reenactment of a cere
mony that began in E g\p t 40
centuries ago will highlight a
local Rosecrucian conclave to
be held here Sunday afternoon,
March 24
According to Cletis E. Dun
ham, Master of the Franz Hart
man Pronaos of the Rosicrucianj
Order. AMORC. the ancient
Egyptians from the Memphite
Period to the Ptolem aic began
the New Year on or a b o u t
March 21 when the sun crossed
the celestial equator and en
tered the 7odiacal sign of Aries
signifying new life and there
fore fittingly considered the be
ginning of the new y ear.
Master Dunham states that
the occasion is celebrated by a
symbolic feast at which simple
foods are partaken of. food*
corresponding to basic elem ents
of nature, such as salt, com and
unfermented grape juice.
Since the Rosicrucian Order.
a nonreligious and
philosophical fraternity - tra
ditionall.% dates its origin during
the reign of Pharaoh Akhnaton
tea. 1350 R.C.), it com m em or
ates this ancient New Year Rwe
with a ceremony tha< em braces
Uie allegorical significance of
the event.

March 21 is also the begin

ning of the fiscal period of all
Rosicrucian lodges, chapters
and pronaoi throughout the
world: therefore, the occasion
for the installation of ritualistic
and admm<i*trctfi\e officers for
the coming year. New officers
of the locaJ body to be metalled
are: Har*s Kifbraeht. m aster
and Marie Serban, guardian
Verna Horn will serve a second
year as secretary.
Many members from the sur
roundmg area arr pxj>ected to
participate in the p\ent which
will fake place in Mr Fa II Half.
Building. South 6th
Street, at 2 p.m.

The Corpus Christi Caller-Times

Corpus Christi, Texas
Tuesday, M arch 19,1974
Page 6-B

Installation Set
vOfficers of the R o sic ru c ia n
O rder, AMORC, C o rpu s C h risti
chapter, will be in sta lle d at 8
p .m . tom orrow a t its lodge, M 2
Tbey include F e rn a n d o L.
G arza, m a ste r; R o b ert T u r n e r ,
d ep u ty m a s te r; R osa H.
H ernandez, ch ap lain ; M a ria
Amelia Cruz, inn er g u a r d ia n ;
Eugene P ie rre , o u te r g u a r d ,
- and Bene Cantu, tru ste e .

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, M arch 20, 1974
Page 8

New Year Rite

For Rosicrucian
New officers of Rose Chapter.
R o s ic r u c ia n s , who w ill be
installed during the ancient New
Year R ite of the fraternity,
in c lu d e Robert Meader as
Master. Bob Small, secretary;
Karl Goesele. chaplain; Jamch
Lucich, guardian, and Nelson
Boyle, treasurer.
The cerem ony and conclave
are to be at Anon Hall on March
22at8p m.
Master Lillian Boyle of the
local chapter notes that the
ancient Egyptians from the time
of Memphis to the Ptolemaic
Period, began their New Year
always on or about the time of
the Vernal Equinox. That is
when th e sun in its journey
crosses the celestial equator and
enters the Zodiacal sign of Aries,
which always occurs on or about
March 22.
This was considered the begin
ning of the New Year because
spring is symbolic of new life,
e m p h a s i z e d by t h e
reawakening of nature from the
dormant period of winter.
The occasion of the New Year
will be celebrated, according to
Master Boyle, by a symbolic
feast in which the participants
receive simple foods correspon
ding to certain basic elements of
nature, such as salt, com and
unfermented graDe iuice.

R oscoe Conklin, president;

Ethel Young, vice president;
Mr s . H e l l e r , r e c o r d in g
s e c r e t a r y ; Alexa Mackay,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
J. W. Fair, treasurer; Hilda
Van. chaplain, and Mrs. Walter
Wattenberger. guard
Newest members are Mrs. T.
L. Holst and Mrs Mike Kelley.

The Rosicrucian Order is a

n o n -relig io u s, philosophical
fraternity that maintains its
tra d itio n a l origin occurred
during the reign of Pharaoh
Akhnaton in 1350 BC.
March 21 also is the beginning
o f th e f i s c a l p e r io d of
Rosicrucian Lodges and chap
ters throughout the world and is
marked with the installation of
new r i t u a l i s t i c and
adm inistrative officers, .Mrs.
Boyle pointed out.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, M arch 24, 1974
Page 10-A

Valley Rosicrucian Unit

to Install Officers Today
T h e in stallatio n of new ritu
alistic and a d m in istra tiv e
officers of th e Son F e rn a n
do V alley L odge of th e R osi
crucian O rder. AMORC. will
ta k e p la c e t o n ig h t a t 8
oclock a t 15716 P arth en la
St.. Sepulveda.
New officers to be In
stalled a re A lfred A. Bischoff. m aster. K enneth P at
ton. ch ap lain ; Mike Gregg,
g u a r d ia n ; K en M e llin g ,
c h airm an of th e Board of
T ru stees.
B ackground Given
J. H. P h illip so n . m a ste r of
th e R osicrucian S an F e r
nando Valley Lodge, said
th e an cien t E g y p tian s, from

th e tim e of M em phis to the

Ptolem aic Period, began
th e ir New Y ear alw ays on or
ab out th e tim e of the vernal
equinox, w hen th e sun on
its jo u r n e y c ro s s e s th e
celestial eq u ato r and enter*
the zodiacal sign of Aries,
w hich alw ays occurs on or
about March 21.
T his was considered th e
b e g in n in g of th e New Year
b ecause spring is sym bolic
of n ew life em phasized by
the reaw akening of n a tu re
from th e dorm ant period of
w in ter, th e b u rstin g forth of
blossom s, and th e grow th of
living things, h e added.
T h e N ew Y ear will be cel
ebrated. by a sym bolic feast
in w hich th e p articip an ts re
ceive sim ple foods, corre
sponding to certain Iwisic el
em e n ts of n atu re, such as
salt. corn, and u n ferm ented
grape juices, he declared.
O rigin O cc u rred

T he R osicrucian Order.
AMORC. a non religious,
p h ilo s o p h ic a l f r a te r n ity
m ain tain s th a t its tradition
al origin occurred du rin g
the reign of Pharaoh A kh
naton in 13f)0 BC.
T h e order com m em orates
th e an cien t N ew Y ears be
g in n in g w ith a nonreligious
cerem ony th a t em braces
th e allegorical significance
of th e age-old E gyptian rite.
March 21 is also th e begin
nin g of th e fiscal period of
th e R osicru o an Lodges and
C h a p ters th ro u g h o u t th e

The W ashington Afro-American

W ashington, D.C.
Tuesday, May 21,1974
Page 3

Rosicrucian order
presents lecture
Mrs. Mary Ann Fowler,
regional monitor of llic Hoslcrucian Order, AMORC,
will present a free lecture
entitled "The Truth About
Reincarnation on Sunday,
May 20, at 3 00 p m. at the
Martin Luther King \ Ibrary, 901 G St., NVV,
Room 315.
The public is cordially
invited lo attend.
Mrs. Fowler, a native of
Toxias completed her sec
ondary studies in Pitts
burg. Texas and went on
to Philander Smith Col
lege, Little Rock, Arkansas
lor her higher education.
As an active member of
t h e Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, a cultural e&ica. tional fraternity for many
years, Mrs. Fowler has
served the order in various
capacities including m as

ter of the Atianlls Chapter

in Washington, D.C.
She is presently the re
gional monitor of AMORC
f o r the jurisdiction of
Maryland, Virginia and
Washington, D.C.
She Is employed by the
U.S. Atomic Energy Com
mission In Bethesda, Md.,
where, in addition to her
duties as a licensing assis
tant lo the chief, fuel fabr
ication and reprocessing
branch, she serves as an
equal employment oppor
tunity representative for
minority employees councihng them on matters
pertaining to employment
development and advance
Known for her stimulat
ing, thought-provoking lec
tures lo large audiences in
many cities in the United
Slates, she is equally well
known as a writer since
her articles have appeared
in international publica
tions and she is the author
of a delightful book en
titled, Love and L ive.
Mrs. Fowler will present
an exciting, nonsectarian
theory on such universal
laws as the law of Karma
and the law of true justice.
At the conclusion of her
lecture, she wilt be glad to
answer questions about the
AMORC, and its teachings.

T h e F o r t S c o tt T r ib u n e
F o r t S c o tt, K a n s a s
T h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 7 , 1974
Page 3

Local Rosicrucian
Appointment made
The R osicrucian O rder (AMORC) is
being assisted in its extension activities
in this com m unity by W illiam Bowen of
Route 5 who recently received a c e r
tificate of appointm ent a s an extension
volunteer from the G rand Lodge, San
Jo se. Calif.
The duties of such volunteers a re
varied and th e ir services a re without
com pensation. Among other things,
thev are to se e that R osicrucian in
form ation is m ade available to as m any
persons as d e sire it; th at the official
publications of the order a re m ade a
vailable to lib raries and bookstores;
that reception and reading rooms are
offered free subscriptions to the In
te rn a tio n a l R o s ic ru c ia n m a g a zin es.
According to Bowen,
is also a
volunteer's duty to be aw are of com
m unity serv ice in which the order can
p articipate an d help a s the occasion
a rises.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, July 16,1974
Page 4

4Sm t Criu Statist? T b **r, July 14 I*W

' S

l^t d-
* -

Who's in the News

A group of Santa Cruz members of Rose Chapter,
Rosicrucians, attended the order's world convention in San

Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Augusto Marchi. Robert

Meder. master of Rose chapter; Marlene Smith, Robert
Small, Nelson and Lillian Boyle. Paul Veatch. Carl and
Sybil G oeselle, Margaret Goodman, Charles and
Francesca Rizzo, Grace Sanders. Romney Masters and
Marie Fitch.
More than 1200 Rosicrucians from six continents attend
ed the lectures, classes and demonstrations of scientific
Rosicrucian philosophy.
At a banquet and ball at San Jose Hyatt House. 110 new
members were initiated into the traditional Order of Mar*
tinists. Bobbie Heminger of Livermore supervised the in
itiation and Meder assisted as head rober.
The Rosicrucian Order is a cultural, educational, non
profit, nonsectarian fraternity of men and women. It spon
sors the Egyptian Museum m San Jose where the largest
collection in the Western United States is displayed.
Die city-block area of Rosicrucian Park also contains a
Science Museum and Planetarium with the latest equip

The Derrick
Oil City, Pennsylvania
S aturday, July 27, 1974
Page 5

Robert Lee Culbertson of 601
Complanter Ave. has received a
certificate of appointment as an
extension volunteer for the
Rosicrucian Order (AMORC).
He is authorized to conduct
extension activities, such as
becoming aware of community
Services in which the order can

Chicago, Illinois
Sunday, July 28, 1974
S Page 3

Ms. Opel E . Sucharetza,
5646 S. Kedzie ave., recen
R osicrucian world conven
tion in San Jose, CaL, July
Rosicrucians from
throughout the world a t
tended classes, lectures and
dem onstrations of scientific
R osicrucian philosophy.
T he R o sicru cian o rd e r
(AMORC) is a non-profit,
c u ltu ra l and ed u catio n al
f r a t e r n i t y of m en a n d
women. It is non-sectarian.
The organization sponsors
an E gyptian m useum in
San Jo se which houses the
larg est Egyptian collection
in the w estern U.S.
R osicrucian park , com
prising an entire city block,
also co n tain s a scien ce
m useum and planetarium ,
recently remodeled to ac
c o m m o d a te the l a t e s t
com puterized p lan etariu m
equipm ent.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, August 25, 1974
Page 17

Show Coming
To San Jose
The West Coast Watercolor
Society is having an exhibition
of paintings September .V30 at
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum,
Rosicrucian Park. San Jose.
The museum is free and open
to the public daily from 9 a m.
to5p m.
Membership m the society is
limited to 50 noteworthy artists.
The society was organized in
1963 to exhibit the unique
qualities of transparent watercolor and its wide range of
Watercolor can be fresh and
exuberant or immensely com
plex and subtle.' notes Bumam
Schaa. curator of the museum.
While many of these artists
also work with other media, it is
the fluid, transparent watercolor w hich appeals to them as
the most spontaneous and vital.
E v ery artist has a personal
point of view and an individual
way of expression. Here you
wiil f i n d m a n y different
styles from the traditional to
the experimental. All of these
are artists of professional skill
a n d q u a l i t y wh o h a v e
something interesting to depict
in visual terms.'

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Monday, September 16, 1974
Page 2


Free Public Lecture

Sponsored by Rose Chapter

. Edward Lee, Dept, of Instruction
Grand Lodge AMORC. , San lott


Social Hour Refreshments


8 :0 0


North* Cafifwwo Savings & Loan Udg.

75 Rhrer St., Sta Crux

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Septem ber 17, 1974
Page 20

Ldward Lee of San Jose will
lead an Inquirers Forum at a
p u b l i c m e e t i n g of i h e
Rosicrucians tonight at 8 p.m.,
Northern California Savings, 75
Ri\er St. Lee has 20 years of
AMORC service in the depart
ment of instruction. His talk
will be on self development.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa C ruz, California
Thursday, Septem ber 19,1974
Page 10

Rosicrucians to Present
Pyramid Ceremony
Rose Chapter. Rosicrucians.
w i l l o b s e r v e a Pyrami d
cerem ony Friday at its 7:50
p m. meeting at Arion Hall The
session is open to the public and
2 0 - v e a r m e m b e r s will be
honored. Pot luck dessert will be
The observance is conducted
by Rosicrucians worldwide,
w h e n the sun cro sses the
celestial equator, signalling the
autumnal equinox in Septem
ber The building of the Great
Pyramid of Cheops at (iizah is
c o m m e m o r a t e d in the
c e r e m o n i e s , according to
Robert 0 Meader. master of
the local chapter.
Rosicrucians throughout the
w o r Id will g a t h e r for a
cerem ony at which time they
will reenact the building of the
Pyram id of Cheops m Kgypt
about 2900 B. C. , * Meader

A c c o r d i n g to Meader.
Rosicrucian tradition has it that
the first stone of the Pyramid
w a s laid at the time of the
autumnal equinox. Unlike other
pyramids that were erected as
burial monuments during the
a g e of the pyram ids, the
Pyramid at Gizeh was built as a
temple of learning It is said
that its construction demon
strates a knowledge of all the
known scicnces of the period,
including higher mathematics,
physics and some of the fun*
dam entals of astronomy that
are recognized today
The Rosicrucians trace their
t radi t i onal origin back to
Akhnaton. who was Pharoah in
1350 H f . and who has been
described as the first great |>ersonahty in history.
Thus, they commemorate
t hei r ancient origin by the
ritualistic and symbolic con
s t r u c t i o n of a miniature
pyram id. The placing of each
block sym bolizes one of the
cultural achievements of the

The ancient ceremonv will l>o

enacted Friday at H p in at
A n o n Hall. 210 Plymouth
Street, and is open to the public

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, November 8, 1974
Page 10

Rosicrucians Present Mystical Play

A m y stical play. The
Stones Cry Out' will be
presented by Rosicrucians of
the local Rose Chapter at the
Central California conclave of
the Hosirrucian order Satur
day at the Oakland Masonic
The play was written by
Rose m em b er Ann Clark
whose two previous plays are
"Pythagoras in the Temple"
and The ( ireat Seal of I nited
States The playwright says
her plays are slanted toward
the mystical and symbolic in
fluences of events in the lives
of men
The Stones Cry Out" is a
dramatization of the reunion
of science and mysticism with
emphasis on new highlights on
the Kssenes and the Dead Sea
S c r o lls
an d
o th e r
archeological findings in
Mesopotamia and Israel
Robert Malat of Boulder
Creek regional monitor ol the
Rosicrucian order, directs the
play M usician is R obert

Local Rosicrucians who will perform in a play. The Stones Cry Out
Saturday at the order's conclave in Oakland are standing from left. Janet
Lucich. Ann Clark (also the playwright). Karl Goesele, Robert TTirift.
Barbara Duren and Sadako Okamura; seated. Fred McPhearson, Sybile
Goesele and Robert Meader.


The Ledger
Lakeland, Florida
M onday, January 20,1975
Page 4C

Woman Falls For Man

W ho Is A Rosicrucian
I'm In love with a man
w ho Is a m e m b e r of th e
Rosicrucians, He's one of the
m ost beautiful* people I've
ever known not on the out
side, but the inside. He has
taught m e that God helps
those who help themselves."
P lease tell me what Rosicruclanism Is.
The Encyclopedia says that
many R osicrucians
c a te g o ric a lly deny it is a
religion. They hold it to be
rath er a philosophy. Apparen
tly there are many branches
of Rosicrucianism.
Some claim the teaching
was started by a man named
C h ris tia n R osenkruez. He
w a s on a p ilg r im a g e to

My Answer
*t *%.



Billy Graham

Da m ascus in the 17th cen

t u r y . w hen he claim ed he
rec ttived the secret wisdom
th .- f t m a k e s up R o s icru danism .
El y id e n tly , i t 's a co m
b in a tio n of Egyptian Her-

m e tls m , G n o sticism and

cabalism , with a mixture of
alch em y , and some occult
beliefs and practices. Their
symbol is the cross and the
rose another accounting for
th e n a m e . H ow ever, you
s h o u l d know t h a t the
Rosicrucian interpretation of
the cross docs not match the
N ew T e s t a m e n t I n t e r
pretation of Christs death as
the Redeemer for the sins of
the world. .
I a g r e e t h e m a n yo u
describe is unusual, but you
b e lte r check out the com
pat i bi l i t y of your beliefs.
Read 2 Corinthians 6:14. Far
too many couples minimize
the im portance of their In
dividual faith, and marriage
is thereby greatly jeopardized
if not destroyed.

Independent Press-Telegram
Long Beach, California
Saturday, February 15, 1975
Page A-3

l I am interested in joining the Rosicrucians but
would like to have more information about them before
fommitting myself. Could Action Line please find out
what the Rosicrucians espouse? D.J., Long Bench.
; The Rosicrucian. Order is a worldwide fraternal
organization based on the philosophy that a person's
well-being Is best achieved by " attuning
self to a
fiigbcr consciouseM, according to Raymond Morgan,
Km;icrucian promotion director. It expounds a system
of metaphysical and physical philosophy in whirh the
member Is taught the significance of the cosmic and
natural laws which an* found manifest in the universe
around him and In himself. The word "Rosicrucian' is
the anglicized form of the original Latin name of the
order Rosae Cruclas, which means of the rosy cross.
A cross and a red rose are the symbols for order.
Although the order bases its fifties on Christianity, it
vlaims it Is not a religious sect uml is uunsectarian in
every respect. Traditionally, the Rosicrucian Order
claims to trace ita origin to the mystery schools of
learning established during the reign of Thutmose 111
in K gypt ^boot 1500 B.C. Today the Rosicrucians have
lodges al; over the world, Including the Supreme Grand
Lodge in San Jose. For more Information write Kosi*
Jjruclan Order, 1342 Naglee Avc., San Jose, Calif. 95191.

Independent Press-Telegram
Long Beach, California
Sunday, M arch 9, 1975
Page 18

Museiyn Has
New Show
W a te r co lo r s by Hubert Burl
arc on d isp lay through March 31
a t th r R o s ic r u c ia n E gyptian
M useum .
Art director of the* San F ran
c isc o C hronicle, he currently is
p r e s id e n t of th e West C o a st
W a te r c o lo r S o c ie ty . He has
painted m a n y places, from the
P a c ific islan d s to Europe:, and
all of his p ain tin g s arc executed
on location T he show is open
d a ily , ad m issio n free.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, M arch 20, 1975
Page 13

Rosicrucian New Year's

Feast is Friday
Janice Lucich of Rio del
Mar. newly-elected master of
Rose Chapter. Rosicrucians.
will be installed Fndav even
ing in 7:15 ceremonies at
Anon Hall Other officers will
be seated, and the Rosicru
cian New Year will be observ
ed .
Karl Goesele is deputy
m a s te r : H iram Cooley,
chaplain. Mane Fitch, inner
guardian and Remold Ganzer.
chairman of the board
Mrs Lunch has made her
home in the Watsonville and
Rio del Mar areas for the past
20 years and has been active
in PTA. 4-H, Cub Scouts, Lit
tle League and Brownies
while her three children were
growing up
Her hobbies are watercotor
painting. She is a member
of P ajaro Valley Artists
Association i and music. She
plays the piano and organ.
She says she has made a
serious study of philosophical
and metaphysical subjects for
many \ears. Inner develop
ment and the understanding of
self are the most important
goals and achievements ot the
Rosicrucian philosophy, she
T h e New Y e a r w a s
celebrated by the ancient
Egyptians from the time of
Memphis to the Ptolemaic
period, on or about the time of
the Vernal Kquinox, when the
sun crosses the celestial
e q u a to r and e n te rs the
zodiacal sign of Aries. This
always occurs on or about
March 21.
This was considered the
beginning of the New Year
because spring is symbolic of
new life emphasized bv the
reawakening of nature from

feast during which they will

receive simple foods, cor
responding to certain basic
elements of nature such as
salt, com and unfermented
grape juices.
The Rosicrucian Order.
AMORC. is a non-religious
philosophical fraternity which
maintains that its traditional
origin occurred during the
reign ol Pharaoh Akhnaton in
1350 B C The ancient New
Y ear's beginning is com
m e m o ra te d w ith a non
, . . new master
religious ceremony that em
b r a c e s t he a l l e g o r i c a l celebrate with a symbolic
significance of the age-old L o d g e s a nd c h a p t e r s
Egyptian rite March 21 also throughout the world, and the
is the beginning of the fiscal date is marked by installation
period of the Rosicrucian of officers.

the dormant period of winter,

the burstirg forth of blossoms
and the growth of living
t h i n g s . " n o t e s Ro b e r t
Meader. out-going master of
the local chapter
The local members will

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Saturday, May 3, 1975
Page 8-B

Chris R. Wamken of San
Jose. Calif., will be the
u est speaker at th e sec
ond annual C olorado area
w orkshop sponsored by the
subordinate bodies of the
R osicrucian Order, AMORC
in Colorado, a t the A ntlers
H otel Sunday. W am k en is
rand m aster of AMORC
for the E n g lish and Sp an
ish ju risd ictio n s.

Lexington, North Carolina

Saturday, M ay 4, 1975


Rosicrucian Order
represented here
R osicrucian
Order Penry Street, who recently
(AMORC) is being assisted in Us received a certificate of apextension a ctiv ities in this pointment as an extension
community by Roy C. West of 4 volunteer from the Grand
Lodge, San Jose, California.
The duties of such volunteers
are varied and their services are
without compensation. Among
other things, they are to see that
Rosicrucian information Is
made available to as many
persons as desire It; that the
official publications of the Order
are made available to libraries
and bookstores; that reception
and reading rooms are offered
free subscriptions to the In
ternational Rosicrucian
According to Roy West, it Is
also a volunteer's duty to be
aware of community service In
which the Order can participate
and help as the occuston arises.
The Rosicrucian Order Is a
nonscctarian fruternal body of
men and women devoted to the
practical application of natural
and spiritual laws. The purpose
of the organization is to enable
all to live in harmony with the
creattve, constructive cosmic
forces for the attainment of
health, happiness, and peace. It
Is neither com m ercial nor
The international conventions,
which are held annually, are
attended by hundreds of
members from every part of the
world. Sun Jose, California, Is
the lnternaUonul headquurters
of the Order, where the
m aintuln
uni vers i t y,
p l a n e t a r i u m,
Egyptian Museum and A r t .
Gullery, and a Science Museum
in addition to oxtensive ad*
nUnlstrative facilities.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, May 22,1975
Page 8

Award To Be
Mr a n d Mr s Kd Milewski n(
th e A m e r i c a n Wildlife Re**ur
S r r v i r r in V o lts Valiev Hill be
p re s e n te d with a h u m a n iia n a n
a w a r d f r o m the (.ran rl l/x lg e
I n t r r n a t m n a l O r d e r of
R o s i c r u c i a n s . Kr i dav w hen
R o s e C h a p t e r m e e ts at 7 45
p m a t A n o n Hall
T h e M i l e w s k i s w ere chr*en
fo r t h e i r h u m a n i t a r i a n work
with in ju re d a n im a ls and birds
D u r i n g t h e e v e n i n g a ro u n d
t a b l e wi l l b f c o n d u c te d on
" K v o lu tio n of f o n a n a u v n i

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, June 4,1975
Page 11

They Receive Humanitarian Award

Rose Chapter of Rosicrucians have
presented the AMORC Humanitarian
Award to Ed and Jean Millewski of Felton,
in recognition of the work they have been
doing in teaching young people conserva
tion first hand
The Millewskis not only lecture to school
children of all ages, telling how to care for
sick and wounded wild animals and how to
return them to their natural habitat, but
also actually allow the children to practice
these lessons with real animals in distress

The couple maintain at their own ex

pense the American Wildlife Rescue Ser
vice in Scolts Valley where they have card
for literally thousands of injured or sick
birds and animals during the past few
years Donations as well as rummage and
bake sales help keep the service in opera
The award was presented bv Master
Janice Lunch at the chaptcr s meeting at
Anon Hall

Hose Chapter Master Janice Lucich presents Mr and Mrs. Kd Millevs^kt

with the Rosicrucian Humanitarian award for their efforts in teaching
young people care of animals.

A rizona Daily Sun

F lagstaff, A rizona
Saturday, June 14,1975
Page 5

Braud Gets Appointment



o e n a b l e a n 10 liv f' 1(1 ll''i r r n o r '^

with the creative, constructive

S m i c lorces lor tine attain
ment ot health, happiness, awl
*' w .tr.M (:ri iidivU '.t-N in t i n s
t i0 s to th e In te r n a tio n a l Deace It is neither commercial
h> David !. Braud.
Rosicrucian magazines.
nor religious. The mternaUona
^ FIc&Malf. v.tiu reccnlly
According lo Braud. it is conventions, are heldi an
:^i*ed u IKiiuicait of ap*
volunteer s^ duty ;to he w .
a reh
a voiuiurn
uv are attended by nun
;ir. K . M r n s i m

Order bookstores anc
. W
. W
* *
bc*u^ iisstsicii in Sr w T
m a re o II rc a im -^ * ;

i run?


G rand

t y e . San, Calif

,nc Urdcr
ariS(.s .
Tie wie> ul such tilunieers help as o jS10n ar,il
vjirjfd ;md i!n;ir <ervicos
*'* Wiihoul r u n \p e n sa li n .
*&n? o;htr xlnnes. ihev are
* t o R tfim tfsm .nforma h a mad. available to a .

iw ,r .n ir v in u rd c: i* a
The RV , (rJlcrnal body c:
nonspc a *
devoted to ll'e
men ^

p ra c
io v c s n g a .o n .^ J ;
', and

"Mf.pwwn* as (.sire a. that

Ural appheauon o. nai

lh(' Sllical j.uhlicalums of the

rt,'r are marie available M

0f thc organization is

u s


the R M * n w

E . > " i *
E avptian M useum am
Ciailerv and a Science Museum
in addition t o extensive ad
ministrative facilities.

The Bridgeport Post

Bridgeport, Connecticut
Tuesday, Septem ber 16,1975
Page 13

Rosicrucians Plan
I.ocal Rosicrucians will join
with Rost crucians throughout
the world In commemorating 1lie
building of the Great Pyramid In
Egypt Saturday at 3 p.m. at
Boothe Memorial park.
During the cerem ony, which Is
mndur.ted each year when lhe>
sun crosses the cftlcstinl equator/
signaling the beginning of nuhimr.
In the Northern hemisphere, the
Rosicrucians reinact the building
of the pyramid of Cheops.
traditions, says C h a n n i n g
Brown, m aster of the local
chapter, the Great Pyramid u as
begun at the time of the autum*
jial equinox in the Northern
hem isphere.
pyramids built as a burial place,
it was erected as a temple of
Learning. It is said that its con
struction d e m o n s t r a t e s a
knowledge of all known sciences
of the period including higher
m athem atics and physics, and
the fundamentals of astronomy
recognizcd today,
The Rosicrucians trace their
Akhnaton, pharaoh in 1350 B. C.,
who they describe as the first
great personality in history.
Thus, they com m em orate their
ancient origin by the. ritualistic
and symbolic construction of ?

Reno Evening G azette

Reno, Nevada
W ednesday, Septem ber 24,1975
Page 15

to celebrate
Rosicrucians in Northern
N evada will celebrate the
building of E gypts Great
P y r a m i d at a p u b l i c
cerem ony this evening at
the American Legion Hall in
The cerem ony is observed
worldwide by the order on
each autumnal equinox, to
reenact the building of the
G reat Pyram id at Cheops.
M argery Rude, m aster of
th e R e n o P r o n a o s of
Rosicrucians, said ac
c o r d i n g to R o s i c r u c i a n
t r a d i t i o n s the G reat
Py r a mi d at Gizeh w as
begun at the tim e of the
autum nal equinox in the
northern hem isphere.
U nlike other pyram ids built
as a burial place during the
pyram id age, it was erected
as a tem ple of learning. It is
said that its construction
dem onstrates a knowledge
of all the known scien ces of
the period including higher
m athem atics, physics, and
th e
f u n d a m e n t a l s of
astronomy recognized
The Rosicrucians trace
their traditional origin back
to Akhnaton. Pharaoh in
1350 B.C., who has been
described as the first great
personality in history.

The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Thursday, O ctober 30, 1975
Page 7B

---------------------------------------- ---------------------


invites you to o

meditation and relaxation"

Sunday, Nov. 2, 1975 ot 2:30 P.M.

On Road 70, a few miles west of Raleigh, N.C.
For more information please coll Raleigh 851-0683
or Durham, 544-2545.


A rcadia Tribune
A rcadia, California
Sunday, F ebruary 8,1976
Page A-3

1.KCTIJRK SRT Duartean Arthur Berg, m aster of the

Akhnaton Chapter of the Rosicrucian Order In the
KoothiJI-Pasadena area, discusses the special Feb. 15,
program with Mrs. Frances R. Holland, grand councilor.
The public is invited to the lecture on medltatkwi at 2
p.m. al 2031 E. Villa St.. Pasadena.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, F ebruary 11,1976
Page 11

Master .Janice Lucich will
conduct an appelation ceremo
ny for Rachel L o u is p Sandhol/
when Rosicrucians meet at 7:45
p m Friday at Arion Hall.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, February 26, 1976
Page 13

Experiment, the Changing
A u ra " will be the lecture and
slide topic given hv Lillian
Boyle when Rosicrucians meet
at 7 45 p m . Fridav at A non

The Bridgeport Post

Bridgeport, Connecticut
Friday, M arch 12, 1976
Page 15
Ito s ic n ic ia n s S e t
T o

A p p e a l' T o m o r r o w

A free program . Who and

What arc the KosIc^ucians,, will
be presented tom orrow at 8:30
p.m. In Ihe Boothe M em orial
park halt on Main street,
Sponsored by the Pyram id
Pronaos, Rosicrucian o r d e r
AMORC, the program will in
clude an audio visual p resen
tation and lecture, a /jroup
participation In mediation, a n d
simple experiments in aware
ness, Refreshments will he serv
Not classified * as a religion,
R osicrucians
worldwide, n o n - s e c t a r i a n
fraternal organiiation ot men
and women devoted to studying
the natural laws of the universe
i n
everyday life.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, M arch 18, 1976
Page 9

Rosicrucians To Celebrate
Ancient New Year Rite
A ceremony that began in
Egypt more than 40 centuries
ago will be re-enacted as the
highlight of a local Rosicrucian
conclave set for 8 p m. March
19 at Arion Hall. 230 Plymouth
According to Janice Lucich.
master of Hose Chapter, the
ancient Egyptians from the
time of Memphi s to the
Ptolemaic period, began their
New Year on or about the time
of the Vernal Equinox when the
sun crosses the celestial equalor and enters the zodiacal sign
if Aries
This occurs on or about
March 21 in Egypt with the
coming of spring While not
now experiencing the advent of
spring, those living in the
Southern He mi s p h e r e
smybolically perpetuate the
traditional beginning during a
basic transition in the season

This was considered the begin

ning of the New Year and was
symbolic of new life, Mrs.
Lucich explains
New officers also will be
installed during the conclave
and they include: Karl Goesele.
master. Barbara Jean Duran,
secretary. Marjorie Tholen.
deputy master; Aldine Meader.
chaplain; Saul Nazarro. inner
guardian; Sunie Benchley. out
er guardian, and Marie Fitch,
Visiting members from area
chapters are expected to attend
the event. The Rosicrucian Or
der (AMORC), is a non-re
ligious. philosophical fraternity
that maintains its traditional
origin occurred during the
reign of Pharaoh Akhnaton In
1350 B.C. The order Com
memorates this date with
symbolic feast in which the
celebrants partake of simple
foods corresponding to basic
elements in nature, such as
salt, corn and unfermented
grape juice.

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Friday, M arch 19,1976
Page 7-C

Cerem ony Re-enactment

Featured D uring Conclave

The reen actm en t of a core |od. began their new >ear on or \khnalon. in 1350 IU '. The
monv (hai be^an in ancient about the time of the vernal order commemorates the an
* more than
centuries equinox, when the sun crosses cient new year with a symbolic
ago will be the highlight of a *he celestial equator and enter? feast in which the celebrants
locnl Hosicrucian conclave at 8 the zodiacal sign of Aries, partake of simple foods corrcP m today at C arpenters Hall which occurs on or about March spending to certain basic elei> K Costilla St.
21 In Kgvpf.
menfs of nature, such as s a lt.1
According to Ray llenry.
Rosicrucian O and unfermented grape
m a s t e r of the Kosicrurian \MORC, a non-religious. philo- juice. New officers of the local
Pronaos of the Sun. the ancient sophical fraternity, maintains Pronaos of the Sun who will be
;M ms. from the time of ih*it its traditional origin occur* installed are Leslie Z:ik. mas*
Memphis to the Ptolwnaic f>eri- ed during the re'in of Pharaoh ter; and Lillie Kilgore, guard

Naples Daily News

Naples, Florida
Friday, April 23, 1976
Page 6D

Local Pronaos Formed

I hr Supnrnv* Grand Lulge o'
Ihe Rosicrucian
Order. AMORC, has authorized
ht* formation o,' a local Proraus. lu seive us members in
f u n Myers and vicinity. Ac
cording to Mr. and Mrs
George Dahlgien. Cape Coral,
(coil spokesmen for the Order,
the no* Prunaos makes a ictal
of more than 200 Rosicrucian

Order is net a rehgwui society,

hut Is a philosophical
movement dew ed co the study
vl the sconces and the laws
nature v found expressed tn
Ihc traditional history nf ihe
Order places Us establishment
tn 1330 R C. during lb* reign o(
Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt
The Order first came to Amer
ica m A D. 1694 and seKlpd
near what now is F u r mount
Pork in Philadelphia.

The neuly appointed locul

o fiireis a te . Mr. Steve Bar
chuk, mast er ; Mrs. Rosalie
In San Jose. Calif., ihe RoH^hiflren, secretary; and Mrs.
sfcrucian Order, patron of art
Jane Gates, guardian
and science, maint ains a
Rnsal>e Dahlgren. 730Sharar science museum, b planeiair
C t . ra p e Coral, secretory nf um. on F ^ ptian museum, and
tin* newly organized Pronaos. an extensive a n gallery. It
states that the R osicrucian promccc; field and camera ex-

pediiiuns to aicl.tologiical sues

in remote comers nf the world
R:uiuiUlily reeeungs will be
held In The North Fort Myers
Cifiens League building, Piney Road, N. Fort Myers on the
first asd third Tuesday each
month at B:30 p m.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, April 30, 1976
Page 11


Show Opens
Onca again the Rosicrucian
Art Gallery is hosting the in
vitational showing by 30 m em
bers of the Society of Western
A rtists, oldest and la rg e st
group of its kind in the West.
The show opens Saturday and
runs through June 9. admission
free, and the gallery is open
daily, 9 a m to 5 p.m. It is
located in Rosicrucian Park.
San Jotfe.
This year s show, in addition
to works by famed artists who
have shown in previous years,
will include a number of paint
ings by artists new to the gal
lery. The society has approx
imately 1300 members, includ
ing p a i n te r s , e t c h e r s and
sculptors, many of whom are
world famous.

The Pocono Record

The Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
W ednesday, May 5, 1976
Page 8

to hold
Rosicrucians art* invited lo at
tend 15 nf Lhe Allen
town chaptcr of the Rosicruciiin Order, AMORC. io Ut
on May 16 a I the chapter
headquarters In the Masonic
Temple bai.tllijc on Linden St.

All members in good sUind

ing are invited
The opening convocation will
hr held nr 0 n.n-., followed by a
full day of activities which in
clude discussions, lecture*,
panels and experiments.
The mrptiw* will explore the
m ysteries of the universe aid
lhe appl i cati on of c o s mi c
principles to daily life.
For further inform ation,
write John PetrosXi, 3125 S.
Webster Ave., Scrar.lon lbSUo.
or call 1 {717) 346 G772.

The Times Record

Troy, New York
Friday, May 14, 1976
Page 2

form lodge
in Colonie
COl-ONIK - A philosophical order
Ji'VulOd lo the SiuJv o' tl:i* <cienci'* aid
the \w < \yi auviriv fuuMt-J n..*ic ihjn
\ .Iflft years for[ore ffcrisi in FTqypl. is
lorinlng a l*jd?e .n Colon ie

(lfiiccrs! of if c* Husirrucjcin Order art*

Thomas Tnkuri'Jto. Ol^j Farley J.raj
O iau lil A Ik h im jn
B m m t b l y UK

j j f toe n n U r wil)

i.Vsr |i I. k r in ihr Masonic Temple o.n Gl<1

I/*.lion R^d. Lnthnm. in the sccoid
:ni ff:rlh rhurcdav oj each n:on!!i
M'.v'irvs will begin ;il 7 .50 p m.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, May 16, 1976
Page 18

Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C.

Free Public Lecture

Sponsored by Rose Chapter



A lden H ollo w ay, Director of

Research a n d Development
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, C a lif

FRIDAY, MAY 21, 8 P.M.

Q uestion a n d Answ er Forum

H a r b o r H ig h Little Theatre
3 0 0 La F o n d a, S a n ta Cruz


Boy Scout leader.

96. is honored
SAN DIEGO AP - SIDNEY LOMAN, at 96 still active a a Boy
Scout leader, is being honored by
the Ancient Mystical Order of
Rosae Crucis.
The organization s annual
humanitarian award was approved
for Loman with a c e r e m o n y
Monday night He has led a Scout
troop almost continuously since
T he San B ern ard ino C ounty Sun
San B ern ard in o , C alifornia
T uesday, J u n e 1, 1976
Page 2

Idaho State Journal

Pocatello, Idaho
Sunday, June 6,1976
Page 2

I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- - -


Local readers will now have access to the
Rosicr ucia n D i g e s t in the public library.
it is the monthly periodical issued b y the
Rosicrucian O rd e r (A M O R C ), which is an
ed ucation al, philosophical, nonreligious
fraternity. The m agazin e has international
circulation a n d deals with discussions of
m ony philosophical an d scientific subjects.
It should prove of interest to many who
visit Ihe local library. 812 . Clark

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
M onday, June 28,1976
Page 4

Rosicrucians Plan Float

Santa Cnu Rom Chapter of
the Rosicrucian Order is pre
paring a float (or the July 4
parade aa one of Its Bicenten
nial projects The float will
depict the Great Seal of the
United States.

who have done much research

on the symbutony of it. Mrs
Clark reports that the allseeing eye and pyramid, which
also are on the reverse of the
American one dollar bill, are
very old symbols which have
long been uaed by esoteric or
K a r l G o e ie le , c u r r e n t ders and by orders using
chapter master, says that the esoteric symbolism, for exam
Seal is not just a work of art or ple the Rosicrucians and the
ao indication of sovereignty, Freemasons
but an important and mean
It is known that Benjamin
ingful symbol of the ideals and Franklin, who was a Rosicru
aspirations of our founding cian. greatly influenced the
final design of the Great Seal
Goesele feels that it is partic which was submitted by the
ularly important at this time to third committee of the Con
bring this fsct to the attention tinental Congress.
of the public
Also participating in the con
The Seal is the work of the struction of the chapter s
chapter secretary. Ann Clark, Bicentennial float Is Bill Shott
and her mother. Laura Soleu, of Watsonville

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, July 23, 1976
Page 10

1 0 Santa ( ru i V n t i n r l

Fr i da y. J ul y 23, 1976

T r e & tiS q a


i n

Who's in the News

Seventeen members of the local Rose Chapter

were among 1800 Rostcrucians from around the world
attending the world convention in San Jose
Lectures, classes, scientific and parapsychological
experiments and demonstrations, dramas, a variety
show, banquet and ball were features of the convention
which was attended by persons from six continents
The Rosicrucian Order is a nonprofit, non-sec
tarian, cultural and educational fraternity of men and
women of all races It s headquarters in San .Jose
comprising an entire city block, contains the Egyptian
Musuem. an art gallery. Science Museum and
Planetarium, all open to the public. The park also
contains a large research library, auditorium, sound
studio, administration building, temple and university

The Salem News

Salem, Ohio
Thursday, July 29, 1976
Page 6


iir.l Liberty S t , recently a t
tended three weeks of Rose
( roix Cniversit\ classes and
the Rosicrucian Wor'd Con
vention in San Jose, Calif ,
serving as a delegate from the*
Youngstown C hapter. AMORC.
More than 17M Rosicrucians
fr o m t h r o u g h o u t the world
attended the classes. lecturers
and demonstrations of scien
tific Rosicrucian philosophy.
The R osicrucian O rder,
AMORl . is a non-profit, non
education fraternity of men and
women It sponsors an E g y p
tian Museum in San .Jose.

The Bee
Danville, Virginia
M onday, August 9, 1976
Page 8

Rosicrucian Meet
Dr. Margarete K. Mitchell of 160 Green croft Place, recently
attended the Rosicrucian World Convuntion held in San Jose,
Calif. More than 1,700 Rosicrueians from throughout the world
attended classes, lectures and demonstrations of scientific
Rosicrucian philosophy.
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. is a nonprofit nonsectarian
cultural and educational fraternity of men and women. The
organization sponsors an Egyptian Museum in San Jose which
houses the largest Egyptian collection in the Western United
Stares. Rosicrucian Park, comprising an cntJre city block, also
contains a Science Museum where a moon rock was exhibited at
the lim e of the Convention, a Planetarium and the Rosicrucian
Research Library.
Members from the six continents attended, giving the Con
vention an International flavor.

The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Tuesday, August 17,1976
Page 9


'It Is You, The Real You

What would Isaac Newton, Claude Debussy, Francis Bacon.
Benjamin Franklin and Dr Margarette Mitchell of Danville
have in common?
They have been members of the Rosicrucian Order, an
august fraternity whose doctrines were hinted at by the earliest
philosophers "
Dr Mitchell has recently returned from a Rosicrucian con
vention In San Jose, Cal
The Rosicrucian (Rose and Cross) fraternity is the oldest
continuing society in culture, she said. It traces its beginning to
Pharoah Akhnaton. 1350B C , to Socrates
Dr Mitchell explained she had been a Rosicrucian lor years.
The teachings of the Order were intellectually stimulating lo the
iDoctor of Philosophy, a professor in Romance Languages.
The former Stratford faculty member said she had searched
for a meaning to life and answers to 'why," especially since
she grew up in Germany where, under the Nazi regime, mem
bers of her family disappeared never to be heard of again.
"I was not ten when Hitler came in power," she explained
The scientific findings of the Order appeal to Mrs. Mitchell,
who noted the theories of harmony of the universe and the in
Everything is alive The earth is a living being. There are
life (orces so there are adjustments, natural phenomena. Motion
is basic law of material life."

in discussing the teachings, Mrs. Mitchell said each nation

and religion have had mystics, oneness of all who have com
mon experience and knowledge related to the source of our
beings "
Truth does not go into hiding The world is a school. We
come here to learn our lessons We are products of institutions,
society, humaneness. I knew, I knew," she quietly repealed, we
are part of relationship to life, the mystical aspect of life."
I did not have to be told to talk to my plants," she smiled.
(Mrs. Mitchell's plants are marvels Rich, verdant leaves,
trailing philodrendon and oversize plants grace the porch and
living areas. She says she is attuned with her plants )
Mrs Mitchell explained the society is not affiliated with any
religion and is not a religion. In reading of the literature, the
Rosicrucians would buttress the beliefs of the individual in God
There is no dogma. You are a student. I have found the
studies, monographs and questions I have soon answered. I could
not dotlusakme."
She noted she felt more "self-awareness" and her relationship
to the world about her through the teachings of the wisdom of the
ages to modem lime.
The whole universe. God's law and harmony, we tune our
selves. Life has meanings, we no longer grope "
"H tf you, "she said, the real you "

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, August 31,1976
Page 4

In San Jose
The 10th annual exhibition of
paintings by the West ('oast
Watercolor Society opens F r i
day at the R o sic ru cia n Museum
in San Jose A d m ission is free
and the m useum is open daily
The show, which will run
through Septem ber 29. includes
paintings which last year were
exhibited jointly in lx>ndon with
the Royal W atercolor Society
They also traveled to other
m u s e u m s in K n g la n d and
aroused som e startling c o m
ments from c ritic s who termed
them bold, hrash and stri
According to B urnam Schaa.
of the R o sicru cian . the art of
watercolor on the west cuast
has broken the bounds of trad i
tion and has expanded our view
of the world

The Register
O range County, California
Saturday, Septem ber 4, 1976
Page 17



sub cm*** tha ceM ill equator tha a*
tuQAii eqtune* in Sep*naher,
at reckoned in the northern
hrtn sphere. the wor!tide Hm
m m a m will rommmmnra?r thr
buitdwtf of tlit Great Pyramid

E |C T <

Aan Varhafeo. \lK e r ^ Ok

AMORi'. Roaiminan Whittier
Chapter, states that Rmimi
ciaas throuftmt the world flf
faihar lor a camnoot or
19. at which tune they mul
reenact ihr buiidta* of the
Great pvram id oi Ohrot*.
According to Ro**rrucan tra
dMR*. states Ann ' erKi;-n
the Great Pyramid at
to be*un at the tune of the
autumnal equinox in thr n.>R*v
em hrmrsphrrr Inlikr 4ber
, pyramid* built as a bur .a! ptace
during the pyramid
it as
erected as a temple of k^rmnc
It ts said that is mns;n**tion
<4emnmtrat a VfvmW* t
the known sciences of the -Ti
-id including higher maLVraat, phyisrs. and ihr funrtamen
tals of astronomy reeajmaed

Rosicrucjans tract tfietr

traditional origin hack to Akhn
Mon Pharaoh in 1.150 B C . mho
has been described as the fir^t
creat persona ftty m history
Thus, they rtmmemoratr thrir
ancient origin by tha ritualistic
tad symbolic construction of a
immature pyramid Tha p4aon|
o( each piaca *jrmboliaes the
cultural accdnphshnoents of the
The ceremony mil be locally
enacted at Whatier Chapter
1414ft E Second Street. Whit
tier. tin* 7 43 The p u b lic
may attend

The Danville Register

Danville, Virginia
Sunday, Septem ber 26,1976
Page 8-C


The R egister: Donville, Vq., Sundoy. S ep t 26. *976

Rosicrucians: Public Lecture,

Ansivers In Program Next Sunday
v ! \r c the Ha^lc^irians?,,.
a y j . c lecture. will be
present* 1 Sunday Oct 3. at ihe
UnrAitii' Room of the First
National Bank Bujtding. at 2:30
TU* s h a k e r wi!l be Edward J.
Silhcr. ? Past Master of tte
Tr i a r p l e Rose Pronaos of
AMORC f rom Raleigh. N C K c i s
ecr.ployed by the IBM Corporntion as a S aff Systems
Analyst. Rosicruciarei from the
Ralerfch area, as well as members from Danville. are expected
to attend Following Ihe lecture.
an open forum will be held, in
which those present may ask
R o sicrucian O rder and its
Traditionally the uOflTd s eldest
fraternity, the Ancient Mystical
Order Rorae C n x <AMORC I is
philosophical fraternity of men
and women whose staled purpose
is The investigation, study, and
practical application ci natural
and spiritual laws a* exemplified
in man and nature. It is said to
have been founded by Akluiaton.
Pharaoh of F-gypt In the lfllh

D ynasty, approxim ately 1165

B C .. as one of the mj-stefy
of the a iv in * wisdom
According to Dr. Manzarete K.
Mllchefl. 160Greeocroft Place, in
Danville, a local member, (he
Order is not affiliated with any
religion. Its m em bership in*
chides not only O insiians of
alm ost ev ery denom inational
persuasion, but also Buddusls,
je ^ s . Moslems and ochers as
gg persons who belong to no
recognized religious group but
wt>o believe in a Suprpme Being,
a Divine Mind, or a First Cause,
The purpose of their studies,
t| iev s a v . is to understand
universal laws more fully in
onfci- t0 enable themselves and
a |i those who will stu iy with
ibem to live In harmony with the

The Danville Register

Danville, Virginia
Sunday, Septem ber 26, 1976
Page 8-C

creative, constructive forces of charge, it Is aimiially visited by

the ifliJvcrse. thereby attaining almost half a million persons,
health, happiness and Inner including many school and
peace. Rosicrucians are never college groups.
asked to believe or to accept any
Also in Rosicrucian Park in the
of the teachings. They are given Roscrucian Art Gallery and the
experiments by
they can Rosicrucian Planetarium and
jrove the principles o tlttir o*ti Science Museum, all open to the
Every olher year, the
Many well-known historical
Worldwide Con
personalities, according to
Rosicrucian records, have been vention is beM at Rnfiicrucian
Ros i cruci an s t u d e n t s : Park and. in the alternate sear,
Pythagoras. Plato. Solon. in another location. In 1973. the
Aristotle, Plotinus. Thomas convention uns hold In Qrrittba.
Afjizinas. Charlemange, Dante, Brazil Next year, in 1977. it wiO
Sir Francla Bacon, William be hefci In Paris, France.
Klake. Gnttfried von Leibniz
Michael Faraday. Claude
Debussy, Marie Corelli. Sir
Eduard Buhwtr-LyKon. and SLIsaac Nekton, among others
Some more recent ocjnhers in
the United States include
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin
Ftankhn. Elbert Ifctobard, EUa
-C n l W<w DawJto Vp %, toft Km t
Wheeler Wilcox, and Walt
Rosicrucians: Public Lecture ,
Rietcrudane first came to
America in WSM and settled in
/Irisicers In Program Next Sunday
Pennsylvania. To them is at
tributed the first artroootnical
r n* trf > mvatr*
a h.* lecture
<** < t*ri
O.n*IUttJ ihhr M
observatory in America and also
idwwrtWinae*. m
Ihe first paper mill. In adrifttor.
<Mern m a J\Atr6bm> DrwJ# ^ nr.pM*i^rtf *n SrtanDt IW r> *J ! 8
they organized ihe first
1*0 I'Mmtm !
\VT*UIrK*><X>CMtft alimai *o ^r^miruWnj'.
Amenc?.n symphony orchestra
rc^Td I* the 11VChe
porrtMj a
Raftieicnia tlvltnii:
and developed the first botanical
Vo>y IWrruriw* frtm tf
fcofctltcvt c fcfrw fcrag.
Nm.1 Nn? vow kn*r.\ n *uC
irhrirlm Pinn. Krrnrr
7t (vrprf tf ftrtr

International headquarters of
My to
lUMcrKUw OrJrr urf
the ftotsicrucian Order is in
Rnsjcrudan Park, San Jose,
Tr.Amuii wtll i(Mr
ThcoMitflarto*. &o5*au
Cklif., in a setting reminiscent ol
iitwprafii i*aviaiiMMl
the organization's Egyptian
s -rb*
Ifld* aid
The Rosicrucian Egyptian
Hmt orm ku M h> AMaaloL
tt* P5Ttrn Vitafw
AfuKum is the only museum in
AmrKMnrwhnrr tr&Mn
the United States having the
word Egyptian in its name,
and houses the large** coDechon

of Egyptian articjuifieK ir. the

" H
u^estem port of the Unites Spates
Ir. the
Open to the pubic daily w.thoul
Ovr10tnyULU3aii>' '.rum
(Hrmst) a p ia t rta ifft i**

~i*. VTtfcr

U * n > Kxtn Of He FVM

Vl4tfr.J SAaJ. 0W ttf* M 1
H r ^ tj Mt H) I f Dtaart i

Kroosa* <

Tn*r Ck

Hilnc* m
m ** a* ttmry
U o U tw . u v
ta*Wnd r*On*vC 0 towt

DurrUW, lool

>C * pmca* .ho **-* Ic no

rtig ia * frtup t a

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cMrr N w Wf
II A m *i
tfam t r r t f u w

VS v if e
Crjt. 1VOOfV.

PMhfw. PU U
V iu o fla Platuna Thm**.
Aoanw OttrinnMV.
Sir FruK te M cmi Helium
rm Irim u
MKhMl Fr4*>
rw-hut*, k m v Cterin Rtr
Etftaa! k S
4 Sc
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flb an a ta n to A a o i n a d aa

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a jM ^ * o rt w i* ^
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(tar fiMKrtxMR U rte


ItoMmacta* EnnrtMa

a *n jw i c t* * t ** Uato

^ rtw r a M l 4> k <rvcuo

rw * *nd r *
x* n l h r hraU ot In 19D. hr
(wnrm on
V ftn ti'h l

The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Thursday, Septem ber 30,1976
Page 3-C

Open Forum
Set Sunday
Who are the Rnsicrudans?",
a public lecture, will be
presented Sunday afternoon, OcL
.3, at the DonvtUe Room nf the
Find National'Bank Building in DtovlUe, at 2:S6p.m.
^ FoDwin^ - the lecture, there
will br an open fonun In uWcb
questions may be asked about the
Rosicrucian' Order ( AMORC)
a n d lti teachings. - *
All persons interested in mete-"
physical philosophy and in
discovering the meaning of life
rejnvftaf (o attend,

The Ottawa Journal

Ottawa, O ntario, Canada
Friday, O ctober 1,1976
Page 34


10 A.M. TO 5 P.M.



10 a.m.
j q THE
n .m |
\ P U
J p L /
3 30 P.M. MOVIE


F r n Draw lor a Lovely Egyptian Croee Oddfellow*
3 9 2 S o m e r M t S t W e i (O t t a w a )
(between Bank A OCenner)

The Danville Register

Danville, Virginia
M onday, O ctober 4,1976
Page 6

E diting For A Butterfly, Henry Sha* Admires Ginkgo Leaf

A Tinkerer He Strides
Along Life's Hard Road
Midway through a detailed description of
his rare ginkgo tree, Henry S. Shaw spots
something out of the comer of his eye, breaks
for his tool shed, grate a butterfly net
But the winded creature Is gone, fluttering
beyond the lonjf nws of cabbage, nnirms and
chard which snake away frum Ihe side of
Shaw's borne on Ingram Rnad.
T wish I could get that scoundrel says the
spry Tft yearoJd uith twinkles in both eyes.
l i e s the fellow that makes the loopers dial
toll the nabbage.
,4I used to enllcct butterflies but I had
trouble with fungus geitlng all over the
hufterflics I finally decided. That's enough:
IlJhunt rucks, noi ftitterflips It's easier just
to wash the dirt off them and nut worry about
the fungus on the butterflies.
Atfireri in a hright blue work suit which
appears Un'lur-ioade. Siaw carefully replaces
the butterfly net on a shetf in the tool sbed
beneath a Eourc mandolin shined to a brilliant

He arums a tune ami laughs, points to an

aluminum bird cage ho formed from scratch,
exhibits tools he manufactured without dies.
1 do a lot of tinkering. he says. T m the
greatest tbikerer youve ever seen. He
ne/Ieds, I guess J am a nut if there ever was

( Southsiders
Shaw was bom with a broad streak of
curiosity at the end of (he fifth month after the
turn of this century. Since then, he has been
learning all ho can about his world.
It is a wide world, he noe$. though it cannot
be measured by standards which most people
use to define a successful life.
Shaw dropped out of the public school
system in Jus native Halifax County before he
completed the eighth grade. He worked in
Iradesmaking tobarrn bam flues in a sheet
metal .shot at 12, later working in saw and
grist mills, and finally spending three and a
half decades cleaning loom reeds and har
nesses at Dan River Inc
Along the way. he and his wife. Charlotte,
lost three of their four children in coming up
the hard roaci!%They suffered their ov.v
illnesses Near-poverty occasionally uTapped
il>em in sorrow.
What made it worthwhile was Shaw's
determination to continue an informal
education all his life. He explains that
determination simply: 'if Ive got to live in
this world. 1want to know whats going on.,T'
Anri so Shaw has t*vn a serious sradenr of
or has dahbled in wUd life and plants, musical
instrument?, rocks and gems, Indian ar
tifacts. painting, magic. photography, tootmaking and numerous other fietcis.
Fro* i long walks in the wilderness. Shaw
returns to his hfrtisc with Jerusalem ar
tichokes, crimson clover. Egyptian onions,
wild pekeweed and other wild plants which
most rtfonlc- would stop on and forget. He

grows the? plan!* and more in his garden

and eats the sweet fruit o: his labor.
Thereare thousands of things in the woods
to be ted just for the taking." he says. And
with the high cost of rood, it comes in handy.
Wi Id foods are even more delicious than some
garden plants. One must know at what stage
to take them and how to prepare them."
Shaw plays everv string instrument known
to man and owns many of them, including
cello, bass guitar, mandolin, dulcimer. He
has a 1916 Gibson guilar which he purchased
in the late 20s while earning S13.01 a week at
Dan Hiver.
1 play strictly hy ear. Ttie heck with
music, he notes. 4,ff someone says play
Won't You Come Home- Bill Bailey? ! don't
want to be searching around for books of
Currently, shaw plays electric string bass
with the Dan River Retired Gub Band. He
savs it took him a couple minutes to get the
feel of the new instrument and then. "1
started playing that thing like a mad bull
running through a straw field.
Shaw gives credit to the late Johnny
Westhnook for teaching him everything he
didnt already know about music. He played
with Westbrook's band all around the area for
nearly 15 years.
Mr Westbrook could play any instrument
ever invented. Shaw savs. He was an in
spiring man. We also hunted for wild plants
for many years. He taught me to stop tilling
things If he found a snake, he threw it out or
the path alive."
Svsw does not just collect rocks'. He
searches for the perfect rocks to be cul into
gems and be cracks open some of those rocks
to find fossils.
He has hauled hundreds of pounds of jade,
agate, amethyst and quartz from just about
everywhere in Virginia to his hack yard.
Some* of the stones he has cut inm gems, in
cluding a clear quartz stone with 91 carats
and 20B facets which c*omes dose to blinding
the beholder when its held behind a light.
He has performed magic tricks since he
was 12 years old and. as a jackleg artist
most of his fife, has created works with oil,
water color and pastels to adom the walls of
his house.

When Shaw observes something which

fascinates him, he often photographs ft. Owce
he thought he broke his toe and did not trust
the doctor's negative diagnosis. So he went
tome and blew up the contact x-ray. Hr
couldnt find a break either.
To u p s s the crack was in my head, not in
my toe. he says, reveling in laughter at the
oW joke 011 himself
Shaw reacts everything he can find and
talks with everyone wlio seems interesting
and meditates on aO the significant things tie
As a Rof-icrurian fa metaphysical In
vestigator). Shaw believes that all l)e does is
related because everything on earth is part of
the Universal One.
Rosicrucians study everything, both
spiritual and physical, be explains. They
(ton'! leave ofT anything Talso have a great
respect tor natural law*. 1make em alt work
for me. Itiats why 1 get so old
Besides, Shaw notes, ihe mind rules the
body and his mind is not about to allow his
body to grow old.
You always must question tife.V he says.
That's the way you learn. You leam to see
things the average person doesn't see. You
leam to see the small things that other people
walk over. You get so sensitive its
aggravating sometimes.'
One of the things which aggravates Shaw is
preservatives in food. He says lie con taste
them and doesent like edibles which include
\ le says lie also liears and sees things other
people miss. "When I close my eyes. I see
things there which have taken 40 or 50 years

of practicing to see, he notes. There's no

end 1o (he wonderment.
While Shaw has many friends, he
sometimes has difficulty findra* people who
are willing to talk wiJh him about the deeper
mysteries of life. Them ain't no end to
conversation if you're talking con
structively, he savs.
It Irks me wtwn 1 read and try to contact
people with mv interests and they tgnore it,
)>e adtfc. Anyone wanting to contact me can
drop me a card, as I don't want lo be
swamped with phone calls.
He smiles and slowly reaches for his net.
The offending butterfly has returned to his
eabhage patch Another game of life con

The Danville Register

Danville, Virginia
M onday, O ctober 4,1976
Page 6

Ldwnrd J. Slbrr

^iil l>nimll:nii* la frviil Of Rji*rKioii Tdpcmn

Rosicrucians Praise Openness

But Danville Talk Attracts Few
Staff Writer
People in Virginia and North Carolina seem to be fairly**
opea-minded and tolerant toward the Rosicrucians, according to
Gene Flinter, master of the Triangle Rose Pronaos, In an in
terview yesterday.
We don't have much of a problem," he asserted *\Vc have
many members who are Southern Baptists, Methodists,
Catholics and .lews. And we have never experienced any
Flinter and several other Raleigh. N.C., Rosicrucians. mem
bers of Die Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC),
spoke to a group of 20 persons yesterday in the Danville Room of
the First National Bank
The program was organized and sponsored by a Danvillian,
Dr. Margarcte K. Mitchell, of 160 Greencroft Place. She ad
vertised the meeting extensively and said she was not pleased
with the meager attendance. She also declined to estimate Ihe
number of Rosicrucians who live in Danville.
Mrs. Madge Doss, a Rosicrucian spokesman, explained that
the society preserves the anonymity ofits members during their
lifetimes. For example, she said, a high-placed political or
social leader might waul to keep his membership confidential
because some people might not understand
The Rosicrucians, as a group, do not involve themselves in
political activity, she added, but Individual members may be
very active in politics.
Many well-known persons, she said, have been members of
the society, including TJiomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin,
Sir Isaac Newton and Walt Disney.
Further, Mrs. Doss contended, Jusus Christ traveled to

The Danville Register

Danville, Virginia
M onday, O ctober 4, 1976
Page 6
various mystery schools between the ages of 13 and 30 and
was initiated by the Rosicrucian*
Keynote Speaker Edward J. Silber said, The Rosicrucian Or
der, AMOKC, is officially recognized as a non-profit, fraternal,
cultural and educational association, ft is non-political.
The Rosicrucian Order originated as one of die mystery
schools of the ancient wisdom during Egypt's lBth Dynasty
period. Both men and women have been included In the mem
bership since its inception.
Silber said membership is open to anyone who "sincerely
desires to study the metaphysical principals and universal
laws the order espouses.
Members are never required to accept or believe what they
are taught, he emphasized, They ore urged to be walking
question m arks and to investigate the principals for them
The AMORC mails weekly lessons to members for home
study. Subject* offered include The Meanings of Ancient Sym
bolism, Inquiry Into The Nature Of The Soul, Fundamentals Of
Mental Attunement, The Human Consciousness and others.
The heajlquartcrs of the order Is in Rosicrucian Park* at San
jose, uimornTa. The setting is similar to that of the
organization's Egyptian origin.
The Rosicrucians believe there is only one, true God. Mem
bers include Christians as well as Jews, Buddhists, Moslems
and others.
Oriental experiments and sexual practices are not condoned
by the order,*' Silber said. "The branch of vogn, tantnck,
teaches that the evolution of man's consciousness can be
achieved by sexual practices. Rosicrucians dont have to
become vegetarians or contortionists.
Moreover, Silber stated. T h e Kosicnician Society fcs not anti
church. anti social... Its not against anything that is fine and
decent in our society.
He also stressed that the order Is not a secret society. It is a
brotherh<K)d in the truest sense." Put, Silber acknowledged,
Rosicrucian instruction is limited to members
We dont want Uie teachings to be indiscriminately spread
around, he explained. The teachings can provide a person with
power which could be used for destructive purposes, Silber ad
Rosicrucians teach healing, Silber said. That pow
the wrong hands, could be used for destructive purposes.
What do the Rosicrucian rose and cross symbolize?
Dr. Albert Doss, a Rosicrucian and Raleigh psychologist, said
the rose symbolizes mans spiritual unfolding as he discovers
the meaning of life. The cross symbolizes the trials and
trJbuln lions that man experiences.
And together, he suggested, "they symbolize mans
The psychologist quipped. We wonder if its going to protect
us agninst the swine flu. But we're all going to get shots
anyway. The audience chuckled.

Reincarnation is another Rosicrucian teaching. MBut." Dr.

Doss advised, ihe non-acceptance of reincarnation does not
prevent one from carrying on with the teachings."
Other beliefs of the Rosicrucians include:
The physical body is the temple of the living soul.
Five, and 12are mystery numbers.
Earth, fire, water and air are the four elements of nature.
Silber said, An understanding of God can be achieved only
through personal experience.
Fllnter, the leader of the 4>member. Raleigh-based pronaos,
said he became interested in the Rosicrucians because of
dissatisfaction with organized religion.
"1 felt exiled and isolated from God," he said. I have found
the Rosicrucian Order satisfies my search for a purpose in lie ."
He continued, There's got to be a designer somewhere. Tbere
always has to be a purpose behind a cause. There's always a
plan. Maybe all the stars are part ol a body the body ol God.
Dr. Doss pointed out that tho Rosicrucian Order had Its birth
at the beginning of human history.
"Wisdom is never lost, lie suggested. "Its always there for
those who have an open jninti."

Rosicrucians Praise Openness

But Danville Talk Attracts Few

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, O ctober 12, 1976
Page 12

I 1 1 1 [MT1 Itor
Here Friday
I m p e r a to r R alph M L ew is,
s u p re m e e x ec u tiv e o ffice r of
w o r l d w i d e a f f a i r s of (h e
K o sic ru c ia n s since 1939. m il
v is it (h e lo c a l c h a p te r and
speak F rid a y at ? 45 p m a t
Arion H all All (ira n d Lodge
and c h a p te r m e m b e rs a r e in
v ite d
A c c o m p a n y in g L ew i*
will be his w ife, (iiadvs.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, O ctober 14, 1976
Page 4 - Section 1

Valley Rosicrucians to assemble

for annual meeting in Hollywood
San Fernando Valley members of
the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC (The
Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae
Crus is) along with other Ro6icrucian6
from throughout the Southw est will
assemble for their annual conclave
Saturday and Sunday at 6840 Holly
wood Blvd.. Hollywood.

Featured guest will be Chris R.

Wamken, grand master for the Inter

national Jurisdiction of the Order
The conclave, attended by members
from Arizona. California, Nevada and Mexico, is sponsored by the six South'
em California subordinate bodies o f '
the order in San Diego, Long Beach.
Whittier, Pasadena. Los A ngeles and
the San Fernando Valley.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sundav, O ctober 17,1976
Page 22






f l l t ' l J/i m t n ' i

FRIDAY. O C T .fifl
6 P.M
G<.4*S \$?

CtiOtnA*. 4 **

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
W ednesday, November 3, 1976
Page 6 Section 2

Rosicrucian bazaar
. San Fernando Valley
Lodge of the Rosicru
cian Order, AMORC, will
hold its annual bazaar
and patio sale on Friday
and Saturday

Long Beach, California
M onday, November 15,1976
Page B-6


A holiday fair is planned Sunday

from 10 a.m . to 7 p.m. by Abdiel Lodge,
The Rosicrucian Order, at 21156 Sarila
Fe Ave.
Among offerings will be homemade
ice cream , C hristm as and Thanksgiving
decor, posters, plants, books and baked
Funds raised will go toward renova
tio n of lodge headquarters in Long

The Daily Chronicle

C entralia, W ashington
Friday, December 17, 1976
Page 4

Exception Uiea
The reason the MX" is used La
Christnjas is eiplaiaed in the Dec. *6
issue of the Rwicnxiaa Digest
The Jetter X U oftea osed n'th the
suffix mas to abbreviate ibe word
Christmas. The reason is tbal the X was
kx) used b5 tie Greeks lo synW iz*
Christ. Tbe X in this use is k Io iH j tie
Greek letter. Chr. As e base said, the
mord Christ is I n n the Creek word
Christos. Therefore, the abbreviation lor
ChriSTDiS is Utt letter X. The mooograro
of Christ is a Jarge X with a P through
the ceate r of it. Tbe two letter* are of the
Creek Alphabet, O j aod Rho.M Sue
Ann Wickert Winxxk


The Register
O range County, California
Sunday, Jan u ary 2,1977
Page 10 (Leisure Time Section)

Rosicrucian Museum
One of the largest collections of angi
nal and rare Egyptian. Assyrian, and
Babylonian antiquities m the western
United States can be found at the Rostc
rucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose
The museum contains antiquities that
include jewelry, statuary, scrolls, paint
ings. utensils, and mummies
Visitors to the museum can even w alk
through an exact reproduction of a
lim esto n e to m b th a t is 4.000 years old

The Daily Standard

Sikeston, Missouri
Friday, Jan u ary 7, 1977
Page 2

Giving plants good care is necessary. Who would ex
pect a child to grow without plenty of nourishing food,
water, and sunshine? But children do not grow without
loving. That has been proven over and over. And it is now
being proved that plants need love, too, if one wants them
to do their best, that i s ... When you talk to your plants as
you do to your children or pets, there wont be an im
mediate response like a coo or purr or a wag of the tail,
but there will be a gradual response of thick healthy
leaves, lush coloring, more fruit and a wealth of beauty.
This beauty will bring more joy to your life. This is the
plants way of returning your love. Rosicrucian Digest

The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Thursday, Jan u ary 20,1977
Page 2-B

Library Gets
A subscription to the H cslc ru c ia n Digest has been given
to th e Danville Public L ib ra ry
by a patron, Henry S. Shaw of
D anville.
A c c o rd irg to Shaft', the R 05Ic ru c la n O rder Is an in te rn a
tio n a l, n o n se c ta ria n g ro u p
d ed icated to the investiga
tion, study, and p ractical ap p li
ca tio n of n atu ral and sp iritu al
T h e m onthly p u b lica tio n
d e a ls with philosophical and
scientific subjects. The D e
ce m b er, 1076 Issue, which h a s
r e c e n t l y a r r i v e d a t th e
L ib r a r y , In cludes a r tic le s
a b o u t L eonardo da V inci,
E gy p tian nvammics. and a
p hotographic study ol snow
R osicrucian Digest will be
shelved with other gift m a g a
zines in the periodical section
of the D aovil'e Public L ibrary.

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Wednesday, M arch 9, 1977
Page 9-A

To Perform
New Year Rite
T h e Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, Pronaos of the Sun,
will install Claud Thomas Jr.
as ma ster during a ceremony
March 18 at the American Le
gion, 36 Washington Ave., Manitou Springs.
Other officers to be in
stalled are Erdice Childs, sec
retary. and Helga Schmidt,
* The ceremony will be a re
enactment of an ancient Eg
yptian ceremony celebrating
thp new year.

Danville Rosicrucian,
Secretary In Raleigh
Dr. M a rg a re te K. M itchell, J60 G reencroft P la c e , will b e
in sta lle d for a tw o -y ea r te r m a s se c re ta ry of the T riangJc R ose
P ro n a o s o f th e R o sic ru c ia n O rd er (A MORC) S unday afternoon.
As s e c re ta ry , sh e will not only function a d m in istra tiv e ly , b u t.
sh e will a lso s e rv e in a ritu a listic c a p a c ity a t P ro n ao s convoca
W illiam F . A pflauer, of C ary, N.C., w ill be insLallerl a s the new
m n ste r of th e P ro n a o s; M rs. E d w ard J . S lbler, of R aleigh, n .C .,'
will contin u e in office for an o th e r y e a r as g u a rd ia n of (he
P ro n ao s.

The an n u a ! in sta lla tio n of officers will tak e place following th e

trad itio n al New Y e a r's F e a s t. A ccording to Dr. M itchell, T h e
a n c ie n t E g y p tia n s b eg an th e ir new y e a r a t th e tim e of the v e rn a l
equinox, w h en th e sun c ro sse d the c e le stia l eq u a to r a n d e n te re d
th e z o d ia c a ls ig n o f Arles, onornbaut M arch 21.
T his w as c o n sid e re d sy m b o lic of new life, the s ta rtin g of a new
cycle, w hen all n a tu re se e m e d to be reb o rn . In m o d em lim es, i t .
is the tim e for in sta llin g new officers for the com ing y e a r in *11
R osicru cm n lodges, c h a p te rs and pronool throughout the w orld/
Follow ing tills cu sto m , w e will h av e our installatio n a fte r th e
c e re m o n y .*
vv .
T he New Y e a r s F e a s t w ill be o b serv ed , Dr. Mitchell sa y s, by a
sym bolic ritu a l in w hich m e m b e rs p a rta k e of sim p le foods c o rre
sponding to c e rta in h a sic e lem en ts of n atu re, su ch b sa lt, corn
an il u n fe rm e n te d firap e ju ice. T he significance of the ritu a l is
given in a d isc o u rse.
All a c tiv e m e m b e rs of (lie R o sicru cian O rder an d m e m b e rs of
th e Ju n io r O rd e r of T o rc h b e a re rs , c h ild re n s org an izatio n of the
O rd er, a r c in v ited to p a rtic ip a te in th a New Y e a rs F e a st. T he
m e e tin g w ill bo h eld in R aleig h a t 2.30 p.m . a t the C om m unity
Room N o rth , C ra b tre e V alley Mnll.
L ast O cto b er, th e P ro n a o s held a public m eetin g in D anvlU e,in
w hich a le c tu re , Who a r e the R o sic ru d o n s? " w as p resen ted in
the D anville Room of th e F irs t N ational Bank.
The R o sic ru c ia n O rd e r is a w orldw ide, nonprofit philosophical
frHlcrnJIy of m en an d w om en devoted to the stu d y a n d p ra c tic a l
ap p licatio n of n a tu ra l and sp iritu a l laws. It lias no relig io u s
affiliations. Its s ta te d pu rp o se is "to en ab le m en to live in h a r
m ony with Die c re a tiv e , c o n stru c tiv e forces of the Cosm ic for th e
a tta in m e n t o f h e a lth , h ap p in ess, and p e a c e .
It w as founded in a n c ie n t E gypt ab o u t 1.350 B.C. in the d a y s of
P h a ra o h A knaton of th e 18th D ynasty. Its w orldw ide h e a d
q u a rte rs is a I R o s ic ru c ia n P flrk .S iin J o s e , Calif.

The Bridgeport Telegram

Bridgeport, Connecticut
Friday, M arch 18,1977
Page 14

'Rosicrucians liccm ct
A Ceremony Tomorrow
T h e re e n e c tm tn t of a c e re
m o n y lh a t b e g a n
In a n c ic n t
E g y p t w ill h ig h lig h t a m e e tin g
o f t h e lo c a l R o s i c r u c i a n o r d e r
to m o rro w
a t S p .m . in th e
H o m e s t e a d h a ll a t B o o th e M e
m o ria l p a rk .
T h e o r d e r w ill b e c o m m e m o
r a t i n g its N 'ew Y e a r w ith n
s y m b o lic ( e a s t, In w h ic h th e
m e m b e rs
s im p le
s u c h a s s a l t, c o m , a n d u n f e r
m e n te d g r a p e j u i c e , c o r r e s p o n d
in g to th e b a s ic e l e m e n t s .
T h e g r o u p , a n u n - r e lig io u s ,
p h ilo s o p h ic a l
fra te rn ity ,
m a in
t a i n s th at" its t r a d i t i o n a l o rig in
o c c u r r e d d u r in g th e r e ig n o f th e
( P h a r a o h A k h n a to n in 1350 H.C. I

The O ttawa Journal

O ttawa, O ntario, Canada
Saturday, April 2, 1977
Page 70


A fcm t M n a d Older K6mc Ctuqk W orif oM w fraternity


332 SOMERSET. W. between Bank and O'Connor



F R E E L E C T U R E A T 2 P.M.
By Regional Monitor Claude Tatham


sponsored by the Ottawa Chapter

Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Tuesday, August 16,1977
Page 11A

Rosicrucians W ill Sponsor Lecture

P ro n a o s of th e Sun. T h e R o
sic ru c ia n O rd e r. AMOKC. wiU
hold a public le c tu re a t 2:30
p.m . S u nday at fh r G olden
R ule Building, 627 N. C ircle
D rive.
E 'iz a h e th A n g ellt a repro-

se n ta tiv e of th e G ran d Lodge

of AMOKC, w\H p re se n t a ta lk
on re in c a rn a tio n . H er ta lk , ti
tled The S o u l's R e tu rn ." is


th e

p u b lic



Gazette Telegraph
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Friday, August 19, 1977
Page 5-A

Public Lecture

"The Soul's Return"

Sunday, August 21, 2:30 P.M.
627 North Circle Drive
Presented by

The Rosicrucian Order


The O ttaw a Journal

O ttaw a, O ntario, Canada
Saturday, O ctober 1,1977
Page 23


(Not j Religion)


(between Bank 8t

A rcadia Tribune
Arcadia, California
Thursday, O ctober 13, 1977
Page C-4

R o s ic r u c ia n *

to m e e t
M a n y Rosicrueiana from
the F o o t h ill a re a have
made plans to attend the
Southern California
Regional Conclave fcr 1877
O ct. 15 and 15 at the
P a sa d e n a Convention
Center, 300 E. Green .St
The two-day event w ill
C .
Piepenbrink. supreme
se c re ta ry ; F ra n c e s R .
Holland, grand councilor,
and Sherm an Livir.gstcn
a n d J o a e p h W. C o o n ,
regional monitors.


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, Jan u ary 18,1978
Page 19


itrW -
r w v .-

wf * 4

W h e r e t h e W h o le is G re a te r T h a n fh e S u m o f its P arts
The R osicrucian te achin gs truls fe lle d and d e m o n stra te
svnergv in ui fion Ih e *sr io m a n d p e rso n a 1 insigh t of Rom
rut tans su< h as New ton. Ba< on h tin klm and letferson an* a
part ol a h arm o n io u s b o d s or k n o w le d ge w hich vo u (a n use
for personal athiesem en t M o d e r n R o sitru tia n s studv and
apply the l a w s of tim e and spate intuition .i!t*rrd state*, o l
conscfousn<><>, and m u<h fn of<* r< attain -pitmastery an d
peace ol m in d
Here. /c*a//t Rosicrucians also h o ld m eetings vwfh vi%< m ating
talks dealing with scientific philo so phu al and m et.iphysiral
subjer ts You ( an en|OY the inspiration .md stim ulation of asso
n atio n with others vsho share vour interests and quest FHis is
n n e rg v at its best'
fo r m o re inform ation * r tte lodiv or vour tre e
boo k let e n title d Th \ U \ t r r - , i>t l i f e Tbisbook
lei h js (iterallv c h a r g ed th- k- of ten s ot th o u
sands of m rn an d vs o m en fhr<> ^ h o u t th e AorUJ

uw (Nii (oupon

Vi4v S* B. K.
Im R O S K R U C I A S

a t riie to

O R tX H

tCIIM S . h . K Svibnr (*kt<*r< .!. I 14


I m i u n r i r h lr t r ir l ) S m d me t tie r nip ol IN I
n l I U I a tw h V l h s * I m w m r tlw



Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, Jan u ary 24, 1978
Page 6


Rose Chapter preserts

a free Putto Lecture
Friday. January 27
ai 8:00 p.m.
Speaker. Robert M alat, Regional M o n ito r

Arion Hell, 230 Plymouth St., Santa Cruz

Speakin g on Esoteric Astrology which is
the parent or prehistory of A stro lo gy as
practiced today
Question and Answer Period

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa C ruz, California
Thursday, Jan u ary 26, 1978
Page 32

Lecture Friday
Rose Chapter of Rosicru
cians is presenting a free lec
ture, open to the public, on
Friday at 8 p.m. at Arion Hall,
230 Plymouth St., Santa Cruz.
Speaking will be Robert
Malat, regional monitor, who
"E soteric
Astrology, The Ancient Secret
Science. A question-answer pe
riod will follow his talk
The Rosicrucians, according
to Malat, are a group of men
and women who are motivated
by the eternal quest for truth
Brought together in a common
purpose, centuries ago they in
stituted the Rosicrucian Order.
It is a non-sectarian fraternal
body, devoted to the investiga
tion, study and practical ap
plication of natural and spiritu
al laws. Purpose of the o r
ganization is to enable all to
live in harmony with the
creative, constructive cosmic

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, M arch 14, 1978
Page 5

To Mark New
Year's Rite
The reenactment of a cere
m ony that began in ancient
E g y p t more than 40 centuries
a go will be the highlight of a
local Rosicrucian conclave in
Santa Cruz on M arch 24
M arjorie
Tholen. master of Rosicrucian
R o se Chapter of Santa Cruz, the
ancient Egyptians, from the
tim e
of M em phis
to the
P to le m aic period, began their
New Y e a r on or about the lime
of the vernal equinox
The equinox occurs when the
sun crosses the celestial equa
tor and enters the zodiacal sign
of A rie s which alw ays oocurs
on or about M arch 21 in Kgypt,
with the coming of spring
While not now experiencing
the advent of spring, those liv
ing in the southern hemisphere
sym bolically perpetuate the
traditional beginning during a
basic transition in the season
T h is w as considered the begin
ning of the New Y ear and was
sym b o lic of new life

A M O R C , is a nonreligious,
philosophical fraternity which
m ain tain s that its traditional
origin occured in 1350 B.C. dur
the reign of Pharaoh
The Order com
m em orates this ancient new
year by a sym bolic feast in
which the celebrants partake of
sim p le foods corresponding to
certain basic elements in na
ferm ented grape juice
New officers of the local
chapter who w ill be installed
include Bill Shott. m aster.
Leola Fraust, secretary; Alice
Pierce, deputy master, and Bud
Thrift, chairm an of the board of
The ceremony will be at
Arion Hall, 230 Plym outh St ,
Santa Cruz. V isiting mem bers
from neighboring cities also
are expected to attend


H e le n M e rric k B ond
She lives with her memories
and writes for the future
K la a amall room In which Helen
Merrick Uund live* now, but it contain*
her put. her prrser.t *r.d her lu u n .
M*r pan It pholOgraphs ol her broth
er Georre Mrrrick. pioneer of Coral G a
Me*: of Merrick Manor. Ihe family
homestead. dretired a .uttorie monu
ment two yea.* ego; ol her mother. a
m inuter'* wilt, who bore seven chil
dren. two of whom art m il living,
Her present la bee writing- Nine Iflaplratloaal book* to dale, whieh aha tays
are not rehgloul In con tee.t but "help
people be nearer to Cod
Her future it bee writing, too: Her
aumlon. the tays. l to w m e a book
year until her death.
She has enjoyed wonderful tine* and
weathered difficult onit in her *5 yean,
bui the ire i a purpose la It all.
I believe everythin* la life la our
teacher aod ao I welcome everythin*,"

she uyi

Helen Merrick w u bom a twin, but

tbt child who waa her likenea* died of
the croup one hitter winter lo Dux bury.
M a tt, ard shortly thereafter, the Rev.
Solomon Merrick, their father, dfeided
to leave the Inboaptubie North for I toeIda.
With hit risen ton. Il-y o tro td
Grorg*. Kev. Merrick, a Congregational
minuter, journeyed aoulh to purtbtae a
160-acre parcel of land with hit S I. 100
tavtngtTha year waa IS M . The land a
Meek tlrrtds of scrub pine tail palmer to
covering corat rock w u lour milee
Irom the setlleaenl of Coconut Grove
It did not look promising. but father and
ton twsited It with dynamite and plant
ed grapefruit tree* there. Just aoulli of
Uta glade, they buii: a two-room cot
A i the century turned into Ihe 20tb,
Rev. Merrick aeot for kl* family lb pin
him. and Mrs. Merrick brvaght Ethel.
Wedi*. Helen and Char lea to their new
home Helen waa then S.
-tw ry th in s wtt t wilder/rent.' afce
recall a. " I aaw a panther once, face to
face. It waa a beautiful thing. It fust
stood there and looked al .
The youngest Merrick child. H .chard.

w a i born a year alter the family'* arriv

al Id Hori&i ihe llru white child
born la the aa-yet-unlncorporatrd iy .
Those earty yeari were lean one*, hut
eventually the grove began to yield
profiu along with fntlt. The Merrick
home waa expanded, given a alone fa
cade. a wide porch, a garage. Tbe land
hewn ol the 11)20* cMtspulird them into
vast wealth, estimated in tbe million*,
and yo jo g George Merrick biull a city
of fine home*
Ooe day we were anting under a big
tree, and George put some slipa of paper
Into a basket and said, 'Now, Helen,
pick a name and that t whst we'll M l
the rtty." hi* cltier remember*.
The name the plucked from the baiket wa* "Coral Gable* **
The bepeetnoa followed Iho land
boom, and. for the Merrick family, lota

The only thing you have

to tak e with you is
character. If you don t have
that, you have nothing.

followed gain. Land wsa Ion. home*

were lott. a vast fortune vanished.
By that lime. Ilelen Merrick had mar
ried and borne three sor.. But her hus
band. Paul Kuhn died in a motorcycle
accident while she w u In Ihe hospital
delivering the third.
After three years, the married John
Bond, t contractor. Helen Merrick flood
was in her rald-30a when the discovered
what waa to become a source of Im
mense strength for her: the Woslcrucun

The minister's daughter toy*. 1 alwayt felt that there wa* aomethmg
deeper than what we aaw on tbe sur
face. I always taught the truth. I was slway* taking quttuout wtiao I waa

She says

that the has found her anawera in the philosophy of the Hasten;dans.
" I learned to concentrate and medl-

H a ltn M o r r ic k Bo nd : P ic k e d C o ra l G o b le t na m e fro m a h a t
tale." sh* explain* You have to keep
your vWon high but your feet on I fit
ground. You have lo open your inner
Her beurfj encompasi karma. asi/ol<i*y. reincarnation (the believes thal In
pervloua hvet the w u three timet u
gypty and once ''a high lady of qaallly
in AUien*.- ) Her beliuf* marry the spir

itual. phyurtl and menial, the tays.

"The only thing you have to tak*
with you la character." wiy* Helen Mernek llond. " If you don't haw lhal. you
have nothin*.
J-ulin liond. whose death at age 00 left

S e i HELEN. 3C

The Miami News, Miami, Florida. M onday, July 17,1978. Page 1C

The Miami News

Miami, Florida
Monday, July 17, 1978
Page 1C

H E L E N , ffomic
his wife twice a widow, never entw ined w ith creeping vines.
She feels tJiat living Ihere Is a
adopted Uie Rosicrucian beliefs, but
her siblings did and her tons are part of her K oslcrudan assign
m ent." exemplifying a wny of life
"Interested. she say*.
to thoae around her. many of whom
For her. It is a w ay of life.
have come on hard limes.
About a dozen years ago. she
Her books with titles like
look up residence in the River
House, a deteriorating hotel/apart* "The Door of the H eart." "The
rr.ent building at {he edge of the Lotus of W isdom," and A Journey
Miami R tvtr. The view from her Into the Light" talk of her spirit
fin g le window is 0/ lobster traps. ual journeys and carry the pseudo

nym Pensatia." which she says Is

her spiritual nam e.
Her most recent book. "The High
M ountain," Is. according 10 the
book jacket, a chronicle of Pencstia's asccr.t "as she attem pts the dar
ing clim b lo ihe peak of Illumina
Dut H elen/Peiuatla says she cant
take credit for her w riting "I'm
just the recorder" which is guid
ed by "M aster II. ihe spiritual

teacher who came to her one lone

ago night, holding a candle. and
asked her to travel w ith him and
bring back w hat the world needs
"It Is my mission until I die." she
says "I didn't go into it for money
I went Into It because it was my

day by her 71-year-old hrnthet

liichard. an accomplished artUl
I wo of his paintings hung over lief
bed who arrives by n tulorrvrk
and whom she calls "m y inspira
tion.'' And she Mill dream s uisiui
the irip to India that a spiritualist
once luld her she wuuld one day

Her mission brines small royally

checks every three months, a sup
plement to her $70-a-month Social

Security allotment
Uni I'll be all right," she says,
smiling brightly.
And she seems to be verv much
all right: full of spunk and faith and
gentleness and optimism for the fu
She i at work on another book
In the small, neat, memenlo-filh-d
room that has become her home,
and she is visited there eaeh Mon

You can't grow unless you

rcach out 10 other things." she s a y s

The Miami News

Miami, Florida
M onday, July 17, 1978
Page 1C

H elen M e rrick B on d
She lives with her memories
and writes for the future
M ia m i N tw i R t p o r U r

It is a sm all room in w hich Helen

M e r r ic k Bond lives now , but it contains
her past, her present and her future.
H e r past is photographs: of her broth
er G eorge M e rric k , pioneer of C oral G a
bles; o f M e rric k M an or, the fam ily
homestead, declared a historic m onu
m ent tw o ye ars ago; of her mother, a
m in iste rs w ife, w h o bore seven ch il
dren, tw o o f w h o m are still living.
H e r present is her w ritin g: N ine in sp i
rational books to date, w hich she sa y s
are not religious in content but help
people be nearer to G o d ."
H e r future is her w ritin g, too: Her
m ission, she says, is to w rite a book a
y e a r until her death.
Sh e has enjoyed w on derful times and
w eathered d ifficult ones in her 85 years,
but she sees a purpose in it all.
" I believe everything in life Is our
teacher, and so I w elcom e e ve ryth in g,'*
she says.
Helen M e rric k w a s born a tw in, but
the child w h o w a s her likeness died of
the croup one bitter w in ter In D u x b u ry,
M ass., and sh o rtly thereafter, the Rev,
S o lo m o n M e rrick, their father, decided
to leave the inhospitable N orth for F lo r

W ith
his eldest son, 13-year-old
G eorge, Rev. M e rrick , a C o n gre gatio n al
m inister, journeyed south to purchase a
160-acre parcel of land w ith his $1,100
T he year w a s 1898. The land a
bleak stretch of scrub pine and palm etto
c o v e rin g coral rock w a s four m iles
from the settlement of Coconut Grove.
It did not look prom isin g, but father and
son blasted it w ith dynam ite and plant
ed grapefru it trees there. Just south of
the glade, they built a tw o-roo m cot
A s the century turned into the 20th,
Rev. M e rric k sent for his fa m ily to join
him, and M rs. M e rric k brought Ethel,
M edie, Helen and C harles to their new
home. Helen w a s then 6.
E v e ry th in g w a s a w ild e rn e ss/ she
recalls. I sa w a panther once, face to
face. It w a s a beautiful thing. It just
stood there and looked al me.
The yo u n ge st M e rric k child, Richard,

The Miami News
M iam i, Florida
M onday, July 17, 1978
Page 1C

w a s born a year after the fa m ily s a rriv

al in Florida the first w hite child
born in the as-yet-unincorporatod city.
T hose early ye ars w ere lean ones, but
eventually the grove began to yield
p rofits alo ng w ith fruit. The M e rrick
hom e w a s expanded, given a stone fa
cade, a w ide porch, a garage. T he land
boom of the 1920s catapulted them into
vast wealth, estim ated in the m illions,
and y o u n g G eorge M e rric k built a city
of fine homes.
One d ay w e were sittin g under a big
tree, and G eorge put som e slip s of paper
into a basket and said, N o w , Helen,
pick a name and that's w hat w e 'll call
the city, his sister remembers.
The nam e she plucked from the bas
ket w a s C oral G a b le s."
The Depression follow ed the land
boom , and, for the M e rric k fam ily, loss

^1The only thing you have

to take with you is
character. I f you don't have
thatr you have nothing.

A fte r three years, she m arried John

Bond, a contractor. Helen M e rric k Bond
w a s in her m id-30s w hen she discovered
w h a t w a s to become a source of im
m ense strength for her: the R osicru cian
T h e m in iste r's daughter says, I al
w a y s felt that there w a s som ething
deeper than w h at w e s a w on the su r
face. 1 a lw a y s sou ght the truth. 1 w a s a l
w a y s a sk in g questions w hen I w a s
y o u n g .
Sh e sa y s that she has found her an
s w e rs in the ph ilosophy of the R o sic ru
I learned to concentrate and m edi
tate, she explains. Y o u have to keep
yo u r vision high but yo u r feet on the
ground. Y ou have to open yo u r inner
se lf."
H er beliefs encom pass karm a, astro l
ogy, reincarnation (she believes that in
previous lives she w a s three tim es a
g y p sy and once a high lady of q u ality
in A then s.) H er beliefs m arry the s p ir
itual, ph ysical and mental, she says.
The o n ly th in g you have to l ake
w ith you is character, sa y s Helen M e r
rick Bond. If you don't have that, you
have n othin g.
violin Bond, w hose death at age 90 left

S oo HELEN, 3 C
follow ed gain. Land w a s lost, homes
w ere lost, a vast fortune vanished.
B y that time, Helen M e rric k had m ar
ried and borne three sons. But her h u s
band, Paul K u h n died in a m otorcycle
accident w h ile she w a s in the hospital
d eliverin g the third.

The Miami News

Miami, Florida
M onday, July 17, 1978
Page 3C


from 1 C

his w i f e tw i c e a w id o w , n e v e r
a d o p te d the R o sic ru c ia n beliefs, b u t
h e r s i b l i n g s did a n d h e r s o n s a r e
i n t e r e s t e d , s h e s a y s .
F o r h e r , it is a w a y of life.
A bout a dozen y ears ago, she
t o o k u p r e s i d e n c e in t h e R i v e r
House, a d e terio ra tin g h o te l/a p a r t
m e n t b u i l d i n g a t \he e d g e of t h e
M iam i R iver. T he v iew from her
Si n gl e w i n d o w is o f l o b s t e r t r a p s ,
e n t w i n e d w ith c re e p in g vines.
S h e f e e l s t h a t li v in g t h e r e is a
p a rt of her R osicrucian a ssig n
m e n t , e x e m p l i f y i n g a w a y o f life
to th o s e a r o u n d her, m a n y of w h o m
h a v e c o m e on h a rd times.
H e r b o o k s w i t h t i t l e s l ik e
T h e D o o r of the H e a r t , T he
L o tu s of W is d o m , and A J o u rn e y
Into the L ig h t talk of h e r sp irit
ual jo u rn e y s and c a r ry the p seu d o
n y m P e n s a t i a , w h i c h s h e s a y s is
h e r spiritual n a m e .
H e r m o s t r e c e n t b o o k . T h e H ig h
M o u n t a i n , i s r a c c o r d i n g to t h e
book jacket, a chronicle of Pensatia s a s c e n t a s s h e a t t e m p t s t h e d a r
in g c l i m b t o t h e p e a k o f i l l u m i n a
B u t H e l e n / P e n s a t i a s a y s s h e c a n t
t a k e c r e d i t f o r h e r w r i t i n g Im
j u s t t h e r e c o r d e r w h i c h is g u i d
ed by M a s te r H , th e sp iritu al

t e a c h e r w h o c a m e to h e r o n e lo n g ago night, holding a candle, and

a s k e d h e r to t r a v e l w i t h h im a n d
brin g b a ck w h a t the w o rld needs.
It is m y m i s s i o n u n t i l I d i e , s h e
s a y s . I d i d n t g o i n t o it f o r m o n e y
I w e n t i n t o it b e c a u s e it w a s m y
m ission.
H er mission brings sm all ro y a lty
checks every three m onths, a su p
p l e m e n t to h e r $ 7 0 - a - m o n t h S o c ia l
Security allotm ent.
But I'll bo ail r i g h t , s h e s a y s ,
sm iling brightly.
A n d s h e s e e m s to be v e r y m u c h
all r i g h t ; full of s p u n k a n d f a i t h a n d
g e n tle n e s s a n d o p tim is m for the fu
S h e is a t w o r k o n a n o t h e r b o o k
in t h e s m a l l , n e a t , m e m e n t o - f i l l e d
room that has become her home,
a n d s h e is v i s i t e d t h e r e e a c h M o n
d a y b y h e r 7<l-year-old b r o t h e r
R ichard, an acco m p lish ed artist
t w o o f his p a i n t i n g s h a n g o v e r h e r
b e d w h o a r r i v e s by m o t o r c y c l e
and w h o m she calls m y in s p ira
t i o n . A n d s h e still d r e a m s a b o u t
the trip to India t h a t a spiritualist
o n c e to ld h e r s h e w o u l d o n e d a y
Y o u c a n t g r o w u n l e s s y o u
r e a c h o u t to o t h e r t h i n g s , s h e s a y s

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, Septem ber 20, 1978
Page 15

T h e building of the g r e a t p y r
a m i d in Kgvpt will he c o m
m e m o r a t e d by R o s i c r u c i a n s .
w o r l d w i d e , w h e n t h e sun
c r o s s e s the c e l e s t i a l e q u a t o r ,
e q uin ox
In S a n t a C ru z , R o s i c r u c i a n s
will g a t h e r F r i d a y fo r a c e r e
m o n y a t Arion Hall a t 8 p m ., at
w h ic h t i m e t h e y will r e e n a c t
th e building of th e C h e o p s P y r
am id
A c co rd in g to R o sic ru c ia n
t r a d i t i o n the p y r a m i d a t Gizeh

w a s be gun a t t h e t i m e of the
a u t u m n a l equinox an d was
e r e c t e d a s a t e m p l e of l e a r n i n g
It is s a id that its c o n s t r u c t i o n
d e m o n s t r a t e s a k n o w l e d g e of
all t h e known s c i e n c e s of the
m a t h e m a t i c s , p h y s i c s , a n d the
f u n d a m e n t a l s of a s t r o n o m y as
r e c o g n i z e d to d a y
M a s t e r Bill Shott h e a d s the
local R o s e C h a p t e r a n d invite s
the p u b li c to a t t e n d t h e c e r e m o
The R o sicru cian s trace
t h e i r t r a d i t i o n a l p ri g i n b a ck to
A k h n a to n , who w a s P h a r a o h in
1350 B C
he s t a t e s
fi e ha s b e en d e s c r i b e d as
the f i r s t g r e a t p e r s o n a l i t y in
m e m o r a t e our a n c i e n t o r i g i n bv
the r i t u a l i s t i c an d s y m b o l i c
c o n s t r u c t i o n of a m i n i a t u r e
p y r a m i d The p l a c i n g of ea c h
p i e c e s y m b o l i z e s th e c u l t u r a l
a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of th e O r

The O ttaw a Journal

O ttawa, O ntario, Canada
Tuesday, December 12,1978
Page 37

W RONG N U M B E R : M iss G irlie M a y n a rd k ep t g e ttin g c a lls la st

w eek ab o u t th e R o sicru cian C h ristm a s p a rty sch e d u led for th e
O ra n g e H all on R o sem ount S tre e t S a tu rd a y night. T ro u b le w a s she
d id n t know a y th in g a b o u t it. A p p a re n tly the R o sic ru c ia n b u lletin
h ad m ista k e n ly listed h e r n u m b e r a s th a t of th e c o n v e n o r of th e
p a rty . M iss M a y n a rd who tu rn e d K9 th e p re v io u s d a y d id n t g e t
an n o y ed a t th e c a lls, though. She Ju st re d ire c te d th em a s b e st she
could, an d all in good h u m o r. S he finally phoned th e hall a n d It w as
e x p la in e d to h e r how th e m is ta k e c a m e ab o u t. F o r h e r tro u b le s th e
R o sic ru c ia n s Invited h e r lo the p a rty , a n d she w as picked up in a
sleek M e rc e d e s. She w as w ined and d in ed , and ev en d an c ed a little
and sa n g C h ris tm a s c a ro ls, b efo re b eing d e liv e re d b ack h om e in
the M erced es.


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, M arch 22, 1979
Page 14

Rosicrucians M ark New Year

The re-enactment of a cere
mony that began in ancient
Egypt more than 40 centuries
ago will be the highlight of a
local Rosicrucian conclave set
for Friday, March 23, at 7:50
p.m at Arion H all, 230
Plymouth Street, Santa Cruz.
According to Bill Shot!, mas
ter of Rose Chapter of Rosicru
cians, the ancient Egyptians,
about the time of the Ptoiemalc
Period, began their New Year
on or about the time of the
vernal equinox when the sun
cross the celestial equator and
enters the sign of Aries This
usually occurs on or about
March 21 in Egypt, with the
coming of spring.
While not now experiencing
the advent of spring, those liv

ing in the southern hensphere

symbolically perpetuate the
traditional beginning during a
basic transition In the season.
The R osicrucian Order,
AMORC, is a non-religious,
philosophical fraternity which
maintains that its traditional
origin occurred during the
reign of Pharaoh Akhnaton, in
1350 B.C. The Order com
memorates this ancient New
Year by a symbolic feast in
which the celebrants partake of
simple foods that correspond to
certain basic elements of na
ture such as salt, com and
unfermented grape juice.
New officers of the local
chapter who will be installed
are Alice C. Pearce, master,
and Lillian Boyle, secretary.

The Salina Journal

Salina, Kansas
Tuesday, May 8,1979
Page 17

Suicide pact
The bodies of Laura Ann Welch
and her roommate are carried

from their Boston apartment af

ter the two young women appar

ently carried out a Jonestowntype" suicide.

M otives still murky behind

'mini-Jonestown' in Boston
BOSTON (U PI ) The candles on the m ak esh ift al
t a r were still flickering in the tiny a p a r t m e n t when
.police found the bodies of two young women, dis
ciples of a 17th-century mys tical society.
The scent of burning incense wafted over the bodies of the
.two victims and the five housepets the women had poi
soned before taking the cyanide themselves.
Laura Ann Weich, 25, an unemployed lab technician, and
her roommate Pamela Nagy, 24, of Fairfield, Conn., were
found at 5:10 p.m. Monday in a small bedroom in a single
family home in South Boston.
Huddled in a comer were four dead cats. A dead dog was
leashed to the radiator.
Police said it was a Jonestown-type" suicide and a note
said the women had swallowed cyanide to seal their death
Police Sgt. Gerard ORouke said, There were candles
and incense and other paraphernalia set up on what ap-

The Salina Journal

Salina, Kansas
Tuesday, May 8,1979
Page 17
peared to be an altar.
Homicide Sgt. Frank Whalen said, Our initial investiga
tion shows that both females had deep feelings in regards to
cult religions, such aa beliefs of pagan gods."
A star was carved on the apartment's corridor door and
more were drawn on the apartment's walls and woodwork
inside the apartment, as was a cross with a single red rose
In its center the emblem of the Rosicrucian Society.
The secret society traces its origins to Eygpt in 1500 B.C.
but flourished in 17th and 18th centuries in western Europe.
Members, who profess to have occult powers, first appeared
In America in 1693 in Philadelphia and expanded to hun
dreds of local lodges in this century.
The society maintains International headquarters in
Vienna an<J a national base in San Jose, Calif.
We don't know how involved they were in this particular
group but there is no doubt they were into this mystical cult
stuff," a police spokesman said.

Sulcid* pod
Dm M m W Lara Am arm*
aarf her ro m a tU ar ra/Ttarf

tnm O w


trr the twv rmmg mmaa aflpar-

TV m u d *

m *

Motives still murky behind

mini-Jonestown' in Boston

Roswell Daily Record

Roswell, New Mexico
Wednesday, May 9,1979
Page 2

Two die in suicide pact

BOSTON (UPI) The can d lcs on Monday in a sm all bedroom in a
the m akeshift ollur w ere still flick er single family home in South Boston.
Huddled in a corner w ere four dead
ing in the tiny a p artm en t when police
Tound the bodies of two young women, c ats. A dead dog was leashed to the
disciples of a 17th century m ystical rad iato r.
Police Sgt. G erard O'Rouke said,
Police said it w as a Jonestow n- "T h ere were candles and incense and
ty p e " suicide and a note said the o th er p araphernalia set up on w hat
women had swallowed cyanide to seal appeared to be an alta r.
Homicide Sgt. F ran k Whalen said:
th e ir suicide pact.
The scent of burning inccnse w afted "O u r initial investigation shows th a t
over the bodies of the two victim s and both fem ales had deep feelings in
the five house pets the women had re g a rd s to cult religions, such as
poisoned before taking the cyanide beliefs of pagan gods '
A s ta r was carved on the a p a rt
them selves.
L au ra Ann Weich. 25. an u n em m e n t's corridor door and m ore w ere
ployed lab technician and h er room draw n on the apartm ent s walls and
m ate P am ela Nagy. 2-1. of F airfield. woodwork insiae the a p a rtm e n t, as
Conn.. were found at 5 : It) p.m . w as a cross with a single red rose in

its center the em blem of the

R osicrucian Society.
The secret society traces its origins
to Eygpt in 15(H) B C but flourished in
17th and 18th centuries in w estern
Europe. M em bers, who profess lo
have occult powers, first ap peared in
A m erica in 1693 in Philadelphia and
expanded to hundreds of local lodges
in this century.
The society m aintains international
h ea d q u arters in Vienna and a n a
tional base in San Jose. Calif
We don't know how involved they
w ere in this particu lar group but
th e re is no doubt they were into this
m y stic a l c u ll s tu ff." a p olice
spokesm an said.
The women left.notes behind whose
contents police refused to disclose.
However, a police source said the
lette rs describe some m ystical,
cult-lype beliefs.
Wc a r e ta lk in g a b o u t a
Jonestow n-type thing." the source
said, referrin g lo last N ovem ber's
m ass m urder-suicides of 900 Peoples
Tem ple cultists in G uyana.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
M onday, August 20,1979
Page 4

Lecture on Ancient
Egypt Scheduled

Bernam Schaa. the former

curator of the R o sicru cian
Egyptian M useum of San Jose
will speak on the artistic revo
lution that occurred during the
reign of the Pharaoh Akhenton,
who is believed to be the father
of Ki ng Tutankhamen.
Sponsored bv the Santa Cru z
R o s i c r u c i a n s t h e l e c t u r e an d
slide s h o w will b * followed bv a

d e m o n s t r a t i o n of Eg y p t i a n
vowel sounds, which were held
so sacred by the ancient Egvtians that they were purposely
omitted from their writings.
The public is invited to a t
tend the lecture, which will he
Friday. August 24. at Arion
Hall. 230 Plym outh St , Santa
( Yuz. at 8 p m A donation of
$1 50 is r e q u e s t e d

Tut, Tut, Tut

SAN JO SE , Calif. (U P I) T u tm an ia lives in San
A local w inery produced ex
actly 50 bottles of an Egyptian -sty le wine for a b an q u et
scheduled to be serv ed inside
T u t s T o m b a t th e R o se c ru c ia n M useum F rid a y . I ts
a fun d -raisin g ev en t to ben
efit San Jo se C om m unity Col

Reading Kagle
Reading, Pennsylvania
W ednesday, Septem ber 26. 1979
Page 37

The Sunday Pantagraph

Bloomington, Illinois
Sunday, Septem ber 30,1979
Page C-15

Egyptian-style wine
blended for benefit
S A N JO SE , C a lif <t P l i Tutm ania
liv e s in San Jose
A local w inery produced exactly 50
bottles of an Egyptian -style wine for a
banquet scheduled to be served inside
lut s I o m b a t the Hosecrucian M useum
on Sept. 28 I t s a fund-raising event to
benefit San Jose Com m unity College
The honeyed white beverage was
blended by w inem aker Peter Stern of the
I Lohr Winery fro m three varieties of
grapes, plus beer, which history in
dicates was used in the young k in g s day


Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa C ruz, California
Thursday, April 3, 1980
Page 13

Install Slate
Aldine Meader is the new
m a s te r of Hose C hapter,
Rosicrucian Order of Santa
Cruz. Other officers are Fred
M cPherson, deputy m aster;
Betty Jo Weatherbie, board
treasurer, and Huth Davis, sec
Annual installation was con
ducted at the Arion Hall.

St. Petersburg Independent

St. Petersburg, Florida
Thursday, May 4, 1972
Page 17-B

Rosicrucian Confab In Tampa

The Southeastern Conclave of the
Rosicrucian O rder AMORC will m e e t
May 11-13 a t International Inn in
P r in ci p al s p ea k e r will be Gerald
Bailey of California, editor of Rosi
c ru c ia n publications.
Other s p ea k e rs a r e : F e r n Palo,
G rand Councilor of the North Atlan
tic States; Leo Toussaint, Gra nd
Councilor for Southeastern States;

Dr. John Palo and thr e e Regional

Monitors, Ted Shepha rd of MiamiF o r t Lauderdale, Haley Scurlock of
Atlanta and Andrew Powell, St. P e
Th em e of the three-day session is
I Will Add My Light to Y o u r s / ' The
p r o g r a m will include mystical dis
courses, films and slides, a ritual
d r a m a , a ban que t and other special

The Salina Journal

Saline, Kansas
Friday, May 30,1980
Page 16

Ponderous produce can't be attributed to pig m anure alone

Case of the Giant Vegetables' rooted in

V A L L E D E SANTIAGO, Mexico (U PI) Th* c m * of J Carm en G arcia* giant eeg*lablM g*t curiouacr and cunouaar
Garcia. Um marvil of Um marketplace to blf vil
la a produce-nch valiiy in Guanajuato atate
W oulae r.orthwe* of Mexico CMy. perennially
bring* ta tt-paind cabbtc* u d impound ontona
and i-ft*t-<cog collard grtant
So ban doa Im do it'
H* aaya a man
claiming xtralrrrettrlal. uad*tiraM4welltog humane'.!* who Vr* mi giant
vegetaMaa bald him In aubterranean prlaon
( a n him a acrap ol papor caatainin* a formula af
ytnboU Garcia aaid ha gained lnaplrati*a far hla
own growing talent* Irom contemplating Um for
Whatever one thlnxa of Um extralerraal rial con
nection. Um axMUoc* of Um r*g*taU** la uadeaiabia Ga ir la produce* th*m yaar ta and year
omt Photograph* aiiat And BUI Roblnton. a San
Diag* PoMca Dcpartmar.1 information officer,
k tip t a '.0-poand Gartca onion ta hla (raa*r ta
San Diag*
la February. United Pro** InUmaUonal trana
mlttad an UliiaCratad diapatch about Garcia baaad
aa an articia in San Diego Horn* and Gart)an
M faatM by Hobinaon Rabtneon bad atorabiad
apao Um ftanl regetablaa. Garcia and hla aaMtl-

ata. Oicar Arredondo. while an a Mexican racetMa

After Um UPI diapMch. Robiaaon racatvad ever
;,00 letter* (ran would-U gr**aUuarJb* aroued
Uia world. rtquaitlng mar* information. hacludlaa
to (ram C S Department of Agrlcullur* plant
patboloclata in Florida and California
Awad by Um auddan Iniaraat. RaWaaaa (all datyDound to return to M*xic* ta aaak mara informa
Ucn (ran Garcia UPI faggtd along aa InUrpretar
Garcia w* laaa than overjoyed to aaa Rofctnaon
aealn. and It waan't bacaoa* th* vUlt Interrupted
irrigation chorea on Ma Vactt parcel
I art week on oaa day I had paopla bare (ram
Maw Zealand. Vanaxaaia. Franca Um Dominican
Reputbc. Canada. Germany and Um United
Siataa." Garcia aald "I taU tham -Stay bara aU
montha and Ill teach you the method ' Finally
they lo away, but athara come It'a hard for roe to
gel any work dona
A qalck look around the tidy parcel Alaclaaad no
(lent vtgetebiaa ament Um raw* af cabbef*. to
rn* l and other plant*
"Tlu* 1* Um wintar crap, and I'm experimenting
now with getting higher yMld* inauad af th* giant
vegetable* I think I'** mad* a breakthrough with

calabaxaa de artooi a apecMa of adlbla pump

kin I." Garcia aaid "But aome of Uiaa* (or*lgn*r*
aay | can t grow the M on** aa I'm going to grow
them bigg*r than m r (or Um September hanreat
Caramba' l'v* been growing th en ainca lt n , and
1 can do U whenever 1 want to "
Ha alao aald he did nrt want lo diantaa faM for
mula 'What la Important la that th* way to grow
giant vegetable* ha* ba*n put In a aaia place for
th* Unefll of humanity.'' ha tald
Th* ch**an l ^aaliap far la a ir ^ d R tara* eat,
I* th* Raaicrartaa ( M r af Saa J*a* Cattl
Garcia aaid be would not give Um deUUa at hie
methad But h* did aay ha uaae a little organic !**
tlllirr. ^MdflcaUy p u manuro
' A <pok*tina(i for Um Roaicniclan Order aald Uke
arganUatlon had been given the formula but "wa
do not have Um (einteat ld*a whether U 1* valid or


Aa*lh*r official aald hi* order 1* conducting ag

ricultural experiment* *t San Jo** baaed an Um
(arm ula
Y* Um *xp*rtm*ataUon center* on energltiog
the aaeda." h* aald Tba anarKy source' The
Mfglxatioa i* impart*] by th* human mind "
Carieuaar and curlouaer

J Ctrmto Garcia hold* up aa

ortnittd eoilard g n u grown
oa hla tarm

The Salina Journal

Saline, Kansas
Friday, May 30, 1980
Page 16
Ponderous produce can't be attributed to pig m anure alone

Case of the Giant Vegetables' rooted in mystery

VALLE DE SANTIAGO, Mexico (UPI) The case of J. Carmen Garcias giant vege
tables gets curiouser and curiouser.
Gar cl*, the m arvel of the marketplace In his vil
lage in a produce-rich valley in Guanajuato state
260 miles northwest of Mexico City, perennially
brings in 50-pound cabbages and 10-pound onions
snd 5-feet-long coilard greens.
So how does he do it?
He says a man claiming extraterrestrial, un
derground-dwelling humanoids who live on giant
vegetables held him in a subterranean priaon
gave him a scrap of paper containing a formula of
symbols. Garcia said he gained inspiration for his
own growing talents from contemplating the for
Whatever one thinks of the extraterrestrial con
nection, the existence of the vegetables is unde
niable. Garcia produces them year in and year
out. Photographs exist. And Bill Robinson, a San
Diego Police Department information officer,
keeps a 10-pound Garica onion In his freezer in
San Diego.
In February, United P r e u International trans
mitted an illustrated dispatch about Garcia baaed
on an article in San Diego Home and Garden
Magazine by Roblnaon. Robinson had stumbled
upon the giant vegetables, Garcia and his associ

ate. Oscar Arredondo, while on a Mexican vaca

After the UPI dispatch, Robinson received over
1,000 letters from would-be greenthumbs around
the world, requesting more information, including
two from U. S. Department of Agriculture plant
pathologists in Florida and California.
Awed by the sudden interest, Robinson felt dutybound to return to Mexico to seek more informa
tion from Garcia. UPI tagged along as inter
Garcia was less than overjoyed to see Robinson
sgain, and it wasn't becsuse the visit interrupted
irrigation chores on his 3-scre parcel
Last week on one day I had people here from
New Zealand, Venezuela, France, the Dominican
Republic, Canada. Germany and the United
States," Garcia said. I tell them 'Stay here six
months and I'll teach you the m ethod' Finally
they go away, but others come. It's hard for me to
get any work done."
A quick look around the tidy parcel disclosed no
giant vegetables among the rows of cabbage, to
mato and other plants.
This is the winter crop, and I'm experimenting
now with getting higher yields instead of the giant
vegetabiea. I think I've made a breakthrough with

calabazas de arbol (a species of edible pump

kin)," Garcia said. "But some of these foreigners
say I can't grow the big ones so I'm going to grow
them bigger than ever for the September harvest.
Carambal I've been growing them since 1973, and
1 can do it whenever 1 want to."


He also said he did not want to diacuas hie for*

mula "What is Important la that the way to grow
giant vegetables has been put in s safe place for
the benefit of humanity." he said.
Tha chosen depository for mankind, it turn* out,
la the Roakrucian Order of San Joae, Calif.
Garcia said he would not give the details of his
method. But he did say he uses a little organic fer
tilizer, specifically pig manure.
' A spokesman for the Rosicrucian Order said the
organization had been given the formula but "we
do not have the faintest Idea whether it ia valid or
Another official said his order is conducting sgricultursl experiments at San Jose based on tha
"Yes, the experimentation centers oo energizing
the seeds." he said. "The energy source? The
energization Is imparted by the human mind."
Curiouser snd curiouser.

J. Carmen Garcia holds up an

oversized coilard green grown
on his farm.

Nashua Telegraph
Nashua, New H am pshire
Monday, June 2,1980
Page 7

The secret of giant vegetables

VALLE D E SANTIAGO, greenthum bs around the w ant to discuss his form ula.
A nother official said his
M exico (U PI) T he case of world, requesting m ore in- -W h a t is Im portant is th at o rd er is conducting agrlculJ . C arm en G arcia's giant form ation, including tw o th e way to grow giant vege- tural experim ents a t San
vegetables gets m ore curi- from U S. D epartm ent of tables has been p ut in a safe Jo se based on th e Informaous and m ore curious
A griculture plant patholo- place for the benefit of hu- tlon on th e giant vegetables
G arcia, th e m arvel of the gists in Florida and Califor- m an lty ," he said
Yes. the experim entam arketplace in his village in nla.
T he chosen depository for tion centers on energizing
a produce-rich valley in
Awed by the sudden inter- m ankind, it turns out, is the the seed s, h e said. The
G uanajuato sta te 260 m iles cst. R obinson felt duty- R osicrucian O rder of San energy so u rce T h e energn orthw est of Mexico City, bound to retu rn to Mexico Jo se. Calif.
ization is im p a rte d by the
perennially b n n g s in 50- to seek m ore inform ation
G arcia said he w ould not hum an m ind.
pound cabbages and 10- from G arcia. U PI tagged give th e details of his m eth- M ore curious and m ore curlpound onions and 5-feet-long along as in terp reter.
od. B ut he did say he uses a 0us
collard greens.
G arcia was less th an over- u ttle organic fertilizer, s p e - .
So how does h e do it?
joyed to see Robinson again, cifically pig m anure.
He says a m an claim ing and it w asnt because the
Robinson, a policem an at
e x t r a - t e r r e s t r ia l , u n d e r- visit in terrupted irrigation heart, took oil sam ples from
ground-dwelling hum anoids chores on his 3-acre parcel. G arcia's farm and a neghwho live on giant vegetables
Last week on one day I boring one
held him in a su bterranean had people here from New
And a report said: These
prison gave him a scrap Zealand. Venezuela. France, sam ples are close as far as
of p ap er containing a form u- th e D om inican R epublic, acid-alkalai and nutrien ts
la of sym bols. Garcia said he Canada. G erm any and the are concerned. T he only siggained inspiration for his U nited S tates." G arcia said, nificant difference detected
ow n growing talents from " I tell them 'Stay h ere six by o u r lab was in th e soluble
contem plating th e form ula,
m onths and I ll teach you salts level. T he G arcia samW hatever one thought of th e m eth o d .' Finally they go pie reading is 2.50 and is a
the e x tra-terrestrial connec- away, but others com e. It's shade too high. If th e plants
tion. th e existence of th e hard for m e to get any w ork used in this soil are n ot saltvegetables is undeniable, d o n e."
r e s i s t a n t , d a m a g e m ay
G arcia produces them year
A quick look around the occur."
in and year out. Photo- tidy parcel disclosed no
He said this difference
graphs exist. And Bill Rob- giant vegetables am ong the could be attrib u ted to fertilinson. a San Diego Police row s of cabbage, tom ato and n a tio n , o r to Irrigation. He
D epartm ent inform ation of- o th e r plants
said the m trate-phosphorusficer. keeps a 10-pound G ari"T h is is the w inter crop, potassium contents of both
ca onion in his freezer in San and I m experim enting now sam ples w ere ab out right for
with getUng higher yields in- norm al fertilizauon
In F ebru ary . U nited Press stead of the giant vegetaa spokesm an for th e RosiIn ternational tran sm itted an bles I think I've m ade a crucian O rder said th e orillustrated dispatch about breakthrough with calabazas gam zation had b een given
G arcia based on an article m de arbol la species of edible th e form ula b u t w e do not
San Diego H om e and G ar- pum pkin).* G arcia said, have th e fa in te s t idea
den M agazine by R obinson. B ut som e of th ese foreign- w h ether it is valid o r n o t.
R o b in so n h a d s tu m b le d e rs say I can t grow th e big upon th e giant vegetables, ones so I m going to grow
G arcia and his associate, th em bigger than ever for
Oscar A rredondo, while on a th e S e p te m b e r h arv e st.
M exican vacation
C aram ba' I ve been grow ing,
A fter the U P I dispatch, them since 1973, and I can
R o binson re c e iv e d o v er do it w henever I w ant to .
1.000 letters from would-be
He also said he did not

The O ttawa Journal

O ttawa, O ntario, C anada
Thursday, July 3,1980
Page 36

J. 'Carmen Garcia of Valle de Santiago. Mexico, holds up an

oversized coMard green in 1978 photo. The mirde farmer has
given his secret to the Rosicrucian Order of San Jose, Calif.

The Spokesman-Review
Spokane, Washington
Sunday, July 20, 1980
Page A15


The Rosicrucian Order

The World's Oldest

The Rosicrucians
Invite You...

f R

t t

Its Technique
* What are the differences between concentration, contemplation
and meditation?
* mat is me relationship ot meditation lo consciousness? Is trance
or sell hypnotismnecessary lor meditation
* What a meant by transcendental meditation? Are strange oriental
methods necessity lor itor sate?

rusuT utnt-jnm-mMjnaiB-mhtabMji

The Ottawa Journal

Ottawa, O ntario, C anada
Tuesday, July 22, 1980
Page 26

Color vital to painters well-being

Living with red provides her with energy to fight multiple sclerosis

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By Trlsh Irvin
Color Is the essence of Ruth McMil
lans life. Without the blood red drapes
and lamp shades in her llvlngroom,
she believes she wouldn't have the
strength to fight the multiple sclerosis
(MS) that has invaded her body.
The fatigue of MS Is unbelievable.
I need the red. It's very stimulating
and gives me the energy I need. I have
this blue around because I find It very
calming. I've had MS for 10 years and
my doctor is amazed at what l*m able
to do."
McMillan, 47, is an Ottawa artist
who believes in the healing properties
of color. She is a member of the
Rosicrucian Order, a worldwide fra
ternal organization that encourages
an unconventional philosophy of life
based on intellectual pursuits in the'
physical and metaphysical worlds.

The O ttawa Journal

O ttawa, O ntario, C anada
Tuesday, July 22, 1980
Page 26

Not a cult
Based in California, the Rosicru
cians claim they are not a cult. Their
two-year indoctrination course covers
the sciences, arts, philosophy, me
taphysics and mysticism. Sir Francis
Bacon was a well-known member of
the order.
But McMillan's slx-year Involve
ment In the order is Incidental to her
lifes involvement with color. Shes
been painting since she was a child.
She says its something she has to do
for her own survival.
M cM illan, who had a show of
pho togruphs at City Hall last year,
h as been teaching art professionally

couldnt speak as well but somehow

that gave me a deeper understanding
of my own work. From then on, and
that was in 1975,1 feel 1 really started
painting. I feel more competent now. I
wear special magnifying glasses when
I paint.**
Without her knowledge of colors,
and their healing properties, McMil
lan believes she wouldnt be as mobile
as she is now. She has a close-to-a-fulltime job as a volunteer worker for the
Parkinsons Disease Association, and
her artwork.
"If people would only trust their
instincts then they would know what
colors they need. I wear a lot of red. It
gives me that little extra bit of energy
I need."
Color therapy is not a recognized
profession in Canada. Books on the
subject in Ottawa bookstores are few.
But according to Stanley Burroughs,
an American guru of sorts and author
of the book Healing for the Age of
Enlightenment, color can heal an
ailing spleen or strengthen a weak

Color everyw here

According to Burroughs. All creat
ed things have colors, tones and forms
of their own. Every created color tone,
and thought associated with it. be-

out of her Clyde Avenue home since

1965. She says she lakes the mystery
out of learning to paint and prefers to
teach people who have never painted
before. She wants her pupils to have a
positive experience with their a rt
McMillan's own art has progressed
to a professional high she says. Shes
now painting what she calls cosmic
*I honestly believe Its my best
work to date. Im on a spiritual high
when I paint now. I just give myself
over to my work. 1 feel the creative
energy flowing into me as I do It."
There was a period says McMillan,
when she first learned of her medical
problems, that she didn't paint. It
lasted two years.
"I had only five per cent vision in
my right eye and 80 per cent In my
left. I was pretty depressed. Theres
nothing worse for an artist than to lose
their sight.
After my second attack of MS I

Color everyw here

According to Burroughs. All creat
ed things have colors, tones and forms
of their own. Every created color tone,
and thought associated with it, be
comes a living thing to torture man or
exalt him according to his use or
abuse of the natural laws.
Colors are vibrations of creation.
Color Is the result of chemical action.
Color creates chemical action and
m atter."
Burroughs believes all our body
systems depend on a balance of colors
created by these chemical reactions.
The application and consumption of
certain colors, performed by a proper
ly Informed person, can cure any ail
Hes not alone in his beliefs. As a
professor of art from Sacramento
Slate College. Dr. Tarm o Pasto stales
in ihe medical text Psychiatry and
Art, the great psychological interest
in color today is perhaps due to the
phenomenal rise in the use of art In
psycho-analytical, psychiatric and
psycho-therapeutic work with children
and the disturbed.

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