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To Author and Book

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of
it. And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it
you will surely die.” – Genesis 2: 15-17

Before I go into the nature of this book I feel it is right to put the author in context of the book, in
hopes that when you read what I will be talking about in this book, you may have a clearer
understanding of what I am trying to express. Let me start by saying that, I am a college student who
just recently completed his time in a 2 year college for Liberal Arts in Humanities. While there I have
spent my time, not merely collecting information passively like a sponge in college from the teachers,
but also teaching myself while learning things related to each respective class that I had taken. I am an
autodidact someone who has committed himself to the accumulation of knowledge and understanding,
without the traditional educational institutions of our time. My interests while in college have not only
changed but also have expanded, at the beginning my understanding was illusory and at best superficial
but as time went on I have gotten much knowledge and have become interested in the fields of
Psychology, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Theology.

I was always someone who wondered about life and its meaning, always seeking meaning and the
purpose for life and the purpose of my life. An existentialism that still in some ways sticks with me to
this day as it does for most people. It was this longing for purpose and meaning that lead me down the
path of philosophy and its many diverse outlooks for life and understanding of the world and ourselves.
As you can imagine this outlook and longing for depth and meaning has also pointed me down the path
of theology and looking to my Christian Faith as a means to also understanding, this path of theology
however was not always like this, for I was born Roman Catholic, found myself doubting for a time in my
pre-teen and teenage years, re-discovered God, became a heretic and returned back to Christianity with
an appreciation for Eastern Orthodox Christianity. It was also during my days when I re-discovered God,
became a heretic, and returned back to Christianity that I also developed an interest for psychology, in
particular depth or analytical psychology and an appreciation for understanding how the mind works. At
the time of me writing this I would describe myself as, a Christian in Limbo, someone who does not
really adhere to anyone particular church doctrine, yet I also call myself an Inner Christian because my
interests lie in being transformed by God not just merely adhering to moral codes.

However, this was my approach to the inner world of man. The outer world was also connected to
these fields of knowledge, and based on the “inner world knowledge” accrued I had built a political and
economic outlook as well as an opinion on society that would compliment my political and economic
outlook. Originally, I was a socialist, but that was back in the days of government funded public school
when I simply let the information wash over me and passively absorbed it like a sponge. I was taught to
have a disinterest in limited government; I was shown that government is the only savior for all our
woes. I was taught that businesses were evil and corrupt. However, when at a certain point my political
awareness was heightened I lost faith in government being the savior for all our woes and became more
so devoted to the idea of private property and individualism. At the time of me writing this I would
describe myself as, a Libertarian with an anarchistic bent, I am firm believer in individualism and
realizing the individual potential within us with little interference from Government or its idea of “help”
that it thinks it, can “bestow” on us.

I wish to keep the autobiography of my Life Experiences short. So let me just say that I wish to go
over a few life experiences of my own that have meaning for me and that I strongly believe have
brought me not only to this moment in my life but have transformed me into the person who I am
today. Now, I am not going to exalt myself here, everyone has had some type of experience related to or
similar to what I am about to write. I have experienced intense loss at a time when I was young and
naïve, the things I had once taken for granted for being true revealed themselves to not be true, and of
course as someone who is still young by this societies standards, I am still growing up as we all are, and
this all coincides with that whole “Coming of Age” Experience.

Although in my life I have lost many things, and sometimes for the better, I have also suffered from
the Loss of things that fundamentally altered my worldview with regards to how I acted in life and
challenged how I sought to view my life differently, forcing me to ask what is it that I really want out of
life and what is really important as well. Those profound moments of loss however woke me up to being
more serious about life and not to be so childish for long. It was the loss of two relatives of mine in the
same year that proved difficult to me and to those in my family, it was this loss that made me ask at the
age of 15 so many questions that at that time in my life I could scarcely find the answers to, let alone the
comfort as well. It was this that set me on a journey to which I am still on, and to which I wish to share
some of the fruits of this amazing journey with the reader.

As this journey began, I had been in contact for the first time with a real helping dose of chaos in my
life. My old worldview was in shambles and my life I felt was being swept away by the roaring currents
of such chaos. I was lost and confused and hurt as well. It was at this time that I also came to be a
doubter in God and was developing an interesting in Philosophy, especially ancient philosophers but
some more modern ones as well. The fact of the matter was I had a series of what I liked to call “panic
attacks” in truth. Much of what I had taken for granted as being true was proven wrong, much of the old
order in my life had been thrown to the wind after experiencing that loss, it was at this time I began to
wonder who am I and where am I going, what type of friends do I have and are they really my friends?
These questions and there subsequent answers, in the short term proved challenging to the old order of
my life. I cannot express how many times I felt forced to compromise and accept many spoonfuls of
truths that before hand, I would not accept as being true, but inevitably, you walk around a thought to
be impenetrable wall long enough and it collapses, so was this with my old life. The point, I wish to
express with the reader is that, in order to be truly dedicated you will need to experience these “panic
attacks” I had, as you to come to the Revelation of Freedom.

The Overall Coming of Age Experience, which although I think is a lifelong experience, but
traditionally associated with the teenage years of one’s life has revealed to me a sort of pessimism for
humanity coupled with an awareness of society being hollow, lacking meaningful depth overall. This
however, has not disempowered me, but rather shown me how to adapt with the many
disappointments that have been revealed to me since the day I woke up and how through the
Revelation of Liberty we can perhaps realize perhaps a more realistic or optimistic potential for
mankind, for if there is anything that life has shown me it is that we can change and for the better but
the question, is one of dedication.

I am largely filled with pessimism for Humanity; I would consider human society as overall ignorant,
selfish, and apathetic. This ignorance leads to deception and meaningless suffering. This selfishness only
leads to ignorance and apathy of issues that rise above our smaller lives and that affect people around
them. This apathy allows for much evil to take place and suffering again, but apathy for the most part is
wedded to man’s ignorance and is related to man’s selfishness. So it seems like an overall unholy trinity
of evil and death that is responsible for our fears and laziness to really live life to the fullest potential
that we each can. Of course, on a more humorous note, according to George Will’s view on pessimism,
“The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly
surprised.” With that I tend to agree with such a statement.

The Hollowness of Society is only a macrocosm and amplification of the pessimism that I have of
humanity. We look outside of ourselves for everything to make us feel safe and secure, happy and
docile. This human society is one in which I am greatly troubled by, with its sense of tolerance toward
our weaknesses and a perverted acceptance that gives us only a non-desire to make us want to change
ourselves. We give our time and energy to meaningless pursuits in the name of seeking praise and
simply making money. We do everything today for the sake of some outer appeal or goal, but I have
seen few things done by people for the sake of an inner goal, to live life and transform themselves.
There is a definite sense of self-defeat as well, that we can’t change anything, but I find this to only be
related to man’s ignorance and his own ability to be deceived, deceive others, and deceive himself.

In an attempt to share with you where some of my original ideas have come from and where I come
up with certain other ideas I often like to point to my Research & Influences that have helped me come
to the point of awareness of where I am today and how this research and these influences will be
prevalent in this book in hopes of making sure you are aware of the position I am coming from, for it is
only fair and right that you know in some part what makes me want to write such a book about the
Revelation of Liberty.

The influences in my journey revolve largely around religious scholars and mystics, psychologists and
philosophers. This is for the inner worlds of man, which man will need to admit are just as real as the
outer world. In the outer world of course, my influences revolved political activists and philosophers, as
well as economists who I believe would complement the political philosophers. Now I will be writing
about my current influences as well as those whom I had started with my journey and still have near to
me today. Those whom I have had rejected I will not bring up, for example I will not go into detail and
explain what Karl Marx said to me in his writings and how he lead me to the awareness I have today,
because I have rejected Marxism for awhile now.

In regards to my Religion and Psychology influences I have been influenced heavily of course by the
teachings of Christ and the early Church Fathers, especially Origen Adamantius, now some people
consider him a heretic but he also lead me to the awareness of the Church Fathers. Jesus Christ is of
course my source for wisdom and salvation; I do my best to contemplate upon the word of the Lord and
to seek him out in all I do. However, it was Christ that showed me a different path than the popular path
taken in viewing religion, it was Christ who showed me the point and purpose is to be transformed not
merely statically worshipping or seeking “feel good” love and adhering to some moral code. It was also
the early Church Father Origen (and the Alexandrian Fathers as well) whom I have been influenced by as
well, he did in fact point me to the rest of the orthodox church fathers as well. Let me say that just
because Origen influenced me this does not mean I have taken up the ideology however of Origenism. It
was Origen who in his writings showed me that there are three levels to Biblical interpretation and
understanding. In the first half of this book however I will go into what those levels of interpretation are.
For a time now I must also confess that because of my association to the Inner Christian Tradition, I have
also been and continue to be interested in the writings of some (but not all) apocryphal texts of early
Christianity, some have called these texts as, Gnostic writings but nonetheless they have lead me to
where I am and have helped further in me a growing in understanding of the inner world. In particular I
have been influenced by The Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Phillip, and The Gnostic Writings on The Soul.
Now in my travels I have also been interested in the esoteric and stayed there for a time, it would be
wrong of me to not include my interests in the esoteric philosophies of Kabbalah, Alchemy,
Hermeticism, Christian Mystic Tradition, and Sufism as well as the more modern philosophy of The
Fourth Way by G.I. Gurdjieff. Let me conclude on my religious and spiritual influences with a quick
comment on the Eastern spiritual philosophies. It is my belief that the West has lost its more spiritual
roots, my research and dedication has been one of trying to find these roots, it is because of this that I
have not really paid a whole lot of attention to the East and its beliefs, of course however, I have read
the main Buddhists writings as well as the Tao Te Ching and Sun Tzu’s Art of War. But again, my main
interests and work has been focused on the west, in response to seeing many westerns look east for the
spiritual waters that are not much more than dry canals in our hyper rational western outlook.

In my psychological influences I have been influenced by Carl Jung and his more current followers
with respect to his work and the field of Depth Psychology and Analytical Psychology. Carl Jung and his
work has appealed to me so much that I have, at the time of writing this, heavily considered going into
psychology and become a Depth Psychologist coupled with Counseling Psychology. In regards to
understanding the psychological aspect of myths and allegories I have also been influenced by the works
of Joseph Campbell. His works allowed me to really look into the idea of religion and the interpretation
of religious texts. The hope is to be able to use psychology in such a way that we can find practical
applications in response to the spiritual messages and ideas which we may come across in our lives that
may lead to a sense of real wholeness around us.
The influences in my philosophical pursuits have been many. I have been influenced by and continue
to be influenced by Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. Their ancient view on the world is one in which I may
hope to learn from over and over again. Plato and his various allegories painted a picture for me that I
have already come to accept. Aristotle and his writings on ethics are ones which I have also come to
accept, with moderation as being the head ethical virtue. Socrates, the teacher that taught me how to
really begin to think, is another person that has helped me come to be a bit more critical and observant.
For a time now however, I have been seeking to be able to reconcile my outlook on life and man with
the existentialism of Kierkegaard and the Nihilism of Nietzsche. It was only recently that I have been able
to work to build an awareness that can co-exist with both as these two philosophers have essentially
forced me to grow up and out of the naivety that I see in society around me. Throughout the course of
the 1st half of this book I will speak about the awareness that has recently come to my attention that has
allowed me to blend the Christian outlook with the Existentialist or the more extreme Nihilistic outlook
on life.

I have been progressing from the religious and spiritual influences over to the more secular
influences in my life. To this effect this is the end of the list of people who have influenced me and have
leaded me to new areas of awareness. The last group of influences in my life is the Politico-Economic
influences. I must confess I love my American Heritage, especially my early American heritage of
Individualism and the idea of Liberty. To that effect my influences from that time period have been
Thomas Jefferson and his views on Government and the ideal of liberty as well as Benjamin Franklin and
his practical application of living for liberty and a morally upright lifestyle as well.

My more modern sources of political and economic influences have been by Lew Rockwell, Murray
Rothbard, Ron Paul, as well as Peter Schiff. Lew Rockwell and Murray Rothbard have shown me the way
of living life without a state and maintaining private property, to this end I must confess that these two
men have lead to my more anarchistic political philosophy. However, in the vast vat of mixtures of
influences in my life I also lean more so to a libertarian bend because, I personally am left with a sense
that man has not reached the level of intelligence where he can do without a government, however I
feel that if a master must exist it must be one that is constrained in hopes that his potential can be
realized and so he is not oppressed by the state. To this effect, I say Ron Paul has influenced my political
thinking as well, with his more libertarian yet conservative approach, I would say it is a healthy blend of
living a free life with a moral one as well. Peter Schiff has strongly influenced me, with Ron Paul and Lew
Rockwell on my economic opinions on the government and its intervention in the marketplace and the
effects that come from it.

In this journey of mine, I have spent a lot of time doing research. My Research is rooted mainly in
two areas, the same way my influences are as well. The first has to do with the inner world of Religion
and Philosophy, now granted philosophy also examines the outside world but it also must examine the
individual in relation to the outside world. The second group of research is dedicated largely to politics
and economics, as well as Current events. It is through current events that I had begun to do more
research into political and economic research to better formulate a more educated opinion on the
issues that people rarely hear of and always hear of. Although I do not want to get into the specifics of
my research, I do want to speak of the engines driving my research. My research goes wherever
information leads me, so what may at first appear as unclear I eventually see the connection as time
goes on, but this is why I do not want to go too much into my research, at the moment.

The first group like I said is focused mainly around the inner world of man, in regards to Religion and
Philosophy. My top three engines that are driving me in my research are the following:

1. The Search for Truth, both in the nature of truth itself as well as finding the truth in every place
it can manifest. I wished to know at a young age what makes something true and how can I
identify it without necessarily being too doubtful of it should it manifest in my life in a way that
goes beyond the casual manifestation. At this moment I would need to say that in my research,
truth has proven itself to be a paradox, that everything has truth in it, but only in degrees and
finally the notion that even truth is subjective is true as well but only to a degree. A paradox is a
statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a
possible truth. Truth carries with it an objective sense of certainty, yet truth can only be
discovered in a subjective way. Also at this time of research, I have also come to believe, that
truth when naked is unattractive and this is why most people do not want to accept the truth,
therefore truth is often masked behind myths, allegories, and parables in hopes that through
being dedicated to figuring out and experiencing the truth through the masks and images we are
able to grow in better appreciation for it.

2. The Search for God is my next driving factor. This search for God is not in any sense a dogmatic
or strictly one religion or another type of search, although I will confess my search is now largely
based in Christian studies, because this is where it has leaded me. It is a search for The One True
God from which all things have come forth. God has been with us since the beginning, and my
research is based on discovering this experience with the connection with this divinity. In my
research I have discovered that no one is “godless” for everyone has a god, something that they
devote their time and energy to. Of course, the search for me than in this regard is a search to
find something that is worth devoting my time and energy to in hopes of becoming one with it.

3. The Search for Ways to Empower Man is my final driving factor in my philosophical and spiritual
pursuits. It is done out of love for mankind, especially the weak and down-trodden that I wish to
empower them, to raise them up above those with worldly power and those obsessed with the
world. My research has revealed to me, that man is truly empowered when he is free, especially
free from oppression. However, this journey is one in which I had to also overcome my own
oppressions and therefore, this research is worked on first by me before I share it with anyone.
We live in a time in which we are seeking to be empowered, seeking to be able to do something
transformative in our lives and the world around us. I see the desire to want to save the world
as an internal desire to save ourselves. I do believe that spiritual traditions everywhere are
dedicated to the idea of salvation and illumination. It is to this end that I seek to transform
myself and then aid in transforming the world.
The second group is focused on man and the world around him in relation to Politics, Economics and
Current Events. This research is done in a way however, where it can coincide with my inner world
research. So because of that, the engines are different and yet they are the same. Likewise, my desire
for liberty and freedom is like the fuel that powers the engines for my outer world research. This fuel is
the mirror image, for my source of empowering man and giving him freedom and responsibility. The
engines for my political, economic, and current events research is the following:

1. The Search for Truth, again the search for truth not only within me, but outside of me as well.
The truth to why there is conflict and chaos, evil and strife, corruption and ignorance in our
world. The desire to find out who is responsible for these problems both directly and indirectly.
Research has shown me that all are to blame, but some more so than others. When I look at the
world and compare it to my research, I see people want to throw all their time and energy at the
effects of the problems they are facing, rather than trying to uproot the causes of the problems
we are facing. If we get to the root we can end the suffering that much sooner and we devote
our time and energy on other equally oppressing manners.

2. The Search for Understanding, this is similar to the search for truth but slightly different. I seek
to understand in hopes of understanding how things work and why they work the way they do,
likewise I seek to understand society and life in a way that can lead to real change. This section
is short in description but full of depth for those who seek to gain understanding in general.

3. The Search for a Noble Change is the final drive in my outer world research. The noble change is
of course dedicated to the empowering of man, but in a way the outer world can be like the
inner world. This noble change is one that is also fueled by my drive for understanding and
truth, for without these two drives there can be no real and meaningful change. Like the section
describing my driving force to seek understanding, this too is short in description but full of
depth for those who understand.

Now that I have put the reader in context of the author, I wish to now use that context to explain
Why Have I Written This Book. The first is largely to do with the fact, that I have reached a point in my
life, where the research and the knowledge accumulated has lead me to want to have a collection of
thoughts that I have contemplated upon in relation to world events as well as personal events that have
taken place in my life. I wish to share in this discovery with people who are engaged in the same
conversations and debates as I am. After all are not all authors writing based upon their experiences and
the knowledge that they have accumulated? Every book has a bias, the difference is one where one is
intentional in their bias or if one is genuine in expressing what they wish to express.
The second reason why I have written this book is an attempt to aid in giving equality or balance in
the inner world of the individual as well as to aid in the realization of potential that lies latent within
each individual. It is my strongest belief that people are divided against themselves and this inner
division creates inner conflict which we see made manifest in the outside world, both in the impersonal
global issues as well as the personal life issues which we all must experience. This book is written with
this awareness that in order to truly begin to end outer conflict in all its forms, one needs to first focus
on themselves and at least begin to work at fixing the inner divisions by becoming whole with ourselves,
by having a dialogue of equality or balance within the individuals own mind or soul. It is also my
strongest belief, that people have it within themselves to do many great things, whether things are evil
or good. There is enough God Given potential within each individual, to realize it within their own lives if
they simply worked at becoming whole and knew themselves, not for the sake of praise from people
around them, but for themselves. This work needed to realize the potential latent within the individual
is something that needs genuine work and dedication, but it does not necessarily require the
stereotypical asceticism to get there, this is however not to say that asceticism cannot get you there.

Likewise, in response to this inner world I have written this book for a third reason, that reason
being that I have written this book is an attempt to spread the message of liberty in human society as
well as to help aid in realization of the potential within mankind as a whole. The issue of Liberty and
Equality is a big one today, and both are valid concerns. If we are not free, but have all things provided
we are dead in spirit, but what if we have nothing yet are free, we could equally die in body. From the
Christian perspective of course, we do not want to die in spirit, only in body. From a worldly perspective
we do not want to die in body at all. Nonetheless, is it right that there are poor people who do not wish
to live poor but rather seek comfortable lives yet they lack much despite others who overflow in
prosperity? This is a question that people who believe in the virtue of equality often ask, while the
people of the virtue of liberty often ask, what good comes to someone who knows that everything will
be provided to them and possess no ability of their own to want to get out of their circumstances? Both
are equally good questions and likewise both are questions that must be realized and appreciated. This
book will aim at trying to reconcile this issue. Likewise, this book is not only dedicated to the individual
realizing their potential, but the whole of the human community as well. One thing you will realize
however is that human society is only as good as the individuals living in it, therefore this book is largely
focused upon YOU the individual, rather than asking how we can come from a top-down imposition I ask
how we can come from the bottom-up, because I believe that the grassroots is where reality is most
present, not in high worldly places.

This book dares to be unorthodox and thought-provoking. It needs to be, for I am tired of seeing
books and hearing things that make promises but never deliver, never make a real change, never upset
the status-quo and in the end only strive to make people “feel good” about themselves. It is my hope
that this book will take you out of the box that society has built up around you, so that you may come
out of the world instead of continuing to live in it and for it. Our society promotes tolerance and
acceptance to a sickening degree, instead of feeling shameful for the wrongs we do, we publicize them.
Instead of trying to get angry enough to make change, we diffuse it with an apathy that leads to us only
complaining but not actually acting. All things in Moderation, that should be the call to all of humanity,
this includes tolerance, for it begs the question as to how much can you tolerate before the problem(s)
gets out of hand? Often, when trying to fix something we individually understand that something must
be done sooner rather than later, but if we are tolerant of small things that have the potential to be big
things, we would never overcome our problems. After all does a stage one cancer patient standby
waiting for chemotherapy saying that they will wait until they have stage two cancers? No! Problems are
like cancer, the sooner you detected it, acknowledge it and embrace it the better you’re able to fix it! So
if you see this book as intolerant of certain views, especially more mainstream views on certain issues, it
is because my research, experiences, and influences have shown me that these are for the most part
wrong, again I will acknowledge that everything has truth in it, the question is not one of quality but one
of quantity, one of degrees.
The Revelation of Liberty
The Inner World

“People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the
sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular
motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.” - St.

The point to this first part of The Revelation of Liberty is not merely to offer opinions and
expressions in regards to my opinions about Religion, Psychology and Philosophy but rather to
through talking about these well-known and less-known issues of our day one will be able to come to
a greater appreciation of how to be free as an individual, within themselves. In regards to Religion
and Spirituality I have been motivated to also write about these topics, largely because my own
experiences have shown me that the words are once again getting in the way, with regards to the
understanding that clergymen have as opposed to the assumptions that the laity have. There seems
to be a serious lack of conveying the original sense of the words with putting it into the context of
todays world, it is my hope that me writing about religion and spirituality in this section will give a
better understanding to the reader. Nonetheless, Part One has 6 sections and each part is designed
not only to inform the reader and hopefully enlighten the reader, but also to think about the ideas
raised in this Part of the book. The sections are as follows and here I want to give a brief taste of
what I will be speaking about in each section:
1. The Case Against Part One of Zeitgeist – This essay is written in response to Part One of
internet documentary Zeitgeist which seeks to reveal information that destroys the old
assumptions that we have held as true for a long time. This essay is written largely out of a
response to offer a larger awareness that not even Zeitgeist has offered. Coined an internet
documentary, this film I do credit for revealing to us the agenda of people in high places,
however this essay is aimed solely at Part One which I feel is sorely lacking in information aimed
at trying to give the whole picture rather than just a picture that this producer wanted you to
see. The effects of people who view this film often lead people to assume that the information
given because it somehow came from the internet and not TV makes it truth, and because it
people think it is counter-establishment than its whole message is true. So I have written about
the issue on the information provided in the film and the effects that this film has made on
those who typically view it.

2. My Opinion of The Nature of Our Contemporary Atheists – V – Theist Debates – The next essay
I have written is focused primarily upon the observations I have made in my own debates with
atheism and the overall context of these debates. This essay tries to be fair and balanced on
both sides for there is blame to go around on both sides of the argument. I do have section
where I write about the militant atheist mentality, but likewise I do write about the Christian
mentality. The focus of most of my essays is geared for Christians or to Theists in general, but
in my arguments there is a Christian undertone, largely because I do not know much of the
Jewish or Islamic response let alone teachings to be an advocate for them.

3. Constructive Criticism to Christianity – This next essay is aimed at a constructive criticism for
my fellow Christians. I believe that there is indeed a sense of disconnect between the ancient
Church and today’s many amalgam of faiths that are united under the name of Christ. This essay
is critical, but through the criticism given I also seek to offer solutions. For how good would it
be if I only offered a half done job by giving scolding criticism and no advice to aid rising above
the problems I have posed to my fellow Christians? I ask if you read this question you read it
with open-mindedness and being willing to entertain the ideas written in this essay.

4. On The End Times – If there is one thing that always got to me, it was this “End Times”
Prophecy which did not originate in the early days of the Church under the Apostles, but rather
was made up in Britain and America back in the 19th Century. I have witnessed more evil done in
the name of this idea of the “End Times” than I have seen much good come out of it. This essay
than is geared to a higher understanding toward how we should view “The End of the World”
that will enable us to act rather than to sit and wait, in an apathy that we cannot afford to live
with as a society any longer.

5. Christianity and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – The next essay is written in response to the
philosophical worldview of man and society in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in its relation to
Christianity. This essay is meant to offer again a higher understanding of how to view what
Christianity is supposed to be about as opposed to what it is not about. The purpose of this
essay is designed to show how we as Christians are called to come out of the cave and live in the
light of reality.

6. The 10 Virtues of Individualism – This final section is something I have written that I think is
pretty important to share with all people who are interested in the idea of realizing their human
individuality through these 10 virtues. This is kind of a play on Benjamin Franklins own list of
virtues for Americans, but this one covers the spectrum of the individualism. Individuals who of
course want to realize their potential within them.
Section One:
The Case Against Part One of Zeitgeist

a. Introduction

For those who have seen this internet film I am writing on it, expressing my disagreement with
the film, at least to a certain point. This film in part one basically speaks of the Christian religion
specifically that it is mainly derived from other religions, astronomical facts, astrological myths and
traditions, which in turn were derived from or shared elements with others. In furtherance of the Jesus
myth hypothesis, this part argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid, nurtured
politically in the interest of control. This film is an eye opener or one of those “panic attacks” in truth as I
have mentioned. However, this film does not do any justice for Christianity, let alone religion except to
take the popular route of being angry at religion for our ills, it speaks of how Christ is a myth from pagan
origins these things I want to expand on. There are two parts to this essay that I am writing about. The
first part for me is about tackling four issues in Part One of the film that I feel need to be addressed by
someone who also has done some research on the issues of Jesus Christ and Christianity. The second
part of this essay is my counter-response to the usual response of people who have viewed Zeitgeist as I
aim to once again offer a more empowering response that can be made after viewing this film.

b. Tackling Four Parts of The Zeitgeist Problem

I want to begin first tackling four issues I have with Zeitgeist, in hopes of than being able to
move on to an alternative that may serve to better inform those who have (yet) viewed this internet
documentary. The first part of this is that of tackling the issue over the historicity of Jesus Christ, and
then beginning to go further into the issue as my research has revealed things to me. The next issue I
want to tackle is the one concerning Jesus Christ and his relation to Pagan Sun Gods, again going over
the issue and then offering up some research of my own. I want to then take a look at Astro-Theology
and explain what it is and how it has links to Christianity, only to than of course offer up my research.
Finally I just need to make an overall statement about the film and conclude my thoughts on the
criticism I have on the film.

The first issue is one concerning the things in which Jesus Christ shares in common with many of
the Pagan Sun Gods. The film mentions Horus, an Egyptian Sun God, who is introduced as having a
number of attributes similar to that of many of the religious deities which came after him, including but
not limited to Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra and Jesus Christ; these attributes include a virgin birth on
December 25, twelve disciples, burial for three days, resurrection, and performing of miracles. This issue
is obviously one of many statements that I feel are designed to pull away the significance of the
Christian mythos, however my research shows that there should be no reason to feel threatened by
such an argument. The producer also asserts that, of the thirty or so historians living in and around the
time of Jesus Christ, none mention him or any of the miracles he performed. Three mention, in few
lines, "Christos" which is a title meaning "anointed one", but it is unclear and may not necessarily mean
the Biblical Jesus. A fourth historian was proven to be false over a hundred years ago. This lack of
evidence for a supposedly important figure, underlines the artificiality of the Jesus story.

According to the Church Father, Epiphanius he was aware of this fact that before the pagans
were allowed to come into the Community centered on the Messiah and his teachings, the original
followers were not called Christians but something else. Saint Epiphanius writes, “And there is much to
say about this. However, since I have come to the reason why those who came to faith in Christ were
called Jessaeans before they were called Christians, I have said that Jesse was the Father of David. And
they had been named Jessaeans, either because of this Jesse; or from the name or our Lord Jesus since,
as his disciples, they were derived from Jesus; or because of the etymology of the Lord's name. For in
Hebrew Jesus means "healer" or "physician," and "savior." (10) In any case, they had acquired this
additional name before they were called Christians. But at Antioch, as I have mentioned before and as is
the essence of the truth, the disciples and the whole church of God began to be called Christians.”(The
Panarion 29.4.9-10)

St. Epiphanius goes on a little bit more in his writing to say also that, “If you enjoy study and
have read about them in Philo's historical writings, in his book entitled ''Jessaeans,'' you may discover
that, in his account of their way of life and hymns, and his description of their monasteries in the vicinity
of the Marean marsh, Philo described none other than Christians.”(The Panarion 29.5.1) Now the
interesting part is that Epiphanius goes further on in his book to describe the Essenes, but the fact is that
the Essenes’ have existed for at least 200 years before Christ supposed birth, this would mean that
Christianity came from an esoteric and exclusive group of people, before it just appeared out of
nowhere in 30 AD. For those who do not know who Philo was, he was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher
born in Alexandria. Also just to give some illumination on this book from which I have quoted, The
Panarion is Greek meaning “The Medicine Chest” against certain Heresies that were emerging at the
time of Saint Epiphanius’ ministry.

According to the Church Father, Augustine he was aware of the fact that Christianity is older
than what we have been told. In his book The Retractions (A Book of Augustine’s Reconsiderations),
Augustine writes, “That which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did
not exist, from the beginning of the human race, until Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true
religion that already existed began to be known as Christianity.” (p.54, The Fathers of the Church, Vol.
60, St. Augustine The Retractions, by Brogan c. 1968 Catholic University of America Press) The book from
which this quote was taken carries the formal approval of the Catholic Cardinal Patrick A. O'Boyle D.D.
Arch Bishop of Washington, which means that the Catholic Church certifies that, "the document is free
of doctrinal or moral error". This says unequivocally that St Augustine, whom which is considered to be a
revered Doctor of the Catholic Church, knew that the True Religion had always existed long before Jesus.
Saint Augustine wrote The Retractions toward the end of his life, in an attempt to do retrospective re-
reading and review of all of his written works, one at a time. He re-read his words so as to see what
progress he had made in the truth, and to correct whatever he thought required changing so as to be of
better clarity and use for his many readers - present and future. It is often described as the history of the
mind of St. Augustine.
The film maker goes by the belief of the idea in Astro-Theology, and how Christianity is no
different than other pagan religions that also used myths to describe the rotation of the seasons. Astro-
Theology is used in the context of 18th to 19th century scholarship aiming at the discovery of the
original religion, particularly primitive monotheism. In this case the Astro-theological point of view on
Christianity is used in the film for example with The Birth of Christ on December 25th, the film shows
that as the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year with the shortest hours of sunlight (in the
northern hemisphere), three days after the solstice the hours of sunlight can be seen to be increasing.
This marks the birth of a "god of light" or Sun God. Another Christian-astrological similarity, according to
the film, is that the three stars in Orion's belt (called the "Three Kings" or wise men) align on December
25 with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and point to the Sun's rise on the horizon. This time is
equated to the nativity of Jesus, where, according to the popular Christian myth, three "kings" follow
the star in the east to locate the place of Jesus' birth. Furthermore, around December 25, the Sun rises
in the vicinity of Virgo, the constellation known as Virgin, which refers to the origin of Jesus' virgin birth.
Comparison of sunset in the vicinity of Crux with Jesus' death on the cross is based on a similar principle.
In addition, parallels such as walking on water (reflection at dawn/dusk), helping the blind see (without
light there's nothing, black; with light, one can see again) and turning water into wine (ripening of
grapes) are shown as metaphoric miracles, explained as the influence of the Sun.

Now let us keep in mind what was written above about the existence of Christian teaching
before there was Christianity. It should be clear by now that Christians should not have to be devastated
by this fact that the book called the Bible is largely a non-historical book, or for those who cannot accept
this, this book is not meant to be interpreted historically and literally, but rather conveys a sense of
allegory and myth that is meant to convey a larger and more meaningful message that the world does
not want us to know. At this point I present to you the wisdom of Alexandrian Church Father Origen and
what he had to say about biblical interpretation, “And this we ought to know, that the chief purpose
being to show the spiritual connection both in past occurrences and in things to be done, wherever the
Word found historical events capable of adaptation to these mystic truths, He made use of them, but
concealed the deeper sense from the many; but where in setting forth the sequence of things spiritual
there was no actual event related for the sake of the more mystic meaning, Scripture interweaves the
imaginative with the historical, sometimes introducing what is utterly impossible, sometimes what is
possible but never occurred. Sometimes it is only a few words, not literally true, which have been
inserted; sometimes the insertions are of greater length. And we must this way understand even the
giving of the Law, for therein we may frequently discover the immediate use, adapted to the times when
the Law was given; sometimes, however, no good reason appears. And elsewhere we have even
impossible commands, for readers of greater ability and those who have more of the spirit of inquiry; so
that, applying themselves to the labor of investigating the things written, they may have a fitting
conviction of the necessity of looking therein for a meaning worthy of God.”(The Philocalia of Origen

According to the picture painted then by Origen, interpretation comes from a literal, moral, and
mystical/spiritual sense. In the literal we see “the body” we have a mixture of literal history that seems
plausible enough to happen but we also have fictionist history (myth), which according to Origen was
made by the Holy Spirit to convey moral and mystical truths, those which sound absurd or impossible to
accomplish were meant to be allegorical not literal, in hopes of conveying these moral and spiritual
truths, therefore it is meant to be contemplated over. The next level of interpretation is that of the soul,
which only meant to convey the moral message, or The Law. Origen states further on the Law that,

“And besides all this, the Word sown in the soul, evidenced by the moral notions
common to mankind, and in Scripture language ‘written in the heart,’ enjoining what we have to
do, forbidding what we must not do, is called ‘law.’ This is proved by the following words of the
Apostle: ‘For when the Gentiles which have no law do by nature the things of the law, these,
having no law, are a law unto themselves; in that they show the work of the law written in their
hearts, their consciences bearing witness therewith.’ For the law written in men's hearts and in
Gentiles who by nature do the things of the law, is no other than the law of common morality by
nature written in our governing part, and day by day becoming clearer with the perfecting of
reason.”(The Philocalia of Origen 4.2).

Finally the final level of interpretation is the spiritual or mystical interpretation, which is
conveyed by allegory and parables. Allegory is used to show the imagined life of Christ and his Church
and parables to show the things of a higher world that this world has an opposite of. It goes back to the
idea of truth being paradoxical.

Yet how does this relate to the issue of Astro-Theology? Well it is my hypothesis that this book
conveys many layers of meaning and messages, and the Astro-Theology version can be one of them.
However, to say it is the only interpretation and that all others cannot be true or are not meant to be
looked at as such is to me, utter nonsense. Religion has a point and purpose to man and the world
around him and back in those days paper was not nearly as readily expendable as it is today, it is my
belief that many things can be conveyed in a story from back in antiquity, for I believe it was meant to
be. This is written to show that there are many layers of interpretation that can be derived from a few
lines of scripture.

I just need to say that this film has done nothing to give any form of Spiritual Alternative. It
simply declares religion to be nonsense and manipulative, like we have not heard this claim before. This
film is to me, nothing new under the sun. This is my biggest criticism I can offer to the film, it figures that
“if I can prove Jesus was not real, than people will not believe anymore.” I sense a lot more anger and
spite than trying to convey a sense of understanding. Now, I will not conclude this however saying that
the producer was wrong and “evil” for making this film or at least this part of the film. Quite the
contrary I believe very strongly in what he said in the conclusion of this segment of the film, when he
said that,

“Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems [...] empowers those who know
the truth, but use the myth to manipulate and control societies.… The religious myth is the most
powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths can
To this I will not disagree, but I took the hint from the producers’ closing statements on this
issue, and I decided that I would seek to know the truth and embrace it and work with it, in hopes of
being empowered by it, and not to control but rather to liberate others. I hope the knowledge brought
to you here in my “tackling of the claims” proves to be worth your time, as much as it was mine and that
you will not run away from this but embrace it, in hopes that you will be empowered and not
manipulated by those who already know.

c. My Counter-Response to The Zeitgeist Problem

Now that I have addressed the film and the information I wished to present to the reader in
hopes of giving a more balanced opinion I wish to now focus on a counter response to the Zeitgeist
problem I have been working on to formulate and share with you. Now this implies that Part One of
Zeitgeist is indeed a problem, but what about this film makes it a problem? Well it shows that there is an
agenda behind this part of the film, and it may not be as noble as the producer wants you to think, or as
noble as the producer thinks it is. There have been more assumptions than truth expressed in this film.
These assumptions have indeed chased more people away from further investigation rather than it has
done to call for further investigation into the origins and nature of ancient Christianity. I have three
counter-responses that one could act upon rather than go the more popular route that most people
have taken as the more usual response to the film, if you think you have been illuminated merely from
this film, than think again. This film is only filled with half-truths, designed to cause anger and then
ignorance toward religion rather than understanding and appreciation for it. Even the condescending
tone of the producer’s voice suggests this.

The first counter-response I wish to share with you is the one that both I and the producer have
shown to be true, that the mythology and story of Christianity were indeed known facts in ancient
times. It is this mythology that we see in Christianity as the Embodiment of Previous Religions, that
should not come as a surprise but in today’s society there is no respect for the value of myths and the
slew of other literary expressions. Even in the bible itself there are allusions to the connection between
Judaism and the “Pagan” World. Moses was educated in the ways of the Egyptians and there relation to
the structure of the metaphysical/spiritual world. Enoch is believed to have been Thoth or Hermes
Trismegistus, for they had much in common with the qualities that described them as well as the time
period given in which they would have “existed,” Hermes Trismegistus is a mythological figure who is
responsible for the founding of the religion of Hermeticism. Let us also not forget the exposure the Jews
have gotten during the reign of Alexander the Great, and the mixing of Hellenized culture with Judaic
culture that took place. It is after all, well-known to those who do the research today, that even the
Apostle Paul might have been a Hellenized Jew, and that influence aided in the the creation of his letters
that we see in the Bible. Of course we cannot say for sure whether or not Judaism has any originality in
their belief structure but we can certainly say that these various exposing elements must have
influenced Judaism right up to the early Christians.
The problem of today is that we as westerners with our hyper rational and literalistic outlook,
have unfortunately been losing that more intuitive connection with mythology and allegories. Today we
read stories like The Holy Grail, King Arthur and the Twelve Nights of his Roundtable, Turning Lead into
Gold, and even the Bible in a way we can see it through time and in physical existence, so we can feel
comfortable that it actually “happened.” Our hyper rationalism has made us greatly diminish our sense
of symbolism and our literalism has kept us confined and boxed into very few avenues of thinking and
awareness with regards to the symbolic and spiritual well of religion. Myths are not concerned with
historicity so much as the message being expressed: Myths never happen, but they always happen. This
is a paradox you will need to get your mind around, for this is a truth worth contemplating on and
getting many things out of.

Sadly this dryness in western religion, is not supposed to be this way, later on in this book I will
explain why I think this and the way it was meant to be. It is because our society largely associates
myths with lies that this film may have elicited the popular response that it has, we see it all the time
here. We often say in our society “Lets debunk these myths” and once they are debunked they are
proven not to be true, put in positive, proven to be false, thus we associate myth with lies or falsehood.
So now we are forced with this evidence that says Jesus Christ was himself a myth, and thus everything
about him never happened thus making the religion of Christianity a lie as well. However, the ancients
who employed myth and allegory often would call our more modern understanding of myths as just
misunderstandings and would say “Lets debunk this deception” not “Lets debunk this myth”. Myths
were meant to convey messages that could not be rationally apprehended, thus the ancients would
have said that in the realm of myth and allegory, the usefulness of our reasoning ability is very limited,
whereas this ability to use mans more creative side in hopes of grasping something more than the literal
story that was written, is appealed to greatly. This is the purpose to religion and the stories that we
worship as being true, not to use our reasoning faculty to grasp the myth but the creative, or spiritual

This is why, however I feel more frustration than appreciation for Part One of Zeitgeist because
the producer did not really go in-depth with the power of myths and the purpose to them, he did what
society does today and that is simply blow off the power, message, and meaning of myth as a mere lie
or deception. Do myths have the power to do this? Absolutely for those who do not understand the
myths are often lost, looking for the lost city of Atlantis in the physical world, as an allusion to the point I
want to express. The counter-point that I am going to argue here is that we should assume that anything
that seems too absurd or too good to be true, should be thought of and searched, for a symbolic,
spiritual, moral and mythical understanding rather than a physical location or occurrence. Do not
underestimate the side of man that is opposite to the rational, analytical, and logical for all parts of the
mind of man have a purpose to them.

The second counter-response that I wish to share with you is something I have already written
about while I was tackling the issues with Zeitgeist and its use of Astro-Theology as way to debunk the
Christian mythos. My main point is that all religious texts carry a Wide Array of Meanings. In exploring
what they were I presented the Alexandrian Church Father, Origen Adamantius who stated that the
focus of religious texts is to convey two meanings: A Moral and A Spiritual meaning, the text often use
either physical events that did occur or events that did not occur, whether they occurred or not is not
the concern for the meaning is not found in historicity and physicality but rather in morality and spiritual
understanding. Nonetheless, for those who wonder whether such an event did happen, is based largely
on its absurdity and possibility of happening in the physical universe. Therefore the expressed point and
purpose is NOT to be literal in even the most direct command made by anyone in The Bible, for it must
be put in context of what is occurring, all things are meant to be genuinely contemplated over in order
to begin to grasp the underlying messages being expressed.

So let me conclude with my third point to this counter-response to Part One of Zeitgeist. This
Film Should Encourage NOT Discourage Investigation in the matters of religion, mythology, and your
relation to it. We are called to live and become the myth, not statically worship it. I find the words of
Joseph Campbell to be the main point of the Bible as well, “We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us” for it alludes to Christ’s own message, “For whoever wants
to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”(Matthew 16:25) Do your own
investigation in this matter; actually learn do not merely passively absorb what is thrown at you. Do not
be angry and do not let your anger turn into not caring, because you not caring will only further in
making you ignorant. Now again another compromise with the Part One of Zeitgeist, I am not saying we
should not be angry, but the producer seems to have directed his anger at the Christian religion and in
effect religion overall whereas I am simply saying that the anger should be directed toward those who
have known the truth but rather than shared it kept it to themselves and took advantage of others. If
your research reveals what I have spoken about than contemplate it and share it, go and play with the
ideas do not be boxed in, for this is all about getting out the box.

d. Conclusion

After viewing this and viewing the reactions of others, I have seen a lot of assumptions instead
of research. This has only leaded me to conclude that for the most part people are mere tape recorders,
instead of real people who genuinely want to do more research. Like as if it was simply good or cool
enough for them to feel that rush of righteous indignation. Individual research has been halted in
thinking that all the information on the subject has been provided by this film. I am completely against
such thinking, largely because of the research I have made as well in these matters, which contradicts
what this film so biased has offered. Again, this comes back to my research into seeking the truth and
how nothing is fully true, only true in degrees. So the issue is one of, how much truth as opposed to bias
does this film have? To this I say that I have seen a lot more bias rather than truth on the subject. I leave
you than with a fuller picture now with the Zeitgeist producer’s research and mine to make a decision as
to whether or not Part One of Zeitgeist is largely right or largely false.
Section Two:
My Personal Conviction Regarding The Atheist V.
Theist Debates of Our Time

I. Introduction

Let me start by saying that when I talk about these things, I am not going to be going into an
analysis as to why the typical theist arguments are right and why the other side is wrong. That is not the
purpose of the essay. I am going to coming from a different angle altogether on this issue. I want to
begin looking at this problem by examining the psychology behind these arguments we are facing, by
examining the problem of religion and then examining the reason for conflict with the secular point of
view. After this examination I need to offer criticism for my own side, by examining its lack of novel
arguments, because ultimately as a witness to these debates I see the same old debates not holding
water and it just becomes a vicious cycle. Finally, it would be wrong of me not to take the time also to
point out some observations I have made while observing the debates that I have taken part in, this
section should not however be made into a swooping generalization of atheists in general, because
ultimately a close friend of mine is an atheist yet he does not act in the manner I have seen others act in.
Remember I am an individualist, I do not like seeing people in groups and making broad generalizations
on the issue, but at the same time I do feel compelled to speak of things I have witnessed more often
than not.

II. The Psychological Problem

The first issue I wish to tackle is the psychology behind religion and secularism. I want to
examine this in a way that is based on Jungian Psychology and his system of Typology. As a disclaimer, I
just want you to be aware that this is just an over simplified explanation and analysis but one that can
help explain and better understand the conflict. Typically Jungian typology is used on individuals to find
out there more dominant and less recessive sides to their being, this does not mean that one side
completely lacks the opposite side, but that it cannot express itself as well as from another side of
typological spectrum. If you imagined a circle cut into four quarters the top line is represented by
thinking and the bottom half by feeling; likewise the right side is intuitive and the left side is sensate
each of the four has a particular way of perceiving and evaluate the world around them, the location on
the circle has no specific meaning for this analysis, but you are welcome to explore Jungian Typology if
you wish to get a better understanding.

Just to explain these four qualities, let us begin with the thinking function. To start let me say
that those who are pre-dominant thinkers does not mean they can’t “feel” it just means that in
expressing and understanding things around them they are more adept using the thinking function.
Thinking is best understood as someone who is logical, cold (Lack of emotion or empathy coming across
as cold or uncaring) and intellectual, a person concerned with just the facts and science, preferring a
clear moral guideline of “Do’s” and “Do not’s”. Likewise the opposite of thinking is feeling, and again this
does not mean someone who “feels” cannot “think” it simply means that while expressing and
understanding the world around them, they like to use this aspect better because it aids them better.
Feeling does not mean emotions or sentiment so much as it means a “feeling into” or empathy of the
situation, often related to an emphasis on metaphorical and artistic, contextual, and in touch with
emotional side of things.

We also have the relation of Intuitive and Sensate as well. The intuitive aspect is something that
can “see around corners” and can “read between the lines” and is directed by the inner senses which we
perceive the inner world by. The sensate function actually can see the corner and just see’s what is
written, it is dedicated to the five senses which we can perceive the world by. The Intuitive aspect
perceives possibilities not the obvious or visible and judges on probabilities. The sensate of course, is
only concerned with what can be sensed directly and cannot really see behind the façade, often stuck in
the literal level of here and now.

Of course let us also look at the dual attitudes we are faced with in the psyche called
extroversion and introversion. The extrovert is shy with regards to the inner world and the introvert is
shy with social interactions, the extrovert directs the four typologies to the world outside of themselves
(objectivity and impersonal) and often gets lost in these outer things. The introvert directs their energy
and four typologies within themselves (personal and subjective) and often recoils to the outer world
because; it takes a longer time at adapting to the world around them. Again this does not mean that
introverts cannot have certain extroverted skills and vice versa but this is how they go about
understanding and expressing themselves and the world around them.

Now that we have a general understanding on Jungian Typology, I can begin to actually work on
describing the quality of the realm of religion and the realm of the secular. To begin let me start with the
realm that I have come to identify myself with. I am someone who identifies with the spiritual and
religious aspect of mankind. I must say that the nature of religion has been perverted, according to
Jungian Typology, it is first and foremost introspective, from there its nature is based largely on the
intuitive aspect, one can say that in one way it is based on this aspect. According to Jungian typology
there are two supporting aspects that aid in the primary aspect, in the realm of religion these two
supporting aspects are the thinking and feeling aspects of man. Often we think of the thinking aspect in
this regards as dogma and doctrine that is laid down often in this we see the issues of morality taking
place, and the feeling aspect as the more spiritual experience that we see in the writings of mystics.
Again, the thinking and feeling are coupled to the intuitive. So the fourth part of sensate is the more
weaker side because it is based on what is perceived with the 5 senses which of course are used to
perceive the outer world, this explains why religion is at times more in conflict with science, because
they are talking differently and perceiving differently.

So now we must see that the secular is the complete opposite of religion, in this regard. The
Secular Point of View is overall more extroverted to begin with, and its primary functioning aspect is
based largely upon the sensation side with the philosophy of empiricism with its secondary support also
gathered around the thinking aspect. The problem is that science is not really a place for feelings and
intuition. It is dedicated by the analysis of data received by the 5 senses which are meant to perceive the
world outside of themselves and from there intellectualizing and theorizing over that information given.
However where do feelings have a place to go, in any of this? One can best describe this as the ethical
aspect to Secularism overall.

So now that we see the nature of both secularism and religion overall, in a more or less
generalized way the observations of our current society can better be understood. In today’s world the
Religious parts of our society seek to project out what is meant to be Internal those who do this are
doing it based on that old thinking that we can apprehend God with the Reasoning Mind often related to
the idea of Scholasticism, however it is well-known that the realm of reason is complementary to the
realm of the sensate which is empirical and logical. This suggests and creates a sense of being
uncomfortable in religions primary purpose or natural state which is meant to be introverted and
intuitive, and basing our thoughts and feelings on these principles. This is why religion is conflict with
the secular these days, at least in regards to its arguments that try to “prove God’s existence” and for
example why certain Christians feel that creationism is a thing from God and evolution from the devil,
like as if God and all these spiritual entities were something that can be physically grasped and like as if
the End Times was going to be a physical and historical time in the future. Because, this is all in the
realm of the extrovert and the sensate there is misunderstanding in abundance between these two
quarrelling parts, it’s like two people coming from two different worlds, one says “do you see that?” and
the other says “see what?” and they both argue over how one is acting in regards to the thing that was
or was not seen. They both are entirely different, but the only difference in our world is as if one is
sticking a gun to the head of the other and that is why the secular are very defensive against the
religious, because it’s like a person bringing his gang on your property and you want him to get off. We
as theists need to begin to take the biblical fundamentalism and the literal and historical interpretations
and end them, earlier in the book I spoke about this and later in this book I will be explaining more as to
what I am talking about in how we can go about ending these historical and literal interpretations.

However this is not to say that science is an innocent victim in this as well. Science is based
strictly on gathering information about the world around us and using the reasoning mind derive a
process in which we can understand the physical universe and its relation to us. However science is
getting ambitious as well for it is making philosophies based solely on its own typologies or based solely
on information gathered from the sensate part and the extroverted nature that secularism has taken up.
Now this is not to say this is all wrong, but it is not all right either. In an attempt to be objective we have
lost sense of ourselves and are finding difficulty in this world with finding meaning and empowerment,
the religious people are looking for new spiritual waters and the secular people are looking for the latest
self-help book or trying to fill the void to get them through their lives and find some happiness and
meaning. Nonetheless, this is why the religious are also so defensive against science, because science
being what it is; is divested of any real inner sense of meaning or purpose, being nihilistic and arrogant
in its philosophies it has uttered. Like that gang which you don’t want there on your property, science
has behaved the same way. There is a point and purpose to every part of man, science should just stick
to the facts and formulas given and allow others to come to their own judgments on life. For example,
science speaks of evolution, ironically I as a Christian am absolutely fine with that theory, not because I
merely am trying to reconcile the “conflict”, but because in my research it is revealed that as strange as
it may sound it is Biblical, in fact it only proves my point further that biblical literalism is wrong.

III. The Lack of Novel Arguing

Now that we have gotten through the psychological explanation and view I have given on the
nature of the two debating parts I need to offer some constructive criticism for my fellow theists in
hopes of trying to better ourselves through this adversity. This is particularly aimed at Christians because
this is where the brunt of the arguments is aimed at. On top of this I feel that it would be wrong of me to
argue from another religions point of view which I have not taken up nor ever believed in. So although
all theists are welcome to take away something from this, my real focus is on Christians being able to
take away something constructive.

So the criticism for people on the theistic side of the argument is one of looking at three issues
that I have noticed in both my research and my experiences with debates that I have taken part in. I do
not know if this is the case everywhere but if it is the case, than these three points can go a long way in
better understanding the argument and actually getting something out of it. Of course, I would say that
overall it would help that you learn how to debate and argue in the first place, learning both the skill of
logic, grammar, and rhetoric, in particular being able to identify, know, and understand metaphors and
allegories. The rest of the criticism I need to make from here on out is about issues of the nature of our
arguments in light of what I have written already, issues of ignorance exhibited already in the theistic
side of the argument, and issues of what I hypothesize is the reason why people are losing the faith.

It should be clear that the same old arguments are not holding up and that new arguments need
to be founded. I have witnessed this through my own experiences while debating with atheists.
Whenever I saw the traditional arguments (all based on the sensate and extroverted point of view might
I add) trying to prove the existence of God, I often see no one winning or saying anything but taking the
usual stance. Most of the time I see no ground made in either direction, like the proverbial stalemate
that you may see in a World War I battle, where many shots are fired and people rush out dying in no-
man’s land yet no one wins and more are just coming back, hurt of course in this case it’s just a lot of
hurt feelings based on lack of understanding, arguments made in a vacuum. However, in my arguments
when I throw out a novel observation or making a novel argument, although they do not concede all the
time, some do and either way most appreciate the fact that I did not use the same talking points to
argue God’s existence.

It is my belief that we (mainly as Christians, but all theists in general) are losing believers for our
own lack of understanding. There is serious lack of exploration for understanding and seeking God, we
are not looking we are just taking the latest doctrine and dogma and throwing it at people who do not
believe. We need to seek God personally, we need to seek him genuinely, do not think all the answers
will be given overnight, because they will not those who truly and genuinely dedicated to God are those
who truly love him. We need to get back to the roots of what religion is based on and we need to find a
holistic way of trying to bring the two together, instead of having a constant quarrel. Has not Christ told
us that we should Love Thy Enemy? Aren’t we treating science, secularism and atheism like one? So let
us go the path of love, peace, and understanding in order to make peace in these debates. Most people
today assume that because the way things are, everything is as it should be that religion has always
been an institution that is part and parcel with the extroverted and sensate mentality and that science is
too, and from this we see conflict emerge. It is because those who know and refused to share the truth
have tried to make religion an extroverted and sensate thing, in order to justify worldly ambitions of
their own. Yet I have show that religion used in the view of the extroversion and sensate mentality is not
the reality of the situation we face, this is not supposed to be about Zionism, End Times, or anything
based around the ideas of some historical and physical occurrences. Dare I be a heretic, and think boldly
to say that God’s Chosen people transcend a biologically related group of people, dare I say that the end
of the world is not some time in the near future, but now at this moment, dare I say that evolution
should complement Christianity not insult it? I dare to say these things, because these things threaten
the world and the status quo, because this is what research has revealed: That people rely on these
perverted issues to control or oppress others.

Let me say one more thing in relation to this issue, I also believe that we are planting roots in a
garden that is not ours, this goes back to the psychological component of what I have been writing
about. That we are from the realm of the intuitive introspective and we are planting our seed in the
realm of the sensing extrovert, have we grown so insecure of the nature of what religion is that we feel
compelled to act in a way that religion is not? Well look at how much appreciation we are given by those
who staked their claim first on the lands of extroversion and sensation and also learn that when we are
uprooted everything feels like it was for nothing, there are those who have been uprooted in this realm
of the extroverted sensate and have lost the faith, because religiosity is not even supposed to be in this
foreign land. Theist, in particular Christianity in the west has put on glasses that we are not meant to
wear when our eyes are fine, and we are acting according to what we unnaturally aren’t meant to see
through the perspective of the glasses instead of our own natural eyes. This is speaking of what is
natural of the purpose of religion and what is unnatural.

We should see this as a sign that Christianity has been turned into nothing more than an outer
moralistic shell of a religion that is severely lacking its spiritual substance. The proof is in the pudding,
look at our society today, we usually say that when someone adheres to a strict moral code they
became “religious”. It is a well admitted fact, that secular ethics aims at finding the best moral code to
live by, so if religion is just about morality than this is simply another way of losing more of the faithful,
for whichever moral code offers the best morality that is where most people go, however, what makes
the best is subjective, utterly dependent upon the person in question. So if religion and spirituality
exists, what is its purpose if it is not solely for morality? The point and purpose is transformation, all
people are called to be transformed by God, and this is something that in terms of the secular cannot be
done for its focus is primarily a worldly one, not a spiritual one, largely because it does not believe in the
spiritual. Therefore, the only way to restore faith and the desire to seek out God is for us to re-discover
the spiritual, yet how can you do that when in today’s world we have turned religion from something
mystical and symbolic, over to something dry and logical? Those who call themselves Christians, and
theists in general need to go back and re-discover their roots, in particular their more spiritual roots with
the suggestion I have made above. This is not an attack on reason, I am not saying we should forfeit
reason, but reason can only carry the faithful so far in the search that when we can admit where reason
ends and faith or intuition begins that is where we can see the helpfulness to reason. Obviously, we
need reason lest we become superstitious and are taken advantage of yet again.

IV. Observation of the Secular Militant Atheist Through My Debate Experiences

Before I conclude it would also be right that I offer some observations that I have made in my
research and my own experiences with debating with people who are on the other side of the
argument. It largely has to do with the behavior I have seen exhibited, the overall personality shown
with people who are not merely of the atheist bend, but of the militant atheist bend. Now I want to
mention again that this is not an attack on atheism overall, in no way shape or form am I saying that “all
atheists act this way” but the numbers of militant atheists are present in both people I spoken with and
my experience as well. I want to take a moment also to point out that a close friend of mine, is an
atheist and it was in my days when I only began trying to find myself that he helped me, for if he wasn’t
there I would have probably been lost in the wind, his rational approach helped keep me grounded. So I
can’t saying anything too bad about him, because it ultimately is proof that some bad apples shouldn’t
have to spoil the bunch, but how far is the atheist side of the argument willing to admit this, I am

The first quality I have noticed is this sense of Condescension and Elitism. It is often embodied
by a sense of “Logical than thou art” often equating those who believe in God with those who believe in
the Easter Bunny. The first part though that I have seen is this condescending arrogance, it largely has to
do with the fact that they celebrate the use of reason and think they have achieved a sense of
enlightenment that suddenly makes them better than those who “still” have faith in the existence of
something that cannot be perceived in the physical realm. This often leads to a sense of elitism, that
they are better than the theists. I have not seen more pride than what they exhibit, and this ultimately
will be there downfall whether personally or publicly. The second part just has to do with equating the
faithful in God with someone who believes in the Easter Bunny, like as if the two were on the same
level. This is how they view us, in a way they are right, but not in the way they think, but rather in the
way I have written this is how they are right. Either way this still creates pride that kills them on the
inside, becoming unresponsive or hateful to anything spiritual.

I find militant atheism to be a Hypocritical Religion of its own accord; I believe very strongly that
it has a God. Let me start explaining how it is hypocritical. It is hypocritical because, this particular
branch of atheism claims to trump the use of logic and reason while mocking those who have not put as
much emphasis they have on it, yet if you took the opportunity to debate with one who is militant in
their views, they engage in the use of the very fallacies that they so quickly spot out in theists. They are
particularly fond of the Ad Hominem attacks, often mocking rather than debating. It is a funny hypocrisy
and I wouldn’t take them that seriously whenever they do speak and argue, sadly they are worth
mentioning because I believe that they are a problem more than just an isolated incident here or there.
Now how does the modern atheist movement of today, in particular the militant atheist arm of this
movement, have a God? Well it is simple; everyone has a god, something they dedicate their lives to or
worship, something they put their time and energy into. Where is the God of the atheist, or at least the
ones I have interacted with? Their god is this life, the physical world around them, their bodies,
materialism, science, reason, logic and worst of all themselves in their arrogance although these
qualities (save the arrogance of self-worship) are all important in understanding the world around them,
it is still limited and sadly these things do not last when we die, they worship a god who is going to die
and is not eternal. By worshipping the personalities founded in these ideologies and actions, they
become them, this is evitable for all people we become what we worship and put our time into.

From my experience as well I have seen this eerie similarity take place that actually furthers the
case of my claim that Militant Atheists are hypocritical. It is interesting to note most of all that in my
experiences most of the Militant Atheists were Ardent Bible Thumpers. They were born and raised in the
household of parents who were fundamentalists, evangelicals, or just biblical literalists. The degree of
parental influence varied from person to person but one thing is certain the personality of the ex-bible
thumping Christian remind the same mentality as it had from the days of being a Bible Thumper. It is
what I like to call the “Copy and Paste” Mentality, they have become the very thing they couldn’t stand,
arrogant and condescending forcing their beliefs on others, the only difference now is that instead using
the condescending and dehumanizing persona of the fundamentalist for God by saying “if you don’t
accept Christ, your nothing” they use the same fundamentalist mentality that “if you don’t accept
Reason, your nothing” and they are just as ardent in pushing their agenda as the fundamentalists are, at
least the fundamentalists and atheists I have witnessed. Nonetheless I find the irony both humorous and
pathetic, they embodied the personality they say they cannot stand, and when you point it out they
deny this vehemently.

V. Conclusion

Based off the research accumulated and the experiences I have had I would say two things, the
first is that it would seem that some if not most self-proclaimed atheists are not angry with God per say
but rather in conflict with the definition of God that has been given to western society. The second has
to do with the first and that is that I believe that some atheists are not spiritually immature but rather
they are seeking a more or less better understanding of God, however reason is conflict with the
doctrines laid down by more superficial understandings of God, in the context of what St. Paul has
spoken they are looking for Meat instead of Milk but they are not being given any and this is what
makes them frustrated and distasteful of Religion and God overall, thus giving up on the search. It is a
sad thing indeed, because personally I see atheism and agnosticism more so as the easy way out, a kind
of spiritual and possibly intellectual laziness, of giving up and not being bothered with trying to find God,
which by now you know is one of my engines of my “Inner World” research.

However, it would be wrong of me to make such claims if I did not confess that I was once an
agnostic myself, but I find agnosticism one bit closer to being honest with oneself than an atheism
because with agnosticism you admit you do not know, whereas with atheism you admit you do not want
to be bothered. However as I have said there is no such thing as atheism for all have a god and all are
unsure in varying degrees. The atheist however, is very revealing in what they want, they want a God
who gives certainty, they want to be certain yet they embrace ideologies of nihilism where all is thrown
to chance, funny and peculiar arrangement of beliefs these are. Agnosticism reminds me at least of
Socrates saying that, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” that is where the
beginning of wisdom lies, and it is where the beginning of the path takes place for those who doubt, so
doubt and then begin to seek out God, if you are genuinely dedicated you will find him. I guess by now it
should be apparent that the blame can be equally given; that everyone is to blame and that no one side
is completely justified in their point of view. The message I hope you get out of this is balance; balance in
how one perceives and evaluates the world, knowing where one is more fitting for making judgments
over the other.
Section Three:
Criticism of My Own Against the Christianity of My
I. Introduction

In contemporary Christianity there are many problems which we are plagued by in our
relationship both within the tradition and from those outside the tradition. Within the tradition, there
are some who believe that Biblical Literalism and Christian Fundamentalism are meant to serve God.
There is also a major lack in the awareness of our Christian counterparts in the East as well, for in the
west much of what has been spiritual now seems lost to just physical and emotional expressions, but
not spiritual ones, which is what we are meant to aim for. There is indeed a sincere need for a solution
that will help us to re-discover the spiritual aspect yet again in the West, this aspect is the cornerstone
which Western Theological thinking has largely minimized and yet it is that stone which gives people
faith and desire to experience this in their lives. This essay is written largely to offer some re-
considerations that we as Western Christians should think about and not merely reject because, it may
seem incompatible with the society around us, for “the world” after all is society.

II. The Problems

The first thing that needs to be examined is the problems, the topics and issues written here are
meant to be controversial and thought-provoking, for these things are often the things that wake us up.
The first issue that I have called a problem is exactly the issue of Biblical Literalism and Christian
Fundamentalism; it is a problem because it serves worldly purposes and agendas not those of God. The
second issue is just a comparison of Western theology with our Eastern Brothers and Sisters, bringing up
the observations that I see as problematic in the Western Approach. The final issue essentially sums up
the first two issues but adds more to it and that is the lack of the spiritual in the Western tradition.

Now I have written already on the stance religion is supposed to take with regards as to how it is
meant to facilitate our awareness of the world around us. Dare I say than that, Biblical Literalism and
Christian Fundamentalism Serve the World and NOT God? It is based on the old idea of getting people
wrapped up in issues of world politics and affairs through religious superstition and fear. Biblical
literalism is a problem largely because it is limited to a narrow-minded logical interpretation of scripture,
which essentially empties out a jar of spiritual water in the desert called the world. Christian
Fundamentalism also is very dogmatic and narrow-minded, a re-creation of the puritanical ideology, this
ideology is not life affirming in anyway but life denying, there is no room for Spirit but only rational
dogma decreed by the fallen man. Both are responsible for many a cruel joke on western Christianity,
how sad it is that we see groups today that are filled with so much hate yet preach hypocritically, and
the love that their idea of God has given to humanity, which I humorously love to call “Spiritual
Stockholm Syndrome”. That is of course the key, their idea of God, not God himself, thus they have
become idolaters of the truth, not adherents of it. Yet it is known that idolatry is a worldly thing and
thus there is a connection between the idolatry of these literalist fundamentalists and the world that
whether they know it or not they are serving rather than God who they claim to serve.

It is indeed sad that a growing number of Christians today who assume that the narrow literal
interpretation is somehow the right one. I have reason to suspect that The Literal Interpretation of
Biblical Statements has allowed people who think they can force God to trigger the second coming
through the manipulation of politics and economics, this is not Godly but worldly and thus from the
devil. We know of the Neo-Conservative political movement with a large part of its members coming
from the denomination of Evangelical Christianity which is largely also taken up Literalism and
Fundamentalism, in regards to their own ideology they call themselves Dispensationalists which is the
idea that, emphasizes the literal interpretation of Bible prophecy, recognizes a clear distinction between
Israel and the church, and organizes the Bible into the different dispensations it presents. However, if
we examine the foreign policy of the Neo-Conservative, which is by the way as Ron Paul stated,
“Nothing New and Nothing Conservative” we see that everything is Pro-Israeli Lobby, and anti-
Palestinian and not Pro-Peace but Pro-War especially with the countries whose main religious faith is
Islam. Neo-Conservatism and the Christian Fundamentalist movement has a very clear and unique
connection to the world politics, where we know that in today’s Globalized Society is the devils
playground, however rest assured that the Neo-Cons are certainly not “The Pure Ones” who fight for
God in this game.

However, many people have taken the popular view that religious people like to read the
scriptures in a literalistic fashion and then observe the political power upon which they pull in
government only than do we see the wars upon which they have blindly accepted as part of the faith.
We wonder than as we always have through the ages why religious conflict is so frequent, however I will
argue that the Problem is not Religion in and of itself but the improper interpretation of it that makes
the difference. Violence, hate and ignorance are abounding in any religion wherever Fundamentalism
may rear its ugly head. Case in point, Christian Fundamentalists say Islamic Fundamentalists are
terrorist; while Islamic Fundamentalists say that the West (pre-dominantly Christian) is a spawn of
Satan, pointing to Western Aggression in their lands as there example, this is the paradox that the only
people saying this are Fundamentalists, as well as atheists, but this article is aimed at Fundamentalists.
Wars that have religious connotations, hatred toward others who are not like us also known as
intolerance and finally a pronounced ignorance about the roots, meaning and purpose of the true faith
is the symptoms of religious fundamentalism, which is nothing short of a perversion of the zealotry
written in the Bible. You see than that every problem is rooted in something good, if these zealots only
looked within and not without to see the signs of God at work in the world, their fire would not engulf
others but aid in God’s plan to illuminate others.

So it is true than that, power corrupts and whatever is exposed to Power, save God and all that
is Holy, becomes corrupted, we thought if we took away power from the church in temporal affairs the
world would be a better place, yet now we also must witness the corruption and evil done in secular
affairs as well to realize that the problem is not this (science and separation of church and state) or that
(religion and metaphors), but one thing only and that is the abuse of worldly power, which those who
hold power and refuse to give it up are largely Machiavellian in their outlook where “The Ends Justify
The Means!” Where they will use whatever they can in order to get on top and stay on top, whether it is
religion or not. They do not care about the true meaning what it is they use so long as they use it for
their own selfish purposes. Again the nature of science and religion are not evil or unenlightened in and
of themselves, but rather it is how we use these two aspects in perceiving and acting in the world that
we live in that can be used for good or evil and illumination or ignorance. Perversions, forgetfulness,
narrow-mindedness, and deception will only cause evil and ignorance to become abundant both within
(how it views itself) and outside of itself (how others will view it). Likewise returning back to our origins,
remembrance, open-mindedness, and a never ending search for the truth will only do us good and offer
the illumination of understanding to become abundant within the two realms (science and religion) and
how others view the two realms. However, it is mans dedication to truth, instead of his truth that makes
me curious as to how far he is willing to go to do good and seek understanding. As I have spoken about
earlier in the introduction, how many “crises in truth” can man endure?

The next issue is one that may seem very broad; it is the issue of the two dominant forms of
Western and Eastern Christian Theology. The first thing I want to do is just briefly state some of the
more common issues and observation that I made concerning the western approach to religion. The
observations I have stated here are things that most people see when they look at the Western Christian
Tradition that ironically all comes from the Latin Rite which Protestantism has tried so vehemently to
fight against. The other issue that ought to be tackled is the issue of how the western and eastern
traditions perceive God, and how through this understanding we can begin to work toward a better
understanding of Christianity.

The first thing we need to do however is to once again look at ourselves, and reflect on the
society in which we live with its relation to religion. This is essentially my Psychological Examination of
Western Christianity, again when I speak of the West, I do not mean all Westerns act like this but the
dogma and rules that Westerners have put down that dictate there relation to God and society around
them. I first want to restate briefly on my earlier conflict that I mentioned we see in the Atheists and
Theist debates of our time. After this I want to discuss the issue of how Westerners for the most part
have been told to have a Blind Faith as opposed to a faith that is meant to lead to understanding. Finally,
I wish to just state the ideas of how we are supposed to “feel good” and why this is not spiritual but
purely psychosomatic (or mind and body).

As I had stated earlier concerning my observations that I made in my essay on Atheist-V-Theist

Debates, the issue with the western approach is that the Religious parts of our society seek to project
out what is meant to be Internal, those who do this are doing it based on that old thinking that we can
apprehend God with the Reasoning Mind often related to the idea of Scholasticism, however it is well-
known that the realm of reason is complementary to the realm of the extroverted sensate which is
empirical and logical. This suggests and creates a sense that those who hold power in the religious realm
are uncomfortable with religions primary nature which is meant to be an introverted and intuitive
approach to the whole awareness of the human experience, and basing our thoughts and feelings on
those principles of looking within and using the internal senses of the intuition which are meant to be
aimed within not without. This is why religion is in conflict with the secular these days, at least in
regards to its arguments that try to “prove God’s existence” and for example why certain Christians feel
that creationism is a thing from God and evolution from the devil, like as if God and all these spiritual
entities were something that can be physically grasped by the reasoning mind and like as if the End
Times was going to be a physical and historical time in the future. Because, this is all in the realm of the
extrovert and the sensate there is misunderstanding in abundance between these two quarrelling parts.

First of all this is the height of human arrogance, to think that we can rationally apprehend God,
it absolutely is, it is no different that someone arrogantly saying that they know the whole personality of
another being, it is impossible to do so, and will only lead to assumptions that will be at most partially
true or all false. Let me finish by simply quoting the words of Evagrius of Pontus, “God cannot be
grasped by the mind. If he could be grasped, he would not be God.” This mind is the rational soul, God
like the people around us is a mystery to be experienced like two lovers meeting and getting increasingly
intimate with each other, not something that we merely try to disprove or prove the existence of. For
God is “everything and nothing, everywhere and nowhere,” as St. Gregory Palamas states. This is a
mystery, a paradox, a contradiction in terms, yet this is what God is and it is because of this that the
reasoning mind cannot hope to comprehend.

The next observation I have made about the Western approach to faith in God is how we are
told to simply have a Blind Faith, a mere sense of Hope that is not living and dynamic, but static and
essentially dead. This blind faith we are supposed to accept unquestionably, and it is this blind faith
which makes many people call “the leap of faith” because it is faith in something seemingly irrational
and not physical. However, in the words of Clement of Alexandria we see that,

“Accordingly, faith is something superior to knowledge, and is its criterion. Conjecture,

which is only a feeble supposition, counterfeits faith; as the flatterer counterfeits a friend, and
the wolf the dog. And as the workman sees that by learning certain things he becomes an
artificer, and the helmsman by being instructed in the art will be able to steer; he does not
regard the mere wishing to become excellent and good enough, but he must learn it by the
exercise of obedience. But to obey the Word, whom we call Instructor, is to believe Him, going
against Him in nothing. For how can we take up a position of hostility to God? Knowledge,
accordingly, is characterized by faith; and faith, by a kind of divine mutual and reciprocal
correspondence, becomes characterized by knowledge.”(The Stromata: Book 2 Chapter 4)

The “Conjecture” he speaks of however is Blind Faith, and Blind faith is best described as not
true faith. Blind faith leads one to accept religious tradition and dogmas without seeking greater
knowledge. For does not the Apostle Paul say himself that, “till we all come to the unity of the faith and
of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting…”(Ephesians 4: 13-14)
True faith leads to the pursuit of knowledge, knowledge leads to understanding and understanding leads
to wisdom and wisdom leads to truth and of course truth is freedom.

The Final issue that I have observed with the Western Theological approach is the “Feel Good”
Religion of our time. We all see it, everything from the super churches that are really large concert halls
for a particular charismatic man who speaks a message of charity, love and good feelings while he drives
off in his BMW to his large estate or even to the people who have convulsions on the floor and
blasphemously claim that this is the Holy Spirit inside of them. Both are largely foolish and ignoramus
and it only serves to diminish the desire for others to find the true meaning and message of Christianity.
This “feel good mentality” is a perfect example of the insecurity of religions true nature, rather than
growing in awareness of God’s Love and Wisdom which is the introspective and intuitive path, we have
become so insecure that we have looked to the “spirits” of Conversational NLP, Mass Hypnosis and
Marketing techniques to generate psychosomatic (mind-body) “signs” of God’s Presence which is more
of a sensation than intuitional approach, which is not the realm religion is supposed to be in. As you have
seen in previous writings and will see in more writings there seems to be more of a higher purpose and
pursuit within the Christian tradition, one that does not involve the hypocrisy of multi-million dollar
charismatic’s, the political agenda of others cloaked in Biblical Verses, as well as the idea that
Christianity is supposed to just be one big fuzzy, dreamy, and optimistic religion that has no realism to it

The next issue within my examination is the Western Approach is the Perception of God that has
been generated within the Christian community. The Western Approach as we westerners know very
well that our theology is based around seeing God more so as The Judge as opposed to the Eastern
theological view as The Doctor. I do not feel it is my place to be espousing too much doctrine from one
as opposed to the other, because I am merely a layman within the Church but a layman who has taken
the time to read and investigate these matters. Essentially both views need to be grasped and
understood but from the response of many people in our world today, one needs to be emphasized
more so than the other if we are to maintain our Church and our understandings surrounding the issues
we face from within and without.

As I have said the Western theological approach has decided to emphasize God as a righteous
Judge, who has founded us guilty of crimes (sin) that we can never really pay off except through the
Body and Blood of Christ. The Roman Catholic Church took this position just before and after The Great
Schism which came about the same time that Rome was divided from Constantinople within the whole
Roman Empire. But the Latin Rite has always been influenced by the Early Church Fathers who were
from the Western half of the Empire more so than the Eastern Half. Nonetheless, one would think that
as history went on and the Protestant Reformations occurred, the Protestants would rebel against such
an understanding of God as they had rebelled from many of the other understandings that the Roman
Catholic Church decreed. However this is not the case, for we see even in Protestantism not a rejection
but an affirmation of the thing that Protestants had protested against, that being God as being seen as a
Judge. Today many so-called “non-denominational” churches emphasize how God is Love but within the
same understanding that God is still a Judge, they also like the Protestants emphasize the importance of
Scripture over all other things relating to Christianity, luckily however they have not gone so far as the
Protestants have in the belief of a more literalistic approach to understanding scripture, for this varies
from church to church. However, the west overall still maintains the view that God is a Judge and like an
courtroom one needs to expound reason and morals as if one was being cross examined.
Since the West has emphasized God as a Judge than the Eastern approach or point of view has
decided to see God more so as a Doctor. From this perspective, God is the Doctor and his Church is a
Hospital. Humanity overall and each individual is sick with sin, a disease within himself, that has also
infected the rest of creation and this disease needs treatment a way to overcome his sickness, which is
through Christ. Through Christ he becomes whole and healthy yet again able to commune with God, and
through Grace become God-like since he was made in the image and likeness of God, it is through Christ
we realize this. When I speak of the Eastern Approach, the geography is not the Far East like China or
Tibet, but much closer to places like Greece, The Eastern Shores of the Mediterranean Sea such as
modern Syria, Jerusalem, Turkey, as well as Alexandria, Egypt as well as going North into Eastern Europe
and Russia, West in Iran, and South in Southern Egypt. The rift largely has to do with cultural divides and
theological differences. In this Eastern Approach however, lies the Churches united under the banner of
Christian Orthodoxy, or Eastern Orthodox, whose structure although Catholic is much different than the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy.

Ultimately the issue here is that God is meant to be seen as both, but the words get in the way.
We cannot deny that we see the words “righteous” and “judgment” in the Bible and that these qualities
seem more having to do with a Judge more so than a Doctor. However we must not forget that upon
examination of the text in its original language there is a sense that the doctor point of view can be
taken up as well. The Bible is written by men, and inspired by God, we must learn that those who are
coming to this awareness however often have a child-like view on the Bible and so because of man’s
condition he has been given words that are meant to explain how things are like, not necessarily how
they are. To illustrate the point imagine trying to explain something to a child that is a grown-up issue, in
a way that the Child perhaps could understand, that is the point to the Bible, to explain things in ways
we can grasp a as time goes on get a deeper meaning out of. This goes further in proving the case that
we need an interpretation of Biblical Texts that goes above and beyond the mere superficial literal
interpretation, for even the most direct commands in the Bible should still be contemplated upon for a
deeper meaning. So this goes without saying that the more enigmatic sayings than should certainly be
contemplated over as well.

The final section has to do with an expanded summary of what I have been talking about in this
section covering the Problems. Overall the biggest problem is the Lack of The Spiritual aspect in the
Western realm, it has either been turned into a mind-body “feel-good” session or we are told that we
must wait until we die; I have covered the “feel-good mentality” of Christianity among other things. Now
I wish to tackle this issue of needing to wait until we die in order to find out if it was worth it. As you
might be able to infer from reading this far, this issue of waiting until we die is one that is tied largely to
the idea of Faith of Conjecture or Blind Faith, it is best to uproot this idea of blind faith and the notion
that we cannot have God actively in our life now in order to allow our living faith to turn into a greater
understanding. For although the Apostle Paul tells us that, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I
understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now
we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also
am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1
Corinthians 13:11-13). This does not mean that we cannot have a personal connection with God in this
life, for if we read the Bible we see a relation with God between others who are still in their bodies,
others who are still on this earth, others who are still ALIVE and also we see that prayer is the dialogue
between creation and creator, but to give up and just wait when the opportunity is present right now to
really develop a true and real relationship with our true Father, now that a poor expression of ones

For I must confess that for a time I believed it was true, but upon greater investigation into the
faith I discovered was the biggest lie, that idea that We Hear about how great God and his Kingdom is
yet, we are told to wait for it until we die. This does not do much justice for faith itself. Faith becomes
static and lifeless, if we are told we just need to wait until we die. To me this is not part of the Ancient
Church’s idea of living the faith, but a modern idea of passively living the faith, our modern society has
this idea that we can “get rich quick” and likewise we have grown from that the same mentality that we
can “get saved quick” and all we have to do is just “passively believe in God and hold to his laws and you
will be okay, don’t worry about ‘understanding’ just adhere to said churches dogmas and you will be

Yet this mentality has us yearning for something spiritual, because this dry rational dogma that
can never do any real justice for the Spiritual. This brings us to the greatest gift however that God has
brought us to a Society that wants to experience it now. “It” is the divine, “it” being the transcendental,
“it” being the way, the truth, and the life. People are beginning to wake up because they do not merely
want to believe it like an all expense paid, life insurance policy where they can just assume they will be
fine, in the event they die. Today some people are saying this is bad news that people are trying to be
Mystics or seeking out that which is hidden or that which some who are in power cannot accept as true.
Yet I say that this should be seen as a gift for the Church to help those who want to experience that
awareness of the Divine in this life as a pure and genuine expression of their faith to have something
with God now. The Church must work to facilitate that, not condemn it. It should be the role of the
Church to make an opportunity out of any challenges we may face, if people are looking elsewhere for
the Spirit, the church should not be troubled, but rather show the means of getting to the Spirit. This
showing of the Spirit will reveal who the real church is, and who has merely mounted an idol called

We have forgotten our roots; we have forgotten everything that made Christianity appeal to the
down-trodden masses in Ancient Rome that made them want to die for this religion. You must ask
yourself, especially a Christian living in the West as to, what made the early Martyrs give up their lives
and possessions for the sake of God? Rest assured it was not Mass Hypnosis like what we see today or
the “feel-good mentality” present in those who want to appear as rational extroverted and sensation
based individuals, conforming to a society that is also extroverted and sensation based. There was the
awareness present in those times that only God could give, that made them endure the pains of
Martyrdom and put themselves at peace when the pain occurred. That sense of awareness however is
not present today for we are like a pot without water in it; we look the part but certainly are not filled
with the whole awareness of the part. If martyrdom ever was to comeback to all of Christianity the way
it did for the first 3 centuries of its official founding, I seriously doubt that even half of all self-described
Christians would continue to call themselves Christians, not because they are bad but because, they
have not truly felt a genuine and real connection or substantial/insightful understanding with the divine
in their life or perhaps they will endure because they are under the sway of the “spirits” of mass
hypnosis and propaganda, either way the lack of the awareness of the divine still needs to be admitted.
We need a solution and we need to apply it soon, for I can only wonder how bad things will get for our
society – which is growing increasingly ignorant, apathetic and shallow – before we decide to turn it all

III. The Solutions

Now that the problems have been laid out on the table for all to see and understand the context
upon which I am speaking it is now time to see the solutions that I propose can be offered to bring
greater understanding to the faith Christians all share. From the get go I wish to offer you the view of
how easily biblical words can be offered to change the worldview of Christians who fight so vehemently
against an outlook that they think is already incorporated into the realm of religion, that being as I have
spoken many times already is the outward looking, sensation feeling, intellectualizing realm that is
better known as science. This is a solution to the Biblical Literalism that demands adherence to the idea
of Creationism. After explaining the case for evolution in the Bible – which I dislike doing and will
comment on why later on – I will then proceed to offer the explanation as to why it is important that
Christians should look back to the roots of the tradition if we are ever to find the spiritual aspect, not
just the dry morality that has plagued us contemporary Western Christians of today. Like the final
section explaining the problems, I will again offer an expanded summary as to why it is important that
we should restore the spiritual waters to the dry Western Canals of Christianity.

The first thing I want to in an attempt to perhaps offer an alternative that will show you a
deeper level to Biblical interpretation in response to the things science shows us. So to model this I will
be showing Proof of how Evolution can be found in The Bible, using lines right out of scripture. I must add
however that there is also another way we can view creation as well. However which way you want to
view it I must say that the focus should not be upon doing this, I know it is tempting for while writing
this I have given into my temptation of trying to use the Bible for things that we should just view in the
realm and understanding of science.

To begin with working with the Bible to show that evolution is indeed a possibility within God’s
creative action we must use The Lord’s Prayer in it a particular verse from it where Christ, who is the
Truth or Reality says, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew
6:10). This particular line should be thought over as it has very powerful message as per the structuring
of the physical in relation to the heavenly. “Earth” is the realm of the physical and that which is seen, it
is where our bodies have come from and where all things have a given form. This means that “Heaven”
is the realm of the spiritual and that which is not seen with the physical eyes, it is the realm where the
spirit of man and God reside. This is what gives man the uniqueness over the rest of creation in the
animal kingdom; we can use our rational soul and our spirit in unison to live a full life in both the
spiritual world and the physical one as well. Nonetheless I digress, the prayer says that we should do on
earth the things which are in heaven, not merely because it is right but because it is in alignment with
the rest of reality; “the things below correspond to the thing above; the things above correspond to the
things below.” This does not mean that they are equal in quality but the relation of the two works to aid
in our understanding. This is the first part of the premise, which I need to address.

The next premise worth addressing is The Parable of the Growing Seed in which Christ tells us
that, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day,
whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the
soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is
ripe; he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”(Mark 4:26-30). This speaks of how the
cultivation of the awareness in spiritual occurs, there is life because there is growth and change in the
appearance of the seed to the point where the original seed is lost and a plant comes out of the ground,
revealing a new part to the plant overall. This is the realm of the spiritual, but in keeping with the Lord’s
Prayer is this not how life down here on earth develops as well? Don’t things evolve or change in some
way; don’t things grow out and develop over time?

Look here again at what the Apostle Peter has written also on the basis of Spiritual Growth, “But
grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and
forever. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18). Again we are told to push further our awareness of God and his Kingdom
even further, but the only way we can do this is through spiritual maturity or through spiritual evolution,
as The Apostle Paul said it best while addressing the Corinthians, “I have fed you with milk, and not with
meat: for till now you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able. For you are yet carnal: for
whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men?”(1
Corinthians 3:2-3). Do you not see here yet again, an evolution a growth that Paul is saying that needs to
take place, in order to no longer be “carnal”? Well than is this not the case of growth and life through
time, that while we live on this earth we are bound to the laws of time and space, as well as natural laws
which the body must abide to?

You put this altogether and the above or spiritual is shown that the below or physical must also
be done, thus there is a spiritual evolution which is unseen and a physical evolution which can be seen,
although the physical evolution is also built around an adaptation to the environment or space around
us. Evolution can be as much a Christian idea of creation as well as a secular idea. If this is true (or
accepted this as true) than the issue should not be whether evolution is the devils idea that cannot be
accepted but rather if people must think of this as an issue - the debate should be on whether this
evolution that took place happened for a reason or based on sheer luck? This then is a matter of opinion
more so than conflict with information. But even still just mere luck, is implausible because, the
individual organism seeks to strive to survive and adapt, so there is still a purpose which can easily be
seen, my opinion would be that behind everything seen there is likewise an unseen aspect as well. As a
side note Christians do believe that we have an animalistic impulse, we have the potential to lust like
animals and covet like them as well, could we say that from an evolutionary perspective that we
inherited these things as part of our nature from the days that our mere bodies were just animal skins of
primates and flesh, not yet endowed with a fully rational soul and spirit?
The other way to view this issue is that every moment God is creating, creation is happening
right now. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all
things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelations 4:11) Let us expand on this “are”
and “were” distinction, why would it be written that “they are created” unless it is at this moment called
into existence, this moment it is, not the past for the past cannot be repeated and the past is merely a
memory. Yet “they were created” as well, for it did happen back in the past, they did exist, creation was
and still is. So let us not view creation merely as something in the distant past but something that is now
and present, there is no moment that God does not create, it is by him and through his loving grace that
creation is called into existence. For is it not also said that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made
through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:1-3) Is Christ not eternal and
timeless; is not the act of creation something above that which is created? Again, God made and
continues to make the Cosmos, the creator is outside of time and his act is likewise outside of time as
well, because of this creation is eternal, not merely something that happened once.

As a Disclaimer or warning I must confess why this is a temptation to use lines out of Scripture
to make the case for physical or scientific arguments. The truth is, as Christians we should be able to
understand that whichever way God decided to create us is not the focus, the point is we were created,
we were made by God for a purpose and with the endowment of free will, we have to ask ourselves if
we will fulfill that purpose as being made in the Image (potential) and Likeness (realization of that
potential). We must also be careful not to just fit the Bible into worldviews people wish to provide for
us, after all we who are genuine Christians, genuinely love Christ; and by association must Love Truth as
well. It would be folly for us if we used the Bible in such a subjective way to use lines out of scripture to
try the prove the truth of “X” Scientific theory, only in time for that theory to proved wrong and then
hypocritically use the lines out of scripture to prove “Y” scientific theory. We as Christians are best to
simply incorporate what is revealed to us into the larger worldview, for does not Christ (The truth) also
act in ways that disrupt the society and social order that most took for granted as well, they NEEDED to
incorporate him into their worldview even if some if not most didn’t want to.

I believe that we as Christians can have a lot more to walk away with if we took the time to
make a careful Re-Examination of Our Roots. This means than that we have to look East to figure out
what it is that we are in need of understanding. There are many people who do not even know what the
Eastern tradition is all about, and some think they know and misunderstand what it is about as well.
However there is a very simple argument that can be made as to why we as western Christians can only
grow in our faith and not be hurt by it with this investigation that I speak of.

The Argument I have to make as to why we should look East largely revolves around 3 premises:
1) Christianity Grew from a Religion of Nothing into a Religion Known Everywhere. It grew under the
influence and found its identity around Greek Philosophy and Judaism. These understandings better
serve to help enable the understanding and context Christianity should be put into and not just purely
literal biblical interpretation, which is no different than throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 2)
Christianity started in The East and because of that We Must Look Back to The East for Our Origins.
The East is where the ancient church lies; it is the matter of geography that I make the argument for my
second premise. 3) We Need to View the Early Church Fathers Again, and begin reading there writings,
they are much closer to the time of Christ than any of the amalgam of faiths that comprise Christianity
today and because of that they are closer to the understanding and society of the time in which Christ
spoke. I am not saying we should “Build-A-God” out of those writings, but the writings of the Early
Church Fathers certainly do aid in getting a better understanding of what is written in the Bible. It is an
issue of historical context that I make the argument for my third premise. With all these premises we
see the need to look to the East and at the very least entertain the ideas that the Eastern half of the
Church seeks to provide.

I just want to sum up by saying that we must work towards Restoring the Spiritual Water to The
Dry Canal of Rational Religious Dogma, which has long pervaded the western approach to God and
Salvation, this approach has either aided in making more ignorance and enemies than understanding
and friends who want to go to Christ or it has aided in people looking elsewhere for their psycho-
spiritual needs. We must look and see that many Christians are looking to other spiritual waters to drink
from in order to experience things related to the spiritual dimension, but why aren’t they looking within
the realm they have come from? It largely has to do with the fact that the spiritual practices are no
longer really shown or pronounced as well as they used to be to the layman who wants more than
simply to have a static faith in going to heaven and waiting there whole life only to see God at the end of
their earthly life, in fact this waiting has caused forgetfulness and apathy in really taking an examination
in activating their faithfulness in God, in hopes of working toward an understanding that transcends
mere intellectual love of God.

I must say also that in researching more into the issue the Conflict with Science should not exist
the way it does today. Science is meant to find out the workings of creation, what it reveals should show
how God has created the universe from which we came from. Religion is aimed at finding out how we
come to the creator. One is rational, horizontal, and physical while the other is symbolic, vertical and
unseen. In a way of using the study of language to convey what I am trying to say, we could compare
science to syntax (what is) while religion to semantics (the meaning behind it). The point is to have
religion abide in the symbolic and spiritual nature from which it was created; religion was never meant
to be something that espoused rational and physical truths, in the way that science is meant to. I see the
effects of rational thinking being taken to an extreme throughout human history that has caused people
to feel compelled to think that religion is meant to be backed up with logical, superficial and literal
thought. If we are to recover the spiritual in Christianity today and seek to undo that which it has
become (at least or especially in the west) than we must surrender to God the fact that what religion
shows, is symbolic, metaphorical, and allegorical in its expression and a mystery in its understanding,
one that cannot be apprehended with reason but Spirit. To deny this is to deny religion and to deny God.

With this I conclude my case for finding a solution by saying that, we must begin to seek and re-
discover the spiritual waters that we are meant to drink from in the west, without having to turn to the
east (now meaning Asia) for our spiritual satisfaction. We must go on a journey to find water in the
desert and begin to re-discover the things we are meant to already have but have surrender to our own
insecurity of how the rational world we live in would ever accept such “irrationality” that religion states.
It is “irrational” because the reasoning aspect we have been endowed with cannot apprehend it and
because it is symbolical and paradoxical, it automatically transcends reason; so because of this we must
become it in order to understand it.

IV. Conclusion

It is my hope that the problems proposed were thought-provoking and controversial to those
who made an assumption in these problems being true, do not think of me as someone who arrogantly
is talking down to those who believe in Fundamentalism and Literalism, for I used to be in that boat for a
short time in my life as well. It is my hope that the solutions proposed will also not be seen as arrogant
talking down, but as a means to helping others see and learn of new ways that get them out of the
logical and narrow-mindedness of Literalism and Fundamentalism. The point is to use the soul in unison
with the spirit to discern the true meaning of the scriptural verse(s) in question, for if we only
emphasized the rational soul over the spiritual intellect, we will only be able to discern a moral code, but
no awareness of the context of the morality surrounding it. Likewise the over-emphasis of the spiritual
intellect and neglect of the rational soul, will lead only to an understanding that we could not possibly
hope to know how to apply. This is why man was made with a threefold nature, of body to act or move;
of soul to apprehend things that can be rationally understood; and of spirit to experience the mysteries
of things that cannot be rationally expressed. If we as individuals in today’s world brought the spiritual
intellect to the level of emphasis of the rational soul, we would indeed be able to truly commune with
God, in this life to the extent that God would allow it. Lastly, let me re-affirm what I said earlier, things
that are perceived as problems should not be seen as problems but opportunities to better understand
the faith which we have taken up, such as the issue of people wanting to experience God in this life
rather than in just the next one.
Section Four:
On Revelations:
Is Action or Inaction Required of Mankind

The Book of Revelations, it is a book founded in The Bible, the Christians idea of the ineffable word
of God. It is 100% truth, but there is catch, behind the mask of literal translations and interpretations,
much evil has been done in truths name. The most recent bout of evil that has extended from the
literal/historical interpretation of the Bible would not only be the hate and fear mongering toward Islam
but also the End Times Bible Prophecy as well. Why is it evil? The answer largely has to do with the fact
that it has led many people into the arms of inactivity in the face of evil. We all know the saying “all evil
needs to do to win, is for good people to do nothing” well, the End Times Prophecy is just that. People
figure that we do not need to do anything, because now is the time for God to come down and save us,
while we sit-down and do nothing about the evil around us. I personally feel that religion has once again
been misunderstood by the faithful and the scholarly, in regards at least to putting the plan of God into
some historical and literal manifestation.

The point of my essay is to address and expand on three things. The first has to do with what The
Book of Revelations is and what the real message is. As I have come to understand it through research of
my own through the years growing up and doing my own investigation into my beliefs. The second has
to do with making the case for action in the world, in order to combat against the unseen spiritual
warfare that we encounter in this world and we as Christians are called to believe and inevitably
understand as real. The third is my criticism concerning the idea that we should just sit around and wait
for God to come down and save us. In the end I will conclude but not before tying my idea of
Revelations to the first claim that God’s Kingdom was nigh and how people have predicted the end for a
long time and have always been wrong.

Before I begin however, I feel it is important to look at what Christianity was and is meant to be.
Looking at the history of the Early Christians, even before the day of Pentecost it should be apparent
and true that Christianity is a spiritual community, dedicated to the direct experiential knowledge of
God, and to be in union with the One True God, as stated in the Bible when Christ himself accuses the
High Priests of the Jewish Temple that they, “shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither
go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.”(Matthew 23:13) It should be clear
that Early Christianity, possessed many qualities similar to a mystery religion, in that it was at first
exclusive and esoteric. As time went on this became an inclusive spiritual community that had its own
degrees of mysteries that were unveiled based on the aspirants own mentality and relationship with the
One True God. It possessed the greater and lesser mysteries, which were found in its earlier exclusive
and esoteric beliefs. Interestingly enough this religion grew large because unlike the cults of pagans, this
one was inclusive towards the weak and down-trodden masses, for them to experience the divine truth,
that previously were closed to wealthy and well-to-do pagans.

Christianity started out first as an exclusive and esoteric community, like many of the other Mystery
Traditions (exclusive to certain people) of its day. The one verse that made it exclusive was largely the
requirement of being a Jew. Pagans were not allowed into this ministry, it was strictly for Jews. This is
shown clearly in the biblical writing where it is written, in the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
that, “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” (John 4:
22) Again, showing that the originator of Christianity made this salvation and inevitably this community
open solely to people of Jewish origin or belief. Like other mystery religions it too had its own esoteric
knowledge and wisdom, it is through this knowledge that people learned how to return back to the
awareness of the divine. This understanding of esoteric knowledge is written throughout the New
Testament but most importantly it was stated during Jesus’ ministry, while he was still alive and before
his death and resurrection right after the Parable of the Sower and after his disciples ask him why he
speaks in parables and replies saying that, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has
been given to you, but not to them.”(Matthew 13:11) Again, this is a general observation, the
community started out as both exclusive to Jews, for even the Apostles were all of Jewish Lineage and
the knowledge within this community transcended the common persons understanding.

However Christianity than became an inclusive society, taking in many different people. It was
meant to hold the esoteric and divine knowledge that it carried over from its first days as an exclusive
society of followers. However the question is asked, at what point did Christianity start becoming an
inclusive society of followers? It takes place in The Book of Acts, where Christ told Ananias to retrieve
the Apostle Paul because, he was going to use him for an even greater act that would increase the size
and scope of the society when it was written, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name
before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must
suffer for my name.”(Acts 9:15-16) It is by this act, that Christianity ceased being a community that was
exclusive solely to those of Jewish lineage but became a community for all of humanity. However, just
because it surrendered its exclusivity, it does not mean it surrendered its spiritual knowledge, quite the
contrary it is exactly because it has within it “the pearl of great price” that it was to be shared with all

Christianity attracted the people who were outside of rank or the lower ranks of human civilization.
The people most attracted to this Christian message were indeed the poor and down-trodden masses
who were at a disadvantage in the corrupt Empire. Unlike the pagan cults, or Greek Mysteries, who
were really open up to the educated and rich few within the empire this community was inclusive even
to the uneducated, poor, and neglected people of the empire. This is why Christianity was such a threat
to the worldly elite in the Empire, because the Empire neglected the masses and took advantage of
them however Christianity embraced them and offered spiritual illumination to them, this was a concern
because, if the people lived for something more than the world and the Empire, the world lost its power
over them, hence why Christianity is a religion not of worldly success but of personal transformation and
union to the one true God, regardless of race, culture, gender, and income. Nonetheless, I digress the
New Testament is filled with statements of compassion for the poor and not being worldly but one verse
that speaks of the evangelization of the down-trodden masses, is found in The Parable of The Great
Banquet, where The Master of the house, has a few specific people he wanted to invite but none can
make it, angered by this the Master of the house says to his servant, “Go out quickly into the streets and
alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame… Go out to the roads and
country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.”(Luke 14: 21, 23) Although this was
written during Christ’s ministry, when it was exclusive to the Jews, it should still show that even while
Christ was still alive, this spiritual community still believed in aiding the poor, rejected and the neglected

Now that a correct and proper understanding of the early Christian spiritual community has been
established, it is time now to seek out the understanding of what Revelations means. Because, the early
Christian community was indeed a spiritual community that spoke of spiritual illumination and salvation,
the point and purpose to Revelations was not to make an internal and allegorical truth and turn it into
some literal and physical/historical occurrence, in the future. The Second Coming of Christ was not
meant to be realized with Jesus as the one unique individual who embodied The Christ, as coming back,
but rather Christ who is now spiritual being made to embody himself within you and each true believer
of The Way. Likewise, there is a lot of misunderstandings concerning The End of The World and The
Beast, whom which modern day “End Time Prophets and Pastors” have called The Antichrist.

I find it funny, and laugh at times when I see people holding out there Bibles saying now is the time
for the end of the world and now is the time for his return. Yet, every time man has made this prediction
since the early days of Christianity itself I have not seen the world end, in fact I have seen a lot of evil
being done, before, during, and after these alleged last days has been claimed. So it is clear, that every
time this has occurred man still has not seen a transformation take place in their existence, they do not
embody the teachings of Christ any more better than they did before those last days were claimed.

I think a point needs to be established, Christ himself made it very clear in two facts, the first
was that the coming of the Kingdom would be within and that this coming through working and living in
the world but not for the world would come without warning. Christ made it clear to us, long ago that
The Kingdom of Heaven is with you when he said that, “The kingdom of God cometh not with
observation: Neither shall they say, ‘Lo here!’ or, ‘lo there!’ for, behold, the kingdom of God is within
you.”(Luke 17:20-21). This should immediately establish the precedent that any attempt of someone to
tell you to ‘look here or there’ is deceiving you whether purposefully or not, the act of looking ‘here or
there’ is done with the understanding that it occurs in the temporal or physical realm rather than the
spiritual or internal realm. Likewise, Christ made it clear anyway that the time of God’s coming will be
unannounced for not even Christ himself knows, it is solely the act of the transcend aspect of God to
make such a decision. He made it clear that, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the
angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36). Again, what worth is it to us to try to guess
when he comes? Does not Christ tell us to worry about Today, for Today has its own problems? Look at
the evil that is happening today, tomorrow never comes because when it does it becomes today. Do not
be deceived, let us be really allegorical or even literal with such an allegory, Christ told us the signs of
the times, about wars, famines and disasters, but there is always these things, I cannot think of one year
when it was ever peaceful in my time or anytime when two or more groups of people did not conflict or
someone starve to death.

The second coming is within you because, the kingdom lies within you, Christ told us it would
come unannounced as he proves this coming of the Kingdom with Paul on his way to Damascus leading
to his REVELATION of Christ. It is in Paul that he communicates one point, that being that Christ lives
within him and the second point is something Christ communicate to Pontius Pilate that his kingdom is
not physical. Christ makes it clear that the description of the Kingdom, the way, the truth, the light,
every word he speaks, is not for some physical sake but for the spiritual sake. He states this clearly that,
“My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I
should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” (John 18:36) His Kingdom,
his plan, will transform the world, but this transformation is done on the spiritual and internal level,
within each and every true believer. Also to reinforce this point, look unto the Apostle Paul who while
speaking to the Galatians says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in
me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
(Galatians 2:20)

It should be clear once again, that the presence of Christ should not be seen as something outside
and foreign but rather internal and more real (true) than even our own selves (ego?), it is a matter of
transformation from the “ego” self to relinquish all control unto Christ. The ego self being the entity that
the world, the flesh, and the devil seek to satisfy and seek to deny the ego the awareness of Christ in its
short and corrupted existence. But the point is to turn the center of attention away from these three
enemies of the divine which will transform the ego-self that is pre-occupied with the physical over to the
realization of the True Self, the inner self which is focused upon and surrenders to the divine and
spiritual and which Paul says is real when he states that, “he would grant you, according to the riches of
his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man…” (Ephesians 3:16) Again, it
should be clear that God will not save us, unless we want to be saved, unless we want to be transformed
in our own lives, at this very minute. However the question that is really begged is who is willing to make
such a real and genuine commitment?

The end of the world and its great defender is the beast. Again the beast is another allegory, it has
of course today been better known as the Antichrist. The Beast is essentially all the power of the world
giving its last grab for power and although we know it already lost, we must decide if we will end up as
the unsaved or as the saved. The end of the world is essentially the illumination of man, that critical
mass of illumination while still living in the world that essentially allows man to realize that we need to
stop feeding the system that continues to exploit us and hurt us. This why I find it to be wrong to say,
that “we are rewarded in the afterlife and this life is filled with toil and suffering,” and although it is true
it still seems like a paradox, I do believe that this toil and suffering is, not out of our hands, or in other
words not meaningless and random. I find it that if man was able to realize the potential God had given
each individual, as God’s good graces reveals, we have it within us to end the world right here and right
now. For what is the world, but human society, and every ending is a new beginning, one that will
inevitably transform human society and where God governs man, not in some theocratic bid for power,
but in a spiritual awareness that is present within all of humanity. Likewise, we have all heard of the
expression that “you are your own worst enemy” and this should ring true in the case of the Beast.

Again, viewing Revelations as an allegory and not literal, would you say there is a part of you that is
filled with hate, or that hates, a part of you that wants for itself, a part that is hurt and wants to hurt? I
think we can all agree that this is essentially the shadow and the untamed forces within man that must
be mastered and conquered by Christ, the True Self if we are to hasten this ending. Christ had told us to
give it the one thing that it cannot stand to bear, and that is LOVE, for Christ had told us that it would be
right to, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father
in heaven.” (Matthew 5: 44-45) I will go over the concept of loving thy enemy in the next section
explaining myself in the defense for action. Nonetheless, however, man is given freedom, this can only
be done in you and others who agree, and those who disagree cannot be forced and certainly must be
given the chance for God to awaken them in their own time.

In my Case for Action that I have made to people over and over again I have but one point, but it is
arguably a very strong point to be made and that is the case that Man has it within his ability to change
things. This change if it is aligned with God will be made manifest, but it is only through us - by the order
that God has established - that God acts through and moves through us. It is only through physical acts
that things were changed and God’s true will be made manifest. God moves us, whether we are against
him or helping him, whether we are aware of it or not. I also spoke in the previous paragraph about how
loving our enemy is meant to bring transformation to the world.

Before I start however on the power of love and what love I speak of, I must first go over the idea
that it was only through Physical acts that things were changed and God’s Will made Manifest, we are
moved by God. This point was made clear, when during A Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel was
made, it was revealed unto us that God really is the one who moves through us when he himself said
that, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone
and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be
careful to keep my laws.”(Ezekiel 36:26-27) It should be clear that as true and devout believers, we are
also meant to, “set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing
what is to come.” (2 Corinthians 1: 22) For how can we say that God is in us, if we are against God’s Will
to change the world? I think it is really our own egos and divided small selves getting in the way, but we
are confusing it for God. Do not think I am radicalizing you, but I do want to make it clear that we must
choose God’s will over the worlds, and God wishes to grace us with a sense of concern both for
ourselves and others.

So when Christ spoke the famous line that we should, “Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5: 44-45) what does he mean?
Well because we cannot stop hating the world until we come to terms with it or Embrace it, than we
cannot even begin to Reconcile with it. The point should be clear, the world must be loved, but not in
the sense of what it can offer, for the world is dead, but loved as God loves us, for this is how God
reconciles with all things. The love I speak of is strong almost like a tough love as it is often called, it is
not meant to be interpreted as one acting as a pushover or “mushy.” Why is it tough? Because we are
called to suffer and go through pains, in hopes of gaining spiritual growth and development when we
contemplate over these experiences, for does not the Apostle Paul say to us that, “Not only so, but we
also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance,
character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love
into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 5:3-5) This is the point I want to
make about love, God’s Love for everything fallen is transforming it is not static and “feel-good” but
dynamic and very real. However, we know now that as humans we are not whole, we are divided even
at the individual level, so again I ask is it not true that we are our own worst enemies? Is it not true that
we also, because of our pride, tend to project our own shadow, or weaknesses unto things around us, in
hopes that we do not have to admit that we are the one with the problem, but that “they are” or “it is”
the problem? The point first and foremost is to work toward loving the enemy within you first, by
embracing, reconciling, and transforming it. Only when you can even begin to do this with yourself can
you begin to try to do it with the world around you.

For, “if X is troubling to me and I fight my whole life to get rid of X, only to see that Y is similar to
how X troubles me, than I have wasted my whole life trying to get rid of one thing only to see it in
something else.” But this is a projection of your own inner division, your own shadow, your own
rejected self, you must work to make yourself whole and when you do, you will be able to love the
world and thus end it. This of course is the likely paradox, that, in order to defeat the world, we must
love God. But if we love God because we hate the world, than we cannot win against the world. The only
way to defeat the world is to Love as God has and to genuinely Love God for God’s sake. For it is only
through God that we can become whole and thus save the world. Therefore, my call to action for you
and for all is to LOVE, embrace what you hate and know what you want, when you know yourself than
you will be in a position of changing the world and your life. Apathy and Ignorance flee at the sight of
Godly Love, for when you have been touched by Godly Love you know and you care.

Before I conclude, I must say that although I sound like a person of action, it is only because I was
once a person of inaction. To this on reflection I must also make my case against inaction, for I feel that
there is much Evil in Inaction. I have two points that I wish to rise concerning that evil of inaction. The
first case is that, man always looks without to solve his problems, instead of within. The second point is
one of a Christian origin, and that is on the sorely misunderstood beatitude of the one who is meek, for
it has been misconstrued to mean weakness, but I can assure you that meekness is not submissive

First I must speak against the evils of inactivity by saying that while in the world, Man always looks
without to solve his problems. This is the tragedy that for a while now has made man weak and
complacent. However, I can assure you that this not meant to be the case; man is meant to look within.
The World, is human society, it is that which is seen with the senses, it is the physical realm as well. After
all don’t our human society and all human societies tend to tell us to look outside of ourselves, for our
life, our happiness, our prosperity and security? If this is the case, than why would we assume that the
spiritual which is at odds with the world, want us to see Revelations and interpret Revelations in a
worldly, physical, and historical manner? I believe that the World wants you to look at objects and
others and to neglect your own spiritual development, and because of that I feel that this is not in
keeping with ending the World. It does not make sense to me. If I want to end the world, I need to look
within and not without but if you are going to interpret and live by the interpretation of some physical
and historical future event, you already sided with the world anyway. I think we are giving the world an
advantage over ourselves and others, by giving spiritual revelation a physical and historical perspective.

If you find yourself doubting as to the interpretation I have given the world, see how it is Biblical
when Christ himself speaks of the world as being pagan and obsessed with material objects, he tells us
as Christians, who put the spiritual over the worldly, “do not set your heart on what you will eat or
drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things and your Father knows that
you need them.” (Luke 12: 29-30) Food and Drink, since this is allegorical, it can really mean anything
you can consume. Whether it is food or items or ideas, all of which we give our time and energy
pursuing and for what?

Again, Christ asks us the question that has become so well known, “What good will it be for a man if
he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”
(Matthew 16:26) What good comes to a person who wastes there life away in pursuit of material things,
focused on things outside of themselves, but neglects their own spiritual development. I think it is clear;
the teachings of Christ, which are all about internal focus, are in conflict with the later external End
Times Prophecies that have plagued Christians since the beginning of Christianity.

Some people have felt justified in saying that, we are called to be submissive and weak, and to do
nothing except wait on God, but these people do not even know what God wants, for they have not
looked within. I think it is time to really debunk that old beatitude that says, “Blessed Are the Meek” by
examining how it has been used in the Bible for I can prove to you that Meekness does not mean it is
good to be subservient and weak, but rather it means that despite being powerful those who were
called meek did not advertise their power, meekness is the virtue of self -control.

Moses was called a meek man when it was written that, “The man Moses was very meek, above
all the men which were upon the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3) Yet, how is it than that Moses was
very pro-active in his actions? He was not inactive, God moved through him and communicated to him,
he was sure of what he was doing and he did it regardless of how much was against him. Surely a man
who leads an entire people out of slavery and into a promised land, cannot really be called weak let
alone submissive, so let me make this clear meekness is not about being weak and submissive around
others and the toward the world but rather to God and God alone, for he is the only one worth
surrendering too.

Again, I will reaffirm this claim that meekness to the world is missing the mark for, Moses
communicated to Pharaoh (King of the Worldly Egypt) God’s will when it was written, “And Moses and
Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, How long wilt
thou refuse to humble thyself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me. Else, if thou refuse
to let my people go, behold, tomorrow will I bring the locusts into thy coast…” (Exodus 10:3-4) Tell me,
do you think someone who is weak and submissive to worldly authorities would ever speak up and tell
them when they are doing something wrong and immoral? No, they will be quiet and not challenge the
authority of these worldly institutions. Also, keep in mind the things Moses had done, he brought three
trials upon Egypt and he lead people to freedom, this takes a lot of power, but Moses never advertised
it, he used it only when God told him to use it.

If you are thinking that it was only the Old Testament where meekness is exhibited, think again,
for Jesus Christ himself said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11:29) Yet how is it that the Son of God - who had
done many miracles and used his power for good – be called weak and submissive? He is not weak and
submissive unto the world for he too spoke of opportunities that he could, “call on my Father, and he
will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels” (Matthew 26:53). Even the famous
temptation of Christ is one that the devil himself said to Jesus saying jump off the building and God’s
Angels will catch you. All these and more show of the power that Christ himself wields within and yet, he
does not flaunt his power, he is humbled by it, he is meek and subservient only unto the one true God.
Thus, meekness is not weakness but self-control.

In the end I feel that when yet another prophecy is missed, people will say maybe next time, but
others will know that the only next time is right now. This misunderstanding, I feel will only lead to
further blame against religion for the evils that transpired when we could have done something to stop
the evil that made us think the end was upon us while it was happening, instead of thinking that
somehow God without working through us, will stop it.

Let me be frank and repeat what I said, I think that the inaction is just part in continuing the
constant cycle of making religion look bad. We do nothing, at the hour when something should have
been done and we think someone else is going to stop it. Than evil once again wins another victory but
by that time we see that no one came down to save us or them from the evil, and we realize that we
should have done something to stop it. Yet we didn’t because we became infantile, thinking someone
else was going to save us from our own faults and misfortunes. Do you not see what I mean? Haven’t we
learned our lesson yet, that we should stop looking without, in hopes that we can look within and begin
to allow God’s Spirit to come into our hearts with all humility, so that we can do God’s will on earth as it
is done in heaven?

If there is one thing that I can’t stand – and thank God I am not God, because I probably would
be a very judgmental god about the issue – it is how the masses will say now is the time and prepare for
it, by suddenly getting religious but they will never understand how “now is the time” let alone really
cultivate a love for God, for they only love him in hopes of trying to avoid the pains of punishment. First
though, it makes me mad how all these people will hear the world is coming to an end and they will
change because they think now is the time, for if now wasn’t the time they would still be carrying on
with worldly concerns, but nonetheless they will get religious and put a mask of piety on themselves in
hopes of scoring points for heaven but they are not doing this out of love but only out of fear and does it
not say that, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with
punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4: 18) So, I also ask you whether or
not it is written that God is Love? If it is written that God is Love, do you think anyone who puts on a
mask of piety because they fear rather than love, will not have that mask ripped off of them in the light
of truth? Again, End Times Prophecy creates dishonesty within the individual who believes it, and
therefore, dishonesty and deception within society as well. When I say, “now is the time” I mean this
moment, not some pre-determined date set by some being that lives outside of time.

Outside of religious text, I do recall a famous British man who went by the name of Edmond
Burke and he once said that, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.” I
cannot express this or stress this in any other way, men must act to combat evil, for if they do not
combat, then they do not learn and grow. If someone is apathetic about an issue it is more than likely
that they do not know enough about the issue or lack a sense of relevance to the issue. However, evil is
relevant to all people because evil is out to get all people. I am not here to say I want to end evil, for The
Book of Revelations has shown that only God can do that. However, God has graced man with enough
concern and reason to be able to lessen the severity and frequency of it.

So let me conclude by saying that I feel very strongly that Inactivity in the Face of Evil is a Sin,
regardless if God is coming or not. I strongly believe that this mentality is a subtle form of selfishness. If
Moses said ‘no’ to God’s order to stop the evil institution of Slavery on his people, than would not
Moses have sinned? If Jesus didn’t go along with God’s plan by falling to each and every one of the
temptations of the devil wouldn’t he have sinned as well (all theology aside)? To me inactivity in the face
of evil often reminds me of the poem entitled “First they came ...” by Pastor Martin Niemöller. We all
know how it goes, will we just stand here and wait until the problem becomes so relevant for us that by
the time we react our chance at nipping a particular cancerous evil in the bud, those chances become so
slim that we ultimately die from it? I digress, the poem reads:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Consider the case of The Past, John of Patmos wrote Revelations during two crucial moments in
Western History. The first is the decline of the Roman Empire and the second is the Evangelization of the
poor and down-trodden masses, leading to an exponential increase in Christians. The Romans had made
it clear also that there would have been no problem with Christianity if it kept to itself, and was not
concerned with the large majority of people within the empire, in other words if it was not so inclusive it
would not have gotten the persecution it received for about 300 years. The fall of the Roman Empire,
was a time in the life of human history that showed that everything worldly rises and falls, economic,
political, and social upheaval lead to a lot of instability within the Empire itself, there was a definite
sense of ending and chaos. Likewise the message of one person had increased exponentially from just a
spiritual movement within the backwaters of the empire to a mass following of people, whom which the
common people were very receptive to.
This awareness of worldly decay coupled with a spiritual philosophy of looking beyond the
worldly and temporary was the catalyst for the Christian community to see an ending that was
imminent, and because all endings are just new beginnings, the beginning of Christ’s reign on Earth. The
early Christians - those truly devout and who understood the Christian message as introspective and
intuitive, yet all embracing – thought they saw the second coming in their time because many were
being attracted to the Christian message of transformation and saw the failings of the world around
them. However today, it would appear that many have lost the original meaning of Christianity and have
essentially reduced it to blind moral adherence to rules and a sense of dogmatism that makes its
message to the faithful too obscure for the modern man to understand, coupled with the extroverted
and sensation nature of our human society today we have turned symbolic, internal and transcendental
truths, over into literal, external, and temporal truths. It would appear to me that this type of
Christianity is coming to an end, and rightfully so, for it has hijacked the message of true Christianity, but
sadly those who refuse to identify with this outer and literal form of Christianity are replacing their
belief structure with either humanism or other religions, instead of a further investigation into the
transforming and whole heartedly involved aspect of Christianity.

Look at all the other times we have predicted the end of the world, and look at how this world
has not changed despite these predictions. The end of the world is right now, now is the only moment
to turn it all around. Now is the moment for you to dedicate your life to fighting the spiritual warfare
both against your divided small selves and the world as well. Not with physical weapons of war, but the
unseen spiritual weapons of war. We cannot afford any longer to do nothing as we look at the evil that
is present in our world, we cannot afford to sit down and do nothing, waiting for God, misinterpreting
the words of God and putting them into literal and temporal manifestation of his will. Rise up and act,
God does his will through the true believer and the true believer cannot be bothered with the literal and
material words written. God moves through us, the only opportunity for change you are given is this
moment. The world ends, when you are actively working for God, out of genuine love for God. Do not sit
around with the evil happening in this world and be inactive, for if you do that than you already have let
evil win. But keep also in mind, that the only place to be actively against the world is first within yourself
and then with the world around you.

I believe now that at this conclusion it is right to make a compromise with you the reader
concerning the beliefs I have of Revelations. Is the coming in the future? Yes, but not as these End Times
prophets and pastors say. No, instead this second coming, this end of the world will only occur when the
majority of the population or even a large minority of the population, seeks first to be transformed in
their own life, to allow Christ to dwell within them or as the Apostle Paul said so long ago “I have been
crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in
the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20). In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus
Christ himself says “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” This should allude to us that the truth
has shown us, ultimately that the things of the above are like the things of the below and vice versa.
Well “As Above, So Below” can also show us that human society is only as good as the individual living in
it. When the individual seeks to be transformed by Christ and allow him to dwell within the individual,
than the world has already ended for the individual, but if enough individuals desire this than the world
has already begun to be transformed and is saved as it was written. So I ask again, isn’t now the time to
change it all around, to put an end to the world in your life and if you are successful in doing it to
yourself, spread the good news of how Christ and God’s Love had transformed you and inspire others to
do the same?
Section Five:
The Connection Between:
The Allegory of the Cave and Christianity

I was in my history class, my professor was going over Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and it was only
recently that I came up with an outstanding connection between The Allegory and its connection to
Christianity as I understood it. The Allegory of the Cave is essentially about, a group of people who have
lived chained in a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the
wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows which
they seem to take pleasure out of seeing some and displeasure out of seeing others. According to Plato,
the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to seeing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is
like a prisoner who is freed from the cave, leaves the cave by making a rough ascent to the surface and
comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not constitute reality at all, as he can perceive the
true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.

The focus of this essay is to look at how The Christian message works the same way as I focus upon
comparing The Masses, The shadows on the wall and the Philosopher to the Christian message focus on
living in moderation and virtue as well as on the transformation that man must make from being a mere
being of flesh to an adopted Child of God. At the conclusion of this essay I will tie the two together and
present a few more ideas that came to mind when I wrote this.

The masses (aka the herd, the majority) are people who must focus their attention upon the
shadows on the wall. They are ignorant of reality and let everything around them determine what reality
is. The masses, as the title suggests is the majority of people. They are missing out on life and never turn
around, to see the source that gives the shadows there form against the cave wall. It is in this cave of
the masses that Plato describes, three classes of people each class has a pre-dominant focus on a
particular pleasure, however, I personally recognize that these “classes” are not so much separate
people but make up the focus of just one individual. Also I must insist that these “foci”, like the rest of
the Allegory represent a deeper and more encompassing action and thought process that means more
than just “food, sex, and wealth”. Nonetheless, the Three Classes are:

The Artisans Class, who are essentially skilled manual workers who crafts items that may be
functional or strictly decorative, they are also possibly the people in entertainment and their focus in life
is sexual gratification. The focus, of sexual gratification to me represents a fixation with basic,
animalistic, and impulsive pleasures. In order to get sexual gratification one must also be concerned
with appearances, primarily how one looks, so it may convey are larger sense of superficiality.

The Tradesman class, are essentially your businessman types whose focus is predominantly upon
selling the things artisans make in order to gather wealth and the collection of material possessions. The
collection of material possessions is often viewed as a life of quantity and as well as concern to impress
other peoples with what you have, primarily from outer appearances. So to me this is the desire for

The final class is the Farmers class, who sows and reaps food, it is there primary drive in life to have
and be sustained with food. Like the other classes, I believe that food must be consumed, and this
representation of food is supposed to mean consumption, now consumption is something we all must
do to survive but then this would need to represent over-consumption as well as different sort of
consumption that is different from the tradesmen desire for material possessions. Perhaps meaning an
overactive drive for survival and the inability to enjoy life, I am not too sure, but it is some sort of over-
consumption that just is not healthy.

So the question that most people ask is, “Why Do Most People Not Leave the Cave, and not perceive
the light of reality?” The reason is twofold, the first is that the people think what constitutes reality is
the shadows on the wall and the echoes of others in the cave, people stuck in the first reason are the
most difficult to reason with because they genuinely will see anyone else as crazy for even suggesting
that the things on the wall do not even exist and thus have no value at all. Those stuck in the second
reason or have doubted in the first reason are those that start believing that there is more to life than
just what is on the cave wall, they may become lazy or even fearful and then thus unwilling to leave or
apathetic in wanting leave, feeling comfortable with the familiar shadows on the wall. The shadows
keep in mind they have grown up with for as long as they can remember because, those in the cave have
been there since they were born, so to speak.

To expand this allegory, know that these people are free to leave at anytime they like, because they
have put these chains on themselves, keep in mind these chains are not physical because this is an
allegory it is a psychological or mental chaining in this cave. So imagine these people chained to the cave
floor and the key is right next to them in hopes that they may break free, the chains are semi-lose
enough for each person to get the key, those who are too lazy are really at fault but there reasons
usually come from the desire to stay behind with the familiar instead of exerting themselves and not
make the rough ascent. Now what about those who are fearful, well we should be feeling sorry for
them, but if the lazy one will not even reach over to the key to set him free than imagine the fearful one
as trying to get the key further away from them. Now imagine these people in positions of worldly
power, suddenly you understand why people want power over others.

So now we must ask what do The Shadows on the Wall mean, what is there representation or
purpose? Well their purpose is supposed to keep people in the cave, in the darkness. Think about it, if
you were alone in the dark, and your only source for light was in a certain location I am pretty sure you
would stay there too, but if someone came along and told you about the true light, would you make the
journey? Would you turn around to look, or would you be happy where you are? Most people say they
would turn around, but keep in mind most don’t mean what they say so there is this hypocrisy
prevalent. Nonetheless, the shadows are distractions, they are mere forms which we can be terrified of
at times or comforted by too.
So the masses, than are obsessed with these forms and deceptions of what is real, so now you
couple that with what their drives are for “food, wealth, and sex” you suddenly become aware that
these are shadows, mere deceptions that prevent you from reaching reality and seeing things as they
really are. Your energy goes where your attention flows and because of that, if you’re obsessed or
distracted by these three symbolic desires you are wasting your energy on trivial pursuits.

The Philosopher is the wise one, or to be more precise is the lover of wisdom. He was once part
of the masses that are distracted by the shadows on the cave wall, but broke free and overcame his fear
or laziness. This fear and laziness often leaves a sense of pain if you try to break free from the shadows,
but the philosopher realized that pain is only temporary and thus illusory and it is also a good example
of how one is actually initiating some type of change, in one’s life. Think about the pain of deciding to
leave behind - for good - some past obsession or something that was truly draining time and energy
away from you but you thought was once good, it most likely can be traced back to one of the three
symbolic foci of “possession, food, and sex”.

Nonetheless, there is one very important part, the philosopher has broken free the cave and the
shifting shapes of the shadows are no longer appealing to him. His journey however is not yet over, for
he must get to the surface to see the true sunlight, and live in the light of reality. This journey to the
surface is the rough ascent, it is rough because the ascent is a vertical one, and he must climb on sharp
rocks, and carefully progress upward to the surface without necessarily falling. However, if his drive to
get to the surface and live in the true light of reality is strong than he will faithfully preserve, and
perseverance or courage despite how many times you fall or slip or how much pain must be endured on
the way up is a sign of wisdom. During his ascent his eyes become adjusted to the true light as the hole
leading to the surface becomes wider and wider. It is at the moment when he comes to the surface,
which his life truly begins.

Some people however, those who became philosophers and completed the ascent often are left
feeling a sense of compassion and go back down to the cave, to alert people of the reality of the
situation they too face and begin describing a different world, a better world that is worthy of one’s
time and energy, a world where these trivial forms mean nothing and disappear in the illuminating
daylight. Some people believe and have faith in this wise one who promises them a better life, some do
not believe him and some of them curse him and even hate him, if not allegorically attack him. It is
those who do not believe and those who say they believe but do not act on what they believe, who are
truly fearful, lazy or both. The wise one however, cannot get angry or hate them back, because of their
ignorance and non-receptivity to his message. The worst the wise one can feel is a sense of frustration.
In this writing here than we see three characteristics of a philosopher, one who is preserving,
courageous, and compassionate. When some do not listen to him, that is real pain, the pain of seeing
someone not listening to the truth you speak and even attacking you, but he does not feel pain by his
attack only by the feeling of being unable to help the one who is ignorant and inflated with pride, in
what he thinks he knows.

From the Allegory of the Cave, we must now look at the Christian Message, with its relation to the
Cave Allegory. There are two main ideas that I wish to focus on here, the first is what the two foci of
Christian Living are and the second is on essentially the transformation of the Christian from being
someone in “the masses” to becoming the “Philosopher”. In the first half, the two foci that are
connected to the idea of Christian Living and The Allegory is first the pursuit of moderation in life and
second the Pursuit of Virtue in life as well. In the second half, I will explain the similarities we see as
Christians who are just beginning the journey as someone who is still in the dark cave of the masses and
the 3 aspects mentioned in the Bible that are similar to the beginnings of one leaving the masses and
becoming the Philosopher, only in the second half to describe the free one living in light of reality as the
Philosopher and the 4 relations that are tide to being a Christian.

Part of the Christian message has in large part to do with Christian Living. This encompasses the
moral actions necessary to follow a good life under the eyes of God. It is more than just mere adherence
to rules, it must be understood in order to grasp why we moderate from vice as well as why we pursue
virtue in our actions. In the moderation of vice we see the need to neither fear nor love our
temptations; we fall to them from time to time largely out of response to our old lifestyles or current
events. We do not fear temptations, for they are mere illusions, tricks of an enemy who thinks it exists
on its own likewise we do not love our temptations, knowing fair well that if we are too tolerant of our
temptations they will consume us and in effect drain us of our time and energy. In response to
temptation we pursue virtue, in hopes that we may perfect our actions as we get closer to God’s
Kingdom. In response to trials we pursue virtue, in hopes that we will not be swept away or negatively
changed by negative circumstances. But now one must keep in mind Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, and
put this into context of Christian Living.

In the Moderation of Vice, the goal is to no longer about being controlled and swept away by the
seven deadly sins. But more importantly, the aim for a Christian who accepts Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
the focus for us here is de-emphasis on the masses desire for “sex, wealth, and food”:

We are told that the best way to curb our fixation with basic, animalistic, and impulsive pleasures
we must be willing to be able to take up a life of celibacy or at least sexual moderation to the point of
sex only within marriage, those who do not marry can still pursue sex, but it is greatly frowned upon, for
the very reason of hoping the individual would not allow sex to take over a person’s life. It can be said
that sexual gratification leads to an obsessive concern with appearances, so it may convey a larger sense
of superficiality as well. So in the Christian Scriptures we are told to dress modestly and not to care with
how attractive we will look, this I believe is done exactly to convey as sense of rejection of mere outer
appearance in an attempt to seek and recognize the importance of depth in the life of a Christian.

We are told that we should not be obsessed with the collection of material possessions, for this pre-
disposes one to live a life of quantity as well as concern to impress other peoples with what you have, or
praise which leads to pride. So we must moderate our life of quantity by really thinking about quality,
owning a few things of high importance to you rather than owning a lot of things regardless if it is
important or not. This trains us to focus more on quality, and trains us to spot true quality around us.
Likewise, we must truly combat against our desire for praise it is praise that leads to pride, pride is the
chief among all causes why we fall short before God as humans and as Christians. A life that would not
prefer pride and praise, is a life that is dedicated to truth, for pride also leads too many delusions of
thinking you are right.

Finally, in relation to the Allegory of the Cave, as Christians we are taught that over-consumption of
worldly things and wastefulness is best fought against or moderated by a sense of temperance and self-
control. If we did not fight against over-consumption and wastefulness we would be ignorant of how
much one really has as well as lead to an over-indulgence, which shows a lack of discipline and discipline
is a focal point to make the rough ascent out of the cave. The difference between consumption of
material goods and “food” could be symbolic of the view of the seven deadly sins of Gluttony and Envy
or Greed.

The second half of Christian Living is a life of being in Pursuit of Virtue, we spoke of trying to flee and
what is done generally and why we try to flee them, it is clear that we must leave behind the cave
completely, we must leave behind “food, sex, and wealth” not altogether because that is impossible, but
we must be moderate in our relationship to them. In some terms, since we no longer make “food, sex,
and wealth” the centerpiece of our lives, we must avoid them to a degree and because of that pursuit to
the awareness of knowledge and, leaving the cave we must focus on virtue, if we move away from vice
we must go to virtue. We do not pursue for no reason, or in hopes of scoring points for heaven, but
because it is through virtue that we come to the understanding of God’s promise. Virtue is the rock we
hold on to in the relentless and roaring river our trials and tribulations.

So the response than to the vice of an overactive or over-emphasis on “sex” or as I called it the
obsession of the superficial as well as impulsive, is purity, which is being purity in mind so as to combat
against our impulsiveness and gain the ability to no longer just see outer appearances but to understand
or see an inner depth to one’s life as well. This is not to suggest that sex is wrong or ugly or disgusting
animalism, I am not a puritan, but it is a powerful part of the human experience and I think people can
all agree that too much of a good thing destroys the value of it and begins to make you numb to a gift
from God and life.

In response than to an overactive or over-emphasis on “wealth” or as I called it the obsession with

quantity and pride, for which wealth I believe is related to the seven deadly sin of Greed or Envy. We
respond in kind, with the virtues of Charity, Humility, and Kindness. It is these virtues that will combat
against an unhealthy amount of quantity and delusional pride, again I am not here to say that one
should be “unconfident in oneself or feeling self-defeated,” because that is not humility. Humility simply
is the state of being open to new things and being able to let go of old beliefs, humility is about honesty,
with yourself and others around you. Charity is not about giving away everything, out of some social or
moral obligation, it must be done out a free and genuine desire to want to do so. Charity is done to
allow us to realize that if we live a life of quantity than we should be able to share that excessive
quantity with those who do not have much. Charity is done to help us realize the quality of our lives as
well as be, that example of loving thy neighbor, which is on par with loving God. Kindness is a response
to Envy, kindness is understood as one having a tolerant and concerning behavior, we show kindness to
others not out of weakness but out of the desire to destroy the focus on ourselves for trying to amass
things for ourselves, usually people with a general concern for others do not own much largely because
their concern for others puts things into perspective for them.

Finally, in response to the over-emphasis on “food” or over-consumption on goods, gluttony and

wastefulness we act in virtue of moderation or temperance and self-control. We do this not to starve
ourselves but to discipline the mind to control its appetites and impulses, if one did not control these
than one while in the cave, might as well be chained back down in it. We would constantly fall back
down into the darkness of that cave if we bent over backwards for all our impulses and appetites, all of
the time. It is a fact that abstinence, chastity, and modesty are considered sub-classes of the virtue of
temperance, as it governs the practice of eating and drinking, practice of sexual intercourse, and the
restraint of vanity. Likewise, without food one cannot focus their energy and time on sex and wealth,
literally and symbolically.

A less thought of part, to the larger Christian message is On the Transformation that is supposed to
take place within the true practicing Christian. Sadly, like most religions of today we have reduced them
to a manner in which we adhere to a moral set of rules and blindly follow them, but like the cave which
is dark, we must find our way out of such blind obedience, in order to truly live and understand why we
are doing this. If you are acting nice to others in hopes of “scoring points for the afterlife” then, you
have missed the point and have not really loved God let alone your fellow human. The point to the
Christian living is not moral adherence but transformation, which takes works as well as faith to do. In
relation to the Allegory of the Cave, we must move away from being the chained masses and like Christ,
who we as Christians are called to emulate, we too must make the journey to become illuminated and
united with God, or supreme reality. But what must the beginner do, in order to leave the cave and how
does this find proportion in the Christian message? Also, what happens once the aspirant to God is
reunited with reality and has left the cave in which he struggled to get out of? This is the focus on the
second half to the Christian message, the transformation that takes place.

So, here we are, we begin with a man in a cave, he is dirty and like everyone obsessed with the
shadows and is part of one of the three classes that the masses usually belong to. One day, someone
who has spoken of a world outside of the cave walks by must ignore him thinking he is crazy, but to the
man he believes so strongly that he wants to see and get out of the dark cave in hopes that he may
break free of The Herd Mentality of the Masses. His first act as a new man was his change of heart and
his initiation was taking the chains off of him. His next job is to walk to the rough ascending climb to get
out of the cave, he has faith that it will pay off, he has hope of a better world which was spoken unto
him by the man who had already experienced reality and he must love the light as he gets ever closer to
it. Of course, this ascent is not called a rough ascent for nothing, for it is on this rough ascent where his
trials and temptations are met, it is here that every time he acts on them he slips a bit or loses his
footing. However one thing is sure, it is his quest for the kingdom, the real world, which is most

It is clear, that in the Christian mindset the beginning of the journey starts with a sense of
Repentance. However, the name carries with it negative connotations of puritanical zealotry. So, let us
refer back to the original Greek meaning of the English word “Repent.” The Greek word for repentance
actually is called “Metanoia” tracing this word back to a more modern English sense of the term it
actually means “a change of mind, a reorientation, a fundamental transform-ation of outlook, of an
individual's vision of the world and of her/himself, and a new way of loving others and the Universe.” So
this total change is the beginning, it takes place not in the body but in the mind, we act on our Metanoia
through Initiation. In the cave, this initiation takes place with the “unthinkable act” of taking off ones
chains rather than keeping them on. In the Christian setting, the initiation takes place through
submergence in cool Water (it is cold water that often wakes people up, so this cold water can be used
to imply that the one who is being initiated is “now woken up,” so to speak) and being born again in the
Spirit, which the true Metanoia is about. Initiation than, is a symbolic action but to fully appreciate the
symbolism we must be fully involved in it.

Now that the Christian has both had this transformation and has acted upon this transformation, he
must now begin to follow through with both the pursuit of Christian Living and Contemplation upon
God’s word. He moves in time, with faith in God and the promise of salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven.
He acts in Hope of achieving the highest he can achieve in the sight of God, and the desire for
achievement to God however slight is good in God’s sight. But lastly, the Christian moves first in Love of
God as he draws ever closer and a stronger relationship is built, it is through this love of God that man is
able to understand his love for his neighbor, regardless if he is an enemy of God or not. Keep in mind
however, that we act in Love toward God, not for what he has to offer but for God himself. Likewise, as I
have said, the aspiring philosopher in the cave must climb ever faithfully with hope and love of reaching
the sunlight or the true reality. Well the same is true for the Christian, as he ascends ever closer to God,
which likewise is also reality or the highest awareness.

This climb however to God and his Kingdom however, is not an easy path, for there are trials and
temptations. Just because we rejected the old life does not mean the things that once appealed to us
are never going to tempt us or put us through a trial. God may allow this as well in order to advance the
transformation within the aspiring Christian who wishes to get back to God. We should not love nor fear
that which tempts us or puts difficulty upon us, this is not to say it is wrong to take on a challenge but
rather, when we are challenged we must act in virtue and faith. We are like sand being thrown into a
fire, we must hold strong in our faith and virtues while the trial of fire tempts us, in hope that we may be
transformed into hard glass. It is here that I would suggest you consider that The Wedding at Cana be
seen not only as a miracle in history but a deeper message that we too will be changed from common
water to precious wine.

In the end, the man in the cave was on a quest for reaching reality, he had to climb and believe in
the hope of what was promised to him from previous illuminates only than is it even possible to speak
wisely and with knowledge, if the man gives up on his climb and goes back down into the darkness of
the cave, he will be smarter than the others, but he will be lazy as well and I personally feel a sense of
sorrow should be felt for those who, while climbing upward, turned back and gave up. It is like being
given a great gift and breaking it purposefully. The same goes for the Christian as well, in the pursuit to
God we are to seek him first and what he offers second. After this the understanding and use of virtue,
faith, hope, and love must also be employed.
The Christian, who practicing the virtues and the acts described eventually reaches the entrance to
the cave where he climbs out; only in Christian language it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is at
this point the Christian is no longer part of the masses, but is now equivalent to the Philosopher in
Plato’s allegory. In the Gospels, we see 3 events take place after Christ has been tempted in the desert,
which is supposed to represent the rejection of the world and of the things that the masses usually are
attracted to. The first thing we see is a sense of Illumination or Knowledge, of how to act in light of
supreme reality or God. We than see him teaching and becoming more notorious for his teaching as
well. This notoriety however becomes such a threat to the people in worldly power that he is abused
and put on trial and is tempted during the course of the trial. Afterwards he dies and is resurrected by
God, this is the scene of Unification, in which he is no longer an isolated being but joined completely to
God. Likewise in the Allegory, once the man see’s the true sunlight, his love of seeing reality allows for a
sense of unification to the real and then the trial and temptations begin, they begin once he descends
back into the cave, to tell people of the real world and he is met with resistance.

So the man in the cave has made it, he has made the rough ascent to the surface to see reality. The
light is blinding at first and so he must adjust he has indeed been illuminated. This illumination only will
lead to Knowledge and true wisdom. Likewise, it is also true that for the Christian, his journey is not
entirely complete, but the most trying time is certainly completed. The Christians Trials and Temptations
is the rough ascent to God, and it was Faith, hope and love that got him out of the cave and into the
light. The Christian, now living in the light of God, is a child of God. He now moves in virtue and love of
God and men. It becomes clearer to him, that the virtues are practiced not to control his life but to free
his life while making the ascent to the surface. This knowledge which is direct and intuitive, allows him
to keep his virtue and know himself better.

Unification is what becomes of the illuminate; now in the Christian myth unification comes last, in
the scene of Christ’s Ascent to Heaven and even his resurrection, despite the fact that Christ is already
united with God in the Doctrine of the Trinity. In the Allegory it seems to come with his leaving the cave
and accepting what is in front of him. Unification regardless signifies total surrender of the smaller self
to the larger self, a reconciliation of conflicting parts and love. This maybe away of perhaps
understanding the term to love ones enemies, for once they held you down but now all is reconciled and
a higher view is taken, this is done by the motivation of love and knowledge of how to make peace,
which in the Christian terms fulfills the “Peacemaker Beatitude.” For the greatest enemy we face is not
what is outside of us, but within us, we are our own worst enemies and we must reconcile with our
conflicting selves in order to experience peace.

In the Christian myth, the story is clear, Christ acting on his illumination and even his own special
unification to Supreme Reality becomes infamous in the eyes of those who hold worldly power. Because
of this he must once again face Trials and Temptations but this time his trials and temptations are
different than when he was tempted in the desert (making the rough ascent). What I mean is, he already
made the rough ascent, he went through trials and temptations in the hopes of the adversary that he
may fall down but he did not fall down while ascending to God for love of God. Now the trials and
temptations are different, for now he knows the truth and will not leave it or act unfaithfully, but he is
on trial and is tempted in hopes that the powers that be may try to silence him from sharing the truth
with others and in the hopes of God that the powers that be may destroy their own power over the
masses. This is no different than the man going back into the cave to alert people of how dirty the cave
is, how fake its images and forms are on the cave wall, and how this world (the cave) is not good but a
prison designed to keep you from getting back to reality. The man alerting others is attacked, punished,
made to doubt, accosted and heckled at for his beliefs. The man asks for people to believe not because
he is trying to trick him but because they have had their backs turned to the light from the above, which
at their level is dim; it is dim because the cave is deep.

So to conclude, once the man becomes a philosopher or has made the rough ascent, he is now
mirroring Christ, and this according to the Bible is the perfection of man. In the Bible it is clear after all
that we must not just believe and act like we do not, but that we must believe and seek to understand,
in hopes that we may be able to emulate him who had freed us. In the Allegory of the Cave, we must
turn away from the shadows on the wall the same way that Christ tells us to turn away from the world,
yes it is difficult but only after a firm Metanoia and acting on it can it be completed, once it is complete
it symbolizes dedication to the cause of making the rough ascent and during this ascent we are tested
and tempted to build our spirit and character, to directly understand what must be done. We become
illuminated like the one who alerted us to the surface and like the one who alerted us we too must go
back down to alert others in hopes that they too may seek Unification. This is the perfection, by
emulating the one who taking people out of ignorance and darkness to bring them to light and love. We
see throughout the Christian message a story not of mere adherence to moral standards, but rather the
desire for a transformation in ones entire being that transcends anything we thought of.

So as we get toward the end of this essay I wish to share with you some startling realizations that I
find between The Christian Message and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The first has to do with the nature
of freedom and where it really lies. The second realization has to do with largely the view we should
have on human kind, as we know these writings are Pre-Enlightenment thinkers and the outlook for
humanity is seen as pessimistic, however, I will seek to reconcile and arrive to a more realist position.
The final realization is a suggestion of re-considering certain meanings that are found in The Bible and
not connecting it so much as religion but rather to the rank and progress of a Christian.

As we have looked at the Allegory of the Cave, we see that freedom does not lie in the things that
the masses take up, in other words “food, sex, and wealth (aka possessions)” or better yet to be pre-
dominantly focused on these things. Now a man is free to choose, but this does not mean these foci will
inherently enhance his freedom, because, one can learn through experience that these very qualities
usually end up holding people down. By turning away from the shadows on the cave wall one is no
longer fascinated with the temporary or non-existent things. Likewise, in the Christian story we are told
that a pre-disposition or even obsession with other created things, in particular things that are
temporary (“food, sex, and possessions”) will not bring us one step closer to freedom or to true
happiness, but rather if we allow these foci to determine our life we will be forever thirsty, despite how
much water we drink, as the Christian adage goes. This is why the need for virtue is required for a
freedom to take root in one’s life. Moderation and Virtue not only should be the focus, but is the only
focus that will lead to freedom. Because the nature of freedom - as both The Allegory and The Christian
message states - lies in no longer being dependent let alone obsessed on the transitory things of this life,
this is not to say it is wrong or evil to have them, but to not allow these things to be your prime
motivation in your life.

In both the Allegory of the Cave as well as The Christian Message we see that The View of Mankind
is one largely of pessimism, that mankind is ignorant and this makes him weak or that he is weak and
thus subject to ignorance. Some may say that this is a pessimistic view of mankind, however keep in
mind, that these people who suggested such things were not being subjective but were trying to be
objective. So the view here is one that transcends optimism or pessimism, this is realism. So the point
here is that there is a definite association between weakness and ignorance. The two coincide with one
another the question that most people focus on is which occurs first. Well from the basis here of both of
these Myths is that man is weak and that is why he is subject to ignorance, because he either has it
within himself or has an “outside agent” willing to help him but he still will not take the opportunity to
advance or change in a way that man never thought he could do, this is laziness or it can be fear, after all
we do fear change or at the very least get uncomfortable about it. Nonetheless, my compromise for
those who still disagree with me on the pessimistic view for mankind is this, my pessimism for man can
only be change if and only if enough people leave the cave at one point in time, and that each generation
that passes from this point sees to it that they stay out of the cave the first generation made the effort to
leave behind. For the Christian adherents, perhaps than the pessimistic view of the Christian religion in
an increasingly rationalistic world that passes judgment based on actions and not what one says can be
changed to an increasing optimism if and only if, like the man who leaves the cave, enough Christians
seek to be transformed from mere human flesh which is animalistic and impulsive to become emulators
of God’s Son. So if someone asked if man can be perfected, I would say is perfection is conditional,
because man has free will, he can only perfect himself if he is willing to overcome the conditioning of
society, as well as the innate fear and laziness that are in him.

However, my pessimism for man will finish this thought by doubting in man’s ability to put in the
effort and time to make such a transformation or to leave the cave and focus on reality and not their
own small little world with its thought-to-be endless concerns, let us see how many try and fail to do the
very opposite, in spite of what my pessimism had predicted, instead of a genuine desire to do the
opposite of what my pessimism had predicted.

Lastly let me conclude by saying that in The Bible, many people’s lives had been lost over the issue
of being “a witch (pagan)” or “a Jew.” To remedy this situation, I propose A New Way to View the Rank
of a Christian who is along the lines of one that strongly desires to want to be freed from the cave and
live in light of reality and ultimate awareness, or as Christians call the Kingdom of Heaven. As you know
in the Bible the writers attack Pagans and Jews for the evils of the world and its problems, likewise they
also attack people who call themselves Christians but in reality are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Each of
these titles has a describing point that is often tied to but not limited to its historical implications. These
are degrees of development within the Christian advancement toward the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Pagan in the Greek New Testament Scriptures is often called “hylic” which means “matter” and
like the pagans, this life is there focus for everything before they die, they want to amass the most
“food, sex, and possessions” to them the physical world is the focal point to living. The point I wish to
demonstrate is not so much someone who is actually pagan, but Christians who calling themselves
Christians are really acting like pagans. We see them everywhere today, we often call them, spiritual
materialists, people who tell you to be saved by Christ by reading someone’s book, or tells you to come
to HIS CONGREGATION and only then will you be saved, while he drives off in a new BMW. This is a
contradiction in terms; a Christian Pagan cannot yet do exist because one is primarily focused on the
material things (“food, sex, and possessions”) of this life while the other is not. Nonetheless, Christian’s
can be found here and their understanding is sadly limited to things that will serve them in a selfish
manner, these are the ones that other people in the Christian community or outside the community
often make fun of. In regards to the Allegory, the place the hylic fits into is the one, who does not even
know of the world that lies outside of the cave, so to speak.

The next in the Greek writing of the New testament scriptures, is what is referred to as “a Jew” but
this is often referenced with the word “psychic” not in the sense that he can tell the future but rather
one who is partly spiritual but have not yet achieved separation from carnality, or flesh. Again the
understanding is that man can change from an animalistic hylic to a psychic and furthermore to a
pneumatic. Here we see one however, like the actual Jews themselves, obsessed over legalisms and
most importantly blind moral adherence to the rules and doctrines, those who see the outer
appearance but do not directly understand the spirit. Many people are here, in regards first and
foremost to how one views religion, as a center for morality. However, because you see people have not
yet completely separated from Carnality there is still room for hypocrisy. In regards to the allegory of
the cave again, this is someone who attacks and heckles someone who has told him of a world outside
the cave but will not listen or someone who acts good in the cave in hopes of being freed after his death
in the cave.

The final advancement which is the highest is what is written in the Greek New Testament as the
true Christian, or as in Greek it was written as the “Pneumatic,” or spiritual Christian. This is the true
Christian, one who is born in the spirit and water of baptism and one who has had a Metanoia
experience, truly these are the only people who can really call themselves Christians because they took
off their chains and have began making the rough ascent to the Kingdom of Heaven. They will not sell
Christ, in some way to make money to use Christ as some means to a personal and selfish, worldly end
like the Hylics or “Pagans” and unlike the Psychics or “Jews” blindly adhere to laws and customs but
contradict their laws and customs with their own behavior purposefully. No, they have one drive, love of
life in particular the life that God had given them, and as the Christian mythos declares, God is only able
to help you if you are a Christian and as I said earlier, not in body or title, but in personal transformation
and position in life.

Remember, this is not static, it is life, the hylic can change to the psychic and the psychic to the
Pneumatic, it simply depends on whether or not you are truly interested in aspiring to the kingdom, or
in the Allegory of the Cave the Christian is one who has taken the chains off and is climbing up making
the rough ascent and will see the surface. Throughout the Epistles of Paul we see many verses that
speak of spiritual growth and transformation, such as in Galatians, Corinthians, and Romans. Such as the
statements: “Milk for Babies; Meat for strong men.” – “For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” – “But
the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither
can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.”

Before I conclude this essay of mine, I would just like to say that I must seek to reconcile the
enlightenment thinker Thomas Jefferson with the two Pre-Enlightenment thoughts of the Christian
Message as well as the Greek Philosopher Plato and his Allegory of the Cave. Now as you may know by
now, the Pre-Enlightenment thinkers took a more pessimistic although I argue realistic view of mankind
where as the Enlightenment thinkers, guided by a sense of logic lead to believe in a more optimistic view
of mankind. However for employing their use of logic it could be argued that there will be a sense of
realism to it as well.

Pre-Enlightenment sought to control man, Enlightenment sought to free man from those who
sought to control him. I too believe in the enlightenment ideals of individualism and limited government
as well as secularism. However, there seems to be a conflict remaining, as to what is more important:
the control and order of pre-enlightenment thinking or the liberty of the enlightenment thinkers? To
me, liberty is the mother not daughter of order. One must be free to make mistakes. They say that
without the freedom to make mistakes and the wrong choice you remove morality from the equation
and it becomes immoral to control someone’s behavior because it pushes people in one direction.

So to conclude, I believe that a life of constant pleasure is symbolized by living in the shadows and
that life is more than just the symbolic foci of “food, sex, and possessions”. I do believe that a life of
moderation followed by people making a rough ascent is the only way that people can ever have hope
of not only knowing themselves but the truth of the world around them. I believe that if people knew
the truth, both about themselves as well as their environment, they would be able to make a change in
the world around them. However, it is man’s fear and/or laziness that’s getting in the way, for we all
must admit that the one who stay’s behind in the cave forever chained down, viewing the shadows on
the wall and pre-dominantly focused on “food, sex, and wealth” never really changes. The only people
who transform and grow up are those who overcome their own reservations and doubts, unlock the
padlock keeping themselves enslaved, moderate on their own pre-dispositions to “food, sex, and

My teacher in school once contradicted himself when he said that those who go to school to get an
education who achieves the discipline of waking up to go to class every morning are those who make
the rough ascent. Yet, from what I have seen school puts people in a box it does not take them out of
one, also the teacher said himself said that it was through “education and propaganda” that made the
masses want to be pre-dominantly focused on “food, sex, and wealth.” In the end, I think that people
need pain, not for some sick person to gain pleasure out of others suffering, but rather to help people
break their focus on the transient and trivial.
Section Six:

The Ten Virtues of Individualism

The purpose of this list is not to prevent you from living but rather to make you more aware of your life
and the world around you. These are not order in any particular importance in an objective manner.
However, I have organized this list in the manner that it is important to me. These virtues are
interlinking to one another and all have their roots in one another. This list should be a guide not a
control mechanism.

1. Independence- The first virtue is independence. It was the American Founders desire to become
independent from the government of their motherland, so it must be our desire as well not
merely at a national level but at an individual level too, for how well could our society function if
we say we believe in a virtue but never really act on it? However, for us it is our desire to be
independent from government and to a degree society. In other words the desire is to have self-
sufficiency and to have as little reliance upon government as possible. Resourcefulness is part of
the virtue of independence, largely because it takes the ability to be resourceful to find what
you are looking for and to apply what you have around you so that you might be able to live
accordingly. The individual most do as much as the individual can do to maintain as much self-
sufficiency as possible.

2. Critical Thinking- Clearly the idea of classical liberalism was backed up by some of the most
rational scholars around. Because so much reasoning went into the ideology of liberalism to
manifest in our society it is apparent that each individual must value the critical thinking ability
and literacy of their own mind. One should learn the basics of reasoning as well as understand
the errors or fallacies associated with the reasoning mind. So as to avoid falling to erroneous
actions that is not in alignment with reality. The value closely associated with critical thinking is
that of a degree of balance between being skeptical and open-minded, this is done so as to not
deny possibilities but rather welcome them. Last but certainly not least, the virtue of critical
think must be backed up with the value of truth, the goal of all individuals should be to avoid the
temptation or the blurring of the line between a constant searching for the truth and simply
justifying your side of the argument. This will be applied by way of maintaining a light grip on
any discoveries and understandings made. Clearly the purpose of this virtuous path is to go
onward in constant search for the truth and a clearer picture on reality, if it is true synthesize it
with something you know is true.
3. Introspection- The ability to look within the inner world of self is indeed a powerful ally in
cultivating the individual self. All great members of our species are well aware of this virtue and
some make specific references to the act of introspection. Thus the act of confession need not
be towards another person in our environment but rather to ourselves, of course this act of
confession needs to be a reflection on actions done during the day and objectively as possible
ask yourself why you did what you did and objectively seek to answer these questions. Another
art of the Introspective virtue is the desire to know yourself for who you truly are and not just
accept yourself for what you or society thinks you to be. The act of knowing yourself is one
where you put yourself in a difficult situation or find yourself in one and overcome it, much of
our present society seeks to live a life of comfort and seeks to run away from problems but I say
that you know yourself and stop trying to strive for comfort and familiarity all the time. Finally
like the value of truth in the virtue of critical thinking, the value upon understanding is
paramount to the virtue of introspection. The goal is to be able to build up a “mental map” of
who you are and your thought processes as well as motivations from this you will have the
understanding to make real change in your life.

4. Honesty- Of the most importance to an individual and likewise complimenting part to the virtue
of introspection comes with it the virtue of honesty. Now one must first be honest with oneself
in the most objective fashion as possible. Honesty with oneself allows one to be truly honest
with others, if you lie and deceive yourself than every act you do will only be filled with
deception. If one seeks to live honestly than one must not put too much value in rationalizing
away ones faults, but rather seek to simply understand ones faults and judge oneself
accordingly. Apply honesty liberally to all circumstances and as the first response to any problem
you may encounter regardless of how trivial or profound, whether it is of your inner dialogue
with self or with the dialogue of those around you.

5. Wisdom- Our country was founded as a Republic, so that all might have power in their own
lives, so build and prosper within your own inner republic so that you might further understand
the power a republic has. Of course, wisdom is the child of experience so seek new experiences
so that you might grow in wisdom. Seek wisdom of those from the past, become the true
meaning of the word “philosopher” which means lover of wisdom. Embrace her and understand
her, she was meant for you. Do not run for worldly wisdom which only seeks to pervert the true
wisdom that was designed to uplift you and empower you with a personal sense of power over
yourself rather than over others. That is the truth, the person who has power over themselves
and knows themselves accordingly will be more powerful than someone who is insecure of
themselves and thus seeks to have power over others because they lack power over themselves.
Your life is yours so empower yourself by having power over yourself rather than having power
over others.
6. De-Conditioning- Some may wonder why I put in this virtue as part of the larger list of virtues.
The answer is rather simple, if you are to live freely than one must not be attached to norms and
conventions. The one who de-conditions themselves properly has these virtues as well as all
other virtues and values work for their own improvement instead of being a slave to the virtues
themselves. The one who de-conditions themselves successfully can see how things truly are.
Truly the de-conditioned person is no longer dogmatic and demanding. Seek to de-condition
yourself from your pre-conceived conceptions of whom you are and where you are going so that
you might be the master of your life instead of the slave of everything around you. De-
conditioning is part of the virtue of honesty which is part of the virtue of introspection, how well
do you think you know yourself if all you do is identify with things outside of yourself? The only
thing who should not de-condition from your mind is upholding the highest value upon the
principles of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

7. Novelty- This virtue will prove useful to our nation. This is not to say that you need to believe in
and follow new ideas so much as but rather accept new ideas. Our nation was based on the idea
of it being an open society, not a closed society. There will be new ideas and discoveries, so
accept them or embrace them as part of the fruits of open and free society. Give new things a
chance and do not be afraid of exploring and experimenting with ideas. You are meant to raise
your awareness of life and the world around you. Embrace all that comes your way and
celebrate these things as fruits of your liberty. Novelty brings life to a dull and uniformed world.
If you wish to do a social experiment than one need simply do it in a grassroots format, for in
truth that is where the results of your reality really is shown, in the grassroots, the localities,
that which is right in front of you.

8. Compassion- Here lays an important virtue, compassion or mercy is an act of the individual.
Only the individual can be compassionate and direct their own compassionate behavior to those
around them. If we seek to end the systems of government that have one group rely upon
another group or have each of us enslaved to each other than we must be willing to be
compassionate toward one another so that way we can find ways to protect our liberties and
our own lives from the state who will act to counter-balance the behavior of the governed. Part
of the virtue of compassion is rooted in the virtue of knowing yourself which means honesty
must be cultivated. The compassionate person does what they do in love however, NOT
necessarily in fear of losing something. A compassionate individual is fearless, so fear nothing
but rather seek to understand and use common sense, for that which makes merciful action
possible without “exploitation” is a discerning mind.
9. Moderation- Although balance and moderation would sound the same I seek to apply them in a
different light. If one were to look closely at our present society it is based on the desire for
extravagance and love of the extremes. Our present society is a society obsessed with quantity.
This thinking must end, moderation would cultivate the awareness of and the gratitude for
things you do less often rather than pervert them. Moderation is the best way to prevent abuse.
The one who moderates on any form of consumption whether it is in some intellectual, physical
or spiritual pursuit will almost certainly have value for quality. I do not wish to prevent you from
enjoying that which makes you happy but rather through moderation one will understand how
happy something makes you. There is only one thing I say that you should do in excess (within
good reason) and that is to defend your right to a life of liberty and happiness.

10. Balance- Last but certainly not least one should seek to live a life of balance. Live a life of
balance by being united in and encompassing both “the left and the right” try and breakdown
division both in self and the world around you. See what the conflicting sides have in common.
Find balance between work and personal time, to reduce unhealthy lifestyles. Seek balance
between logic and intuition, so as to encompass the fullness of being a human. Seek balance
between rich and poor, so that you might know the value of your work while not being enslaved
to it all the time. Seek balance between extremes for our emotional nature is based in extremes
but good reason shows us what we truly want as well as need to see. The balanced individual is
able to understand the virtue of moderation intimately because the two are nearly the same.
Rather than becoming one-sided, seek to understand, this is where the virtue of de-conditioning
comes in.
Summary of Ideas:
Part One
1. Events Proclaimed in Scripture are not necessarily historical events, but are myths
that are meant to convey a message that cannot be rationally apprehended. To this
effect we should change our understanding of myths back over to their original
meaning instead of the more contemporary understandings that often try to
associate myths with lies or deceptions.
2. The basic foundation of most debates over God’s existence [(Theism V. Atheism) or
(Science V. Religion) or (Knowledge V. Faith)] is from the beginning an unstable
foundation. The true religious foundation is focused inward to the subject and
comes from the realm of the irrational or that which cannot be rationally explained,
this is not something to be shy or ashamed of but something to embrace as the true
nature of religion, our hyper-rational western world has made us think that just
because something is irrational it is automatically wrong, when in fact this is not the
case. Paradoxes, contradictions, and things of the similar nature are irrational yet
are not wrong and exist. The foundation of science is focused outward toward the
object and focused on only one type of knowledge and the process for which to
getting that knowledge because of the focus it has taken up. These two realms have
an issue over semantics and will never really be able to understand each other, but
this does not mean that one should try to become the foundation of the other in
order to do so.
3. It should not be the modern atheist that theists should come to dislike, but rather
the militant atheists whose goal is to essentially force there point of view down the
throats of the “disbelievers” however, we as theists have seen a mere shadow
version of the things we have prevalent within our own realm. For the militant
atheist is in character no different than the militant theist aka the fundamentalist.
If we are opposed to militant atheism we MUST be opposed to militant theism – lest
we look like hypocrites – and come to understand the higher meaning behind being
faithful to said deity.
4. Religious Fundamentalism and Biblical Literalism than are not meant to serve God but
serve a Worldly Agenda, for in this modern fundamentalist following, religious
groups are using literal interpretations to justify socio-political ends, shrouded in
Religious Text AS IF it were God’s will. It is because of this that we must
understand that the pursuit of power is a Machiavellian pursuit where the ends
justify the means. It does not matter to the corrupt and worldly whether they use
“faith” or “reason” to justify their agenda, they will use lies and deceit to get what
they want, and either way will fall to fallacies for their immoral use of rhetoric and
sophistry that they must employ. Therefore the only to combat against
fundamentalism and literalism is to genuinely welcome depth and metaphorical
interpretation of religious text.
5. The biggest moral concern of our time, is that concerning these end of the world
prophecies which in the present seem to place in the thoughts and feelings of people
a sense of apathy or pointlessness to act now, to fix the problems of our day. In my
writings I expressed concern primarily about “End Times Prophecy” about God
“Rapturing” people up or God coming down to save us from ourselves, in such an
extraordinary way. It is not so much that I am faithless or skeptical of God’s Power
but rather am merely looking at when such an idea as this was founded. The “End
Times Prophecy” was not originally part of the Christian believe, but is rather
modern stemming as far back only to the 19th-century. Nonetheless, other similar
prophecies we should be skeptical of as well, anything that seeks to stop people
from acting and growing up in the present should be regarded as a threat to
humanity not as a beneficent promise.
6. True works and True Faith should be turned in on ourselves; the point is to grow in
loving relationship to God, to come out of the darkness of the world as best we can
at this moment. I used the Allegory of the cave not merely to show how this works
but to also show how society is structured. We are born into a world that makes us
ignorant or forgetful of whom we are meant to be. Through faith, love, and hope in
God the Christian is able to rise up and out of the oppressiveness of the world
around them. This active climb to make the rough ascent perfects us in Faith, Hope
and Love as well as transforms our whole being that we might be able to save others
who are still down below in the darkness and chains.
7. The virtues are not meant to hold us down but free us. They are for us, we are not
for them. We abide to virtues in moderation never seeking to go to an extreme lest
we should pervert the behavior into lack or excess. This balance is what we move in
and have our life in. There is a need to hold to virtue if we are to maintain our
individuality, and not succumb to basic instincts which we all share in common. It is
because we share it in common that it is called collective, and by surrendering to the
basic instincts that one loses their individuality. Granted we will fall and make
mistakes, but to surrender merely to the basic instincts on principle means that on
principle you have surrendered to your individuality and humanity over to
collectivism and animalistic tendencies.
8. God endowed man with the ability to reason, in hopes that we may be able to move
and function in the world regarding worldly matters. God gave us a spirit to be able
to also understand him. The right place to ask “how” is not with God but with the
world, everything from Science to Politics to just practical day to day things.
However with God, reason must be surrendered to faith, not faith in people’s socio-
political goals but rather in God and his relation to YOU. The Early Church Fathers
never deemphasized reason, but simply said that in the understanding of God and
YOU reason must be relinquished to faith, so unless we should be like Nicodemus
asking “how” when it comes to matters of God (John 3:1-20), we should genuinely ask
“what” and then look within to contemplate over it, waiting for God to reveal it.
9. God gave us a rational soul and a spirit. The point to the rational soul is to apprehend
the world around it. The Spirit is from a rational perspective meant to be irrational,
not because it is wrong but because The Spirit is supra-rational or above worldly
understandings, so in our ability to understand we have left it in the irrational
The Revelation of Liberty
The Outer World

“I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted
to govern themselves without a master.” - Thomas Jefferson

The point to this section of the book is not merely to offer opinions and conjecture regarding
politics, economics, and the philosophies that shape individuals in regards to those around them but
rather the point here is to help the individual find the moral courage to see themselves as
individuals as well as give the individual the necessary philosophy needed to be dedicated to the
larger Revelation of Liberty. When it comes to politics and economics, we need to know what
philosophy and ideas will serve to empower the individual as well as keep the individual in alignment
with reality. This section has in it 5 chapters in it they are as follows:

1. The Case Against Compulsion – I wrote this article back in January 2009 after hearing the
possibility that President Obama would try to institute either mandatory labor programs or
a mandatory paramilitary civilian service that would serve under the president in the event
the country went under martial law or anything of that severity. So far this has not
happened, but the plans as far as I know are there to make it happen. I wrote this essay as
essentially like as if I was in a courtroom defending myself from being swept up into this
government service, it has speeches and justifications as well as evidence to support my
2. The Greater Good: Does it Even Exist? – I wrote this essay essentially inspired by the
previous essay, but in this essay I wanted to tackle the essential source of government
justification for the idea of doing anything mandatory. That essential source being that the
argument the government would give would be that, anything they do is for the greater
good. The people must be able to argue what they want and against the ideas that motivate
the other side if they are to have a strong case and defend their liberties.

3. Individualism: Out of Many, One! – I wrote this essay to show that individuality is the
source of what we live for in anything we do, I argue that there are both religious and
secular examples for this belief that I have. The point of this article is to show that
individuals are supposed to live for themselves and not be forced into giving anything that
they do not want to give. The individual is the ultimate minority and it is the individual who
should be protected.

4. A Look At Contemporary Western Society – This essay I wrote in a time when I looked down
upon the failings of our society and people around me. I feel that there is still an essential
part of this essay that is true nonetheless and because of that I want people to see what I
am talking about when I speak of their environment around them and how this environment
we live in is essentially part of the uphill battle that we must endure should we have liberty
manifest in the world yet again.

5. Lunchroom Analogy – I wrote this analogy when I was debating a socialist concerning what
government is and who the people are in the context essentially of a lunchroom, using the
lunchroom as a means to give the metaphor a larger understanding. I explain which
government is best and which is not best for rule, by this time you are probably able to see
where this argument may lead off too.

6. Government Is A Business – The Lunchroom Analogy is a primer for the ugly truths that this
essay will reveal to you. In this essay I explain what government really is and why
government is evil, however I debate how this evil is not necessary and how we can create a
society without it. Keep in mind there is many resources offered at the end of this book
that goes further into how we can create a society without a state and experience true
Section One:
The Case Against Compulsion

I. Introduction

The state has told me to join in a service to protect this country; however, I have declined such an
order on the basis of three premises. The first is that the state has revoked my right to life and by doing
so has infringed upon my civil liberties. The second is that I will not infringe upon the people’s rights of
self-preservation and survival for all I can see any involuntary, compulsory or universal service is our
government using its power, which has been derived from the people, against the people of this country.
Finally, the third premise is that I will not defend a failed status quo and refuse the very change that this
country truly needs being that this state no longer upholds the very virtues that the people deserve. The
overall conclusion based on these three premises will be addressed at the end of this case. But let it be
made known that the statements made in this written argument are controversial, I invoke my
constitutional first amendment right to protect me from any form of punishment based on the arguments
made herein because popular speech needs no protection it is the unpopular speech that needs

II. Premise #1

The Government, The American Government at least, has only one purpose to protect the rights
of the American Citizen. Those rights are stated clear in our declaration of independence. Those rights
are "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If the government is expected to protect the
rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness it cannot negate these rights. However, the reality of the
situation is that the state is negating my right to life by forcing me to join a compulsory service that I
believe will not only endanger my life but the lives of others. Since government is forcing me to take part
in a universal service that I believe is a threat to liberty as well as my life than it suggests in a very heavy
manner that the state thinks it can determine my life. However, it is apparent that my freedom lies in it
being my birth right and that the state has no right to determine what will happen to my life because, my
right to life is unalienable. Therefore, I hereby express my right to life by refusing to join in this
universal, compulsory, or involuntary service.

>>Potential Questions That Maybe Asked in Counter Argument:

1. Why Do You Believe that a universal, compulsory, or involuntary government service will endanger the
rights and lives of innocent Americans?

History has shown us that the bigger Government gets the more liberties are lost and the more able
government is to direct people’s lives. Often this involvement has shown itself to have a negative effect
on the society in question and the end result is oppression and corruption which often is the undoing of
said society. Another reason is the state our economy is in. Our economy is so fragile that when the
economy falls apart people will commit extreme acts to aid in their survival and the survival of their
families as well. Government has been known to be an entity that uses only brute force and therefore will
only be able to counter the extremism of individual survival with extreme acts of their own. This however,
is not conducive to the safety of the state or the people. An obvious source of danger is the tax burden, to
have conflict cost money and inevitably, just like everything else in this country, this burden will be placed
on the people who are already burdened enough. It is by proof of human behavior that when an individual
has given all they can give they will do whatever it is they can to survive and I nor anyone else can blame
them for such behavior because they had made the sacrifice of giving all they can give. The ones that can
be blamed however are those who demand conformity to the state so that all will rely upon the state for
one’s own survival. But this is un-American because America is supposed to be a free-market democratic
republic not an oppressive welfare state with planned economic tendencies. “Which one are we?” This is
something that the state is going to need to answer because the people know what we this nation is
supposed to be about.

2. Why Do You Believe that a universal, compulsory, or involuntary service is a threat to liberty itself?

In our American Tradition our police and military entities were never meant to be merged. For a time now
this has been the case but this government program threatens to close the gap or at the very least greatly
blur the line between our police and military forces. These actions suggest that the American government
is moving far beyond the prescribed guidelines of our constitution, and that we are no longer being
Americans. So, I ask the question are we The United States of America or are we the United Socialist
States of America? Again, recent history has shown us that a Paramilitary force is used in only dictatorial
governments and that the truly free and open societies have no need for a paramilitary force. I also wish
to remind point back to the larger premise of this argument where I stated that the actions of this state
strongly imply that the state thinks it can determine the lives of individuals , when in America it is the
individual that determines one’s own life. So, are people truly free or is the government providing the
illusion that the people are free? In an attempt to lull the populace back to ignorant sleep, by telling the
populace "We will take care of it, just go back to sleep." Let I remind the government that in this country it
is the people who are free and that the government gets its power from the consent of the governed and
that in this country there meant to be few laws to allow the people to take care of any problems we face.

>>Proof and Evidence:

1. That Police and Military Are NOT To be merged:

Posse Comitatus Act The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (the Army, Air
Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising
nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-
federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) in the former Confederate states. The
statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the National Guard under federal
authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly
authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Coast Guard is exempt from the Act.

1994 U.S. Defense Department Directive (DODD 3025) Allows military commanders to take emergency
actions in domestic situations to save lives, prevent suffering, or mitigate great property damage.

2. That big governments throughout history have only oppressed:

Roman Empire The victorious legions, which, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and
mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the
purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base
expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the
enemy; the vigor of the military government was relaxed and finally dissolved by the partial institutions of
Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of barbarians.

The decay of Rome has been frequently ascribed to the translation of the seat of empire but this history
has already shown that the powers of Government were divided rather than removed. The throne of
Constantinople was erected in the East; while the West was still possessed by a series of emperors who
held their residence in Italy, and claimed their equal inheritance of the legions and provinces. This
dangerous novelty impaired the strength and fomented the vices of a double reign: the instruments of an
oppressive and arbitrary system were multiplied; and a vain emulation of luxury, not of merit, was
introduced and supported between the degenerate successors of Theodosius. Extreme distress, which
unites the virtue of a free people, embitters the factions of a declining monarchy.

The British Empire An obvious entity that need be mention because we had fought against the empire
based on resentment of the British Parliament's attempts to govern and tax American colonists without
their consent, summarized at the time by the slogan "No taxation without representation" and other
various forms of economic and political control that sought to undo the very values the colonist believed
in. We had believed in the principles of republicanism and libertarianism. These very ideas sought to
separate us from The British Empire once and for all. Have we forgotten that it was oppression that made
us revolt from our oppressors.

High Government Interventionism Under Socialism and Communism we enter the higher realms of
Government Intervention, say a nominal 75%, where an increase in the power of government and the
State is actively pursued. "Place everything in the hands of the State", the Socialists urged, "and the State
will take good care of us all".

Set against the Victorian backdrop of widespread poverty, ignorance, ill-health and malnutrition, coupled
with a concurrently growing sense of conscience and the need for reform, socialism appeared to offer the
answer. Only a few there were who could foresee the implications of high and ever-increasing State
control. One such visionary was British author Herbert Spencer, who wrote, back in 1884: "There is an
increasing tendency for administrative compulsion and restraints. The increasing power of the State is
accompanied by a decreasing power of the rest of society to resist its further growth and control." He had
also said that the "influences of various kinds conspire to increase State action, and decrease individual
action. The numerous socialistic changes already made by Act of parliament, joined with the numerous
others about to be made, will soon be all merged in State-socialism, swallowed in the vast wave which
they have little by little raised."

3. That paramilitary forces are indeed dictatorial entities:

Hitler Youth/SS The HJ (German for Hitler Youth) were viewed as future "Aryan supermen" and were
indoctrinated in anti-Semitism. One aim was to instill the motivation that would enable HJ members, as
soldiers, to fight faithfully for the Third Reich. The HJ put more emphasis on physical and military training
than on academic study. The NSRBL, the umbrella organization promoting and coordinating sport
activities in Germany during the Nazi period, had the responsibility of overseeing the physical fitness
development programs provided to the German youth. After the Boy Scout movement was banned
through German-controlled countries, the HJ appropriated many of its activities, though changed in
content and intention. For example, many HJ activities closely resembled military training, with weapons
training, assault course circuits and basic strategy. Some cruelty by the older boys toward the younger
ones was tolerated and even encouraged, since it was believed this would weed out the unfit and harden
the rest. The HJ wore uniforms very like those of the SA, with similar ranks and insignia.

The SS grew from a small paramilitary unit to a powerful force that served as the Führer's "Praetorian
Guard," the Nazi Party's "Shield Squadron" and a force that, fielding almost a million men, (both on the
front lines and as political police) managed to exert as much political influence as the regular German
armed forces. Built upon the Nazi racial ideology, the SS, under Heinrich Himmler's command, was
responsible for many of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Nazis during the Second World
War, and most of the worst of those crimes.

Blackshirts were Fascist paramilitary groups in Italy during the period immediately following World War I
and until the end of World War II. Blackshirts were also known as the National Security Volunteer Militia
(Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, or MVSN). Inspired by Giuseppe Garibaldi's Redshirts, the
Fascist Blackshirts were organized by Benito Mussolini as the military tool of his political movement. The
founders of the paramilitary groups were nationalist intellectuals, former army officers or members of the
special corp. Arditi, young landowners opposing peasants' and country laborers’ unions. Their methods
became harsher as Mussolini's power grew, and they used violence, torture, gang rape, intimidation, and
murder against Mussolini's opponents. One of their distinctive techniques was force-feeding castor oil.

The Red Army Like other armies, the Red Army used administrative departments (called Directorates) to
develop, train and equip the many combat Arms of Service troops and their Service Corps support
echelons. In regards to the Headquarters and Staff division they had Stavka & HQ directorates, Soviet
military academies, army map and military survey service, Rear Services ('Tyl', Construction and
administrative troops and finally they had Civil defense troops. Are we communist? Not only has Obama
been a major force for change the change that he now represents through his actions suggest that he and
his administration want big government and the loss of liberties for all in America.

III. Premise #2

Government is designed for the sole purpose of protecting the rights of people. These rights are
unalienable and are defined clearly both in our Declaration of Independence as well as our Bill of Rights.
As The Economic situation deteriorates innocent people will turn desperate to feed and supply
themselves as well as their families in order to survive. Government being known as the user of brute
force will follow only such extremism in turn. Government is to blame for our economic mess, and now
people are being forced to live hand to mouth just to survive more so than ever before. Yet, the same
creators of this economic mess now purpose a solution to have a defense force for the homeland which
only puts more pressure on an already stressed people. I will not carry out a solution purposed by the
same troublemakers because, I firmly believe that:

1. I will be infringing upon the rights of others right to life.

2. The only person more concerned with self-preservation is themselves, and that if government
really wishes to "help the people" as it claims it does than gun laws should be greatly loosened so as to
allow the innocent to defend themselves from the guilty. If the government does not loosen gun laws so
the innocent may protect themselves from the guilty, than people will be under the impression that the
real guilty party is the state itself.

Of course, the right to own a gun and the effects therein should not be infringed upon by
government. To add to this I believe very strongly that this is going to become a tax on an already
stressed people, the costs of this involuntary, compulsory, or universal service by far outweigh the
benefits. As far as I can see the service the government is forcing me to take part in is simply nothing
more than government swindling any hope for prosperity under the guise of taking care of the people.

Foreseeable Questions/Counter-Arguments:

1. How Do You Know If The Economic Situation Will Deteriorate? It is not a matter of "if" but a
matter of "when." Americans for the most part rely heavily upon two entities to acquire what they need.
Those entities are corporations and our welfare state. Our government has shown itself to be an
unnecessary big spender being that all government has done is thrown money at our problems we are
currently facing. Our big corporations however, rely upon lines of credit which will not last for long
because our excessive spending is only devaluing our currency and in effect making our economic
condition a whole lot worst. Therefore, the economic situation will deteriorate and this government
will continue doing what it does best, waste money. This is a vicious cycle people’s lives,
retirements and savings are being destroyed. People will become desperate and do desperate
things in order to survive and there will be nobody else to put the blame on but the state itself.


1- Government Throwing Money A Our Problems

The War On Terror The nonpartisan Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments puts the cost of
just the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at some $904 billion and counting since our war against in
evasive few began. Yet the same state that claims to be defending this free country has resorted to only
taking away these liberties as well under the guise of fighting an enemy that will never be found because
they hide in places where our government is most despised. All this government will do is going to prove
two things. The first is that, it uses brute force and deception to get what it wants. The second is that all
our government will do to solve the problem is throw money at our problems, like a drug addict who thinks
if they would just had one more fix they would be off the drug for good.

The War On Drugs According to the cost of The FY 2008 Drug Budget totals
$12.961 billion. The war on drugs however is not only largely a waste of money it imprisons more people
for petty crimes than ever before. This is a tragic irony that the so-called land of the free has the largest
prison population. The war on drugs is failed because it’s easy for a criminal to make a profit off of any of
the illegal drugs that are on the streets, especially marijuana being that it is consider America's Number
One cash crop. Directly below that is corn which our government subsidizes as well.

Security and Surveillance The security-industrial-congressional complex (SICC) makes much money off
of this war on terrorism as well as its nearest relative The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex
(MICC). According to Paul Harris's September 10, 2006, report in the Guardian "Seven years ago there
were nine companies with federal homeland security contracts." By 2003 it was 3,512. Now [In 2006]
there are 33,890. The money is huge. Since 2000 [to 2006], $130 billion of contracts have been dished
out." Harris adds: "With so much money on offer and such riches being made, there is a powerful
economic incentive to exploit the threat to America. The homeland security industry has an army of
lobbyists working for its interests in Washington. It grows bigger each year and they want to keep the
money flowing. America is in the grip of a business based on fear. The question remains how much
money is the state being given to further this vicious cycle of fear?

The Economic Situation According to the real cost of the bailouts will easily exceed $1.3
trillion. In fact, the real cost is likely to range between $1.3 trillion to $1.6 trillion, and is not unlikely to
reach $2.5 trillion. According to CNS News "The total value of the bailouts undertaken by the federal
government in 2008 now exceeds the combined cost of every major war the United States has ever
engaged in, according to a comparison of war costs calculated by the Congressional Research Service
(CRS) and the value of the bailouts as calculated by Bloomberg News or Bianco Research. According to
CRS, all major U.S. wars (including such events as the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil
War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, but
not the invasion of Panama or the Kosovo War), cost a total of $7.2 trillion in inflation-adjusted 2008
dollars. According to Bloomberg, the federal government has made commitments worth a total of $8.5
trillion in the bailouts of 2008. That includes actual expenditures as well as loan and asset guarantees.
Bianco Research puts the total value of the bailouts at $8.7 trillion."

This government is spending more money on this economic bailout than on all the major wars we
have ever fought and on top of that we have spent even more money on the following previous examples.
The question left now is how much money is remaining. Who else but the American taxpayer to put the
burden on them, now the state wants more from the people? This only further makes me say I will not
join because the state has been irresponsible to the people with all of this unnecessary spending.
Now the Obama Administration seeks to have a civilian defense force that is "just as strong and
just as well funded" as our own military? This is a waste of money and energy and it only allows
for further oppression another reason why I refuse.

IV. Premise #3

There are two entities that have the most to lose should any strife occur in this country. The two
entities I speak of are Big Corporations as well as Our Welfare State. Should any strife occur the first
targets will be banks and corporations that provide necessities. These are obvious targets after all people
will do whatever they can for their survival and rightfully should. People will target banks to get any
personal effects as well as any savings they may have in the event that banks are forced to close, and
rightfully they should protect that which is theirs. If the state should interfere in people’s right to life and
property than they are not upholding the interests of the people who elected them into office but rather
are only looking out for the interests of the few, the elite also known as the special interests. This bring
me to my other point that the welfare state is the root cause of our economic condition and that this
involuntary, compulsory, or universal service will only protect the interests of those responsible for our
economic situation. Therefore, I will say it again, that I will not defend a failed status quo. My final
case is that I will not defend an oligarchy of special interests and abandon the Federal
Constitutional Republic that our country was founded under, for I believe that our government has
abandoned its own American Libertarian Ideals.

Questions That Maybe Ased as Counter-Arguments

1. How Do You See Government Abandoning Its Own Libertarian Ideals? The government has
completely or almost completely given up on the documents that made America a free
society by the various laws legislation that has been passed during the Bush Administration,
there has been no effort shown even at this time to repeal any of these laws despite the
promise of “change” this current administration has made. The economic actions taken by
this government although may help in the short term has damaged us greatly in the long
term. People in this current administration represent a Globalist Agenda NOT an American
Agenda, we did not elect our leader for the world we elected our leader based upon the
desire to undo what The Bush Administration had done against liberty as well as our

2. How has the Status Quo failed you and others? Just look at the world around us, that should
be proof enough that the status quo has failed and that if it will not change peacefully than it
is the right of every citizen to “alter or abolish it [the status quo that government carries out]
and institute a new government as well as a new status quo.” One that will protect the rights
of every individual living in this country not just a few.


1. Unconstitutional Laws

#1 USA Patriot Act - A 342 page document presented to Congress one day before voting on
it that allows the government access to your bank and email accounts, as well as your
medical and phone records with no court order. They can also search your home anytime
without a warrant.

#2 USA Patriot Act II - This one allows secret government arrests, the legal authority to
seize your American citizenship, and the extraction of your DNA if you are deemed a
potential terrorist.

#3 Military Commissions Act of 2006 - Ends habeas corpus, the right to an attorney, and
the right to court review of one's detention and arrest. Without this most basic right, all other
rights are gone too since anyone can be detained indefinitely. Now anyone may be arrested
and incarcerated and nobody would know.

#4 NSPD 51 - A directive signed by George W. Bush on May 9, 2007, that allows the
President to declare martial law, effectively transforming the U.S. into a dictatorship with no
checks and balances from the Legislative or Judicial Branches. Parts of this directive are
considered classified and members of Congress have been denied the right to review it.

#5 Protect America Act of 2007 - Allows unprecedented domestic wiretapping and

surveillance activities with a reduction in FISA court oversight. Probable cause is not needed.

#6 John Warner Defense Authorization Act - Signed by George W. Bush on October 17,
2007, this act allows the President to declare a public emergency and station troops
anywhere in America without the consent of the governor or local authorities to "suppress
public disorder.

#7 Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization Act - Passed overwhelmingly by Congress

on October 23, 2007, is now awaiting a Senate vote. This act will beget a new crackdown on
dissent and the Constitutional rights of American citizens. The definitions of "terrorism" and
"extremism" are so vague that they could be used to generalize against any group that is
working against the policies of the Administration. In this bill, "violent radicalization"
criminalizes thought and ideology while "homegrown terrorism" is defined as "the planed use
of force to coerce the government." The term, "force" could encompass political activities
such as protests, marches, or any other form of non-violent resistance.
#8 Executive Orders:
10995: Right to seize all communications media in the United States.
10997: Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private.
10999: Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind
and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.
11000: Right to seize any and all American people and divide up families in order to
create work forces to be transferred to any place the government sees fit.
11001: Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
11002: Right to force registration of all men, women and children in the United States.
11003: Right to seize all air space, airports and aircraft.
11004: Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish "Relocation
Designated Areas" and to force abandonment of areas classified as "unsafe".
11005: Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public
and private.

2. Obama Administration With Globalist Members

Just like President George W. Bush's cabinet, Barack Obama's cabinet is going to be
brimming with politicians affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission and the Bilderberg group. For those of you who are not familiar with these
globalist organizations, we would suggest that you read The True Story of the Bilderberg
Group by Daniel Estulin. When you realize how much control these groups truly have over
American politics, you just might be shocked enough to wake up and start demanding

Obama's national security appointees (like all his earlier ones) aren't "change to believe in" or
what people expected for their votes. They're recycled establishment figures. Their agenda is
business as usual, and they'll continue the same failed Bush administration policies at home
and abroad. Washington's criminal class is bipartisan. Obama was chosen to lead it and is
assembling a rogue team that's little different from the one it's replacing.

Hillary Clinton (Bilderberg Group) for Secretary of State

She's co-heading the team (with Robert Gates) as Secretary of State Designee, so it's clear
no change is planned given her hard line neoconservative ideology. As one analyst has put it
"it's why many on the left 'are grinding their teeth' about her and other former Clinton
administration appointees."

Back in May, CounterPunch co-editor Jeff St. Clair referred to her "Gothic politics" that offer
no hope for needed change. He called her "constitutionally wedded to a stern neoliberalism, a
disposition (she's unable to) camouflage."

Darker still is her hawkishness, far enough to the right to be indistinguishable from Joe
Lieberman or John McCain. It's why one analyst calls her a "war goddess" and with good
reason. She supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and still does.
She voted for the Patriot, Homeland Security, and other repressive acts.

She's extremely bellicose, endorses attacking Iran, supported Israel's destructive 2006
Lebanon war, praised Israel's apartheid wall, demeans the Palestinian people, equates them
with terrorists, calls any Israeli criticism anti-Semitism, is close to AIPAC, and at its June
convention said "The United States stands with Israel now and forever….We have shared
interests….shared ideals….common values. I have a bedrock commitment to Israel's
security. (Against Islamic extremists) our two nations are fighting a shared threat….I strongly
support Israel's right to self-defense (and) believe America should aid in that defense….I am
committed to making sure that Israel maintains a military edge to meet increasing threats."
"I am deeply concerned about the growing threat in Gaza (and) Hamas' campaign of
terror….Its charter calls for the destruction of Israel….Iran (also) threatens to destroy
Israel….I support calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard what it is: a terrorist organization. It
is imperative that we get both tough and smart about dealing with Iran before it is too late."
Yet, I am expected to defend such hypocrisy?

Robert Gates (CFR) for Secretary of Defense

Robert Gates was an integral part of the gun-running, drug-running, and death squad
murders lumped under the heading of the Iran-Contra scandal. Gates started in Iran-contra as a
stooge of William Casey, and continued under Bush the elder.

When Gates was nominated by Reagan to be head of the CIA in 1987, his role in Iran-
contra crimes was already so filthy and so blatant that he was forced to drop out of contention
under questioning. In doing this, Gates was seeking to defend his new master, George H.W.
Bush, who at that time was preparing a presidential bid for 1988. The elder Bush was the czar of
all Reagan-Bush covert operations, including Iran-contra. Gates fell on his sword to avoid
revelations which would have doomed the candidacy of Bush the elder. Payback for Gates came
in June 1991, when he was nominated once again to be head of the CIA, this time by Bush the
elder. Sam Nunn and some others posed embarrassing questions, but this time the cover-up of
Gates' Iran-contra role was supervised by Sen. David Boren of the Bush Skull & Bones clique.
The Democrats, intimated by the elder Bush's apparent victory in the first Gulf war, rolled over. If
Gates was too dirty to even get to a vote in committee in 1987, how can he be acceptable today?
If Democratic Senators like Levin and Biden opposed Gates in 1991, how can they find him
acceptable for a much more important post at a time of far greater crisis?

The Bush regime has become infamous for fixing the facts and the intelligence to suit the
pre-determined policy of aggression and adventurism. As Pentagon chief, Gates would control
the majority of the US intelligence budget. His track record promises nothing but more faked
intelligence. In September 1991, Time Magazine cited widespread reports that Gates "cooked the
books" while he was at the CIA to support the political demands of the Reagan and Bush
regimes. A New York Times editorial of November 4, 1991 concluded that "charges that Mr.
Gates slanted intelligence assessments, leaving Congress in the dark and more amenable to
administration policy, stand as not refuted." George Shultz reports in his memoirs that he "felt that
Gates was giving me an idealized picture of what was an altogether different reality," and
complained to Gates on January 5, 1987, "I don't have any confidence in the intelligence
community I feel you try to manipulate me. So you have a very dissatisfied customer. If this were
a business, I'd find myself another supplier." The Senate would be well advised to find itself
another supplier today. Will Gates resist the new attacks on Iran, Syria, North Korea, demanded
by Cheney and the neoconservatives? His assurances in this regard are worthless. Is this
change? I am expected to defend this!

Janet Napolitano (CFR) for Department of Homeland Security

( reported that far from being a border hawk, Arizona Gov. Janet
Napolitano frequently blocked efforts to curb illegal immigration, say enforcement advocates
concerned about her expected nomination to be the Homeland Security secretary under
President Barack Obama. In July 2007, Napolitano signed what she called the toughest employer
sanctions law in the country. During her first term, she established a state task force to curb ID
fraud. She was also the first governor to call for using the National Guard on the border, though
she subsequently vetoed legislation to grant funding for more Arizona National Guard troops on
the border. But Napolitano opposes a border fence, supports expanding a controversial
technology visa program and favors a "stringent pathway to citizenship." She has also vetoed a
bill requiring voter ID, vetoed a bill requiring local law enforcement to enforce immigration law,
and later vetoed another proposal to allow local sheriffs to enforce immigration law.

She also vetoed a bill prohibiting Mexican consul ID cards that critics say are prone to
fraud, vetoed an English-only bill, and vetoed a bill to criminalize illegal immigration. Napolitano's
tough rhetoric on enforcing immigration laws – often chastising the Bush administration for not
doing enough – was rarely matched by her record, said Arizona state Rep. Russell Pearce, a
Republican, who as chairman of the state House appropriations committee, wrote numerous
immigration bills that were vetoed by the governor. "She issued in 2005 a declaration of
emergency, yet she has done nothing to really secure the border," said Pearce, who was recently
elected to the state Senate.

"The governor has done everything she can to be an open borders governor. If not for a
supermajority in the House and the Senate and 80 percent of the public for it, she would not have
signed the employer sanctions bills," Pearce told "She was backed into a corner.
Yet people continue to give her credit." Securing the border is a chief responsibility for the
Homeland Security Department, which includes agencies such as the U.S. Border Patrol and
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Napolitano's state of Arizona has a 376-mile border with
Mexico. The governor has spoken several times about seeing first-hand the problems with drug
smuggling, human trafficking and other crimes that result from poor border security.

Susan Rice (CFR, Trilateral Commission Executive Committee) for Ambassador to the
United Nations
A former assistant secretary of state for African Affairs under Clinton and a Rhodes
Scholar is a minion of the Brooking Institution. Brookings is a neoliberal "think tank" par
excellence. It is funded by the Ford Foundation, the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, American Express, the Bank of America, Lockheed
Martin, Wal-Mart, Goldman Sachs, and the United Nations. Rice, who the neoconservatives
consider a "leftist," is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy
Group, the latter where she rubs elbows with the likes of Brent Scowcroft, the neoconservative
Eliot A. Cohen (a "leading champion" of the war in Iraq), Madeleine Albright (a proponent of mass
murdering Iraqi children), CFR president Richard N. Haass, and other crossover
neoconservatives and neoliberals.

James Jones (former CFR, Trilateral Commission) for National Security Team

Former Marine general and former NATO supreme commander James Jones will be
Obama's National Security Advisor. Jones sits on the board of directors of the Boeing Company,
Chevron, and NATO's Atlantic Council of the United States. Jones is cozy with the Council on
Foreign Relations. He is reportedly a good friend of John McCain and is respected by

In essence, Jones will serve as Big Oil's security chief. "Jones is currently a director of
Chevron Oil. He also heads of the Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy — a
group lobbying on energy issues in DC and described by the Grist as 'part of the Republican
machine, dominated by — and lobbying fiercely for the interests of — Big Oil, Big Auto, Big
Pharmacy, and other such Bigs,'" writes Mitchell Anderson.

"Jones would be reflective of two huge Obama priorities," notes Spencer Ackerman.
"First, Afghanistan. As NATO Commander, Jones ceaselessly lobbied the European allies for
greater assistance in the Afghanistan war. Second, energy security, Jones is widely known to be
an advocate of alternative energy sources, and, as Politico notes, chairs an energy task force for
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And of course there's the good optics of such a well-respected
general being Obama's closest White House aide on foreign policy."

Incidentally, even though former Sec. Def. Rumsfeld exiled Jones to his mostly
ceremonial NATO post, the general is onboard with the coming attack against Pakistan and
possibly Iran. During a September, 2006 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Jones
testified that it was "generally accepted" that Taliban leaders operated out Quetta, Pakistan.

Finally, Jones "has pointed to Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo as a 'model' for US bases
elsewhere," writes Chad Nagle. "Anyone who has seen the gigantic and ominous Bondsteel, set
amid the wasteland of bombed out and destitute Kosovo has an idea of what the US-imposed
New World Order will look like - destroyed dumps where a fortress houses thousands of
American military personnel behind its walls and the fearful population outside can rot in hell.

Eric Holder (Big Business)

Former Clintonite and Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder will be Obama's attorney
general. Holder is probably best and infamously remembered for his role in the controversial
pardon of billionaire fugitive Marc Rich, the FBI Most Wanted criminal who colluded with Iran at a
time when that country was holding U.S. hostages. In private practice as an attorney, Holder
represents Merck and helped negotiate an agreement with the Justice Department for Chiquita
Brands International in a case that involved Chiquita's payment of "protection money" to the
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a group on the U.S. government's list of terrorist

Most disturbing, however, is the role Holder played in the D.C. v. Heller ruling on
handguns. Holder joined the Reno-led amicus brief, which urged the Supreme Court to uphold
Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and said the Department of Justice from Franklin Roosevelt
through Bill Clinton had always believed that the Second Amendment does not protect the rights
of individuals to own guns for personal use. In short, Holder is a gun grabber who is opposed to
the Second Amendment. As attorney general, we can bet he will work tirelessly to outlaw all
firearms in the United States. Finally, Holder has advocated government censorship of the
internet. "It is [going] be a difficult thing, but it seems to me that if we can come up with
reasonable restrictions, reasonable regulations in how people interact on the Internet, that is
something that the Supreme Court and the courts ought to favorably look at," Holder told NPR
after the Columbine massacre in 1999.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, due to the three premises addressed the only conclusion I am forced to reach is
that the state no longer belongs to the people as well as to the constitution of this country. I will not
defend the interests of a few at the cost of many who deserve what was, is, and will continue to be theirs.
That which was, is, and will continue to be is their individual liberty and their right to determine a life of
their own and to be able to protect their own lives and nourish their own lives. I will not defend the welfare
state or the warfare state because both go hand in hand and also because it diminishes the individual
liberties as well as the various possibilities life truly has to offer. In grade school we were told that
America has many enemies, those who do not like it when people are free, are among one of these. Our
country has spilled much blood fighting against tyranny and oppression in the world wars and spent half a
century trying to dismantle the communists during the cold war. Wouldn’t these lives be lost in vain if we
become the very things we spent trying to fight against? This is why I will not join in any involuntary,
compulsory, or universal service that would have me take up arms against the honest, hard working,
freedom loving American.

VI. Solutions

In America problems occur whether they are local, state or nationwide. In America, the
government’s role is only one thing to protect the rights of individuals. So, solutions are meant to be
addressed by the people while the government protects our individual liberties. We face major issues in
this country. Therefore, all liberty minded and peace loving Americans will agree when I say that
Government should do two-things simultaneously:

1. Return Freedoms Back To the People

2. Return back to a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy as well as a limited government
domestic policy.
The solution of returning freedom back to the people will be applied by way of contracting the size
of government back to constitutional proportions and in affect dramatically lowering taxes. This solution
will also be applied by way of revoking all unconstitutional laws and practices, a clear example of such
practices would be the ending of all involuntary, compulsory and universal services. Some might ask what
the state should get rid of in federal government. I say we should get rid of The Department of Education
because our quality of our education has declined greatly. We should get rid of The Department of
Homeland Security because our safety lies in people being able to protect themselves. We should get rid
of FEMA and allow the states and local authorities to determine what they must do in their own location
during any emergency. We should get rid of The Federal Reserve because it is the instrument through
which our economy is being destroyed. We should dramatically reduce the cost of Department of Defense
as well, because the welfare states appetite for war also makes it the warfare state as well. We must
break down or complete remove these entities because they do away with liberty under the guise of
taking care of the people.
The solution of returning back to a foreign policy of non-interventionism and a limited government
domestic policy will be applied by way of no longer accepting corporate lobbyists who attempt to influence
our domestic policy and no longer accepting foreign lobbyists who attempt to influence our foreign policy
as well as any other organization that tries to influence our country to go outside the boundaries of our
constitution. The policy of non-interventionism will be applied also by way of removing all foreign troops
abroad and actually defend America from any attackers not defend other countries. Doing this will
dramatically reduce government expenses.
These solutions must be carried out immediately! If they are not, then I fear that there will be a
revolution in this country to make these changes possible. This is not a threat, this is written in our own
divinely inspired Declaration of Independence. It is my strongest conviction that this compulsory service
will only attempt to deny the very change that truly needs to take place because it is our American Duty
for it to do so.

VII. The Speech / Closing Defense

Since the beginning of time men have sought to enslave other men. Since the beginning of time
men have lied, cheated, and killed to have power. These men who have the insatiable lust for power are
the ring leaders of collectivism. Collectivism comes in the form of governments and ideas that seek to
denounce the individual and subdue the individual for the sake of the community. Today we know these
people merely as the personification of their oppressive ideologies. Socialist, Communists, Fascists,
Oligarchs, Aristocrats, Bureaucrats and Monarchs are the representatives of their ideals. These people
seek to put the collective above the individual by making the individual sacrifice everything one has for
the so-called “greater good.” Should we surrender our individuality to this collective, we surrender
everything about our own individuality, identity and our lives to some illusive greater good. We as
individual’s are asked everyday to sacrifice our freedoms, our work and our dignity under the guise of
someone to take care of us.
I am an individual! I am selfish in that I refuse to give up my dignity, I refuse to surrender my
freedom and I refuse the governments demand to take away my work, my property, and my life. I am an
individual because, I am of the strongest conviction that man is meant to be free! I for one still believe in
the motto of our country, which states: “E Pluribus Unum” which is Latin for “Out of Many, One!” Out of
the group, the collective is one person because without the individual nothing is possible. Without the
individual mind, without the individual heart and soul, without the individual human spirit that refuse to
submit nothing is possible. I refuse to submit my life to the collective. I refuse to dedicate myself to the
state which will only grow in power as well as corruption. I am an individual I demand my right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be represented in this nation. I know the truth so that the collective
cannot lie to me and deceive back into the collective mentality. I refuse to submit to fear of punishment
and to fear of the unknown.
The beauty to life is that things are uncertain, that the oppressive state does not have to last
forever. That my freedom can last for as long as I wish it to last, that this is determined by me and not the
state nor the states entourage of special interests. We live freely and die freely in this country that is what
the founders wanted and that is what every individual wants. To be able to be left to one’s own devices
and one’s own life without infringing upon the rights of others is the greatest desire of all liberty minded
people. The desire of happiness is that one can be happy as they see fit, not as society dictates to them
how to be happy. To me the greatest happiness that can be founded does not lie in losing weight, or in
possessing a lot of items which is something that society, the collective tells me would make me happy.
To me the greatest pursuit of that happiness is overcoming one’s own fears and weaknesses; this is my
own source of inspiration, joy, happiness, and power. I will not submit to joyless and self-sacrificing
servitude when I can have the ability to live life freely and happily, deep down I know that this is
the wish of all people and that they know it to.

On 9/11 former president George W. Bush gave us his Televised Address to the Nation to tell us
and to gather us in order to describe who the terrorist are. He said and I quote “America was targeted for
attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep
that light from shining.” Out of all the lies that the Bush Administration had made this is the only true
statement in and of itself that the former president had made.
We are supposed to be a free nation, where no one forces anyone to do anything and that
everything is done voluntarily but the mercy of the individual. The irony seems like a tragedy however, the
state told us terrorist hate us because we are free yet the very state that made such a claim than sought
to pass a series of unconstitutional laws that limited our freedoms greatly and empowered the
government to unconstitutional proportions. This leads me to believe that the real terrorist is not or not at
least some man in a far off cave but that our real terrorist threat lies in the tiny intellectual elite in
Washington who think they can determine your life far better than you can determine it yourself. Why
would I defend our own terrorist state and its corporate as well as international affiliates whom
which have conspired to take away my liberties under the guise of fighting taking care of me?

The welfare state is designed to take care of you from cradle to grave. We live in a welfare state a
state that seeks “to take care of its people.” The welfare state educates, feeds, and informs its populace.
This could be a utopian dream world if people did not have a corrupt side. Unfortunately, people do have
a deceitful and corrupt side in which the education can be filled with half-truths leading to conflict and
missing pieces of information that should have been mentioned to help create a better worldview, the
food they eat maybe of bad quality in order to maximize the very profits of those who produce such food,
the information maybe as well half-true and deceptive so that you might see only the view of those who
inform you.
The welfare state is a breeding ground for tolerance, apathy and ignorance. I say this because if
someone takes care of you than, you are more likely to tolerate or not care about the actions the state
takes, instead of taking care of yourself one relinquishes the hard work of self-knowledge and growth of
individuality for some convenience and the relative ease of life. What is this self-knowledge I speak of?
Self-Knowledge is the awareness of who you truly are not just accepting who are at the present moment.
It is pushing your own boundaries, being put into situations in which you are unsure of or even
uncomfortable in and overcoming to ennoble ones character and ones self-worth. When one knows
themselves in such away than one is truly free and will understand all the more just how important liberty
and life truly is.
Therefore, the welfare state and in affect the warfare state seek to make you ignorant and afraid
both of your own weakness and fears. They exploit your weaknesses and the most common fears, in
particular the fear of sudden death and fear of the unknown. They have a vested interest to see that you
do not have your highest potentials realized such is the characteristic of the collectivist mindset, that we
all realize our potentials or we all stay ignorant and afraid of our potentials, but for all to realize their
potentials would suddenly make you into a true individual therefore, the collective (or as religious texts
have called “the world”) would only seek to hold you down.
So, I will not defend ignorance when people should have the right to truly know
themselves, I will not defend tolerance and apathy because these are the last virtues of a dying
society and the American Destiny is to live on so as long as there are people dedicated to it.
Finally, I will not defend the ones who insult us because the welfare state is an insult to everyone
in this country because it tells me that the elite, the few are smarter than the rest of us and that
they know how to run our individual lives.

At the end of the day the so-called “almighty state” has forced me to defend it, to defend
its own status quo and to defend its ideas. The state has asked me to defend death, slavery, and
personal as well as economic depression because our state no longer defends my liberties being
that it is more concerned with trying to micromanage my life.

The state has forced me to defend joyless and self-sacrificing servitude. I am an

individual; I am a human being I will not submit my self-respect and dignity for the convenience of
someone else taking care of me. Such characteristics are founded in only totalitarian regimes
where the people are willing to do what the state says and all they have to do is sign away their
freedoms for it to be done. This is America, it cannot be done and it will not be allowed.

The state has forced me to defend us against terrorism and civil unrest but what must be
made know is that the terms surrounding a terrorist would be anyone who dissents from
government. So a terrorist hates us because we are free but the state calls terrorists dissenters.
There is only one real terrorist threat and that threat is the state itself. I am not defending liberty, I
am being forced to defend power and control over the masses. I will not defend that oppression.

The state has forced me to defend ignorance, tolerance and apathy to state programs,
laws and activities. I will not defend ignorance of self when in this country there is supposed to be
an abundant knowledge of self. I will not defend tolerance in which people think that government
can do better than what we can do and that somehow we should let them do what they want to do.
I will not defend apathy! For America was based on the idea in which apathy is supposed to be
non-existent because it was supposed to be the common people who were supposed to be the
government and the people would be involved in the political and economic soundness of this
country but today the people are no longer are heard and possibly the majority have lost faith in
their own ability to lead. THEREFORE, I will not defend the welfare nor the warfare state because
of all the evil that has come from it.

If I Should Be Found Innocent: I am truly grateful for the call of innocence that my peers have
given me. Today is only the beginning of the series of battles that must be won in the name of liberty.
Today’s decision serves as a reminder to all Americans that my point is clear and it is just. That liberty is
worth being put on trial for and even potentially facing punishment for. Let it be known that the average
people, such as those who had founded me innocent of any crime, still adhere to the principles of liberty
and justice for all and that those who fight for such virtues are not guilty of wrongdoing but are guilty of
doing the right thing! What is the right thing but standing up for liberty, for individuality, for life, and for
courage. This land is, was and will continue to be The Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave.
There is much work still to be done, I must go now, I wish you all the best of what life, liberty and true
happiness has to offer you.

If I Should Be Found Guilty: It is a sad day today that I should be founded guilty of standing up
against tyranny and the destruction of our once free state. The illusions that a few can take care of the
many are still strong within many and our movement still has much work to do. I may have been
considered guilty by the state but I am innocent of any crime against my country. I love America more so
than what some people may think. I am a defender of peace, an arbiter of life and liberty. If I am
condemned to be punished then so be it. I will serve it out faithfully, and I will not rebuke my actions when
I come out of my punishment. The world seeks to hold people down, it is my hope that individuals
everywhere are willing to stand up to the world and say to the collective that we have a better
appreciation and understanding of life and liberty than a collective will ever have. I am saddened that
those who have judged me this way are confined in their hearts and minds to live a life of uniformity and
ignorance. My anger however is not towards them but towards the state that compels them think this way.
As for the people I will only have compassion for their current state of spiritual and material poverty. I
recall the words of American writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau “”Under a government which
imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison... the only house in a slave State in
which a free man can abide with honor.” So I leave you all now and hope to see more people imprisoned
to further prove my point. This land is, was and will continue to be The Land of The Free and The Home
of The Brave. There is much work still to be done, I must go but I will return, I wish for you all to realize
the best of what life, liberty and true happiness has to offer you.
Section Two:
The Greater Good

The idea of the greater good is one that has been around for generations. We are a species that
has within it a compassionate side and yet we are a species that can also use compassionate intentions
for much evil as well. One need only to look into recent human history to understand that many evil
things have been done in the name of “defending liberty” and one could go back even further in time to
see how much evil had resulted from “ending suffering and evil.” This is all done in the name of the
greater good. However there is a clear process that take place, and it usually starts with a genuine if not
pure intention. So we follow through with this intention and as time goes on the people go through hard
times in hopes of something being for a greater good for all humanity. Ultimately, this power given to
the genuine if not good intentioned behavior is going to end up creating the circumstances we wished to
avoid. The issue at hand here is not an issue of “how many” but rather “whom” in other words the
definition of the Greater Good is a qualitative understanding not a quantitative one. The aim of this
essay is twofold: First to show how the idea of greater good is qualitative and not quantitative. The
second is to give form from the chaos that will come from understanding the first aim.

The first thing to show here is how the greater good is an issue of quality. Our story is simple
enough to prove that the greater good is a qualitative property and not so much a measurable quantity.
This is a 4 step storyline, and although short it offers an intense amount of truth to those who have the
capacity to contemplate on the story presented. There are four aspects or groups in this society; they
are as follows: The Dissenters, The Complacent, The Leadership and finally, those who enforce the
leadership’s commands. Now the dissenters can be anyone however, let us just call this group the
informed citizen who works against the interests of the leadership. The Complacent are those who
tolerate the actions of or are ignorant or apathetic toward the leadership and the enforcers, these
people however have the potential within them to become dissenters. The Leadership is the central
pillar behind “doing what is best for the greater good.” The enforcers obviously enforce leadership
commands. This is the way it is and for all intents and purposes the leadership nor do the enforcers
become the dissenters.

To begin at Step 1 let us set a prelude to the actions that are about to come. Let us use
something from recent history as an example of how powerful institutions use events to further their
agendas. After 9/11 security and protection from an elusive terrorist foe was of highest priority. Our
leaders and experts told us that security was the highest goal to achieve, even at the expense of civil
liberty. Our executive branch of government told us this continuously and was given an unconstitutional
level of powers granted by congress (our elected representatives) so as to protect American interests
and civilians as well as to go to war with terrorists who pose a threat to us. We being fearful and
complacent gave that authority to our president. So our story begins here as we see that the powerful
institutions of our time use “expanded powers within certain branches of government for the improved
security and protection of the Greater Good.”
Now we arrive to the present situation at Step 2. In Step 2 dissent is silenced. It need not be
through mass arrest and execution. It can be through intimidation techniques or pressure on public
figures and mediums regarding sensitive information concerning “the improvement in security and
protection of the greater good.” Ultimately, dissent is stifled or hidden so well that a critical view cannot
be heard or seen without much work. What makes this situation even harder is that usually after some
large tragedy or incident there are only a couple of dissenters who protest the actions of those who
“have the security of the greater good in mind.” They will of course be demonized if not out rightly be
accused of treason.

In Step 3 we arrive to the hastening of the process of silencing dissent in the nation. However,
the dissenting movement has grown in its numbers and now becomes a threat to the “security of the
greater good.” So now either progressively or immediately the empowered leadership begins the
process of imprisoning dissenters and punishing dissenters by rewarding the enforcers with more power
to battle against the dissenting population. Over time should nothing be done by anyone else, the
dissenters are silenced or become (like in step 1) a minority group again. This is the climax here, if half of
the population or more is dissenting against the leadership than the quantitative idea of a greater good
goes out the window. Even if a quarter or an eighth of the population is sacrificed for the sake of the
“protection of the greater good” an issue of morality will come into place and a critical view will be cast
upon the leadership, which allows the dissenting movement to grow further.

In Step 4 we finally arrive to the end result if the society fails to act appropriately. The end result
is that only a few permanently compliant remain and the leadership becomes brutally oppressive. The
few compliant will remain complaint because they have realized when it is too late that they should
have dissented back in Step 2 and maybe even Step 3. However, they certainly will not now largely
because they have grown completely terrorized by the power of the leadership and its enforcers as well.
The government will have grown increasingly oppressive only because, of the actions of the dissenters
who “threatened the security of the greater good” from this the power that was once the peoples has
been transferred over to the leadership, this power will not be transferred back to the people unless
they come out of their complacency. Thus we have a slippery slope of possibly good intentions gone

The truth is that a quantitative greater good leads to a quantitative greater evil. However, the
true greater good that we as the commoners should be striving for is a qualitative greater good in our
lives and our nation. No more fake prosperity, we should be able to live within our means so that we
might be able to advance as a species but also as individuals as well. The term “Greater Good” needs to
be rephrased to “The Greatest Good” in other words a life of quality and not quantity. The greatest good
comes to those who value the quality of their lives. Not by societies definitions but rather as your

The Concept of Greater Good is based in quality. Goodness cannot be measured by some unit. It
can only be detected seen, heard and felt through thought and action alone. It can only be determined
in a subjective and yet reasoned manner. The truth is quality can only be detected by those who know
themselves, are pure of heart and humble in their own lives. To those who follow such advice will see
that they will reach their potentials and understand what true and lasting quality really is. So seek to
create the greatest good in your own life, not necessarily by the quantity of physical possessions or be
led astray (all the time) by worldly passions, but by achieving a goal to master your own self while you
are young and to embrace all that comes your way.

A Lesson can be learned here concerning the greater good and that lesson is that one should
always Question the Purity or Intentions of a “Greater Good/Compassionate Leadership”. If you recall
from George Orwell’s novel 1984, there were a few ministries present within English Socialism (IngSoc).
There was The Ministry of Love, The Ministry of Plentitude, and The Ministry of Peace. Each of these
ministries however, was responsible for creating the exact opposite circumstances of its entitled
intention. So it is with the idea of any government to try and make “it look good” in front of the people
granting them power, that is what happens to all elected officials, they need to make themselves look
good. However, it is the job of the citizenry to see through their rationalized compassion and simply see
the government for what it is: a threat that may progressively or quickly encroach upon the rights of the
Citizenry with or without even noticing it.

To begin to finish this, I simply can only warn you the reader that the Steps are Simple, they are Subtle
and yet they are the road to a Dangerous Path that will only lead to the abuse of power. The elected will
first say “may we do that?” Every time the state asks the governed body for more power (whether
directly or indirectly), we must say no every time, regardless of how our government plays on the
emotions of the citizen. Employ common sense at once regardless if the state is playing on compassion
and empathy or if they are playing on fear and hate. This good intentioned nature sets up a slippery
slope mindset in the state that “If I Do X than why not Y and than why not Z?” So in other words, that
“May I?” will turn into “I Will!” The Argument over the concept of The Greater Good is Qualitative. Every
time we hear the elected (or selected) official speak of something being in the best interest of The
American People, which is of course just masking “the greatest good” concept it should be the duty of
the citizen to ask government “whose greatest good?” Not “how many will benefit?” After further
investigation into such matters inform the citizenry who will be affected by the speakers’ actions. The
Evils of the welfare state are clear example with the “good” of The “Greater Good” the welfare state
needs to end as it spreads more evil and vice than it promises virtue and good.
Section Three:
Individualism: Out of Many, One!
1. Introduction

Our western world, our western society speaks of the importance of the individual. America for one is
the prime representative of individual liberties and equality for all in the sense of individual rights. But
the question here is, what does it mean to be an individual? Do we go with what society today thinks is
an individual or do we choose to make our own definition? From that we need to come to the
realization of what true individualism is and what collectivism is. There are our personal experiences, I
will be sharing mine and there are ways of thinking or belief systems and mindsets that also seek to
provide instances of true individuality. Once we become aware of what a true individual is we need to
ask ourselves how do we get to being an individual from the collective to the state that I call “E Pluribus
Unum” which I choose to use this phrase as an emphasis on the power of a true or realized individual.
The individual is important and deserves so much more than what our current society is allowing.

2. What Society Thinks

So our journey begins with us asking what is an individual by seeking the input of others, since we were
young we based who we are and what we believe largely upon our environment, whether it be your
friends and family or what the television and other various media have to say. I must say that the first
observation I can make about individuality is that it starts out highly subjective. Usually in the beginning
our various social interactions help define and give boarders to who we think we are. As we progress in
age we seek to expand our awareness and understanding as we grow both in knowledge and
experience. Generally speaking however, the local interactions and our local experiences therein should
be enough to help us understand ourselves in relation to the world. These interactions are natural as
they are a part of the interdependence of society.

Nonetheless, we begin to look at the TV and various forms of media out there to help us seek out and
understand who we are as well. We look at TV as an outlet to the rest of the world outside of our local
environment. This in and of itself wouldn’t be a problem however, it is the content on TV that makes the
difference and how it is sold off to you as well. Most people are unaware that the TV Shows they watch
hypnotize them and use subliminal messaging / propaganda techniques to develop the pop culture. Now
this in and of itself can be dangerous only if the viewer is unaware of the fact that when they are
interacting with any form of media they are being sub-consciously embedded with mental suggestions
and being conditioned. The danger now lies in what the content of the TV and the various media have in
it. This will only than serve to build uniformity within localities across the nation. Now does this mean
Television and any form of media is to blame? No, its how it is used that makes the difference and
whether or not you choose to be influenced by its suggestions. Many would run to extreme ends in the
name of trying to stop the conditioning. But there are a few rational answers that can be given to
remedy the situation. Instead of having the nanny state that only seeks to ban everything for your
“safety” and “protection” trying to censor things that may stop reality from setting in we could always
be individuals and decided to auto-govern ourselves and our families by turning off said media, we could
begin realizing that most of what we interact with in the various media was paid for and only expects
payment back for the advertising or message that was put on, or we could find a counter-argument that
may refute the claims advertised or propagated. There is no need to shield everyone from graphic things
just because a few are weak of stomach or faint of heart. We Should Not Have to Appease Everyone!

However, a large portion of society does not contain the understanding and are unaware generally
speaking and choose to obsess over whatever the media has to say about what makes an individual an
“individual.” I find this ironic and puzzling; the free world that values individuality has managed to create
a strong wave of conformity concerning what makes an individual a so-called “individual” in the eyes of
society. It is the goof of all time, individuality is about uniqueness and most people know this yet the
people either sub-consciously or not still remain in conformity to what society has to say. To add to this
irony, it is corporations who have the power over the airwaves for the most part. So what does the
media reinforce in our society as something that is popular and in effect make the people believe is the
definition of individuality? Beauty, not the true kind, but the outer appearance is emphasized, in effect
emphasizing superficiality. Sexual Prowess, everywhere you go in our society it needs to relate to the
pleasures of sex, in effect emphasizing our more animalistic nature which is impulsive and emotional.
Personal Gain, not the gain of intellectual or spiritual experiences and treasures but rather physical and
material gain, in effect emphasizing our desires for extravagance and trivial things.

Now these things exist, so I cannot deny their existence nor deny that they have no value, everything at
has value, if they did not exist than it did not have value. So I will not be an extremist and say “we need
to get rid of appearance, sex, the trivial or materialistic mindset.” However, as a unique individual it is
my decision as to how much value I give these “glorified values” and base my decision on the
introspection of who I am and who I want to be or how I want to be seen. From there take the personal
responsibility of my decision.

3. What is the difference between a group of individuals and a group of individuals?

So now that we arrive to a greater understanding as to what it means to be a truer individual. That from
the outset the truer individual is capable of saying “NO” by devaluing the desire to appease everyone
and not being an extremist but in return capable of introspection and personal responsibility as well as
awareness of a societal definition as opposed to an individual definition on a truly subjective topic.

Earlier I pointed out an irony to the definition of “individual” through media as opposed to the individual
itself. The greater awareness is that, it is corporations that decide these things, so what we are
conditioned to accept is the corporate definition of individualism which is a farce on individualism
because corporate culture is about collectivism, a hierarchy of rulers where we trust the owner to do
the right thing but if we dissent or undermine the owners and higher-ups we find ourselves on the
chopping block for next month’s lay-offs and terminations.

Now, the question must be asked than, what is the difference between a group of unaware or
unconscious individuals and true individuals? It is rather simple. The individual in a group has relegated
or sacrificed his/her own uniqueness for the sake of the group. If the group does not need the talents of
A, B, and C than those talents, that uniqueness of the individual, is ignored and not allowed to grow or
be worked and shrivels and is possibly lost all for the sake of the group. The individual in the group is a
collectivist without possibly even knowing it. It is a tragedy that the gifts bestowed upon the individual
for whatever supreme cause you believe in go by unused and quite possibly lost. I ask “where is the life
in that?”

Now if we are to look at the true individual who has been awakened and is conscious of him or herself
than the story is much different. The true individual within a group of true individuals carries with it
much power and respect. All talents are used and applied by the mercy of the individual not by the
mercy of the group nor does the group demand a sacrifice. Yes teamwork is important for any group
work however, what good is teamwork if the true individual were not insightful and knowledgeable
enough to improve the outcome of the group? Someone may say, “Well, if they are all true individuals
than what happens if a problem occurs?” The true individual and the group of true individuals need not
worry because, the emphasis for understanding would be there and to work towards the best mutual
outcome would be set.

4. Personal Experiences

So now we arrive to an even greater awareness of what a true individualist is. That a true individual does
not sacrifice anything because sacrifices are defined as giving up something in the name of something
greater than you. Instead a true individual or individualist does things based on their own level of mercy.
An individualist uses and develops the traits of insight and knowledge-ability to further improve the
outcome of the individualist group so as to arrive at point where there is a win for all not a win for some
unless by the mercy of the individual they agree to take less than what could be fully given for example,
a job you collect your wage from your job and from their you also have employment as such you agreed
to take this job even though you don’t own the company and its fuller privileges the owner enjoys.

Nonetheless, I must speak now of my own personal experiences for sometimes leading by example is
the best way a follower (a collectivist) becomes a leader (an individualist). When I was younger say back
in grade school my desire was to become popular yet at the same time I was reserved so in a sense
sought to become popular but not speak much. This desire thankfully didn’t last long but I had seen that
some of my classmates as we entered into middle school were more focused on popularity than on
developing a true and lasting friendship, they sought quantity I sought quality as I got older. As we
arrived in high school it was the same story but becoming increasingly mature I had developed my
introspective nature to a degree where I had tremendous inner power and awareness but my social life
had suffered I had friends but even they didn’t keep in touch with me all that much anyway.

That would change after a couple events that occurred in my high school career where I was
reinvigorated to leave old friends behind that I decided lost their quality that I had enjoyed throughout
the years previous to these events, so we grew apart. I found a group of new friends and quickly they
took me in, we were a small group but the quality time of that group was great, I found a job and invited
one of my friends to join in on it. To this day we both still work there with a second handful of co-
workers who turned into friends. But, what can I say, it was work we had our fun times, we had our hard
times. It was my determination that didn’t make me quit from this job even when I was fed up with it
and the people at certain times.

I had a desire to grow and expand in knowledge and understanding because, high school education
generally speaking left me unprepared for college life and the world. I had interests in politics, religion,
philosophy and writing. I learned critical thinking and logic skills within my first year of attending college
because I believed that being critical of the society we live in and ourselves will in time improve our lives
and surroundings. My interests in religion, spiritual and occult philosophy is at the highest at this time
than ever before. I had sought to improve my writing skills and enjoyed the philosophical viewpoints the
college offered coupled with my own understandings of life. My life has only begun in the time allowed
a typical person but nonetheless I look forward to all of which life has to offer including its difficulties.
This was not just schooling that offered this awareness but it was my own life experiences guided by
whatever supreme cause you belief in.

5. Religious/Scientific Examples

There are spiritual and philosophic as well as a scientific appreciation for the ideas of individualism.
Within this section my intent is to sow some of them, not argue doctrines and dogma but rather show
that even belief systems are there to help in the liberation of an individual to come out of the collective
mindset. I was born and raised in Christianity and had developed esoteric interests because of that I
have a larger understanding of these two mindsets than I do of Jewish or “secular” mindset.
Nonetheless, I will put my own insights into these understandings to help show that the individual is the
focal point to life and that the collective seems to only old people back.

a. Christian Tone

The first important example that can be shown is the Judeo-Christian Story of Creation. God made Adam
and from Adam made Eve as the story goes. God breathed into Adam with his breath of life. Now many
say that by eating the apple on the tree of knowledge of good and evil caused the fall of mankind from
my perspective it was a necessary event. God gave Adam and Eve the willpower to be free and to not
need the consent of anyone but their own consent to do what they did. Freedom was sacred in the eyes
of God according to the Genesis story, because, even though God knew that free will would make
mankind fall and even though he knew that freedom would bring much suffering and death to the world
it was still given to us. This comes back to the point, that even if something brings negative
consequences it does not necessarily mean it has no value. So our existential questioning began what
would it mean if God did not make us into beings of free will? We would be herd animals, we would be
collectivists by birth and our will wouldn’t exist we would be mindless and soulless robots living out a
meaningless life.

So knowing this, we understand that God’s will was for us to have life by being free. So now we must ask
ourselves what is the relationship between man and the serpent who tempted eve into eating the apple
and in effect Adam as well. The serpent made the couple aware of their “nakedness” and fundamentally
changes them to the point where God threw the couple out of the Garden. Many say the serpent
brought upon them ignorance and suffering but the serpent only showed them reality because; the
garden was a locality in the rest of the world. The serpent brought upon them the hardship and difficulty
of reality. It is our job than to hold on firmly to our individual liberty during hard times and know
ourselves by not yielding our freedoms to adversity.

I am not playing devil’s advocate either. This is what the serpent has done, what God has willed and
what we have done, if God did intervened to stop the serpent, than we would have never learned to
take the consequences of our actions, which proves that personal responsibility is an important value
that must be learned in our desire for freedom. If the serpent did not exist, than we would have never
learned the hardships and challenges our freedom brings. If Eve or Adam fought the temptation not to
eat the apple, than they would have continued living in a naïve ignorance of the world in which they
came from. So some values to be instilled in an individualist would be personal responsibility, the desire
to overcome adversity, and awareness of who we truly are.

“I desire mercy not sacrifice” (Matthew 12:7)

Christ whom which Christian doctrine espoused is the Son of God was an important lesson to be
learned. Because, God was the being that bestowed free will and desired freedom for all humans. It is
God’s son than that would be representative to true individuality. This phrase that Christ used was
meant to convey an important lesson. I had mentioned earlier that mercy was an individualist or free
persons value and sacrifice was a collectivist or enslaved persons value. To expand on this it is by the
mercy of the individualist that progress is made, it was the work of Christ that bestowed the message of
love to the world, and it was not the work of the collective that made such a message known. It was by
Christ mercy on the collective that love was made known.

Mercy is defined as an act of kindness, compassion, or favor. The acts of Mercy start from the individual
and go outward to whomever. However sacrifice is defined as the surrender or destruction of something
prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. The
act of sacrifice is imposed upon the individual in the name of whatever or whomever. People consider
the Passion of The Christ to be an act of Sacrifice however it was not it is an act of Mercy. Because,
Christ represents the light of a true individual in the Christian mindset than it is the idea of the followers
or anyone else that follows with the teachings of Christ to provide mercy not self-sacrifice. Christ knew
that the individual is higher to the collective.

Someone may say “God is greater than I am, so I must sacrifice X in the name of God.” This is deceptive
the son of God asks for mercy not sacrifice, he was tired of these hollow acts of sacrifice they meant
nothing to him and in effect nothing to the father. So what should be done or said is “God is greater
than I am, so I must show mercy to others by doing X in the name of God.” Not only will this keep you
more honest with yourself but also with those around you. Sacrificing brings problems someone may say
“I sacrificed X for you, so you owe me!” This only feeds self-aggrandizing and pride. Mercy brings peace
because it was your will to do what you did. It keeps you honest with yourself.

We must know of course that an individual must carry balance within him/herself if they wish to not be
exploited by those who seek to exploit the mercy of the individual for less than noble or genuine
reasons. The gift of discretion must be developed and applied in order to better judge the genuine
nature of one’s application of mercy. Too much mercy invites weakness by way of developing an
unhealthy toleration for people or groups. However, too much severity invites hatred by way of
developing an unhealthy judgmental if not elitist personality.

So to review what can be learned from this verse we know that an individualist is capable of honesty not
just towards others but towards themselves as well. The true individualist is capable of mercy but will
not be overly sympathetic in order to deny exploitation. To deny exploitation the individualist will
balance their merciful side with their discretion but will not allow the gift of discretion to be perverted
into being overly judgmental.

“You Are The Light of the World” (Matthew 5: 13-16)

The whole verse that I had selected was that of two verses. The first verse states that “You are the salt
of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for
anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” This is an interesting verse. At first it may
seem like a call to collectivism, because someone may say “what is one grain of salt going to do?
Wouldn’t you need to have several grains of salt to make a difference?” I would say this is true insofar as
each grain of salt maintains its unique salty characteristics. Because if salt lost its saltiness which is the
thing that gave it meaning than it has lost its purpose. This is the point of this first verse, that each of us
is unique.

Uniqueness is the gift, we are each unique individuals on this planet. Therefore, we must be able to
maintain our uniqueness in the world that only seeks conformity to uniformity. This is the larger lesson
to being an individualist, that a true individualist will be a non-conformist or someone who will not
blindly serve common standards, conventions, rules, customs, traditions, norms, or laws unless they are
in agreement to them. In the name of true individualism the individualist will not submit to peer
pressure unless they can see the genuinely beneficial aspects to said pressures. Also the individualist will
see to it that they will not submit to the groupthink mentality which is a type of thought exhibited by
group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing,
and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness, and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit
of group cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in choice and thought that might
normally be obtained by making decisions as a group. During groupthink, members of the group avoid
promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking. Some people know this as
“drinking the kool-aid” in which one becomes a strong or fervent believer in a particular philosophy or
mission, wholeheartedly or blindly believing in its virtues without being critical of them.

The second half of the verse we arrive to the message that “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill
cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand,
and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they
may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” You are the light of the world is the
beginning of this verse that each of is light, something usually related to a divine nature. That this light
because it is divine is capable of so much power and contains so much life that it serves as an
empowering inspiration to the world. Each of us who has aspired to true individuality is a city on the hill
but because you are exalted by the humble position of true individuality you cannot be hidden by
anyone, people sense that you are different than the rest of them and they revere you because of that.
The hallmark of true individuality is not to run and hide or to be ashamed of any of the gifts you have
but to use and apply them wisely and with a humble stance, a true individual has no desire to lead
people but rather to guide them so that they may develop their own individuality so that they may lead

This power I speak of is the power of life itself without it individuality would be dead. Remember God
gave life and gave freedom simultaneously because without one the other has no point to exist. When
the true individual has aspired to life and liberty they understand its power and become that power, this
power which the true individual posses empowers the individual and those around the individual to the
point where it is an inspiration at every level of being. It would do well to keep in mind that the city on
the hill is something not to boast about hence I remind that the true individual posses a humble spirit
because of their maturity. I also say that the true hallmark to true individuality is not to lead but to
guide; an individual needs to be guided out of or toward something. The true individual guides because
experiences must occur within the growing individual to aid further in the development of true
individuality whereas if they were lead down a path than their experiences would be limited to the
leader’s will which is not helping in developing true individuality.

“Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

When I read this saying I thought about what the larger lesson meant in the eyes of true individuality. It
dawned upon me that, there are ultimately two emotions and all other emotions are related to one of
the two or both indirectly. Those two emotions were love and fear. Anger is can be found in
compassion, which is rooted in love, for those who suffer from injustice or ignorance and it can be found
in not getting your own way. But I came to a larger realization that love and anger are also perspectives
and ideas. This to me was the message behind the message that Christ shared with his apostles, that
when you dedicated yourself to an idea, in particular a good idea, and are willing to lay your life down so
that others may understand and celebrate it in such an existential way than the individual is powerful.

Christ dedicated his life to love and died for that idea, that experience and that emotion. It was by his
mercy that he died for such an idea. According to the myth he died to save the world through love.
Likewise, the founders of this country and countless true patriots died to see to it that the idea of
freedom be maintained and have a place in the world to maintain it. The founders wanted peace and
prosperity with all, they wanted other countries to emulate us and celebrate liberty. Freedom is after all
based on the principle of love. That I love all equally enough to fight for their own freedoms even when
they wouldn’t and that I love all equally enough that I would want them to be free despite any shortfalls
that they may have. The founders wanted us to be emulated in the world not by sacrificing our liberty
for security or by forcing countries to change by force of arms. Where is the love in sacrifice, when the
man of love demanded mercy? Where is the love in unnecessary violence to spread the idea of liberty,
which is based on love?
b. Jewish Tone

“Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship
me.” (Exodus 8:1)

Although I am not Jewish and do not impose my own commentary to be the final say on the story of
Exodus I still must say that from an individualist perspective however I find the story of Exodus to be
quite liberating. The story of Exodus is about how Moses led his people out of slavery from the land of
Egypt. I find it interesting that the Pharaoh who represents the will of a powerful hierarchal collectivist
society demands that slaves do the labor of his own nation. From an individualist standpoint it
represents how collectivism does not value personal responsibility but puts all the responsibility on
others for their own maintenance. Also the story seems like a message of religious tolerance, that the
Jewish people just want to worship their God freely without someone trying to interfere in their
worship. Finally, I have observed that from an individual perspective, that the collectivist Pharaoh
viewed material possession as the highest end he could establish for his nation where as the minority of
enslaved Jews saw its inconveniences of such a viewpoint. This tells me that perhaps an individualist
see’s material possession as something that is a means to an end.

So to review what seems to be considering a hallmark of individualism in Judaism would be again

personal responsibility, tolerance in other people’s viewpoints, and finally that things should be used
not worshipped. Again, I do not impose my commentary as the final say in the matter because I am not

c. Gnostic Tone

Gospel of Thomas: "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will
stand as a single one."

I have great respect for the Gnostic message and the world we live in. This phrase is unique as is what
the promise is. This could not be any clearer form of the importance of individuality. That out of the
many people or society comes one person who has the power to make a difference. These
representatives of true individuality are indeed unique and yet are the same in that they share the
quality of uniqueness. It is a message that the focus lies on ourselves in order to realize the potentials
life has to offer and to be liberated by being aware of and applying the realization.

The Secret Book of John: “And the man came forth because of the shadow of the light which is in him.
And his thinking was superior to all those who had made him. When they looked up, they saw that his
thinking was superior.”
This is part of the Gnostic story of Creation. In this man is seen as something more powerful than the
maker himself. Which is a metaphor for just how powerful the individual self is and how much life they
posses. According the Gnostic creation myth our light, which is part of the divine, is sought to be
exploited by the forces of ignorance by way of fear. It is humanities choice as well as each individuals
choice to decide if they will allow the light to be exploited by the forces of ignorance or if they will reside
in the light and be empowered by the light by way of love and knowledge.

d. Secular/Philosophical

Ralph Waldo Emerson American philosopher, essayist, and poet: “Place yourself in the middle of the
stream of power and wisdom which animates all whom it floats, and you are without effort impelled to
truth, to right and a perfect contentment.”

The idea behind this is that this is only an individual’s ability and experience. A collectivist cannot do this
because they are either told not to or they do not know how to. The individualist for one is a realist with
an open mind, the individualist must be determined and seek truth for the truth sets all free and the
individualist cannot be an individualist if they are not free. This awareness of truth leads to an
inspirational sense of power and joy. As Emerson has said it “animates all whom it floats.” This is life
itself and nothing short of that, this is what empowers the individual. Therefore, the individual must
seek wisdom, for a fool is a collectivist even if the fool thinks themselves as true individuals, they are not
because, fools like people who are stuck in the collectivist mindset do not think, they sacrifice their
individuality to conformity and their uniqueness to uniformity. A fool laughs at the wise but it is the true
individual who has the last laugh.

i. Individuation

In Jungian psychology individuation is a process of psychological differentiation, having for its goal the
development of the individual personality. "In general, it is the process by which individual beings are
formed and differentiated; in particular, it is the development of the psychological individual as a being
distinct from the general, collective psychology." (C.G. Jung. Psychological Types. Collected Works Vol.6.,
par. 757)

Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the
founder of analytical psychology. Jung's approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth
psychology and in countercultural movements across the globe. Jung is considered as the first modern
psychologist to state that human psyche is "by nature religious" and to explore it in depth.[1] He
emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world
religion and philosophy. Although he was a theoretical psychologist and practicing clinician, much of his
life's work was spent exploring other areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy,
astrology, sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His most notable ideas include the concept of
psychological archetypes, the collective unconscious and synchronicity. From the psychological
perspective CG Jung forewarned that people should seek balance and harmony. He cautioned that
modern people rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and
appreciation of unconscious realms.
Concerning his idea about the collective unconscious, it is just that unconscious. There is no such thing
as the collective conscious but the one we create. We are not meant to be born like heard animals, like a
hive of bee’s or sheep. The collectivist is to relegate their position for the sake of the group because of
some fear or mentality. Therefore, the collective is unconscious, which only further makes my point that
like an animal the collectivist relegates themselves to basic survival rather than realizing their potentials.

Individuation is the development of one's individual personality through a bringing-to-consciousness

and assimilation of unconscious tendencies (both complexes of the personal unconscious and
archetypes of the collective unconscious). Individuation is both a goal (one that will never be completely
reached) and a life-long process with a twofold movement (see Wehr 50). Acknowledging that these
unconscious tendencies are part of oneself, of one's personality and then, refusing to allow one's
personality to be compelled by these tendencies through possession or projection.

We can understand individuation not only through discussing how it is manifested in our psychological
development (see Wehr 58) but also through analyzing how it is portrayed in narratives. Individuation
appears in myth, fairytales, literature, film, etc. in the form of a narrative or story because it is a process.
Frequently the narrative portrays a journey or quest of a hero/heroine who represents the individual
ego in the process of individuation. To analyze such a story, interpret all images, symbols, actions, etc.
from the perspective of this individual ego, as personifications of various aspects of his/her unconscious
that need to be integrated and/or distanced for the person to move toward wholeness.

6. What makes an individual a true individual?

Based on all of that which I have gone through the awareness and values that go into building an
individualist I could say that everything above is what makes an individual and I wouldn’t be wrong.
However, I wouldn’t be right as well, to suggest that if you listen to my advice above you will become an
individual does not do justice to the claim that the individual first and foremost is the source of power
and life in fact it would be arrogant of me to make such a suggestion of following the morals and values
set above since the beginning of this essay. Morals and values may lead to a better life however;
following morals and values is just that following. The individualist is not a collectivist and only the
collective follow, whether the individual leading is of good or bad intentions.

So what makes an individual a true individual and not just a unit of the collectivist body? The answer lies
in the awareness of one. In other words, the awareness of what you are and what you are not. The
individual is everything but nothing in particular. What I mean by this is that the individual is free from
all forms of identification whether it is a title or calling yourself the adherent to some type of mindset.
By doing this the true individual no longer follows or runs after something everything runs to the
individual. The acting out of the values described throughout this essay are no longer done because the
individual does it in spite of the collective (also known as the counter-culture) but rather does it
genuinely from the heart because the individual is just being themselves. If this is understood
intellectually than good on that person but my hope is that the person understands it existentially and
can experience what I am trying to say.
Also the true individual adheres to no dogma and no doctrine but their own. This is a paradox, a
contradiction to everything I have said. First I say adhere to these values as the hallmark to true
individualism. Then I say that these same values I told you to uphold mean nothing unless one
understands how to use them. Now I just said forget about everything I told you and adhere to know
rules in particular. I acknowledge this and say its part of the process of becoming, where people say
contradictions do not work or paradoxes are mishaps we still must acknowledge that they occur. As a
suggestion instead of running from contradictions and paradoxes embrace them. Values and morals are
merely the acting out of what we know. This is the secret to true individuality rather than accepting who
you are, know yourself. I am not suggesting that you must know the trivial things about who you are to
the world like “what you like and what you dislike” often society determines that until the individual has
come to the realization that collectivism is not the way. So instead, know yourself by pushing your
boundaries and overcome that which holds you back. Truly, the individual who has come to know
themselves is free because they are no longer in bondage to anything that may stop them from living life
to the fullest and they are aware of themselves.

7. On Becoming an Individual

When a person is ready to travel the many paths that lead to true individualism they must be ready to
essentially die to the world around themselves. This death is no different than the concept of being
born-again like in Christian concept of the idea. However, unlike the religious undertone my intent is not
to put people into groups. Rather this process is lifelong process and yet has many sub-processes that
occur as events throughout one’s life unfold. This process is more so like the Alchemical idea of changing
oneself from Base Lead to The Gold of Great Price. The base lead is common and is boring because it is
plentiful it is not valuable but it is a necessary place to start. The gold of great price is the end result and
in the time it takes to get from lead to gold there are many new and promising transformations which
come in the way of physical, mental, and those open to the idea spiritual understandings, realizations,
actions, and experiences. Throughout our lives we have events and consequences of those events that
transform us, the difference between an individualist and collectivist is that one is conscious while the
other is not.

However, to give a procedure on becoming a true individual would be wrong of me to do because; it

limits your ability to become what you truly are. There is usually a process one that we all share but the
experiences that the process encompasses are dramatically different for all. Like the theory of
individuation it is a lifelong process but it is a daily process. A true individual is aware of more than a
collectivist is aware of because they are not limited to one mindset. I will share with you the beginning
of the journey and it starts with being critical of yourself and your own beliefs. At the conclusion of this
article is a poetic short story, I hope that the story will provide for you a better picture concerning the
path to the development of individuality.

a. Question Your Own Beliefs

In the journey of becoming the first stage to take part in is, being critical of your own worldview. This is
difficult for most because, people build worldviews and belief systems so as to seek comfort in their own
lives rather than seeking comfort in life itself. When one wonders why there are more collectivist in the
world it usually has to do with the fact that they subdue their critical thinking abilities with group think
mindsets afraid of the journey of self-discovery. There is a childish fear of the unknown that is prevalent
within the psyche of all humans. The collectivist “group thinker” seeks comfort in and demands others
to submit to their own beliefs, regardless if those beliefs are set in reality or not. The individualist seeks
comfort in embracing the unknown and to share their experiences as well as knowledge concerning that
which is unknown. The collectivist lives in a naïve bubble in which they do not want to know and also
seek to make those under their influence not to know either. We know such a fallacy to truth as Ad
Populum or appeal to popularity, also known as “it is right because everyone believes it is right”.

So, you must begin to question your current beliefs and values. Regardless of the pain, listen to and
accept some if not most of the counter argument to your beliefs. The point is not to make you into a
convert because that would only switch your worldview and “group thinking.” The point is to go into a
full 360 degree critical introspection of your beliefs and the counter-beliefs you discovered. You are
trying to grasp the idea turn it on its head and then take the counter idea and turn it on its head as well.
Not merely accepting one over the other.

As an example, in this country we as a collective say to the world that “you are with us or against us in
the fight on terror.” However, when one becomes critical of such a “group think” viewpoint and
investigates the counter argument of the claim say in your mind “US Sponsored Terrorism” you discover
that the history of this country during the late 19th century to present day has done nothing shy of
causing people everywhere to hate us, and in particular one finds out the our government was
responsible for destroying democracies or propping up dictators under the guise of fighting communism
than we arrive to an even broader awareness that we should not have such a group think mentality as
arrogant as the one we have because our government is just as guilty.

The effect of course is that the worldview you had has changed a bit and you as an individual may begin
to define yourself a bit differently. Now again earlier I said that one should not be concerned merely
with how the world see’s you; you must be honest with yourself otherwise you will just fallback to a
collectivist mindset. The point of course to being critical of your beliefs is knowledge. Now the above
example was an external one but what about the internal world, what about your personality? It would
be good to find out why you have the negative qualities you may have and how you act upon them.
Therefore, the more you know yourself the more critical you have become of your old worldviews and
what they really mean.

Short Story on The Creation of The True Individual:

It all starts out as fire, burning away at my world.

The Monuments Fall and Tributes End, Only Chaos Ensues.

My Heart Aches and My Mind is Splintered

I hear the voices in my mind saying “this must be right and that must be wrong.”

The feelings in my heart kill me and I am sickened, all comfort ends.

My Old World Is Gone burned away by fire, the rest charred and useless.

I must make do with what remains, death has come and done its worst, all is quiet and

I begin to pick up the pieces of the old world, in my journey I find things that the old world never knew.

This novelty is powerful but the old is what I had grown used to.

Curiosity takes the best of me and I begin to forge a new world.

My Curiosity has shown me something that the old world kept me in fear of.

At the entrance to my new world says “E Pluribus, Unum ”. I have grown powerful; look
survivors have come to marvel at my new world, they begin to worship me.

The old world was about worshipping, so disgusted I was by their actions, I told them to
stop and I showed them how to build a new world.

My Work and Determination saw me through, I have built a new world one better than the old one.

I have built much but my world is vulnerable, in time this world will remain charred and
useless by the very same fires.

The old world I was a part of made me worship things outside of me, it did not ask, it
forced me by fear.

I know now, that I am timeless and homeless, worlds may end but I am still here.

In times of Difficulty, I draw my strength.

In times of Uncertainty, I draw certainty.

In times of Quiet, I find myself.

In times of Melancholy, I become motivated.

In Times of Fear, I embrace Chaos.

Only one question remains, where does one build their new world?

Yet, I know that I must build by the grounds of the underground river.
Section Four:
A Look At Contemporary Western Society

1. Introduction

We live in hard times both as Americans and as human beings. Our world is falling apart, largely thanks
to the corruption and ambitions of a few individuals who have no desire but to see us enslaved to them
through some vague common action and manipulated through a few choice words. Their intents are
clear; their objectives are becoming more easily understood. Luckily, history shows that when the
weight of corruption becomes too much on a society that old world falls apart and something new and
pure takes its place. We live in a time, where we feel the world is coming to an end, but this is not
speaking of the physical world for it will remain but what will be coming to an end are our old
understandings of the world and society we live in. If you wish to know where we as a species are going
than the word “transitioning” would describe what is occurring.

2. Raise Awareness of the Old World

We must begin to become aware of the problems we face if we are to begin the process of truly
breaking free. To begin I must say that the Western World has for the most part been distracted by
various mediums which have only emphasized superficial concerns over our more pressing issues. We
must become aware of the various illusions which have been set before us that seem to give an
impression that everything is fine, when in fact everything is not fine for everything is being destroyed.
Finally, we must admit that we are being influenced by the Court of Special Interests who would want to
maintain their stranglehold over us through Distractions and Illusions.


When you turn on the TV what does the TV emphasize, what is its focus? When you listen to the radio
why is it that the radio emphasizes what it emphasizes? I am not talking about the news so much as I am
talking about our entertainment whether it be the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the various
reality shows that are out there even when these shows are so far outside the reality of the truth of our
situation. So what does the media reinforce in our society as something that is popular? Our
entertainment industry regardless of what form it comes in has put the emphasis on the following:

Beauty, not the true kind, but the outer appearance is emphasized, in effect emphasizing superficiality.
Sexual Prowess, everywhere you go in our society it needs to relate to the pleasures of sex, in effect
emphasizing our more animalistic nature which is impulsive and emotional. Personal Gain, not the gain
of intellectual or spiritual experiences and treasures but rather physical and material gain, in effect
emphasizing our desires for extravagance and trivial things.

Now these things exist, so I cannot deny their existence nor deny that they have no value, everything
that exist has its own level of value, if they did not exist than it did not have value. So I will not be an
extremist and say “we need to get rid of appearance, sex, the trivial or materialistic mindset.” After all
we use these things in some degree or another to help give definition to who we are especially in
America. However, when one peels away at this we see that these things are merely distractions. Their
value has been overhyped to keep the populace focused on things outside of themselves and keep
society in a perpetual chase towards a perfection of the superficial desires. The idea that we must be as
attractive as possible is born from such a distraction, the idea that we must have the mansions and
sports cars and focus upon our material possessions is a distraction! So, what is it we are being
distracted from?

We are being distracted from reality, we are being distracted from the things that are opposite of that
which we have been trained to put emphasis on. Obviously, when you distract someone you have a
reason to do so, there is intent to do so. Why put emphasis on outer appearance? The only reason is to
distract you from your inner life, which is what you really are; deep down within you there is some
portion of your being which is screaming saying you are living a life that is not genuine. Why place
emphasis on sexual prowess and lower more animalistic tendencies? The only reason is to distract you
from your higher faculties that would help you live a more genuine life that is meant to empower you
and liberate you. Finally why place emphasis on materialistic desires and goals? The point would be to
distract you from goals that are meant to uplift you and increase your own inner awareness of who you
are and what you real want, if you are broken and divided against yourself in your mind than, you do not
know what you really want and you will be fooled by used car salesman and people of that nature.

This much is true we have been lied to. The society emphasizes things that are false in order to make us
live in a false reality, a matrix of sorts. If one were to understand the idea of breaking out of the matrix
they would see the world as if on a mountaintop, they are above the world and are able to see that
everyone else acts in very predictable manners, they are stuck in the matrix of thinking that is the
routine, nothing more than a vicious cycle, and when we wonder why the poor suffer or why wars never
end it is because we are stuck in the matrix of repetition and routine.

Our nation was founded in the new world or as it was called at the time. This new world is meant to
hold in it novelty. What we have gotten out of it is the desire for independence and freedom for each
individual to forge its own path. Yet we still seem to worship the old human ideas of materialism and
consumerism. In America we use our money as an indicator of our self worth. These ideas because they
are old do not truly serve the new world in a way it should, they distract us. Now am I saying that
owning things is bad, that it’s not American? No of course not, what I am saying though is that in
America when we see a poor person we think that their poorness is from a series of misfortunes.

However, it may not ever occur to us that some people may not mind having much, their poorness was
their intent. Perhaps there is something we can learn as Americans the idea that less is more, that
quality and not quantity is something we should desire. I mean after all most Americans think that the
idea is to make as much money as possible but do not realize that if our money was backed by gold and
silver not by “the faith of the American people” perhaps than it would not take much money for us to be
happy. Our currencies quality would be backed by its soundness. Likewise, if we did not desire to have
big homes, sports cars among other extravagant things perhaps we would not be in such a large amount
of debt and actually be able to save our money.


In our society we have come to the belief that the individual is first and foremost important, that the
individual must be allowed to grow and expand. In order for this to occur we must be allowed
independence to allow this growth to take place. This would be a true argument in and of itself. Each
individual would be unique and different. However you look at our society for what it really is and
throughout the land of individuality and diversity all I have come to see is collectivism and conformity to

In other words even though we may dress different and look different we have all conformed to thinking
the same way. We value whatever the Television and Radio tell us to value, we think, dress, eat, and do
whatever these things tell us to do. But what if these things are hijacked, in order to undermine society,
would we even be aware? Here is the irony it is corporations that decide these things, so what we are
conditioned to accept is the corporate definition of individualism which is a farce on individualism
because corporate culture is about collectivism, a hierarchy of rulers where we trust the owner to do
the right thing but if we dissent or undermine the owners and higher-ups we find ourselves on the
chopping block for next month’s lay-offs and terminations.

So since the corporations control the airwaves for the most part and most people listen to mass media
they will walk away with an opinion that is biased, because the corporation who stands to profit from an
event they are reporting will surely make the news highly subjective in order to make their profitable
point of view heard and then you are left with a highly biased worldview, whether or not you are aware
of it.

As I had said early all our society cares about is appearances’ but, when it comes to actually something
substantial they act like a tape recorder, simply replaying the opinions and information that was given to
them, is this really an informed citizen or a sad excuse for an informed citizen? That is the problem with
our society we lack substance, we think our substance is only about our outer lifestyle, but in our lives
we lack much, we lack knowledge, wisdom, power, and life, in effect we are not truly happy nor are we
truly free. We do not know much, we are like children who need someone to direct us. But if we are free
we would need to be mature enough to handle that freedom, but our nation is mostly a nation of
children so we are not truly free.

That brings me to my last point concerning illusions, that we only have the illusion of being free,
whether in thought, conscious or life. We are not free; we conform to the uniformity of the corporate
airwaves. I have not seen anything new in nation for quite some time now, rather we are merely
building upon the things we already know and understand. A sign of freedom being present is that there
is originality, that there is innovation, and that there is growth. We on the other hand have nothing like
that we have repetition and stagnation. Our ideas and our actions are the same our lives continue to
repeat the same routine, we are not free. This is not to say that I do not mind repetition but as William
Blake once said “I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's; I will not Reason and
Compare: my business is to Create.” When we are truly free than we create, we have novelty and all the
things that I have said went into making a person free.

Court of Special Interests

The education system has failed us entirely, since the creation of The Department of Education our
quality has declined and our overall intelligence has to. The private mind seeks knowledge in order to
exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means
to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and
think for themselves. This was detrimental to the "social spirit" needed to bring about a collectivist
society. Our literacy rate has declined as well as I am sure most readers are aware of how bad the
literacy situation has become.

Without a proper education whether one from a parent or from a school the child is subject to being
stupefied and lied to. Especially when the emphasis is placed on very distractive values set by society.
The child is almost thrown into group think from a young age, and without the ability to be critical and
express one’s own individuality from a young age they will almost certainly be damaged for life, unless
they are educated as to how they might overcome crutches forced upon them during their youth.

According to there are 11 million people prescribed Ritalin each year. According to
an article written in 2000 by production of Adderall and Dexedrine, also used to
treat ADHD, has risen 2,000 percent in nine years. The rise of ADHD has also increased substantially
since the year 2000, in effect leading to more prescriptions for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. Ritalin,
Adderall, and Dexedrine are stimulants which are known for significantly increases levels of dopamine in
the brain, thereby stimulating attention and motivational circuits that enhance one's ability to focus and
complete tasks.

However, what if the child is not to blame for lacking sufficient attention? We blame a child because
their ability to pay attention is impaired, but let us be honest with ourselves it would be nice to be able
from time to time to get unfocused from a world that overrides the mind with stimulation and
subliminal messages. We are bombarded from a day to day basis since before we could remember with
society’s stimuli. The things are TV, The Music we hear and the people we meet who have also been
hypnotized by these messages all serve to bring us into conformity with what the world demands. So
those children and even adults who are unable to “Pay Attention” are punished by being drugged under
the guise of course of being taken care of.
The next issue is my favorite issue, it’s called anti-depressants. I find that I am able to say a lot about it
because; it is the perfect representation of our society’s detachment with reality. I am anticipating the
day when “Soma” will be discovered, oh how the slaves will rejoice with their slave masters. According
to an Article from CNN of the 2.4 billion prescriptions in 2005, 118 million were for antidepressants.

Now, it may seem like a rather small percentage I mean 118 million from 2.4 billion is only at best 5% of
the medicated populace. However, assuming that one anti-depressant goes for each person that is a
little less than half the country under happy pills. Now anti-depressants work by preventing the
reuptake of one neurotransmitter, serotonin, by nerve cells after it has been released. Since uptake is an
important mechanism for removing released neurotransmitters and terminating their actions on
adjacent nerves, the reduced uptake caused by an anti-depressant such as (fluoxetine) AKA Prozac
increases free serotonin that stimulates nerve cells in the brain. Serotonin is of course the main chemical
within the brain that is responsible for ones mood and in effect one’s thoughts and feelings.

Here lies the problem of our society, we want to be happy and prosperous but when life rears its
realities on us we seem to want to escape the situation it is rather sad. People rather than embracing
the reality would rather medicate themselves back into a drug-induced dream world that makes one
thing that everything is fine even though the world is falling apart. This reminds me of the Soma Drug
from Brave New World or Substance D from A Scanner Darkly. Soma made people feel elated and happy
in an almost ecstatic state of mind, they were given the pills whenever reality showed itself so that the
populace may escape it, whenever something negative occurred they popped in their mouth something
to cheer them up again. Substance D was a drug that overtime with the continued use of that drug made
a person live two separate lives without even noticing it, in psychiatric terms Folie à deux translated, "a
madness shared by two" is a rare psychiatric syndrome in which a symptom of psychosis (particularly a
paranoid or delusional belief) is transmitted from one individual to another. However, according to
Substance D from the plot of A Scanner Darkly the two individuals are really one.

This should not be taken literally, rather a metaphor for the dangers of a medicated society. If America
was truly free as it says it is than why on earth would so many people need a fix to solve their problems?
This is the legitimate drugging of the American populace, it would seem like as if it is a brand of mass
mind control, to break the individual through drugs, in particular drugs that effect their mood.

The final situation is one that also represents our societies desire of superficial things, the medication I
speak of is diet pills. According to diet pills range from common over the counter
appetite suppressants such as phenylpropanolamine, caffeine pills and ephedrine hydrochloride
(ephedrine is not an appetite suppressant, though often misused as one - commonly referred to as
"white crosses" or "mini thins") to prescription medications like Redux and Phen/Fen. There are a wide
variety of diet pills on the market that are available, many of them have addictive qualities, and some
even contain small amounts of laxative. In fact the diet industry in collusion with the diet pills therein is
a multi-billion dollar business annually.

Diet pills, both over-the-counter and prescription, (as recommended, continuously, or in excess) can
cause the following: nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, high blood pressure, fatigue and hyperactivity,
heart arrhythmias and palpitations, congestive heart failure or heart attack, stroke, headaches, dry
mouth, vomiting and diarrhea or constipation, intestinal disturbances, tightness in chest, tingling in
extremities, excessive perspiration, dizziness, disruption in menstrual cycle, change in sex drive, hair
loss, blurred vision, fever and urinary tract problems. Overdoses can cause tremors, confusion,
hallucinations, shallow breathing, renal failure, heart attack and convulsions.

Caffeine pills and/or Ephedrine Hydrochloride should never be taken for weight control, and should not
be taken continuously. Ephedrine is a medication used occasionally to treat asthma, but more
commonly allergies and hay fever - it is a bronchial dilator. Both can cause all the side effects as diet
pills, with an increased risk of addiction (both physical and psychological), headaches, high blood
pressure and heart palpitations and arrhythmias, including heart attack. Ephedrine use can contribute to
psychosis, anxiety and depression.

I just want to place emphasis on depression which I happen to find very ironic. We think if we lose
weight than we would be happy, although we really do not think so we are told this by the media,
whether on TV or the radio. Nonetheless we have this thought process whether imbedded in us or
arising from our mind on our own and one takes these pills whose risks far outweigh the benefits and
then when something terrible happens to us we are back and depressed all over again. Where is the
happiness in this, if you are only going to be disappointed in the end and where the only thing that
gotten lighter was your wallet/purse?

So I hope I have made you aware now that you are not really individuals anymore and your
independency has really been replaced by dependency only to play a mean game of semantics and call
all your dependencies – independence. Such action is absolutely Orwellian, we know this better as
doublethink, in which one holds two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting
both of them. It is doublespeaks in that words, which not only had in every case a political implication,
but were intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them. So in a sense
making the person think they are free, even though they are actually enslaved.

How independent do you think you are if you are un-educated and ill-informed? The answer is clear you
are not, and the situation is even worse if you listen to the bias that comes from the corporate media
point of view, without having the capability of being critical of it. How independent do you think you are
if you are medicated and live a reality that is not true, that is unreal? The answer is clear you are not
independent and you are not aware of your freedom, what makes this worst is if you think that the
distractions and the illusions are good for you. We must become aware that we are being deceived and
brought down to be handled by those who provide for us. It is time to throw off this old world but how?
That is the question we must ask ourselves.
3. Im Mad As Hell… You Should Be To!

We must become angry! That is the first thing we must do like from the film “The Network”
when the protagonist says “I want you to get mad! I want you to say ‘I mad as hell and I won’t take it
anymore!’ I am a Human Being Dammit, My Life has Value!” You must get angry enough that you will no
longer be tolerant and apathetic towards the illusions, distractions and dependencies. Freedom belongs
to those who have the courage to fight for it, if you are an American you must have the capability to find
your courage to fight for it. No more will I allow myself to submit to fear and the same with those
around me. No more will I support the welfare state which is responsible for all the problems of this
society. No more will I allow myself to die on the inside or allow others to die on the inside, if you want
freedom than you want life and you cannot allow them to drain the life out of you through ignorance
which has manifested tolerance and apathy. This is the case, that you have the anger to begin to want to
create change, not the change some politician wants but the change that you as an individual would
want, a change to enlighten humanity and free it as well. My anger is based on the awareness I have
come to. I do not anger at those who have been living “the lie,” but I anger at the lie itself, thus, the old
Christian saying “Our battle is a spiritual battle.”

Society has fallen to Fear

I for one am disgusted by our society’s weakness, we have fallen to fear. Everywhere you look
and listen that is all there is FEAR. We fear things as small as germs to something as big as each other,
and something as mysterious as the unknown. It is through such fears that the powerful control us by.
We must stop this fear by overcoming it. The powers that be are smart make no mistake, that is why
they have provided the welfare state so that people will be too lazy to overcome their fears. I say I will
not submit to fear but always work to overcome these fears and find the strength in my fears. If its
germs I fear I will expose myself to them to increase the strength of my immune system. If it is a human I
fear, I will not fear them but confront them with knowledge and love. If it is the unknown I fear I will
embrace it in order to overcome it, I will not run away from it.

Where is there any freedom in being afraid all the time? How can you celebrate life if you are
afraid and how can you really be happy if you are afraid? The government says “oh we want to protect
you” but what I hear is “we will get rid of your fears but you must give up some of your freedoms in the
process.” I will not do that, I have merely exchanged one form of slavery for another form, and because
of that there is no trade off, rather there is a loser and a winner. You lost your freedoms and the
government has won your power, it will expand only to oppress you further, where is the freedom in
The Welfare State

The welfare state is designed to take care of you from cradle to grave. We live in a welfare state a
state that seeks “to take care of its people.” The welfare state educates, feeds, and informs its populace.
This could be a utopian dream world if people did not have a corrupt side. Unfortunately, people do have
a deceitful and corrupt side in which the education can be filled with half-truths leading to conflict and
missing pieces of information that should have been mentioned to help create a better worldview, the
food they eat maybe of bad quality in order to maximize the very profits of those who produce such food,
the information maybe as well half-true and deceptive so that you might see only the view of those who
inform you.

The welfare state is a breeding ground for tolerance, apathy and ignorance. I say this because if
someone takes care of you than, you are more likely to tolerate or not care about the actions the state
takes, instead of taking care of yourself one relinquishes the hard work of self-knowledge and growth of
individuality for some convenience and the relative ease of life. What is this self-knowledge I speak of?
Self-Knowledge is the awareness of who you truly are not just accepting who you are at the present
moment. It is pushing your own boundaries, being put into situations in which you are unsure of or even
uncomfortable in and overcoming these circumstances to ennoble ones character and ones self-worth.
When one knows themselves in such away than one is truly free and will understand all the more just how
important liberty and life truly is.

Therefore, the welfare state and in affect the warfare state seek to make you ignorant and afraid
both of your own weakness and fears. They exploit your weaknesses and the most common fears, in
particular the fear of sudden death and fear of the unknown. They have a vested interest to see that you
do not have your highest potentials realized such is the characteristic of the collectivist mindset, that we
all realize our potentials or we all stay ignorant and afraid of our potentials, but for all to realize their
potentials would suddenly make you into a true individual therefore, the collective (or as religious texts
have called “the world”) would only seek to hold you down, depending on intent of said collective.

Mors Ontologica “Death of Being”

So the greatest threat we face at this time in human history is complete totalitarian collectivism.
A Brave New World in which the only concern is to "Community, Identity, Stability" neglecting the
individual, in fact it is Auldrous Huxley’s nightmare realized in which sterility and absence of individuality
has occurred. The individual is indeed no more, conflict perhaps will be gone but at the great expense of
the loss of depth of feelings, ferment of ideas, and artistic creativity. Intellectual excitement and
discovery will be controlled significantly by governments and corporations. Each individual is
conditioned and indoctrinated, from their youth. In this new world order of the elite the individual is
never educated to prize thinking on their own. Instead everyone is happy and stable at the loss of all
that which seems to make a human… a human.
The future is grim if everyone is stupefied and medicated. Reduced to mindless and soulless
zombies there is no life and everything is death, humanity although maybe alive physically, its mental
and spiritual capacity is reduced to uniformity and conformity the two things that limit life. The
distractions and illusions will no longer be seen as unfavorable but all believe that it is the
unquestionable “truth” that somehow it would be the only way to live life. When this happens the
heretics will be the only source of life, but then again it always has been the heretics that have
understood profundity. Our children and our future will be conditioned to believe that their slavery is
their “freedom.” Even though we know it will not be!

4. Life is to Beautiful to Waste

So now we must ask ourselves, with this awareness and this anger what do we do? Do I attack
and lash out physically to the slave masters? Do I think there is no hope and no future for humanity and
allow my anger to turn into depression and resentment? No, we will fight and we will not go silently so
that we can attract the most amounts of people to this message. We will build our own New World
Order that was meant for the individual, by the individual and of the individual. We will live, we will be
free, and we will prosper so as long as the individual is allowed to rise to the heights of its being and
human dignity and rights be upheld. Anger is a powerful gift and it must be harnessed. Your humanity is
what life is, it is what empowers you, if you give it up for the sake of something as trivial like
convenience than you are no longer human by your own discretion. The Road will be hard, it always is,
there will be bumps in the road and there will be easy moments but in the end the triumph will be
worth it.

Anger is a Gift

It has been said that “Anger is a gift;” anger is based either in love or fear. Anger based on fear is
what destroys us; it is the anger that is founded in fear of loss, loss of worldly power. This anger leads to
oppression and war, it is this anger that the New World Order of the Elite is based on, they are fearful
and they do not even know it. They oppress because they are afraid of the power of the people, the
common people, this is where the people stand for, and they stand for love. Anger based on love is
righteous indignation, it is this anger that we need to be based in, based in love and not fear.

Those who love want freedom and life. Those who love people enough not to “take care of
them” but rather to allow them to grow as individuals and to aspire to life with as minimal restraints as
possible. I love people enough that I think they should be free despite their shortfalls, I know that if
given the honest opportunity to grow they will succeed and they will live a fulfilling life if they so choose
to. I love all enough that I am willing to defend liberty even while they are stuck in the distraction,
illusion and dependency that this society has offered them. That is the power of love and when one is
guided by that love when they are angry at the lies ignorance has made in order to deceive people than
it is with love that we feel compassion towards those who are ignorant and through anger have the
power to find the truth and destroy the ignorance that plagues us.

Defend Your Dignity

Human history is filled with people who desire nothing short of power over others. Throughout
the earliest times people have sought knowledge that is the human mission, the desire to grow in
understanding and knowledge, so that we might, as individuals become empowered. History is filled
with two kinds of people. They are people who love and people who fear, those who loved; loved
humanity enough that they were willing to spread knowledge to all despite their shortfalls. They loved
even while, at the time, they were despised and punished even. The individual stood alone in this
pursuit. Those who feared became powerful with their knowledge because, they used the knowledge to
oppress and control humanity. They were fearful that if the truth was made known people might be free
and live a life that was empowering. They feared this, and thus were feared by those who were ignorant.

This is the case that you must ask yourself, are you a human being or are you just some
insignificant sub-human if not animal in the eyes of those who continue to manipulate you both in mind
and body. The choice is yours, will you be a human being and uphold your own dignity and allow
yourself to be free and live life or will you be like a pet, an animal, a sub-human and sacrifice your
dignity for the sake of being “taken care of” and “protected” and “employed?” In a word, choose
between life, love, knowledge, dignity or choose convenience, an easy life, and dependency. We all say
we want the former but for the most part society, the collective and the individuals therein have desired
the latter through their actions.

If we want to change, we must change the way we think both as individuals and as a collective,
once we do that we can use our power over the government to make them change for our benefit, so
that our deep desires for a life of love, knowledge, and dignity will be made manifest by our actions. I do
not expect perfection as the word leads to many evils, if not understood properly. What I do expect is
for individuals to make their world a better world and what I expect from humanity is nothing short of
that as well. We are entering a new age indeed, not for a few but for all individuals everywhere, our
answers will not come from government or big business appointed “experts” but rather from the
grassroots itself where true human dignity and knowledge is represented.

The Road Will Be Hard

I am not here to promise you “the land of milk and cookies.” I am here to promise you a life of living
in reality where individual integrity is upheld. The road will be hard, and it should be, as Thomas Paine
said so long ago “The greater the conquest, the greater the triumph.” Embrace the forces resisting you;
transmute them for your benefit and the benefit of a New World Order for The People. To defend
human dignity is hard because the world seems to always hold us down. To fight for a true individual
life, separate from and original from the collective is a quest it has its rewards and its hard times but do
not bend or break during the hard times, embrace them.

Therefore, grow in love through mercy towards others using your discernment and you will achieve
a better world. Live a life that is honest, do not lie to yourself and you will not lie to others. Do not try to
rationalize or runaway, fear nothing, it’s a control mechanism that others may use to exploit you
through. Grow in knowledge to empower yourself and share that knowledge to empower others,
through mercy. Do not worry if they mock you or laugh at you, you know the truth, the idea is not to get
everyone, it’s to get those who will listen, because in time everyone will listen and understand.

5. Solution & Conclusion

It is clear now what we must do, we are aware and we are inspired by our righteous
indignation. We know what we must do and we must create a new world, as Thomas Paine once said,
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." That is what we must do, in our time. The fact
of the matter is that it is the humble beginnings that we stand for, and live for. We are entering a new
age for humanity. We live and stand for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all!
Therefore, we must know what we stand for in particular in order to undo this corrupted society and
begin the world over again. This is the culmination of what we live for and fight for, nothing else matters
anymore and in time we will all have nothing to lose. That is the only benefit to oppression, as soon as
the oppressor has taken everything from us than we have nothing to lose so that we may be able to
overcome said oppression.

What We Stand For

What we stand for, is not for the group to decide it is for each and every one of us as individuals
to decide. We stand and fight for the things we are against. We cannot get rid of them but we can
become aware of them. The illusion of being free even though you are a slave is shattered only upon
awareness of it, which is what we stand for awareness. We are not here to remove problems but rather
to become aware of them and overcome them so that we as individuals and a society may progress
further. We stand for life, liberty and happiness and we should do that in every act and thought we take.

What We Must Stop Doing

• End the Distractions

So we need to be able than to find a balance between Outer Beauty and for a lack of better
words “inner spirit” or our own life force. My intent is not to mystify such words but rather to express
the words in a way that represents our inner lives which have been neglected in our society. We need to
find balance between our animalistic and impulsive nature which our society has emphasized through
sexual prowess with that of our more higher faculties of learning, merging the intuitive and creative side
of our minds with the logical and detailed side of our minds in order to uplift our lives for a more
fulfilling and aware lifestyle. Finally, we must be able to accept that even though we take part in the
trivial we still must be reminded from time to time that the trivial is just that, it is unimportant in
regards to the defense of life, liberty, and happiness we should be able to end trivial pursuits for the
more profound pursuit’s should the need arise.

• Show What Truth Is To the Illusion

The only way to combat against illusions is to find the reality in our own lives. It takes the
introspective mind to discover that which will make you free and lead to the development of a better
world. Do not feel like as if you need to be the humanitarian and demand that we care more about the
group than about ourselves because at the root level we care about ourselves. The difference is how you
care about yourself and others. That old saying about treating those the way you want to be treated
goes a long way with this concept. Would you like to be forced to give up your freedom and dignity for
the sake of some illusive greater good? I do not think so, so the collectivist mindset is wrong by its own
discretion. Nonetheless, find the truth in your life because the truth will empower you and that is
something that all individuals would want.
Breakdown the Court of Special Interests

• Education

The next things we need to do are breakdown the special interests especially when it comes to
our education, medicine and remove our overall dependency. It has been argued that our education is
failing. Part of the reason is that children are dumb down so that their true individual potential is not
realized. We say we want equality in the classroom so that all children may succeed but the government
hears the words “lower standards for children to pass.” It’s a collectivist scheme; equality really means
uniformity to the state. Therefore, we need to address education and equality from the individualist

The Government should No Longer be a Monopoly on the education of our children. As

monopolies no longer have any concern for quality rather they care about quantity, how many kids they
can condition and brainwash to believe whatever the “entity” tells them is true. We should also put the
teacher union back in its place, in order to protect the welfare of all teachers but have the teacher’s
union work in unison with market forces to enhance performance and quality of education. After all is it
right for one teacher who works hard to be equal to a teacher who does nothing but collect the
benefits? If the idea I described was allowed, than the teachers would be the best and the students
would reap the benefits of their education.

We should allow the Market to provide education this helps in two ways. First of all it allows for
competition in order to allow for low costs at the best quality. Second of all only those schools with the
best quality and the lowest costs will survive and grow across the country. Now the best qualities of
schools offer the maximum variety of classes as well. Now I am a person who does believe in universal
education, however, I am not a socialist despite thinking that education should be available to everyone
what I mean to say is that the education should not be based on half-truths and should not be dictated
by a monopolistic group.

The Focus should be on challenging and teaching skills; skills that promote the development of
independence, critical thinking, and self-knowledge. Why these particular skills? It allows people choice
and alternatives. The schools that are run by the market (not corporations) should teach these American
values so that way people can truly be free and live a life of healthy individual growth. That’s what the
desire for profit would be motivated by; the mantra of business led education is “we teach you the best
ways that lead to the development of true individuality, for a reasonable price.”

Now does this mean we drop such things as the four core major subjects? No! However the
focus on science should be based more so on mathematics and English should be based on literacy and
the development of critical thinking skills. As for history classes they would be based on how
government works and how the people can participate in government. Now for a time parents are free
to choose what classes their child may take so as to maximize the education in the child but not
interfering with the values the parents would want to instill in them, perhaps the education could be
made compatible with the values the parents want to instill. Now despite this, you should not have to
be forced to go to school and children could be taught by their parents. Many people feel that parents
don’t have the time or perhaps the money to teach all these variety of subjects. What would one do
then? The answer is rather simple, the parents should be provided tax breaks or some other form of
incentive for teaching their children only one subject. That subject would allow the child to maximize
their own education and experience in a way that emulates the development of independence, critical
thinking, and self-knowledge. This subject or skill is called being an autodidact or someone who has the
skills necessary to educate themselves.

• Medication

As for the medicine and drugging of than American Populace we need to learn to step back and
understand the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry survives based on our sense of vulnerability
and constant desire for change. It is our job as individuals to be able to gain insight into how you feel
about yourself and why. You'll be less likely to take chances ingesting pills and playing with the inner
balance of your body. Imagine how much more fulfilling your life would be if you were to let go of
insecurities and accepted yourself for whom you are? Greater equilibrium, happiness and new health
choices are more likely to follow. Diet pills wouldn't even come into your mind as an option.

We need the return of medicine that is holistic and like my education suggestion it should be
provided by the market. The pharmaceutical industry has grown fat and powerful because all forms of
medical care are dictated by the pharmaceutical-industrial-congressional complex. This monopoly is
what is destroying this country as well and we need to confront that and uproot it if we are to allow true
medicine both in research and service to excel.

Many people feel that if someone discovered a cure for cancer the world would be a better
place and that everyone would want it. This is true with the exception of the pharmaceutical companies
themselves. If one were to think deeply about why they wouldn’t want a cure it is rather simple… It’s not
going to help profits and companies would lose money because providing for treatment options brings
in more money than a cure would ever do. Treatment you need to re-purchase again and again but a
cure you would need only one time, from a greedy corporation point-of-view this is not very wise
business practice.

This brings me back to my point businesses that provide the necessities (health, utilities,
education, housing, food, clothing, transportation and information) should not be focused on profit so
much as focused on the quality of their product. I say this because, these are necessities these things are
needed to allow our society to run freely, optimally and openly. When people are focused on making
profit off of the things people want more so than the things people need than that would be fair
business practice. Now this is only a suggestion, this suggestion would not be forced upon the people by
government rather an organization or some association could be setup in which businesses would agree
to such a suggestion and that way customers will shop at these necessity providing businesses allowing
those businesses to grow and prosper (but because of the agreement to said suggestion) that larger part
of profits raked in during the growth would go to the improvement in the quality of their product.

We need to get off the anti-depressants and embrace realities difficulties by understanding that
life is about living, and living means experiencing the good and the bad. We can no longer afford living a
life that isn’t real. We must be willing to embrace our vulnerabilities. Not run away from them with
drugs all the time. This is the case; I made it clear that anti-depressants are symbolic for our desire to
live a life detached from reality. Therefore, we need to get back in touch with reality and that means
ending our over-indulgences in the superficial extravagancies.

As for the stimulants designed to bring those minds who refuse to submit to the over-
stimulation of society their thinking and logic should be applied insofar as it is concerned with making
sure that we to are not manipulated, believe everything we hear and do everything we see. We need
the ability to disconnect and become unfocused from all these intricate details that society forces us to
submit to all the time. Likewise, when a psychologist or some psychiatric doctor tells you that you are
“depressed”, “aggressive”, or “insane” (not normal by definition to societal norms and standards) than
do not be bothered by such an accusation embrace it. Keep in mind that these doctors are trained to
make sure that you are re-conformed back to the very society that only has held you down. So when
someone says you’re depressed because you know the truth to any situation and should try and be
happier, do not listen to them. Negotiate and overcome the depression on your own terms not with
drugs but with the power of mind which would be trained since childhood to embrace such values as
independence, critical thinking and self-knowledge. The same with any other psychological condition, of
course if you’re a danger to yourself or others I would suggest that one seek help.

• Dependency

We need to get off the dependency of government welfare as you know my previous writings I
have attacked the welfare state pretty heavily. It is a danger to a free and open society, the government
becoming the socialist entity that it is seeks to undermine individual liberty and freedom by allowing it
to become the owner for the means of production and telling businesses what they can and cannot do.
It allows for collectivism in which point allows for the subordination of the individual for the sake of the
group. This will be (as it always has been) done under the guise of taking care of you. Whether it is by
“providing jobs” or “for your own protection” we will relegate our own responsibility for the sake of
conveniences, which makes no sense, would you feel more confident if you could defend your own life
or if someone else defended you, even if it was from yourself? Thus expenses and taxes could be curbed
if government got out of the way and was run by individuals who believe in a constitutional republic or
even minarchism.
We need to get over our dependency of big corporations which work hand in hand with
government, which allows for many regulations to occur. Think about this regulations only serve those
who are powerful and rich enough to stay above the standards. Now I believe in the general welfare of
the consumer to buy and sell products (as well as the employees who provide and make them). These
Products should be made with highest priority set to safety and sustainability but corporations will only
raise standards to the point where it would essentially disallow free entry into the market which any
small or starting business would have to contend with not only businesses but government as well. So
by restoring corporations back to their original position in which they will only be allowed to exist for a
determined duration of time we can be a little bit safer in that corporations will only come into
existence for big projects, such as building infrastructure or superstructures but personally corporations
should be limited in their existence, and purposes so as to no longer pose a threat to our society and the
free market system.

We need to get off the dependency of getting our news from limited sources. For the most part
Americans get their news from the television or newspapers and magazines. Now this in and of itself is
okay (so as long as the paper is recycled, of course) but more Americans are getting their news and
information from the Internet as well. Why should I just be forced to be content with some corporate
viewpoint? I want the full news, completely objective and with little to no interference from
government and business. Internet journalism is supported by its viewers through donations and
subscribers through some type of monthly or yearly payment with subscriber benefits as well. Now
earlier I made a point that certain businesses should be founded not with profit in mind so much as but
rather the quality of their product, I could not stress the importance especially when it comes to the
business of providing information. I would also suggest that any media that are based on sensationalism
notify their viewer accordingly so as to make sure that the viewer knows that what they are receiving is
yellow journalism and not true journalist research. Again, there would be an organization or an
association that would be set up designed to keep the honest and objective journalist valued and
respected as they should be.

We need to become more self-sufficient in every sense of the word and that means the
individual must be allowed to learn, develop and grow. This is addressed frequently throughout all of my
writings. I am of the strongest understanding that the only greater good is maintained when the
individual is able to discover and develop themselves in a way that will allow them to realize their
potentials. Such belief should be for all not for some, I want true equality in its availability but I do not
want uniformity from some monopolistic group to provide for such an opportunity because the
opportunity would than never be realized.

With Freedom Comes Possibilities Something the Elite Will Never Have

Freedom opens the doors to possibilities and novelty, in which all individuals have the capacity
to offer a new idea to the improvement of the free and open society. The Elite and Special Interests seek
to only oppress and with such oppression possibilities and novelty turn into stagnation and repetition,
truly a lifeless society.

We will always Need new ways to defend liberty, some of the ideas I have proposed are only
some ways to help in the protection of that liberty, as time goes on evil adapts to the purity of a free
and open society and like the influenza virus a new strain of evil is able to attack liberty. The best way to
maintain and defend liberty is prevention, the prevention I speak of is not attacking someone before
they attack us (whether intellectually or physically) but rather a preventative measure designed as a
buffer to prevent the rampant corruption we see now. I am of strong conviction that the former
preventative action is actually paranoia which starts when you are always afraid and we must not be a
slave to fear if we are to be free people who embrace the idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of

So, in conclusion to all sections of my writing I know freedom is viable and it is powerful. I know
that the individual must be valued and the individual’s liberty be defended. I know that if we are to
survive as a free and open society we can no longer afford such unenlightened selfishness but rather we
must as a society uplift our more animalistic selfishness for a more humane and enlightened selfishness.
We can have cooperation by not cooperating with government when it becomes too powerful. We can
have cooperation by not cooperating with businesses who become to exploitative and guide people
down paths that lead to their enslavement. Instead of just putting the burden on government to take
care of the elderly, why not use some enlighten selfishness and set up an organization to help in the
care of the elderly. My point is, we need to stop our selfishness whenever we give up (because we are
being inconvenienced) so that the state may take up the responsibility. That is the danger, if we have
learned nothing that much I hope we learned

We are a strong, resilient and free peoples let us end the fear regardless of the form it comes in
and let us embrace love and life so that we may repel ignorance from our land once and for all. This New
World Order for the People is possible and worth fighting for, it is designed to embrace the principles of
our founders. The beginnings are always the best times for anyone (country or individual), and we have
it in our ability to begin the world over again, to reset the clock but keep the wisdom and lessons we
have learned. Wouldn’t be a shame if such a marvelous opportunity to overcome the corruption be
missed because we were too fearful to stand up?
Section Five:
The Lunchroom Analogy

I. Introduction

The Lunchroom Analogy was made up when I was debating a socialist who will not listen to reason,
in this analogy I tried to explain to him how I saw socialism as opposed to how I saw the lunchroom that
would be ruled by no one or by a bully who was limited in what he could do. I go by the definition of
what the state/government is which is seen as the only legitimate entity capable of initiating force. Its
legitimacy is either agreed upon by those ruled or through a brutal and oppressive police state. The
lunchroom is clearly representative of the nation itself. This analogy was been made up in order to show
and defend the idea of “Negative Liberty” in which one is free to be from oppression by the state. In
negative liberty, one is seen as a sovereign individual who must have their individual liberty respected. It
is from this position I argue the Lunchroom Analogy. You may see also that I also argue from more of a
market anarchist position, but in truth if people feel like they needed a government, than I would favor
one that is small/de-centralized and limited by the law.

In this analogy I will be using 4 different types of lunchrooms, each used to represent a different
kind of (non)rulership. The first is most oppressive, the socialist police state, in which the bully uses
force and coercion to make people accept him and give him what he wants. The second is also
oppressive but it is sugar coated with a democratic sound of majority rule, this is the Democratic
Socialist state in which, the majority people have been taught to accept the bully as the overlord. Of
course because this is a socialist state, things are re-distributed and the slightest wrong doing is
severally punished. The much more tolerable is the Liberal Democracy of limited government, which the
Bully is intimidated by the people to behave and follow certain guidelines. The final is the Anarchic
lunchroom, in which bullies are discouraged because all understand that bullies are not to be tolerated
in any way whatsoever in order to maximize freedom.

So who represents who in this analogy and what will we examine through this analogy? Well to start
let us see who alludes to whom. The first are the kids in the lunchroom, the regular kids are your
average adult people in any given society. Some are richer and some poorer than others, some are of
different ethnic background and a variety of preferences, whatever the case maybe these kids just want
to eat their food in peace. The Lunchroom Bully is the government/state, he exercises his will through
force and coercion and always needs to take food from others because he cannot make his own food or
own his own food. His gang is the police and law enforcement agencies, they do the Bullies bidding, and
they are fed by the bully and taught by the bully. It should be obvious now, that instead of money or
wealth, or more formally called capital, the payment in the lunchroom is food. Food is money in the
lunchroom, and as we know money is the lifeblood of an economy and society. There will be 10 tables in
the lunchroom which will be examples of districts in the nation, whether they are called states or
provinces depends largely upon which form of lunchroom I will use.
II. (Day #1) The Police State-Socialist Lunchroom Allegory

Okay so let us begin than with the Police State-Socialist Allegory, it is obvious by the definition of
this that the bully has power not necessarily through majority support, in fact a minority (the ruling
class) could be supporting him with food but nonetheless this lunchroom is blatantly oppressive. The
child in the lunchroom is coerced and threatened with violence by the bully’s gang if he does not hand
over a large portion of his food. The food is used by the bully to feed his gang.

In a police state the greater majority of food is denied to the average child and is placed in the hands
of those who defend the bully, this being his gang. His gang is large, to attack/defend himself from other
lunchrooms or a possible uprising in his own lunchroom. It is clear the bully is paranoid and insecure of
his ability to manage the lunchroom so he hires many thugs to enforce his will; he simply pays them
food, the food of those they are oppressing.

The tables in the lunchroom are not seen as sovereign but as sources of oppression from the bullies
own table. Crime is either rampant, due to scarcity of food among the kids to just fill themselves even
half way or crime is unheard of because the bully simply no longer tolerates “the weak” children and
makes them leave his lunchroom or use fear as a weapon to threaten their complaining about needing
more food to survive.

The illustration is clear to all who have witnessed or read about police states, all of which follow
some form of collectivism and all of which have been based on some socialist principle. The government
uses fear and violence as its main weapon; it is unabashed and arrogant showing its blatant abuse of
human rights and dignity. It does not try to win its approval it forces its approval. Those who labor in this
system are exploited and oppressed to the utmost it can be done and the greater sum of their labor is
lost to the hands of the state.

The question here is “Who are you really working for, the state or yourself?” The police force is most
likely a paramilitary police force and is well equipped and because they see themselves as well fed
compared to everyone else they are grateful to state and will defend accordingly to keep with this
status-quo but just scared enough of the state itself to not dare challenge its authority. There are no
states only zones of control for the one state to exploit. The Federal authority is seen as overlord to each
zone as opposed to the zones being the ultimate authority of the Federal Authority. This state is a
nightmare, and is overt in its oppression.

III. (Day #2) The Social-Democratic Lunchroom

Now on this day we are going to look at the Social-Democratic Lunchroom Allegory. Here, the bully
is supported by the majority because the majority has been trained to feel that without the bully the
lunchroom would be a very despotic and exploiting place. However here is the first dangerous
perception put on the majority, that they have been trained to accept the bully’s authority believing that
they can change him if they wanted to, when in fact any real change lies in the mocked minority.
However, the socialist side of the argument shows us that all food is to be taken and re-
distributed according to the least common denominator of the people. But one must ask the question as
to, who will be responsible for gathering the food of everyone in the lunchroom? Why the bully’s gang
of course! This takes time and energy to do and energy is only replenished by the food they get, since
they cannot make any of their own. So from the get go, food is lost through taking everyone else’s food
to be brought back to the Bullies table for the work necessary to redistribute the food. However, during
the re-distribution process back at the bully’s table it takes more time and energy to re-organize the
food according to the needs of the lunchroom (or what the bully decides is appropriate), so even more
food is lost in order to counter-balance the time and energy expended by the Bully and His gang.

Finally comes the part where all that is redistributed is brought back to the table through the
bully’s gang, it is pretty clear and apparent, this to takes time and energy, so on the way over to each
table some more food is taken out before what little is left is also cut up amongst the people at the
table, which is scraps compared to how things were before the whole redistributing process even began.

The worst part of this is that the people have been trained to believe that this is what the
majority of everyone wants, oh sure this is a democratic society and perhaps there is freedom to criticize
but how much does this matter if you are part of the public that disagrees with what is going on and yet
is still being forced to hand over part of your property for “what most people want”? That is oppressing
the minority, is this true freedom? Hardly this would be the case, if people are not able to voluntarily
hand over their possessions, but are being coerced, deceived or abused to do so.

But let us take this just a bit further now, clearly the point to socialism is a war on “the rich” so
in the lunchroom analogy it is a war on who has too much food. So the question must be asked of us,
who is deciding who has too much food? In this analogy the person deciding this is the bully and the
majority accepts the bully’s decision believing that he is the voice of the people, being that this a
Democratic Socialist lunchroom. However, I can assure you that this is a contradiction, the majority of
people who work for their food, would never agree to handing over more than they can tolerate to give,
but in this society you are forced to because the idea is to take from those who have “too much” and
give back on the basis of a least common denominator.

So if the poorest kid in the lunchroom has only 2 units of food and the average is 5 units and
the richest has 8 units, than the average man is going to have taken 3 units of food and the richest is
going to have taken 6 units to be equal to the poorest man, totaling 9 units of food taken by the
bully and his gang, the bully will redistribute this on the basis of a least common denominator
making 5 for the poor, 5 for the average and 5 for the rich man. However, this will never work, not
just because of the corruption of a big government but also because of the cost of re-distributing.
Assume than that 1 unit of food is lost in each part of the “taking – dividing – returning” process,
that is 3 units of food lost, making those rich who have not tied themselves to the state go down to
2 units, the average man go down to 2 units and the poor man being unaffected. Let us make this
even more interesting let’s also assume that a half of a unit of food is also lost to the corruption of a
big government that means even less for all but, especially for the poorer man than before the
whole process began! Where is the liberation of the poor if they are left unaffected or slightly
worst/better off by a system of government that is supposedly supposed to help them the most?

This illustration is clear the majority is conditioned to believe that the government is on their side.
When in fact it is the other way around, the majority are on the states side who will inevitably work
against the common man’s well-being. The Bully and his gang actually have double barrier of protection,
both his gang which as in the Police State allegory is large to protect the state and “the public’s food” as
well as the majority of people who have been trained to support his gang. The tables in the lunchroom
are the same as the police state analogy but are called provinces or re-distribution districts.

The wealth of the nation is greatly controlled by the state under the guise of helping everyone using
money as weapon against those who disagree is the ultimate form of economic terrorism and a form
government violence but certainly not keeping order. The minority which is hated by the majority is
oppressed by the state, these people may be recognized for having rights in this so-called democratic
lunchroom but they are never given power or the voice to really be heard, in the event the voice is
heard it is mocked and ridiculed by the political correctness of media and academia which are both
centered around the states survival as well as the status quo of the establishment. None of this really
goes to helping those at the bottom, the common man, but it all goes to those at the top, the elite,
those who said to God after the creation of the Universe “Thanks we will take it from here!”

IV. (Day #3) The Liberal-Democratic Lunchroom (Aka Limited Government)

Today we will look at the liberal-democratic lunchroom. This is above all the trickiest of the
lunchroom bullies but let us begin the analogy. The Bully and his gang are watched very carefully by all
in the lunchroom, all are able to defend themselves and unite in the event that the bully becomes too
oppressive, in their lives. This oppressiveness is shown by the coercive acts by the bully’s gang or by
higher and more food being taken from them for whatever the democratic majority believes is right.

In this situation it is believed that the bully derives his power from everyone in the lunchroom and
they would be right, after all a bully is only powerful if you submit to it in fear or willingly. Thus the bully
can only derive his respect and power from those in his lunchroom. Because of this, each table is not
seen as a province or extension of the bully and his gang but rather that which gives the bully and his
gang power.

If the people at a certain table are not happy with the bully they can either talk to it or they can
leave from the other tables in the lunchroom. However the bully may not like this, recall that the bully
and his gang never bring in food of their own, they rely on everyone else to give it to them. In the event
that a table leaves and encourages other tables to do so that means less food for the bully and his gang.
If he should attempt to reclaim the tables that left him by going to war he would not only need to make
sure they can never leave again but also make the tables subservient to him, also the bully and his gang
would need to muscle and silence any talks of leaving the bully from the tables that are too afraid or
weak to leave the bully’s own protection. Clearly the risk runs very high here for the bully and his gang
to overpower the tables that empowered him in the first place, assuming that the kids in the lunchroom
either stood up to the bully or failed to stand up to him. If this risk is realized, it will only be a matter of
time before the bully ends up like the lunchrooms I had previously described.

The Bully also will be limited by the rules imposed upon him through those who agree to give him a
certain amount of power to exercise authority to keep the peace and protect each child’s rights in the
lunchroom. The bully and his gang who are limited in power will be very limited in the food they need to
take from others, instead of what they want to take from everyone. In the event the bully breaks the
law he will need to be replaced as well. Because, there is more liberty in the lunchroom people will work
out most of their problems on their own and will not require the bullies own set of violently enforced

The power base in the liberal-democratic lunchroom is held in the hands of the people at the
bottom, not at the top. While political parties often destroy this lunchroom, if there is a group who want
to enrich the bullies power than it is them who must be watched out for; for they will take the law and
warp it, they will empower the bully to use his gang more often and they will take the peace that it was
created for and warp it to its own definition of peace. A political party in this lunchroom can create a
majority and minority debate which will only lead to division. One of these political forces will be
created to keep the bully in his current form while the other to make it into a very large abomination,
that will in time act like the previous lunchroom’s describe. In the end this lunchroom bully, is one who
cannot get away easily with his actions and think that he will not be unanswerable to the people who he
may work against despite getting his power from them.

V. (Day #4) The Anarchic Lunchroom

This is the final lunchroom variation of the lunchroom, but unlike the other lunchrooms were it was
in the bully’s jurisdiction to rule and apply his will whether through democratic, legal, or oppressive
means, this lunchroom no longer has a bully and the lunchroom itself is just a place, any large given
area. The Bully and his gang no longer exist here, the entire lunchroom is based around voluntary
compliance, and the tables are just certain areas in any given larger area. Whether the tables are small
states or just the population density of any given area does not matter, what matters is that because
these locations are small and de-centralized, they are owned and under the direct control of the kids
who do not want to live in fear of a bully and his gang, because of this there is a direct and intimate
understanding of the principle of libertarianism as well as voluntarism.

The anarchic lunchroom is not only the most moral lunchroom but it is also the most peaceful one
as well. If a bully does attempt to grab power over all or some of the tables in the lunchroom, these
people unite to stop his rise to power, understanding that his very presence will violate the social,
economic and moral premises of libertarianism (to do what you want to do; so as long as you do not
violate the will others to do so) and voluntarism (that a moral person is one who bases his acts on
voluntary compliance not violence to obtain his ends). The closer you get to an anarchic society the
closer you get to the focus of the grassroots and the actual people.

Of course it is my belief that those in the democratic socialist lunchroom, those who want food re-
distributed would not want to this lunchroom to ever come about because it complete dismisses any
moral argument for the states own existence. Consider the re-distribution idea I brought up in my
democratic socialist lunchroom, food is not only taken away from each child in the lunchroom by the will
of the bully through the actions of the bully’s gang, but food is also lost by the time and energy the bully
and his gang need to take, divide, and return, let us also not forget about the inherent corruption in an
all-powerful bully. The anarchic lunchroom dares to be so bold and say “Why Bother doing this, how
about relying on the good will and kindness of your fellow lunchroom mate to share a part of his food
with someone who has less?”

The fact is that, the statist would not approve of this because; it is a solution to the state which will
lead to its own demise and the state needs to assume that all people are inherently bad and selfish, to
gain more power, it establishes a beachhead by conditioning the children in the lunchroom to believe
that they are bad (or need to be bad) and that they need the state to actually be good. When in fact this
is propaganda, the fact is people have good intentions it is just how they manifest these intentions that
are messed up at times, this propaganda serves for the state to continue to exist and be justified in
exercising violence. The irony to this is of course, the very people who have been conditioned to believe
they are bad will end up in the bully’s gang one day, and thus the bully’s gang will become full of people
who think they are bad and will fall to corruption more easily.

IF you built a society or had everyone take up the moral understanding that voluntary agreement is
the basis to a free and open society, THAN the bully and his gang, which is based on the use of force,
ceases to exist. The common child in the lunchroom would be more than willing to agree to such an
agreement because, he is in control of himself and not forced by an outside force but acts on his own to
any particular manner. The idea that a free and open society looks upon the poor in such a way that no
one will help them is entirely a lie, freedom brings with it peace, tolerance and good will towards others.
Oppression brings with it fear, violence and intolerance rooted both in ignorance and fear.

The allusions are clear than; the only people who make the argument for the existence of a state are
those who like oppression and the use of force to get things done for the ruling class. A “good state” if
people still are unconvinced of what I am talking about, is one that stays out of the affairs of those it
rules and takes very little from those it rules, employing the least amount of force on all. A “good state”
must be bound by strict interpretation of the law and be kept in the hands of the grassroots and most
certainly not in the hands of some intellectual and economic elite. Therefore, a “Good State” is not a
compassionate state that feels compelled to pick up after, bail out, or make the decisions for those who
rule it. In the event that government does do so, it ceases to be a good government and begins to act
bad even if it is being good.

To me I always viewed “compassionate government” as some sado-masochistic affair, a

contradiction in terms. How can something that is by its very nature violent, forceful and in effect
oppressive EVER show compassion and love for those who rule it? The answer is it cannot show
compassion and love through its oppressive behavior but rather restrain its oppressive behavior to do
show its compassion. In fact, the best state is one that can also have people be taught how to live
without it in a manner that restrain its oppressive behavior to do show its compassion.
VI. Conclusion

The answer is clear; those who want freedom are those who come closer to an anarchic society,
while those who want the state to do all are closer to the socialist / collectivist system. This must be the
new political paradigm, where politics and economics is not measured on “Pro-Life/Pro-Choice” basis
and other things of that sort because one can be a “pro-lifer” and favor big government, I would suggest
a new political spectrum based on the size of government, this must be called “The Liberty Spectrum” a
system that measures liberty by the lack/size of the state, that uses the definitions I used in the
introduction at the onset of my writing the analogies.

When this happens those who wish to build a moral society, will always be on the side of the liberty
spectrum that is closer to lack of government, while those who wish to build an immoral society or a
society that does not care about the plight of the common man will be more on the side of absolute/ big
government. The lack of government side of the liberty spectrum will favor “negative liberty” (the right
to be free from oppression) and those who are on the side of big government will favor “positive liberty”
(the right to have something, regardless who one has to walk over to get it).

Before I end I just wish to share an obvious statement that, all bullies are insecure of themselves
because they do not have power except the power others give it by accepting or submitting to their
intimidation and violence. Therefore, to truly deny the extent of its oppression one must limit its range
and application of violence or get rid of the bully altogether and build a society around the moral
premise of respecting the individual rights of all and their property.
Section Six:
Government Is A Business

4. Introduction

I want to approach government as it is for what it is. Government is a business, and if at first you
cannot perceive how, this essay will show how government is a business. I have taken the time to go
over crucial understandings as to how one can see government being a business, but I can assure
you it is the least respectable of all businesses, that’s right government is not something to be
glorified as our saviors like Hollywood shows us in the media but rather it is meant to be despised
and resisted every time it seeks more. The first thing I want to go over is the essence of how
government appears as a business, the focus being its income and its products and services. After
this I want to speak of crime and the government, and how hypocritical it seems that we have
criminals punishing criminals. After this I want to expand on the inherent corruption of this business
that we call government. Finally after this I wish to speak about our alternatives that we can take to
greatly reduce the influence of this violent business we call government and conclude my thoughts.

5. Business Practices of Government

Let us examine the apparent business of government. On the outside one could say it has some
connection to the same idea of the factors of production needed to make a business run.
Government like business has Land (or more general property), People, Products and Money to
make the business of government run. The Land is better known as public property, The People are
better known as the Bureaucrats and Politicians these people have control over the various
departments of the government there are also those being ruled over and they can be called the
consumer as they are part of this factor of production as well, The Products are better known as
public works and services. Finally the money that finances the maintenance of the above factors of
production is called taxation, which comes in a wide variety of forms. However, there are two points
I want to focus on that makes government much less respectable than business: The first is the
factor of production called money and the second is the products and services themselves. I will
than conclude with the remaining factors of production in its relation to government.

The first factor of production that is unique about government is its source of (or lack thereof)
Income which is better known as Taxation. However this form of income is different than a
business’s form of income, because unlike business revenues, government revenue is an Involuntary
Transaction, it is taken from everyone under the name of everyone. Government is the taker, you
are the involuntary giver, the one who is bonded in a contract backed up with government violence
should you violate the contract you did not even sign with the government in the first place. One
need not pay their taxes to find out how far the extent of such government violence will go to force
you to pay your dues or your part of the agreement you did not agree to!
One interesting concept about war is the fact that as time goes on and no victory is really made
war gets unpopular, many people today are against the many wars our American government takes
part in today, yet these same people are forced to finance it through the violence and intimidation
of Government. If this business called government were truly an agreement based on voluntary
contract as we are told (I.e. The Social Contract), than those who are against such a war could stop
paying their taxes that go to financing the wars we fight, right? Wrong, because, government uses
force to get what it wants out of those it rules and subjects everyone to finance a war they may see
as unpopular or ill-defined and thus not support the war effort. In case you are wondering, war is
not good for the economy; it is the health of the State, as the State grows the economy shrinks.
Nonetheless I digress; the same can go with various other ideas in the domestic realm such as the
War on Drugs, Poverty… etc.

Another interesting point to make does not even need to include foreign policy, but rather
domestic programs. Let me pick on my “favorite” domestic program, that being Education. For the
most part the business called government, has tied education pretty close to itself these days,
however, let us look at one glaring negative result of near government monopoly of education, that
negativity being the decline in the literacy rate of our nation and the overall decline in our standards
of education, as we watch the government lower the standard essentially to the least common
denominator. Granted there are many factors present but all these factors have one thing in
common, they always involve the government! The biggest argument we hear today from those
who want to expand government influence in education is, that government needs more money to
give to the schools. Yet, we have heard and heeded this warning for decades now, throwing more
money at government for education and oddly enough we simultaneously see a decline in
education. This product is not really allowed to compete, and the growing influence of a violent
monopoly called government has allowed the quality to go downhill, this is a good time than to
focus on the second factor of production, the actual product or service itself.

So now you know that when there is no or little Competition there is a decline in quality. Public
works and services are nationalized departments of the violent monopoly called government. In our
American form of government the constitution allows for government to have domestic control
over, interstate highways and commerce, the mail, and courts. Let us look at the roads and the mail.
Here is leverage for that violent monopoly called government. The Mail belongs to the monopoly
that has no or little competition (FedEx and UPS) over what it decrees through its (policies) laws, and
thus the quality of said service is lower than if the mail was allowed to be run by the free market
businesses (because, their survival depends on the customers approval, which is gained by said
quality of the product or service), I am sure at some point you or someone you know has “lost
something in the mail” that this public service was responsible for. Ultimately, the quality is lowered
because the government knows that there will be no free market mailing service to compete against
because it is illegal too, so they will never have to worry about going out of business either. Why
does this violent monopoly called government, need control over the mail anyway? Well to answer
that, one could ask the same question, why does government need control over the roads? After all
there are no privately owned roads, yet because there are no privately owned roads the
government has shown that it can force people off their land directly or indirectly in the name of
any (policy) decree it wishes through the use particularly of Eminent Domain, one need to look only
at the international highway that is still being built to connect Canada with Mexico and how farmers
and small town residence alike are being hurt by such violence that this monopoly on roads has
incited. One needs to only look now and see the various departments government has created to
interfere in the private sector affairs.

Before I conclude, there was once a time in human history when there was competition
between violent monopolies, that was the age of national determinism. However even so this age of
competition between violent monopolies was also filled with violence as well, but now you know
that the competition of violent monopolies is called War. War and welfare is the health of the
violent monopoly, violence thrives in violence and grows more powerful, and why else do you think
the founders of our nation feared standing armies in times of peace? The economy is made
dependent in times of war upon the planning of that violent monopoly called government and this is
why even during times right after war, these planners speak of the benefits of a peace time
planning, it is an addiction of the state to plan or, better yet to control, the longer it plans the more
it wants to do it, even when there is no need to do it. Look at the welfare state as well, that violent
monopoly is simply setting the stage for division in people that should not be divided, it does this by
trying to tie large groups of the citizenry to the continued existence of that violent monopoly called
the government (e.g. social security for the elder population; financial aid for the college bound) and
in the process the welfare warfare state is justified in getting larger and larger incrementally under
the guise of helping everyone.

By now it should be known how people and land play into this as well. The people who work for
and control the violent monopoly called government are the politicians and bureaucrats while the
people who power and fuel the monopoly are called the citizenry, those being ruled by it (how
exploiting can you get?). The rulers arbitrarily decide how much money to take from the citizenry
and decide how much they will pay themselves as well. Those ruled can replace these rulers if they
are not doing their proper job of representing those who elected them, assuming this violent
monopoly is moderated with many rules to control that violent monopoly called government.
However, I feel that the nature of the state is best showed not in highly regulated government but in
a completely arbitrary and totalitarian one, because as history has shown us all states start out small
and controlled and as time passes by they grow in there oppressive ways, like a child who is
destined to be a tyrant, this is just how the lifespan of government has always played out since the
agricultural revolution.

Look at the other issue concerning land, I have shown you that through a complete violent and
monopolistic control over more products and services is only going to equal more property for the
state and in effect more wealth as well (E.g. the lie that more money to government is a better
education, or we need to nationalize X industry). While simultaneously taking away from the private
sector the various opportunities to make not only better quality products at a lower price but also
more wealth and employment to the private sector too. I have also shown you that the private
businesses and residence also suffer whether directly or indirectly because of government’s
arbitrary control over roads. Now you may know the answer by now to the questions asked earlier
as to why government wants a monopoly over roads and the mail, government wants control over
two very important aspects of human behavior: communication and transportation or movement.
Our government has shown us perfectly that although for the most part in the beginning we
interpreted our laws literally, as time went on government has interpreted our laws loosely to justify
the incremental expansion of that violent monopoly called government. So now, can I suggest that
perhaps as the true nature of the state comes into view, the government will try to control all
communication and movement? Does it seem so impossible with government attacks on freedom of
expression (a form of communication) and conscience? Remember, the true nature of the state is
revealed in governments that are arbitrary and totalitarian and history has shown us that this is the
path all governments go as time goes on, even the small and controlled ones should not the
populace rise up and either alter or abolish that violent monopoly called government, but I will
speak of the lack of understanding that is exhibited in a revolution toward the end of this essay.

6. Crime: Organized or Not and Government

I want to turn my attention now, to crime and government. In particular I want to turn my
attention first to victimless crimes that often carry the phrase “black market” around with them. But
I also want to look at the situation, with even criminals that have victims, in particular the common
thief whether we call them a mugger or burglary. After reading the above section you might be able
to guess where I am going with this, and your right I am going to be talking about the similarities
between a common criminal and the government. I can assure you even the criminal (organized
crime or not) is one or two notch above government on the respectability scale than government is
or ever will be. This may seem hard to prove, but with an open and reasonable mind this should not
be too hard to accept.

First, let us go over the more respectable Black Market business operation. What is the black
market? The black market, from a conditioned point of view, carries low moral associations, it
sounds evil and corrupt. The black market, from a more objective point of view, can better be
defined as the marketplace that the violent monopoly called the government has deemed closed off
to the public. Let us use the most common black market product that is forbidden to the public,
marijuana or for short weed. As you can see just because this violent monopoly says we cannot have
it does not mean that we can still purchase it. On the black market, the value and cost of such
“forbidden” products is high. The reason they are high, largely has to do with the fact that these
businessmen need to protect themselves from the government and competitors so they need to sell
the product at a higher price because of these pressures. Of course the black market businessmen
know the idea of supply and demand as well, so they adjust their prices the best they can for that
too. The black market is no different than the legal (as defined by the violent monopoly) white
market, the only difference is that black market businesses are in the business of selling ‘forbidden’
things. These forbidden items do not contain an inherent badness but rather because the violent
monopoly deemed it bad, showcasing the arbitrary nature of the State.
Let us examine Weed a bit further, for those who do their research it is a well-known fact that
our government is the largest drug dealer in the world (via its CIA the strong arm of the violent end
of the particular monopoly) and yes most certainly in regards to Weed. The violent monopoly has a
definite profit motive here and has the resources to pull it off (which is acquired through force by
those ruled). The state makes Weed illegal thus creating an illicit and greatly reduced supply, but
there is still a large demand for Weed, thus the price skyrockets. The state knowing this decides to
both sell the drug while it arrests competition, these arrests are covered up of course as street
gangs and organized crime and the solution (like the education problem) is to throw more money at
it! So now the state has two forms of revenue, the first is selling that which it outlawed, bringing in
massive sums of money because of the high illicit demand and low illicit supply and the second
taking by force even more tax money to arrest its competitors, thus being able to set a price that it
wants, not a price to compete, just like the violent monopoly that government is. Ironically, it is the
white market who suffers this because they too are taxed heavily, taking even more money away
from the private sector of the economy.

The black market drug boss who sells Weed for example, uses violence to protect his turf largely
because they cannot be a white market businessmen who can compete through more respectable
means of advertising and creating a better product, they do not have the benefits of large farmlands
to grow Weed (where it is outlawed), they use covert and hidden means to do their business and
because of that it cost more money as well. However, this is not his fault that he needs to use
violence to stay in business; it’s the governments fault because they are the ones making him a
criminal for selling a product that people still want regardless of the decrees of this violent
monopoly. This is why the black market businessman is still a few notches higher on the
respectability scale than even the government itself. Even looking at this from the point of view of a
contract, the drug dealer will sell you his product in exchange for money and that would be a
voluntary contract you entered into, yet the violence of government would arrest this seller and
buyer for entering into a voluntary contract that really has no victim to it. This is the irony of course,
because the only victims here are those who lose their lives to gang and drug wars, but they only
lose their lives because the product they sell is made illegal by the state, a criminal is only a criminal
after doing wrong to someone and this someone is the called the victim, and the state is making
victims because of the decrees it has violently upheld. Of course, do not think that I am calling black
market bosses saints, for killing and taking away life by force (save self-defense) is still wrong to me,
‘legal’ or not.

But what about unorganized criminals that burglarize or loot from people their property, surely
the government must be better or more respectable than these people are, right (Property of
course meaning anything from money to anything not money)? Actually these people are either
equal to or just one notch higher than government. I will turn your attention to what I am trying to
express from the writings of American Individualist Lysander Spooner who in his writing called “No
Treason No. 6: The Constitution of No Authority” stated that,

“The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: 'Your money or your life.'
And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat. The government does
not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the roadside, and, holding a
pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that
account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful. The highwayman takes solely upon himself
the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful
claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be
anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a
'protector,' and that he takes men's money against their will, merely to enable him to 'protect'
those infatuated travelers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his
peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these.
Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist
in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful 'sovereign,' on
account of the 'protection' he affords you. He does not keep 'protecting' you, by commanding
you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by
robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by
branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down
without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman
to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villainies as these. In short, he does not, in
addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.”

The essential difference here is that one has the law on their side the other does not, one you
can defend yourself from, the other will certainly get you killed and if this arbitrary monopoly has
some mercy on you; you will be imprisoned for life, where you will be broken down and treated like
a slave for the rest of your life. I often laugh at the command the highwayman and government say
“Your Money or Your Life” either way, if you refuse he (the highwayman) will kill you and still get the
money out of you somehow perhaps he (that violent monopoly called government) will arbitrarily
decide to repossess your property instead of having the property handed down to your benefactor.
Most ‘highwaymen’ in the name of not having a witness will more often than not kill the person
they stole from. Yet this violent monopoly does this in broad daylight and its “okay.”

7. Government is Corruption

Let it be known than the immense amount of corruption and evil that this violent monopoly
called the government has the potential to realize. I want to focus on three issues here, the first is
the evil of the state to tie its well-being to those it rules, I speak of a type of socialism or welfare that
is very common in our so-called “free nation.” After this, I want to talk about the contemporary
issue of “crony capitalism” and how we can keep the benefits of a free market without that market
being tied to the state. Finally, I wish to conclude with a humorous “play-on words,” concerning the
people in government and who they supposedly represent. It is important to make this argument
largely because we can see here the downright evil that can be founded in this violent monopoly
that we call government.

So the first issue that I wanted to bring up was the evils of tying people to the state itself.
Whether we call it welfare or socialism it does not matter. If the government offers arguments for
some “Universal or Public Option X” we should automatically translate this into Oppression and an
attempt made by this violent monopoly to hold our own lives in the existence of the life of the state.
This is downright evil, imagine that you find out that you are tied to a person, who you thought was
looking out for your interests but in reality was not and to make this worst, the amount of evil and
corruption in this person was so much that you decided to end him by pushing him off the edge of a
cliff, but wait, you rely on him to take care of you, to educate you, to give you relief when you are
older and when you are sick, each of these dependency factors than is like a chain wrapped around
your ankle which guarantees that if he goes, you go too (you will suffer for a time until you re-
structure your life, assuming you can)!

This is the nature however, of a public option or universal programs offered by the state, what’s
even funnier is that, some of these programs are guaranteed not to get any bigger or have much
effect in the private sector, and incrementally as time goes on these once small programs
encompass the private sector. In America, we know the biggest example is social security. Social
Security, is an evil despite its apparent goodness, because it ties the elderly population to demand
more and more money from everyone else putting money into the system, it becomes a vicious
cycle because it’s the elderly population that will seek to vote for politicians that will continue to
give more money to the Social Security System, thus increasing incrementally the size of the welfare
program and The State. Do you not see how this dependency makes people feel compelled to
defend a particular part of the violent monopoly called government, even if they agree there is a
problem that should be fixed? Of course, human selfishness will never be willing to take a backseat
and endure some difficulty to actually offer a real fix to the problem. Do not think this is limited
however to solely social security either, there is the dependence the state has created on all its
various departments, most becoming mere paper pushers for the government bureaucracy, we have
a whole sector of the population whose life’s work is to see to it that the department they work for
in government does not close down either, even if it violates this violent monopoly’s own (policy)

Now that I have covered the individual lives of people and certain denominations of people
whom which the government wants to tie its existence to, the next part is to examine the one most
important factor that we all know has influence in our government today, and that is Business.
Today we know this as crony capitalism, corporatism and the like. The government ties its existence
to the success of the big businesses of each industry whom which they protect and bail out under
legal means (which this violent monopoly defines). They protect them with regulations, knowing
that these bigger and larger businesses will survive through tough regulations while there smaller
competitors will not! They bailout these businesses because, the health of the business is tied to the
health of the state and vice versa, thus it becomes a vicious cycle all over again. The Big business
survives while the little business dies, because not only is there tough regulations which the small
business I would say cannot afford, but also there is more money being taken away from them
through the force of taxation to bail out their own competitors.

This is a gross violation of free market economics but leave it to a monopoly of violence to try
and understand the value of competition as well as the Importance of the “Laissez Faire” ideology in
Government in the first place. The laissez faire politician is one step closer to reality, because they at
least believe in the free market and libertarian idea that if a business is poorly run it must take the
loss and adjust itself the second time around, however if the business has no second chance than it
must go under regardless how big it is, the laissez faire politician knows that its losses most certainly
cannot be socialized because that would only invite continued recklessness and violate the very idea
of liberty which is personal responsibility. Yet the State does not care about these things because
over time it falls to the temptation of wanting to tie business and the successful elite to the survival
of the state as well, through bailouts and regulations. The larger the government gets though, the
more the private sector shrinks, these protected businessmen in my opinion cease being a free
market business, because they have destroyed competition not by a good product but by force.
These traitors to the free market change into mere hosts for the parasitic and violent monopoly.

Lastly let me conclude with the humorous play-on-words that the true nature of the state uses
when trying to deceive those it rules, when it says the words “The People.” The People is not The
People under Its Rule, but those who rule! When those who rule say, “it is for the people” they don’t
mean me and you they mean them, everything the government paints up as some benefit to “the
people” is in reality most likely not going to benefit us, it will only involve more government
spending and in effect more taxes to make up for such spending. So the only people who will benefit
are the government bureaucrats and politicians themselves as well as their friends. I am not sure if
this is 100% true but it sure seems like that! In reality, however and in a more serious tone too,
there is no such thing as “a society” or “a group” or “ the people” because all of these things are
merely an abstraction for the reality of just a collection of individuals. This is something government
will never really be able to understand and any type of ideology structured around group thinking
never can seem to understand as well that lack of understanding is this, that the lowest unit to any
collection of individuals is the individual itself; a group cannot unlock its potential unless the
individual is free to do so. All forms of oppression (imposed by force or internal) are all attempts to
deny such potential from being realized. If said potential is not being realized, it is being denied life,
liberty, and happiness.

8. The Two Only Legitimate Paths for Those Who Believe in Freedom

It is the belief of many people that there are really only two legitimate paths that we can take to
actively deny the violence of this monopoly that seeks to have us ruled over it. The first is anarchy
and the second is permanent libertarianism, akin to the movement started by Congressman Ron
Paul (R-TX). When I say anarchy however, I want to take the time for painting a clearer picture of
what I mean as opposed to what I do not mean after this I want to explain a particular brand of
anarchism that can mean a lot for transferring the power of the state into a voluntary agreement
that you actually know you signed, I speak of Market Anarchism. As for the second option being
what it is I want to talk about the concern I have for this second option.

So the first solution that I want to cover is anarchy, it is the path that we seem to never look at,
treating it as if it were the shadow that we can never accept. However, we never really have given it
a friendly thought let alone a friendly and fair try to really say if it is as bad as we say it is. So in order
to express this solution in a way you will hopefully be more open to listening and keeping in mind all
that I have written, I wish to share with you what true anarchism would mean and what it does not
mean and then I want to go over a particular brand of anarchism that can shift the necessities
government is responsible for away from a monopoly of violence. Ultimately someone who supports
the idea of freedom has a part in them that does recognize as being a bit anarchistic and knowing
this part is nothing to be shameful of.

So first let us explore what it would mean if we were more open to the real anarchist philosophy
not the glorified one that media-state complex has obviously tried very hard to put a bad name on.
When I say, “I think anarchy is the best answer to that violent monopoly called government” people
tend to get very defensive and are shocked like as if I have blasphemed against the worldly god
called the state (a sign of being brainwashed by purely statist thinking). But I go on to tell them that
government is force, and as this essay has shown it is a fact that its main function is force and is not
voluntary. I also must say that with this violent monopoly out of the way it means that there will be
life and creativity, in not only the individuals but the society as well.

Anarchy as you know means no ruler, no government. So this means that there will be Lack of
Government Force and a Denial of Involuntary Force. With this there will be no institutionalized
violence. Will there still be violence? Of course but it will not be institutionalized and in such a
society that has non-institutionalize violence, this will simply be limited to the common criminal, it
will not even be organized crime, because there will be no “black market” and thus no victimless
crimes. Such a society will be organized around the ideas of Natural Rights and Law, which
essentially states that you have the right to do unto yourself what you please so as long as you do
not force others to do the same. This will breed responsibility because, people will be aware of the
fact that whatever they will do to themselves they are responsible for and that the losses or the
negative results will not be forced on anyone but themselves to be responsible for. The main idea
that is close to if not identical to anarchistic thinking is called voluntaryism which states that,
“relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. It represents a means, an end,
and an insight. Voluntaryism does not argue for the specific form that voluntary arrangements will
take; only that force is to be abandoned so that individuals in society may flourish.” With this
perspective, it is to be suggested that true freedom cannot come until we realize that coercion,
involuntary consent, violence, and intimidation is not the mark of a free and open society and that
individuals are not really free until these are gotten rid of, mainly in an institutionalized form.

So what will this mean if we got rid of that violent monopoly called the state? The state does not
protect life or any of the blessings that life comes with it. The state as you have been able to see is
more like a parasite that tries to tie itself to everything while simultaneously doing nothing but using
violence to oppress everyone, but especially those who disagree with the states actions (e.g. war,
taxes, civil liberties issues). With voluntary agreements, with shaking hands instead of pointing guns
in people’s faces there is peace and with that comes, Life and Creativity. Life because freedom from
oppression brings life, the state acted like a parasite where everyone lives to support it and if they
did not comply they faced some form of violence in order to coerce the individual to live and
support the parasite called the state. If people were getting wise to the state, the state simply tied
its existence on to the existence of everyone else, thus the parasite (in ecological terms) not only
feeds off the host but actually in certain regards also modifies the hosts behavior, where in those
science fiction films the parasite has “taken control” of the necessary functions of the host, in an
attempt to hold leverage over the host. This is the nature of the state and with the desire, to no
longer be forced to live for someone (thing) else one can be free to express their potential the way
they see fit and this new life means also creative expression.

So keep that in mind, animals would never agree to let something benefit off of itself without
either being left alone or having a mutual benefit, only parasites take by force and negatively affect
the host. This is no different than people and the state, some people may say “yes but we have
benefits to the money we are forced to pay, we have several public services” to this effect I would
say you are right, however, are these really real benefits? I personally disagree with the war on
drugs and arresting people for victimless crimes (e.g. prostitution, drugs, etc…) so does that mean I
can stop paying my taxes or smoke a joint? No, it means that if I stop paying my forced fee (tax) for
something I do not support or do what I am not told to do by this violent monopoly I get arrested
and treated like the victimless criminal as well. So is this really fair, is this really beneficial to me? I
certainly do not think so. This violent monopoly on the police and courts is denying me my ability to
(referring to a previous example) “smoke Weed.” This is no different and ridiculous than if the
government instituted a mandatory cellphone plan for every individual in America, I may not want
the particular plans the government is offering but if I do not choose a plan I face the violence of the
state. Just to digress, people say “legalize pot and tax it” but people do not understand that this
money will only go to oppressing us with a government all too anxious to use the money for
something else instead of paying off the bills, the nature of the state is to grow and that’s what they
will do with this coerced money.

So now that you know what I mean when I say anarchy, I want to make sure you understand
what I don’t mean when I say anarchy. To be more specific there are two often highly stereotypical
ideas that most people think of when someone says anarchy, they are also two extremes. On one
end of the extreme you have chaos and violence, while on the other side of the extreme you have
this utopian grandeur, that this would be a perfect world! Let us be realistic and honest here, I am
not here to promise you full perpetual peace, only the end to institutionalized violence and a more
peaceful society based on voluntary consent. I am also not suggesting the initiation of violence to
carry out as a means the realization of an anarchistic society, why would I copy the thing that I am
trying to get rid of?

Often when we think of people dressed up in black shirts with the white “A” and a circle around
the letter and throwing Molotov cocktails and stones and even shooting guns engaging that police
force that belongs to the monopoly called the state. However these people are not real anarchist,
the anarchist philosophy is based on non-violence and educational means to realize goals. These
violent anarchists not only give real anarchists a bad name but they also are just mad at the current
regime or administration in government. So I like to call these violent anarchists, “Government
Transitionary Anarchist” they threaten the violent monopoly like we do, but only on what they have
been doing over a period of time not because they are angry with the nature of the state itself. I do
not condone this and there are those like me who do not either. In an anarchist society, the
institutional violence has ended but people because of free will and there lower nature will still be
able to use violence, but these would be petty criminals like what you see today however, this
society based on voluntaryism would be a society that understands and practices the philosophy.

The other side of the extreme is of course, this idea that an anarchistic society would have some
Utopian Grandeur to it. This is a lie if I ever heard one, anarchistic philosophy and society is based
off of rational understanding and rational people who made this school of thought up know and
understand that the world is never going to be a perfect place, but they likewise believed that we
can make it a better world and with that thinking came anarchism. The world will be a better place if
we got rid of that violent monopoly called the government. We know that people have free will and
voluntaryism is the affirmation of such an awareness, so with that awareness we know that people
are capable of doing ill to another, but this ill will not be institutionalized, we know there will still be
thieves, robbers, and murders but with such a society the security of the individual rests in their
own hands and to this effect people will feel much more comfortable knowing that they can defend
themselves and those they care about. Some people may say, “But what if I want to live my life and
not always have to turn my head around to see if someone is going to ransack my property or
destroy the lives of those I care about?” That is a good question and that’s where I move on to my
third and final point, called market anarchism.

Market Anarchism is, “an individualist anarchist philosophy in which monopoly of force held by
government would be replaced by a competitive market of private institutions offering security,
justice, and other defense services – ‘the private allocation of force, without central control’. A
market would exist where providers of security and law compete for voluntarily paying customers
that wish to receive the services rather than individuals being taxed without their consent and
assigned a monopoly provider of force. The belief, among free-market anarchists, is that this
competition thus will tend to produce cheaper and higher-quality legal and police services.” The
emphasis is on voluntary consent, the owner of a property can have 15 different police services
offered to them and yet none of them have the right to force him to join one of them if he feels it is
safe and more affordable to simply defend himself. Perhaps you have an anarcho-communist
commune and they defend themselves without these businesses, this is fine too, the point is that
these are voluntary arrangements and no force or made it compulsory to take part if you do not
want to.

This understanding says, we acknowledge the need for protective and legal services, but these
services must not muscle us out of our money, like what that violent monopoly called the state
does. The belief of the market anarchist is that the government is a collection of monopolies over
the industry of protection and courts, among other service outlined by its own decrees. Because this
multifaceted monopoly is based on violence to survive and finance its operations the quality it offers
to those it steals money from does not necessarily take priority, in fact the American monopoly had
recently stated in the Supreme Court that, “the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a
person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a
violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.” (New York Times Article: June 27,
2005) This makes it clear that the quality of this monopoly, this less-than respectable business is
appalling. If the market place was allowed to have police companies compete, this statement would
mean the end of this particular police company because, the other companies would say something
to the effect that “we do not leave you exposed to a husband that will hurt you” or something to
that effect, police are not bodyguards in the violent monopolistic understanding but under a market
understanding they could be.

Perhaps one company will care about you so much that they will call your house every day until
the feeling of your life being in jeopardy subsides, the point is that these services are based on
customer service and offering a great product that will have people enter voluntarily into a contract
with them instead of their competitors. Of course, these markets (police and courts) would
maximize the use of libertarian philosophy or Natural rights and natural law, if the business tries to
be oppressive on their customer (high fees, unfair rules, bad service… etc), the customer is able to
go to another company that will not be and this bad company would go out of business, so an
oppressive court and police will be the thing of the past.

The point to market anarchism is the phasing out of government (violent multifaceted
monopoly) roles to Market Responsibilities (voluntary competing businesses). The pace at which this
would happen depends on the awareness of the people in the workings of market anarchy, people
can pay their taxes while the government progressively (but quickly as well, no making its death
longer than it has to be) and willingly relinquishes its responsibilities to the marketplace or it can be
more quicker where the society fails to pay the fees (taxes) and the government starves from little
income, they can arrest some but they cannot arrest everyone and in time these prisons would be
overwhelmed and the whole system would collapse on itself, suddenly the poorly paid state prison
guards and other similar positions will come to their senses and realize that these people are guilty
of victimless crimes, but since there is no victim, there is no crime and these people are really
innocent so they will be freed, plus the slowly decreasing state paycheck might serve as incentive as
well. Suddenly, the Police-Prison-Court facets of the state collapse as well and the time and energy
that went into funding a violent monopoly of a police force will go into businesses that will protect
the customers. Since they are a business more will be employed and the quality of the business will
increase while the costs decrease as the market demands.

Lets look at the American Constitution, from the get go the governments are given control over
courts, commerce, roads and the mail, but in our contemporary American government (where its
own [policies] laws have been ignored) there is also an interstate police force(FBI), there is a
department for nearly every major industry (education, agriculture, transportation, etc…) that the
government is getting increasing control over as well let’s not mention several other government
organizations that try to regulate the marketplace (DEA, FCC, ATF, FDA… etc). People say we are
trying to avoid socialism, personally the mixture of government violence and a government
department for major industries tells me we already live in a socialistic state. But let’s look at this,
let’s say we (despite governmental behavior) progressively and mercifully end such influence, we
undo the existence of these unconstitutional agencies, departments, and organizations in two years
and now you are left with only the necessary functions of government that are founded in the

What happens then? You announce the ending of THE police department and the privatization
of the police force, so you phase out police department and allow the free market to take this
responsibility over the course of two years and do this for everything, undoing the existence of the
violent monopoly simultaneously altogether, especially removing the teeth of the beast by taking
out courts, police and military allowing for companies to develop that will know, their existence is
solely based on defense and the non-initiation of violence, some people wonder what happens if,
one police or military force attacks another force and its paying customers? Well several adverse
things can happen, the others would unite against such an offensive because these people are the
initiators of violence and such people will think that they are no better than a violent monopoly
called the state. Of course, the customers of the offending force will stop financing it as well, thus
the conquest ends rapidly and true order is restored with the evil offending company left paying the
bill, so there is a strong discouragement for the business to attack in the first place (Proving my
point that during times of War the state grows but the economy is hurt). Of course one would hope
that people employed by the offending force would have the moral strength to be dedicated to the
principle of voluntaryism, thus not even allowing the force itself to go out on the offensive.

I think it is pretty clear that the benefits of such a society will be worth it. People will be
employed in places where they never thought they could be employed before and the once
oppressive decrees of a violent monopoly will be a thing of the past, police officers will use only the
appropriate force necessary and will never use force offensively, because as you know there are
many true stories of crooked cops and judges who use the title to do some pretty corrupt things, but
under this system offensive use of force can mark you for life as someone whose responsibility is to
deliver true justice and true protection, the only time the officer is going to use force is when
someone is using force already that someone would be violating the rights of the individual. There is
more incentive therefore to do the job right rather than not do it at all or do it wrong. Law
enforcement agents (unlike how it is now) will not necessarily be let off with mere suspensions,
“getting away with murder” because they know they can (they are the muscle of the violent
monopoly) for doing something they shouldn’t have done. I mean all I am really arguing for is
essentially the privatization of everything, is it necessary to have a public mail service that has
shown to violate people’s liberties in the past, and is it necessary for a violent monopoly to control
where I can move through the control of the roads? Again it will not be perfect, there will be
corruption, we live in a corrupt world so long as people are able to do wrong to their neighbor, but
the corruption and oppression will be minimized, hopefully to the mere street thief and things of
that sort.

But aside from this, I wish to offer an example of someone I know very closely, just to offer a
kind of example of what happens when you violently monopolize a private sector market into a
“public service.” My grandmother lived in the same town as I do since the 1950’s and when she
moved here she said that the town did not have a public sanitation department, rather it had
private sanitation companies. She said that the company charged a very good rate at $14 a month,
even adjusting for inflation she said that if we had that today it is still a good deal, she recalls many
times that this company helped her out immensely not merely throwing the garbage cans to the
side of the road but putting them on the side of the house so no one takes them or what have you,
however somewhere along the line in time the town decides to make sanitation a public service and
she said her taxes went up so much more because of that, it wasn’t even unequal to the rate the
private company charged. Today I can testify myself personally of my dissatisfaction of these folks
employed by the town for these multitude of regulations and their inability to take certain items
because they are “not in a bag,” specifically speaking a Reef for the door during Christmas, here is a
product that is completely bio-degradable yet will not be touched unless in a NON Bio-degradable
plastic bag.

There are people however who regardless of the anarchist ideologies expressed above still
cannot seem to see that if we could just get this idea of statism out of the way everything would be
greatly improved. So, what is offered to these people who cannot accept true anarchism? Well that
is what I like to call perpetual libertarianism. This essentially is minarchy, which means minimum
government rule or a minimization of public services that we would be taxed on, to maximize
private wealth and liberty. However, I want to go over the fact that America the great experiment in
freedom has shown us the difficulty in keeping with this idea of permanent libertarianism or
minarchy even a limited government that goes up one notch on the scale of government size. After
which I want to refer to the role and duty of the citizenry and speak of what experience has shown
us of the great American experiment in freedom. Only to conclude my thoughts on what
government is and why it works against the ideas of life, liberty and property even if a government
is instituted to protect it.

We must be able to learn from our history that All Governments grow larger and larger in time.
Rome was a republic and in time became an empire and then lost its dominance in the world to the
failures of being an empire. Britain was once a limited government as well that left the people alone
to expand and build, they grew more powerful and as time went on they grew more oppressive in
government and military might, eventually they too lost their superiority to their rebelling
experiment in colonization called America, during the period of the late 1800’s to early 1900’s did
that superiority become increasingly apparent.

What happened in America? We saw each other first as independent states united together
against a common enemy and we formed a small and de-centralized government for these separate
states to convene together, after the war for independence we formed a slightly more centralized
confederation (voluntary union of smaller states) under The Articles of Confederation. However, the
libertarian argument was lost and we formed a Federation (a bounded union of smaller states) and a
stronger centralized federal government under the name of The US Constitution. Before the Civil
War there was an unseen war already taking place, the federal government tried to invoke
unconstitutional decrees on to the states that made the federal government exist in the first place
and those states that cherished there states rights invoked resolutions to challenge the federal
government under the 10th Amendment of the constitution. Even under the law, politicians were
still trying to expand the size of government beyond its constitutional proportions, twisting and
warping the wording to justify their ambitions.

When the Civil War, broke out not because of slavery initially but because of a difference in
economic agendas and different political philosophy, the republican party under Lincoln wanted an
even stronger central government but Democrats disagreed, so much so that the southern
democrats with their belief in states’ rights and the desire to not live under an oppressive and
increasingly heavy handed national government sought to secede from the union, even in the north
there were supporters of the southern cause on these grounds. Sadly the south had a fatal hypocrisy
to their cause, that being they still used slaves. After the war the federal government occupied the
south and took control of it, the federal government wanting to make sure this (“this,” being states
rebelling against the national government) never happened again sought to make the states
increasingly reliant or dependent upon the federal government, that if the federal government goes
they do to. After the civil war, the old constitutional republic was destroyed and from that point on
the rest is more well-known to history. The imperialism and interventionism of America followed in
hand by the progressive era and the immense unconstitutional violations during this time in
American history, today the politicians swear to uphold the constitution, but hypocritically see this
as just a dead formality that was meant to prevent them from increasing the size of government
even more. Today our nation faces many difficulties and some are saying that what lies down the
road is the complete destruction of anything that is truly American, our money devalued, our
freedom swept away by regulations, and our lives becoming more dependent on the state as we
watch our standards decline to the lowest common denominator whether it be in wealth or
education and what is the solution proposed? More government and more regulation all I hear from
this is more violence, more looting and more slavery to and by this violent and multi-faceted
monopoly called government.

Does this history lesson show us anything? Can we learn from anything here? Yes, permanent or
perpetual libertarianism cannot work. The government won, by incrementally increasing in size and
decreasing the power of the people to resist its will over many generations. It did not do this
through contract or through peaceful means but rather through involuntary and forceful means. It
has done and continues to do anything it would to tie its existence to those around it under the
guise of helping those being ruled and by the ambitions of others it has increased in size in the name
of securing more votes for these rulers. The Federalists wrote at length saying it can never happen,
so long as the people did not allow it. Yet people try to not allow it, they fought and continue to
fight a visible and invisible struggle and yet we fell to the sway of statism. The nature of the state is
to grow, like a cancerous tumor, it knows nothing more than this, history is riddled with examples
and they all end with a decline in not merely the health of the parasite but of the host as well, that is
because it is an institution of violence and violence is self-destructive and because this thing has tied
itself to so many others it will destroy them too. Perhaps they may not die in body but in mind and
spirit they will, it’s not too hard to imagine how the selfishness of those in government and the
ignorance of the body politic can make for such a destructive force.
But it does not need to be all bad, some might say we can have a revolution and abolish this
government and institute a new one! To this effect I would say these people have learned nothing
and even if we did that costs lives and money, something a declining and decadent society is really
not able to commit to. To institute a new government is like saying, “That bully didn’t work but this
guy will never betray you!” Of course, you eventually find out that your bully was once the “friend”
of the generations long before you and it will be the case for generations long ahead of us as well,
that our friend will become their bully. Let us do something really new and end government, end
statism once and for all, let the market provide for a greater quality of necessary services at a lower
price rather than have the government force out us money that will only go to oppressing us. But
like I said even if we said “lets blow stuff up,” I wager many people will be against it, revolutions
happen when the situation is desperate but an unenlightened society will be far more likely, to
sacrifice their sacred god given freedom in order to have food on the table and medicine for their
children. Most people still do not know today the nature of the state, let alone can express an
educated opinion; most people in our contemporary society are concerned with the emotional side
of such rational arguments.

So I will finish this thought on the problem with perpetual libertarianism with a question, why
do people think they have the right to impose a collective will on the individual? Truth be told,
government in all its forms is collectivism, the idea that the group knows much better than the
individual as how to structure and order the individuals life. The violent monopoly wants power, and
it does this through such an ideology as only wanting to help those it rules, “we only want to help
our poorer subjects” it says and then there is a War on Poverty which has been proven to create
more poverty, so than the state can be justified in getting more money and more power to fight
against something it caused. They change their focus, “We only want to help our drug addicted
subjects” it says and then there is a War on Drugs to get the drugs off the street, only to see new
drugs and synthetic drugs that never existed and are many times more deadly, but then their war
(the violence) says “look more drugs we need more money” and this equates to more power. But
wait, “We only want to help the children” it says and there is War on declining education in America,
which creates an even greater decline in literacy and a dumbing down of future generations (one of
the more sinister sides of the state), but the state says we need more money, and thus more power
to fight against this as well!

This is madness, this is insanity, and it needs to stop if we are to reverse the tide. Because the
state is like an addict, it will try and scare us for taking away the funding or cutting off its steady
stream of money and power, politicians and intellectuals alike will decry that the sky will fall, maybe
for them but as the government shrinks the life and freedom of the private sector returns and the
quality goes ever upward. In a very short time span the war on drugs will end and Hollywood will
feel no need to glorify the war thus devaluing the glorification of snorting coke lines or smoking a
joint, ending the vicious cycle. The War on Poverty will end and suddenly those who have been
sapping off the labor of others will return back to work and those who really need the help will be
recognized and will receive the help needed by the voluntary will of those who actually care. The
declining education rate will halt and go back up, because suddenly a system that encourages
competition will come back and the real teachers will be rewarded for their labor and those who
have no passion to teach will (like the welfare addict) need to find something that will get them
moving. By now you are beginning to see that the more liberty one has the closer to reality one is,
government is the ultimate illusion crafter because it allows for people to take advantage of its
violence and evil, eating a fruit that will make you go mad with power, corrupt both those it rules
and rule, only to make those who identify with it too much hallucinate things that are not based on

9. Conclusion

Government is a Parasitic and Violent Multifaceted Monopoly that historically has shown itself
to grow over time under the guise of wanting to help “the people” but the more it helps the people
the more people are hurt by its actions. Can government even be given the same respect and be
called a ‘business’ then? I say no it cannot be given the same level of respect and simultaneously
called a business. Businesses compete, government cannot; Business produces, Government only
copies and takes away; Business and its transactions are voluntary, Government and its actions are
coercive. I do not have a problem with a business that is a monopoly in a particular market because,
at least that monopoly is voluntary and those who consume what is produced know and understand
that the product is of a good affordable quality, and that should this business monopoly become
violent, committing acts of fraud or violence, declining in the quality or rising the price of its
products and services it will fail and a new wave of competition shall come about. However,
government forces you to pay whether or not you like the quality of the product or disagree with
the product. Government is the problem, we should move in the other direction and gradually have
the marketplace replace the services and products government would forcibly charge us for.

But please let us not be divided; let us be united to restore the laws of our country (insofar as it
is possible) when at least than we would have granted ourselves a much longer delay in the return
of a large state that will once again seek to take away our freedoms. Truth be told here my fellow
liberty lovers, I personally feel that should we succeed in restoring the Constitution to our
government future generations will inevitably lose it again and we would know why as well, because
evil in all its qualities comes back incrementally over long periods of time. Some of those qualities
we know now as, ignorance, forgetfulness, apathy, devaluation of the virtues that made us great
and denial of the truth. Jefferson himself said as well that we should have a revolution every 20
years or so to remind the government who is really in charge but who, dare I ask is willing to get up
unless there is an apparent and immediate reason to do so, or if we should get up and fight why
should we constantly sacrifice more lives to something as unnecessary as government every 20
years or so? I say lets end this unnecessary evil so that we do not have to waste more lives with its
violence both domestic and foreign, because of what this essay has revealed and what the above
paragraph has concluded. As A Disclaimer: If this essay seemed to say to you that you should not
pay your taxes, initiate violence or anything counter-economic in nature, you take full
responsibility for these actions, I am merely being theoretical in this book, enjoying my first
amendment right to freedom of thought and speech!
Summary of Ideas:
Part Two
1. Government is Force, it is not Reason as described by Adams and Washington and the
writings above demonstrate this. We have grown increasingly dependent upon the thinking
that “We Need Government To Do X” I say it is time we as Americans and free people
finally decide to do things for ourselves and not have government constantly do things for
2. “Where liberty is, there is my country.” Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, concerning the
placement of loyalty in either idea or country. True patriotism is not about loyalty to other
people, it is loyalty to the idea of being free. Those who are truly loyal to that idea there
are the ones to be loyal too. I think it is apparent that the point is that you are supposed to
be lead by the idea of freedom not merely a nation whose tradition of liberty could be
3. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” Stated by Thomas Jefferson, concerning the fact
that a free person will always be facing an invisible conflict, when they are not engaged in a
visible one. With Liberty Comes Responsibility, whether there is a state or no state, you are
to be eternally vigilant for those who would oppress you. Of course, how do you oppress a
free human being? Simple, you argue that you want to help that human being first, than as
time goes on when you have enough responsibilities transferred away from the free human
being, you tell him what you are going to do and how he is going to follow suit. Be vigilant
towards anyone who would promise you food, education, shelter, and other necessities
because once that person has those things you are at their mercy. The enemies of freedom,
have shown themselves to prefer incrementalism over just violent and sudden force
however, freedom is eroded away piece by piece so long as no one maintains it.
4. “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes” as
stated by Thomas Paine. This message is essentially carried out over the idea that the noble
cause, could be the greater good argument. Of course, the greater good is a collectivist idea
and it is collectivism that is problem, but it only becomes a problem when one is forced. Let
us not be swayed by sentimentality concerning things that are for the greater good
because, it is only when emotions are used in a tour de force that you can bet that there is
a high probability that tyranny will be right behind it.
5. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free ... it expects what never was and never will be.”
This covers what I have spoken about in my essay concerning our Contemporary Western
Society. Here is a quick realization as to how this quote is real: War is The Health of the
State, it is a time of growth that is hard to remove even after war is over. When people are
ignorant of why we go to War, why we have enemies and keep seeing people hating us around
the world than the state feels justified to go to war. Thus the state grows and freedom
disappears. People we must become aware yet again of our interdependence with others not
merely in our nation but globally, we must know that our ignorance is costing lives and money
and although the cost may seem far away and foreign as time goes on it gets closer and even
more personal.
The Revelation of Liberty
The Merging
“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these
aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere
of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” - Albert

This is the conclusion section. It is now time to wrap up my thoughts and insights, concerning the
Revelation of Liberty. I have one more essay called The Nature of Liberty I wrote awhile ago to
share, I was unsure as to where I should put this article, but I figured that since this is essay in
particular addresses both worlds, I figured that this section of the book is best to write about it.
After that I am going to write about The Synthesis of Liberty as to how it must be founded within
and without if we are to have any hope in realizing Liberty in our lifetimes. Finally Closing Thoughts
to help people come together in common cause to advanced the Revelation of Liberty around them.
Each of these essays is unique in that offer the summary that one essay could not offer, let alone
one paragraph. After concluding and summarizing my thoughts I will be offering my Bibliography and
Resources to help you further yourself along the lines of liberty.
Section One:

On The Nature of Liberty

1. Introduction

Liberty, it is a powerful perspective on life. However we understand it from its surface appearance,
it means to be free. Free from something that once held us down, and wars have been fought over such
a phrase throughout human history. However, what is freedom? I do not just mean freedom on the
surface level, but what is its essence, its nature, its substance? Why is it so important to have that we
have been told to never exchange it for anything? What are the benefits to being a free person and
what are some of the things that act more like downfalls to being free and that make exchanging
freedom look so attractive? These are questions that must be answered if we are too truly and
profoundly understand the nature of liberty as it is really meant to be understood and lived with every
ounce of our being.

2. What Is Freedom?

Freedom is natural but our society has become so unnatural that I fear most have forgotten why
liberty is so important. So to answer the question of what liberty is, we should look at the question of
what it is not.

Liberty is not oppression, it is not boastful, it is not coercive in anyway, and it is certainly not
exclusive to a few. By this we are in a better position to understand liberty. Liberty is liberation from
that which holds us down. Liberty is natural and thus has no reason to boast in order to make its self
look good; since it is natural it is already good. Liberty does not force itself upon anyone, because it is
natural it simply just is. Liberty because it is natural is meant to be inclusive, it is meant to be maximized
to as many people as possible. But most of all Liberty is as the name suggests, unbounded and able to do
all things (potentially).

Let us look now with this larger definition in mind upon its benefits and pitfalls, for just because
something is natural does not mean that it does not have anything wrong with it, when we encounter it,
but at the same time because we have lived in an unnatural society, it is us who have gotten something
wrong and the pitfall is most likely upon us not liberty itself.

3. Benefits/Pitfalls

In order to understand the benefits of liberty, it is important to understand the pitfalls of it.
Jefferson made it clear that Freedom has pitfalls, when he said in his December 1791 letter to Archibald
Stuart “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those
attending too small a degree of it.” This establishes immediately that there is some inconvenience to
being free, that there is at least one pitfall to something some important as liberty. First of all, it is
important to point out that those who wish to be free must be held accountable for their actions,
because they are independent and must rely on themselves to do what they wish to do. A government
ruled by true liberty practitioners would not dare to think about forcing (through taxation) people to pay
up part of their labor to bailout or support others, this cannot happen, because it contradicts the ideal
of liberty. This can be perceived by some as an inconvenience to being free.

This is really the only downfall to being free; of course the inconveniences of accountability invite
any and all situations for the individual to act upon, which are several mini-inconveniences. These can
include moral, personal, and economic acts of accountability. We say we want to hold people
accountable, but do not hold ourselves accountable, in a truly free society; this contradiction must end,
unless we become enslaved to masters. Of course, a truly free society would have to say what they
mean, and mean what they say because the chronic hypocrisy of our day cannot exist in a truly free-
open society.

The benefits to liberty far outweigh the one fallback to it. The first is Accountability. This is the
irony, accountability comes self-regulation and self-control, especially when we know that we are not
going to get a bailout / welfare check to cover for our mistakes. So may see accountability as an attempt
to stifle growth, but I do not, how strong and mature can an individual be without resistance in their
lives? It does not seem fair that I should have to be forced to pay part of the price of someone’s own
lack of responsibility for themselves.

The other benefit to liberty, which is closely tied to the previous I point I was making is Charity.
Those individuals who feel compelled to act to help those who made mistakes or those who are
suffering from something out of their control would give the necessary support to make it so.
Transferring these responsibilities over to the state, to me, makes it sound like our society is losing its
compassionate and moral edge because it implies “We do not care anymore, so we will just transfer this
responsibility on to everybody (via the state)!” Private charity foundations as well as just direct individual
contributions are by far more effective than the bureaucratic nightmare of government. The political
suggestion that I am most in favor of is Voluntarism [].

Another benefit to liberty is the vast collection of options available to you for any given personal or
economic situation you may face. The only real limit is a societal one in which you have the right to do
what you wish to do so as long as you do not infringe upon the rights of others to do the same. So if you
want to smoke pot than smoke away, but you should not (via some considerable punishment) do
anything that would endanger the lives of others, say driving while intoxicated or you cannot try to deny
pot to other people. Thus liberty by its very nature is Libertarian
[] in thinking, it is not really
conservative but it is not really progressive because, (at least these days, those back through some
corporate power) conservatives seek to control you by some limiting personal liberty while progressives
seek to control you by limiting some economic liberty and both increase taxes and spending.

The final benefit to liberty is peace of mind which often triggers a sense of safety and security. In a
truly free and open society, there is minimal violence because most things are legitimate and tolerated.
Defense would lie within the individual making the individual (the real minority in any society) feel safe
because they would be left to their own devices for proper defense. Acts would be tolerated, that an
otherwise big corporate-government would not allow. With the legitimacy of things once illegal there
would be more prosperity and employment. Because of the fact that liberty would breed accountability,
each individual would be able to think their actions through fully knowing that if something happened to
them it would be largely upon themselves to fix it.

Prosperity for all is the number one end of Liberty itself, let’s use the previous example of a society
that has legitimized drugs try and see the opportunity here for a new business model think about this if
you made hemp a legal product you would certainly have more people employed on farms and more
production. Likewise, the hemp marketplace may provide a service, such as professional trip-sitters for
those going through a first time experience or those going upon the dosage of hemp, because drugs
have been legitimized in the society it offers an opportunity for more people to be employed and new
opportunities for people to have a business that sells a high quality product or service, because of
competition and careful business planning. So a truly free and open society would also allow for more
prosperity and employment for all and would not be limited, as is the nature of liberty, unbounded.

4. Why Is It Important?

Despite these pitfalls freedom is divine virtue or at the least a virtue of living naturally. The only
downfall to liberty is that you are to hold yourself accountable for your actions, but like I have shown,
liberty breeds accountability in everyone. So for those who are always speaking about holding a
business accountable or government accountable to its words and actions, you must embrace negative
liberty. By tying businesses survival to government decree you effectively make businesses corrupt and
justify a vicious cycle that just builds on itself. Liberty would not allow this, liberty is about living in
reality and when we live in the light of reality we are accountable for our actions. In a world that truly
embraced liberty, peace, prosperity and life would prevail.

Our current world is the perfect opposite of that; most people are still far too lost down the line in
delusions, ignorance and lies. Let us remember what Goethe said that “None are so hopelessly enslaved
as those who falsely believe they are free.” Do you see yet how we have been conditioned to live a lie
and not seek the truth? Do you see how far gone we are from reality and how our society tries to keep
us entertained with the unattainable fantasy of having more?

Remember that the point to life is not to be arrogant in your thinking that you are entitled or free to
have something, or that you need more of something first but rather, that you are meant to be humbled
in your thinking that you are meant to be free from something or that you need less of something that
otherwise seeks to hold you down and exploit you. In worldly terms, that is government. In your life,
that is the part of yourself that holds yourself back from being all you can be.
Section Two:

The Synthesis

10. Introduction

This book has been written in hopes that you will be able to find the freedom and potential that
is within yourself and will be able to find the freedom and potential that is within the environment
around you as well. Liberty is a sacred gift, it should be cherished without question and without doubt, it
should not be surrendered to anyone and those who truly know the value of being free know the value
of never surrendering it. From liberty comes life, comes reality, and comes suffering. Either life has
freedom or life is lifeless, I believe in the former on the grounds that I have become aware of the real
scope and dynamism that life’s experiences offer us and what resides within us. This brings me to what I
want to share with you as we begin to conclude this book, that the inner world and the outer world are
not separate but need each other to experience the fullness of what life must offer us and I also want to
explain why I quoted Saint Augustine concerning the first half of the book on the inner world.

11. Psychology and Physical Reality

Carl Jung a psychiatrist, practitioner of psychoanalysis, and founder of depth psychology and co-
founder of the analytical psychology school of thought said in his 1955 book Mysterium Coniunctionis

“The common background for microphysics and depth-psychology is as much physical as psychic
and therefore neither, but rather a third thing, a neutral nature which can at most be grasped in
hints since in essence it is transcendental. The background of our empirical world thus appears
to be in fact an unus mundus (deepest regions of the unconscious)... The transcendental
psychophysical background corresponds to a `potential world' in so far as those conditions
which determine the form of empirical phenomena are inherent in it.”

The point being that there is an underlying connection between the physical world we see and
our own unconscious processes that affect us consciously. For those more skeptical however they
should know that this is more than some New Age mumbo jumbo, but has a connection to Western
theology and spirituality, because I have stressed this many times over, I am a Christian and as such
speak of the spiritual realm largely in that context. To help illustrate this point, there is a table from the
internet that shows the relationship between physics and the outer world in relation to the psychology
and the inner world. This can be viewed on the next page:
Psychology Physics
Transcendent unconscious contents unobserved quanta
unmanifest archetypes wave functions
potentiality indefiniteness/probability
continuous nonlocal
Empirical conscious contents observed quanta
manifest images particles
actuality definiteness
discrete localized

There is one particular chapter from Scripture that shows without a shadow of doubt what
effects outer reality as in regards to the inner reality and vice versa. That Chapter is from James, in
particular James 4: 1-3, the Christian axiom reads,

“Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for
pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and
cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do
not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.”

The point being that all the things we do and have around us are only the result of things that
are present within us. Psychologists find a sense of agreement concerning the Butterfly Effect which is
part of the larger Chaos Theory espoused by physicists. The Butterfly Effect, simply states that small
seemingly insignificant events in the present, have a large effects in the future. Imagine a straight
horizontal line and this straight line is symbolic of time and space, imagine a red ball at the beginning of
this line, the butterfly effect comes into play here, if I push the red ball slightly left from center just after
the beginning of the ball moving than the ball will move further and further away from the straight line
as it moves through time and space. This slight push made this happen, and the same is true for
psychology as well. What your thoughts and feelings are in the beginning of something you undertake
will determine whether you will hit or miss the mark of what you are aiming for, you may end up with
more than you wanted, just what you wanted, less than you wanted, or you nothing you wanted. Of
course, psychology to Jung was also determined by archetypes (the inner worlds initial conditions),
unconscious factors that determine our thoughts, perception of reality, feelings, personality, and our
relations with ourselves, each other and the environment around us.

Christian mystics and theologians particularly of the Greek East acknowledged this when a man
by the name of Evagrius Ponticus spoke about how sin was brought about in the following way,

“Temptation begins with a suggestion (a thought emerges from within or encountered from
without). [1] Once the suggestion is considered, the temptation enters the mind. [2] A period of
internal conflict ensues in which godly intentions wrestle with ungodly thoughts. [3] Following
this competition, a point of decision is reached: [4] Opting to reject [5a] the tempting thought
leads to victory, [6a] while submitting [5b] to it is followed by the captivity of habitual

Do you see here in the inner world of yourself, how thoughts can compel us to act? Evagrius also
said that, “Evil thoughts cut off good thoughts and are cut off by good thoughts.” I do not want to
merely leave this to thoughts that have moral implications but I want you to be aware that thoughts
energized by feelings do indeed have the same relation as the red ball example above, only though this
time the stimuli that pushes this red ball would come from within, this little red ball is you the individual.
Be aware also, that this goes for groups of people as well; groups are after all a body of the individuals
contained within it.

So you might be wondering how this understanding of physics and psychology plays into the
book, in particular the aim of the synthesis towards gaining a better understanding of freedom. It is
common sense basically in layman’s terms, we either must be in a free and open society already to find
freedom within us or we must find the freedom within us and realize that potential to make a free and
open society possible around us. Since we do not live in a free and open society already (or a society
that is becoming increasingly closed and regulated by the violence of the state), we must find freedom
within us, we must cultivate the awareness by conquering ourselves and growing in education towards
the idea of how a free and open society would look like, we must break out of the “mind forg’d
manacles” (as William Blake put it) of society and the status quo, we must seek out new experiences and
expose ourselves to new ideas that work on the basis of a free and open society. Freedom means no
boundaries and the ability to move, in mind and body. To know yourself means you are aware of
yourself and the area around you. (In our internet driven society this can have the potential to mean the
global neighborhood as well as the immediate environment.)

Picture a large and dynamic painting with many people in this painting doing many things in it;
this picture is like a food web showing the interdependence of everyone in this picture. Now that you
see the overall picture; imagine putting on these special glasses with small holes in them that allow you
to see only a certain field of view. This view, is the status quo view that allows you to see one or two
people at a time, you only see little bits and pieces as you look around and it is as I am sure you can
imagine very disorienting, you can try to build an image of the larger picture but it is very difficult to do,
“is that lady at the top of the stairs calling out to the person at the lower left of the picture or the lower
right of the picture?” This is something you might ask yourself, if you had imagined stairs and a lady at
the top calling out to someone at the bottom. Now cut those holes in these glasses slightly wider and
you see three or four people, go wider and wider until you take them off and you are able to come to a
new awareness that everyone in the picture is not isolated and alone but an integral part in a dynamic
system. This is reality, but in the beginning the status quo, kept us confined but we progressively
widened the lenses (symbolic of knowing yourself, your inner world and educating yourself on the outer
world, say the ideas of free market economics and the nature of the state and seeing how these
objective outer world things relate and interact with the inner world) and we were able to make
connections to things we never thought were connected.
12. Why I Used Saint Augustine In The Inner World Segment?

The quote at the beginning of The Inner World Segment of this book was from Saint Augustine
and it read,

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the
long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars,
and they pass by themselves without wondering.”

The point of this was to set the theme of the Inner World Segment so as to express from the beginning
what the point of that segment was. To me this quotable phrase was meant to express the wonder that
you should have that lies within yourself, you are more than just an animal and you are more than just
another person in a populated world, we are all so busy “doing life” but are we really “living life”? Our
contemporary society of course defines “doing life” as “living life” and the more spiritual and open-
minded people insist that the two are separate. We go great distances to be amazed and marvel at the
world around us, but by doing this we seem to devalue ourselves, we say “I am not as mighty as the
raging river” or “as stable as the biggest mountain” but in you lies a god-given potential and your role in
life is to realize that potential, this is life and the purpose to life is to live it, and the only quality that life
has that death does not have is Growth. It is written that, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our
image, according to Our likeness…’” (Genesis 1:26) The image of God is the potential that resides within
us, God is spirit which is unseen, and so is our potential. What we are called to do as individuals is to
realize this potential; the actualization of this unseen potential is realizing how we are made in the

Carl Jung wrote in his novel, “The Undiscovered Self” that The State will always be in conflict
with The Transcendent God and that those who side with this transcendent God cannot justify State
actions, because it contradicts the force of the State. More precisely the State in relation to religion (not
merely creeds but human relations to the transcendent) seeks to, “turn the individual into the function
of the State” by taking the individuals “dependence on anything else [but the State] away from him.”
We see this today with the actions of the State seeking to regulate and provide for everything for the
individual but upon the life of the individual this works against him even if he thinks it is working for him.
Carl Jung goes on further to illustrate this conflict when he says that,

“I can only point to the fact that the psychological opposition between these two realms of
experience (State, Materialism and Militant Atheism in relation to God, Religion, and Spirit) is
not only vouched for in the New Testament but is still exemplified very plainly today in the
negative attitude of the dictator States to religion and of the Church to atheism and
We do see this conflict taking place today, but especially in institutions designed to educate the youth,
state schools do not serve to empower but merely to indoctrinate the kids to a mass mind, we see this
today in the lowering of standards so that kids are no longer challenged but merely bumped up. The last
thing the State wants is for those it rules over: to be aware, to know and to be empowered. This explains
chiefly why governments engage in propaganda and other Orwellian actions. Finally Carl Jung also said

“The State takes the place of God; that is why, seen from this angle, the socialist dictatorships
are religions and State slavery is a form of worship… The policy of the State is exalted to a Creed,
the leader or party boss becomes demigod beyond good and evil, and his votaries are honored
as heroes, martyrs, apostles and missionaries. There is only one truth and besides it no other…
Anyone who thinks differently is a heretic… The State, like The Church, demands enthusiasm,
self-sacrifice, and love, and if religion requires or presupposed the ‘fear of God’, then the
dictator State takes good care to provide for the necessary terror.”

Have we not seen this today in all the people who turn to the government in times of need or
the government always willing taking action? We rely (whether or not we want to) on the government
to do everything for us, even plan our retirement for us, think for us and speak for us. Have we not seen
that people have looked upon our leaders as if they were Christ on earth, have we not seen that the
status quo of the state is to intervene in everything both in the domestic affairs such as the economy
and in the affairs of the world? I believe we have seen this, so I also ask you, are not most of our rulers
under the sway that such thinking is the one truth? Have we not seen what happens when people
standup in our society to say that State “truth” is really a lie designed to empower the State even more?
However, then we need to witness what happens to these people who do standup as they are heckled
and made fun of, even attacked not by free media but by corporate media which is really tied to the
state! Does not the government promise us that if we do not go along with their plans and agenda that
the sky will fall and that chaos will replace their social order? I think we have seen this too, before we go
to war the State says that the our (ill-defined) enemies will destroy us and they say that if we do not
socialize these losses the banks will collapse and the market will be destroyed, failing to tell us that the
economy needs to collapse anyway because it is based on bad credit anyhow! This mass mindedness
that the State wants to create is meant to control your awareness, nothing happens without reason for
it to happen, The States only purpose is to grow incrementally and they will lie and distort however they
can to see to it that they can grow with the least opposition available, Carl Jung makes it clear that,

“The infantile dream state of the mass man is so unrealistic that he never thinks to ask
who is paying for this paradise. The balancing of accounts is left to a higher political or social
authority, which welcomes the task, for its power is thereby increased; and the more power it
has, the weaker and more helpless the individual becomes.”

Even if you do not believe in God or there was no transcendental reality, then listen to the
words of Voltaire,
"‘If God did not exist; He would have to be invented.’ But all nature cries aloud that he does
exist: that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and
everything teaches us our own dependence on it.”

We need something more to believe in than just the world around us. Psychologically speaking if
your focus is on living for the “-ism’s” of the world, you are more likely to conform to it and treat it like a
religion, Carl Jung as quoted above said that socialism is the religion of the state because in such an –ism
the State provides everything and the State is a parasitic and violent monopoly that must do its best to
wipe out anything else that claims to offer everything as well, this meaning the transcendental deity.
From the point of following in line of the transcendental deity rather than the worldly god’s called the “-
ism’s” you are able to rise above the mundane worldviews that also demand your life, time, and energy.
There is no such thing as fascism, libertarianism or other “-ism” that seeks to modify the size of the
state, the nature of the State is to grow and from the libertarian beginnings our country had, we moved
further away from that to a Corporatism and now we are on the move closer to socialism. So let us be
frank, there are only two politico-economic “-isms” to live for on one end you have socialism and on the
other you have anarchism, socialism because it is inevitable that the State should grow beyond the
measure of its laws. Anarchism is the rejection of the idea that the State is a God, the rejection of the
idea that my time, energy, and life is solely for the State, because as long as the State exists, regardless
of current size, I am forced to live for that.

The point then to living for a transcendental God is to have Liberty from oppression. You are
called To Realize the Potential that you are born with and to know yourself, those who know themselves
are those who do the hard soul searching and know their “purpose in life” and are truly free when they
live the life they are meant to live not the one they think they want to live or are forced to live by the
pressures of society or the State, often the lives we want to live however are really surrendering to the
pressures of the society or The State. Freedom is like love, it is a negative factor, it does not demand, it
does not coerce, it only by its nature wants you to not be oppressed. Those called Christians (all
traditions for that manner) are called to love God, but we can only do this freely and to do something
freely we must have reason to do so. For if we were called to love God and God did not give us free will,
than it is not real love. Likewise we are also called to love one another as if they were God, and love and
freedom go hand in hand. I feel that many people in government today are lead by good intentions, they
do care about the people after all they do not want to see people suffer (fighting for universal
healthcare, after all I too believe people should be taken care of), however this compassion, this love
they have is misplaced, they still do not know that to do something good through the use of force
(government) automatically rips out any good within it plus, I am not too sure that they agree with me
that tying people to the State regardless of reason is evil.

13. Conclusion

May this essay paint for you the picture that I have been trying to paint for myself since I began
my journey from 5 years ago, this books purpose is not to convey this hyper-religious attitude, but to
convey the sense that we live in a world or society that is very limited in scope and we need to rise
above it if we are to conquer ourselves, know ourselves in order to be free and live in a free and open
society. I hope that each of these sections of this book was a meaningful primer, to the individual
pursuit that you will now need to have in hopes of having your own Revelations of Liberty. For as I had
said earlier, we live in dark times indeed and the only place where you will find this light that will guide
you through the difficulty will be within you. Know that The State by its very nature is out to stop you
from doing this, for if you knew yourself and the potential within you, you too would see how the State
works against your ability to realize such a potential. I do not advocate of course the initiation of
violence for two wrongs don’t make a right, I advocate merely education and persuasion, the war we
fight is an unseen war, our weapon is our life, our energy, and our awareness.
Section Three:

Closing Thoughts
1. Introduction

Now it is time that I conclude this book and hope that it has opened your mind just as much as
much as it is opened mine. I wish to now go over my plan of action in hopes of inspiring you to act on
what you have come to know because it is true that the only people who truly understand what they
have come to know are those who act on it. I can tell you honestly that those who say “yes I know what
you mean” but do not act on this awareness will never really know what they are agreeing about.
Afterward, I wish to go over how to cope with disillusionment and disappointment that others have
brought to me while I was trying to find people who were dedicated and honest enough to create this
group for me. Finally I wish to conclude my thoughts on this book and my conclusion as well.

2. My Plan of Action

I have really only two plans for myself at this juncture in time. The first plan is to take part in
creating and supporting a grassroots movement for my hometown in hopes of informing my
community. The second plan, should this not get off the ground is to take part in the Free State Project
should nothing else come together. Finally, I am going to be talking about what I intend to do either way
to help facilitate and improve either plan that takes place. Please do understand that the point to me
sharing these plans with you is to inspire you and give you some starting ground in which you can take
once you have had your own personal revelation of liberty.

a. Plan A – Lead a Grassroots Movement where I live to inform the people in my community:
This plan comes first, there is nothing more important than trying to wake up and educate
people concerning the nature of liberty, both as outer world social, political and economic
liberty but if possible also inner world psycho-spiritual liberty as well. The essence of such a
move as the plans objective suggests is a Grassroots Movement, this is necessary in setting
up a group whose purpose is to warn and recruit people on the basis of outer world
freedom in the context that the local community would understand. The main mission is to
educate people, to be a place in which you can offer information and act on that
information, preferably to influence local, county levels of the community, and hopefully the
state as well should others in your state be interested in doing the same thing. The
corruption in DC is appalling the only way to nullify the lobbyists will is to put people in
office that will ignore these peoples will on principle. Of course, the nature of the state is for
it to grow, so the only way the people will be safe is if they know and understand the need
for holding the power and the responsibility at the bottom and knowing the true nature of
the state to jealously guard against it. I speak plainly, I feel that the best people to keep this
understanding are those who are against government expansion, and those who are truly
against the State are voluntaryists and people that come from that philosophical sphere of
understanding. My greatest concern today in American towns and cities is that people lack
the knowledge to avoid being duped and coerced out of their freedoms, the force of the
people is like a chaotic mass of power, but when this power is point or focused on the real
culprits their power will be used for to achieve critical mass breaking the system that is
meant to oppress them, however they need the philosophical basis upon which to direct
their will, lest we should be divide and fight against ourselves and then the government
comes in justified to remove liberties in order to quell such chaos.

b. Plan B – Take Part in The Free State Project: Sadly if plan A does not work, I would look into
finding a place to live in New Hampshire to part in the Free State Project. The Free State
Project is an agreement among 20,000 pro-liberty activists to move to New Hampshire,
where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the
maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property. The success of
the Project would likely entail reductions in taxation and regulation, reforms at all levels of
government, to expand individual rights and free markets, and a restoration of
constitutional federalism, demonstrating the benefits of liberty to the rest of the nation and
the world. There are many liberty lovers in New Hampshire and while most are dedicated to
some government, the air of the state suggests an essence of anarchism in there as well.
This will be a good project to get involved with both personally as well as politically because
it will less the burden on your life, which you can take part in. However, picking up and
moving out is a difficult idea and because of that it is suggested to have Plan B already in the
deck rather than looking into Plan B at the last minute, assuming of course that moving is
difficult for you.

Either way Buy Silver and Copper and Continue the lifelong learning that self-education gives. It
should be apparent that either way you go that you will dedicate yourself to the freedom philosophy
regardless if one of these plans or none of these plans pan out. To be educated on this liberty
philosophy puts you in the unique position to spread the philosophy so long as you are breathing.
Education is crucial in order to mobilize and direct any group that seeks your counsel or is under your
more direct control. The education you have is critical in order to lead or support, especially when you
encounter those who are philosophically opposed to what you want to do, not merely repeating what
everyone else around them is saying, because the latter can be corrected far more quickly than the
former, when educated on your side of the argument.

Next thing that I would suggest is looking into investing in gold, silver, and copper. As the
economy collapses from the overabundance of a fiat money supply, metal commodities will be holding a
lot more value than ever before. Do not horde these commodities solely for yourself, but rather try to
work in saving the value of the community by re-investing the metal commodities in the local economy.
As we near the end of this book I will be sharing with you a collection of resources you can look into to
see what I mean. The point here is to act on what you know, and by having either a community already
preset that is willing to agree with you (potentially Plan B) or working to setup a new place (potentially
Plan A) in which to implement this awareness you will be at a better position to help your community
and offer education, thus increasing your appreciation in the community you are already in. The more
people take part in this the more value the community has and each individual has as well thus giving a
valuable incentive to the whole movement.

3. How I have Been Able to Cope with Disappointment and Disillusionment

For the past year to year and one half now I have been looking for people who are interested in
helping me create a group for our local community and for that time span I have ran into more
disappointments and disillusionment on people who want to help do something about the seriousness
that we face in the near future about our lives, our freedom, and each other. One thing I have learned is
that there are many people out there that are all too anxious to fill the house but not build the house
that they want to fill. My hope is that you will find people who are willing to sacrifice their time and
energy for building the house so than that way they will be ready when the situation becomes more
apparent and can invite people in this house. These builders must be dedicated and educated; they
must be honest and straight-forward. Sadly, people like that (at least where I live today) are few and far
between, this is part of the essay where I wish to offer you advice on how to not be drained of the sense
of mission and life that is within you already. I have seen those people, once so ready and willing to
“help build the house” but only to see them encounter people who drained them of this willingness. This
is one type of tragedy and a few others that I seek to talk about and offer my advice as to how to
overcome them.

The first tragedy is the one of self-defeat, those who say you can’t change anything so why
bother, and go back to living their small life. These people, are defeated people, is it healthy to be
around them? No, yet we must have compassion to the best we can exhibit, to save people from this
spirit of self-defeat, by saying that you cannot change anything you declare defeat, you admit to a reality
that is not real but imposed on you since public school. Imagine if these people did not admit to self-
defeat and they got mad enough that they channeled that anger to dedication and sought to even just
follow a leader, would that be so hard? What these people need exposure to is people who disagree
with them and to be given the role of finding other self-defeated people and bring them to the exposure
of those who disagree, than told that there are people dedicated and willing and this will build on itself
until everyone in the community sees that the spirit of self-defeat, the idea that you are one out of
many and can’t do anything was indeed a lie along. What you first need to do is bring those people
together who have the moral courage to refuse these ideas and bring people with the same strength to
come together before you have the self-defeated people.

The second tragedy I have seen is the tragedy of dishonesty and avoidance. It is one that is most
discouraging. These are the people who talk a good talk but when you offer a time to meet with others
they do not show; when you talk to them they turn quiet or do not get back to you. These people at one
time got me so angry, because not only are they wasting there own time with this person who they
“agree” with but they are lying to themselves and the person they agree with. They waste time because
they never get back and exhibit the moral strength to say “no thank you” or “maybe another time”
instead they pretend they are not around, when they know they are. The worst is that they lie to
themselves, because they, who agree but do not act on what they agree about, really do not know what
they are agreeing to. There deception is than shared with the person they agree with and it is
unfortunate. Most of the times when I question those people who play this second tragedy they do it
out of not want to hurt the other persons feeling when it comes to acting on what they agree about,
they feel guilty for not being able to help. These people can be smart as well, they can literally know
what is going on too, but they are weighed down by so many other things that they can’t help. To me
personally this is not an excuse, one who truly agrees and knows should be able to incorporate this into
their lives not merely do nothing, I have never told a person to stop living their life, I have only asked
people to take on enough they can handle. This leads me on to a slightly similar tragedy now.

The third tragedy is one of being too busy to help. This is a gray zone here, obviously we have
other responsibilities in life, however whether it’s a selfish thing going out to parties 24/7 or selfless
thing, working 24/7 at work it still does not matter. People do not understand what I am fighting for;
they do not understand that if you lowered taxes, regulations and allowed freedom the lot and life of
individuals everywhere would be drastically improved so you will not need to work so hard or party so
hard because of the hardships that life gives us at the moment. These people live their small life aware
that things are difficult, but rather than offset the difficulty and oppressiveness they would rather try to
make do with it in their small lives. The best picture I can paint of the third tragedy is like a person in a
boat with a hole in it, this person is taking a bucket to throw the water out of the boat while more water
comes into the boat, what I am simply asking the person who follows the third tragedy to do is to stop
throwing water out of the boat and look for something to clog the hole and then empty out the boat
with any water in it at that point. From the small life of the person, I know it seems irrational but in the
larger scheme of things it makes sense. People need to be aware of the interdependence we have on
one another, the lot and life of everyone can be greatly improved if they took the time to clog the holes
in a sinking ship rather than trying to throw water out of it when only more water is getting on.

The fourth and final tragedy is the tragedy of ignorance and apathy, there are sadly many
people who have this one in them, it is my hope that merely those who have come together to form a
group to educate the masses will be able to remove this from the people. This is only the beginning of
course, because it should be apparent that if you are unaware of what is going on or think nothing too
bad will go wrong in your life, than you are more likely to be too busy, deceiving yourself and others
without knowing it, and inactive which is just as bad as self-defeat. The point than is to educate and
arouse public opinion, even anger it and stir controversy this is the only way people come out of the fog
of ignorance and apathy. My hope is that you will not hate the ignorant and apathetic, but will come to
see them as people you must either not care about or treat as a secondary objective, your first objective
is finding those who do care and who do know and finally when they meet those criteria they must want
to do something about it. This leads me to describe what will become of the all these tragedies as time
draws ever closer.

The universal key of course to all of this is time and patience. As time goes on and the situation
becomes more apparent, those who go to parties will not be able to afford them, those who go to work
may lose their jobs, those who deceive and say “maybe another time” will keep you in mind and those
who see it being pointless may have something happen to them that will inspire them and keep you in
mind as well, and finally those who did not care or did not know, will be put into a position to care and
to know and should they become angry enough, to act as well. You must plant the seeds, tend to them
from time to time and as the environment nurtures the seeds you will see that everyone you came to
will keep you in mind, your harvest will essentially be the question, “are you ready now?” Since by that
time I trust you will have built that house, these people will be those who will fill it and will have found
that dedication and enthusiasm in them as well. Please keep in mind, I do not like to wish bad upon
anyone I am merely saying that most people wait to the last minute to do anything important for
whatever the personal reason does not matter, but so long as you have an organization setup before
hand, warning people personally and as a voice of the organization telling people to be ready, when that
warning become reality you will have the ear of everyone you ever spoken to. Remember speak the
truth and the philosophy in a way they will be able to understand.

As my last words of advice, I leave you with these thoughts perhaps they will serve to liberate
you from your own doubts without you having to deceive yourself away from your doubts. These are all
proven, because I have personally experienced them. I would not share these tidbits and pieces of
advice unless I myself had experienced them too:

a. Never think you have found the truth, be on an eternal hunt to find the truth. Think about
the truth when it comes to all things and as time goes on, you will find what you are looking
for. The same goes for all values, never stop trying to obtain the virtues and as time goes on
you will obtain them in a way you never thought you could. Do not allow yourself to be
discouraged, hold strong in doubt!
b. If this book still has not given you the awareness of liberty, keep searching and thinking
about it, never stop even when you think you’re so sure that you know what it means to be
free. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged, hold strong in doubt.
c. Times of doubt, uncertainty should not be rejected; they are times of growth and
exploration. It is merely a time when you have become aware of certain boundaries in your
life and wish to push them further, the pains of pushing the boundaries is the pain of doubt
and uncertainty. Welcome it with humility and honesty and I promise you; you will be
comforted with a new level of understanding.
d. Be Conscious of being conscious, most people these days are conscious, they eat and they
sleep, they buy things and they do things. Yet most still are not aware of why they do what
they do, being conscious of being conscious is this awareness of knowing yourself, when you
ask those deep reflecting questions and do not let a onetime answer be the answer of the of
your lifetime, always ask yourself those deep reflecting questions: Who Am I? Where Am I
Going? Why Am I Doing this? Sometimes it is best to be in thoughtless silence and just be
open to all that is around you.
e. Be open-minded, do not be closed minded especially when it comes to worldly thoughts and
ideas. Everything is inter-dependent on everything else, if you are open minded you will see
that it is easier to incorporate everything around you, whereas the closed minded person, is
not able to admit this, they will fight to hold on to the little turf they hold not realizing that
the turf they hold, is one larger part to the turf their shadow and opponents hold. Be
receptive, being skeptical in moderation but do not be so open that your mind can’t hold
that which it receives either.
4. Conclusion

Freedom is life, truth is reality and there are many levels that people need to go through if they
are to realize this freedom in this life. The world deceives, the media deceives, and they give you just
enough truth so you will swallow it but enough lies to throw you off track. Be able to discern what is
false from what is true, what is possible from what is truly impossible, know that the world is a
deceptive place and that it is capable of more than you ever thought, those just beginning this journey
to freedom will know this, these are the many levels they know await them. This is why I have told you
not to stop even when you think you have arrived to the ending. Know then that just as the world is
resourceful as it is deceptive so you are capable of more than you ever thought. Knowing this, I conclude
the book and now I wish to offer you my bibliography which is essentially my resources.
Section Four:

Bibliography and Resources

1. Introduction

This bibliography and resource section is organized by subject and then alphabetical order (by
order of the names of the books, not the authors). My resources are my bibliography and my
bibliography is my resource that I give to you. Please note that these authors and sources have merely
given the ideas for me to play with and to come to my own conclusions, the views expressed in this book
may or may not be in full or even partial agreement concerning certain parts of this book. Next to each
of these resources I leave you with the appropriate information needed to decide what resources is best
for whom. Please do not think I am biased in certain subjects, the point I wish to share with you is the
journey I took to get to where I am today, and I do not like to talk too much about things I know little
about. Some of the sources presented in this book here have other resources as well, so potentially you
have much information at your fingertips available to you. These are my resources:

2. Inner World:

Books: Depth Psychology:

Edinger, Edward F. Ego and Archetype: Individuation and the Religious Function of the Psyche.
Shambhala, 1992. Print.

[Advanced: This book is about the individual's journey to psychological wholeness, known in analytical
psychology as the process of individuation. Edward Edinger traces the stages in this process and relates
them to the search for meaning through encounters with symbolism in religion, myth, dreams, and art.]

Jung, C.G. Essential Jung. Princeton University Press, 1999. Print.

[Advanced: This book talks about Jung’s life and work through the writings of Jung himself. He goes over
many of his more important thoughts concerning religion and the world around him in relation to

Johnson, Robert A. Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth. HarperOne,
1989. Print.

[Intermediate: In this book Johnson introduces a simple four-step method aimed at helping us explore
the unconscious. He encourages us to pinpoint the symbols that appear in our dreams and active
imaginings; to note our conscious associations to these symbols; meaningfully to personalize what we
have accomplished in these first two steps; and finally through rituals to translate the insights gained
into memorable conscious experiences.]

Pascal, Eugene. Jung to Live By. Grand Central Publishing, 1992. Print.

[Beginner: Far from mystical, Jung's theories can be easily applied to everyday life, and this book shows
readers how. It includes important issues such as how to determine personality style, what inner forces
influence likes and dislikes, spotting different complexes, how to transform one's world, and more.]

Jung, Carl Gustav. Man And His Symbols. Dell, 1968. Print.

[Intermediate: Illustrated throughout with revealing images, this is the first and only work in which the
world-famous Swiss psychologist explains to the layperson his enormously influential theory of
symbolism as revealed in dreams.]

Johnson, Robert A. Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche. HarperOne,
1993. Print.

[Beginner: An exploration of the dark or hidden aspect of the persona--what it is, how it originates, how
it is formed, and how it can be used to bring wholeness to the personality.]

Campbell, Joseph. Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor. 2nd ed. New World Library, 2001.

[Beginner: This collection of essays, lectures and discussions will delight both avid Campbell disciples
eager for more of his thoughts and newcomers to his work on comparative mythology and religion. It is
also a quick refresher course on some of Campbell's ideas about the Judeo-Christian tradition for those
who have encountered him in his well-known Hero with a Thousand Faces or in his popular television
series ‘On the power of myth’ with Bill Moyers.]

Books: Esoteric Spirituality

Tzu, Sun, and Thomas Huynh. The Art of War -- Spirituality for Conflict: Annotated & Explained. Skylight
Paths Publishing, 2008. Print.
[Beginners: Chinese general Sun Tzu, The Art of War is a poetic and potent treatise on military strategy
still in use in war colleges around the world. Yet its principles transcend warfare and have practical
applications to all the conflicts and crises we face in our lives--in our workplaces, our families, even
within us.]

Copenhaver, Brian P. Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English
Translation, with Notes and Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 1995. Print.

[Advanced: The Hermetica are a body of mystical texts written in late antiquity, but believed during the
Renaissance (when they became well known) to be much older. Their supposed author, a mythical
figure named Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic
philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible,
supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition.]

Stratford, Jordan. Living Gnosticism: An Ancient Way of Knowing. Apocryphile Press, 2007. Print.
[Beginners: It’s a great introduction to a religion that has unfortunately been a center of controversy in
contemporary society concerning the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown among other things.]

Meyer, Marvin. The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The International Edition. 1st Ed. HarperOne, 2007. Print.
[Intermediate: This is the definitive collection of the gnostic writings translated and annotated by an
international team of leading scholars. This is the most complete, up-to-date, one-volume, English-
language edition of the renowned library of fourth-century Gnostic manuscripts discovered in Egypt in
1945. This volume also includes introductory essays, notes, tables, glossary, index, etc. to help the
reader understand the context and contemporary significance of these texts which have shed new light
on early Christianity and ancient thought.]

Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Reader's Edition). Tarcher, 2003. Print.

[Advanced: It represents a lifetime of research into the mythology, symbolism, and magical practices of
countless cultures. From the secrets of Isis to the teachings of mystic Christianity, nearly every occult
dogma imaginable is represented here. The book is full of giant illustrations, some of which fold out into
a magnificent two-page splendor. This is the definitive guide to secret societies, famous figures, and
more a must for every personal library. Also suggested similar read: The Gnostic Bible]

Tzu, Lao, and Derek Lin. Tao Te Ching: Annotated and Explained. Annotated ed. Skylight Paths
Publishing, 2006. Print.
[Beginners: Derek Lin's insightful commentary, along with his new translation from the original Chinese--
a translation that sets a whole new standard for accuracy--will inspire your spiritual journey and enrich
your everyday life. It highlights the Tao Te Ching's insights on simplicity, balance, and learning from the
paradoxical truths you can see all around you]

Hauck, Dennis William. The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation. Penguin (Non-
Classics), 1999. Print.

[Beginners: Hauck's elucidation of the laws governing the refinement of energy, such as the Doctrine of
Correspondence, the Seven Steps to Transformation and the Octave of Creation, will strike a chord with
students of modern esoteric traditions such as the Fourth Way and Theosophy. His explanations of
alchemical principles are difficult to understand, however, and will require scrutiny on the part of
readers new to the material. However, those who have dabbled in the esoteric arts may find real gold in
these teachings. 43 illustrations.]

Kinney, Jay. The Inner West (New Consciousness Reader). Tarcher, 2004. Print.

[Beginners: In The Inner West, more than twenty essays by seventeen leading authors shine a light on
some of the most mysterious and closely held aspects of the Western tradition. Its authors bring to life
the symbolist and occult philosophies that populate the history and beliefs of the Western way. These
same philosophies-which include variants of Christian and Jewish mysticism and the teachings of figures
like Rudolf Steiner and G. I. Gurdjieff-can, present a deep and different spiritual path for today's

Initiates, Three. The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Wilder
Publications, 1995. Print.

[Intermediate: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece is a concise and elegant
treatise on occultism and High Magic in Greece and Egypt. Here you will be introduced to the Seven
Hermetic Principles, a foundation upon which one can build their own personal spiritual path.]

Books: Christianity and Spirituality

Loehr, Davidson. America, Fascism, And God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher. Chelsea Green, 2005.

[Beginner: He holds similar opinions of the U.S. role in Iraq and believes that the U.S. rich and high and
mighty and politically conservative and neo-conservative, along with right-wing fundamentalist
preachers and literalist Christians, are proto-fascist and are leading U.S. down the path to full-bore
fascism-meaning the sort of fascism Benito Mussolini produced in Italy, Francisco Franco produced in
Spain (they called it Fascism) and Adolf Hitler produced in Germany (he called it National Socialism). This
book is mainly to me, exemplifying the dangers of fundamentalism]

Mack, Father John. Ascending The Heights: A Layman’s Guide to The Ladder. Conciliar Press, 2000. Print.
[Beginners: This book is written to help those in a non-monastic setting understand how to apply "The
Ladder of Divine Ascent" to their lives. Each chapter contains many direct quotes from St. John's
writings, in addition to commentary on St. John's words. This book, therefore, should be used as a
primer to the Ladder--as a helpful tool for ascending the spiritual heights.]

Smith, Andrew Phillip. Gnostic Writings on the Soul: Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations).
Annotated ed. Skylight Paths Publishing, 2007. Print.

[Beginners: Two ancient Gnostic texts--The Exegesis on the Soul and The Hymn of the Pearl, both
presented here in all-new translations--hold important clues to the development of the soul as a
concept and reveal inspiring ways your own soul can remember and return to its unique, divine

Miller, Ron. The Hidden Gospel of Matthew: Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations). 1st Trade
Ed. Skylight Paths Publishing, 2004. Print.

[Beginners: Ron Miller reveals the underlying story of Matthew, a story that transcends the traditional
theme of an atoning death and focuses instead on Jesus's radical call for personal transformation and
social change. This hidden portrait of Jesus at times resembles the sage teacher of the Gospel of Thomas
more than it does the redeemer of traditional Christianity, and presents truths consonant with our
deepest human experience.]

Smoley, Richard. Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition. 1st Ed. Shambhala, 2002. Print.
[Intermediate: An initial chapter spells out the historical breadth of these traditions, but the bulk of the
book offers a contemporary synthesis, providing insight into the deeper, mystical meaning of traditional
Christian doctrines. Quotations from the sources are usually more engaging than the synthesis itself, but
the author makes the case for listening more closely to an eclectic Christianity's own esoteric voices.]

Kisly, Lorraine, Ravi Ravindra, Elaine Pagels, Thomas Merton, and Fr. Thomas Keating. Inner Journey:
Views from The Christian Tradition. 1st Ed. Morning Light Press, 2006. Print.
[Intermediate: his thoughtful anthology collects the magazine's best writings on Christianity, featuring
articles from Thomas Merton, Elaine Pagels, Philip Zaleski, Thomas Keating, and 20 other authors who
vividly explore what it means to be a Christian. The collection combines poetry and folklore with incisive
interviews and cogent essays on topics such as the search for self, attention and remembrance,
transformational knowledge, and worldly and divine works.]

Chariton, Igumen. The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology. Faber & Faber, 1997. Print.

[Intermediate: A spiritual anthology drawn from the Greek and Russian traditions, concerned in
particular with the most frequently used and best loved of all Orthodox prayers--the Jesus Prayer. Texts
are taken chiefly from the letters of Bishop Theopan the Recluse, along with many other writers.]

Puma, Jeremy. The Face of The Sky and The Earth. Jeremy Puma, 2007. Print.

[Beginner: The Face of the Sky and Earth, a commentary on The Gospel of Thomas, originally appeared
between and November of 2003 and March of 2005, on the "Fantastic Planet" weblog. Composed as an
attempt to provide a cohesive collection of thoughts and meditations on that most prevalent of Gnostic

Smith, Andrew Phillip. The Gospel of Philip: Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations). Skylight
Paths Publishing, 2005. Print.

[Beginner: unravels the discourses, parables and sayings of this second-century text to explore a
spiritual, non-literal interpretation of the Bible. Along with his elegant and accurate new translation
from the original Coptic, Andrew Phillip Smith probes the symbolism and metaphors at the heart of the
Gospel of Philip to reveal otherwise unrecorded sayings of Jesus, fragments of Gnostic mythology and
parallels to the teachings of Jesus and Paul. He also examines the joyful imagery of rebirth, salvation and
mystical union in the bridal chamber that was the pursuit of Christian Gnosticism.]

Ware, Kallistos. The Orthodox Way. Rev Sub ed. St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1995. Print.

[Beginner: It raises the basic issues of theology: God is hidden yet revealed; the problem with evil; the
nature of salvation; the meaning of faith; prayer; death and what lies beyond. In so doing, it helps to fill
the need for modern Orthodox catechism. Yet this book is not a mere manual, a dry-as-dust repository
of information.]
Palmer, G.E.H., Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware. The Philokalia, Volume 4: The Complete Text;
Compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Markarios of Corinth. 4th Volume. Faber & Faber,
1999. Print.

[Advanced: The four volumes of the Philokalia represent the Essence of Christian spirituality from those
who experienced it firsthand. As the Church became embraced by the Empire in the 4th century,
monastics, following the example of St Anthony, withdrew to the deserts of Egypt and Palestine. The
Philokalia is the uncompromising witness to the experience of the desert - and the heart that finds God
in the silence of prayer and repentance.]

Willis, John Randolph, and M.J. Rouet De Jornel. The Teachings of the Church Fathers. Ignatius Press,
2002. Print.

[Advanced: The Fathers of the Church have been a vital source of wisdom and inspiration for countless
saints, popes, peasants, and converts throughout the history of the Church. In this powerful one-volume
library, Father Willis presents more than 250 selected doctrinal topics in an exhaustive selection of
writings from the major sources of the Fathers. He lets the Fathers speak for themselves on a wide
variety of spiritual themes.]

Anonymous, Helen Bacovcin, and Walter J. Ciszek. The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His
Way. Image, 1985. Print.

[Beginner: This classic work of Russian spirituality tells of an anonymous peasant's quest for the secret
of prayer. The Pilgrim searches high and low to know what St. Paul meant when he said that Christians
should pray always. Each new stop becomes a home for a moment for this happy wanderer who has
only a knapsack and a few crusts of bread, but who finds goodness and plenty wherever he goes.]

Books: Philosophy:

Aristotle, Hugh Tredennick, J.A.K. Thomson, and Jonathan Barnes. The Nicomachean Ethics. Penguin
Classics, 2003. Print.

[Intermediate: Aristotle also discusses the nature of practical reasoning, the different forms of
friendship, and the relationship between individual virtue and the state. Featuring a lucid translation, a
new introduction, updated suggestions for further reading, and a chronology of Aristotle's life and
works, this is the authoritative edition of a seminal intellectual masterpiece.]

Plato, Desmond Lee, and Melissa Lane. The Republic. Penguin Classics, 2007. Print.
[Intermediate: Plato's Republic was not intended as a literal description of an ideal society. A careful
reading makes its main purpose plain: as an allegory for the 'politics' of the human soul and its proper

Plato, and Christopher Gill. The Symposium. Penguin Classics, 2003. Print.

[Intermediate: Plato's Symposium describes a drinking party where Socrates and his acquaintances try
to define love. Plato is a masterful writer, and the dialogue is filled with very entertaining dissimilar
ideas. However, Socrates, Plato's hero and teacher, states that true love is love that is like the ideal of

Plato, Andrew Gregory, and Robin Waterfield. Timaeus & Critias. USA: Oxford University Press, 2009.

[Intermediate: The Timaeus and the Critias are two dialogues written by Plato. In the Timaeus he
explores the origin of Earth by means of a dialogue between Socrates and Timaeus and in the Critias,
also a dialogue, he writes about the myth of Atlantis. I was surprised by how much he knew, such as that
the Earth is a sphere, but also by the ignorance he had in saying that there were only 4 elements.]

Online or Offline Documentaries and Films: Depth Psychology

"YouTube Playlist: Archetypal Psychology." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


Online or Offline Documentaries and Films: Esoteric Spirituality

"Kymatica." Web. 1 Feb 2010. <


"The Pharmacratic Inquisition." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


Online or Offline Documentaries and Films: Inner Christian Spirituality

"YouTube: allsaintsmonastery's Channel." Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"YouTube: PresbyterGeorge's Channel." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"YouTube: tednottingham's Channel." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


Online or Offline Documentaries and Films: Philosophy

"Architects of Control Program 1 part 1 of 16(HQ)." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Pierre Grimes on: Platonic Metaphysics." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Waking Life." Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Peaceful Warrior on DVD." Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

Websites: Depth Psychology

D'Angelo, Rashin. "Bridging Depth Psychology to Everyday Life." Depth Psychology Today. Web. 1 Feb
2010. <>.

McFarlane, Thomas J. "Quantum Physics, Depth Psychology, and Beyond." Web. 1
Feb 2010. <>.

"Joseph Campbell Foundation Homepage." Joseph Campbell Foundation. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Websites: Esoteric Spirituality

"The Undiscovered Self by Carl Gustav Jung." Earth Emperor. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Homepage." Erowid. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>. [Erowid is a site filled with
information about entheogens and other drugs that have sadly been made illegal from the US Drug War,
this information should help you to deciepher what is real from what is merely fear-mongering.]

"Homepage." Esoteric Online. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>. [For those who are
interested in the esoteric information that I have offered, this is a social networking site for people who
want to join in on the discussion. Please Approach with an open-mind.]
"Welcome Page." The Gnosis Archive: Resources on Gnosticism and Gnostic Tradition. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Donato, Donald. "Main Page." In puris naturalibus. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

<>. [A blog of a friend of mine, who offers wisdom concerning the
more difficult things to understand. Like I said, the books views may not necessarily represent his views.]

"Front Page." Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

Websites: Inner Christian Spirituality

"Front Page." Catholic Gnosis - Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom. Web. 1 Feb 2010.
<>. [Another blog that is full of information concerning those who
wish to take up a deeper study of Christianity.]

"Welcome Page." Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Main Index." Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers. Web. 1
Feb 2010. <>.

"Main Page." Orthodox Christian Network | The Premier Source for Orthodox Podcasts, Internet Radio,
Blogging, and News. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

Andersen, James. "Main Page." Life, Liberty, and Knowledge., Web. 1 Feb 2010.
<>. [This is my blog and it covers everything from the inner
world to the outer world]

"The Philocalia of Origen (1911) pp.1-237." Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Websites: Philosophy

"Main Index." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy [IEP]. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

University of, Stanford. "Main Index." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Main Index." On Truth and Reality: Philosophy Physics Metaphysics of Space, Wave structure Matter,
Famous Science Art Quotes. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

3. Outer World

Books: Anarchism
Stringham, Edward. Anarchy and The Law: The Political Economy of Choice. Illustrated Ed. Transaction
Publishers, 2007. Print.

[Advanced: Anarchist libertarians argue that, to check government against abuse, the state itself must
be replaced by a social order of self-government based on contracts. Anarchy and the Law presents the
most important essays explaining, debating, and examining historical examples of these stateless

Tremblay, Francois. Market Anarchy Explained: ''But Who Will Build The Roads?''. Xlibris Corporation,
2007. Print.

[Intermediate: Market Anarchy Explained lays down a fearless, logical, rigorous yet accessible case
against the State, against the democratic system, and the case for Market Anarchy and complete,
unbridled, stateless freedom. Tremblay gathers all the important arguments and pieces of evidence
from the literature, and builds a much-needed bridge between the Market Anarchist academia and the
common reader. To the freethinker, this book is a breath of fresh air in a propaganda-soaked society.]

Rothbard, Murray N. Power & Market: Government and the Economy. Von Mises Institute, 2007. Print.
[Advanced: The message of Power and Market is clear: the public goods theory of government is wrong.
No market fails completely. The private sector can supply anything, albeit imperfectly, including security.
Rothbard breaks intervention down into categories (autistic, binary, triangular) and examines how all
types of intervention disrupt private commerce.]

Tannehill, Morris, and Linda Tannehill. The Market for Liberty. 3rd Ed. Fox & Wilkes, 1993. Print.
[Beginner: Morris and Linda Tannehill provide here an imaginative account of how various "State"
functions might actually be fulfilled by the free market, and indeed fulfilled better than any State could

Books: American History

Paul, Ron. End the Fed. 2nd Ed. Grand Central Publishing, 2009. Print.

[Beginner: Read this book and work to end the central economic and political evil in America, the central
bank that fuels recessions and depressions, the warfare state, the redistributionist state, and the police

Wolf, Naomi. Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries. 1st Ed. Simon & Schuster2,
2008. Print.
[Intermediate: Allen and Abraham here attempt to make the case that the events of recent world
history, from the Bolshevik Revolution forward, have been brought into being and controlled by a
relatively small group of insiders, mostly international banking magnates and (later on) the Council on
Foreign Relations. While it's certainly conspiracy theory, Allen and Abraham have done a fine job of
backing up their assertions with a huge amount of primary and secondary source material.]

DiLorenzo, Thomas. Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--
and What It Means for Americans Today. Three Rivers Press, 2009. Print.

[Beginner: How did we go from the Jeffersonian ideal of limited government to the bloated imperialist
system of Hamilton's design? By debunking the Hamiltonian myths perpetuated in recent admiring
biographies, DiLorenzo exposes an uncomfortable truth: The American people are no longer the masters
of their government but its servants. Only by restoring a system based on Jeffersonian ideals can
Hamilton's curse be lifted, at last.]

DiLorenzo, Thomas. How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims
to the Present. Three Rivers Press, 2005. Print.

[Beginner: Inveighing against "myths" that the failures of capitalism were the cause of such historical
episodes, DiLorenzo attacks the political response to them as pernicious to consumers, who, he argues,
ultimately pay for price controls, regulations, subsidies, and government corporations.]

Goldberg, Jonah. Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics
of Meaning. 1st ed. Doubleday, 2008. Print.

[Intermediate: Goldberg argues that fascism has always been a phenomenon of the left. This is
Goldberg's first book, and he wisely curbs his wry National Review style. Goldberg's study of the
conceptual overlap between fascism and ideas emanating from the environmental movement,
Hollywood, the Democratic Party and what he calls other left-wing organs is shocking and hilarious.]

DiLorenzo, Thomas. Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe. Three
Rivers Press, 2007. Print.

[Beginner: DiLorenzo is writing from his understanding of what the Founding Fathers created--states'
rights, limited government, free market economics, an America that minds its own business and avoids
"entangling alliances." DiLorenzo argues that Lincoln and the Civil War destroyed that America and
replaced it with an all-sovereign, omnipotent federal government, which has had no restraints upon it in
mushrooming into the Leviathan we have today.]
Allen, Gary, and Larry Abraham. None Dare Call It A Conspiracy. Buccaneer Books, 1976. Print.

[Beginner: Many Americans are longing for a restored understanding of what true democracy looks like
and means, and in this book, Wolf persuasively shows what can happen when normal people, ordinary
citizens like you and I, truly engage in the democratic process as originally intended, and how we can use
the system in every aspect of our lives and politics.]

Wolf, Naomi. The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. 1st Ed. Chelsea Green
Publishing, 2007. Print.

[Beginner: Readers will appreciate her energy and urgency as she warns we are living through a
dangerous "fascist shift" brought about by the Bush administration. Her chapters outline the "Ten Steps
to Fascism" citing historical corollaries (as well as the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm), with headings like
"Invoke an External and Internal Threat," "Establish Secret Prisons," and "Target Key Individuals." In
other words, fascism can exist without dictatorship.]

Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay. The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers.
CreateSpace, 2009. Print.

[Advanced: For many, The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers is required reading for various
courses and curriculums. And for others who simply enjoy reading timeless pieces of historical literature,
these gems by Alexander Hamilton & James Madison & John Jay and Patrick Henry is highly

Paul, Ron. The Revolution: A Manifesto. Grand Central Publishing, 2009. Print.

[Beginner: Congressman, Republican Presidential candidate and author Paul (A Foreign Policy of
Freedom) says "Let the revolution begin" with this libertarian plea for a return to "the principles of our
Founding Fathers: liberty, self-government, the Constitution, and a noninterventionist foreign policy."
Specific examples demonstrate how far U.S. law has strayed from this path, particularly over the past
century, as well as Paul's firm grasp of history and dedication to meaningful debate]

Books: Political and Economic Philosophy

Rand, Ayn. Atlas Shrugged. Plume, 1999. Print.

[Advanced: The book explores a dystopian United States where leading innovators, ranging from
industrialists to artists, refuse to be exploited by society. The protagonist, Dagny Taggart, sees society
collapse around her as the government increasingly asserts control over all industry, while society's
most productive citizens, led by the mysterious John Galt, progressively disappear.]

McInnery, D.Q. Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005. Print.
[Beginner: McInerny's primer offers valuable counsel on making a clear and effective point. He calls
attention to the tremendous importance that language holds in the crafting and presentation of an
argument, advising readers to "make your words as precise and sharply focused as possible" and to keep
arguments, or at least their essential purpose, simple.]

Paine, Thomas, Sidney Hook Jr., and Jack Fruchtman. Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other
Essential Writings of Thomas Paine. Signet Classics, 2003. Print.

[Intermediate: His two monumental works, COMMON SENSE AND RIGHTS OF MAN, provided the
philosophical and rhetorical building blocks that the founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson and
Benjamin Franklin, et al., would emulate with the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the
Bill of Rights. Many take for granted the origins of freedom and democracy in the United States, and as
with many school history textbooks depict, Paine merely appears in a paragraph or two, and quickly
disappears to historical oblivion.]

Schiff, Peter D., and John Downes. Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse. 2nd Ed.
Wiley, 2009. Print.

[Intermediate: The economic and monetary disaster which seasoned Wall Street prognosticator Peter
Schiff predicted is no longer hypothetical-it is here today. And nobody understands what to do in this
situation better than the man who saw it coming. For more than a decade, Schiff has not only observed
the U.S. economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. What he
sees today is a nation facing an economic storm brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate
debt; too little savings; and a declining dollar.]

Tocqueville, Alexis de, Isaac Kramnick, and Gerald Bevan. Democracy in America. Penguin Classics, 2003.

[Intermediate: In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French aristocrat and ambitious civil servant, made
a nine-month journey throughout America. The result was Democracy in America, a monumental study
of the life and institutions of the evolving nation.]
Hazlitt, Henry. Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics.
First Thus Ed. Three Rivers Press, 1988. Print.

[Beginner: With stories on tariffs, minimum wage, rent controls, taxes. unions, wages, profits, savings,
credit, unemployment, and so much more, Hazlitt takes some of the most difficult economic concepts
and makes these easily accessible to the lay person who has no economic training, background, or even

Rothbard, Murray N. Education: Free & Compulsory. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1999. Print.

[Beginner: What is it about today's school system that so many find unsatisfactory? Why have so many
generations of reformers failed to improve the educational system, and, indeed, caused it to degenerate
further and further into an ever declining level of mediocrity? In this radical and scholarly monograph,
out of print for two decades and restored according to the author's original, Murray N. Rothbard
identifies the crucial feature of our educational system that dooms it to fail: at every level, from
financing to attendance, the system relies on compulsion instead of voluntary consent.]

Mises, Ludwig Von. Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction. Foundation for Economic
Education, 2006. Print.

[Beginner: As the title indicates, his main focus is on Marxism. He discusses Marx and his place in the
history of ideas, the destruction wrought by his dangerous ideology, the manner in which his followers
have covered up his errors, and how the Marxists themselves have worked for so long to save Marxism
from itself. He discusses Marxist claims about history and refutes the smear of the industrial revolution.]

Doherty, Brian. Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian
Movement. PublicAffairs, 2008. Print.

[Advanced: Doherty's astute history shows where that consensus comes from and where it fractures
along personal, political and practical lines. As a pro-capitalist and anti-statist philosophy, libertarianism
has had its greatest impact in economics. But Doherty shows that modern libertarianism since the
1940s, and increasingly since the 1980s, has been politically and ideologically influential, too.]

Rothbard, Murray N, and Han-Hermann Hoppe. The Ethics of Liberty. NYU Press, 2003. Print.
[Intermediate: while his conclusions are radical—that a social order that strictly adheres to the rights of
private property must exclude the institutionalized violence inherent in the state—his applications of
libertarian principles prove surprisingly practical for a host of social dilemmas, solutions to which have
eluded alternative traditions.]

Rand, Ayn, and Leonard Peikoff. The Fountainhead. Signet, 1996. Print.

[Intermediate: The book follows Howard Roark a strong individualistic architect as he battles to practice
what the public sees as modern architecture, which he believes to be superior, despite an establishment
centered on tradition-worship. How others in the novel relate to Roark demonstrates Rand's various
archetypes of human character, all of which are variants between Roark, the author's ideal man of
independent-mindedness and integrity, and what she described as the "second-handers."]

Mises, Ludwig Von. The Free Market and Its Enemies. Foundation for Economic Education, 2004. Print.
[Beginner: There are nine lectures in this book: Economics and its Opponents; Pseudo-Science and
Historical Understanding; Acting Man and Economics; Marxism, Socialism, and Pseudo-Science;
Capitalism and Human Progress; Money and Inflation; The Gold Standard: Its Importance and
Restoration; Money, Credit, and the Business Cycle; and The Business Cycle and Beyond.]

Hodgkinson, Tom. The Freedom Manifesto: How to Free Yourself from Anxiety, Fear, Mortgages, Money,
Guilt, Debt, Government, Boredom, Supermarkets, Bills, Melancholy, Pain, Depression, Work, and Waste.
Harper Perennial, 2007. Print.

[Beginner: Tom Hodgkinson, now shares his delightfully irreverent musings on what true independence
means and what it takes to be free. The Freedom Manifesto draws on French existentialists, British
punks, beat poets, hippies and yippies, medieval thinkers, and anarchists to provide a new, simple, joyful
blueprint for modern living.]

Friedman, David D. The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism. 2nd Ed. Open Court
Publishing Company, 1989. Print.

[Intermediate: This book argues the case for a society organized by private property, individual rights,
and voluntary co-operation, with little or no government. David Friedman's standpoint, known as
'anarcho-capitalism', has attracted a growing following as a desirable social ideal since the first edition of
The Machinery of Freedom appeared in 1971. This new edition is thoroughly revised and includes much
new material, exploring fresh applications of the author's libertarian principles.]
Hayek, F.A., and Bruce Caldwell. The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition.
University Of Chicago Press, 2007. Print.

[Advanced: The Road to Serfdom was seen as heretical for its passionate warning against the dangers of
state control over the means of production. For F. A. Hayek, the collectivist idea of empowering
government with increasing economic control would lead not to a utopia but to the horrors of Nazi
Germany and Fascist Italy.]

Smith, Adam, and Alan B. Krueger. The Wealth of Nations. Bantam Classics, 2003. Print.

[Advanced: This is Smith's complete and unabridged final version of the Wealth of Nations. It provides
footnotes on Smith's wording, the historical context, and the differences between Smith's 5th edition
and previous editions. In addition, the margin of the pages contains useful notes which summarize
Smith's writing.]

Rothbard, Murray N. What Has Government Done to Our Money? And The Case for a 100 Percent Gold
Dollar. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2005. Print.

[Beginner: After presenting the basics of money and banking theory, he traces the decline of the dollar
from the 18th century to the present, and provides lucid critiques of central banking, New Deal
monetary policy, Nixonian fiat money, and fixed exchange rates. He also provides a blueprint for a
return to a 100 percent reserve gold standard.]

Online and Offline Documentaries and Films: Anarchism

"Anarchism in America." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"The Union: The Business Behind Getting High." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Online and Offline Documentaries and Films: American History

"America: Freedom to Fascism - Directors Authorized Version." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"American Drug War: The Last White Hope." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.
"Fall of the Republic HQ Full Length Version." YouTube. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Money, Banking, and The Federal Reserve." YouTube. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"One Nation Under Seige." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Why We Fight." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


Online and Offline Documentaries and Films: Political and Economic Philosophy

"Argentina's Economic Collapse." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Fiat Empire." EsotericTube. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Money As Debt." Google Videos. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <


"The Corporation." EsotericTube. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <


"The End of America - Naomi Wolf." USTream.TV. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"The World According To Monsanto." Top Documentary Films. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Websites: True Anarchism

"start -" Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Agorist Class Theory" Web. 1 Feb 2010.


[Advanced: Agorists maintain a class theory that separates each class based on who benefits from the
state's existence under Capitalism. Agorists make a three-part distinction, victims of the state, neutral or

"Alongside Night E-Book (Also Available in Paperback)." Web. 1 Feb 2010.
[Beginners: The story is set in United States on the brink of economic collapse, where inflation is
spiraling out of control and the government struggles to keep hold of its power. Trading in foreign
currency has become illegal and many shops are subject to rationing. As a result there is a sprawling
black market for almost all conceivable goods. The setting reflects the world as Samuel Edward Konkin III
conceived it would be just prior to a successful Agorist revolution.]

"Main Page." ANARCH.ME., Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>. [Social

Networking Site]

Center for a Stateless Society. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Homepage." Fr33 Agents: The Free Agents Network. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Main Page." FR33 Agents - the freedom activist’s network. Web. 1 Feb 2010.
<>. [Social Networking Site]

"Welcome." Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

Konkin III, Samuel Edward. "The New Libertarian Manifesto E-Book." Web. 1 Feb 2010.

[Intermediate: A work of Agorist philosophy written by Samuel Edward Konkin III. In it, Konkin proffers
various arguments of how a free society would function as well as examples of existing black markets. It
contains criticisms of utilizing political (i.e. activist or legislative) or violent means, and advocated non-
politics with non-voting as a strategy. Finally, Konkin describes the steps of utilizing the black market to
dismantle the state, a strategy known as counter-economics.]

"Fundamentals of Voluntaryism." Web. 1 Feb 2010.


Websites: American Point of View

"Main Page." - Injunbilly. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Front Page." The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Introduction to the Free State Project." Free State Project - Liberty In Our Lifetime. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

Jones, Alex. "Main Page." Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a War on For Your Mind. Web. 1 Feb 2010.
"FreedomBook." Peace, Freedom, & Prosperity Movement. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Homepage." Students for Liberty. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Homepage." Young Americans for Liberty. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>. [For Those
Young Enough To Use Their Youth To Do Something]

Websites: Political and Economic Philosophy

"Homepage." Your Best Source for AntiWar News, Viewpoints, and Activities. Web. 1 Feb
2010. <>.

"Homepage." Campaign for Liberty - Home. Web. 1 Feb 2010.


"Homepage." Foundation for Economic Education. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Homepage." Freedom Politics: "The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance". Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Homepage." Freedomain Radio. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

Rockwell, Lew. "Homepage." Anti-State, Anti-War, Pro-Market. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Main Index." Liberty Pile - Libertarian News for Free People. Web. 1 Feb 2010.

"Homepage." Ludwig von Mises Institute. Web. 1 Feb 2010. <>.

"Main Forum." No Agenda Forums - There are no secrets, only posts you haven't read yet. Web. 1 Feb
2010. <>.

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