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5 Things Everyone Can do to Reduce Their

Risks of Cancer

Heather McClees -April 20, 2015

Last October, my younger brother just 25 years old received the news
that he had been diagnosed with cancer. As hard as that was for me to
accept as his older sister, I cant even imagine how he must have felt
hearing the words that no one wants to hear. Every single person in my
immediate family has been diagnosed with cancer in some form or
another, and Im sure many of you out there can relate as well. Cancer
is the ultimate for most people; the one disease they dread getting the

most and the hardest to understand in terms of solid prevention. The

truth is, we dont know what will 100 percent cure cancer, nor is there
one single diet out there that proves to be completely cancer-proof. But
as someone who has studied and dedicated the last 10 years of her life
to nutrition, food as medicine, and looking to diet and lifestyle before
conventional medicine to heal the body from all ailments, I couldnt
seem to help but wonder if my little brother could have been spared of
this news somehow or another by choosing different lifestyle choices
than he did pre-cancer diagnosis.

How Food Plays a Part in Cancer

Prevention to Some Degree

Though many foods are known to be anti-cancer foods, there is not

one food out there that can prevent us from cancer. Yes, there are
foods that show to fight against the mutation of cancer cells, and there
are certain factors we know increase cancer risks through our
food,however complete cure and prevention is not possible just by
going to the store and loading up on these super nutrient foods. Does
this make them any less worthwhile? No, absolutely not. In fact, food
can be used as medicine as a means to reduce our risks for cancer,
along with reduce our risks for other diseases that may make us more
apt to develop cancer as well. In essence, though food can not cure, it
can help reduce the risk and prevent other forms of disease that
weaken our bodies and make us unhealthier.

The Top Factors That Come Into Play to

Reduce the Risks of Cancer
Food acts as directors to our cells, therefore since cancer is the
mutation of abnormal cells, its time we start thinking about food on a
cellular level, not just how it satisfies our cravings or fits in with
societys trends. But food isnt the only part of cancer prevention, of
course. Other important factors also come into play when it comes to
cancer (and other disease) prevention. So while cancer is still a
mysterious epidemic effecting people every single day all over the
world, there are some things a person can do to reduce their risk of
cancer which have all been proven to make a difference through
research studies time and time again. Focus on these:

1. Quit Smoking or Dont Start

Smoking increases the risk of all types of cancer, and quitting or
avoiding the habit to start with have both been shown to reduce a
persons risks dramatically. Carcinogens like those produced through
smoking directly cause abnormal fucntions of the cells and weaken the
bodys immune system, which makes cancerous cells more apt to take
over. In fact, tobacco is the leading cause of death for multiple types of
preventable illness in the United States, not just lung cancer as its so
commonly related to. To be exact, smoking has been shown to be a
direct cause of the following types of cancer: throat, kidney, bladder,
esophagus, mouth, nasal cavity, stomach, pancreas, cervix, and
bladder. Its also one of the main causes of acute myeloid
leukemia. Here are some tips from The National Cancer Society that
can help you stop smoking and learn to deal with triggers that tempt
you to smoke to live a smoke-free lifestyle.

2. Leave Meat Off Your Plate

Its interesting to note that the top 20 states with the highest cancer
rates and deaths in 2011 are also ones that eat more meat (primarily
pork and cow sources) than other parts of the United States as a whole,
or view it as being a natural part of the diet more than other parts of
the United States. These states are largely found in the Mid-West, MidU.S., and multiple regions of the South. In 2013, those numbers did not

change much; some states rates increased, while other states rates
decreased. Now, while we cant say that these states cancer diagnosis
and death rates are directly linked to meat consumption, it should be
considered that most of these states view meat as a normal meal or
produce meat, much more so than states with the lowest rates of
cancer, such as New York, California, New Mexico,and Hawaii. My state,
South Carolina, ranked 15th in 2011, and in 2013 continued to
have one of the top 10 highest cancer death rates and cancer
diagnosis rates of all states in America. Interestingly enough, red meat
and pork are eaten here by many people at least daily, if not multiple
times a day, with a majority of those meals coming from fast food
hamburgers or meat-based dishes (pizza, tacos, etc.). If we then look at
the types of meat consumed by these states, we also see that those
with the highest meat consumption (versus poultry, fish, etc.) also lie in
these same states. While this isnt scientific proof that these states
meat consumption is the direct cause of their cancer rates, most of us
know that meat consumption only increases our risks for cancer and
certainly doesnt lower it. In fact, lunch meats, red meat, and pork are
all strongly linked to cancer, along with health issues like diabetes and
heart disease. Thanks to recent studies over the last few years, we also
know that meat causes multiple problems in the body that leads to
inflammation, cellular changes, and arterial decline. In fact, meat
consumption is just as dangerous as smoking. You can seetips to avoid
meat here, and dont worry the only sacrifice youll be making is
swapping out some foods in your kitchen in exchange for more energy,
better digestion, and long-term health.

3. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

We chalk fruits and vegetables up to being simple diet foods or hearthealthy foods, but the truth is, their consumption is related to all types

of disease prevention, predominantlycancer, diabetes, and heart

disease. No, theyre not a complete cure, but they contain natural
antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that directly assist with optimal
cellular function. They also help one achieve a healthy weight, which is
important for disease prevention. Obesity has been linked to diabetes,
heart disease, and to many peoples surprise, greatly contributes to
cancer too. How much produce is enough? Its recommended to
consume no less than 5 cups daily, with 9 cups being the optimal
amount, prioritizing vegetables even more than fruits. If you eat a
whole foods, plant-based diet, youll easily get what you need. Here are
some tips to make some of the healthiest dishes more delicious, and
a Step-by-Step Guide to Transition to a Vegan Diet. Even if you dont
eat completely vegan, choosing plant-based options at more of your
meals can make a huge difference in the fight against cancer.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excess alcohol consumption has also been linked to causing multiple

cancer and one of the top lifestyle changes The American Society of

Cancer advises people to make to reduce their risk. Though types of

alcohol such as red wine have been linked to being beneficial to the
heart, were overall better off to turn to fruits and vegetables versus
alcohol. Because of its effects on the liver, hormones, absorption of
other chemicals, and reduction of nutrients in the body, alcohol should
be monitored and only be consumed in special occasions if at all. To
inspire you to drink less alcohol, try this alcohol-free
champagne tonight instead of your typical alcohol-based drink!

5. Reduce or Eliminate Refined and Processed

Processed and r

efined foods are strongly linked to cancer through indirect ways. They
lead to inflammation, weight gain, food allergies, diabetes, heart
disease, and general poor health that weaken the body and lower
immune system function. Refined sugar, trans fats, refined grains,
and food additives can all lead to weight gain quickly, and they take

the place of real, whole foods linked to cancer prevention. The easiest
way to overhaul your health is tooverhaul your diet, because we can
either spend our dollars at the doctor or the supermarket;the choice is
ours. Being and staying active is also incredibly important for cancer
prevention since it reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and
thus, can help reduce the rates of cancer by keeping the body healthy.
Again, one of these changes alone will not reduce or cure cancer, but
making these five lifestyle changes can truly change your life and
lower the risk of all types of disease, including the one we all dread the

Start by making more plant-based recipes primarily made from whole

foods; there is no greater health recommendation that that. Lead
Image Source: Flickr
This content provided above is for informational purposes only and is
not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Posted by Thavam

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