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Neck & Shoulder


You will need:
3 strips of sport tape Y
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:
Pain at the front of the neck:
Bring on the basis of a Y-tape in the middle of the chest and follow the left and right wing to
the lower jaw while the neck is bending backwards.
Step 2:
Pain when turning the head:

Bring on the basis of the first Y-kinesiology tape behind the ears and run the wing to the
front of collar bone, so that they lie side by side. Rotate the neck in the opposite direction
here. Repeat the procedure with the second Y-tape for the other side.
Please note:
The physio tape does not stretch during application.
SIDE NECK PAIN (sternocleidomastoid)
You will need:

2 sections of I-kinesiology tape and a partner for this application.

Step 1:
Run the first I-kinesiology tape from the clavicle up behind the earlobe while turning your
head in the opposite direction.
Step 2:
Attach the second I kinesiology tape next to the first I strip base.
Please note:
The kinesiotape does not need stretching during application.

You will need:
1 strip of kinesiology tape Y
1 strip of I-kinesiology tape
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:
Place the base of a Y-kinesiology tape in the upper neck below the hairline. Extend the
wings on both sides down the outside as in the figure. While applying, keep your head
leaning forward.
Step 2:
Bring the last piece of sport tape on the most tensed area of the neck. The sport tape should
be stretched slightly loose and run out to the sides in the middle.


You will need:
2 sections of I-kinesiology tape
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:
Run the first I-kinesiology tape from the side neck to the shoulder, hold his head turned to
the opposit side.
Step 2:
Repeat the procedure for the other side.


You will need:
1 strip of I-kinesiology tape
1 strip of kinesiology tape Y
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:
I run the kinesiotape horizontally from the shoulder to the spine.

Step 2:
Place the base of the Y-kinesiotape also at the shoulder. Move the upper wing towards
hairline and lower down on the shoulder blade in the figure.
Please note:
The kinesiotape does not need stretching during application.


You will need:
2 sections of I-kinesiotape
You need a partner for this application!
Bring both I kinesiotapes at the hairline and run it down to the spine towards the back. Hold
the head bending forward while doing it.
Please note:
The kinesiotape does not need stretching during application.


You will need:

1 strip of kinesiotape Y
You need a partner for this application
Attach the base of the Y-kinesiotape on the upper neck below the hairline and run the wing
next to the spine downwards as shown in the figure. Keep your head down while applying it.
Please note: The kinesiotape does not need stretching during application.

You will need:
1 X Strip Sport Tape
You need a partner for this application!
Bring the X-kinesiotape on the upper shoulder part over the painful spot. Keep the sport tape
with mild stretch on the centre.
If necessary, repeat for the other shoulder.

You will need:
1 strip of sport tape Y
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:Attach the base of the Y-kinesiotape on the upper arm and apply the front wing to the
front of the shoulder while maintaining the hand against the back.

Step 2:
Apply the rear wing of the kinesiotape to the back of the shoulder, while doing it, place the
hand on the other shoulder.

Please note:
The kinesiotape does not need stretching during application.

You will need:
3 strips of kinesiotape Y
You need a partner for this application!
Step 1:Place the base of the first Y-kinesiotape below the shoulder. Apply the front wing to
the front shoulder while extending the elbow.
Step 2: Apply the rear wing of the sport tape to the back of the shoulder while placing the
hand on the other shoulder.
Step 3: Relax your shoulders and stick the other two Y-kinesiotapes on the painful area so
that they intersect as the figure shows it.

Upper limbs
You will need :
1 Y-shaped Kinesiotape
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape on the inner part of the elbow while
holding it extended.
Step 2 : Stick one wing on the upper part of the shoulder and the other one on the lower

You will need :
1 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strip
A partner for application
Step 1 : apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape on the back part of the upper elbow and
stick the wings towards the shoulder, covering the triceps, while bending and lifting the
elbow as shown.
Step 2 : No stretch applied.


You will need :
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the I shaped sport tape to the front side of the wrist and stick the wing to the
medial side of the elbow with a stretch of 50 percent, while bending the arm a little bit.
Step 2 : Apply the other I-Shaped sport tape on the medial side of the elbow and stick the
wing to the lateral side of the wrist while applying a slight mild.


You will need :
1 I-shaped kinesiotape.
1 X-shaped kinesiotape.
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the X-shaped sport tape on the medial part of the elbow, while maintaining
the elbow bent.
Step 2 : Apply one end of the I-shaped sport tape on the X-shaped tape, and stick the rest of
the strip to the back part of the wrist.
Step 3 : No stretch applied.


You will need :
2 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
1 I-shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Stick the two Y-shaped sport tapes on the back part of the wrist up to the elbow,
covering the whole forearm while maintaining the wrist a little bent.
Step 2 : Apply another I-shaped sport tape around the wrist, without making a totally full
circle, leaving just a small portion uncovered.


You will need :
1 Y-shaped physio tape
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y kinesiotape to the back part of the wrist in a normal

Step 2 : Hold the wrist bent to the most extent possible. Apply the outside wing of the sport
tape up to the outside part of the elbow.
Step 3 : Holding the wrist in the same position, apply the inner wing to the inner side of the


You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1 : Place the first sport tape on the outside part of the wrist up to the lateral side of the
elbow with a 50 percent stretch while flexing a little bit the elbow.
Step 2 : Apply the second kinesiotape from the upper part of the arm to the lateral part of
the elbow with no stretch applied.
Step 3 : For extra support, you can wrap another kinesiotaping strip around the elbow.


You will need :
1 I-shaped kinesiotaping strip
1 X-shaped kinesiotaping strip
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the X-shaped sport tape on the lateral part of the elbow while flexing it a little
Step 2 : Apply the bottom of the I-shaped kinesiotape over the X one and stick the tail to the
palm side of the wrist.
Step 3 : No stretch applied.


You will need :
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the first strip of sport tape starting from the wrist, up to the elbow with stretch
Step 2 : Stick the other piece of kinesiotaping strip around the wrist separating both ends of
the piece with a few centimetres.


You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the first kinesiotape on the bottom of the thumb and stick it up to the inner
part of the elbow, while bending the wrist backwards.
Step 2: Apply the other strip of sport tape on the bottom of the little finger and stick it up to
the outer part of the elbow while bending the wrist backwards.
Step 3: Apply the final I shaped strip of sport tape around the wrist for extra support.


You will need :
1 Y-shaped physio tape
A partner for application
Step 1: Maintain the wrist in a normal position. Apply the base of the kinesiotape on the
bottom of the palm.
Step 2: Stick the inner wing on the inner part of the elbow while holding the wrist bending
Step 3: Stick the outer wing on the outside part of the elbow while bending the wrist

You will need :
1 Y-shaped sport tape
Self Taping is possible
Apply the Y-Shaped sport tape as described on the figure while stretching the thumb


You will need :

2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self Taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the longest I-Shaped sport tape on the back of the wrist, and stick
it on the last finger joint while flexing it inwards.
Step 2: For extra support, stick the other sport tape around the last finger joint.
Step 3: No stretch applied.

You will need :
2 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Stick the kinesiotaping strip over the small pits of the back.
Step 2: Apply the other sport tape right above the first one.

You will need :
3 strips of I-shaped kinesiotape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Bend forward placing the hands on the knees.
Step 2: Apply one strip of sport tape horizontally on the lower back.
Step 3: Take at least two strips of kinesiotape to make an X on the painful spot.

You will need :
2 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the bottom of the first strip of kinesiotape on the lower back, sticking the wing
up, in parallel with the spine, while bending forward.

Step 2: Do the same action again on the other side of the spine.
Step 3 : No stretch needed

You will need :
2 strips of Y-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: : Apply the bottom of the first strip of kinesiotape on the lower back, sticking the
wings up, along with the spine, while bending forward.
Step 2: Do the same action again on the other side of the spine.
Step 3: No stretch needed


You will need :

2 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the kinesiotape on the lower parte of the neck down to the last rib of the
opposite side.
Step 2: Do the same action again on the other side.

You will need :
2 strips of X-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the X-shaped sport tape on the upper part of the back on one side while
keeping the hand on the opposite shoulder.
Step 2: Do the same action again on the other side.
Step 3: No stretch needed.

You will need :
1 strip of long Y-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape on the upper part of the arm and stick the
two wings like shown on the picture, while keeping the hand placed on the opposite
Step 2: No stretch needed.

You will need :
2 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
Self application is possible.
Step 1: Apply the first I-Shaped kinesiotape just under the navel.
Step 2: Stick the second one perpendicularly to the first sport tape.
Step 3: No stretch needed.

You will need :
2 strips of X-shaped sport tape.
Self application is possible.
Step 1: Apply the first X-Shaped kinesiotape just along the navel.
Step 2: Do the same action on the other side with the second kinesiotaping strip.
Step 3: No stretch needed.

You will need :
6 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application.

Step 1: Apply the two first I-Shaped kinesiotape in a parallel and vertical manner on each
side of the navel, from the pubis to superior part of the stomach.
Step 2: Apply the next kinesiotaping strip diagonally from under the navel to the lower rib,
and the other one above the navel towards the chest.
Step 3: Do the same last action on the opposite side.

You will need :
2 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application.
Step 1: Apply one strip of kinesiotape from the spine to the spot just below the navel.
Step 2: Do the same action on the opposite side.
Step 3: No stretch needed.

You will need :
3 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application.
Step 1: Apply the first sport tape around the rib cage from the spine toward the belly.
Step 2: Do the same with a second kinesiotaping strip, overlapping with the half of it on the
first strip.
Step 3: Same action again with a third sport tape on the half of the previous kinesiotape.
Step 4: No stretch needed.

You will need :
3 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application.
Step 1: Stick a kinesiotape vertically below the underarms.
Step 2: Apply the 3 other strips of kinesiotape paralleled to each other like described on the

You will need :
6 strips of I-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application.
Step 1: Apply the bottom of each strip of kinesiotape on the tail bone.
Step 2: Apply each top of the strips in a ventilator shape.

You will need :
1 strip of long Y-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the long Y-shaped sport tape as shown in the picture while holding the arm

You will need :
2 strips of Y-shaped sport tape.
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the bottom of the kinesiotape on the lateral side of the shoulder with the two
wings towards the chest.
Step 2: Apply the base of the other Y-shaped sport tape out side of the base of the other Y,
with the two wings opened wider than the first.
Step 3 : No stretch needed.

Lower limbs 1
HIP 1 :
You will need:
1 strip of Y-shaped kinesiotape
A partner for the taping
Step 1: The person must be lying on the lateral part of the body with the legs flexed towards
the hips as shown on the picture. Apply the base of the Y-Shaped kinesiotape on the lateral
part of the hip.
Step 2: Stick the front wing on the front of the hip while holding the leg extended backwards
at the hip.
Step 3: Stick the rear wing in the direction of the tailbone while the legs bending forward at
the hip.

HIP 2 :
You will need:
2 strip of Y-shaped kinesiotape
A partner for the taping
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape on the lateral side of the thigh, and stick
the wings in order to cover the bottom.
Step 2: Apply the second base of Y-shaped kinesiotape on the anterior part of the thigh,
sticking the wings on the bottom.
Step 3: No stretch required.

You will need:
1 strip of Y-shaped kinesiotape
3 strips of I-Shaped kinesiotape
A partner for the taping
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape on the lateral part of the thigh and stick
the wings toward the buttock as described on the figure, while flexing the knee forward.
Step 2: Stick the three pieces of I-shaped tapes on the lateral part of the hip joint,
overlapping each other with a soft stretch on the middle of the strips and no stretch on the

You will need:
1 strip of Y-shaped kinesiotape
3 strips of I-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
See pictures to apply the strips of sport tape. Stick from knee to hip without stretch.
Pictures :
1>Rectus Femoris (Front thigh)
2>Adductors (Inner Thigh)
3>Illiotibial tract band (outer thigh)
4>Biceps Femoris (Back thigh)

You will need:
3 strips of I-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1: Stick the first I-Shaped strip of sport tape above the knee, up until the front part of
the hip while flexing a little bit the knee.
Step 2: Stick the second I tape to make it overlap by half the first strip.
Step 3: For extra support, apply a last strip of kinesiotape just above the knee.
Step 4: No stretch needed.


You will need:

1 strip of I-Shaped kinesiotape
1 strip of Y-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Stick the sport tape starting from the hip to the front part of the knee.
Step 2 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape on the front part of the hip joint and
apply the wings on the front thigh in the direction of the knee.

You will need:
1 strip of I-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1: Apply the strip of sport tape on the back of the thigh as described on the figure.
Step 2: No stretch required.

You will need:
3 strip of I-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the first strip of I-Shaped sport tape just above the knee on the back and stick
the tail to the hip with a 50 percent stretch while sitting and bending the knee.
Step 2: Stick the second I tape to make it overlap by half the first strip.
Step 3: For extra support, apply a last strip of kinesiotape just above and around the knee

You will need:
3 strip of I-Shaped kinesiotape
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the first strip of kinesiotape from the groin to the thigh and the second one on
the medial side of the thigh as described on figure.
Step 2 : For extra support, apply a last strip of kinesiotape around the inner thigh.
Step 3 : No stretch needed.

You will need :
1 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strip
A partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-Shaped sport tape on the kneecap.
Step 2 : Stick the wing upward while flexing the knee.
Step 3 : Apply the outer wing upward while flexing the knee.

You will need :
4 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply one piece of sport tape on the medial part of the knee, around the knee cap,
while flexing the knee a little bit.
Step 2: Do the same action for the lateral part of the knee, while holding the knee a little bit
Step 3: Above, and below the knee cap, apply the kinesiotapes around the knee.
Step 4: No stretch is needed.

You will need :
2 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
2 X-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped above the knee cap, and stick the two wings around
it, making them crossing each other. Do so while flexing the knee.
Step 2: Repeat the action but upside-down this time.
Step 3: Apply one tip of an I-shaped tape below the knee cap and stick it all on the lateral
part of the thigh. Then do it again on the other side.

You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the kinesiotape just below the knee cap, and stick the wing on the
medial part of the groin, while flexing a little bit the knee.
Step 2: Do the same action for the lateral part of the groin.
Step 3: Stick the final sport tape around the knee cap for additional support.
Step 4: No stretch is required.

You will need :
2 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape below the knee cap and stick the wings
around the knee cap while flexing a little bit the knee.
Step 2: Stick two I-shaped sport tape strips on the medial and lateral parts of the knee cap,
on the front side.
Step 3: Apply the base of the last Y-shaped kinesiotape strip on the lateral part of the knee
and stick its tails on the back side of the knee while stretching the knee.

You will need :
2 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape on the medial part of the knee and stick
its tails around the knee cap while flexing the knee a little bit.
Step2 : Do the same action again on the opposite side.
Step 3: No stretch required.

You will need :
1 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strip
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible

Step 1: Apply the base of the Y-Shaped sport tape on the front part of the hip joint and sticks
the wings around the knee cap while flexing a little bit the knee.
Step 2: For extra support, you can place two I-shaped kinesiotape strips under and above
the knee cap, while keeping the knee a little bit bent.
Step 3: No stretch required.


You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the I-Shaped sport tape on the medial part of the knee and stick the end on
the groin, while flexing the knee a little bit.
Step 2: Apply a second I-Shaped physio tape strip from the inner part of the knee to the
lateral part of the thigh.
Step 3: For extra support, apply another sport tape above the knee.
Step 4 : No stretch required.


You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the I-shaped kinesiotaping strip to the lateral part of the knee and stick the
end to the lateral part of the hip joint, holding at the same time the knee bent.
Step 2: Place an overlapping sport tape for extra support.
Step 3: Apply a final sport tape around the knee.
Step 4: No stretch is required.

Lower limbs 2
You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the base of a first I-shaped sport tape on the heel and stick the rest of it on the
Step 2: Stick the other I-Shaped tape from the lateral part of the heel to the medial part of
the knee.
Step 3: Apply the last I-shaped kinesiotape strip from the medial part of the heel to the
lateral part of the knee.
Step 4 : No stretch required.

You will need :
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible

Step 1 : Apply the first I-shaped sport tape strip on the outside part of the foot, to the shin
while standing on the toes and lifting the heel.
Step 2 : stick another I-shaped tape on the inside part of the foot to the medial part of the
calf as described on the picture while holding the same foot position.
Step 3 : No stretch required.

You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1: Apply the base of the I-Shaped piece of kinesiotape on the heel and then stick it
towards the lateral part of the knee, with a small amount of stretch.
Step 2: Apply the base of a second I-Shaped piece of kinesiotape on the heel and then stick
it towards the medial part of the knee, with small amount of stretch too.
Step 3: For extra support, apply around the knee under the knee cap.

You will need :
2 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
1 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping is possible
Step 1: Apply the first piece of I-shaped sport tape on the heel up to the calf while lifting the
toes upwards.
Step 2: Stick the base of the Y-shaped tape above the heel and sticks its wings in a manner
that it covers the calf (see picture). Maintain same position with toes.
Step 3 : For extra support, apply another piece of I-shaped sport tape around the ankle.
Step 4 : No stretch required.

You will need :
3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application

Step 1: Apply the base of the I-shaped tape on the heel and stick its tail on the calf.
Step 2: Apply a second I-shaped tape on the lateral side of the heel, up to the medial part of
the calf.
Step 3: Apply the last I-shaped kinesiotaping strip to the medial side of the heel to the
lateral part of the calf.
Step 4 : No stretch required.


You will need :
2 I-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
A partner for application
Step 1 : Stick the base of the sport tape on the medial part of the ankle up until the medial
part of the knee.
Step 2: Apply a second shorter I-Shaped strip of kinesiotape on the inner side of the ankle
and stick its end as the picture shows.
Step 3 : No stretch needed.


You will need :
1 long & 1 short Y-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
Self taping possible
Step 1: Apply the base of the long Y-shaped sport tape on the lateral part of the ankle and
stick the wings to cover the lateral part of the calf up until the knee.
Step 2: Stick the other one Y kinesiotaping strip on the back of the heel and make it cover
the lateral part of the ankle, one wing sticking to the toes and the other being wrapped
around the ankle.
Step 3 : No stretch is needed.

You will need :
1 Y-Shaped & 1 I-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Stick the cut end of the Y-shaped sport tape around the big toe, and then apply the
sport tape to the heel.
Step 2: Apply the I-Shaped tape around the foot.

You will need :
1 Y-Shaped Kinesiotaping strip
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape on the side of the big toe and stick the
wings to the lateral part until the heel.
Step 2 : No stretch needed.
Step 3 : Change the strip everyday.

You will need :
2 Y-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape on the heel while the toes are pointing
Step 2 : Stick the wings of the first Y-shaped sport tape in direction of the first two toes, and
the wings of the second one in the direction of the 3,4,5 toes.

You will need :
2 short Y-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
1 Long Y-Shaped Kinesiotaping strip
1 I-Shaped Kinesiotaping strip
Partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the two first short Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips from the heel to each
stretched toes.
Step 2 : Stick the I-Shaped kinesiotape from the sole to the medial part of the heel with a
mild stretch.
Step 3 : Apply the base of the long Y-shaped sport tape on the heel and stick the wings on
the back of the calf up to the back of the knee.

You will need :
2 I-Shaped Kinesiotaping strips
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the base of I-shaped tape on the heel and stick the wings to the Achilles
tendon with a slight stretch while lifting the foot upwards.
Step 2 : Apply the other I-shaped tape from the medial part of the sole and stick the wing on
the medial part of the ankle with a slight stretch application.

Clinical application
Main Functions of Ares Kinesiology Tape
* Relieves pain and muscle fatigue
* Ameliorate circulation and lymphatic flow via superficial activation while decreasing
* Corrects muscle function through decrease of muscle tension and strengthening of the
weakened muscle
* Corrects misalignment of joints
* Returns body to homeostasis.
* Works with the body to allow and increase normal range of motion
* May normalize length/tension ratios to optimize force

* Assist and ameliorate tissue recovery

* Gives back epidermal tissue homeostasis
* Reduce inflammation and pressure on mechanical receptors
Contusion / bruise
You will need:
1 strip of I-kinesiotape
Self Taping is possible
Step 1 : Apply the I-shaped sport tape on the bruises spot. The sport tape should be
stretched in the center at 70 to 80% and no stretch at the sides.
Step 2 : For additional assistance you can apply a second sport tape (overlapping) in the
same way through the first.

----------------------Contusions/bruises happen when a direct blow or repeated blows from an object hit a part of
the body, crushing underneath muscle fibers and connective tissue without destroying the
skin. A bruise can be the result of falling or jamming the body against a hard surface.
Sometimes a pool of blood accumulates within damaged tissue, and forms a lump over the
contusion (hematoma). In severe cases, swelling and bleeding under the skin may have
shock consequences. If tissue damage is extensive, you might also have a broken bone,
dislocated joint, sprain, torn muscle, or another type of injuries.

Bruises cause swelling and pain and limit joint range of motion near the injury. Torn blood
vessels might be responsible for bluish discoloration. The harmed muscle may feel weak and
To manage pain, bleeding, and inflammation, put the muscle in a soft stretch position and
use the RICE formula:
* Rest: Protect the injured spot from further harm by stopping activity. You may also use a
protection (i.e., crutches, sling).
* Ice: Apply ice wrapped in a clean tissue. (Remove ice after 20 minutes.)
* Compression: Lightly wrap the harmed spot in a soft bandage or ace wrap.
* Elevation: Raise it to a level above the heart.
For the first two days after injury (acute phase), you will probably have to continue using
rest, ice, compression bandages, and elevation of the injured area to control bleeding,
swelling, and pain. During the healing of the injured part, be sure to keep training the
uninjured parts of your body to keep your overall fitness levelled.
Afterwards, inflammation should start to go down and the contusion might feel a little bit
You will need :
2 Pieces of I-Shaped Kinesiotape
Self Taping is possible
Step 1 :
Stick the I-Shaped kinesiotape on the center of the stomach just above the belly button, with
a soft stretch on the middle and no stretch on the sides.
Step 2 : Stick another I-shaped kinesiotape perpendicularly to the first kinesiotape with the
same stretch application than the first.

-------------Indigestion is very common within adults and can happen once in a while and any day.
Indigestion can be caused by a disease in the digestive tract such as gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, cancer, or unusual condition of the pancreas or
bile ducts.
People suffering of indigestion present at least one of the following symptoms:
* Fullness during a meal. The person feels to have eaten too much or that she/he cannot
finish the meal.
* Bothersome fullness after a meal. The person might have the sensation that the food is
staying in the stomach too long.
* Epigastric pain. The epigastric area is between the lower end of the chest bone and the
navel. The person may have epigastric pain ranging from mild to severe.
* Epigastric burning. The person feels a very uncomfortable sensation of heat in the
epigastric area.
Frozen Shoulder
You will need :
4 Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
1 I-shaped kinesiotaping strip
Self taping is possible

Step 1 : Stick a Y shaped kinesiotaping strip on the side of the shoulder until the back part of
the shoulder as shown on the figure.
Step 2 : Apply another Y shaped sport tape on the upper arm and stick the lateral wing to
the upper part of the shoulder while holding the arm lifted forward to stretch the posterior
part of the shoulder.
Step 3 : Stick the front wing of the Y shaped kinesiotape to the top of the shoulder while
holding the arm behind the back, to stretch the anterior part of the shoulder.
Step 4 : Apply another Y shaped sport tape on the back of the superior part of the shoulder,
starting from the spine.
Step 5 : Stick another Y shaped sport tape on the front part of the shoulder towards the
Step 6 : Finally add another I shaped kinesiotaping strip on the shoulder joint, in a vertical
position starting from the upper arm.

------------------------The origins of the frozen shoulder are not entirely determined. The process involves
thickening and contracture of the capsule around the shoulder joint.
Frozen shoulder happens commonly in individuals suffering from diabetes, affecting 10 to
20% of these individuals. Other associated medical issues with augmented risk of frozen
shoulder include: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson\'s disease, and cardiac
disease or surgery.
Frozen shoulder can appear after the immobilization of the shoulder for a certain amount of
time. Attempts to prevent frozen shoulder include early motion of the shoulder after it has
been injured.
- Sensation due to frozen shoulder is usually dull or painful. It can be worsened with
attempted motion. The pain is normally located over the outer shoulder area and less
frequently on the upper arm.
- The characteristic of the disease is restricted motion or stiffness in the shoulder. The
affected individual cannot move the shoulder properly. Motion is also limited when someone
else attempts to move the patients shoulder.
Frozen shoulder will usually recover itself. However, this takes a while, occasionally up to two
to three years. Treatment is aimed at pain control and restoring motion.
Shoulder Pain from Overuse
You will need :
2 Y shaped kinesiotaping strips
A partner too apply the kinesiotaping strips
Step 1 : Apply the first Y kinesiotape to the front part of the shoulder and stick the wings on
the chest while holding the arm against the back.
Step 2: Apply the second Y sport tape on the front shoulder and fix the wings on the inner
side of the elbow while bending the elbow a little bit.
Step 3: No stretched applied

-----------------------What people call the shoulder is in fact several joints combining tendons and muscles
which allows a wide range of movements to the arm, from the scratching of your back to the
throwing of a little rock. However movement has a price. It might increase problems with
instability or troubles of soft tissue resulting in pain. Feeling pain may only happen when the
shoulder is moved, or all of the time. The pain may be temporary and vanish after a small
period of time, or it may keep on going and thus require medical diagnosis and treatment.
Most shoulder problems involve the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, rather
than bones. And most problems fall can be divided in three main types:
* tendinitis/bursitis
* injury/instability
* arthritis
Treatment generally requires altering activities, rest and physical therapy to help you
improve shoulder strength and flexibility.
Surgery may be required to resolve shoulder problems; however, 90 percent of patients with
shoulder pain will follow simple healing methods such as altering activities, rest, exercise
and medication.
Common sense solutions such as avoiding overexertion or overdoing activities which are not
part of your daily basis can help you to prevent shoulder problems.

Intercostals Neuralgia
You will need :
4 long Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips and a partner for the application
Step 1 : Apply the base of the two Y-Shaped sport tapes on the side of the rib cage, starting
from the belly, and stick the wings towards the back, as described on the picture, while
lifting the arms up.
Step 2 : Apply the base of the two Y-Shaped sport tapes on the side of the rib cage, starting
from the back, towards the chest while lifting the arms.
Step 3 : No stretch applied.

------------------------Intercostals neuralgia is a rare pain that involves the intercostals nerves that alimenting
the muscles between the ribs. Patients with intercostals neuralgia experience bands of pain
along the rib cage. The pain is commonly intermittent and spasmodic. The intensity of pain
depends on different factors.
People can develop intercostals neuralgia after an injury that involved the nerves or as a
consequence of a degenerative disease that pinches or otherwise damages the nerves.
Typically, people experience pain while breathing, coughing, and laughing. They might feel
pain during efforts too. Intercostals neuralgia can manifest as tingling, numbness, itchiness,

or pain which can be felt at different moments. In some situations, the pain is intense and
sharp, sometimes described as being like a lightning bolt.\"
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) : Elbow
You will need two Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips, and a partner for the application :
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped sport tape to the exterior part of the elbow, and stick
the two wings on the triceps muscle while holding the hand on the back of the neck so that
the elbow is bent.
Step 2 : Attach the other Y-shaped kinesiotape to the lateral side of the elbow sticking one
wing toward the wrist and the other across the forearm.
Step 3 : No stretch is applied.

----------------------------Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that strikes several joints all around the
body. About 90% of the people with rheumatoid arthritis eventually show symptoms linked
to the foot or ankle. Normally, symptoms appear in the toes and forefeet first, afterwards it
reaches the hind feet or the back of the feet, and at last the ankles.
The origins of RA are unknown, but there are various theories. Some people seem to be
more likely to develop RA because of their genetic background. However, it normally needs a
chemical or environmental \"trigger to start the disease. In RA, the body\'s immune system
turns against itself. While it should protect the joints, the body produces instead a substance
that strikes and inflames the joints.

As RA affects your whole system, you may also have fever, feel tired easily, and lose your
appetite. You can also develop lumps around your joints, particularly near the elbow.
Exercise is essential in the treatment of RA. Your doctor or physical therapist can advise
stretching as well as functional range of movement exercises.
Tennis Elbow
(Lateral Epicondylitis)
You will need : 2 Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips, 1 I-shaped kinesiotaping strip.
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the first Y-Shaped kinesiotape on the front part of the wrist and stick the
wings all along the arm up until the elbow, while holding the wrist bending backwards.
Step 2 : Apply the other Y-Shaped kinesiotape on the medial side of the elbow, and stick the
wings around the arm.
Step 3 : Attach the last piece of sport tape over the medical part of the elbow with a 50%
stretch application.

-----------------------------------Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition of the elbow caused by overuse. As the
nickname of this condition tells us, playing tennis or other racquet sports can be the origin of
it. But practices of other activities may also increase the risk.

Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the tendons that link the forearm muscles on the outside
of the elbow. The forearm muscles and tendons are damaged from overuse by always
repeating the same movements. This conducts to pain and tenderness on the outside of the
The symptoms of tennis elbow evolve gradually. In a major part of the cases, the pain starts
as and gradually worsens overtime. There is normally no specific injury associated with the
start of the signs.
Common symptoms of tennis elbow include:
* Pain or burning feeling on the outside of your elbow
* Weak grip strength
The symptoms are often deteriorating with forearm activity, such as holding a racquet,
turning a wrench, or shaking hands. Your dominant arm is most likely affected; however both
arms can be touched.
Approximately 80% to 95% of patients gain recovery with nonsurgical treatment
Golf Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
You will need : 2 Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips, 1 short I-shaped kinesiotaping strip, and 1
long I-Shaped kinesiotaping strip, and a partner for the application.
Step 1 : Apply the bases of each Y-Shaped sport tape on the elbow, sticking the wings over
the whole upper arm and maintaining the hand on the other shoulder.
Step 2 : Stick the long piece of I-shaped kinesiotape on the lateral side of the elbow and
apply it all around the forearm inwards as described on the figure, while bending a little bit
the elbow.
Step 3 : Finally place the last piece of I-shaped soprt tape on the lateral side of the elbow
with a 50% stretching application.


On top of the list of injuries is golfer\'s elbow, and one of the best manners to avoid elbow
troubles is to strengthen the forearm muscles and slow down the swing movement so that
the shock in the arm when the ball is hit by the golfer will be less felt and harming, causing
less damage.
To avoid golfer\'s elbow, simple exercises can help build up your forearm muscles.
Squeezing a tennis ball
Squeezing a tennis ball for five minutes at a time is a mere but effective exercise that will
strengthen your forearm muscles.
Wrist curls
Use a lightweight dumbbell. Decrease the weight at the end of your fingers, and then curl
the weight back into the palm of your hand, followed by curling up your wrist to lift the
weight an inch or two higher. Repeat it 10 times with each arm.
Reverse wrist curls
Use a lightweight dumbbell. Place your hands in front of you, with the palm facing down.
Using youre the wrist, lift the weight upwards and downwards. Hold the exercising arm
above your elbow with your other hand in order to limit the motion to your forearm. Repeat
it 10 times with each arm.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) : Wrist
You will need : 1 long & 1 short Y-Shaped kinesiotaping strips.
Self Taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the base of the long Y sport tape on the outside of the elbow, sticking the two
wings over the back of the hand, while holding this hand on the same side shoulder.
Step 2 : The short Y sport tape will be applied from the inner wrist outwards as described on
the figure.
Step 3 : No stretch applied.

---------------------------Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that strikes several joints within all the body.
Around 90% of the people with rheumatoid arthritis eventually show symptoms linked to the
foot or ankle. Normally, symptoms appear in the toes and forefeet first, afterwards it reaches
the hind feet or the back of the feet, and at last the ankles.
The origins of RA are unknown, but there are various theories. Some people seem to be
more likely to develop RA because of their genetic background. However, it normally needs a
chemical or environmental \"trigger to start the disease. In RA, the body\'s immune system
turns against itself. While it should protect the joints, the body produces instead a substance
that strikes and inflames the joints.
As RA affects your whole system, you may also have fever, feel tired easily, and lose your
appetite. You can also develop lumps around your joints, particularly near the elbow.
Exercise is very important in the treatment of RA. Your doctor or physical therapist may
recommend stretching as well as functional and range of motion exercises.
Thumb Tendinitis
De Quervain\'s Tendinitis (De Quervain\'s Tendinosis)
You will need : 1 Y-shaped & 1 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips.
Self Taping is possible.
Step 1 : Apply the I-shaped sport tape from the tip of the thumb until the lateral side of the
elbow while maintaining the wrist bending outward.

Step 2 : Apply the base of the Y-Shaped kinesiotape on the thumb side of the wrist, sticking
one wing around the wrist, and the other one the forearm as demonstrated on the figure.

----------------------------------------De Quervain\'s tendinitis happens when the tendons around the bottom of the thumb are
irritated or constricted. The word \"tendinitis\" refers to a swelling of the tendons. The
thickened tendons may be responsible for pain and tenderness along the thumb part of the
wrist. This is particularly observable when forming a fist, grasping things, or when moving
the wrist.
Symptoms of De Quervain\'s tendinitis:
* Pain can be felt over the thumb side of the wrist. This is the major symptom. The pain may
appear either gradually or suddenly. Pain is felt in the wrist and irradiate up the forearm. The
pain is usually worse when the hand and thumb are used. This is particularly verified when
grasping objects with strength or twisting the wrist.
* Swelling can be seen over the wrists thumb side. This swelling may occur together with a
fluid-filled cyst in this region.
* A \"catch up\" or \"snap\" sensation might be experienced when moving the thumb.
* Pain and swelling can make it harder to move the thumb and wrist.

* Numbness can be felt on the backside of the thumb and index. This is due to the nerve
lying on top of the tendon sheath which is irritated.
The purpose of treating de Quervain\'s tendinitis is to relieve the pain caused by irritation
and swelling.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) : Finger
You will need 2 pieces of I-Shaped kinesiotaping strips
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Stick the first strip of sport tape from the backside of the wrist until the tip of the
finger while stretching the finger.

Step 2 : Stick the other strip of kinesiotape from the front side of the wrist to the tip of the
finger while maintaining it stretched.
Step 3 : No Stretch applied.
Can be done for all fingers.

-------------------------------Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that strikes several joints within all the body.
Around 90% of the people with rheumatoid arthritis eventually show symptoms linked to the
foot or ankle. Normally, symptoms appear in the toes and forefeet first, afterwards it reaches
the hind feet or the back of the feet, and at last the ankles.

The origins of RA are unknown, but there are various theories. Some people seem to be
more likely to develop RA because of their genetic background. However, it normally needs a
chemical or environmental \"trigger to start the disease. In RA, the body\'s immune system
turns against itself. While it should protect the joints, the body produces instead a substance
that strikes and inflames the joints.
As RA affects your whole system, you may also have fever, feel tired easily, and lose your
appetite. You can also develop lumps around your joints, particularly near the elbow.
Exercise is very important in the treatment of RA. Your doctor or physical therapist may
recommend stretching as well as functional and range of motion exercises.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) : Knee
You will need : 2 pieces of Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips.
Step 1 : Apply the base of the Y-shaped kinesiotape on the medial side of the knee and stick
both wings on the inner part while bending the knee a little bit.
Step 2 : Stick the other Y-shaped sport tape on the medial side of the knee, applying the tails
around the knee cap.
Step 3 : No stretch applied.


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that strikes several joints within all the body.
Around 90% of the people with rheumatoid arthritis eventually show symptoms linked to the
foot or ankle. Normally, symptoms appear in the toes and forefeet first, afterwards it reaches
the hind feet or the back of the feet, and at last the ankles.
The origins of RA are unknown, but there are various theories. Some people seem to be
more likely to develop RA because of their genetic background. However, it normally needs a
chemical or environmental \"trigger to start the disease. In RA, the body\'s immune system
turns against itself. While it should protect the joints, the body produces instead a substance
that strikes and inflames the joints.
As RA affects your whole system, you may also have fever, feel tired easily, and lose your
appetite. You can also develop lumps around your joints, particularly near the elbow.
Exercise is very important in the treatment of RA. Your doctor or physical therapist may
recommend stretching as well as functional and range of motion exercises.

Calf Swelling
You will need : Two pieces of Y-Shaped physio tape, and a partner for application
Step 1 : Apply the base of the first Y sport tape on the outside of Achilles tendon, and stick
the wings up on the inner side of the knee while maintaining the foot pointing upward.
Step 2 : Apply the other base of Y sport tape on the inner side of the Achilles tendon while
sticking the two wings on the outer side of the knee, along the calf, holding the foot pointing

------------------------Injuries to the calf muscle because of the strain leads to swelling. Bruising might be present.
Strain happens when the muscle fibres are torn. When the calf muscle is partially or totally
torn, bruising swelling and pain are present. Break can sometimes be obvious if the
muscle \"balls up\" in the upper part of the calf.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Ankle :
You will need : 3 I-shaped kinesiotaping strips.
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the first I physio tape on the side of the knee cap towards the upper part of
the foot, while holding the ankle lifted.
Step 2 : Apply the other sport tape on the same spot towards the outside part of the foot.
Step 3 : Stick the last strip of kinesiotape across the sole with one end on the medial ankle
and the other one on the lateral side of the ankle.
Step 4 : No stretch applied.

-------------------------------------Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease that attacks multiple joints throughout the
body. About 90% of the people with rheumatoid arthritis eventually develop symptoms
related to the foot or ankle. Usually, symptoms appear in the toes and forefeet first, then in
the hind feet or the back of the feet, and finally in the ankles.
The exact cause of RA is unknown, but there are several theories. Some people may be more
likely to develop RA because of their genes. However, it usually takes a chemical or
environmental \"trigger\" to activate the disease. In RA, the body\'s immune system turns
against itself. Instead of protecting the joints, the body produces substances that attack and
inflame the joints.
Because RA affects your entire system, you may also feel feverish, tire easily, and lose your
appetite. You may develop lumps around your joints, particularly by the elbow.
Exercise is very important in the treatment of RA. Your doctor or physical therapist may
recommend stretching as well as functional and range of motion exercises.
Muscle Cramp (Calf Cramp)
You will need : 2 short Y-shaped, 1 long Y-shaped, 1 I-Shaped kinesiotaping strips and a
partner for application.
Step 1 : Apply the two small Y-Shaped sport tapes on the base of the foot (Sole) as shown on
the figure while lying on the front side of the body, with the knees bending, and toes
stretched out.

Step 2 : Apply the base of the long Y-Shaped sport tape on the heel, and stick the two wings
on each side of the calf up until the knee.
Step 3 : Apply the last I-Shaped kinesiotape on the heel until the back of the knee, covering
the calf.
Step 4 : No stretch applied

---------------------------------A cramp is a non voluntary and forced contracted muscle that does not rest. Any muscle
under your voluntary control (skeletal muscle) can suffer from cramps. Muscles that cover
two joints are most likely to be affected by a cramp. Cramps can affect a part of or the entire
muscle, or even several muscles in a group.
The most commonly affected muscle groups are:
* Back of lower leg/calf (gastrocnemius)
* Back of thigh (hamstrings)
* Front of thigh (quadriceps)

Cramps in other parts of the body such as the feet, hands, arms, abdomen, and along the rib
cage are very usual too.
Although the exact origins of muscle cramps is not known (idiopathic), some researchers
think inadequate stretching and tired muscle leads to abnormalities in mechanisms that
control muscle contraction. Other reasons might also be explaining cramps, like poor
conditioning, exercising or working in intense heat, dehydration and lack of salt and minerals
Cramps usually go away on their own without seeing a doctor.
* Stop doing the activity that triggered the cramp.
* Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle, holding it in stretched position until the
cramp stops.
* Apply heat to tense/tight muscles, or cold to sore/tender muscles.
To avoid cramps, try to ameliorate your overall fitness. Repeat flexibility exercises before
and after you work out to stretch muscle groups most prone to cramping.
Flat Foot
You will need :
2 small Y-shaped kinesiotaping strips
1 I-shaped kinesiotaping strip
Self taping possible
Step 1 : Apply the two Y-shaped sport tapes on the heel until the toes while stretching them.
Step 2 : Place the I-shaped kinesiotape from the lateral side of the smallest toe, to the inside
part of the ankle with a slight stretch.

------------------------------------Flat foot is when the longitudinal arch or instep of the foot collapses ending up touching the
ground. In infants and young children, the longitudinal arch is not developed and flat feet are
a normal condition. In some people though, the longitudinal arch never actually develops.
Flat feet may be related with pronation, a bending inward of the ankle bones toward the
middle line.
Some very usual signs of a flat foot are:
* A flat look to one foot or two
* Uneven shoe tear and collapse of your shoe toward the inside of your flat foot
* The lower leg is painful
* Pain felt on the inside part of your ankle
* Swelling along the inside part of your ankle
* Foot pain

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