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NEBOSH International General Certificate MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY ce nebosh ‘Accredited Centre WORKBOOK Week One CONTENTS Examination techniques Quick relarence acranym guide Examples of how to answer action verbs Sample question and answers with some examiner's reports Review: Element 1 — Health and Safety Foundations Homework Questions: IGG Week 1 Element 1 Review: Element 2 — Setting Policy for Health & Safety Homework Question: IGG Week 1 Element 2 Review: Element 3 ~ Organising for Health and Safety Homework Question: IGG Week 1 Element 3 Review: Element 4 — Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture Homework Questions: IGC Week 1 Element 4 Review: Element 5 — Health and Safety Risk Assessment Homework Questions: IGC Week 1 Element 5 Review: Element 6 ~ Principles of Centro! in Health and Satety Homework Questions: IGC Week 1 Element 6 Review: Element 7 — Monitoring, Review and Audit of Health and Satety Performance Homework Questions: IGC Week 1 Element 7 Review: Elemeni 8 - Investigation, Recording and Reporting of health And Safety Incidents Homework Questions: IGC Week 1 Element 8 Necosh international Ganeral Cerificate Werkhook Page 20 24 26 7 30 at 40 42 45 46 50 51 54 55, 58 PREPARATION FOR THE EXAMINATION STUDY PLAN Do nol leave your revision to Ihe last minute. The more you ravise and prepare, the easior it will be for you to be successful in your exams. Spend 2 hrs each day on revision and homework, HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Practice writing your exam questions. Do all your homework questions and submit to tutor for checking and feedback. lt pays 10 practice as much 1s you can, The more you practice, the more ‘confident you become. EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES TIME MANAGEMENT You have 2 hrs to write each und paper. Non native English speakers are given special consideration of extra time to write each paper. When you are given tha unit paper, read through quickly and answer the questions where you know the answer first. Your answer book &s not numbered, which means you can answer any questions first and in any orcier. Example, you may choose fo answer question 5 first and then question 2, and then question 7. You need to write the question number Gn the iop page (elt / night) side of the page Answer each queston on a fresh page. You should also leave diank space at the end of each ‘answer, This is to give you room ta write more should you choose te do so at.a later stage, Question (1) is a 20 mark question. The ather 10 questions ara werth B marks each. Time yourselt well lo answer your questions. When you are waiting for the exam papers to be handed out to you by the invigilator, it is easy to become stressed with anticipation. Just breathe deeply, keep calm, read the questions and start by answering a question that you are confident in writing. ACTION VERBS Riead the questions well. Take note of action verbs and writd your answers accordingly, W the question asks you lo DESCRIBE, do not LIST. ‘Your answers must explain exactly what you mean, 30 think about not anty the answer but the wards you use READ THE QUESTION Make sute you read and understand the WHOLE question carefully. The clue is in the question, Undaertine key words to help you focus Finally make sure you feave yoursel time to check your answers, GOOD LUCK Metonn ieeenadcna Genera! Centcate Wontooe Paget 3) List the factors what could be considered when assessing the health and satety competence of a contractor. (8) Candidates should be able to list a good range of factors that include, amongst many others; The contractor's previous experience with the type of work ‘The reputation of the contiactor amongst previous and ourrent slants The content and.quality Gf the contractors health and safety policy and risk assessments Level of training & qualifications of statffincluding those with health & safety respansibilties ‘Accidentlenforcement history Membershia of accreditation of certification bodies Equipment maintenance and statutory examination records ‘The detailed proposals (@.9. method statements) {or the work to be carried out 4) Following 2 significant increase in accidents, a health and safety campaign is to ‘be launched with an organization to encourage safer working by employees. a) Outline haw the organization might ensure that the nature of the campaign Is effectively communicated to, and understood by the employees, @ b) Other than poor communication describe the organizational factors that coutd timit the effectiveness of the campaign. (12) In answeritig part () of the question, candidates are expected to outline the key requirements to ‘ensure that everybody within an organization knows the part thal they are to play with a health and safety campaign. An important prerequisite is to have a clear objectives and targets lar ine campaign, and 1@ be clear on the means of achieving them. It is also important that key responsibilities for aspects of the campaign are allacated, and accepted with due cammitment. in order to avoid mixed messages. While an autline of the different means of communication should have been incluced in the answer, many candidates concentrated solely on this point and thus restricted the number of marks. they could have gained, In this respect, though, a variety of means(posters, emails, toolbox 1aiks, training sessions, ste) could be used to communicate and reinforce the message with account taken of the language used in order ta faciitate understanding( avoidance of jargon, use of plain English, sic). Toll box talks, suggestion boxes and surveys and inlormal means of consultation can be used to involve employees and to provide feedback loop 10 check that employees understand what the campaign is about and to assess the level of support, It is also important to provide feedback to employees on how the campaign ie progressing so that focus en the campaign's ‘objectives is maintained, Many candidates did not read part (il) of the question with sutficient care and referred to communication problems rather than the range of other organizational factors that might affect the success of a health and safety campaign. Suck issues can include; lack of senior management ‘commitment; praduction or other pressures taking priority over health and safety, Insufficient resources allocated to the campaign; and a poor safaty culture in general. It should also have been recognized that poor working conditions are likaly to induce cynicism towards the campaign amongst employees. In addition poor industrial relations

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