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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr.





Livinti Petru , Universitatea Vasile

Alecsandri din Bacau, ROMANIA

Livinti Petru , Vasile Alecsandri

University of Bacau, ROMANIA

REZUMAT: In lucrare se prezinta un sistem de

actionare electrica realizat cu motor electric pas cu
pas. Pentru studiul sistemului de actionare electrica
s-a realizat un stand experimental in laboratorul de
Masini electrice a Universitatii din Bacau. Acesta se
compune din: motor electric pas cu pas (MEPP),
driver pentru comanda motorului electric pas cu
pas, surs de tensiune continu (0-5) V.c.c. pentru
alimentarea driverului de comand a motorului
electric pas cu pas, surs de tensiune continu (030) V.c.c. pentru alimentarea motorului electric pas
cu pas si calculator compatibil IBM PC echipat cu
placa de achiziie date PCI 6221. Pentru comanda
motorului pas cu pas s-a realizat un program n
mediul de programare LabVIEW. Sistemul de
actionare electrica prezentat este inclus in structura
unui robot de jucat sah.

ABSTRACT: This work presents an electrical

CUVINTE CHEIE: motor pas cu pas, sistem

de actionare electrica, placa de achizitie date




Motorul electric pas cu pas reprezint un caz

particular al masinii sincrone si are fa de
aceasta anumite particulariti constructive si
de funcionare. nfsurrile de comand ale
motorului fiind alimentate cu impulsuri de
tensiune dreptunghiulare, rotorul su are o
miscare de rotaie intermitent sub form de
deosebire de motoarele sincrone clasice
motoarele pas cu pas intr n sincronism fr
alunecare, iar frnarea se realizeaz fr
iesirea din sincronism. Datorit acestui fapt
ele asigur n domeniul de funcionare porniri
bruste, opriri si reversri fr pierderea
informaiei sau fr omisiuni de pas.
nfsurrile de comand a motoarelor pas cu
pas se pot alimenta n mod separat sau n

The step-by-step electric motor is a particular

case of the synchronous machine and has
several particularities in terms of design and
functioning. Since the control windings of the
motor are supplied with rectangular voltage
pulses, its rotor has an intermittent rotation
motion under the shape of sequent angular
motions. Unlike the classical synchronous
motors, the step-by-step motors enter
synchronism without slipping and braking is
performed without leaving the synchronism.
Due to this fact, these motors assure sudden
start-up within the running range, as well as
stops and reversals without loose of
information and without step omissions. The
control windings of the step-by step motors
can be supplied separately or by groups, in

drive system, built with a step-by-step motor. For

studying the electrical drive system an
experimental stand was built at the Electrical
Machinery Laboratory of the University of Bacau.
This is composed of: step-by-step electric motor
(MEPP), driver for controlling the step-by-step
electric motor, D.C. voltage (0-5 V) for supplying
the step-by-step motor driver, D.C. voltage source
(0 -30 V) for supplying the step-by-step motor and
an IBM PC compatible computer equipped with
the data acquisition board PCI 6221. For the
control of the step-by-step motor a program was
environment. The electric driving system being
presented is included to the structure of a chessplaying robot.
Step-by-step motor, electric
drive system, data acquisition board

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

grupuri n diferite combinaii. Fiecrei

combinaii sau tact de comutaie i
corespunde o orientare spaial determinat a
cmpului magnetic rezultant n ntrefierul
masinii. Ca si motoarele sincrone clasice,
motoarele pas cu pas se clasific n funcie de
construcia circuitului magnetic si de numrul
nfsurrilor de comand. Se deosebesc dou
tipuri de baz:
1. Motoare pas cu pas de tip activ cu
nfsurri de excitaie n rotor sau cu magnet
2. Motoare pas cu pas de tip reactiv sau cu
reluctan variabil. Ambele tipuri pot fi
realizate cu un singur stator sau cu mai multe
statoare, pentru fiecare corespunznd o
nfsurare de comand.

various combinations. A determined space

orientation of the magnetic field resulting into
the machine air gap corresponds to each
switching combination or pulse. Like in the
case of classical synchronous motors, the
step-by step motors are split in function of the
magnetic circuit design and number of the
control windings. Two basic types are
1. Step-bystep motors of active type, with
operating windings into the rotor or with
constant magnet.
2. Step-by-step motors of reactive type or
with variable reluctance. Both types may be
built with one or more fixed coils (stators),
with one control winding for each one.

Statorul motorului are patru poli
apareni, pe care
sunt dispuse dou
nfsurri de comand si un rotor cu magnet
permanent sau nfsurri de excitaie avnd
doi poli. Fiecare nfsurare de excitaie este
dispus pe doi poli statorici diametrali, fig. 1,
[1]. Prin alimentarea primei nfurri n
bornele 11' cu o tensiune avnd polaritatea
indicat n figura 1, rotorul se va orienta
astfel nct direcia axei polilor s coincid cu
direcia axei nfurrii. n aceast poziie
atracia ntre polii statorici i rotorici este
maxim. Prin decuplarea primei nfurri i
alimentarea celei de-a doua nfurri ntre
bornele 22' , rotorul se va roti cu 900 astfel
nct polii statorici i rotorici de nume contrar
vor fi fa n fa.

The motor stator has four apparent poles on

which two control windings are located and a
rotor with constant magnet or operating
windings that have two poles. Each operating
winding is located on two diametric stator
poles, as shown in Fig. 1, [1]. By supplying
the first winding at the terminals 11' with a
voltage of the polarity shown in Fig.1, the
rotor will be oriented so that the direction of
the pole axis coincides to the direction of the
winding axis. At this position, the attraction
between the stator and rotor poles is maximal.
By switching off the first winding and
supplying the second one through the
terminals 22' , the rotor will rotate by 900 , so
that the stator and rotor poles of contrary
names are face to face.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

Figure 1: Step-by-step motor of active type.

n continuare pentru ca rotorul s-i menin
sensul de rotaie este necesar ca la o nou
cuplare a nfurrii 1 i apoi a nfurrii 2
polaritatea tensiunii aplicate s fie invers.
Figura 2 reprezint succesiunea poziiei
rotorului precum i polaritatea polilor
statorici pentru patru tacturi succesive.

Further on, for the rotor to keep its rotation

direction, it is necessary that upon a new
coupling of the winding 1 and then winding
2, the polarity of the voltage being applied to
be reversed. Fig. 2 shows the sequence of the
rotor position as well as the polarity of the
stator poles for four successive pulses.

Figure 2: Sequence of the rotor of the step-by-step motor

n cazul prezentat unghiurile succesive In the case being presented the successive
efectuate de rotor pentru fiecare impuls de angles performed by the rotor for each
control pulse are 900 .
comand sunt de 90 0 .


Din punct de vedere constructiv exist 6 In terms of design there are 6 types of MEPP
tipuri de MPP, [2]: solenoidal, cu reluctan (step-by-step motors), [2]: solenoid, with
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

variabil, cu magnet permanent n stator, cu

magnet permanent n rotor, cu magnet
permanent i reluctan variabil (hibrid) i
electromecanic. Varianta cea mai utilizat n
prezent este cea a motorului pas cu pas cu
alimentarea unei faze statorice, rotorul se va
roti astfel nct circuitul magnetic s prezinte
reluctana magnetic minim, adic dinii
statorici i cei rotorici vor fi fa n fa.
Comutnd alimentarea pe faza urmtoare, se
realizeaz o rotaie a rotorului i o deplasare a
dinilor rotorici fa de cei statorici, astfel
nct nu vor mai fi aliniai. Apare astfel un
cuplu electromagnetic reactiv, care crete cu
unghiul de decalaj ntre poziia dinilor
statorici i rotorici. Creterea cuplului
electromagnetic atinge un maxim, dup care
cuplul scade din nou la zero. n figura 3 este
reprezentat seciunea transversal printr-un
MPP monostatoric cu patru faze statorice. Se
observ c statorul are 8 dini (un dinte pe
pol) n timp ce rotorul are numai 6.
nfurrile unei faze statorice sunt dispuse
pe doi dini statorici, astfel nct dac este
alimentat o faz, doi dini rotorici se aeaz
n faa dinilor statorici pe care este aezat
faza de comand. La alimentarea fazei
urmtoare, rotorul se va roti cu 150, pentru ca
dinii rotorici s ocupe o poziie
asemntoare. Att MPP cu trei faze ct i
cele cu patru faze pot fi comandate prin
alimentarea simultan a dou faze statorice
(secvena dubl). n cazul MPP cu patru faze,
printr-o astfel de comand se obine cu un
cuplu electromagnetic mai mare, [3].

variable reluctance, with constant magnet into

the stator, with constant magnet into the
rotor, with constant magnet and variable
reluctance (hybrid) and electromechanical.
The most used version is currently the stepby-step motor with variable magnetic
reluctance. By supplying one phase of the
stator, the rotor will rotate so that the
magnetic circuit features the minimum
magnetic reluctance, i.e. the stator teeth and
rotor teeth will be face to face. By switching
the supply to the next phase, the rotor rotation
is obtained as well as a displacement of the
rotor teeth from the stator teeth so that they
will no longer be aligned.
Thus an
electromagnetic torque occurs that increases
along with the distance angle between the
position of the stator and rotor teeth. The
increase of the electromagnetic torque will
reach a maximum rate; afterwards the torque
will decrease back to zero. Fig. 3 shows the
cross section through a single-stator MPP
with four stator phases. It may be noticed that
the stator has 8 teeth (one tooth per pole)
whilst the rotor only has 6. The windings of a
stator phase are located on two stator teeth,
so, if one phase is supplied, two rotor teeth
will be located in front of the stator teeth on
which the control phase is located. Upon the
supply of the next phase, the rotor will only
rotate by 150, for the rotor teeth to get a
similar location. Both three and four phase
MPPs can be controlled through the
simultaneous supply of two stator phases
(double sequence). In case of four phases
MPPs, through such a control a higher
electromagnetic torque is obtained, [3].

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

Faza 1

Pol statoric cu
un dinte

Rotor cu 6 dini

Figure 3: Single-stator MEPP with variable reluctance and four stator phases



4.1. Descrierea standului experimental

Schema bloc a sistemului de acionare
realizat cu motor electric pas cu pas este
prezentata n figura 4. Standul experimental
din figura 5, utilizat pentru studiul sistemului
de actionare electrica, a fost realizat in
Universitatii din Bacau si se compune din:
a) motor electric pas cu pas (MEPP).
b) driver pentru comanda motorului electric
pas cu pas.
c) surs de tensiune continu (0-5) V.c.c.
pentru alimentarea driverului de comand a
motorului electric pas cu pas.
d) surs de tensiune continu (0- 30) V.c.c.
pentru alimentarea motorului electric pas cu
e) calculator compatibil IBM PC echipat cu
placa de achiziie date PCI 6221, [4].
f) cupla de conexiuni a plcii de achiziie
Caracteristicile echipamentelor din structura
standului experimental sunt:
a) Parametrii principali ai motorului electric
pas cu pas:
1) Numr de faze: Nf = 4
2) Unghiul de pas: p = 1,80
3) Numr de pai pe rotaie: Np/rot = 200
4) Curentul pe faz: If = 2 [A]
5) Rezistena fazei: Rf = 3 [ ]

4.1. Description of the Experimental Stand

The block diagram of the drive system
equipped with step-by-step motor is
presented in Fig. 4. The experimental stand
shown in Fig. 5 that is used for the study of
the electrical drive system was built at the
Electric Machinery Laboratory of the
University of Bacau. It is composed of:
a) Step-by-step motor (MEPP).
b) Driver for controlling the step-by-step
c) D.C. source (0-5) V for supplying the
control driver of the step-by-step electric
d) D.C. source (0- 30) V for supplying the
step-by-step motor.
e) IBM PC compatible computer, equipped
with the data acquisition board PCI 6221, [4].
f) Connection coupling of the data
acquisition board.
The characteristics of the equipment
composing the experimental stand are the
a) The main parameters of the step-bystep motor:
1) Number of phases: Nf = 4
2) Step angle:
p = 1,8
3) Number of steps per revolution:
Np/rot = 200
4) Phase current: If = 2 [A]
5) Phase resistance: Rf = 3 [ ]

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

6) Inductivitatea fazei: Lf = 6,8 [mH]

7) Tensiunea de lucru: Uf = (12-50) [V]
8) Cuplul: M = 2,2 [N m]
9) Greutate motor: G = 1,5 Kg
10) Grosime ax:
= 10 mm
11) Lungime motor:
L= 100 mm


6) Phase inductivity: Lf = 6,8 [mH]

7) Working voltage: Uf = (12-50)

8) Torque: M = 2,2 [N m]
G = 1,5 Kg
10) Shaft diameter: = 10 mm
11) Motor length:
L= 100 mm


D.C. source,
5 V D.C.

PC computer
Data acquisition

Driver for stepby-step motor



D.C. source,
12 V D.C.

Figure 4: Block diagram of the experimental stand for the control of the step-by-step motor
b) Driverul pentru motoare pas cu pas
unipolare este realizat cu microcontroler PIC
16F864 i are caracteristicile:
- tensiune alimentare pentru motor 50V.c.c.
- tensiune alimentare pentru logic 5
V.c.c./100 mA.
- curent 5 A maxim (limitat software).
- se comand cu Step/Dir izolate cu
optocuploare fa de circuitul de comand.
- impulsuri pentru Step 35 000 /secund
- durata minim a impulsului pentru intrarea
Step este de 20 Sec .
- durata minim dup care se poate schimba
intrarea Dir este de 8 Sec .
- menine curentul constant n motor pentru
cuplu constant.
- funcie autodiagnostic.
- semnalizare erori.
c) Placa de achiziie date PCI 6221 are

b) The driver for single pole step-by-step

motors is equipped with a microcontroller of
PIC 16F864 type and has the following
- Supply voltage for motor, max. 50 V, D.C.
- Supply voltage for logics 5 V D.C./100 mA.
- Max. current of 5 A (limited through
- Controlled through Step/Dir, isolated
through optic couplers from the control
- Pulses for Step: max 35 000 /sec
- Minimum duration of the pulse for the
Step input is 20 Sec .
- Minimum duration after which the input
Dir can be changed is 8 Sec .
- It keeps the current constant into the motor
for a constant torque.
- Auto-diagnosis function.
- Error signaling.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

- convertor analog/numeric pe 16 biti ;
- 16 intrri analog/numerice ;
- 2 ieiri numeric/analogice ;
- 24 de intrri/ieiri digitale ;
- domeniul semnalelor de intrare/ieire:
10 V.c.c.;
- rata de eantionare 833 kS/s.
Pentru comanda motorului pas cu pas
s-a folosit ieirea digital PFI 12/P2.4.
d) Calculatorul compatibil IBM PC are
urmtoarele caracteristici tehnice:
- Procesor Intel Pentium 4, 3 Ghz,
- memorie 1GB DDR2, Hard Disk 200
- Unitate Optica: DVD+/-RW,
- Placa Video: nVIDIA GeFORCE
- Placa Sunet: 6 Canale,
- Sursa: 450W.

c) The PCI 6221 data acquisition board has

the following characteristics:
- Analog/digital converter on 16 bites ;
- 16 analog/digital inputs ;
- 2 analog/digital outputs ;
- 24 digital inputs/outputs ;
- Range of the input/output signals:
10 V D.C.;
- Sampling rate: 833 kS/s.
For the step-by-step motor control the
digital output PFI 12/P2.4 has been used.
d) The IBM-PC compatible computer has the
following technical characteristics:
- Intel Pentium 4, 3 GHz processor,
- Memory 1GB DDR2, Hard Disk 200
- Optical unit: DVD+/-RW,
- Video board: NVIDIA GeFORCE
- Sound board: 6 Channels,
- Source: 450W.

Figure 5: Photo of the experimental stand

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

4.2 Functionarea standului experimental

Se alimenteaz calculatorul. Pentru comanda
motorului pas cu pas s-a realizat un program
n mediul de programare LabVIEW. Panoul
frontal al dispozitivului virtual de comand a
motorului electric pas cu pas este prezentat n
fig. 6, iar diagrama bloc n fig. 7. Se
alimenteaz driverul de comand de la sursa
de tensiune continu de 5 V. Se alimenteaz
motorul electric pas cu pas de la sursa de
tensiune continu de 12 V. Impulsurile
generate de placa de achiziie date PCI 6221
se aplica pe intrarea STEP a driverului de
comand. Pentru schimbarea sensului de
rotaie se aplica impulsurile generate de placa
de achiziie date i pe intrarea Dir a
driverului de comand. Pentru modificarea
turaiei motorului electric pas cu pas se vor da
diferite valori pentru frecvena impulsurilor
de comand generate de placa de achiziie pe
panoul frontal al dispozitivului virtual de
comand. Programul permite prescrierea unui
anumit numar de pasi de catre motorul
electric de actionare. De asemenea a fost
realizat un program in Labview pentru
comanda simultana a doua motoare electrice
pas cu pas. Sistemul de actionare electrica
prezentat este inclus in structura unui robot
de jucat sah.

4.2 Running of the Experimental Stand

The computer will be supplied. For
controlling the step-by-step motor a program
has been edited in the LabVIEW
programming environment. The front panel
of the virtual control device of the step-bystep motor is shown in Fig. 6, and the block
diagram is shown in Fig. 7. The control driver
will be supplied from the 5 V D.C. source.
The step-by-step motor will be supplied from
the 12 V D.C. source. The pulses generated
by the data acquisition board PCI 6221 will
be applied on the STEP input of the control
driver. For changing the direction of rotation,
the pulses generated by the data acquisition
board will also be applied on the Dir input
of the control driver. For modifying the rpm
of the step-by-step electric motor, various
values will be given to the frequency of the
control pulses generated by the data
acquisition board on the front panel of the
virtual control device. The program allows
presetting one number of steps by the electric
drive motor. A program has also been edited
in Labview for the simultaneous control of
two step-by-step electric motors. The electric
drive system is included to the structure of a
chess playing robot.

Figure 6: Front Panel

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2010

Fig. 7 Block diagram



In lucrare se prezinta un sistem de actionare

electrica realizat cu motor electric pas cu pas.
Standul experimental utilizat pentru studiul
sistemului de actionare electrica se compune
din: motor electric pas cu pas (MEPP), driver
pentru comanda motorului electric pas cu pas,
surs de tensiune continu (0-5) V.c.c. pentru
alimentarea driverului de comand a
motorului electric pas cu pas, surs de
tensiune continu (0- 30) V.c.c. pentru
alimentarea motorului electric pas cu pas si
calculator compatibil IBM PC echipat cu
placa de achiziie date PCI 6221. Pentru
comanda motorului pas cu pas s-a realizat un
program n mediul de programare LabVIEW.
Sistemul de actionare electrica prezentat este
inclus in structura unui robot de jucat sah.

This work presents an electrical drive system,

built with a step-by-step motor. The
experimental stand used for studying the
electric drive system is composed of: step-bystep electric motor (MEPP), driver for
controlling the step-by-step electric motor,
D.C. source for supplying the control driver
of the step-by-step electric motor (0-5) V,
D.C. source (0- 30) V for supplying the stepby-step electric motor and a IBM PC
compatible computer, equipped with the PCI
6221 data acquisition board. For the control
of the step-by-step electric motor a program
has been edited in the LabVIEW
programming environment. The electric drive
system presented above is included to the
structure of a chess playing robot.



[1] Livinti P: Micromasini electrice si

actionarea lor. Editura Alma Mater Bacau,
[2] Livinti P.: Sisteme de conducere in
robotica. Editura Alma Mater Bacau, 2007.
[3] Keleman A., s.a.: Motoare electrice pas cu
pas. Editura Tehnic Bucuresti, 1975.
[4] DataSheet 6221.pdf . National
Instruments S.U.A.
[5] ***** Program LabWIEW 8.6 trial.

[1] Livinti P: Micromasini electrice si

actionarea lor. Editura Alma Mater Bacau,
[2] Livinti P.: Sisteme de conducere in
robotica. Editura Alma Mater Bacau, 2007.
[3] Keleman A., s.a.: Motoare electrice pas cu
pas. Editura Tehnic Bucuresti, 1975.
[4] DataSheet 6221.pdf . National
Instruments S.U.A.
[5] ***** Program LabVIEW 8.6 trial.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, Issue 3/2010


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