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Unit I. Disorders in Immunology

A. HIV Infection/AIDS
B. Rheumatic Disorders
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Connective tissue disorders - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Unit II. Oncology Nursing/Cellular aberration

A. Epidemiology (Incidence, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Trends)
B. Danger Signs
C. Prevention, Screening and Early Detection (of common cancers)

D. Different types of cancer

1. Breast Cancer
2. Prostate Cancer
3. Leukemia
4. Colorectal Cancer
5. Cervical Cancer
6. Hodgkin’s Disease
7. Multiple Myeloma
E. Treatment Modalities
1. Chemotherapy
a. Side effects and adverse effects of Chemotherapy
b. Extravasation and its management
2. Radiotherapy
3. Surgery
4. Bone marrow transplant
F. Management of cancer

Unit III. Acute Biologic Crisis

A. Definition of terms
B. Nursing management. care of clients in crisis
C. Cases of biologic crisis

Unit IV. Emergency Nursing

A. Scope and practice of ER Nursing
B. Triage/ Assessment
C. Managing a client during emergency conditions
1. Airway obstruction
2. Chemical Burns
3. Wounds
4. Trauma
5. Environmental emergencies (heat stroke, near drowning,
6. Snake Bite
7. Substance abuse

Unit V. Disaster Nursing

A. Triage of disaster victims / Triage Categories
B. Management of disaster situations


Unit I. Disorders in the Nervous System

A. Review of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system

B. Assessment and diagnostic tests
C. Disorders of the nervous system
1. Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
2. Cerebral Aneurysm
3. Increased Intracranial Pressure
4. Meningitis
5. Trigeminal Neuralgia
6. Bell’s Palsy
7. Brain Trauma/Brain Injury
8. Type of Seizures
D. Medical and nursing management and treatment modalities

Unit II. Disorders in the Sensory System

A. Review of the anatomy and physiology of the sensory system
B. Assessment and diagnostic tests
C. Disorders of the sensory system

1. Eyes
a. Cataracts
b. Glaucoma
c. Retinal Detachment
d. Macular Degeneration
2. Ears
a. Otitis Externa
b. Meniere’s Disease

D. Medical and nursing management and treatment modalities

Unit III. Degenerative Disorders

1. Multiple Sclerosis
2. Myasthenia Gravis
3. Alzheimer’s Disease and Age-Related Dementias
4. Parkinson’s Disease
5. Guillain Barre’ Syndrome

Unit IV. Disorders in the Musculoskeletal System

A. Review of the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system
B. Assessment and diagnostic tests
C. Disorders of the sensory system
1. Sprains and strains
2. Fractures (type/ assessment/management)
3. Osteoarthritis
4. Gouty Arthritis
5. Rheumatoid Arthritis
6. Osteoporosis
7. Amputations
D. Medical and nursing management and treatment modalities
(Include cast care, use of canes, walkers and crutches)

Unit V. Disorders in the Integumentary System

A. Review of the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system
B. Assessment and diagnostic tests
C. Disorders of the sensory system
1. Pressure ulcers (risk factors, stages, assessment, treatment)
2. Burns (s/sx, degrees, treatment/management)
3. Psoriasis
D. Medical and nursing management and treatment modalities


Unit I. Overview of Infection Control, Asepsis and Precautions

A. Chain of infection
1. Causative agent
2. Susceptible host
3. Reservoir of infection
4. Portal of entry
5. Portal of exit
6. Mode of transmission
B. Infection control measures
C. Asepsis
D. Isolation precautions
1. Strict isolation
2. Contact isolation
3. Respiratory isolation
4. Enteric isolation
5. Universal precaution
E. Types of immunity
F. Stages of disease/infection

Unit II. Communicable Diseases Affecting the Human Body

A. Diseases affecting the Central Nervous System
1. Bacterial in Origin
a. Tetanus
b. Meningitis
B. Diseases affecting the Circulatory System
1. Viral in Origin
a. Dengue/H-Fever
2. Protozoan in Origin
a. Malaria
3. Bacterial in Origin
b. Leptospirosis (Blood and CSF)
C. Diseases affecting the Integumentary System
1. Bacterial in Origin
a. Leprosy
2. Viral in Origin
b. Measles
c. German measles
d. Chickenpox
e. Herpes Zoster
3. Parasitic in Origin
a. Scabies
D. Diseases affecting the Respiratory System
1. Bacterial in Origin
a. Tuberculosis
b. Diptheria
c. Pertussis
d. Pneumonia
E. Diseases affecting the Gastrointestinal System
Bacterial in Origin
a. Typhoid fever
b. Cholera
Viral in Origin
a. Hepatitis A
b. Mumps
Parasitic in Origin
a. Schistosomiasis (affectation: blood vessels of intestines and liver)
F. Diseases affecting the Eye
1. Acute Conjunctivitis
G. Diseases affecting the Lymphatic System
a. Filariasis
H. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
b. Syphilis
c. Gonorrhea
d. Chlamydia
e. Hepatis B
f. Trichomoniasis

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