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May Day 2015



On the International Day of the Proletariat, the Marxist Leninist Maoist communists from different
countries evoke the labor strikes of 1886 in United States for 8 hours work, 8 hours rest and 8 hours
for other activities, and remember the martyrdom of its leaders in Chicago in the workers' struggle
against wage exploitation, international struggle because the workers have no homeland since despite
differences of nationality, race, sex, beliefs and political ideas workers are one and the same class
throughout the world, facing common enemies, united by the same economic interests and the great
object of his final emancipation, that can only be the work of the working class itself, if fighting and
organized as an independent class.
Almost ever since, in the early twentieth century, the capitalist system entered its imperialist upper
phase, the last of its existence, the phase of monopoly capitalism, dying, global parasite
overexploitation of society and the unbridled destruction of nature. His economic crisis is not for
scarcity but by relative overproduction of material goods, where the society that produces them is
doomed to hunger and misery, while parasites monopolistic of great entrepreneurs accumulate
private property everything produced. The current economic crisis of world capitalism is a living
example of expiration and deep decomposition of this imperialist system governed by profit.
The crisis worldwide social of the system is aggravated by the economic crisis and worsened by
imperialist policies and austerity measures are through the International Monetary Fund and the
World Bank or the European Troika or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development that discharge the costs of the crisis on workers in all countries intensifying the
terrible conditions of exploitation of the masses in the countryside and cities with millions and
millions of young thrown to the desolation of unemployment; and deepening the dark forms of
imperialism semi-colonial domination for pillage of countries and oppressed nations arriving the
extreme of turning Greece into the simile of Haiti and Zimbabwe, within Europe itself.
The political and economic anti-crisis measures of the imperialists are to protect the profit of big
banks and monopoly groups, at the expense of social ruin and the last straw of nature, but it cant
impede the crisis. The imperialists drain their impotence in the channel of the reactionary wars for a
new division of the territory already divided and its sources of wealth: workforce and nature. In this
context, the imperialists speak of to be "against weapons of mass destruction" while multiply their
nuclear arsenals, launching intimidatory joint military operations, secured in strategic positions his
war machines NATO and Russian armed forces, China, Japan in dispute for hegemony in the
Greater Middle East, in Eastern Europe, in the islands and riches of the East China Sea, plotting wars of
occupation and aggression against countries under the pretext of "fighting against terrorism" when
they are the worst terrorists on the planet, they are the managers, sponsors and financiers of
reactionary armies as mercenaries of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram; the imperialists allege "defend the
democracy" when they are the most hated dictators of the world; argue "defend national boundaries"
when they are the champions of the occupation and annexation of foreign territories.

Their wars are unjust and reactionary, where the regimes in countries like Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Syria, India... are bishops lackeys of one or another imperialist power. There are no imperialist
"friends" or "less dangerous" for the people; all are reactionaries extremely, all are beasts
bloodthirsty, that make of the local wars a business to weather the crises, alleviate his agony, testing
armaments, mobilize armies in preparation for a new imperialist world war of plunder.
All imperialist countries are disputed the semi-colonial domination in Africa, Asia and Latin America,
including Cuba where regimes of the "Socialism of the XXI Century" preach a fake anti-imperialism
because in fact they are lackeys of the imperialist countries of Europe and Asia, they are docile lackeys
of the world imperialist system of oppression and exploitation.
Faced with the tyranny, messes and outrages of the imperialists and reactionaries, major contributors
of ruin and suffering of society, sprint the scene reformist parties and movements raising slogans
against austerity and the bad governance which promise solutions through elections, but all they do is
distract to the masses from the revolutionary path illusions and betray them, as the case of Syriza in
Greece; collaborate with the bourgeoisie helping to rule as servants ready to legitimize the class
dictatorship of the exploiters and applying patches to rotten capitalist system. Reforms cant suppress
the evils of capitalism; to solve them is required away with capitalism and give way to socialism.
While intensifying wars of aggression and mass killings, the imperialists and reactionaries are
supported by the reformists of all pelts to preach peace between social classes, to promote peace
agreements with the oppressors and encourage among the masses the idea of giving up any form of
violence, armed struggle or revolutionary war. Contrary to their wishes, the economic crisis and
reactionary wars have stoked the class struggle throughout the world, have sharpened more all major
contradictions of the world imperialist system between the imperialist countries, including
monopoly groups, among imperialist countries and oppressed countries, between the proletariat and
the bourgeoisie, between society and nature in particular, have exacerbated the indicative
fundamental contradiction of expiry of the system: the contradiction between the increasingly social
production and increasingly private ownership.
Facts are stubborn. The consequences of the economic crisis and imperialist anti-crisis measures,
stoke the rebellion of the working masses in all countries. The bloody imperialist wars unleashed the
armed resistance of peoples and nations. The silly reactionary role of reformist politicians created
outrage, distrust and contempt among the masses. The deepening of the social crisis strengthens the
tendency not to peace and reconciliation, but to fighting and war against the oppressors and
exploiters. Intensification of global contradictions of imperialism and global sharpening of the class
struggle mean weakness of imperialism and reactionaries, mean better conditions for the
advancement of the World Proletarian Revolution to advance the Socialist Revolution in the capitalist
countries and of the New Democratic Revolution in the semi-feudal countries for the global
advancement of imperialist revolutionary movement.
So Marxist Leninist Maoist communists declare in this May Day that in the capitalist system based on
the exploitation of man by man could never have peace between exploiters and exploited; is inevitable
the armed struggle of the masses to expropriate to the expropriators, abolish the private ownership of
the means of production and with it suppress all forms of exploitation. Under a state of the
dictatorship of the exploiting class, can never have peace between oppressed and oppressor; is
necessary to destroy with the armed violence of the masses to reactionary state and build a new state
of armed workers and peasants. In a world where a handful of imperialist countries oppress and
exploit all other countries can never have peace among them; is essential to defeat with the People's
War to all imperialists and reactionaries to cut from root the ills that torment to the society.
Neither the imperialists iniquitous measures against workers, nor its reactionary wars, nor the
reformist patches may avoid defeat of imperialism and the end of his world system of oppression and

exploitation. The main trend of the times is the World Proletarian Revolution, unique social and
political force able to save society of the mess and save the nature of the destruction caused by
We salute the mobilization of the working masses in resistance to the global escalation of
wage slavery. We salute the wars of popular resistance to imperialist and reactionary
wars of aggression and occupation. We salute the struggle of the revolutionary
communists in each country for the Party building and other tasks necessary for the
advancement of the revolution. We recognize the heroic people's wars led by Communist
parties in India, Turkey, the Philippines and Peru, the advanced to the World Proletarian
Revolution, now face bloody pro-imperialist regimes in the strategic objective of
destroying the reactionary state in those countries, triumphant crown the New
Democratic Revolution underway to Socialism, and build a new state as form of
Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
It is also true that the luminous global perspective of the revolution is overshadowed by the clouds of
revisionist opportunism that distort the Marxism Leninism Maoism, led to the defeat of the revolution
in Nepal and the destruction of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, thus, to decapitate this
international ideological and political center, served as encouragement to imperialism in agony
precisely on the eve of the great global economic crisis.
The situation of great disorder under heaven around the world contrasts with the crisis of the
International Communist Movement, that in each country requires building and strengthening a
genuine political Party of the proletariat and internationally imposes the need to deepen the defeat of
avakianist's revisionism and make a comprehensive demarcation with all kinds of opportunism, then
the fight against imperialism is a sham and humbug unless it is inseparably bound up with the fight
against opportunism and this is a condition for the unity of the communists in a new International,
indispensable center for organizing and directing the battles of World Proletarian Revolution that
inevitably give burial to the dying imperialist parasite.
Down with imperialism and all reactionaries! Long live the World Proletarian Revolution!
Long live the People's Wars in India, Turkey, The Philippines and Peru!
Against the revisionism and centrism: Long live to Marxism-Leninism Maoism!
For a new Communist International based on Marxism Leninism Maoism: Forward!
Grupo Reconstruccin - PERUCRPM (Estado Espaol)
Partido Comunista ML - Panam
PCP - Comit Base Mantaro Rojo (Per)
Unin Obrera Comunista (Marxista-Leninista-Maosta) (Colombia)

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