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Exam 1:

Chapters 1,2,3,4
Cells and Metabolism

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology:

Molecular Formula: H20

Structural Formula: H/0/H

3 Types of Bons include:


Carbon is the most important element

Organic Chemistry- defined by chemistry of carbon

Inorganic Chemistry- not dealing with carbon

Ionic Bond- when one electron jumps from one to another,, the attraction between two

pH=-log[H+]the more hydrogen the more pH and the lower the number the more
hydrogen ions

Acid- releases H+ into a solution

Base- solutions that releases OH ions

Hydroxyl- OH-

Cation- positive charges +

Anion- negative charges

Inorganic vs. Organic

H20, Biomolecules
Ions [Na+,K+,H+]
O2, CO2

Carbon is so important because it has 4 potential bonvalence of carbon is 4 -C-

H2O is an excellent salt, liquid from 32 degrees to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, high heat

Organic Molecules can be put into four categories such as:

-Nucleic Acid
Simple Sugars are the building blocks:
-Glucose C6H12O6
Alpha A1, 4
Glycolic Bond

Lipids include triglycerides (neutral fats), phosphocipids, steroids

Lipid- insoluble in H2O

Saturated fat is a solid

Energy and Insulation are more effective than sugar


Anabolic- can be like A+A+A3A

Catabolic- can be like 3AA+A+A
Exchange reaction- can be like AB+CAC+B

Dehydration synthesis: refers to the process of two sugars together. Water is taken away
Hydrolysis: breaking of water-uses water in the process

Uses Water

Doesnt use water

Amino Acids are the building blocks for protein. There are 20 Amino Acids

Amino Acid


Amino Acids

^Peptide Bond




Enzyme: lower activation energy, the enzyme is catalyst

Metabolic Pathway: ABCD

Anaerobic- doesnt need oxygen (glycosis)

Aerobic- needs oxygen, Krebs Cycle, election transport chain


There are 13 proteins directed from mitochondria

Cristae- folds

Krebs Cycle:

CO2 is produced

Pro-levels of organization

A.A (Amino Acids) sequence 375

Alpha helix/betta sheet

Hemoglobin- Carries oxygen


Inside the nucleus is the DNA

In the cell membrane is the phospholipid Bilayer

Ribosomes structure is ribonucleic acid

Proteins are produced

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is in the cytoplasm and the structure is like the cell
-Rough (RER)- Pros out (secretion)

-Smooth (SER)- Steroids, Detoxification in the liver, calcium storage, and detoxiation
and production of steroids in Mitosis

Ribosomes are free or attached to the membrane

Golgi Packaging includes Biosynthesis (ANA-), Endocytosis (coming in), Exo (going
out), RER Golgi SU out, and Glycosyliation Glycopro

Lysosomes are hydrolytic enzymes, there are 40 different ones. Lysosomes storage
diseases are genetic for example taysachs.

Peroxisome can produces cholesterol, has enzymes and catalase

Interphase is the lifetime of a cell

Chromatin is a mix of DNA and protiens

Phases of Mitosis

The first phase is Prophase which centrioles replicate

The second phase is Metaphase

The third phase is Anaphase

The fourth phase is Telophase and the cells begin to separate

PCD= Programed cell death

Diffusion- the movement from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Osmosis- diffusion of water

There are 46 chromosomes,23 pairs

The nucleus in a cell is surrounded by nuclear envelope and inner membrane

Chromatin has DNA and protein

DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
There are four bases of DNA:
-Adenine (A)
-Thymine (T)
-Guanine (G)
-Cytosine (C)

In 1950 Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA by using x-ray diffraction

Spindle Fibers are made of microtubules

Lysosomes get rid of the old organelles

Replication of DNA

Transcription and Translation is the replication of DNA

Transcription- manufacturing a complementary RNA from DNA

Translation- Assembly of an amino acid chain according to the sequence of base triplets
in an mRNA molecule

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