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Hiptesis de sntesis de activacin

Miopa alcohlica
Ondas alfa
Estados de consciencia alterados
Efecto de sugestin bsica
Ondas beta
Bebida de borrachera
Ritmo biolgico
Meditacin de concentracin
Consciencia (estar en conocimiento)
Sueo profundo
Ondas delta

An attempt to explain how random activity in lower brain centers results in the
manufacture of relatively bizarre dreams by higher brain centers.

Alcohol myopia

Shortsighted thinking and perception that occurs during alcohol intoxication.

Alpha waves

Large, slow brain waves associated with relaxation and falling asleep.

Altered state of
consciousness (ASC)

A condition of awareness distinctly different in quality or pattern from waking



An inability to feel pleasure.

Basic suggestion

The tendency of hypnotized persons to carry out suggested actions as if they were

Beta waves

Small, fast brain waves associated with being awake and alert.

Binge drinking

Consuming five or more drinks in a short time (four drinks for women).

Biological rhythm

Any repeating cycle of biological activity, such as sleep and waking cycles or
changes in body temperature.


Excessive consumption of caffeine, leading to dependence and a variety of

physical and psychological complaints.


A sudden temporary paralysis of the muscles.


Mental exercise based on attending to a single object or thought.


Combining several people, objects, or events into a single dream image.


Mental awareness of sensations, perceptions, memories, and feelings.

Deep sleep

Stage 4 slow-wave sleep; the deepest form of normal sleep.

Delta waves

Large, slow brainwaves that occur in deeper sleep (stages 3 and 4).

Depressant (downer)

A substance that decreases activity in the body and nervous system.


In the treatment of alcoholism, the withdrawal of the patient from alcohol.


Directing emotions or actions toward safe or unimportant dream images.

Dream processes

Mental filters that hide the true meanings of dreams.

Dream symbols

Images in dreams that serve as visible signs of hidden ideas, desires, impulses,
emotions, relationships, and so forth.

Drug interaction

A combined effect of two drugs that exceeds the addition of one drugs effects to
the other.

Drug tolerance

A reduction in the bodys response to a drug.

h (EEG)

A device designed to detect, amplify, and record electrical activity in the brain.


A substance that alters or distorts sensory impressions.

Hidden observer

A detached part of the hypnotized persons awareness that silently observes



Excessive daytime sleepiness. This can result from depression, insomnia,

narcolepsy, sleep apnea, sleep drunkenness, periodic limb movements, drug
abuse, and other problems.


An altered state of consciousness characterized by narrowed attention and

increased suggestibility.

Hypnotic susceptibility Ones capacity for becoming hypnotized.


Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep; also, not feeling rested after

Latent dream content

The hidden or symbolic meaning of a dream, as revealed by dream interpretation

and analysis.

Light sleep

Stage 1 sleep, marked by small irregular brainwaves and some alpha waves.

Lucid dream

A dream in which the dreamer feels awake and capable of normal thought and

Manifest dream

The surface, visible content of a dream; dream images as they are remembered
by the dreamer.


A mental exercise for producing relaxation or heightened awareness.


A brief shift in brain-wave patterns to those of sleep.


A state of open, nonjudgmental awareness of current experience.


Mental exercise based on widening attention to become aware of everything

experienced at any given moment.


Sudden, irresistible, daytime sleep attacks that may last anywhere from a few
minutes to a half hour. Victims may fall asleep while standing, talking, or even

Neurocognitive dream

Proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts and emotions.

Night terror

A state of panic during NREM sleep.


A bad dream that occurs during REM sleep.


Nonrapid eye movement sleep characteristic of stages 2, 3, and 4.

Physical dependence

Physical addiction, as indicated by the presence of drug tolerance and withdrawal


Psychoactive drug

A substance capable of altering attention, memory, judgment, time sense, self-

control, mood, or perception.

Psychodynamic theory Any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and
unconscious forces.

Drug dependence that is based primarily on emotional or psychological needs.

Rapid eye movements


Swift eye movements during sleep.

Relaxation response

The pattern of internal bodily changes that occurs at times of relaxation.

REM rebound

The occurrence of extra rapid eye movement sleep following REM sleep

REM sleep

Sleep marked by rapid eye movements and a return to stage 1 EEG patterns.

Stimulation Therapy

A form of sensory deprivation that results in a variety of psychological benefits.

Secondary elaboration

Making a dream more logical and complete while remembering it.

Sensory deprivation

Any major reduction in the amount or variety of sensory stimulation.

Sleep apnea

During sleep, breathing stops for 20 seconds or more until the person wakes a
little, gulps in air, and settles back to sleep; this cycle may be repeated hundreds
of times per night.

Sleep deprivation

Being prevented from getting desired or needed amounts of sleep

Sleep hormone

A sleep-promoting substance found in the brain and spinal cord.

Sleep patterns

The order and timing of daily sleep and waking periods.

Sleep spindles

Distinctive bursts of brainwave activity that indicate a person is asleep.

Sleep stages

Levels of sleep identified by brain-wave patterns and behavioral changes.


A major disruption of mental and emotional functioning brought about by sleep



People who sleepwalk; occurs during NREM sleep.

Stage hypnosis

Use of hypnosis to entertain; often, merely a simulation of hypnosis for that


Stimulant (upper)

A substance that increases activity in the body and nervous system.

Stimulus control

Stimuli present when an operant response is acquired tend to control when and
where the response is made.

Sudden infant death

syndrome (SIDS)

The sudden, unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant.


The nonliteral expression of dream content.


A drug that lowers anxiety and reduces tension.

Waking consciousness A state of clear, organized alertness.

Wish fulfillment

Freudian belief that many dreams express unconscious desires.

Withdrawal symptoms

Physical illness and discomfort following the withdrawal of a drug.

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