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REAL TEXAS SUPER BOWL CHILI This classic Texas chili (no beans, no onions, no tomatoes !

as c"eate# b$ nati%e Ho&stonian Ca"te" Rochelle' (o"me" )e! *o"+ Times ,oo# e#ito" C"ai- Claibo"ne ."ono&nce# this chili his ,a%o"ite an# .&blishe# the "eci.e in t!o o, his coo+boo+s' It !as also ,eat&"e# in Saveur Cooks Authentic American Cuisine (Ch"onicle Boo+s, /01 ' Se"%e !ith .into beans an# cho..e# onion on the si#e to mix in as #esi"e#' Also se"%e !ith c"ac+e"s, to"tilla chi.s, !a"me# ,lo&" to"tillas o" co"n b"ea#' 2 .o&n#s boneless bee, ste! meat (ch&c+ o" "o&n# 3 o&nces bee, s&et (ha"# !hite ,at , c&t into .ieces (see note 2 o" 0 -a"lic clo%es, c"&she# 4 teas.oons salt 5 teas.oon ,"eshl$ -"o&n# blac+ .e..e" 0 to 3 tables.oons chili .o!#e", o" to taste 6 tables.oons masa ha"ina (7exican co"n ,lo&" 3 c&.s !ate" 4 tables.oons %ine-a" 4 teas.oons instant bee, bo&illon o" bee, bo&illon c&bes Re# chilies, c"&she# o" #"ie# an# cho..e#, to taste (o.tional Remo%e -"istle an# most o, ,at ,"om meat8 c&t into 594:inch o" smalle" c&bes (some o, the bee, sho&l# be chi..e# o" ,la+e# ' Place s&et in la"-e s+illet o" hea%$ +ettle an# "en#e" it (coo+ &ntil ,at melts ' S+im "esi#&e o,, "en#e"e# s&et8 #isca"# "esi#&e' P&t !ate" in sa&, b"in- to a boil' A## bo&illon an# sti" &ntil $o& ha%e a tast$ bee, stoc+' Set asi#e'

A## meat to hot ,at an# sa&t; &ntil li-htl$ b"o!ne#' A## -a"lic, salt, blac+ .e..e" an# chili .o!#e"' 7ix !ell an# let seasonin-s .e"meate meat a ,e! min&tes' S."in+le in masa ha"ina an# mix, sti""in- "a.i#l$ &ntil smooth' A## 0 c&.s o, bee, stoc+, a c&. at a time, sti""in- to mix th"o&-hl$' A## %ine-a" an# chilies' Re#&ce heat an# simme" &ntil meat is %e"$ ten#e"8 some o, the meat sho&l# %i"t&all$ #issol%e into the chili' I, chili becomes too #"$ o" thic+ !hile simme"in-, a## some stoc+' Co""ect seasonin-s' When chili is #one, s+im ,at ,"om s&",ace' (*o& can "e,"i-e"ate o%e"ni-ht an# sc"a.e ha"#ene# ,at o,, be,o"e "eheatin-' 7a+es 3 to 6 se"%in-s'

)ote< Beca&se o, health conce"ns, man$ chili coo+s s&bstit&te

590 c&. to 594 c&. %e-etable oil o" sho"tenin- ,o" "en#e"e# bee, s&et, !hich is a hi-hl$ sat&"ate# ,at'

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