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and Snack Ideas

Veggie omelet (1 egg; spinach; beans; chopped veggies like onion,
mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes; 1 oz shredded cheese), cup
hash browns, 1 serving fruit
- 1 cup cooked cereal (oatmeal, quinoa, amaranth), 1 chopped
apple, 1-2 tbsp chopped almonds or pecans
Breakfast burrito (6 whole wheat torElla, 1 scrambled egg with
chopped veggies, beans, 1 oz shredded cheese), top with 1 tbsp
6 oz plain Greek yogurt, cup blueberries, 1 tbsp ground axseeds

or chia seeds, 1 tbsp chopped walnuts
2 four-inch pancakes (1/4 inch thick),
1 scrambled egg, 1 tsp buMer, cup
Open-faced peanut buMer and banana
sandwich (1 slice whole wheat
bread or English mun, 1 tbsp
nut buMer, 1 sliced banana
2-3 oz smoked salmon, 1 tbsp cream cheese, and sliced tomato on 1 mini bagel or 1 whole wheat
English mun

Lunch & Dinner

3-4 oz baked protein (sh, chicken, tofu eg.) + 1 cup grains/legumes

(brown or wild rice, quinoa, lenEls) + 1-2 cups sEr-fried non-starchy
vegetables (cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, onion, bell peppers,
broccoli, etc.) in 1-2 tsp. olive oil
Large salad: spring mix or spinach, sliced red onion, cucumber,
tomatoes, broccoli or cauliower
orets, 1 tbsp unsalted sunower
seeds, 2-3 oz tuna or hardboiled
egg and cup beans, peas, or corn.
Drizzle with 1-2 tbsp olive oil and
vinegar dressing. Enjoy 1 serving
of fruit or top o salad with 1-2
tbsp dried fruit.

1 cup lenEl or bean soup made with non-starchy veggies (carrots,
celery, peppers, onions), turkey sandwich on whole wheat
bread with veggies and honey mustard

Combine carbohydrates with lean proteins and small amounts of

healthy fats for balanced meals and snacks!

Lunch & Dinner conBnued

Tuna or chicken salad made with 1-2 tsp olive oil, celery, and green
onions; small green salad, 1 oz whole wheat crackers, 6 oz yogurt
Burrito bowl (2-3 cups salad greens; 3-4 oz chicken, sh, or tofu;
cup beans; 1/3 cup brown rice; 1 oz shredded cheese,
veggies (peppers, onion, tomatoes, etc.). Top with 1 tbsp salsa.
Chicken or tofu veggie sEr-fry (3- 4 oz chicken/tofu, bok choy,
celery, carrots, bean sprouts, onion, broccoli, garlic, 1-2 tsp
sesame oil) with 1 cup brown rice
1 cup whole wheat pasta with cup pasta sauce, chicken and 1-2 cups
mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliower, etc.)
Grilled salmon with small baked potato and sauted spinach, onion, and
1 cup chili made with lean ground turkey, beans, onion, tomatoes; 1
whole wheat dinner roll; 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts
Turkey burger on whole wheat bun with leMuce,
tomato, and onions; plate baked sweet potato
wedges; 1-2 cups green side salad

Smart Snacking
1-2 serving fresh fruit with 1 oz cheese or string chees
whole wheat English mun with 1 hard boiled egg OR 1 oz goat
cheese and sliced tomato
6 oz plain Greek yogurt with cup berries and 2 tbsp sliced almonds
3 cups air popped popcorn sprinkled with 1 oz grated parmesan cheese
1 oz torElla chips with 2 tbsp each salsa and guacamole
whole wheat pita pocket with 2 tbsp hummus and raw veggies
Baby carrots, celery sEcks, cucumber slices, or bell
peppers with 1/3 cup hummus
1 oz rice or whole wheat crackers with 1-2
tbsp nut buMer
Granola bar with 5 grams of ber and
6 grams sugar
cup coMage cheese with 1 cup melons
Sardines or tuna/chicken salad with 1 oz whole grain crackers

Choose skim or 1% milk or unsweetened soy, almond, or rice milk
1 serving fruit = - 1 cup or 1 small fruit
Limit nut buMers to 1 tbsp per serving (~size of your thumb)
Limit nuts to 1 closed handful per serving
1 serving of protein (chicken, sh, meat, tofu) is 3-4 oz

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