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Submitted by:

Madiha Anjum

Submitted to:
Sir Kaleem

Roll no: BITF12E031

Types of Antenna

Types of Antenna
Horn Antenna

The horn is widely used as a feed element for large radio astronomy,
satellite tracking, and communication dishes found installed throughout the
world. In addition to its utility as a feed for reflectors and lenses, it is a
common element of phased arrays and serves as a universal standard for
calibration and gain measurements of other high-gain antennas. Its
widespread applicability stems from its simplicity in construction, ease of
excitation, versatility, large gain, and preferred overall performance.

The horn is nothing more than a hollow pipe of different cross sections,
which has been tapered (flared) to a larger opening. An electromagnetic horn
can take many different forms, four of which

The horn is nothing more than a hollow pipe of different cross sections, which
has been tapered (flared) to a larger opening. The type, direction, and
amount of taper (flare) can have a profound effect on the overall performance
of the element as a radiator.

An electromagnetic horn can take many different forms, four of which are
(a) E-plane

(b) H-plane

(c) Pyramidal

(d) Conical

Figure 1 Horn Antenna


An advantage of horn antennas is that since they have no resonant elements,

they can operate over a wide range of frequencies, a wide bandwidth.

The usable bandwidth of horn antennas is typically of the order of 10:1, and
can be up to 20:1 (for example allowing it to operate from 1 GHz to 20 GHz).
The input impedance is slowly varying over this wide frequency range,
allowing low voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) over the bandwidth.

Directional diagram width depends on the physical size of antenna. In order
to get beam radiation antennas are made with a long horn.
It's better when it is in proportion to an aperture square, i.e. of a peak crosssection LH or LE, and a directional diagram width is in inverse proportion to
LH or LE in the first power.
Therefore in order to make a directional diagram N times narrower the
aperture width must be broadened by N times and the horn must be
lengthened by N2 times. T
he horn must be excessively lengthened to get a higher gain which is very
inconvenient. In this case mirrors and lenses are used in the horn aperture.
Use of a horn as an irradiator of a parabolic antenna presents a whole new
device which is distinguished for its narrow directional diagram and low level
of side lobes.

Yagi-uda antenna is familiar as the commonest kind of terrestrial tv
antenna to be found on the rooftops of is usually used at
frequencies between 30mhz and 3ghz and covers 40 to 60 km.
Yagi-uda antenna is an electromagnetic device that collects radio waves. An
antenna tuned to a particular frequency will resonate to a radio signal of the same
The yagi-uda antenna consists of 2 parts:

the antenna elements

the antenna boom

There are three types of elements:

the reflector (refl)

the driven element (de)

the directors (dir)

Reflector here derives its main

Power from a driver , it reduces the signal strength in its own direction and
thus reflects the radiation towards the driver and directors.
The driven element is where the signal is intercepted by the receiving
equipment and has the cable attached that takes the received signal to the
The radiator and driver can be placed closer to increase the radiation length
towards the directors.

Figure 1

Figure 2

It has a moderate gain of about 7 (db).
It is a directional antenna.
Can be used at high frequency.
Adjustable from to back ratio.

The gain is not very high.
Needs a large number of elements to be used.

Parabolic Reflectors

A parabolic reflector operates much the same way a reflecting telescope does

Reflections of rays from the feed point all contribute in phase to a plane wave
leaving the antenna along the antenna bore sight (axis)

Typically used at UHF and higher frequencies

Figure 3 parabolic reflector

Micro-strip Antenna
O Developed after revolution in Electronic Circuit Miniaturization & LSI in 1970.
O Used on rockets & missiles previously.
O Designers choice.
What is Microstrip antenna
A Micro-strip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a
dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side.

Different Parameters of Micro-strip Antenna

O L = Length of the Micro-strip Patch Element
O W = Width of the Micro-strip Patch Element
O t= Thickness of Patch
O h = Height of the Dielectric Substrate.

Figure 4

Basic Principles of Operation

O The patch acts approximately as a resonant cavity (short circuit walls on top
and bottom, open-circuit walls on the sides).
O In a cavity, only certain modes are allowed to exist, at different resonant

If the antenna is excited at a resonant frequency, a strong field is set up

inside the cavity, and a strong current on the (bottom) surface of the patch.
This produces significant radiation (a good antenna).

Figure 5

Different Shapes of Micro-strip Patch Elements

Figure 6

Advantages of Micro-strip Patch Antenna

Light weight and low volume.

Low profile planar configuration which can be easily made conformal to host

Low fabrication cost, hence can be manufactured in large quantities.

Supports both, linear as well as circular polarization.

Can be easily integrated with microwave integrated circuits (MICs).

Capable of dual and triple frequency operations.

Mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces.

Narrow bandwidth

Low efficiency

Low Gain

Extraneous radiation from feeds and junctions

Poor end fire radiator except tapered slot antennas

Low power handling capacity.

Surface wave excitation.

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