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Tarie Taylor

May 14, 2015

Social Media
Final Paper/Presentation
Hootsuite Topic

Using social media is a valuable resource that is available for companies to use. The
use of social media can enhance a business in a multitude of ways for example increase brand
awareness, increase sales, content with consumers, and improve customer service. Hootsuite
University has is a company that has seen the potential in social media marketing and usage
and has made it their duty to spread the knowledge as to how using social media can truly
improve your business overall.
Hoote suite background and purposeful design is to enhance businesses social media
understanding and potentially help grow the business. Hootsuite will help a businesss promote
their brand in ways that they were unfamiliar with before. They will help the business identify
and generate quality leads that can benefit the business. Most of all hootsuite will help
generate traffic to the businesses websites all in one convenient location via their services.
With the new addition of Hootsuite Pro business owners can manage a large amount of social
networks and launch campaigns across multiple channels. The Pro version will also help
promote the brand as well as help customers, and etc.
Hootsuite offers a multitude of lessons and courses that can be extremely beneficial to
all businesses. They range from topics such as Social Media Education, Becoming a Social
Business and, Advanced Uses of Hootsuite. The lesson that I will be focusing much of this
paper on is Social Marketing and Successful Social Campaigns. I had the privilege of watching
the information video on what Hootsuite and that is why it is needed for instructional module
because it offers a way for a business to succeeded when running a social media campaign.

They pointed out that when using a social media account for your business you should always
have a plan as to how this feature will help the business in some type of way. That is why
Hootsuite created the Campain Lifestyle. What this does is give business owners a way to
build, launch, manage, amplify, and measure/ optimize their social media campaign.
Related to the training module theme I found three scholarly peer reviewed articles.
The first article comes from Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing: An Exploratory
Study of Branded Social Content and Consumer Engagement. This article talks about how a
study started a content analysis of the creative strategies present in the social media content by
a few top brands. The results revealed that social media channels are being used, which
increases creative strategies appeals, and shows how these channels and strategies relate to
consumer engagement in branded social media (Tuten, 2015).
The second scholarly peer reviewed article that I found is Creating a
Measurable Social Media Marketing Strategy: Increasing the Value and ROI of Intangibles and
Tangibles for Hokey Pokey. In this article they mention that the company has finally come to
realize the importance of a social media platform and how it connects with its target
consumers. It also helps to create an engage brand experience (Kumar, 2013).
In the third scholarly peer reviewed article that I read called Changing Advertising
Education speaks about educating others on social media within the business aspect. The
researchers were able to see that academic assignment that closely parallels an advertising
agency's real world business experience is a challenge, but social media has destroyed many of
the barriers that historically limited media options and completion of advertising plans (Lester,

Within the press there are three articles that related to the topic of Social Marketing and
Successful Social Campaigns. Those three articles are the Huffington Post, CTV News, and The Huffington Post article titled, Eight Dos and Don'ts of Timely Social Media
Campaigns spoke about the correct and wrong ways to start a social campaign and also how
to with stain one. The author mentioned being timey to todays world and staying relevant to
the topics that are current (Osborne,2015) . In the CTV News article Set yourself apart: 6
keys to crowdfunding success the author gives key success tips on ways to better your
business social media wise by encouraging its readers to not settle for ideal and to be more
creative within their social media(CTV News,2015). In the last article by Forbes Magazine A
Small Business Owner's Guide to Building an Internet Presence the author talks about how a
business should claim social media website and do not be afraid to use them because it will
make the business more visible to the consumers (Forbes,2015) .
In conclusion the use of social media has a multitude of positive outcomes. It can be
used on a personal level but when it is used for business it has a much stronger meaning to the
page that you are promoting. Social media is a great resource for all businesses and should be
used more frequently so that they can reach a broader audience and build a reputable name.
Resources like Hootsuite and the articled that are present in the paper are also essential to
building a great media account because they explain well and give great tips. Overall social
media should be seen in a more dynamic aspect and it would be useful for business owners to
take advantage of it.

"A Small Business Owner's Guide to Building an Internet Presence."Forbes. Forbes
Magazine, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015.
"Set Yourself Apart: 6 Keys to Crowdfunding Success." CTVNews. N.p., n.d. Web. 14
May 2015.
Ashley, C., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing: An
Exploratory Study of Branded Social Content and Consumer Engagement. Psychology &
Marketing, 32(1), 15-27. doi:10.1002/mar.20761
Kumar, V., Bhaskaran, V., Mirchandani, R., & Shah, M. (2013). Creating a Measurable
Social Media Marketing Strategy: Increasing the Value and ROI of Intangibles and Tangibles
for Hokey Pokey. Marketing Science, 32(2), 194-212. doi:10.1287/mksc.1120.0768
Lester, D. H. (2012). Social Media: Changing Advertising Education. Online Journal
Of Communication & Media Technologies, 2(1), 116-125.
Osborne, Jennifer. "Eight Dos and Don'ts of Timely Social Media Campaigns." The
Huffington Post. Huffington Post, 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 14 May 2015.

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