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Kon Haskettj Forwarding Agent if

Central Africa llission


P.O, Box 193

10 March 1978

Crown Pointj Ind,


Our Dear Friends in Christj

We praise the Lord for His wonderful goodness.

Our thanlcs to Soymour and Bonnie Greonherg for their help as

our promotional directors. Bonnie has been responsihlo for the

printing of our newsletters. With the blessing of the birth of
a daughter recently (congratula.tions) j Bonnie has requested to
be relieved

of the

newsletter job,-.. . For the .pro5ont'> we are

sending a printed airform like this one as our newsletter. We

are grateful that ICen and Joyce Haskett arc -continuing to serve
so well as our forwarding agents.

After two months of living in Karoi we are getting "settled .

in," as Rhodesians sayj and wo are happy vjith where wo live.

We can testify that God not only provides furnishings through

gifts, loansj and good buysj but Ho color coordinates as wellS

Our flat (more like a duplex house) with concrete floors has
two bedrooms, a P= K. (toilet) and a separate bath, a dining
rooin a very small kitchen, and a large lounge.

Since moving to Karoi we praise God that He has kept us


Attendance at the 8 acm. Sunday worship service averages

in the high 20's (a children*s service has been added during

the sermon). The Monday night Bible study alternates between
us and the O'Connors, a church family. We provide supper and
accommodations for those who travel in (travel after 4 P.m. is
not recommended, either on the farm roads or on the main roads
out of tovm). The Thursday night Bible study continues on a
farm north of Karoi. About 22 adults attend those studios,
presently on the gospel of Mark, led by Bill.
Carolyn leads two vjoraen^s Bible studies, one on Monday morn

ing at our house and another on Hednesday morning on a farm in

Tengwe, a farming commimity about 20 miles south of Karoi.
Another aspect of the work in Karoi is the Scripture classes
Friday in the school. Carolyn teaches the younger group and
Bill^ the older group, v;ith five in each class.

Bill serves as an advisor to Mr. Zija, the^i\frican evp,ngelist in Karoi. When-considering moving to Karoi, Bill^told the
men .of Karoi Pellovjship that" he would aid in the African work
?s vjell. Some v;ore not sure this v^ould be accepted.
But re
cently one of the 'European (white) farmers in our congregat^n
had both Bill and Mr. Zijc^ out to his farm to see about start

ing an African church there. This has resulted in the establithment of a church there and about 8 baptisms. _ Bill also
attends a monthly meeting of the African evangelists of the
Sinoia Christian i-Iission, as well as contributes financially to
the support of these evangelists. Bill also continues to servo^
on a committee, as chairman, that oversees Good Kews Centre, a

-Christian bookstore in Sinoia.

This involves his going to at

least monthly meetings and advising by phone,

Billy continues to be a good ambassador and makes contacts

for us in the community. He has completely recovered from his
illness in December (our thanks for your prayers and concern).
He is enjoying his first year of formal schooling. He was the
first in his class to bring homo a "real" reading book. He al
so does math, printing, painting, singing,

swim some under water), and sports (ball


We thank God for and aro encourr^ed by the internc.1 settl

ment that was signed the last of February.

seem to have a cautious optimism about it and believe that it

can lead to a constructive transition to majority rule.
We praise God daily for all of you who make poopiblo
being here to proclaim His true peace through Jesus Christ.
We rest in His care.

Bill, Carolyn, and Billy

P.S, If your congregation has any Unused Bible school

or papers (children or adult), we could use them.

Send to

as prLted material, Surface IM^e, We will have VBS mission

lessons ready concerning our work in Karoi.

Ken Haskett if you aro interested

Please contact

The Sill Delaughter Family

Ken Haskett-Forwarri^Agent

Missionaries r'or Christ

Central Africa

P.O. Box 61, Karoi, Rhodesia

P.O. box 193

October, 1978


Grown Point, Ind. 46307

Dear Friends iu Christ,

THIS I-iOriZ-I i-iiRKS 'IWO Ea-RS of serving Jesus Christ here

in Rhodesia.
The future of this beautiful country has been
so uncertain during these two years. However at this very

moment hopes are higher than they have ever been and the
people are very optimistic concerning majority rule in 1979.
There has never been a greater need for preaching the Gospel

than during this time of transition. We praise God for

allowing us to be here and for all who have supported us.

the Lord willing,

we plan zo oe here for at least another year, or until ^rly

19S0. At that time we will decide, along with the other
families serving in the Sinoia-Karoi area, how our furlough
works out with their time in the States,

AS TiS SITUiiTIOi^ CHa^jGES in our area, we must adjust

what we do and now we do it.
'This is true especially with
Bible Studies.
In the Kachichi Farm Study the time^ has

changed several times in the past wo months.

We now meet

at 3 pm to study.
This enables the farmers to reourn hone
before nightfall to be able to protect their property.

is going very vrell.

We average between 9 and 11 each Monday evening. On the

evening of the loth of October we baptized Miss Ir.nden
Burnett. She has been coming to our studies for many months
now and after studying the 6th chapter of Romans, decdded
that the message was for her.
linden is Billy's teacher at
the Primary School here in Karoi.
Several otheris are
considering the same step as our studies continue.
GARO IS lEaDIl^IG 15 WOI^IEN in the study

o;r The

Philosophy of Christian Womanhood. The tapes are played for

the group and the questions are filled out individually,
Sevei^l women are involved

in this study who do not attend

church anywhere.

Jack Pennington, who works in Salisbury, is going home

to the States for a furlough on November 1st.
Since he is
the chairman of the mission on this side, and I am the vice-


when he goes I i-dll :^ill in until a new chairman

is elected in January, 1979#



but not as much as he did at

lie lb Qu'.rig very well

doing experiments

lii I'eauiug.

that he reads about


in one of his books.

When he vjants to know about a subject, he looks it up in his

borrowed set of encyclopaedias and has us read it to him.

We recently took a flying 3 day trip to Victoria FalJs and

Billy looked up WAT3R and found Victoria Falls, He was so
excited and said,"I wasn't sure it was real before, but now


it is



included VJanl:ie Game Reserve.

seen it."


trif- also

With Billy 'Sharp Byes' along

we saw 20 different kinds of animals,

lions feeding ar.d

charging elephant gave excitement to the visit,







was mentioned as a ncied in

The response

has been


The Karoi congregation wishes to thank all who

have vnritten tellin;^ about themselves and their churches.

An African woman said, "110 GOD, :;0 PEACE; IGCW GCD, Kiv'a;

PZaCS." i'b.y His peace prevail both in Rhodesia and the u. S,

In Christ,

Bill, Carolyn, and Billy Delaughter

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