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Unit 4 Practice Quiz: Written Quiz

A. Listen to the Conversation. Circle the correct answers

Conversation 1: Jonathan and Jill are talking about his birthday
1.Jonathan is going to work / have a party on his birthday.
2. Jill invites him to dinner at her house / a movie.
Conversation 2:

Brian and Lisa are talking about their parents anniversary

1.Their parents are having their 29th / 30th anniversary.

2. She wants to plan a dinner at home / in a restaurant.

B. Complete the conversation with (not) going to. Use contractions

where possible.
Rick: How _____________ you and Marcia ________________ celebrate New Years Eve,
__________ you _________________ go to any parties?
Tim: No. We _____________________ go out for dinner. Our favorite restaurant
__________________ serve a special meal, and our friends _____________________
Join us there. But we ____________________ stay out late.
Rick: So, you _______________________ be home before midnight, huh?
Tim: Thats right. It _______________________ be a quiet celebration.

C. Write the answers. Use indirect object pronouns and the words in
parentheses ( )
Example: A: What are you going to give your Dad for his birthday?
him a watch. (watch)

B: Im going to give

1. A: What are you going to do for your parents anniversary?

B __________________________________________________________ (get / tickets for a
2. A: What are your grandparents going to give your father for his birthday?
B: __________________________________________________________ (book).
3. A: Whats your sister going to do for your birthday?
B: __________________________________________________________ (bake / a cake)

4. A: What are you going to give your mother on Mothers Day?

B __________________________________________________________ (box of

D. Match the special days with the activities. Use each expression only
1. Valentines Day _______

a. exchange rings

2. New Years Eve

b. get a diploma

3. Birthday



c. go out for a romantic dinner

4. Halloween _______

d. go trick-or-treating

5. Graduation Day ______

6. Wedding

e. blow out candles on a


f. shout Happy New Year

E. Read the pairs of sentences. Which are correct? Circle a, b, or both

(a and b)
1. a. Donna is moving into her new house this weekend.
b Donna is going to move into her new house this weekend.
2. a. Its raining tomorrow.
b. Its going to rain tomorrow
3. a. Im graduating next month
b. Im going to graduate next month
4. a. Bill is going to be a great lawyer.
b. Bill is being a great lawyer.

F. What do you think the vague expressions mean? Mark (x) two ideas for
1. Jenna loves to go to cultural events and stuff like that
__ concerts

__ festivals

__ restaurants

2. Its goin to be a big wedding. Theres going to be a band and everything.

__ nice decorations

__ a big parade

__ special food

3. Do you like celebrations and things like that?

__ folk songs

__ parties

__ costumes

4. Annas going to get lots of presents and stuff at her birthday party.
__ flowers

__ cards

__ costumes

II. Oral Quiz

Answer questions as if you are having a conversation with a partner.
1. Are you going to a party this weekend?
2. What are you doing tomorrow night?
3. What special days are you going to celebrate this month?
4. Is anyone you know going to celebrate their anniversary soon?
5. Are you going to have a party on your next birthday?
6. Are you doing anything special this weekend?
7. Are you going to send anyone a card this month?
8. Is anyone in your family gong to get married soon?
9. What are you going to do next New Years Eve?
10.Who are you going to spend your next birthday with?

Unit 4 Quiz - Answers

1. work
2. a movie
3. 30th

4. at home

1. c

2. f
1. are, going to

3. e

2. Are, going to

4. d

3. re going to

5. b

4. is going to

6. a

5. are going to
6. re not going to / arent going to

7. re going to

1. a and b

8. s going to

2. b
2. a and b

1. Im going to get them tickets for a
2. Theyre going to give him a book
3. Shes going to give him a book.
4. Im going to give her a box of

3. a

1. concerts, festivals
2. nice decorations, special food
3. parties, special events
4. flowers, cards

II Oral Quiz Sample Responses

1. Actually, I am. Its my best friends birthday
2. Nothing special. Im going to be at home, so Im probably going to
watch TV and things like that
3. Im going to celebrate Valentines Day on the 14th
4. Yes, my parents are going to celebrate their anniversary next week.
Theyre having a party and everything
5. Im not sure. Maybe
6. Yes, I am. Im going to a music festival
7. Yes, I am. Im sending my mother a birthday card
8. Well, my cousin is getting married in May
9. I want to get dressed up and everything, but it depends
10.Im going to spend it with my best friend

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