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You can use the tiles to represent part of the Warhammer World, or you can invent
your own maps, or you can generate a landscape by taking and placing random tiles
as described here. A number of examples are shown on the cover of this instruction
booklet. It is easy to make larger maps by combining two or more sets of Mighty
Empires together. Here's a handy way of generating a map by placing random tiles:

Separate out the mountain tiles. Place

all the remaining tiles in the box lid.

2 Take two of the mountain tiles and

connect them together on your table

surface to start the map.

3 Select a tile at random (without

6 You can decide to add a mountain to

the map instead of the tile you have

drawn from the box lid. Return the tile
that was drawn to the box lid and add
a mountain tile to the map instead.

7 Keep on adding tiles to the map until it

is complete.

looking!) and place it on the table (still

without looking!) so that a random
side of the tile is placed face-up.

4 Take the tile and connect it to the map

with the randomly selected side face
up. It must be placed so as to touch
two tiles on the map.

5 Rivers can only be placed with one end

connecting to a mountain or to another

river, and must be placed such a way
that the other end of the river is not
blocked by another tile. The only thing
that can connect to an already placed
river is another river tile or a marsh.
If it is impossible to place a river then
flip it to the other side and add that
side to the map instead.

The Mighty Empires set is not a game as
such - it is a kit of parts that enables
you to assemble maps suitable for
playing Warhammer campaigns or map
moderated games in any form you wish.
The following campaign rules are just
one way of playing a campaign and are
offered as an example of the sort of
map-based game possible using the
Mighty Empires map.

You will need at least two and preferably

three - players to play a campaign as
described here. A single Mighty Empires set
is sufficient to accommodate as many as

six players, and sets can be joined together

if more players are to take part. In our
campaign, rival players compete for
territory until one player conquers the
others or establishes an empire of such
size and power he is declared the victor.
During each round of the campaign the
participating players play a game of
Warhammer and, depending upon their
degree of success, they can expand their
territories or encroach upon the territories
of their neighbours.
The map is used to show the territory that
each player controls. Each player begins

with one tile marked with a banner painted

in his chosen colour. When games of
warhammer are fought, players are
awarded 'Empire Points' that are used to
take over adjoining tiles as explained
below. As a player's empire expands he
places banners on the tiles to mark his
The winner is the first player to carve
out an empire of ten tiles this is a simple
way of working out who has won and
you can set this target higher or lower as
you wish.

If you want to make a random map we

the player may add a new city to the map

roll if they are otherwise identical.

recommend that the players get together

to claim as their capital. Once each player

This order is for the whole turn, even if

circumstances change.

to do this and take it in turns to select

has selected his capital you are ready to

and place one tile at a time. The map

play. Note that no other banners are set up

needs to have at least seven tiles for

at this stage - players will get to add them

every player taking part. You will need a

to the map as the game progresses.

The campaign is fought over a number of

The Largest Empire

present for each round - although it is

Sequence Of Play

rounds . Ideally - all players must be

set of banner markers for each player

taking part in the campaign. Paint each
player's markers in a distinctive colour -

During the campaign players will often

or paint a number or letter on the

need to do things in a certain order

pennants if you prefer.

often possible to arrange instructions

beforehand if a player is unavoidably

depending on the size of their empires.

absent. A typical group of players will

This is determined by counting the number

Each player must now choose a capital city

usually work through one round every

of tiles each player controls. Tiles that

week, but it all depends on how often you

from amongst the cities that are on the

contain a city count as two tiles when

campaign map. Choose a player to begin

can get together - it is perfectly possible to

working out the size of a player's empire.

play a whole campaign over a single

and then work round clockwise so that

At the start of the turn, count how many

weekend if you wish. At the end of each

each player gets a chance to pick a capital

tiles each player controls. The player with

round, players must organise and play any

city. The player may select any available

the most tiles has the largest empire,

city by attaching an appropriately coloured

the player with the second most tiles

the next round can proceed. In each round

banner. A capital cannot be chosen next to

has the second largest empire, and so on.

all players work their way through the

Warhammer games that are required before

another capital - there must be a gap of at

If players are tied for the number of tiles,


use the number of cities as a tiebreak,

carry out the event phase, then all carry

then number of castles, and finally a dice

out the revenue phase, and so on.

1 tile between them. If there are no

available capital cities left on the map then

following sequence of play. All the players

Sequence Of Play
1. Events

3. Challenge

2. Revenue

Events phase
Each player picks one event from

5. Conquest & Build

4. Battle

Fool's Gold

the event chart, starting with the

Pick a player. That player cannot

player with the smallest Empire.

collect any revenue during this round.

In any battles you fight in this round,
your opponent must deploy their whole

You may not pick an event that

army before you deploy your army, and

another player has chosen unless

you get the first turn.

all the events have been taken

once each. Once all of the events
have been taken once each you
may pick any event you like,

Building Boom


even if it has been taken once by

You may place a castle or mine marker

Pick one player. They may not issue a

other players.

in any tile that you control, or replace

challenge against you this round.

a castle you control wtih a city.

Pick one player. They must roll a

Land Grab
The first tile you claim this turn only


for each Castle, City or Mine. On a roll




1 the place is destroyed.

All or Nothing
YOI! receive an extra

2 empire points

1 empire point rather than the


Elite Army
In any battles you fight in this round,

this round as long as you don't lose or

you may take as many Special and/or

draw any battles. If you lose or draw

Rare units as you like.

then you receive no empire points at

all this round.

Revenue Phase
Each player collects revenue from any
mines they control. The gold is added to
the player's treasury each round and can
be spent or saved up and spent in future
rounds. Each player must keep a record of
how much gold he has - or players may
choose to nominate one of their number to
keep track if they prefer.
Mines generate 2D6 x
player's treasury each
a river tile, and 3D6 x
round if they are on a

1 0 gold pieces to a
round if they are on
1 0 gold pieces each
mountain tile.

Breaking Up A Team
A player can challenge a player who is
already part of a team this will break the
team up. For example, if Andy and Phil had
formed a tcam against Bob, then Max
could challenge one of them in order to
break up the team.

If you do this then the player you have

challenged fights a battle with you, leaving
the remaining team member(s) to fight
their opponent. So, carrying on our
example, if Max challenges Phil, then Max
and phil fight a battle, leaving Andy to
fight against Bob.

Exhausting A Mine
If all of the dice rolls are the same (eg, you
roll two ' 1 's on a river, or three '5's on a
mountain) then the mine is exhausted.
Collect revenue as normal and then remove
the mine's marker from the map, but leave
the banner behind to show who controls
the tile. A new marker may be created on
the tile latter in the game if desired.

Players can agree to fight battles of

whatever size they find convenient - there
is no need for all battles to fought at a pre
set size or with a pre-selected army list.
Just play Warhammer games as you
normally would at 1 000pts, 2000pts,
3000pts or whatever your preferred size.

Challenge Phase

Army Bonuses

Each player must issue a challenge to

another player, starting with the player
with the smallest empire. The challenger
and the player they challenged must fight a
Warhammer battle in the battle phase.
A player who has been challenged cannot
issue a challenge that round his army is
already committed to battle!

Either player receives a bonus to use when

they select their army.

Forming A Team
A player can challenge a player who has

already been challenged to a battle.

The player who has been challenged can
choose to either fight onc battle against all
his challengers (see team battles). or he
can choose to fight a series of individual
one-on-one battles against each of his
challengers in turn (see multiple battles).
Any number of players can form a team in
this way.

Battle Phase

The player who has the largest empire

receives a bonus of 1 00 points in all
battles that they fight.

Team Battles
Sometimes players will fight together as a
team (see challenges). When his happens
the team must split the total points value
of their force between all the players in the

team in a mutually agreeable manner.

For example, in a 2,000 point game a two
player team might take 1 ,000 points each,
or one might take 1 ,500 and the other 500,
and so on). Each player is then allowed to
add bonuses to their individual total as
described above.
Here are some rules and guidelines for
playing team games:

Any player may spend up to 250 gold

pieces from their treasury to generate
extra points for their army. 1 gold piece
1 point (see Revenue).

Multiple Battles
Sometimes a player will have to fight more

than one battle in a round (see challenges).

A player can use all bonuses they are
entitled to in each and every battle they
fight that round. However, gold spent in
one battle is used up, and may not be used
again in a later battle.

Each player in a team controls his own

army. Both players move their units in
the movement phase, both players shoot
in the shooting phase, ete.
Units may not charge, shoot or cast
magic spells against units controlled by
another player in the team.
Characters from one player's army may
not join units belonging to a team
member's army.
Generals and army standards only
affect units from their own army.
Only units that belong to the same
army count as 'friendly units' for the
purposes of the rules. Units belonging
to a team member's army do not count
as friendly units.
Players in a team have a single pool of
power dice and dispel dice, and may
share them as they see fit. If' the players
can't agree on how to share the dice,
roll a dice to see who gets to decide.
If a Dwarf army is part of' a team, only
add two dice to the dice pool if any of
the armies in the team are Dwarfs. In
any other circumstances, only add one
extra dice to the dice pool.

Conquest & Build Phase

When you play a game of warhammer you
earn empire points as shown on the chart
below. Empire points are used to take
territory; to build cities, castles or mines;
or to remove territory from a rival player.
Players take it in turn to spend their
empire points, starting with the player
with the smallest empire and working up.

Earning Empire Points

The number of empire points a player has
to spend depends on how well he did in the
battle phase. Players who lose earn 1
point. drawing players earn 2 points. and
winners earn 3 or more points depending
upon the level of victory. Determine the
level of victory using the Victory rules in
the Warhammer rulebook using the size of
the armies before any bonuses were added.

1 empire point
2 empire points for each player
3 empire points
Narrow Victory
4 empire points
Solid Victory
5 empire points


In a team game all players in a team earn

one less empire point (so if their side wins
a narrow victory each player earns 2
empire points).
If a player fights more than one battle in a
turn then the player must average out the
empire points for the battles they fought.
rounding any fractions down. For example.
if a player fights two battles. loses one and
scores a solid victory in the other. then he
would score (1 +4)/2
2' . rounded down
to 2 empire points.

Spending Empire Points

Empire points can be spent as follows.
Unused points are lost.

Claim Tile (2 empire points)

Place a banner on a tile without a

banner that is adjacent to one of
your own tiles.

Conquer Tile



It costs 1 extra empire

point to Claim or Conquer
a Mountain tile.

gold piece
1 extra point). Gold mines
on a river generate 2D6 x 10 gold
pieces; gold mines in a mountain
generate 3D6 x 10 gold pieces.

Castles or Cities It costs 1 extra empire

point to Conquer a tile

that contains a castle or
a city.
You can spend empire points to add a
castle. city or mine piece to a tile that you
control. Alternatively. you may instead
replace a marker on a tile you control with
another one.
Makes it more difficult for players to
conquer the tile (see above). Cannot be

built on marsh tiles.

To build a city there must already be a
castle on the tile. You may upgrade a
castle in the same turn that you build
it. and the city replaces the castle.
The tile counts as having a castle and
in addition counts as two tiles when
working out who has the largest
empire. Cities cannot be built on
mountain or marsh tiles.
Generates gold pieces in the revenue

phase. Can only be built on river or

mountain tiles. You can spend gold
from your treasury to increase the
points size of your army in a battle ( 1

How To Win
A player wins instantly when he claims his
tenth tile or if he knocks any other player
out of the game by conquering the last tile
that player controls. Tiles that contain a
city count as two tiles for determining
when a player wins the game.

Getting More Players Involved

A campaign brings an extra dimension to
fighting battles and inevitably other
players will want to join in once the action
has started. Sometimes it is easy enough to
simply add another player once the
campaign is underway if you have spare
map tiles you can even extend the map a
little as required. If you are feeling
generous you might give the new player a
ready-made empire to bring the newcomer
up to the same size as the smallest of the
empires on the map.
It is also possible for a new player to
buddy up with an existing player and for
them to share fighting battles between
them - this is especially useful if players
can't always play as often as they'd like.
It's always useful to have a few extra
players who are willing to stand in as
'mercenary generals' on the occasions
when a player is unable to fight a battle
within the time required.

empire points)

Remove another player'S banner

from a tile that is adjacent to one
of your own tiles and replace
with your own. You must haw
fought and won a battle against
the player in the preceding battle

Build (1 empire point)

Add a castle. city or mine to a tile

you already control (see Builds



empire points)

Add 2D6 x 10 gold pieces to your


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