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31 [treizeci i unu]

31 [thirty-one]

La restaurant 3

At the restaurant 3

Doresc un aperitiv.
Doresc o salat.
Doresc o sup.

I would like a starter.

I would like a salad.
I would like a soup.

Doresc un desert.
Doresc o ngheat cu fric.
Doresc fructe sau brnz.

I would like a dessert.

I would like an ice cream with whipped cream.
I would like some fruit or cheese.

Vrem s lum micul dejun.

Vrem s mncm prnzul.
Vrem s cinm.

We would like to have breakfast.

We would like to have lunch.
We would like to have dinner.

Ce dorii la micul dejun?

Chifl cu gem i miere?
Pine prjit cu salam i brnz?

What would you like for breakfast?

Rolls with jam and honey?
Toast with sausage and cheese?

Un ou fiert?
Un ochi?
O omlet?

A boiled egg?
A fried egg?
An omelette?

V rog nc un iaurt.
V rog nc sare i piper.
V rog un pahar cu ap.

Another yoghurt, please.

Some salt and pepper also, please.
Another glass of water, please.


32 [treizeci i doi]

32 [thirty-two]

La restaurant 4

At the restaurant 4

O porie de cartofi prjii cu ketchup.

i dou cu maionez.
i trei porii de crnai prjii cu mutar.

Id like chips / French fries (am.) with ketchup.

And two with mayonnaise.
And three sausages with mustard.

Ce fel de legume avei?

Avei fasole?
Avei conopid?

What vegetables do you have?

Do you have beans?
Do you have cauliflower?

Eu mnnc cu plcere porumb.

Eu mnnc cu plcere castravei.
Eu mnnc cu plcere roii.

I like to eat (sweet) corn.

I like to eat cucumber.
I like to eat tomatoes.

Mncai i praz cu plcere?

Mncai i varz murat cu plcere?
Mncai i linte cu plcere?

Do you also like to eat leek?

Do you also like to eat sauerkraut?
Do you also like to eat lentils?

Mnnci i tu morcovi cu plcere?

Mnnci i tu broccoli cu plcere?
Mnnci i tu ardei cu plcere?

Do you also like to eat carrots?

Do you also like to eat broccoli?
Do you also like to eat peppers?

Mie nu-mi place ceapa.

Mie nu-mi plac mslinele.
Mie nu-mi plac ciupercile.

I dont like onions.

I dont like olives.
I dont like mushrooms.


33 [treizeci i trei]

33 [thirty-three]

n gar

At the train station

Cnd pleac urmtorul tren spre Berlin?

Cnd pleac urmtorul tren spre Paris?
Cnd pleac urmtorul tren spre Londra?

When is the next train to Berlin?

When is the next train to Paris?
When is the next train to London?

La ce or pleac trenul spre Varovia?

La ce or pleac trenul spre Stockholm?
La ce or pleac trenul spre Budapesta?

When does the train for Warsaw leave?

When does the train for Stockholm leave?
When does the train for Budapest leave?

A dori un bilet spre Madrid.

A dori un bilet spre Praga.
A dori un bilet spre Berna.

Id like a ticket to Madrid.

Id like a ticket to Prague.
Id like a ticket to Bern.

Cnd ajunge trenul n Viena?

Cnd ajunge trenul n Moscova?
Cnd ajunge trenul n Amsterdam?

When does the train arrive in Vienna?

When does the train arrive in Moscow?
When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?

Trebuie s schimb trenul?

De pe ce linie pleac trenul?
Exist vagoane de dormit n tren?

Do I have to change trains?

From which platform does the train leave?
Does the train have sleepers?

Vreau numai un drum dus spre Bruxelles.

Doresc un drum ntors spre Kopenhaga.
Ct cost un loc n vagonul de dormit?

Id like a one-way ticket to Brussels.

Id like a return ticket to Copenhagen.
What does a berth in the sleeper cost?


34 [treizeci i patru]

34 [thirty-four]

n tren

On the train

Acesta este trenul spre Berlin?

Cnd pleac trenul?
Cnd ajunge trenul la Berlin?

Is that the train to Berlin?

When does the train leave?
When does the train arrive in Berlin?

Scuzai-m, pot s trec?

Cred c acesta este locul meu.
Cred c stai pe locul meu.

Excuse me, may I pass?

I think this is my seat.
I think youre sitting in my seat.

Unde este vagonul de dormit?

Vagonul de dormit este la captul trenului.
i unde este vagonul restaurant? La nceput.

Where is the sleeper?

The sleeper is at the end of the train.
And where is the dining car? At the front.

Pot s dorm jos?

Pot s dorm la mijloc?
Pot s dorm sus?

Can I sleep below?

Can I sleep in the middle?
Can I sleep at the top?

Cnd ajungem la grani?

Ct dureaz cltoria pn la Berlin?
Are trenul ntrziere?

When will we get to the border?

How long does the journey to Berlin take?
Is the train delayed?

Avei ceva de citit?

Se poate primi aici ceva de mncat i de but?
M trezii v rog la ora 7.00?

Do you have something to read?

Can one get something to eat and to drink here?
Could you please wake me up at 7 oclock?


35 [treizeci i cinci]

35 [thirty-five]

La aeroport

At the airport

Doresc s rezerv un zbor spre Atena.

Este un zbor direct?
V rog un loc la geam, nefumtori.

Id like to book a flight to Athens.

Is it a direct flight?
A window seat, non-smoking, please.

Doresc s confirm rezervarea mea.

Doresc s anulez rezervarea mea.
Doresc s schimb rezervarea mea.

I would like to confirm my reservation.

I would like to cancel my reservation.
I would like to change my reservation.

Cnd pleac urmtorul avion spre Roma?

Mai sunt dou locuri libere?
Nu, mai avem numai un loc liber.

When is the next flight to Rome?

Are there two seats available?
No, we have only one seat available.

Cnd aterizm?
Cnd ajungem?
Cnd pleac un autobuz spre centru oraului?

When do we land?
When will we be there?
When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)?

Acesta este geamantanul dumneavoastr?

Acesta este geanta dumneavoastr?
Acesta este bagajul dumneavoastr?

Is that your suitcase?

Is that your bag?
Is that your luggage?

Ct bagaj pot lua cu mine?

Douzeci de kilograme.
Ce, numai douzeci de kilograme?

How much luggage can I take?

Twenty kilos.
What? Only twenty kilos?


36 [treizeci i ase]

36 [thirty-six]

Transport public local

Public transportation

Unde este staia de autobuz?

Care autobuz merge n centru?
Ce linie trebuie s iau?

Where is the bus stop?

Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?
Which bus do I have to take?

Trebuie s schimb autobuzul?

Unde trebuie s schimb autobuzul?
Ct cost un bilet de cltorie?

Do I have to change?
Where do I have to change?
How much does a ticket cost?

Cte staii sunt pn n centru?

Trebuie s cobori aici.
Trebuie s cobori prin spate.

How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?
You have to get off here.
You have to get off at the back.

Urmtorul metrou vine n 5 minute.

Urmtorul tramvai vine n 10 minute.
Urmtorul autobuz vine n 15 minute.

The next train is in 5 minutes.

The next tram is in 10 minutes.
The next bus is in 15 minutes.

Cnd pleac ultimul metrou?

Cnd pleac ultimul tramvai?
Cnd pleac ultimul autobuz?

When is the last train?

When is the last tram?
When is the last bus?

Avei un bilet de cltorie?

Un bilet de cltorie? Nu, nu am.
Atunci trebuie s pltii o amend.

Do you have a ticket?

A ticket? No, I dont have one.
Then you have to pay a fine.


37 [treizeci i apte]

37 [thirty-seven]

La drum

En route

Merge cu motocicleta.
Merge cu bicicleta.
Merge pe jos.

He drives a motorbike.
He rides a bicycle.
He walks.

Merge cu vaporul.
Merge cu barca.
El noat.

He goes by ship.
He goes by boat.
He swims.

Este periculos aici?

Este periculos s faci singur autostopul?
Este periculos s mergi noaptea la plimbare?

Is it dangerous here?
Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone?
Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night?

Ne-am rtcit.
Suntem pe drumul greit.
Trebuie s ntoarcem.

We got lost.
Were on the wrong road.
We must turn around.

Unde se poate aici parca?

Exist aici un loc de parcare?
Ct timp se poate parca aici?

Where can one park here?

Is there a parking lot here?
How long can one park here?

Urcai cu schiliftul?
Se pot nchiria aici schiuri?

Do you ski?
Do you take the ski lift to the top?
Can one rent skis here?


38 [treizeci i opt]

38 [thirty-eight]

n taxi

In the taxi

Chemai v rog un taxi.

Ct cost pn la gar?
Ct cost pn la aeroport?

Please call a taxi.

What does it cost to go to the station?
What does it cost to go to the airport?

V rog drept nainte.

V rog aici la dreapta.
V rog acolo la col la stnga.

Please go straight ahead.

Please turn right here.
Please turn left at the corner.

M grbesc.
Am timp.
V rog s conducei mai ncet.

Im in a hurry.
I have time.
Please drive slowly.

V rog s oprii aici.

Ateptai un moment v rog.
M ntorc imediat.

Please stop here.

Please wait a moment.
Ill be back immediately.

V rog s-mi dai o chitan.

Nu am bani mruni.
Este bine aa, restul este pentru dumneavoastr.

Please give me a receipt.

I have no change.
That is okay, please keep the change.

Ducei-m la aceast adres.

Ducei-m la hotelul meu.
Ducei-m la trand.

Drive me to this address.

Drive me to my hotel.
Drive me to the beach.


39 [treizeci i nou]

39 [thirty-nine]

Pan auto

Car breakdown

Unde este urmtoarea benzinrie?

Am o pan de cauciuc.
Putei schimba roata?

Where is the next gas station?

I have a flat tyre / tire (am.).
Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)?

mi trebuie civa litri de motorin.

Nu mai am benzin.
Avei o canistr de rezerv?

I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.

I have no more petrol / gas (am.).
Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?

De unde pot da un telefon?

mi trebuie un serviciu de remorcare.
Caut un service auto.

Where can I make a call?

I need a towing service.
Im looking for a garage.

S-a ntmplat un accident.

Unde este urmtorul telefon?
Avei un telefon mobil la dumneavoastr?

An accident has occurred.

Where is the nearest telephone?
Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?

Avem nevoie de ajutor.

Chemai un medic!
Chemai poliia!

We need help.
Call a doctor!
Call the police!

Actele dumneavoastr, v rog.

Carnetul dumneavoastr de conducere, v rog.
Certificatul dumneavoastr de nregistrare, v rog.

Your papers, please.

Your licence / license (am.), please.
Your registration, please.


40 [patruzeci]

40 [forty]

Indicaii de drum

Asking for directions

M putei ajuta?
Unde este aici un restaurant bun?

Excuse me!
Can you help me?
Is there a good restaurant around here?

Mergei la stnga dup col.

Mergei apoi o bucat drept nainte.
Mergei apoi o sut de metri la dreapta.

Take a left at the corner.

Then go straight for a while.
Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.).

Putei lua i autobuzul.

Putei lua i tramvaiul.
Putei pur i simplu s m urmai.

You can also take the bus.

You can also take the tram.
You can also follow me with your car.

Cum ajung la stadionul de fotbal?

Trecei podul!
Mergei prin tunel!

How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium?

Cross the bridge!
Go through the tunnel!

Mergei pn la al treilea semafor.

Virai prima strad la dreapta.
Mergei apoi drept nainte la urmtoarea intersecie.

Drive until you reach the third traffic light.

Then turn into the first street on your right.
Then drive straight through the next intersection.

Scuzai-m, cum ajung la aeroport?

Cel mai bine luai metroul.
Mergei pn la ultima staie.

Excuse me, how do I get to the airport?

It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.).
Simply get out at the last stop.


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