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Bandwidth Management Paper


Bandwidth Management Paper


A data signal is data transmission that is often in binary code. This signal can be in the form of
pulses or signals from one host to another host or from one host to many. Data and video signal
are usually encoded using a digital format, voice is usually encoded using an analog format. In
analog technology, sound is recorded in its original form. In an analog recording of voice data the
data is carried over from the microphone onto the medium. The wave from the microphone is an
analog wave, and therefore the wave on the tape is analog as well. That wave on the tape can be

Bandwidth Management Paper

read, amplified and put through a sound system to produce the original sound. In digital
technology, the video or data is formatted into integers that are stored on a digital medium. The
more samples that are taken the more closely the digital data reflect the original data or video
Bandwidth is a rate that electronic signals can travel through a cable or wire. Bandwidth can be
thought of as the diameter of a tube, the larger the diameter the more data can travel through it.
User datagram Protocol (UDP) and transmission control protocol (TCP) are the sub-layers of the
transport layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite. They perform the function, furnishing an interface
between programs and the data-moving capabilities of the Internet Protocol (IP), but they this
task in very different ways. You can limit a particular type of application or you can specify how
much bandwidth is available to each user. This technique is sometimes known as bandwidth
limiting. Quality of Service (QoS) complements bandwidth limiting, and sometimes requires this
to work effectively. Bandwidth limiting delays and limits low priority Internet traffic, which
makes higher priority traffic move faster on the network. QoS prioritizes the high priority network
traffic, making sure it gets sent out before other traffic streams and guaranteeing that it arrives at
its destination within a specified time frame. Real time media like voice, video and online gaming
react badly to latency and jitter so they often need QoS. On the other hand, most of us can surf
the Web at much higher latencies without noticing a serious delay, so theres no point in applying
QoS to ordinary Web traffic. Voice and video traffic is generally transmitted using UDP. Real-time
video and audio streaming protocols are designed to handle occasional lost packets, so only slight
degradation in quality occurs, rather than large delays if lost packets were retransmitted. Because
both TCP and UDP run over the same network, many businesses are finding that a recent increase
in UDP traffic from these real-time applications is hindering the performance of applications using
TCP. Applications like point of sale, accounting, and database systems. When TCP detects packet

Bandwidth Management Paper

loss, it will inhibit its data rate usage. Since both real-time and business applications are important
to businesses, creating QOS solutions is seen as crucial by many. TCP provides a communication
channel between processes on each host system. The channel is reliable, full-duplex, and
streaming. To achieve this functionality the TCP drivers break up the session data stream into
packets, and attach a TCP header to each one. An IP header is attached to this TCP packet, and
then the packet is passed to the network for delivery. This TCP header has numerous fields that
are used to support the intended TCP functionality.


Bandwidth Management Paper





Serpanos,D.,&Wolf,T.(2011).Architectureof networksystems.Burlington,MA:Elsevier.

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