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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qc\
\cf2\b0\f1 umm kulthum\par
\i\f2\fs48 daughter of \lquote Ali ibn Abi Talib \par
\cf1\b\i0\f0\fs72 to \lquote Umar ibn al-Khattab \f3 t\f0 \par
\cf2\b0\f4\fs20\'b2\f2 \f4\'b2\f2 \f4\'b2\f2 \par
\cf1\f5\fs36 by Abu Muhammad al-Afriqi\par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qc\f1 MISREPRESENTATION OF HISTORY \par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf3\f6\fs24 A major part of the edifice upon which Shi\lquote i
Shi\lquote i historians seemed little troubled by the fact that their own reconstruction of
It is this spirit\emdash of emotional prejudice overriding objective scholarship\emdash tha
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qc\cf1\f1\fs36 "PERSECUTION" OF THE AHL AL-BAYT\par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf3\f6\fs24 One such case of the invention of history is the "p
\pard\ltrpar\li360\ri360\sb100\sa100\qj of \lquote Umar ibn al-Khattab threatening to burn
of \lquote Umar ordering the door of the house to be broken, with Fatimah being wounded and
and of her husband, the valiant \lquote Ali being dragged out of his house like a common cr
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj all of these have to the Shi\lquote i mind become undisputable
However, let us take this version of history that weaves itself around the core element of
Another fact of history which clashes with the alleged persecution of \lquote Ali and Fatim
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qc\cf1\f1\fs36 THE MARRIAGE OF UMM KULTHUM\par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf3\f6\fs24 Umm Kulthum was the second daughter of \lquote Ali
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj I was informed by Anas ibn \lquote Iyad al-Laythi,
that \lquote Umar ibn al-Khattab asked \lquote Ali ibn Abi Talib for the hand of Umm Kulthu
Then \lquote Umar came to the Muhajirun between the grave [of Rasulullah \f3 r\f6 ] and th
Then he related to them that the Nabi \f3 r\f6 said, "Every tie of kinship, and every asso
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj Two children were born from this marriage, namely Zayd and Ruqa
The marriage of Umm Kulthum has been unanimously accepted as a fact of history by all major
At this moment it needs to be noted that the above narration was recorded by Ibn Sa\lquote
In later centuries the marriage of Umm Kulthum would become a major bone of contention for
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj The marriage of Umm Kulthum to \lquote Umar ibn al-
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf1\b Shi\lquote i writings on the marriage of Umm Kulthum\par
\cf3\b0 The same authors then proceed to enumerate a list of five independent books on the
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\b\i al-Mas\rquote alah al-Muwaddihah \lquote an Asb
\b0\i0\emdash by ash-Shaykh al-Mufid (died 413 AH). It is alternatively entitled \i Inkah A
\b\i Jawab as-Su\rquote al \lquote an Wajh Tazwij Amir al-Mu\rquote minin Ibnatahu min \lqu
\b0\i0\emdash by Sayyid Murtada (died 436 AH). It is also mentioned by Aqa Buzurg Tehrani (
\b\i Tazwij \lquote Umar li-Umm Kulthum\par
\b0\i0\emdash by Shaykh Sulayman ibn Abdullah al-Mahuzi (died 1121 AH). It is mentioned by
\b Tazwij Umm Kulthum bint Amir al-Mu\rquote minin wa-Inkar Wuqu\lquote ihi\par
\b0\i0\emdash by Shaykh Muhammad Jawad al-Balaghi (died 1352AH/1932). It is mentioned by Te
an independent treatise by Sayyid Nasir Husayn of Lucknow, India (died 1361AH/1941).\par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj The above clearly demonstrates the attention the marriage of Um
Chronologically speaking, attitudes amongst the Shi\lquote ah towards the marriage of Umm K
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qc\cf1\f1\fs36 PRIOR TO THE FIFTH CENTURY\par
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf3\f6\fs24 Shi\lquote i activity during the first century afte
The fourth century after the Hijrah witnessed the compilation of Muhammad ibn Ya\lquote qub
\pard\ltrpar\li360\ri360\sb100\sa100\qj in it the author sought to document the minor compi
it was compiled in Baghdad during the Minor Occultation of the Hidden Imam (as stated by Aq
it actually bears the seal of approval of the Hidden Imam himself, and he was the one who n
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj In this work the author has documented at least FOUR traditions
However some of these traditions impart a unique flavour to the entire episode, in that now
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\lquote Ali ibn Ibrahim\emdash from his father\emdas
\emdash Imam Ja\lquote far as-Sadiq said regarding the marriage of Umm Kulthum\b : "That wa
[The word \lquote woman\rquote here is an attempt from the writer of this article to prese
Muhammad ibn Abi \lquote Umayr\emdash Hisham ibn Salim, who narrates that\par
\emdash Imam Ja\lquote far as-Sadiq said: \b "When [\lquote Umar] proposed to Amir al-Mu\rq
Then he [\lquote Umar] met \lquote Abbas and asked him, \lquote What is wrong with me? Is t
\lquote Abbas thereupon came to \lquote Ali and informed him of what had transpired. He ask
Humayd ibn Ziyad\emdash Ibn Sama\lquote ah\emdash Muhammad ibn Ziyad\emdash\lquote Abdullah
\emdash [Mu\lquote awiyah ibn \lquote Ammar says:] I asked him about a woman whose husband
Muhammad ibn Yahya and others\emdash Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa\emdash al-Husayn ibn Sa\lqu
\emdash I asked Imam Ja\lquote far as-Sadiq about the woman whose husband has died: Where s
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\cf1\b Authenticity\par
\cf3\b0 We have here four chains of narration up to Imam Ja\lquote far as-Sadiq. An investi
\b NARRATION 1\par
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\b0 al-Kulayni received the reports from Ibn Abi \lq
\lquote Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Qummi reports from his father \b Ibrahim ibn Hashim al-Qummi\b0
Ibrahim ibn Hashim al-Qummi reports on the authority of \b Muhammad ibn Abi \lquote Umayr\b
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\b NARRATION 2\par
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\b0 This report also came down to al-Kulayni through
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj\b NARRATION 3\par
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\b0 al-Kulayni reports this narration from his teach
\b Ibn Sama\lquote ah\b0 is properly known as al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Sama\lquote ah. He
\b Muhammad ibn Ziyad\b0 is properly known as Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Ziyad al-\lquote A
\b\lquote Abdullah ibn Sinan\b0 was an eminent Imami Shi\lquote i of Kufah about whom it i
\b Mu\lquote awiyah ibn \lquote Ammar\b0 was an eminent and leading Shi\lquote i narrator
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj The opinions of the Shi\lquote i critics of hadith regarding th
\b NARRATION 4\par
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj\b0 al-Kulayni recorded this report on the authority
\b Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa al-Qummi\b0 was \i "shaykh al-Qummiyyin, wa-wajhuhum, wa-faq
\b al-Husayn ibn Sa\lquote id\b0 is described as \i "\lquote ayn, jalil al-qadr"\i0 (an o
\b an-Nadr ibn Suwayd\b0 is rated as \i "Kufi,thiqah, sahih al-hadith"\i0 (a reliable Kuf
\b Hisham ibn Salim\b0 is credited with having been a student of Imam Ja\lquote far as-Sad
\b Sulayman ibn Khalid\b0 is mentioned as having been a student of Imam al-Baqir. His deat
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj This investigation concludes that each of the narrators of the
Besides al-Kulayni, there were during this time other Shi\lquote i authors too who affirmed
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj Rasulullah \f3 r\f6 entrusted upon \lquote Ali \f3
\lquote Ali \f3 u\f6 was thus keeping this covenant, protecting thereby the oppressed Musl
Thus, when \lquote Umar asked for the hand of Umm Kulthum, \lquote Ali \f3 u\f6 thought to
In doing so he placed his daughter in a position similar to that of Asiyah bint Muzahim, th
The case of this man with Umm Kulthum is the same as the case of Fir\lquote awn with Asiyah
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj Abul Qasim al-Kufi seems not to spare a moment\rquote s thought
\i0 In addition, this attempt by Abul Qasim al-Kufi to explain the marriage of Umm Kulthum
\pard\ltrpar\li720\ri720\sb100\sa100\qj The comaprison between Umm Kulthum and Asiyah is un
Abul Qasim\rquote s report speaks of Rasulullah \f3 r\f6 informing \lquote Ali of exactly
The reason for preserving the peace with the three khulafa is given as the fear that people
\pard\ltrpar\sb100\sa100\qj However, despite all Abul Qasim al-Kufi\rquote s effort in work

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