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S E R IE S 2 P V
G A S - F I R E D BO I L E R

F o r s e r vi c e o r r e p a i r s to b o i le r, c a ll yo ur he a ti ng c o ntr a c to r. W he n s e e k i ng i nfo r m a ti o n o n
b o i le r, p r o vi d e B o i le r M o d e l Num b e r a nd S e r i a l Num b e r a s s ho wn o n Ra ti ng L a b e l.
B o i le r M o d e l Num b e r

2 0 _ P V _ I -_ _ _ _
He a ti ng C o ntr a c to r

B o i le r S e r i a l Num b e r

Ins ta lla ti o n D a te

6_ _ _ _ _ _ _
P ho ne Num b e r

A d d re s s


Price - $3.00

The following terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk
levels, or to important information concerning product life.


In d ic a t e s a n im m in e n t ly h a z a r d o u s
s it u a t io n w h ic h , if n o t a v o id e d , w ill r e s u lt
in d e a t h , s e r io u s in ju r y o r s u b s t a n t ia l
p ro p e rty d a ma g e .

In d ic a t e s a p o t e n t ia lly h a z a r d o u s
s it u a t io n w h ic h , if n o t a v o id e d , m a y r e s u lt
in m o d e r a t e o r m in o r in ju r y o r p r o p e r t y
d a ma g e .


In d ic a t e s a p o t e n t ia lly h a z a r d o u s
s it u a t io n w h ic h , if n o t a v o id e d , c o u ld
r e s u lt in d e a t h , s e r io u s in ju r y o r
s u b s t a n t ia l p r o p e r t y d a m a g e .

In d ic a t e s s p e c ia l in s t r u c t io n s o n
in s t a lla t io n , o p e r a t io n , o r m a in t e n a n c e
w h ic h a r e im p o r t a n t b u t n o t r e la t e d t o
p e r s o n a l in ju r y h a z a r d s .

This Series 2PV Boiler has been approved by the Massachusetts Board of Plumbers and Gas Fitters: Approval No. G3-1200-28.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires this product to be installed by a licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter.

Table of Contents

Pre-Installation ........................4


Electrical ................................15


Unpack Boiler ..........................5


System Start-up .....................16


Water Piping ............................6


Service ....................................24


Gas Piping ................................8


Repair Parts ...........................26


Venting ......................................9


Low Water Cut Off................35

U S A b o ile r s b u ilt fo r in s t a lla t io n a t a lt it u d e s g r e a t e r t h a n 2 ,0 0 0 fe e t a b o v e s e a le v e l h a v e
b e e n s p e c ia lly o r ific e d t o r e d u c e g a s in p u t r a t e 4 p e r c e n t p e r 1 ,0 0 0 fe e t a b o v e s e a le v e l
p e r t h e N a t io n a l F u e l Ga s C o d e , N F PA 5 4 /AN S I Z2 2 3 .1 , S e c t io n 8 .1 .2 a n d Ap p e n d ix F.
C a n a d ia n b o ile r s ' o r ific e s iz in g is in d ic a t e d o n t h e r a t in g la b e l. H ig h a lt it u d e b o ile r
m o d e ls a r e id e n t ifia b le b y t h e s e c o n d d ig it in t h e m o d e l n u m b e r s u ffix o n t h e r a t in g
la b e l:
2 0 _ P V _ I- _ _ 2 : L e s s t h a n 2 0 0 0 ft . e le v a t io n
2 0 _ P V _ I- _ _ 4 : 2 0 0 0 ft . a n d h ig h e r e le v a t io n , C a n a d a
2 0 _ P V _ I- _ _ 5 : 2 0 0 0 ft . a n d h ig h e r e le v a t io n , U S A






B o i le r M o d e l





1 5 - 1 /8



1 0 - 1 /1 6

D i m e ns i o ns [i n i nc he s ]



1 5 - 5 /8

1 5 - 5 /8

5 .5

4 .7

3 .2

Wa te r C o nte nt
[Ga llo ns ]

Figure 1: Elevation Views





A p p r o x. S hi p p i ng
W e i g ht ( lb .)

I. Pre-Installation
C a r e fu lly r e a d a ll in s t r u c t io n s b e fo r e
in s ta llin g b o ile r. F a ilu r e to fo llo w a ll
in s t r u c t io n s in p r o p e r o r d e r c a n c a u s e
p e r s o n a l in ju r y o r d e a t h .

A. Inspect shipment carefully for any signs of damage.

All equipment is carefully manufactured, inspected and
packed. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of
boiler to carrier in good condition. Any claim for
damage or shortage in shipment must be filed
immediately against carrier by consignee. No claims for
variances or shortages will be allowed by Boiler
Manufacturer, unless presented within sixty (60) days
after receipt of equipment.

B. Installation must conform to the requirements of the

authority having jurisdiction. In the absence of such
requirements, installation must conform to National
Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1, and/or CAN/
CGA B149 Installation Codes. Where required by the
authority having jurisdiction, the installation must
conform to the Standard for Controls and Safety
Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers, ANSI/ASME

D. Provide clearance between boiler jacket and

combustible material in accordance with local fire
ordinance. See Figure 2 for minimum clearance from
combustible material for closet installation. For alcove
installation provide top clearance of 27 inches and right
side clearance of 6 inches. Recommended service
clearance is 24 inches from left side, right side and
front. Service clearances may be reduced to minimum
clearances to combustible materials.

E. Install on level floor. For basement installation provide

solid base, such as concrete, if floor is not level or if
water may be encountered on floor around boiler.

F. Install near outside wall for through wall venting.

Refer to Section V: Venting, for vent length limitations.

C e r t if ie d a s C a t e g o r y III a p p lia n c e . In s t a ll
v e n t s y s t e m in a c c o r d a n c e w it h S e c t io n
V: Ve n tin g . D o n o t v e n t u s in g ma s o n ry
c h imn e y, Ty p e B g a s v e n t, o r o th e r
C a t e g o r y I v e n t in g s y s t e m .

G. Protect gas ignition system components from water

(dripping, spraying, rain, etc.) during boiler operation
and service (circulator replacement, condensate trap,
control replacement, etc.).

H. Provide combustion and ventilation air in accordance

with applicable provisions of local building codes, or
National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1,
Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation, or
Sections 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 of CAN/CGA B149 Installation

Ad e q u a t e c o m b u s t i o n a n d v e n t i l a t i o n a i r
m u s t b e p r o v id e d t o a s s u r e p r o p e r
c o m b u s t io n .
The following guideline is based on the National Fuel
Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1.
1. Determine volume of space (boiler room). Rooms
communicating directly with space (through
openings not furnished with doors) are considered
part of space.
Volume [ft] = Length [ft] x Width [ft] x Height [ft]
Figure 2: Minimum Clearances to Combustible
Construction for Closet Installation

C. Appliance is design certified for installation on

combustible flooring. The boiler must not be installed
on carpeting.

2. Determine Total Input of all appliances in space.

Round result to nearest 1,000 Btu per hour (Btuh).
3. Determine type of space. Divide Volume by Total

a. If result is greater than or equal to 50 ft per

1,000 Btuh, space is considered an unconfined
b. If result is less than 50 ft per 1,000 Btuh, space
is considered a confined space.
4. Determine building type. A building of unusually
tight construction has the following characteristics:
a. Walls and ceiling exposed to outside atmosphere
have a continuous water vapor retarder with a
rating of 1 perm or less with openings gasketed
and sealed, and;
b. Weather-stripping has been added on openable
windows and doors, and;
c. Caulking or sealants applied in joints around
window and door frames, between sole plates
and floors, between wall-ceiling joints, between
wall panels, at plumbing and electrical
penetrations, and at other openings.
5. For boiler located in an unconfined space in a
building of other than unusually tight construction,
adequate combustion and ventilation air is normally
provided by fresh air infiltration through cracks
around windows and doors.
6. For boiler located within unconfined space in
building of unusually tight construction or within
confined space, provide outdoor air through two
permanent openings which communicate directly or
by duct with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic)
freely communicating with the outdoors. Locate one
opening within 12 inches of top of space. Locate
remaining opening within 12 inches of bottom of
space. Minimum dimension of air opening is 3
inches. Size each opening per following:
a. Direct communication with outdoors. Minimum
free area of 1 square inch per 4,000 Btu per hour
input of all equipment in space.
b. Vertical ducts. Minimum free area of 1 square
inch per 4,000 Btu per hour input of all
equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area
shall be same as opening free area.

c. Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of 1 square

inch per 2,000 Btu per hour input of all
equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area
shall be same as opening free area.
Alternate method for boiler located within confined
space. Use indoor air if two permanent openings
communicate directly with additional space(s) of
sufficient volume such that combined volume of all
spaces meet criteria for unconfined space. Size each
opening for minimum free area of 1 square inch per
1,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in spaces,
but not less than 100 square inches.
7. Ventilation Duct Louvers and Grilles. Equip outside
openings with louvers to prevent entrance of rain
and snow, and screens to prevent entrance of insects
and rodents. Louvers and grilles must be fixed in
open position or interlocked with equipment to open
automatically before burner operation. Screens must
not be smaller than inch mesh.
Consider the blocking effect of louvers, grilles and
screens when calculating the opening size to provide
the required free area. If free area of louver or grille
is not known, assume wood louvers have 20-25
percent free area and metal louvers and grilles have
60-75 percent free area.

I. Do not install boiler where gasoline or other

flammable vapors or liquids, or sources of hydrocarbons
(i.e. bleaches, cleaners, chemicals, sprays, paint
removers, fabric softeners, etc.) are used or stored.

Av o id o p e ra tin g th is b o ile r in a n e n v iro n me n t
w h e r e s a w d u s t , lo o s e in s u la t io n f ib e r s , d r y
w a ll d u s t , e t c . a r e p r e s e n t . If b o ile r is
o p e r a t e d u n d e r t h e s e c o n d it io n s , t h e b u r n e r
in t e r io r a n d p o r t s m u s t b e c le a n e d a n d
in s p e c t e d d a ily t o i n s u r e p r o p e r o p e r a t io n .

II. Unpack Boiler

D o n o t d r o p b o ile r. D o n o t b u m p b o ile r
ja c k e t a g a in s t flo o r.

A. Move boiler to approximate installed position.

B. Remove all crate fasteners.
C. Lift outside container and remove with all other inside
protective spacers and bracing. Save two of the
wooden slats from the container sleeve for use in
Paragraphs E and F.

D. Remove all boiler hold-down fasteners.

E. Tilt the boiler to one side and slide a wooden slat under
the two raised feet.

F. Tilt the boiler to the other side and slide another

wooden slat under the two raised feet.

G. Slide the boiler forward or backward off the skid using

the two wooden slats as runners.

H. Move boiler to its permanent location.


III. Water Piping and Trim

F a ilu r e t o p r o p e r ly p ip e b o ile r m a y r e s u lt in
im p r o p e r o p e r a t io n a n d d a m a g e t o b o ile r o r
b u ild in g .

A. Design and install boiler and system piping to

prevent oxygen contamination of boiler water.

Ox y g e n c o n t a m in a t io n o f b o ile r w a t e r w ill
c a u s e c o r r o s io n o f ir o n a n d s t e e l b o ile r
c o m p o n e n t s , a n d c a n le a d t o b o ile r fa ilu r e .
B u rn h a m' s s ta n d a rd w a rra n ty d o e s n o t
c o v e r p r o b le m s c a u s e d b y o x y g e n
c o n ta m in a tio n o f b o ile r w a te r.
Oxygen contamination sources are system leaks
requiring addition of makeup water, fittings, and
oxygen permeable materials in distribution system.
Eliminate oxygen contamination by repairing system
leaks, repairing fittings, and using nonpermeable
materials in distribution system.

B. Connect system supply and return piping to boiler.

See Figure 4A or 4B. Also consult I=B=R Installation
and Piping Guides. Maintain minimum inch
clearance from hot water piping to combustible

C. Install Circulator with flanges, gaskets and bolts

provided. Five foot circulator harness allows circulator
to be mounted on supply or return. Connect harness to
circulator and secure any excess conduit.

D. Install Safety Relief Valve. See Figure 4A or 4B.

Safety Relief Valve must be installed with spindle in
vertical position. Installation of the relief valve must be
consistent with the ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section IV.

S a fe t y r e lie f v a lv e d is c h a r g e p ip in g m u s t b e
p ip e d n e a r flo o r t o e lim in a t e p o t e n t ia l o f
s e v e r e b u r n s . D o n o t p ip e in a n y a r e a
w h e r e fr e e z in g c o u ld o c c u r. D o n o t in s ta ll
a n y s h u t - o ff v a lv e s .

E. Install Drain Valve in " NPT connection in tee

provided. See Figure 1.

F. Space heating and domestic water heating with

Alliance water heater. Install Alliance water heater as a
separate heating zone. Refer to Alliance Installation,
Operating and Service Instructions for additional

G. If boiler is used in connection with refrigeration

systems, boiler must be installed with chilled medium
piped in parallel with the heating boiler using
appropriate valves to prevent chilled medium from
entering boiler, see Figure 3. Also consult I=B=R
Installation and Piping Guides.

H. If boiler is connected to heating coils located in air

handling units where they may be exposed to
refrigerated air, boiler piping must be equipped with
flow control valves to prevent gravity circulation of
boiler water during operation of cooling system.

I. Use a boiler bypass if the boiler is to be operated in a

system which has a large volume or excessive radiation
where low boiler water temperatures may be encountered (i.e. converted gravity circulation system, etc.).
Install pipe tee between circulator and boiler return
along with second tee in supply piping as shown in
Figure 4A or 4B. Bypass should be same size as the
supply and return lines with valves located in bypass
and supply outlet as illustrated in Figure 4A or 4B in
order to regulate water flow to maintain higher boiler
water temperatures.
After the boiler is operational (reference Section VII.
System Start-Up) set by-pass and boiler supply valves
to half throttle position to start. Operate boiler until
system water temperature reaches normal operating
Adjust valves to provide 180 to 200F supply water
temperature. Opening the boiler supply valve will raise
system temperature, while opening the by-pass valve
will lower system supply temperature.

J. A hot water boiler installed above radiation level

must be provided with a low water cut-off device as
part of installation.
If a low water cut-off is required, it must be mounted in
the system piping above the boiler.
The minimum safe water level of a hot water boiler is
just above the highest water containing cavity of the
boiler; that is, a hot water boiler must be full of water to
operate safely.
Refer to Section X for low water cut-off piping and
wiring instructions.

K. If it is required to perform a long term pressure test of

the hydronic system, the boiler should first be isolated
to avoid a pressure loss due to the escape of air trapped
in the boiler.

To perform a long term pressure test including the

boiler, ALL trapped air must first be removed from the
A loss of pressure during such a test, with no visible
water leakage, is an indication that the boiler contained
trapped air.

L. Oil, grease, and other foreign materials which

accumulate in new hot water boilers and a new or
reworked system should be boiled out, and then
thoroughly flushed. A qualified water treatment
chemical specialist should be consulted for
recommendations regarding appropriate chemical
compounds and concentrations which are compatible
with local environmental regulations.

M. After the boiler and system have been cleaned and

Figure 3: Recommended Piping for Combination

Heating & Cooling (Refrigeration) Systems

flushed, and before refilling the entire system add

appropriate water treatment chemicals, if necessary, to
bring the pH between 7 and 11.

Figure 4A: Boiler Piping for Circulator Zoned Heating System

Figure 4B: Boiler Piping for Zone Valve Zoned Heating Systems

IV. Gas Piping

A. Size gas piping. Design system to provide adequate gas
supply to boiler. Consider these factors:
1. Allowable pressure drop from point of delivery to
boiler. Maximum allowable system pressure is
psig. Actual point of delivery pressure may be less;
contact gas supplier for additional information.
Minimum gas valve inlet pressure is listed on rating
2. Maximum gas demand. Table 1 lists boiler input
rate. Also consider existing and expected future gas
utilization equipment (i.e. water heater, cooking
Table 1: Rated Input
B o i le r
Mo d e l
Numb e r

Inp ut Ra te
[c ub i c fe e t p e r ho ur]

Ga s
C o nne c ti o n
S i ze

Na tura l Ga s

L P /P ro p a ne













3. Length of piping and number of fittings. Refer to

Table 2 for maximum capacity of Schedule 40 pipe.
Table 3 lists equivalent pipe length for standard
4. Specific gravity of gas. Gas piping systems for gas
with a specific gravity of 0.70 or less can be sized
directly from Table 2, unless authority having
jurisdiction specifies a gravity factor be applied. For
specific gravity greater than 0.70, apply gravity
factor from Table 4. If exact specific gravity is not
shown choose next higher value.
For materials or conditions other than those listed
above, refer to National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/
ANSI Z223.1, or size system using standard
engineering methods acceptable to authority having

B. Connect boiler gas valve to gas supply system.

1. Use methods and materials in accordance with local
plumbing codes and requirements of gas supplier. In
absence of such requirements, follow National Fuel
Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 and/or CAN/
CGA B149 Installation Codes.
2. Use thread (joint) compounds (pipe dope) resistant
to action of liquefied petroleum gas.

3. Install sediment trap, ground-joint union and manual

shut-off valve upstream of boiler gas control valve
and outside jacket. See Figure 6.
4. All above ground gas piping upstream from manual
shut-off valve must be electrically continuous and
bonded to a grounding electrode. Do not use gas
piping as grounding electrode. Refer to National
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 and/or CSA C22
Electrical Code.

C. Pressure test. The boiler and its gas connection must

be leak tested before placing boiler in operation.
1. Protect boiler gas control valve. For all testing over
psig, boiler and its individual shut-off valve must
be disconnected from gas supply piping. For testing
at psig or less, isolate boiler from gas supply
piping by closing boiler's individual manual shut-off
2. Locate leaks using approved combustible gas
detector, soap and water, or similar nonflammable
solution. Do not use matches, candles, open flames,
or other ignition source.

Figure 6: Recommended Gas Piping

Table 2: Maximum Capacity of Schedule 40 Pipe in CFH For Gas Pressures of 0.5 psig or Less

0 .3 i nc h w.c . P re s s ure D ro p

0 .5 i nc h w.c . P re s s ure D ro p

L e ng th
[ F e e t]





1 ,0 5 0




1 ,4 0 0






























11 5































11 8









11 0












Table 4: Specific Gravity Correction Factors

Table 3: Fitting Equivalent Lengths

No mi na l P i p e S i ze

F i tti ng

4 5 E ll

0 .7

1 .2

1 .6

9 0 E ll

1 .6

2 .1

2 .6

3 .5

Te e (A s E lb o w)

3 .1

4 .1

5 .2

6 .9

S p e c i fi c
Gra vi ty

C o r r e c ti o n
F a c to r

S p e c i fi c
Gra vi ty

C o r r e c ti o n
F a c to r

0 .5 0

1 .1 0

1 .3 0

1 .0 7

0 .5 5

1 .0 4

1 .4 0

1 .0 4

0 .6 0

1 .0 0

1 .5 0

1 .0 0

0 .6 5

0 .9 6

1 .6 0

0 .9 7

0 .7 0

0 .9 3

1 .7 0

0 .9 4

0 .7 5

0 .9 0

0 .8 0

0 .8 7

V. Venting
D o n o t u s e t h i s b o i l e r w i t h g a l v a n i z e d , Ty p e 3 0 4 o r Ty p e 3 1 6 s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , n o n m e t a l l i c o r
a n y o t h e r n o n AL 2 9 - 4 C b a s e d v e n t s y s t e m s .
D o n o t u s e a b a r o m e tr ic d a m p e r o r d r a fth o o d w ith th is b o ile r.
D o n o t u s e v e n t d a m p e r s w ith th is b o ile r.
M o i s t u r e a n d i c e m a y f o r m o n s u r f a c e s a r o u n d t e r m i n a t i o n . To p r e v e n t d e t e r i o r a t i o n ,
s u r fa c e s s h o u ld b e in g o o d r e p a ir ( s e a le d , p a in t e d , e t c .) .
T h is b o ile r n e e d s fr e s h a ir fo r s a fe o p e r a t io n a n d m u s t b e in s t a lle d s o t h e r e a r e p r o v is io n s
fo r a d e q u a te c o m b u s tio n a n d v e n tila tio n a ir.
D o n o t o p e r a t e b o ile r w h e r e g a s o lin e o r o t h e r fla m m a b le v a p o r s o r liq u id s , o r s o u r c e s o f
h y d r o c a r b o n s ( i.e . b le a c h e s , c le a n e r s , c h e m ic a ls , s p r a y s , p a in t r e m o v e r s , fa b r ic s o ft e n e r s ,
e tc .) a r e u s e d , s to r e d a n d /o r p r e s e n t in th e a ir.
D o n o t e x c e e d m a x im u m v e n t le n g t h o f 2 5 e q u iv a le n t fe e t .

Table 5: Burnham Vent System Components

B urnha m
Ve nt S ys te m
C o m p o ne nt

B urnha m
P a rt Num b e r

3" D i a. Pi pe x 1 Ft

8 11 6 2 9 6 U

3" D i a. Pi pe x 3 Ft

8 11 6 2 9 8 U

3" D i a. Pi pe x 5 Ft

8 11 6 3 0 0 U

3 " D i a . P i p e x A d jus ta b le

8 11 6 3 1 9 U

3 " D i a . 9 0 E lb o w

8 11 6 2 9 4 U

3 " D i a . 4 5 E lb o w

8 11 6 2 9 2 U

3 " D i a . Ho r i zo nta l D r a i n Te e

8 11 6 3 0 2 U

3 " D i a . Ve r ti c a l D r a i n Te e

8 11 6 3 0 4 U

T h e g a s k e t e d v e n t s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s p ic t u r e d b e lo w in F ig u r e A a r e b e in g p h a s e d in a n d e a c h
v e n t c o m p o n e n t is in t e r c h a n g e a b le w it h t h e p r e v io u s ly s u p p lie d g a s k e t - le s s v e n t in g
c o m p o n e n t s . T h e n e w e r v e n t c o m p o n e n t s a r e g e n e r a lly q u ic k e r a n d e a s ie r t o jo in , a s t h e y d o
n o t r e q u ir e t h e s e a la n t a p p lic a t io n a n d t h e ir c la m p b a n d s a r e a t t a c h e d .
In t h e e v e n t a g a s k e t e d v e n t c o m p o n e n t a n d a
g a s k e t - le s s v e n t c o m p o n e n t m u s t b e in t e r c o n n e c t e d , fo llo w t h e in s t r u c t io n s a s s o c ia t e d w it h
F ig u r e 8 B o r 8 C . T h e t w o g u id in g p r in c ip le s o f
t h e s e in s t r u c t io n s a r e a s fo llo w s :
1 ) An y j o i n i n g o f v e n t c o m p o n e n t s
t h a t in v o lv e s a t le a s t o n e
g a s k e t - le s s v e n t c o m p o n e n t
a lw a y s r e q u ir e s t h e s e a la n t
a p p lic a t io n .
2 ) T h e fe m a le e n d o f a g a s k e t - le s s
v e n t c o m p o n e n t a lw a y s r e q u ir e s
a c la m p b a n d , r e g a r d le s s o f t h e
d e s ig n o f t h e m a t in g m a le v e n t
c o mp o n e n t.

Figure A: Burnham Vent

E a c h g a s k e t - le s s v e n t c o m p o n e n t is s u p p lie d w it h a c la m p b a n d a n d s e a la n t .
A Ve n t Tr a n s itio n K it, p a r t n u m b e r 6 11 6 3 0 2 , is a v a ila b le th a t c o n ta in s o n e c la m p b a n d a n d o n e 3
o u n c e t u b e o f s e a la n t .


A. General Guidelines.
1. Vent system installation must be in accordance with
National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z221.3,
Part 7, Venting of Equipment; and/or CAN/CGA
B149 Installation Codes, Section 7, Venting Systems
and Air Supply for Appliances; or applicable
provisions of local building codes. Contact local
building or fire officials about restrictions and
installation inspection in your area.
2. This appliance requires a Special Gas Vent. Use
Vent Connector and Vent Terminal in Vent
Accessory Carton provided with boiler (See Repair
Parts, Key No. 8). The product is designed to use
Burnham supplied AL 29-4C Stainless Steel vent
system components. The following manufacturers
offer similar AL 29-4C components and are
approved for use with this product: Heat-Fab Inc. Saf-T-Vent, Flex-L International Inc., - Star-34,
Protech Systems, Inc. - FasNSeal, and Z-Flex U.
S., Inc. - Z-Vent. The use of these alternate
manufacturer's venting systems will require adapters
to connect to the Burnham supplied vent connector
and vent terminal. These adapters are not supplied
with this unit and should be obtained from the
supplier of the alternate manufacturer's venting
system. See Table 5 for complete list of Burnham
Vent System Components.
3. Vent length restrictions are based on equivalent feet
of vent pipe (total length of straight pipe in feet plus
5 equivalent feet for each 45 or 90 elbow). Do not
exceed the maximum certified vent length of 25
equivalent feet. The minimum certified vent length
is 7 equivalent feet. Do not include vent terminal or
vent connector in equivalent feet calculations.
4. Do not install venting system components on the
exterior of the building except as specifically
required by these instructions.
5. This 2PV boiler may only be sidewall vented; it may
not be vertically vented, as through a roof.

B. Removal of Existing Boiler. For installations not

involving the replacement of an existing boiler, proceed
to Step C.
When an existing boiler is removed from a common
venting system, the common venting system is likely to
be too large for proper venting of the remaining
appliances. At the time of removal of an existing boiler,
the following steps shall be followed with each
appliance remaining connected to the common venting
system placed in operation, while the other appliances
remaining connected to the common venting system are
not in operation:
1. Seal any unused openings in the common venting
2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper size
and horizontal pitch and determine there is no
blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion, and other
deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition.


3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and

windows and all doors between the space in which
the appliances remaining connected to the common
venting system are located and other spaces of the
building. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance
not connected to the common venting system. Turn
on any exhaust fans, such as range-hoods and
bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maximum
speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close
fireplace dampers.
4. Place in operation the appliance being inspected.
Follow the Lighting (or Operating) Instructions.
Adjust thermostat so appliance will operate
5. Test for spillage at the drafthood relief opening after
5 minutes of main burner operation. Use the flame
of a match or candle, or smoke from a cigarette,
cigar or pipe.
6. After it has been determined that each appliance
remaining connected to the common venting system
properly vents when tested as outlined above, return
doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and
any other gas burning appliance to their previous
conditions of use.
7. Any improper operation of the common venting
system should be corrected so the installation
conforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA
54/ANSI Z223.1. When resizing any portion of the
common venting system, the common venting
system should be resized to approach the minimum
size as determined using the appropriate tables in
Part II in the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/
ANSI Z223.1.
Install Vent Connector.
1. Remove vent connector from vent accessory carton.
2. Remove gaskets, orifice plate and hardware from
blower outlet flange.
3. Assemble orifice plate gaskets, orifice plate, and
vent connector. See Figure 7.
4. Secure vent connector with washers and locknuts.

Figure 7: Vent Connector Installation


D. Install Vent Pipe, General.

1. Plan venting system to avoid possible contact with
plumbing or electrical wires. Start venting system at
vent connector and work toward the vent terminal.
2. Use non-combustible inch pipe strap to support
horizontal runs, maintain vent location and slope,
while preventing sags in pipe. Do not restrict
thermal expansion or movement of vent system.
Maximum support spacing is 5 feet. Do not
penetrate any part of the vent system with fasteners.
3. Provide and maintain vent pipe minimum clearance
to combustible materials. Vent pipe minimum
clearance to combustible material is five (5) inches
when vent is installed in a fully enclosed (chase)
application or four (4) inches when vent is installed
with at least one side open, similar to a joist bay
application. Use thimble when penetrating
combustible wall.
a. 203PV and 204PV Single wall thimble,
Burnham Part No. 8116116. Other wall thimble
manufac-turers are American Metal Products,
Hart & Cooley, and Metal Fab.
b. 205PV and 206PV Double wall thimble,
Burnham Part No. 8116115 (accommodates 5
inch to 8-3/4 inch wall thickness). Another wall
thimble manufacturer is Hart & Cooley.
4. Once a vent pipe manufacturer and system is chosen
never mix and match vent systems.
5. If a non-standard length pipe is required:
Gasketed Vent System: The use of the adjustable length
pipe (P/N 8116319U) is recommended to complete a
non-standard pipe length. This pipe requires a
minimum installed length of 12 inch and can
adjust across a 7 inch gap up to a maximum of 19
inch long. (Note for the adjustable pipe the installed
length should be measured from the centerline of the
bead on the male end of the first pipe to the end of
the female pipe excluding the locking band of the
second pipe with a single gasket.) Only in the event
the adjustable length pipe is not sufficient a standard
length pipe may be cut using the procedure outlined
below for the Gasket-Less Vent System.

N e v e r e x c e e d m a x im u m in s t a lle d le n g t h o f
1 9 i n c h e s f o r a d ju s t a b l e l e n g t h p i p e .
R is k o f f lu e g a s le a k a g e is p o s s ib le .
Gasket-Less Vent System: Carefully cut pipe to length
using a hacksaw with minimum 32 teeth per inch or
circular saw with metal abrasive wheel. Remove
male (bead) end only female (bell) end accepts
next fitting or pipe.


C u t m u s t b e s q u a r e w it h p ip e a n d file d o r
s a n d e d s m o o t h b e f o r e jo in in g . C a r e f u lly
e n s u r e r o u n d n e s s o f c u t p ip e b y h a n d w it h
g lo v e s b e f o r e in s t a llin g . S e a l jo in t w it h R T V
s p e c ifie d in t h is m a n u a l.
6. Seal all Burnham Gasket-Less vent, Burnham mixed
vent (Gasket-Less and Gasketed) and field cut joints
using Dow Corning Silastic 732 RTV, Dow Corning
Silastic 736 RTV, GE RTV106, Polybac #500 RTV,
Sil-bond RTV 4500 (Acetoxy) and Sil-bond RTV
6500. Do not use other adhesives or sealants.

E. Install Vent Pipe, Burnham Gasket-Less Vent

1. Procedure for Joining Burnham Gasket-Less Vent
Pipe and Fittings. See Figure 8A.

Figure 8A: Burnham Gasket-Less Vent Joint Detail

a. Clean joints of pipe or fittings using an alcohol
pad to remove any dirt and grease.
b. Slip a locking band over female (bell) end of
c. Apply a continuous 1/4 inch bead of sealant
around male end of joint no more than 1/8 inch
from end.
d. Align weld seams and use a slight twisting
motion to FULLY insert male end into female
end of joint. Ensure bead in male end rest against
the end of the female pipe.
e. Smooth sealant around joint for a continuous
seal. Reapply sealant if necessary.
f. Slip the locking band over joint and align closest
bead in locking band with bead in male end of
g. Tighten locking band by HAND with a 5/16" nut
driver until snug plus turn. DO NOT

h. Once the installation is complete, operate

appliance and inspect all joints to ensure that flue
gases and/or liquid condensate will not escape.

F. Install Vent Pipe, Burnham Gasketed Vent System.

1. Procedure for Joining Burnham Gasketed Vent Pipe
and Fittings. See Figure 8B.

Figure 8B: Burnham Gasketed Vent Joint Detail

a. Wipe the male end of each joint using an alcohol
pad to remove any dirt and grease.
b. Align weld seams in pipes and use a slight
twisting motion to FULLY insert male end into
female end of joint. Ensure bead in male end of
pipe is below locking band and rest against the
end of the female pipe. Verify the factoryinstalled gasket is not dislodged or cut
c. Tighten locking band by HAND with a 5/16" nut
driver until snug plus turn. DO NOT
d. Once the installation is complete, operate
appliance and inspect all joints to ensure that flue
gases and/or liquid condensate will not escape.

G. Install Vent Pipe, Burnham Gasket-Less & Gasketed

Vent System.
1. Procedure for joining the male end of Burnham
Gasket-Less Vent with the female end of Burnham
Gasketed Vent. See Figure 8C.

Figure 8C: Burnham Gasket-Less Male and

Gasketed Female Vent Joint Detail
a. Clean the male end of each joint using an alcohol
pad to remove any dirt and grease.
b. Apply a continuous inch bead of sealant
around male end of joint no more than 1/8 inch
from end.

c. Align weld seams in pipes and use a slight

twisting motion to FULLY insert male end into
female end of joint. Ensure bead in male end of
pipe is below locking band and rest against the
end of the female pipe. Verify the factoryinstalled gasket is not dislodged or cut.
d. Smooth sealant around joint for a continuous
seal. Reapply sealant if necessary.
e. Tighten locking band by HAND with a 5/16" nut
driver until snug plus turn. DO NOT
f. Once the installation is complete, operate
appliance and inspect all joints to ensure that flue
gases and/or liquid condensate will not escape.
2. Procedure for joining the female end of Burnham
Gasket-Less Vent with the male end of Burnham
Gasketed Vent. See Figure 8D.

Figure 8D: Burnham Gasket-Less Female and

Gasketed Male Vent Joint Detail
a. Clean joints of pipe or fittings using an alcohol
pad to remove any dirt and grease.
b. Slip a locking band over female (bell) end of
c. Apply a continuous inch bead of sealant
around male end of joint no more than 1/8 inch
from end.
d. Align weld seams in pipes and use a slight
twisting motion to FULLY insert male end into
female end of joint.
e. Smooth sealant around joint for a continuous
seal. Reapply sealant if necessary.
f. Slip the locking band over joint and align closest
bead in locking band with bead in male end of
g. Tighten locking band by HAND with a 5/16" nut
driver until snug plus turn. DO NOT


h. Once the installation is complete, operate

appliance and inspect all joints to ensure that flue
gases and/or liquid condensate will not escape.

H. Horizontal (Through Wall) Vent Installation.

1. Maintain minimum inch per foot slope in
horizontal runs. Slope pipe down toward vent
terminal. Position weld seams in vent pipes in all
horizontal runs at the top to avoid condensate from
lying on the seams.
2. Vent terminal location restricted per following:
a. Minimum 12 inches above grade plus normally
expected snow accumulation level, or 7 feet
above grade if located adjacent to public
walkway. Do not install over public walkway
where local experience indicates condensate or
vapor from Category III appliances creates a
nuisance or hazard.
b. Minimum 3 feet above any forced air inlet
located within 10 feet.
c. Minimum 4 foot below, 4 foot horizontally from,
or 1 foot above any door, window, or gravity air
d. Minimum 4 feet (6 feet in Canada) horizontally
from, and in no case above or below, unless a

4-foot horizontal distance is maintained, from

electric meters, gas meters, regulators and relief
e. Minimum 12 inches from overhang or corner.
3. Use wall thimble when passing through combustible
outside wall (thimble use optional for
noncombustible wall). Insert thimble through wall
from outside. Secure outside flange to wall with
nails or screws, and seal with adhesive material.
Install inside flange to inside wall, secure with nails
or screws, and seal with adhesive material.
4. For noncombustible wall when thimble is not used
size opening such that female (bell) end with
locking band attached cannot pass through.
5. Join vent terminal to vent pipe. Locate vent
terminal 3 inches (minimum) and 6 inches
(recommended) from wall when joined to inside
vent piping. See Figure 9. Vent terminal clearance
to vinyl wall surfaces is 6 inches.
6. Insert vent pipe through thimble/opening from
outside and join to vent system. Apply sealant
between vent pipe and opening/thimble to provide
weathertight seal.

Figure 9: Recommendations for Thimble and Wall Penetration


VI. Electrical
A. General. Install wiring and ground boiler in accordance
with requirements of authority having jurisdiction, or in
absence of such requirements the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, and/or the CSA C22.1 Electric

B. Install thermostat. Locate on inside wall

approximately 4 feet above floor. Do not install on
outside wall, near fireplace, or where influenced by
drafts or restricted air flow, hot or cold water pipes,
lighting fixtures, television, or sunlight. Allow free air
movement by avoiding placement of furniture near

C. Wire thermostat. Provide Class II circuit between

thermostat and boiler. Run wires through grommet in
Jacket Left Side Panel. Set thermostat heat anticipator
to 0.6 amps. See Figure 10.

D. Wire boiler. Boiler is rated for 120 VAC, 60 hertz, less

than 12 amperes. A separate electrical circuit must be
run from the main electrical service with an overcurrent device/disconnect in the circuit. A service
switch is recommended and may be required by some
local jurisdictions. Connect to black and white wires
and green ground screw. See Figure 10.

E. Alliance water heater (if used). See Figure 10. Also

refer to Alliance Installation, Operating and Service

F. For installations using zone valves provide separate

transformer for zone valve wiring. Consult zone valve
manufacturer for assistance.

Figure 10: Wiring Diagram


VII. System Start-up

A. Safe operation and other performance criteria were
met with gas manifold and control assembly provided
on boiler when boiler underwent tests specified in
American National Standard for Gas-Fired LowPressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers, ANSI Z21.13.

D. Prepare to check operation.

1. Obtain gas heating value (in Btu per cubic foot)
from gas supplier.
2. Connect manometer to pressure tap on gas valve.
See Figure 12.

B. Fill heating system with water and vent air from

system. Use the following procedure on a Series Loop
System equipped with zone valves. See Figure 3.
1. Close isolation valve in boiler supply piping.
2. Isolate all circuits by closing zone valves or
balancing valves.
3. Attach hose to hose bib located just below isolation
valve in boiler supply piping. Terminate hose in five
gallon bucket at a suitable floor drain or outdoor
4. Starting with one circuit, open zone valve.
5. Open hose bib.
6. Open fill valve. Makeup water line should be
located directly above isolation valve in boiler
supply piping.
7. Allow water to overflow from bucket until discharge
from hose is bubble free for 30 seconds.
8. Open zone valve to second zone to be purged, then
close first. Repeat this step until all zones have been
purged, but always have one zone open. At
completion, open all zone valves.
9. Close hose bib, continue filling system until pressure
gauge reads 12 psi. Close fill valve.
Note: If makeup water line is equipped with
pressure reducing valve, system will automatically
fill to 12 psi. Leave globe valve open.

Figure 12: Gas Valve Pressure Tap

3. For natural gas fired boiler, temporarily turn off all
other gas-fired appliances.

E. Follow Operating Instructions to place boiler in

operation. See Figure 17.

F. Sequence of Operation. See Figure 14. If boiler fails

to operate properly, see Troubleshooting Tree on pages

G. Check gas piping and connections between Gas Valve

and Manifold, Orifices and Pilot Tubing. Use soap
solution or other approved method. See Figure 13.

10. Open isolation valve in boiler supply piping.

11. Remove hose from hose bib.

C. Check main burners. See Figure 11. Rear of burner

must be in vertical slot in rear of burner tray. Front of
burner must be seated on orifice.

Figure 11: Main Burner Installation


Figure 13: Schematic Pilot and Gas Piping

H. Check pilot burner flame. See Figure 15. Flame

should be steady, medium hard blue enveloping 3/8 to
inch of sensing probe.

Figure 15: Pilot Burner Flame

I. Check main burner flame. See Figure 16. Flame

should have clearly defined inner cone with no yellow
tipping. Orange-yellow streaks should not be confused
with true yellow tipping.

Figure 16: Main Burner Flame

J. Check thermostat operation. Raise and lower

temperature setting to start and stop boiler operation.

K. Check ignition control module shut-off. Disconnect

igniter/sensor cable from Terminal 9 (SPARK). Gas
valve should close and pilot and main burners should
Figure 14: Sequence of Operation


L. Check low water cut-off (if used). Drain boiler water

below LWCO set point. Burners should extinguish.

M. Check limit.
1. Adjust thermostat to highest setting.
2. Observe temperature gauge. When temperature is
indicated, adjust limit to setting below observed
temperature. Main burners and pilot burner should
extinguish and blower stop.
3. Adjust limit to setting above observed temperature.
Ignition sequence should begin.
4. Adjust thermostat to lowest setting. Adjust limit to
desired setting.

N. Adjust gas input rate to boiler (Natural Gas).

1. Adjust thermostat to highest setting.
2. Check manifold gas pressure. Manifold pressure is
listed on rating label. Adjust gas valve pressure
regulator as necessary (turn adjustment screw
counterclockwise to decrease manifold pressure, or
clockwise to increase manifold pressure). If pressure
can not be attained, check gas valve inlet pressure. If
less than minimum gas supply pressure listed on
rating label, contact gas supplier for assistance.
3. Clock gas meter for at least 30 seconds. Use Table 6
to determine gas flow rate in Cubic Feet per Hour.
4. Determine Input Rate. Multiply gas flow rate by gas
heating value.
Table 6: Gas Flow Rate in Cubic Feet per Hour
S e c o nd s
f o r O ne
Re vo lut i o n


S i ze o f Ga s M e te r D i a l

5. Compare measured input rate to input rate listed on

rating label.
a. Boiler must not be overfired. Reduce input rate
by decreasing manifold pressure. Do not reduce
more than 0.3 inch w.c. If boiler is still overfired,
contact your Burnham distributor or Regional
Office for replacement Gas Orifice.
b. Increase input rate if less than 98% of rating
label input. Increase manifold gas pressure no
more than 0.3 inch w.c. If measured input rate is
still less than 98% of rated input:
i. Remove Main Burners per procedure in
Section VIII: Service.
ii. Remove gas orifices. Drill one (1) drill size
larger (drill size is stamped on orifice, or see
Key No. 4D).
iii. Reinstall gas orifices and main burners.
Measure input rate.
6. Recheck Main Burner Flame.
7. Adjust thermostat to normal setting.
8. Return other gas-fired appliances to previous
conditions of use.

O. Adjust gas input rate to boiler (LP/Propane).

1. Adjust thermostat to highest setting.
2. Check manifold pressure. Adjust gas valve pressure
regulator to obtain 10 inches w.c. manifold pressure.
Adjust gas valve pressure regulator as necessary
(turn adjustment screw counterclockwise to decrease
manifold pressure, or clockwise to increase
manifold pressure). If pressure can not be attained,
check gas valve inlet pressure. If less than minimum
gas supply pressure listed on rating label, contact
gas supplier for assistance.

One - Ha lf
C u. F t.

C u. F t.

C u. F t.





3. Recheck Main Burner Flame



11 3


4. Adjust thermostat to normal setting.


























































1. The mineral wool combustion chamber panels
contain a cornstarch based binder that must be
burned out at installation to prevent odors during
subsequent boiler operation.
2. Ventilate the boiler room, set the high limit to its
maximum setting, set the thermostat to call for heat.
Allow the boiler to fire for at least an hour or until
the odor from the cornstarch has dissipated.
3. Return the high limit and thermostat to their desired

Q. Review User's Information Manual and system

operation with owner or operator.

R. Post instructions near boiler for reference by owner

and service personnel. Maintain instructions in legible

Figure 17: Operating Instructions





Im p o r t a n t P r o d u c t S a fe t y In fo r m a t io n
R e fr a c t o r y C e r a m ic F ib e r P r o d u c t
This product contains refractory ceramic fibers (RCF). RCF has been classified
as a possible human carcinogen. After this product is fired, RCF may, when
exposed to extremely high temperature (>1800F), change into a known human
carcinogen. When disturbed as a result of servicing or repair, RCF becomes
airborne and, if inhaled, may be hazardous to your health.

AVOID Breathing Fiber Particulates and Dust

Precautionary Measures:
Do not remove or replace previously fired RCF (combustion chamber
insulation, target walls, canopy gasket, flue cover gasket, etc.) or attempt any
service or repair work involving RCF without wearing the following protective
1. A National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
approved respirator
2. Long sleeved, loose fitting clothing
3. Gloves
4. Eye Protection

Take steps to assure adequate ventilation.

Wash all exposed body areas gently with soap and water after contact.
Wash work clothes separately from other laundry and rinse washing
machine after use to avoid contaminating other clothes.
Discard used RCF components by sealing in an air tight plastic bag.

First Aid Procedures:

If contact with eyes: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek
immediate medical attention if irritation persists.
If contact with skin: Wash affected area gently with soap and water.
Seek immediate medical attention if irritation persists.
If breathing difficulty develops: Leave the area and move to a
location with clean fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention if
breathing difficulties persist.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Drink plenty of water. Seek
immediate medical attention.


VIII. Service
A. General. Inspection and service should be conducted
annually. Turn off electrical power and gas supply while
conducting service or maintenance. Follow instructions

L a b e l a ll w ir e s p r io r to d is c o n n e c tio n w h e n
s e r v ic in g c o n tr o ls . W ir in g e r r o r s c a n c a u s e
i m p r o p e r a n d d a n g e r o u s o p e r a t i o n . Ve r i f y
p r o p e r o p e r a tio n a fte r s e r v ic in g .

B. Inspect Housekeeping. Boiler area must be clear and

free from combustible materials, gasoline and other
flammable vapors and liquids. Remove obstructions to
the flow of combustion and ventilation air.

C. Service Low water cut-off (if so equipped). Follow

instructions provided with low water cut-off

D. Inspect Vent System for obstructions in vent pipe, soot

accumulation, deterioration of pipe or joints, and proper
1. Remove vent connector and vent pipe. See Figure
2. Remove all obstructions. Check and clean vent
terminal screens.
3. Remove soot accumulations with wire brush and
4. Replace deteriorated parts.
5. Repair deteriorated joints. See Section V: Venting.
E. Inspect Boiler Flue Passages for blockage or soot
accumulation. See Figure 19.

C a n o p y m u s t b e r e s e a le d w it h R T V - 7 3 2
S ilic o n e R u b b e r S e a la n t ( 5 0 0 F In t e r m it t e n t
D u ty ).
6. Reinstall jacket top panel, vent pipe and vent
connector in reverse manner. Reconnect electrical
connector to blower.

F. Clean Main Burners and Firebox.

1. To remove burners for cleaning, changing orifice
plugs, or repairs:
a. Remove jacket Front Panel.
b. Disconnect pilot tubing at gas valve.
c. Disconnect igniter/sensor cable and ground wire
at Ignition Module.
d. Disconnect Flame Rollout Switch wires.
e. Remove Burner Access Panel.
f. Mark Pilot Main Burner location on Manifold.
g. Hold burner on throat. Lift slightly to clear
orifice. Pull burner from combustion chamber.
See Figure 11. Pilot Main Burner can only be
removed by lifting at 45 angle after adjacent
burner to right is removed.

1. Disconnect vent connector from blower discharge


2. Brush top of burners with a soft bristle brush. See

Figure 19. Vacuum burners.

2. Remove sheet metal screws securing Jacket Top

Panel. Lift panel and rotate about relief valve piping
until top of boiler is exposed. If piping or wall
prevent full rotation of top panel for access to
canopy, cut slot into relief valve opening and
remove top panel.

3. Check orifices. Drilled passageways must be free of

lint or dirt.

3. Disconnect blower connection from wiring harness

in vestibule.
4. Remove bolts securing canopy to boiler sections.
Cut silastic sealant around base of canopy, pry
canopy from boiler sections and remove canopy/
blower assembly from boiler.
5. Using flashlight, examine all flue passageways.
a. If passageways are free of soot and obstruction,
replace canopy, secure and seal using kit
available from Burnham Distributors, Part No.


b. If passageways need cleaning, remove burners as

described in Paragraph F below. Using long
handle wire or bristle flue brush and vacuum,
brush flueways thoroughly from top of boiler as
illustrated in Figure 19. Replace canopy and seal
using kit available from Burnham Distributors,
Part No. 6111716.

4. Vacuum tip of Pilot Burner.

5. Clean firebox by vacuuming. Exercise care not to
disturb insulation inside base.
6. Install burners by reversing procedure used to
remove burners. Burner with pilot assembly must be
in same location as original installation. See Table 7.
Burners must be properly located on support bracket
at rear of burner. See Figure 11. Slide burner over
7. Reconnect pilot gas supply, igniter/sensor cable, and
ground wire. Reinstall Burner Access Panel.
Reconnect Flame Rollout Switch wires.

G. Check operation. Follow Paragraphs D through O

from Section VII: System Start-up.

Table 7: Pilot Burner Location

B o i le r
Mo d e l

M a i n B ur ne r wi th
6 0 P i lo t B r a c k e t *

P i lo t B ur ne r L o c a te d
B e t we e n M a i n
B ur ne r s *


1 & 2


2 & 3


3 & 4


4 & 5

* M a i n b ur ne r s num b e r e d le ft to r i g ht a s vi e we d fr o m
fr o nt o f b o i le r.

H. Removal or replacement of pilot assembly or

pilot assembly parts. If pilot assembly, sensor or
pilot orifice need replacing, remove main burner
with pilot using procedure described in
Paragraph F.1.

Figure 18: Spark Gap Setting

1. To replace orifice.
a. Disconnect pilot tubing. Pilot orifices
screw into Pilot Burner. Replace with
Honeywell 388146NE (Natural Gas) or
Honeywell 388146KP (LP/Propane).
b. Reconnect pilot tubing and check for
2. To adjust or check spark gap between
electrode and hood on Honeywell Q348A
intermittent pilot. See Figure 18.
a. Use round wire gauge to check spark
b. Spark gap should be 1/8 inch for
optimum performance.
3. To replace complete pilot assembly.
a. Remove two machine screws holding
pilot burner to pilot bracket.
b. Disconnect pilot tubing.
c. Disconnect all other leads to pilot.
d. Select pilot assembly with identical
model number, reconnect leads and pilot
tubing. Resecure to pilot bracket.
4. Reinstall main burner following procedure
described in Paragraph F.

I. Lubrication. There are no parts requiring

lubrication by service technician or owner.
Circulator bearings are water lubricated. Blower
motor bearings are factory sealed.

J. Procedure for measuring blower inlet

pressure. See Figure 20.
1. With boiler off, remove hose at pressure
2. With tee connect water manometer as shown
with additional tubing.

Figure 19: Flueway Cleaning


Table 8: Minimum Fan Pressure

B o i le r M o d e l

M i ni m um B lo we r
Inle t P r e s s ur e


-0 .4 0 i nc he s w.c .


-0 .4 0 i nc he s w.c .


-0 .7 0 i nc he s w.c .


-0 .7 0 i nc he s w.c .

3. Start boiler and read pressure on manometer when

boiler water temperature reaches operating
temperature. Refer to Table 8 for minimum
NOTE: If switch drops-out before boiler reaches
temperature or if pressure reading is below
minimum shown in Table 8, check for cracks in hose
or contact your nearest Burnham representative.
4. Stop boiler, remove manometer and reconnect hose
to pressure switch.

Figure 20: Procedure for Measuring Fan Pressure

IX. Repair Parts

All Series 2PV Repair Parts may be obtained through your local Burnham Wholesale distributor. Should you require
assistance in locating a Burnham distributor in your area, or have questions regarding the availability of Burnham
products or repair parts, please contact Burnham Customer Service at (717) 481-8400 or Fax (717) 481-8408.


D e s c r i p ti o n
No .
1 . S e c t i o n As s e m b l y

[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r





617170321 617170421 617170521 617170621

2 . C a n o p y / B l o w e r As s e m b l y
[1 ]
6 111 7 0 3 4

[1 ]
6 111 7 0 4 4

[1 ]
6 111 7 0 5 4


C a no p y


C a rri a g e B o lt, -2 0 x 1 "


Wa s he r, , S A E

[ 1 0 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e

2 D Nut,-2 0 , He a vy He x

[ 2 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e

[1 ]
6 111 7 0 6 4

[ 2 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e


B lo we r Mo unti ng Ga s k e t [Inc lud e d i n K e y No . 2 F ]

[1 ] 8 2 0 6 0 4 8

[1 ] 8 2 0 6 0 4 9


B lo we r

[1 ] 6 111 7 1 4

[1 ] 6 111 7 1 5

[2 ] 8 2 0 6 0 4 2

[2 ] 8 2 0 6 0 3 5

2 G Ori fi c e P la te Ga s k e t [(2 ) Inc lud e d i n K e y No . 2 F ]

2 H Ori fi c e P la te

P re s s ure F i tti ng , D wye r A 3 0 8


He x Nut, 1 /4 -2 0 , B ra s s [(4 ) Inc lud e d i n K e y No . 2 F ]


He x L o c k nut, -2 0

[1 ]
7 111 7 0 3 5

[1 ]
7 111 7 0 4 5

[1 ]
7 111 7 0 5 5

[1 ]
7 111 7 0 6 5

[1 ] 8 2 2 6 5 7
[4 ] 8 0 8 6 0 4 2 4
[ 4 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e


D e s c r i p ti o n
No .

[Qua nti ty] P a rt Numb e r

203P V

204P V

205P V

206P V

3 . B a s e As s e m b l y G r o u p

B a s e A s s e m b ly, C o m p le t e

[1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 3 9 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 4 9 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 5 9 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 6 9 1


B a s e Tr a y A s s e m b ly

[1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 3 9 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 4 9 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 5 9 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 6 9 1


B a s e W ra p p e r

[1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 3 11 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 4 11 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 5 11 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 6 11

3 B 1 B a s e E nd Ins ula t i o n

[2 ] 7 2 0 6 0 1

3 B 2 B a s e Re a r Ins ula t i o n

[1 ] 7 2 0 6 0 0 3 5


B a s e F r o nt P a ne l A s s e m b l y

[ 1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 3 4 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 4 4 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 5 4 1 [1 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 6 4 1


B ur ne r Tr a y

[1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 3 0 5 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 4 0 5 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 5 0 5 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 6 0 5


B a s e L e g A s s e m b ly

3E1 B ase Leg

3 E 2 Nylo n G li d e

[1 ] 7 2 0 6 0 0 4 5

[1 ] 7 2 0 6 0 0 5 5

[4 ] 6 1 8 6 0 0 1
[4 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 2 1
[1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 3 6 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 4 6 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 5 6 1 [1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 0 6 6 1


B ur ne r A c c e s s P a ne l


J a c k e t A t t a c hm e nt B r a c k e t , L e f t

[1 ] 7 0 4 6 0 0 11


J a c k e t A t t a c hm e nt B r a c k e t , R i g ht

[1 ] 7 0 4 6 0 0 1 2


C e r a fe lt Ga s k e t, " x 2 "
J o hns - M a ns vi lle C RF - 4 0 0

[1 ] 6 2 0 6 0 0 2


S c r e w, S e lf - Ta p p i ng Typ e F, P hi lli p s P a n
He a d , - 2 0 x " , P la te d

[2 0 ] 8 0 8 6 0 7 0 0


S c re w, S e lf Ta p p i ng , 5 /1 6 " -1 8 x 1 "

[4 ] 8 0 8 6 0 7 1 7


F la t Wa s he r, 5 /1 6 "


He x L o c k Nut, 5 /1 6 " -1 8


S c re w, S he e t M e ta l, P hi lli p s He a d , # 8 x "


[1 ] 7 2 0 6 0 0 6 5

[4 ] C o mmo n Ha rd wa re
[4 ] 8 0 8 6 0 4 6 4
[2 ] C o mmo n Ha rd wa re

[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r

K e y No .

D e s c r i p ti o n





[2 ] 8 2 3 6 0 9 9

[4 ] 8 2 3 6 0 9 9

[6 ] 8 2 3 6 0 9 9

[8 ] 8 2 3 6 0 9 9

4 . M a n ifo ld a n d M a in B u r n e r s

M a i n B ur ne r


M a i n B ur ne r wi th 6 0 P i lo t B r a c k e t


M a ni fo ld

4 D ( Na tur a l
Ga s Only)

M a i n B ur ne r Or i fi c e , # 4 5 , P i nk

M a i n B ur ne r Or i fi c e , # 5 5 , Gr e e n
( L P /P r o p a ne
M a i n B ur ne r Or i fi c e , 1 .2 5 m m , P ur p le

[1 ] 8 2 3 6 0 9 8
[1 ] 8 2 2 6 0 0 3 3 [1 ] 8 2 2 6 0 0 4 3 [1 ] 8 2 2 6 0 0 5 3 [1 ] 8 2 2 6 0 0 6 3

[3 ] 8 2 2 7 11

[5 ] 8 2 2 7 11

[7 ] 8 2 2 7 11

[9 ] 8 2 2 7 11

[3 ] 8 2 2 7 0 8





[5 ] 8 2 2 7 0 5

[7 ] 8 2 2 7 0 5

[9 ] 8 2 2 7 0 5


S c r e w, M a c hi ne , # 1 0 - 3 2 x 3 /1 6 "

[2 ] 8 0 8 6 0 8 0 0


S c r e w, S e lf- Ta p p i ng Typ e F, P hi lli p s

P a n He a d , 1 / 4 - 2 0 x 1 / 2 " , P la t e d

[4 ] 8 0 8 6 0 7 0 0


D e s c r i p ti o n
No .

[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r





5 . P i l o t B u r n e r a n d G a s Va l v e
P i lo t A s s e m b ly, Na tura l Ga s , Ho ne ywe ll Q3 4 8 A 1 3 3 3

[1 ] 8 2 3 6 1 0 4

P i lo t A s s e m b ly, L P Ga s , Ho ne ywe ll Q3 4 8 A 1 3 4 1

[1 ] 8 2 3 6 1 0 7

P i lo t Ori fi c e , Na tura l Ga s Ho ne ywe ll 3 8 8 1 4 6 NE

Inc lud e d wi th K e y No .5 A
P i lo t Ori fi c e , L P /P ro p a ne Ho ne ywe ll 3 8 8 1 4 6 K P

5 C C o m p re s s i o n Nut/F i tti ng , 1 /8 " OD x NP T

5 D P i lo t Tub i ng , 1 /8 " OD x 3 0 "

Inc lud e d wi th K e y No .5 A a nd 5 E
[1 ] 8 2 3 6 11 0

Ga s Va lve , x , Na tura l Ga s , Ho ne ywe ll V R8 2 0 4 C 6 0 0 0

[1 ] 8 1 6 6 0 1 7 6

Ga s Va lve , x , L P /P ro p a ne , Ho ne ywe ll V R8 2 0 4 C 6 0 1 8

[1 ] 8 1 6 6 0 1 8 0


Ig ni te r/S e ns o r C a b le , 3 6 " , Ho ne ywe ll 3 9 4 8 0 0 -3 6

5 G Gro und W i re A s s e m b ly


[1 ] 8 2 3 6 0 8 4
[1 ] 6 1 3 6 0 5 4

D e s c r i p ti o n
No .

[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r





[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 1 7

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 1 7

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 1 7

6. Jacket

J a c k e t W r a p - A - Ro und P a ne l ( 1 )

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 1 7


J a c k e t Up p e r Ve s ti b ule P a ne l ( 1 )

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 2 2 1 [1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 2 2 1

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 2 2 1

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 2 2 1


J a c k e t L o we r Ve s ti b ule P a ne l

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 2 2 2 [1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 2 2 2

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 2 2 2

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 2 2 2


J a c k e t To p P a ne l ( 1 ) ( 2 )

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 3 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 3 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 3 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 3 4


J a c k e t F r o nt Re m o va b le D o o r

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 4 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 4 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 4 4

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 4 4


J a c k e t L o we r F r o nt P a ne l

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 3 1 3

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 4 1 3

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 5 1 3

[1 ] 6 0 4 1 7 0 6 1 3


S c r e w, S he e t M e ta l, # 8 x "


S na p B us hi ng , He yc o S B - 1 0 9 3 - 1 5

[2 ] 8 1 3 6 2 5 7


S na p B us hi ng , He yc o S B - 2 0 0 0 - 2 6

[1 ] 8 1 3 6 2 6 6


S na p B us hi ng , He yc o S B - 4 3 7 - 5

[1 ] 8 1 3 6 0 4 8


B ur nha m L o g o P la te

[ 2 0 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e

[1 ] 8 1 4 6 0 1 0 7

( 1 ) F o r b o i le r s i ns ta lle d i n C a na d a , i nd i c a te ' F o r C a na d a ' whe n o r d e r i ng .

( 2 ) F o r b o i le r s i ns ta lle d i n C a li fo r ni a , i nd i c a te ' F o r C a li fo r ni a ' whe n o r d e r i ng .



D e s c r i p ti o n
No .

[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r





7 . M i s c e l l a n e o u s Tr i m a n d C o n t r o l s

S a fe ty Re li e f Va lve , 3 0 p s i , NP T,
C o nb ra c o 1 0 -4 0 8 -0 5

[1 ] 8 1 6 6 0 3 1 9


L i m i t, Ho ne ywe ll L 4 0 8 0 D 1 2 3 4

[1 ] 1 0 0 1 8 9 - 0 1


Im m e rs i o n W e ll, NP T


Im m e rs i o n W e ll, NP T, Ho ne ywe ll 1 2 3 8 7 0 A ( D ua l
L i m i t Only)

[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 4 2 6


L i m i t Ho ne ywe ll L 4 0 8 0 B 1 2 1 2 ( D ua l L i m i t Only)

[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 4 7 4


Tra ns fo rm e r/Re la y, Ho ne ywe ll R8 2 8 5 D 5 0 0 1

7 C 1 Re la y, D P S T, Ho ne ywe ll R8 2 2 2 U1 0 0 6
7C 2

J unc ti o n B o x, 4 " x 4 " x 1 "

F la m e Ro llo ut S wi tc h

7 D 1 F la m e Ro llo ut S wi tc h B ra c k e t

P re s s ure S wi tc h

Inc lud e d wi th 7 B

[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 1 5 5 U
[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 0 9 6 U
[1 ] 8 1 3 6 2 5 9
[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 0 4 4
[1 ] 7 1 8 6 0 1 8
[1 ] 6 0 1 6 0 8 7 6

[1 ] 6 0 1 6 0 8 7 7

S i li c o ne Tub i ng , 3 /1 6 " I.D . x 1 2 " L o ng ( 2 0 3 /2 0 4 P V )


S i li c o ne Tub i ng , 3 /1 6 " I.D . x 1 3 " L o ng ( 2 0 5 P V )

S i li c o ne Tub i ng , 3 /1 6 " I.D . x 1 5 " L o ng ( 2 0 6 P V )

9 0 1 6 0 0 7 ( Sp e c i fy L e ng th)

S i li c o ne Tub i ng , 1 /8 " x 1 5 "


Ig ni ti o n M o d ule , Ho ne ywe ll S 8 6 7 0 E 1 0 0 7

[1 ] 8 0 1 6 0 1 0 8


Te m p e ra ture - P re s s ure Ga ug e

[1 ] 8 0 5 6 1 6 4 U

C i rc ula to r wi th Ga s k e ts , B e ll & Go s s e tt NF R-2 2

[1 ] 8 0 5 6 1 7 4

C i rc ula to r wi th Ga s k e ts , Grund fo s UP 1 5 -4 2 F

[1 ] 8 0 5 6 1 7 3

C i rc ula to r wi th Ga s k e ts , Ta c o 0 0 7 F

[1 ] 8 0 5 6 1 7 0

C i rc ula to r wi th Ga s k e ts , Ta c o 0 0 1 0

[1 ] 8 0 5 6 1 7 6


G a s k e t, B e ll & G o s s e tt NF R- 2 2 ( S L C - 3 0 )

[2 ] 8 0 6 6 0 2 0 2 9

Ga s k e t, Grund fo s 5 1 0 1 7 9

[2 ] 8 0 6 6 0 2 0 1 6

Ga s k e t, Ta c o ' 0 0 ' S e ri e s

[2 ] 8 0 6 6 0 2 0 0 6


F la ng e , 1 NP T

[2 ] 8 0 6 6 0 2 0 1 3


S c re w, C a p He x He a d , 7 /1 6 -1 4 x 1 "

[ 4 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e


Nut, He x, 7 /1 6 -1 4

[ 4 ] C o m m o n Ha r d wa r e


D ra i n Va lve , NP T, C o nb ra c o 3 5 -3 0 2 -0 3

7 H1

[1 ] 8 0 6 6 0 3 0 6 1


D e s c r i p ti o n
No .
8 . G a s k e t e d Ve n t A c c e s s o r y C a r t o n

Ve nt C o nne c to r


Ve nt Te rm i na l


[Qua nti ty] P a r t Num b e r





6 111 7 0 3 2 3

6 111 7 0 5 2 3

[1 ] 8 11 6 3 0 6

[1 ] 8 11 6 3 0 7
[1 ] 8 111 7 1 0

X. Low Water Cut Off (LWCO) on Hot Water Boilers

D O N OT AT T E M P T to c u t fa c to r y w ir e s to in s ta ll a n a fte r m a r k e t L o w Wa te r C u t Off (LW C O).
On ly u s e c o n n e c tio n s s p e c ific a lly id e n tifie d fo r L o w Wa te r C u t Off.
In a ll c a s e s , fo llo w th e L o w Wa te r C u t Off (LW C O) m a n u fa c tu r e r ' s in s tr u c tio n s .

A low water cutoff is required to protect a hot water
boiler when any connected heat distributor (radiation) is
installed below the top of the hot water boiler (i.e.
baseboard on the same floor level as the boiler). In
addition, some jurisdictions require the use of a LWCO
with a hot water boiler.

The universal location for a LWCO on both gas and oil
hot water boilers is above the boiler, in either the supply
or return piping. The minimum safe water level of a
water boiler is at the uppermost top of the boiler; that is,
it must be full of water to operate safely.

What Kind
Typically, in residential applications, a probe type
LWCO is used instead of a float type, due to their
relative costs and the simplicity of piping for a probe

draining the heating system. Many probe LWCO

manufacturers recommend an annual inspection of the

How to Wire
LWCOs are available in either 120 VAC or 24 VAC
configurations. The 120 VAC configuration can be
universally applied to both gas and oil boilers by wiring
it in the line voltage service to the boiler (after the
service switch, if so equipped).
The presence of water in a properly installed LWCO
will cause the normally open contact of the LWCO to
close, thus providing continuity of the 120 VAC service
to the boiler.
It is recommended to supply power to the probe LWCO
with the same line voltage boiler service as shown

How to Pipe
A tee is commonly used to connect the probe LWCO
to the supply or return piping, as shown below.

Wiring of Typical LWCO

LWCO Location
Select the appropriate size tee using the LWCO
manufacturers instructions. Often, the branch
connection must have a minimum diameter to
prevent bridging between the probe and the tee. Also,
the run of the tee must have a minimum diameter to
prevent the end of the probe from touching or being
located too close to the inside wall of the run of the tee.
Ideally, manual shutoff valves should be located above
the LWCO and the boiler to allow for servicing. This
will allow probe removal for inspection without

A 24 VAC LWCO is used primarily for gas fired boilers

where a 24 volt control circuit exists within the boiler.
However, a 24 VAC LWCO can only be used if the
boiler manufacturer has provided piping and wiring
connections and instructions to allow for this

How to Test
Shut off fuel supply. Lower water level until water
level is BELOW the LWCO. Generate a boiler demand
by turning up thermostat. Boiler should not attempt to
operate. Increase the water level by filling the system.
The boiler should attempt to operate once the water
level is above the LWCO.


Limited Warranty
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, U.S. Boiler
Co., Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania hereby extends the following limited
warranties to the original owner of a residential grade water boiler
manufactured and shipped on or after July 1,1991:


U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. warrants to the original owner that its residential
grade water boilers comply at the time of manufacture with recognized
hydronic industry standards and requirements then in effect and will be
free of defects in material and workmanship under normal usage for a
period of one year from the date of original installation. If any part of a
water boiler is found to be defective in material or workmanship during
this one year period, U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. will, at its option, repair or
replace the defective part.


U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. warrants to the original owner that the heat
exchanger of its residential grade water boilers will remain free from
defects in material and workmanship under normal usage for the
lifetime of the original owner at the original place of installation. If a
claim is made under this warranty during the first ten years from the
date of original installation, U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. will, at its option, repair
or replace the heat exchanger. If a claim is made under this warranty
after the expiration of ten years from the date of original installation,
U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. will, at its option and upon payment of the pro-rated
service charge set forth below, repair or replace the heat exchanger.
The service charge applicable to a heat exchanger warranty claim is
based upon the number of years the heat exchanger has been in service
and will be determined as a percentage of the retail price of the heat
exchanger model involved at the time the warranty claim is made as
In Service
Service Charge
as % of
Retail Price

In Service
Service Charge
as % of
Retail Price























25 and









NOTE: If the heat exchanger model involved is no longer available due to

product obsolescence or redesign, the value used to establish the retail
price will be the published price as shown in the Burnham Hydronics
Repair Parts Price Sheet where the heat exchanger last appeared or the
current retail price of the then nearest equivalent heat exchanger.


1. Applicability: The limited warranties set forth above are extended
only to the original owner at the original place of installation within the
United States and Canada. These warranties are applicable only to
water boilers designated as residential grade by U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. and
installed in a single or two-family residence and do not apply to steam
boilers of any kind or to commercial grade boilers.
2. Components Manufactured by Others: Upon expiration of the
one year limited warranty on residential grade water boilers, all boiler
components manufactured by others but furnished by U.S. Boiler Co.,
Inc. (such as oil burner, circulator and controls) will be subject only to the
manufacturers warranty, if any.
3. Proper Installation: The warranties extended by U.S. Boiler Co., Inc.
are conditioned upon the installation of the residential grade water boiler
in strict compliance with U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. installation instructions. U.
S. Boiler Co., Inc. specifically disclaims liability of any kind caused by or
relating to improper installation.

for its intended purposes and its maintenance accordance with U. S.

Boiler Co., Inc. recommendations and hydronics industry standards.
These warranties will be inapplicable if the residential grade water boiler
is used or operated over its rated capacity, is subjected to unauthorized
modification, or is damaged as a result of being otherwise improperly
operated or serviced including, but not limited to, damage from any of the
following: operation with insufficient water, allowing the boiler to freeze,
subjecting the boiler to flood conditions, and operation with unapproved
water or fuel additives which cause deposits or corrosion.
5. Removal and Installation: These warranties do not cover expenses
of removal or reinstallation. The owner is responsible for the cost of
removing and reinstalling any defective part and its replacements and all
labor and material connected therewith.
6. Exclusive Remedy: U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. obligation for any breach
of these warranties is limited to the repair or replacement of its parts in
accordance with the terms and conditions of these warranties.
7. Limitation of Damages: Under no circumstances shall U.S. Boiler Co.,
Inc. be liable for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages
of any kind whatsoever under these warranties, including, but not limited
to, injury or damage to persons or property and damages for loss of use,
inconvenience or loss of time. U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. liability under these
warranties shall under no circumstances exceed the purchase price paid
by the owner for the residential grade water boiler involved. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
8. Limitation of Warranties: These warranties set forth the entire
obligation of U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. with respect to any defect in a
residential grade water boiler and U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. shall have
no express obligations, responsibilities or liabilities of any kind
whatsoever other than those set forth herein. These warranties are
given in lieu of all other express warranties.


In order to assure prompt warranty service, the owner is requested to
complete and mail the attached Warranty Card within ten days after the
installation of the boiler, although failure to comply with this request will
not void the owners rights under these warranties.
Upon discovery of a condition believed to be related to a defect in
material or workmanship covered by these warranties, the owner should
notify the installer, who will in turn notify the distributor. If this action is
not possible or does not produce a prompt response, the owner should
write to U.S. Boiler Co., Inc., Burnham Hydronics, at P.O. Box 3079,
Lancaster, PA 17604, giving full particulars in support of the claim.
The owner is required to make available for inspection by U.S.
Boiler Co., Inc. or its representative the parts claimed to be defective
and, if requested by U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. to ship these parts prepaid to
U.S. Boiler Co., Inc. at the above address for inspection or repair. In
addition, the owner agrees to make all reasonable efforts to settle any
disagreement arising in connection with a claim before resorting to legal
remedies in the courts.

4. Proper Use and Maintenance: The warranties extended by U.S. Boiler

Co., Inc. conditioned upon the use of the residential grade water boiler



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