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January 27, 2010

40 Something and Counting

"One should never count the years -- one should instead count one's interests. I have kept
young trying never to lose my childhood sense of wonderment. I am glad I still have a vivid
curiosity about the world I live in." Helen Keller, on her 80th birthday.
Ten things, looking back, that we should do by our forties:
1. Know Yourself.
A wise man said, centuries ago:
He who knows not, and knows not he knows not -- he is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows he knows not, and knows he knows not -- he is simple. Teach him.
He who knows, and knows not he knows -- he is asleep. Wake him.
He who knows, and knows he knows -- he is wise. Follow him.
How do I know myself? Some questions to ask:
What are my gifts? ________________________________________________________________
What are my dreams? ____________________________________________________________
What are my opportunities? _______________________________________________________
Am I a role player? _______________________________________________________________
Am I transparent? ________________________________________________________________
Do I show myself or model the truths that I teach? __________________________________
Do I truly believe what I say and am I true to myself? _______________________________

2. Settle your family life.

Three things we have to settle by our forties:

⇒ Your priorities

⇒ Your philosophy on life

⇒ How you problem solve

3. Determine your priorities

Three words that will help us determine our priorities:

⇒ Requirement - What is required of me?

⇒ Return - What gives me the greatest return?

⇒ Reward - What gives me the greatest joy?

January 27, 2010

40 Something and Counting

3. (Continued)
How do I maintain them?
⇒ Evaluate - Where am I? (3 R's)
⇒ Eliminate - Busy, unproductive work.
⇒ Estimate - What is needed to reach my goal? What do I need to do to get there?

He who seeks one thing, and but one, may hope to achieve it before life is done.
But he who seeks all things wherever he goes must reap around him whatever he
sows. A harvest of barren regret.

4. Develop your philosophy

Philosophy of Life: "An overall vision of, or attitude toward life and the purposes of
life." Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

What I (John Sietz) believe about life:

⇒ My chief purpose in life is to fulfill God’s plan for my life.

⇒ The happiest people in know in life are givers of their time, talent & treasure.

⇒ My attitude determines my enjoyment in life.

⇒ Life’s greatest experiences involve people.

⇒ Life responds to us according to what we sow.

5. Get physically fit.

"In early life, people give up their health to gain wealth . . . Then, in later life, they give
up their wealth to regain health." Ken Blanchard, "The One Minute Manager Gets Fit."

Moderators to the Stress/Strain Relationship:

⇒ Autonomy - This person who has many choices and relatively good control of their
⇒ Connectedness - This is the person has strong, positive relationships at home, at
work, and in the community. This person feels in tune with their surroundings.
⇒ Perspective - Deals with the meaning, direction, purpose of life. The big picture of
where they want to go in life.
⇒ Tone - How you feel about your body, you energy level, your physical well-being
and appearance.

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