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Title of Lesson: Citing Sources The Why and How (5th 8th Grade) **3 attachments

Essential Question(s):

Lesson Objective:


What is copyright and how is it connected to the role we

play as information seekers and users?
What is a bibliography or works cited page, how do you
make one, and why is it important to create?
Students Should Understand:
-The meanings of copyright, intellectual property, and
-The purpose of a bibliography and what it includes
-Why bibliographies are important and when they should
be created
Students Should Be Able To:
-Find the information needed to create a citation for
print/non-print resources, using MLA style
-Use Easy Bib to create citations and compile citations
into a bibliography
-Demonstrate understanding of copyright and plagiarism
ELA-Literacy W.5.8: Recall relevant information from
experiences or gather relevant information from print
and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase
information in notes and finished work, and provide a
list of sources. (Also, W.6.8, 7.8, 8.8)
ELA-Literacy W.5.6: With some guidance and support
from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing as well as to interact and
collaborate with others. (Also, W.6.6, 7.6, 8.6)

Content Area(s):


AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner

1.3.1 Respect copyright/intellectual property rights of
creators and producers.
1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering
and using information.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to
organize and display knowledge and understanding in
ways that others can view, use, and assess.
All/ELA (Planned for 5th grade but adaptable for 6-8)
This lesson is meant to be taught in the context of a
research project. It supports writing standards but can
be used with any content area.
Book/Print Sources
Laptops, iPads, or desktop Computers
Easy Bib accounts registered before lesson (optional)
Handouts** (attached)
Warm-Up/Exit Ticket (pre/posttest)
Bibliography Practice Page w/ EasyBib
PowerPoint** (attached)

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Activity Overview:

Intellectual Property
Bibliography/Works Cited
Citations (cite)/Sources (print source)
Publisher, Year of Publication, Edition/Volume,
Contributor/Editor/Author, Date of Access
Time needed: 2 class periods
Day 1



Students complete Warm-Up as pretest; put

aside (optional can give only as Exit Ticket)
Following PowerPoint:
a. Share Standards
b. Use Dr. Seuss hook to
introduce/review plagiarism; discuss
c. Be sure to ask students: Why is it
wrong to plagiarize?
d. Using the discussion, show Copyright
slide and introduce concepts.
e. Discuss question on next slide and
have students Think/Pair/Share before
showing answers.
f. Focus for today: Citing Sources; Show
Bibliography Slide
i. Have student groups identify
types of information,
between citations (be creative
with discussion, ideas on
Station Activity:
a. Divide the class into groups and create
at least 4 stations: 2 w/ print sources
(book, encyclopedia) & 2 w/ web
sources (website, database). The web
stations can have practice sources
already loaded, or students can search
for sources relevant to their research
topics. *Please note: Sources can be
tailored to teacher & project
b. Briefly discuss where to look for
bibliography information (cover, title
page, back of title page, bottom of
webpage, About page, citation tools).
c. Students take their Bibliography
Practice handout, travel to each
station, and look for/record the info
needed to make a citation for each
source. (TL circulates)
d. Debrief, clarify, and answer questions.
Students complete Exit Ticket (posttest). Use
pre/post test scores for mastery data.

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Day 2


Created and Submitted by:

Briefly review previous lesson and takeaways.

Introduce EasyBib; Students record login info
(If EasyBib accounts were created beforehand)
Briefly demonstrate how to use EasyBib (create
new project, cite different sources
automatically and manually, Export to Word)
a. Discuss the reliability of citation
generators and places to find accurate
examples of citations (ex. Purdue
Independent Practice with EasyBib:
a. Students take completed Bibliography
Practice handout to a computer.
b. Students practice logging in, creating a
new project, and citing practice
sources from the previous lesson.
*Please note: if students have actual
project sources for the project they are
doing they should go ahead and begin
creating their real bibliography.
c. TL circulates to help and answer

Erin Bridges

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