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Dates for your Diary

Summer Fete Saturday 27th June 1.00-4.00pm on the School Field.

Please put the date in your diary. This is a joint venture, Parish and School
working together to raise much-needed funds.
We need as many helpers as possible to help organise, prepare, and/or
work on the day, and to clear up afterwards. If we have a rota of helpers no
one needs to be working all day, and there should be time to join in the fun
as well.
There is a list in the porch today for names of volunteer helpers and a box
for reply slips, which are printed on the newsletter.
There is also a big box next in the porch for donations of gifts for the
Tombola, Children's Tombola and the various stalls and games. No jumble
or bric-a-brac thank you!
Cakes, home produce and plants are always best sellers, so bakers and
gardeners, please keep the date in mind.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214

Newsletter: Brian Ingram 01827 704858
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

If anyone can sponsor the Bouncy Castle, or sweets and prizes for the
children, we will be very grateful.
Invitation from Archbishop Bernard Longley to young Catholics of the
Archdiocese - The Archbishop would like to invite you to join him on
pilgrimage to World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland in July 2015.
Birmingham Catholic Youth Service will be organising this pilgrimage, which
takes place between 19th July - 2nd August 2015. Age range - 16-35 years.
For more information and to download your application form, see the
There will be a provisional meeting held
at St Osburg's Parish Hall, Coventry on Monday June 8th at 7pm - 8pm, for
anyone interested in the pilgrimage - parents, youth leaders parishioners etc.
Bible Alive - the June Issue is available - sorry that it is a week late - please
feel free to take a copy.
Summer Retreat - July 24-26th at Hilton, Nr. Lichfield (Non-Residential) in a
country setting. There are brochures in the porch and a Poster on the

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Sat 6th June

4.00 pm

Sun 7th June

9:30 am

Mon 8th June

Vigil of Sunday
Corpus Christi
1st Holy Commuunion

2.15 pm

School Mass

7:00 pm


Wed 10th June

10.00 am


Thurs 11th June

7:00 pm


Fri 12th June

10.00 pm

Sat 13th June

4.00 pm

Sun14th June


Tues 9th June

Solemnity of the Most

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Vigil Mass


Noel O'Brien
The Wood Family

For the Parishioners

Luca Wood
Bridie O'Hare

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week:

Sat: Freddie, Robert, Ewan, Amari

Sun: Abby, Benedict, Tom
Readers next week:
Sat: Bobby, Abby, Ben M.
Sun: Benedict, Lily, Tom, Ellie
Offertory Procession this week: Sat: Ewan, Amari
Eucharistic Ministers T. Wright
T. Wilmott
Next Week
M. Bourne
D. Dickens
Church Cleaning R. Hatton, A Duffield
Altar Society -------------------

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Bridie Symmons,
Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath Ford, Ursula Cope,
Patricia Carter, Christina Chetwynd, Olive Fortune and Father Paul.
Please remember our housebound parishioners in your prayers: Marion
Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those
anniversaries fall at this time, John Plunkett, Victor Bonislowski, Mary
O'Keefe, Ivy O'Connor, Anthony Bird, Alice Skelcher, Albert Tarbuck,
Lawrence Turner, Rose Bonner, Tommy Major May they Rest in Peace.

Money Matters
Collections last week: Ist - 278.34

2nd - 171.13 - thank you!

Gift Aid donors - Please see Tracey (Sat) or Jo (Sun) after Mass
TOTE: 31/5/2015
Winning Nos. 8 / 32 Payout 24.24 (incl Rollover)
2 Winners - Muriel Wilkins & Matthew Smith 12.12 each Snowball next
week 15
I would like to help with ............................................. at the Summer Fete
on Friday pm/ Saturday am/ Saturday pm (delete as appropriate).
Signed: ................................... contact No. .................................
Email address: ..................................

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Mystery of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ was established as a
Feast Day or Solemnity in the Church's calendar at the beginning of the 14th
century. Although it was at the Last Supper that Jesus took bread and said:
"This is my Body" and also took a cup of wine and said: "This is my Blood",
the actual Feast was to be celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity
Sunday (now moved to the Sunday after Trinity Sunday). In Holy Week our
attention is more focused on the events of the Lord's Passion. Today we are
invited to reflect on the amazing mystery of the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, the
very presence of Christ is with us. We can touch and receive him into
ourselves. And at the same time, we become united to Him and are caught up
and involved with Jesus' own sacrificial offering of love and obedience to the
An atheist philosopher once said that "we are what we eat". He meant that
human beings are nothing more than the atoms and molecules, the proteins
and minerals that make up all of matter. However, his words were true in a
way that he did not intend. In fact, in the living material world, there are
different levels of being - e.g. vegetable, animal, human. Usually, it is the
higher level of life that assimilates into itself the lower level. Vegetables
assimilate minerals from the ground; animals assimilate the nutrients from
vegetables; human beings assimilate the goodness from eating animals (and
vegetables). Animals dont become vegetables because they eat vegetables;
we dont become animals because we eat meat. We extract from our food
what is good for us.. In a sense, the minerals, vegetables and animals are
assimilated into us.. We are not what we eat; what we eat becomes part of us.
When we eat the Eucharist something different happens. The Eucharist is
living food; it is the living risen Christ, present to us in the form of food. The
fact is that the risen Christ is a higher form of life than we are. Pope Benedict
once described the Resurrection as "an evolutionary lead" - a new and higher
form of existence - one in which we will eventually fully share. When we eat
the Body of Christ, Christ assimilates us to Himself. We begin to take on his
likeness. (In the Incarnation, the Second Person of the Trinity took on our
likeness - and even our sin!). Now, Jesus unites us to himself and begins to
transform us, so that we gradually become more like him. It is true to say of
eating the Eucharist that "we become what we eat". It is not true of eating any
other kind of food. In a real sense, as we eat the Body of Christ, we become
the Body of Christ. We become the extension of His presence in the world.
this is why the Church is called "the Mystical Body of Christ".
When Jesus gave us his Body, he was giving, not some part of himself, but his
whole self, including his total love and obedience to His Father. When he gave
us his Blood, he was not giving the stuff out of his veins, but the life he gave
up in death in love for the Father and love for us. This is the mystery that we
receive & celebrate!

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