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(Chapters 1-3)

1) Translate the following sentences into English

a. Si hubiera sabido que este tema te preocupaba tanto no habra dicho tantas tonteras.
If I had known that this topic worried you so much, I wouldnt have said so many absurdities.
b. Las relaciones extra matrimoniales son a menudo usadas como argumento en contra de la
pareja en los procesos de divorcio.
Extramarital relationships are often used as an argument against the partner during divorce
c. Volar con algunas compaas de bajo coste es muy econmico para el bolsillo hoy en da, a
pesar de que el aumento de estos vuelos es nocivo para el medio ambiente.
Flying on some low-cost companies is very economic for the pocket nowadays, although the
increase of these flights is damaging for the environment.
d. Freud postulaba que el impulso sexual refrenado es el origen de todas las enfermedades
psicolgicas del hombre.
Freud stated that the repressed sex drive is the origin of all psychological illnesses of men.
e. Los gobiernos del primer mundo deberan mostrar un gran respeto por las organizaciones
The Governments of First World should show a big respect to humanitarian organisations.
f. Acabo de leer un artculo que tiene que ver con la rabia acumulada en el nio que no es
debidamente atendido por sus padres.
Ive just read an article that has to do with accumulated anger of children who arent properly
cared for by their parents.


Composition: What is your opinion about psychoanalysis? Would you follow a

therapy related to it? Do you know someone who has been treated through it? Write an
essay on this topic of about 150 words.

Psychoanalysis has improved the lives of millions since it was developed by Sigmund
Freud last century. By using it on diverse therapies, many people have abandoned
unhealthy behaviours, vanquished their fears and forgotten their worst memories. These
data show how psychoanalysts made its way in modern days.
Taking into account the huge number of problems that contemporary life has, such as
stress, mobbing, childhood traumas or aggressiveness, as well as phobias, the great
majority of people, including myself, should follow a psychoanalytical therapy in order
to improve our lives and leave our worries behind.
Thanks to psychoanalysis one of my old friends got over her problems. She followed a
long therapy with her psychologist and, in each session, she had to speak about her
childhood, her family, her life and, above all, about her dreams, which give a lot of
information about oneself. Thus, she managed to cope with her daily concerns and
continued her path.

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