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Std: 6

PURVESH SIR (Ph): 9429976149


Q 1 Blanks:
1). Information that is collected is called .............................................................
2). Bars in a bar graph are .................................................................
3). The side of a square with perimeter 60 cm is .............................................
4). The area of a square with perimeter 8 cm is ..........................................
5). The area of a square is 25 m2, so its side
is ........................................................
6). The area of a rectangle with breadth 8 cm is 104 cm2, so the length
is ......................................
7). The length and breadth of rectangle are 11.5 cm and 6.5 cm, so the
perimeter is .........................
8). The perimeter of a regular polygon of side length 3 cm is 21 cm. SO the
polygon has ....................................................... sides.
9). The length of side for a regular hexagon is 2 cm, so its perimeter will
be ....................................
10). Units for ...................................................... are cm, m, km etc.
11). Units for ....................................................... are cm 2, m2, km2, etc.
12). Amount of surface enclosed by a closed figure is
its ...................................................
13). Even if perimeter is same, the figure can have
different .....................................................
14). Area of square = ................................................................
15). Area of rectangle = ...........................................................................
16). Perimeter of rectangle = ...............................................................
17). Perimeter of square = .................................................................
18). Perimeter of equilateral triangle = ............................................
X .....................................................
19). Length of rectangle =

20). Breadth of a rectangle =

21). The length of the boundary of a figure is called

its ............................................................
22). The following has a definite length.
(A) Line (B) Ray (C) Line segment
23). Each angle of an equilateral triangle is ..........................................................
24). A line has ................................................... end points.
25). A ray has .................................................... end points.
26). A line segment has ......................................................... end points.
27). Lines that do not meet in a plane are
called ..................................................................
28). A scalene triangle has ............................................................
(A) no axis of symmetry
(B) one axes of symmetry
(C) two axes of symmetry
(D) three axes of symmetry
29). A circle has .......................................................... axis of symmetry.
30). A square has ............................................................ axes of symmetry.
31). A rectangle has ....................................................... axes of symmetry.
32). A equilateral triangle has .................................................. axes of symmetry.
33). A regular polygon of 3 sides is called
a/an ..........................................................................
34). A regular polygon of 5 sides is
called .........................................................................
35). A regular polygon of 6 sides is
called .....................................................................
36). A regular polygon of 4 sides is
called .....................................................................
37). An angle of 120 is called a/an ........................................................................
38). The number of edges in a cuboid is ..........................................................
39). A solid shape with no edges is a ..............................................................
40). Every rectangle is a ...............................................................
41). A quadrilateral with all sides equal and diagonal equal is
a ...........................................................
42). Two angles of a triangle measure 50 and 60. So the measure if the third
angle is ...........................................
43). A triangle with each angle 60
is ........................................................................ angled.
44). A quadrilateral with all sides and angles equal is
a ........................................................................
45). What is the number of faces in a triangular
prism? ....................................................................

46). A cuboid has .................................................

faces, .................................................... edges and ................................................
47). A ............................................................ has no vertex and no edge.
48). A square pyramid has ....................................................... faces
and ............................................... edges.
49). The base of ..............................................................
and ....................................................... is a circle.
50). The sum of three angles of a triangle
is ...........................................................
51). A solid with 5 faces, 9 edges and 6 vertices is
called ..............................................................
52). A closed figure with three or more line segments is called
a ......................................................
53). An angle of measure between 180 to 360 is called
a ........................................................ angle.
54). If a triangle has all sides equal, then it is
an ............................................................................. triangle.
55). If a triangle has two equal sides, then it is
an ......................................................................... triangle.
56). If a triangle has no sides equal, then it is
a .......................................................................... triangle.
57). Half rotation gives a .................................................. angle
or ...........................................
58). One complete rotation gives a .............................................................. angle
or .........................................
59). Every angle in an equilateral triangle
measures .......................................................
60). Every triangle has at least ....................................................... acute angles.
61). The sum of angles of a triangle is
always .....................................................................
62). If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are perpendicular to each other, the
quadrilateral could be a ..................................................................
or ..........................................................
63). If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are equal, the quadrilateral could be
a ........................................................................................... or
a ........................................................
64). A regular polygon of 4 sides is called
a ..........................................................................
65). A polygon of 6 sides is called a ...................................................................

66). The measure of a complete angle is .........................................................

67). The measure of a straight angle is .........................................................
68). The measure of a right angle is ...........................................................
69). A line has ...................................................... end points.
70). A line segment has ................................................................... end points.
71). A ray has ................................................. end points.
72). A curve made up of line segment only is called
a ..............................................................
73). A ........................................................................ curve does not cross itself.
74). A ............................................................................. is a three sided polygon.
75). A .................................................................................. is a four sided
76). The angle between North and East is
a ..............................................................................
77). The length of a diameter is ............................................................ that of a
78). The ....................................................................................... is the longest
chord in a circle.
79). Every quadrilateral has ........................................................ diagonals.
80). Every triangle has ............................................... medians
and ......................... altitudes.
81). A ................................................................. is a line segment which connects
the centre of the circle to any point on the circle.
82). Points that lie on one line are
called .....................................................................................................
83). The number of medians in a triangle are .................................................
84). When lines meet at right angles, they
are ..................................................................................................
85). Two lines in a plane which do not meet
are ............................................................ lines
86). Every triangle has ................................................. vertices.
87). Concentric circle have the same ...............................................................
(A) diameter
(B) radius
(C) chord
(D) centre
88). The length of the boundary of a circle is
called ...............................................................................
89). In a quadrilateral PQRS, the name of a diagonal
is ................................................
(A) PQ
(B) QR
(C) RS
(C) PR
90). In a triangle ABC, one of the altitude could
be ..............................................................

(A) AB
(B) BC
(C) AC
(D) BC
91). A .......................................................................................... is a closed curve.
92). Every triangle has ....................................................... medians.
93). Comparison by division is called ..............................................................
94). The simplest form of the ratio 10 : 100 is ............................................
95). The simplest form of the ratio 30 : 70 is ........................................
96). The simplest form of the ratio 30 : 90 is ..........................................
97). The simplest form of the ratio 500 : 1000
is ..........................................................
98). The simplest form of 10 seconds to 10 minutes
is .............................................................
99). The simplest form of the ratio 28 : 35
is ...........................................................
100). If 4, y, 32 and 40 are in proportion, value of y
is .....................................................
101). 2 : 4 :: ............................... : 10
102). ................................ : 4 :: 2 : 8
103). 4 : 5 ..................................... 8 : 10 [>, <, =]
104). 6 :
7 ...................................... 6 : 11
105). The cost of 4 pens is ` 40. So the cost of 11 pens will
be ..........................................................
106). In the continued proportion 1, 5, x; x is equal
to ............................................................
107). If the cost of 13 pens is ` 104, the cost of a dozen pens will be
` ..............................................
108). There are 96 oranges and 66 apples in a box. So the ratio of apples to
oranges is .......................................................
109). There are 96 oranges and 66 apples in a box. So the ratio of oranges to
apples is ..................................................
110). There are 10 women and 15 men in a group. So, the ratio of men to the
total number in the group will be .........................................................................
111). There are 10 women and 15 men in a group. So, the ratio of number of
men to number of women will be .........................................................................
112). 144 books can be packed in 16 boxes. So, to pack 171 books, the number
of boxes needed is ....................................................................................
113). Two ratios are .................................................................. if the fractions
corresponding to them are equivalent.
114). An equality of two ratios is called
a ..........................................................................

115). The simplest form of the ratio 10 : 100

is ......................................................................
116). 2 : 4 :: ....................................... : 10
117). A ratio has no ..........................................................................
118). Algebraic expressions with one term
is .........................................................................
119). Algebraic expressions with two terms
is ...............................................................................
120). Algebraic expressions with three terms are
called ...........................................................................
121). The word Algebra is derived from Arabic
word ..................................................................
122). Equations have two sides: .......................................................
and ................................................
123). The particular value of the variable which satisfies the equation is
called ................................................................... of the equation.
124). The expression for 5 multiplied by a is ......................................................
125). If the side of a pentagon is 3l, then its perimeter will be given
by ..............................................
126). The solution of the equation


= 10 is ...................................................

127). If a = 2 and b = 3, the value of 6b 5a

is ..........................................................
128). The solution of the equation m + 9 = 12
is ..........................................................
129). The solution of the equation a 4 = 6
is ........................................................
130). The solution of the equation 6g = 24 is ......................................................
131). The perimeter of a square
is ..............................................................................
(A) 4 + side
(B) 4 x side
(C) side x side
(D) length
132). Area of which figure is length x
breadth ..................................................................................
(A) rectangle
(B) square
(C) isosceles triangle
(D) equilateral
133). What is the length of side of square whose area is 64
m2 ................................................
134). The perimeter of regular hexagon of side 4 cm will
be ..............................................................

135). The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 4 cm and breadth is 5

cm ....................................
(A) 9 cm
(B) 20 cm
(C) 18 cm
(D) 36 cm
136). The formula for finding area of square
is ...............................................................................
(A) side x side (B) 4 x side



x side

(D) 2 x side

137). The formula for finding area of rectangle

is ....................................................................................
(A) length x breadth
(B) length +breadth
(C) length/breadth
(D) 2( length x breadth)
138). Perimeter of the square ,whose each side is n cm
is ..................................................
(A) n + 4
(B) 4n
(C) n 4
(D) n/4
139). Perimeter of an equilateral triangle, whose each side is x unit
is ............................................
(A) 3x
(B) 3 x
(C) 3/x
(D) 3 + x
140). ........................................................... is known as the Additive Identity.
141). ............................................................ is known as the Multiplicative
142). The fraction


written in lowest terms

is ......................................................
143). Fractions which have 1 as the numerator are
called ................................................ fractions.
144). The largest negative integer is .........................................................
145). The additive inverse of 940 is ......................................................
146). The predecessor of 0 is ...................................................
147). The sum of two negative integers
is .................................................................
148). The sum of two positive integers is ..............................................................
149). The sum of an integer and its additive inverse
is ........................................................
150). The integer ....................................................... is neither negative nor
151). The smallest positive integer is ..............................................................

Q 2 True Or False:

1). Every square is a rectangle. ..........................................................

2). Every rhombus is a parallelogram. ..........................................
3). Every parallelogram is a rectangle. .........................................................
4). Every rhombus is a square. .....................................................
5). Every square is a rhombus. ...................................................
6). Diameter is a chord. ...............................................................
7). Concentric circle have the same radius. ...........................................................
8). A line segment has no end points. ......................................................
9). A ratio has no unit. ...................................................
10). Unlike fractions have same denominator. ............................
11). All unit fractions are in lowest terms. ......................................................

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