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Laennec’s Liver Cirrhosis is usually progressive. If someone with early stage cirrhosis

stops drinking alcohol, the process of further liver scarring may stop, but scar tissue, once

formed, remains indefinitely. In general, the prognosis is poorer if serious complications such as

vomiting of blood, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity or deterioration in brain

function have occurred. Any patient with cirrhosis carries a risk of specific life-

threatening complications such as variceal bleeding, sepsis, or hepatorenal

syndrome. There is also a significant risk of nonspecific life-threatening

complications due to the frequent association of comorbidities. The general course

of the disease is characterized by a longstanding phase of compensated cirrhosis,

followed by the occurrence of specific complications.

Treatment for cirrhosis . Thus, it is a disorder that should be prevented or arrested at its

earliest stages. Treatment includes withdrawing toxic agents such as alcohol and treating

complications as they arise. If the person needs to take drugs that are processed (metabolized) by

the liver much smaller doses must be given to avoid over dosage. Attention is given to proper

nutrition, which usually involves carefully controlling protein and sodium intake and taking

supplemental vitamins.

Therefore, basing on our assessment we come up to a point that our patient is

having a poor prognosis and is under Stage 3 Laennec’s liver cirrhosis. This are the major

manifestations of the patient during the group’s care; ascites, caput medusa, bipedal pitting

edema grade 2, jaundice skin all over and icteric sclerae. Although he had been experiencing
epigastric pain and feeling of fullness a long time ago specifically on September 25, 2008 and

was diagnosed with UTI and Liver Cirrhosis through ultrasound, he still continued to abuse

alcohol, thus, contributing much to the scarring and destroying of the liver tissues.

According to Carol Mattson Porth with repeated bouts of drinking and liver injury

may progress to cirrhosis.the gross appearance of the early cirrhotic liver is one of fine, uniform

nodules on its surface. The condition has traditionally been called micronodular or Laennec

cirrhosis. With more advanced cirrhosis, regenerative processes cause the nodule s to necome

larger and more irregular in size and shape. Hepatomegaly and jaundice also are common signs

of cirrhosis. There may be abdominal pain because of liver enlargement or stretching of

Glisson’s capsule. The pain is located in the epigastric or right upper quadrant and causing a

feeling of fullness. The late manifestations are splenomegaly, ascites, and portosystemic shunts

(i.e. esophageal varices, anorectal varices and caput medusa).

Ultrasound report: Feb. 1, 2010

The liver is enlarged and exhibit tissue alteration. The intrahepatic ducts are not dilated. No focal

lesions are noted.

The spleen is enlarged. Splenic index is 1,777cm3. No focal lesions noted. Splenic hilum is


Impression: Hepatosplenomegaly
Schematic Representation of the Outcome of Cirrhosis According to Four Consecutive

Clinical Stages*

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