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Cold fusion describes
a form of energy
generated when
hydrogen interacts
with various metals
like nickel and
It is also a type of
fusion that occurs at
room temperature
that needs low input
of energy and
produces high
amount of energy.

Electrolysis of Heavy
Water Using
The most famous
case of alleged cold
fusion was
announced by two
scientists in 1989
named Pons and
Fleischmann. They
claimed to have
achieved fusion in a
beaker at room
temperature using
heavy water (water
with a high
percentage of
deuterium) and an
electrode made of
palladium. Putting an
electric current
through the heavy
water (electrolysis),
they claimed to have
measured the
byproducts of fusion
(neutrons and
tritium) as well as an
excess of heat.

Automobiles, trucks,
railroad locomotives
With the sudden
popularity of electric
automobiles (i.e. Tesla
Model S) and
organizations that
promotes clean
energy, a cold fusion
reactor may be
considered as
substitute on the
electric generator on
the electric mobiles.




As of now Cold
Fusion is having
many criticism and
controversy because
not so many
scientists are sold out
to the idea and
theories applied to
produce a reliable
result for cold fusion.

No radioactive
materials are used in
cold fusion. LENR
occurs as the tiny
protons, neutrons
and electrons of
hydrogen interact,
releasing energy
slowly, through heat
and photons, without
the dangerous
radiation associated
with conventional
nuclear reactions,
and cold fusion
makes no radioactive

As of today, the only

limitation of Cold
Fusion is funding and
people who opposes
it. Since it can be a
great source of
energy that can
remove our
dependency on oil
many corporations
may try to discredit
this potential source
of energy.

But several hundred

laboratories around
the world have
obtained positive
cold fusion results. A
partial list, which
appeared in Fire from
Ice in 1991, is long
outdated. In the
spring of 1991, a
conference in the
former Soviet Union
revealed many more
positive results; at
the Second Annual
Conference on Cold
Fusion held in Como,
Italy, in July 1991,
much more positive
evidence for cold

Abundant fuel
supply. Deuterium
can be readily
extracted from
seawater, and excess
tritium can be made
in the fusion reactor
itself from lithium,
which is readily
available in the
Earth's crust.
Uranium for fission is
rare, and it must be

The results were

never duplicated and
most scientists and
the media and highly
skeptical of cold

The Energy Catalyzer

(also called E-Cat)
Is a purported cold
fusion or Low-Energy
Nuclear Reaction
(LENR) heat source
which was devised by
inventor Andrea
Rossi with support
from physicist Sergio
An Italian patent,
which received a
formal but not a

Space heating and

other furnaces
The power output that
Cold Fusion can
release can also be
used to heat spaces,
furnaces, powerplants
and other places that
require heat to
operate. It is a lot safer
and more powerful
than a nuclear reactor.
Electric generators
Cold Fusion reaction
can also be use to
generate electricity at
low cost and low
operating cost, being
the hydrogen and
nickel the main

fusion emerged. At
the Third
Conference on Cold
Fusion in October,
1992, the evidence
became completely
overwhelming. At the
Fourth International
Conference on Cold
Fusion (Maui,
December, 1993), the
field blossomed in
many new directions:
new methods of
generating excess
power, and new
especially the
transmutation of
heavy elements at

mined and then

enriched for use in
Can be initiated in
simple devices at
high O/I levels

Safe. The amounts of

fuel used for fusion
are small compared
to fission reactors.
This is so that
uncontrolled releases
of energy do not
occur. Most fusion
reactors make less
radiation than the
natural background
radiation we live
within our daily lives.
Clean. No
combustion occurs in
nuclear power
(fission or fusion), so

describes the
apparatus as a
"process and
equipment to obtain
reactions, in
particular from nickel
and hydrogen. Rossi
and Focardi said the
device worked by
infusing heated
hydrogen into nickel,
transmuting it into
copper and
producing heat.

there is no air
Heating is one of the
essential need in
farms, and the excess
heat from a cold fusion
reaction can power up
a farm and run it at its
full potential at low
cost with safety being

Less nuclear waste.

Fusion reactors will
not produce highlevel nuclear wastes
like their fission
counterparts, so
disposal will be less of
a problem. In
addition, the wastes
will not be of
nuclear materials as
is the case in fission
Cheap. Can be done
in your own

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