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A large number of teens and adults these days undertake anxiety about their appearance and opt for choices that
steer them towards unhealthy eating disorders, affecting both physical and emotional wellbeing. Being heavy in
earlier years and the influence of media, friends, even family at times can be accountable in promoting Anorexia as
opposed to a healthy and balanced diet. Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological eating disorder. A person with
Anorexia Nervosa has an intense fear of gaining weight. Despite the fact that they are thin, they restrain their food
intake, exercise a lot and lose more weight. They induce vomiting after eating, take appetite suppressant pills or
medications that cause diarrhea. People suffering from Anorexia may get preoccupied with what they eat or weigh,
and feel that they have attained something by being able to control their eating. Anorexia Nervosa requires
immediate medical and psychological help, as it can become a life threatening condition.
Causes of Anorexia Nervosa:


People with diverse cultural upbringing can develop Anorexia Nervosa if they hesitate adapting a new culture.

Being under continuous pressure of having an ideal figure, due to a Mom or sister with a perfect body.

Low self-esteem.

Traumatic events like rape, death of a loved one, etc.


Hormonal changes.

Substance abuse.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa:

Low body weight, emaciated or problems with physical development.

Fear of gaining weight.

Irregular menstrual periods.



Obsessed with exercising.

Sad, anxious or depressed.

Unable to think right, or obsessive thoughts of food.

Social withdrawal.




Low blood pressure.


Hypothermia (low body temperature).

Osteoporosis (weak, fragile bones).

Difficulty getting pregnant.

Impaired renal or other organ functioning.

Homeopathic approach to Anorexia Nervosa:

Homeopathy is a remarkable resource for those dealing with eating disorders. Homeopathic constitutional
treatment based on the individual case is the most suitable and would aim to heal the underlying physical or
emotional crisis causing eating disorders. The unique physical, emotional and mental expression of your illness is
characteristic of you and is used to channel the course of Homeopathic treatment. The remedies work by
stimulating your bodys natural ability to heal itself, acting as a catalyst for healing. Homeopathy can be of
assistance in retrieving normal weight and treating any psychological issues related to Anorexia Nervosa. It will also
prevent relapse of Anorexia Nervosa. Homeopathic remedies can help rebuild your mind, body and spirit as well as
personal relationships for a balanced lifestyle. Homeopathy will reinforce and tone the bodys systems.
Homeopathic remedies can help deal with your anxiety, depression, and stress along with stimulating appetite. It
will attend to nutritional problems and help the patient develop a healthier body image.
Homeopathic drugs are non-habit forming and have no addictive characteristics. Homeopathy has an exceptional
proven safety record with the FDA with 200 years of clinical effectiveness. Since it treats in totality, it leads to a
permanent long-lasting cure.
Self-care measures:

Identify the influences in your life that upholds your eating disorder.

Communicate with a family member or a close friend about your eating issues or over exercising.

Parents do not make your child feel guilty about their eating problem.

Assist your child formulate a healthy relationship with food.

Commend your child for what they do and not what they look like.

Reinforce behaviors that promote healthy eating, healthy weight, body image and self-esteem.

Develop a resilient sense of identity based on your inner qualities rather than on appearance.

Appreciate the genetic diversity of body shapes and sizes.

Create a physically active lifestyle and take pleasure in eating well for health, energy and hunger satisfaction.

Your trail to health is a conscious choice. Educate your mind on the power of fresh, healthy foods. Hence, consider
Homeopathy and take back control of your life, empower yourself to make a positive change in the way you eat and
how you look at food.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the
Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is
currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International

Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Her mission is to Promote Health through Homeopathy
with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach.
Phone: (480) 363 0758

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