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1 Actor Goal List




Start/Stop Pump
Change Configuration
Take Dose
View History
Change Color
Change Mode
Recharge Battery
Refill Insulin/ Glucagon

1.1 Use Case UC1: Take Dose (Auto Mode)

Scope: Insulin Pump Simulator
Level: user goal
Primary actor: Patient
Secondary Actor: none
Goal in Context: Automatic Calculation of the required Insulin Dose.
Stakeholder and interest:
Patient wants to inject required dose of insulin automatically.
a. Battery should be charged.
b. Pump should be ON.
c. Required amount of Insulin should be filled.
d. BSL sensor should be ready.
e. Mode should be auto.
Success Guarantee:
a. Auto mode show ON.
b. Required amount of dose calculate automatically and inject periodically for patient.
Basic Flow (Main Flow of Events):
Main Flow of Events

1-This use case begins when user wishes to automatic calculation of the
required insulin dose and inject it periodically.
2- User turns ON the Pump.

Insulin pump turns ON.

Insulin pump set in Auto mode.

5- The insulin pump take the BSL reading after every 30 sec.
6- The insulin pump saves the BSL reading in file.
7- The insulin pump shows the BSL in graph over time to user.

8- In case BSL goes up, then insulin pump automatically calculates the required
Amount of insulin to be injected in order to keep the BSL normal.
9- In case BSL is normal, then insulin pump does not computes and inject any
Insulin until its required again.
10- In case BSL goes down, then insulin pump does not inject insulin, but
alerts the user by alarm beep and show the warning message to consume food in
order to keep BSL normal.
Step 5 to 8 will repeat until user turn off the Pump or change the mode

1- If insulin reservoir is finish during auto mode operation
System displays the error message to user and beeps the alarm.
2- If the battery finish during auto mode operation.
System displays the error message to user and beeps the alarm to recharge the battery.
Frequency of occurrence:
More than once
Special Requirements:

Text visible from 1 meter distance.

1.2 Use Case UC2: Take Dose (Manual Mode)

Scope: Insulin Pump Simulator
Level: user goal
Primary actor: Patient
Secondary Actor: none
Goal in Context: Manual Calculation of the required Insulin Dose.
Stakeholder and interest:
Patient wants to inject required dose of insulin Manual.
f. Battery should be charged.
g. Pump should be ON.
h. Required amount of Insulin should be filled.
i. BSL sensor should be ready.
j. Mode should be manual.
k. User have a good prior knowledge to calculate the required dose to be injected manually.
Success Guarantee:
c. Manual mode show ON.
d. Required amount of dose injected manually successfully for patient.
Basic Flow (Main Flow of Events):
Main Flow of Events

1-This use case begins when user wishes to inject required amount of insulin dose
manually according to his/her knowledge.

User turns ON the Pump.

Insulin pump turns ON.
User change the mode from auto to manual.
Insulin pump set in manual mode.
The insulin pump takes the BSL reading after every 60 sec.

7- The insulin pump saves the BSL reading in file.

8- The insulin pump shows the BSL in graph over time to user.
9- In case BSL goes up, then insulin pump generate the alert for the user to take
insulin manually or take some action like walking, swimming , jogging in order
to keep the BSL normal.
10- In case BSL is normal, then insulin pump does not alert the user, until its
required again.
11- In case BSL goes down, then insulin pump generate the alert for the user to
Consume food in order to raise the BSL and keep it normal.
Step 6 to 11 will repeat until user turn off the Pump or change the mode

auto to manual or battery is charged or Insulin Levels Insufficient.

3- If insulin reservoir is finish during manual mode operation
System displays the error message to user and beeps the alarm.
4- If the battery finish during manual mode operation.
System displays the error message to user and beeps the alarm to recharge the battery.
Frequency of occurrence:
More than once
Special Requirements:
Text visible from 1 meter distance

1.3 Use Case UC3: View BSL History

Scope: Insulin Pump Simulator
Level: user goal
Primary actor: Patient
Secondary Actor: none
Goal in Context: Show the previous BSL history to user.
Stakeholder and interest:
Patient wants to see his/her BSL history.
a. Battery should be charged.
b. Pump should be ON.
Success Guarantee:
a. Patient view Previous BSL history successfully.
Basic Flow (Main Flow of Events):
Main Flow of Events

1-This use case begins when user wishes to view his/her previous BSL history
in order to know about his BSL condition.
2- User turns ON the Pump.
3- Insulin pump turns ON.
4- The user indicates the system that he/she wants to see his/her BSL history.
5- The system displays the environment to user in order to view the BSL
6- The system asks the user to select the date and time in order to view the BSL
data history.
7- User select the date and time for BSL Data history
8- System shows the required BSL data.

5- If User select wrong date and time.
System displays the error message to user to select correct date & time.
6- If there is no data for the selected date & time .
System displays message to user that there is no data for this date.
Frequency of occurrence:
More than once
Special Requirements:
Text visible from 1 meter distance

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