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Liberals, their tactics, and how to defeat them in argument.

How to Defeat a Liberal

Many years ago, while growing up in a household infested with the 60s mentality of If it feels good do
it, I would have professed myself as a Democratic Party Liberal. The culture and the times in which
I was raised dictated such. However, as I grew older and began thinking outside of the ranting and
raving hyperbole of the liberal mindset, I came to the realization that behind the mindless drivel lay
no real plans or strategy for making life better for everyone. Sure, there were many cool ideas
bounced back and forth like a ping-pong ball during a match, but nothing ever of any real substance.
Much like the lyrics of a popular Beatles song at that time:
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan Revolution, The Beatles
Liberals never think past of how to fix society, or make it better, once they have it broken. They
have no plan in place, other than taking as much money as they can from those who have it and
spend a small portion of it on those who do not. Obviously, the long-term viability of such a plan
depends on the ability to rob Peter to pay Paul. Eventually, Peter grows tired of getting robbed while
Paul becomes more and more dependent upon Peter.
In America today we see how the Peter/Paul scenario has played out disastrously, due to most
wealthy Americans having moved themselves and their money overseas. With the transfer of
Americas wealth overseas, there comes a time when there is simply not enough of other peoples
money to go around. The fact that America is now over 18 TRILLION dollars in debt and
counting at the time of this writing is proof positive to this effect.
After many years of research and being honest with myself, I come to realize that my liberal thinking
just did not jive with the way the real world of everyday life worked. As liberals, we had to balance
our checkbooks, not spend more than we were bringing in, everyone played a part in the household
to make life run efficiently, and so forth and so on. Every minute detail of daily life contradicted
what we professed to believe as liberals. Eventually, there came a time where I could no longer
rectify or justify the hypocrisies. Thus, I changed my religion - so to speak...
The reason for this writing is to help those struggling with liberalism to see the same hypocrisies that
I did and come to terms with them. It is also for those of conservative thought, like me, to engage
liberals in constructive debate - if possible. Not because conservatives are, right (which I believe
that they are) and liberals are wrong, but because liberals have their argument down to a science.
Included in their arguments are the emotional tactics that they use in debates. This is where most of
those who ascribe to conservative thought fall flat: overcoming liberal emotional tactics.
Use the following tips as your guide to defeat liberal argument.
Garlin James

How Most Liberals Think

In order to debate liberals we must first understand how they think: why they believe in their
particular stances, their thought processes, and their worldview. We can sum this up rather easily by
looking at the most common types of people who consider themselves liberals. Although there are
many exceptions within each of these groups - not using too broad of a paintbrush - we must look
at two key groups:

College Students, especially those in Ivy Leagues

College Professors, especially those in Ivy Leagues
Other teachers, education administrators, and education policymakers
Journalists and Media personalities

Victims of the Democratic Party

African Americans, Latinos, and other minorities

Senior Citizens
The poor and middle class, especially those who live in urban areas

Obviously, there are undoubtedly other groups that could be considered key players in the
Democratic/liberal movement, but the above are the most often cases you will run into. There are
distinct reasons for why the aforementioned two groups exist; and these reasons must be
understood if you are to properly engage a liberal in a debate. For, once again, we must understand
their mindsets.
The Intellectuals:
The Intellectuals are an interesting group of people. They are typically your academics, people
who have very strong academic accomplishments, or believe that they do (these can be
interchanged). They often think of themselves as smart people, and associate with like-minded
smart people. You find them especially in Ivy League colleges, though this phenomenon easily
exists in non-Ivy League schools as well. It extends beyond just the college and university scene,
however; other education institutions have similar groups, and the media is full of such people.
Intellectuals are usually responsible and intelligent people who are going in a good direction in life at least academically. However, all of them fall victim to one trap: they believe that everyone else
is just as responsible and intelligent as they are.

Thus, they fall into an ideological worldview, which believes that everything can be perfect, and that
cases of human nature such as greed simply do not exist. This explains why far left leaning liberals
support communism - they thought people would be happy with to each according to their
needclearly, that did not work.
The vast majorities of liberals believe that things like abortion should be legal, because people will be
responsible with it, and not take advantage of it. They also believe that drugs should be legalized for
the same reasons. Most liberals believe that children should be exposed to sex and violence
(including things that can be seen as the promotion of them), because children would be responsible
with such matters.
Liberals do not think things on television and mass media should be regulated, thinking that all
people are responsible enough to handle indecent material. They believe all criminals can be
rehabilitated and become responsible like them, and thus they oppose things like the death
penalty. The list goes on and on, but the key thing you must know about liberals: they are frequently
not in touch with reality itself- they are like bookworms. They do not realize the problems in the
world for what they really are, but they believe that they do.
Therefore, they fall victim to an ideological worldview, which simply does not work in reality:
Everything these intellectuals do now was done before, in essence: Karl Marx once presented an
ideological leftist worldview. It did not work, but it sure sounded great when he presented his
ideology. What looks good on paper may not look good in reality - that is one thing the intellectual
left does not understand.
These people also fundamentally believe they are right, and will refuse to argue with anyone who
they think is of less merit than they are; theyre very elitist to a sense, and therefore blindly hold to
their ideology despite any arguments thrown at them. This is typical Ivy League arrogance and
journalistic elitism at its finest.
Victims of the Democratic Party
This group makes up the core of the voting element as far as the Democratic Party goes, and thus
helps the most to promote the liberal cause. These people think they have been wronged or
disadvantaged, or have been told that they have been wronged or disadvantaged. They believe that
opposing parties (Republicans, Tea Party, conservatives, etc.) are out to wrong them and
disadvantage them even further.
These are the things commonly referred to as playing the race/age/gender/class card. These are
liberal favorites, so be ready to hear their use often. It works, it is effective, and this second group of
people- the victims- falls for it very easily. As a result, they become slaves of the liberal mindset.

Look no further than how the Democrats try to scare African Americans into believing that
Republicans are holding them down, how the Democrats try to scare, middle class Americans into
thinking Republicans are hurting the middle class, and how the Democrats try to scare women
into thinking Republicans are against their rights. Democrats also frequently try to scare Senior
Citizens into thinking Republicans want to destroy Social Security. Look at the key words
mentioned in these accusations: against, holding down, hurting, and destroying.
In essence, it is fear mongering targeted at certain groups of people in society, and it works.
Democrats and liberals attempt to spin the issues into backing up this fear mongering, and people
listen to it. As a result, this entire second group is formed- the victims of the Democratic Party.
Unfortunately, most people do not know much about the issues; especially as far as fact and reality
goes. What they do think they know, however, is that Republicans and conservatives are completely
against them and trying to hold them down (or their issue) in general. They believe the way they do,
because of the total spin and fear mongering they hear from Democratic and liberal leaders. They
then go out and vote for these said Democrats and become strong liberals, mostly out of fear and
loathing of the other side - values instilled into them. Furthermore, they become very likely to start
calling conservatives bigots, racists and homophobes, because of the lies that the liberal left
has drilled into their heads.
Key Liberal Characteristics
Based on the previous two groups, you have one group of people that is ideological, unrealistic, and
elitist. Then you have a second group that is fearful, angry, resentful, and therefore has a closed
mind towards reality - or any other persons opinions if they differ from their own.

Liberals and their Tactics

Now that we understand the two key elements of liberalism, we can now move on to debates
themselves. In debates, liberals tend to use a select few tactics very frequently; no matter whom
the person is, if they are a liberal, they always make use of the same arsenal. This is likely due to the
fact that theyre all promoting the same unrealistic philosophy, liberalism itself, and that liberalism
can only be argued effectively in one manner: through the use of these tactics.
Once we have looked at the liberal weapons themselves, the reasoning will be obvious. Here they
are, in no particular order:
Tactic Number One: Interruption
Liberals use this tactic throughout the span of an entire debate. If you, as a conservative (or even
moderate), are attempting to make a point- especially if you have numbers, facts, and figures to back
your point of view- the common liberal will use this weapon often. Why is this? Because it stops you
from getting your point across- and if you do not get your point across, you cannot win a debate.
The liberal sees this, the liberal knows this, and thus the liberal will interrupt you often. If the liberal
has no numbers, facts, or figures to prove their point with (a common occurrence), the liberal will
use the interruption tactic even more. The interruption tactic is often used in combination with
another rather strong tactic, bomb throwing, which we cover next.
Tactic Number Two: Bomb-Throwing
This one is not used as much, as it tends to get offensive, but when it is used, it can lead a liberal to
victory in a debate through nothing more than sheer shock-value. It is called bomb-throwing, and
essentially it is the use of name calling, accusations, and vicious attacks to shut down the opposition.
These attacks are usually not even true, but this does not matter- for the attacks are only designed to
do three things:
1. Shock the audience and perhaps paint you out to be evil and wrong
2. Coerce you to change the subject by trying to defend yourself from these attacks (a natural
human impulse on your part)
3. Anger you and force you to lose your cool, and thus appear immature and unprofessional
Repeatedly, liberals use this tactic, and it is effective, because conservatives are simply not ready for
it. Conservatives are also generally classier, relaxed, and well mannered than their liberal
counterparts, so they often do not know how to respond to such viciousness. This trend it starting
to change as conservatives have rebuilt their defenses, but many still fall for this liberal trap of

Tactic Number Three: Raising the Volume

This is yet another tactic geared towards conservatives in particular, and preys off the fact that
conservatives are generally more classy, relaxed, and well-mannered people than liberals are. This
one makes use of another fact: conservatives are quieter people than liberals are, and not anywhere
near as fierce. Liberals realize this, and they use it to their advantage when it comes to debate.
Essentially, they raise the volume. They will yell, scream, talk aggressively, and be particularly fierce
and provoking throughout the debate. They do this to anger their opposition and try to throw them
off, and they do it to try to weaken the conservatives resolve. They also want to engage the
opposition in a shouting match, as this plays to a liberals favor, since they already do it (and since
it makes the audience think of the opposition badly). Additionally, this tactic serves another purpose:
it motivates other liberals and gets them pumped up, to the point where they might even get
involved in the debate (see tactic five).
Tactic Number Four: The Populist Bomb
This one is a tactic seems to have been developed by one group of liberals to promote the growth of
another; essentially, the intellectual left employs the Populist Bomb often to get people to join the
droves of the Victims of the Democratic Party group. Most often, these said people do not realize
that they are being dragged into such a group; but the liberals know it, as they are trying to get more
people on their side.
So what is a Populist Bomb? It is something known as telling people what they want to hear. It
employs frequent use of the race card, the class card, and all sorts of other things that we covered
earlier- the same very things that created the second group of liberals, the Victims of the
Democratic Playing Card Deck. It frequently attacks Republicans and any other opposition for the
screwing over of certain groups (even though these attacks are usually false), and it makes
excessive use of spin.
By spin, I mean the Populist Bomb will present some sort of god-like plan to give people some
benefits, such as health insurance, while also saying things about how taxes wont be raised. While
these two things contradict each other when one looks into the finances behind such proposals,
common people dont know this, and therefore theyll believe both statements, and will applaud the
liberal who presents them- the Populist Bomb at its finest.
The Populist Bomb is a tactic used by liberals to get people to think they care about the common
man and other select groups, and it often is unrealistic and can be countered strongly. It is
pandering to the crowd, and liberals use it often to make themselves come off as genuinely caring
about the public- when in reality, it is intended to get more votes and support over to their side.

Tactic Number Five: The Liberal Army

This tactic is one that is employed almost everywhere you will go, almost in any debate you get into,
unless you control the environment of the debate. This tactic speaks volumes about liberals and
their philosophy; it is an effective tactic because of sheer numbers.
The Liberal Army tactic is simple: you are in a debate, trying to make your point, and liberals
outnumber you and shut you down. They will often try to surround you and put you in the center of
the debate, so they can gun you from all angles. They will combine all of the previously mentioned
tactics (especially interruption, raising the volume, and bomb throwing), and since they have the
numbers advantage, you will be unable to respond or make any of your points. A pile on top of the
ball carrier tactic has a 99% success rate, unless the conservative is prepared.
Unfortunately, all too often, the conservative is not prepared and they lose the debate out of being
completely overwhelmed - as well as being shocked and dazed after attacked from so many sides.

The Counterattack
As with any tactic, there are counter-tactics. Conservatives can easily win debates with liberals, but
they must first know about the liberal tactics, which we have just gone over. Not only this, but they
must know how to effectively respond to the tactics. What occurs in response to liberal tactics is what
leads to liberal victories in debates - it is NOT the liberals tactic in itself. Liberal tactics are designed
to get conservatives to make mistakes; therefore, conservatives can, with a proper response,
eliminate this possibility and take away the liberals advantage.
Counterattack to Interruption:
This one is simple, making the liberal come off as unprofessional and immature. It could even make
the difference in who holds the upper ground in the debate, and may shift an entire audiences views
regarding the people in the debate.
Essentially, you must let the liberal finish their points (or lack thereof), and then respond. When you
respond, they will attempt to interrupt you often as we have already mentioned. Let this happen a
few times (ask them to stop interrupting if you want), and then when they do it again, step up and
say listen, if you are going to continue interrupting me and preventing these people [the audience]
from hearing both sides of the story, it is pointless to debate anything with you.
You can also throw in something about how the liberal is preventing the audience from hearing
facts, figures, and numbers that the liberal is probably afraid of letting them know about. Challenge
them. Say, Are you afraid of my point? Are you afraid of the truth? They will respond with a no,
to which you say then let me finish, and then you can have your chance.
Do not be particularly aggressive; do not throw around attacks, stay calm, cool, and professional
throughout. This will give you the upper hand over a liberal every time- especially when there is a
good open-minded audience.
Counterattack to Bomb-Throwing
Bomb throwing is something that is hard to deal with, as it tries to trick the audience and you at the
same time. Bomb throwing tries to make the audience think of you in a negative light, and it tries to
get you angry and to throw you off. It may actually be one of the hardest tactics to respond to, and
liberals realize this. This is why they use it so much.
The response, however, is simple when you think about it. You must turn the bombs around, by
staying calm, collected, and cool. You must turn the bombs around, by questioning why the liberal is
throwing them in the first place. A relaxed response is something liberals do not expect; when you
respond in such a professional manner, the bomb-throwing tactic is immediately nullified.

Bomb throwing is further nullified when you ask why the liberal is throwing the bombs; even speak
directly to the audience and say, I question why my opponent here says these things about me
when they have no proof, evidence, or fact to back up their statements. On the other hand, say
something to the sort of I believe everyone should remain professional and relaxed in a debate, and
speak about the issues, instead of attacking one another.
The latter statement is very effective with the audience, and actually turns the bomb-throwing tactic
around, flinging it right back at the liberal. The bomb-throwing tactic is immature and
unprofessional in the first place, and by responding to it in the above-described manner, the
audience immediately realizes the liberal is immature and unprofessional.
Counterattack to Raising the Volume:
The entire reason for liberals to use the raising volume tactic in the first place is to anger you and
engage you in a shouting match. Liberals are used to shouting, yelling and screaming, and
responding in such a manner shifts the debate into one that is on their terms; this leads them to
victory. It makes you look like a hothead who cannot handle pressure, and the audience starts to see
you in a negative light.
It also makes the liberal look bad, but they try to counteract this by using the Populist Bomb,
combined with this tactic. Therefore, they make it seem like they are yelling - not because they are
immature - but because they are yelling for the people. It is a very effective trap.
The response?
First, do not lose your cool. Do not yell back, do not raise your voice, and remain calm and
collected. Let them scream and yell. Secondly, defuse their Populist Bombs (see next
counterattack), remaining calm and collected the whole time.
The result will be obvious: without the Populist Bomb to legitimize the liberals yelling and
screaming, the audience will start to see the liberal as unprofessional and immature, and as a total
hothead, similar to Howard Dean or Al Gore himself. The tactic becomes nullified, but if the liberal
continues to use it, it will only make them look worse.
Counterattack to the Populist Bomb:
The Populist Bomb, while daunting at first (since it turns the audience effectively against you), is
easy to diffuse. First off, remain calm and cool, and do not get overly defensive. Defensiveness
signals weakness, and makes the audience think that the liberal actually is right, which they are not.
The best response is to take the Populist Bomb, and make your own modification to it. You are
going to take the Populist Bomb and turn it into a Realistic Republican Populist Bomb of your own.

How can you do this? Simple, you take the strengths of the liberals Populist Bomb, and you apply
your realistic philosophy and knowledge upon it. This can best be illustrated in an example:
Liberal Populist Bomb:
You Republicans do not care about Social Security, and youre going to destroy it, at the expense of
every senior citizen in America. You want to privatize it so that big business and the stock market
can get more money, while playing games with the American peoples tax dollars, tying it into the
market. You are messing with peoples retirements! We will not let you Republicans destroy peoples
Liberal Populist Bomb Finale:
Quit robbing senior citizens and Americans of their social security money! Stop messing with
peoples futures for the sake of your own benefit! We will not let you succeed!
Conservative Response:
Every American citizen should have the best possible opportunity for a strong and stable
retirement. The current Social Security system gives senior citizens money for retirement, but I ask
you all, can their retirement funding be improved? The answer is a resounding yes. Let people
control their own social security money in a private account, which the government can never mess
with; let people invest that money in the stock market if they choose to. This gives people an
opportunity, which they never could have had before: an opportunity to have much more money for
retirement than what plain old basic Social Security gives them! Current Social Security only yields a
2% return on investment once a person retires; privatization could raise that amount exponentially!
Conservative Response Finale:
It is your money, your retirement, and you should be able to do with it what you please- and when
youre done with it, pass it on to your heirs- something you cannot do under the current system!
Observe how you are taking the strength (the benefits for senior citizens and Americans) straight
out from the playbook of the liberals own Populist Bomb. You are taking the same emotional and
idealistic plea out of their statement, and putting it in your own.
However, instead of going on the offensive and throwing around attacks (something liberals will
often do in these bombs remember their use of the playing card deck), you are going to be
positive. You are going to present a realistic, strong case. A perfect Realistic Republican Populist
Bomb: Heavy artillery!

Counterattack to the Liberal Army:

The first thing you probably ask to yourself when this comes up is how am I supposed to
outdebate ten people at once? That is a good question, and there really is no good answer, unless
you happen to be Ronald Reagan himself, who probably could have outdebated the entire
Democratic Party back in his time. However, for us common folk, there is a solution, albeit a
simpler one:
Change the environment.
What does that mean? Well, you need to make sure you are not outnumbered to begin with. When
you engage in a debate, set the terms that it is one-on-one early, this negates the advantage of the
liberal army. If liberals violate these rules, walk out and refuse to debate with them until they
comply with your one-on-one request. If they refuse to, ask if you are allowed to bring in more
conservatives to back you up. If they challenge your strength and resolve, challenge their strength
and resolve; after all, they already have the numbers advantage. If they are so right, why do they
need it? Ask them that. Challenge them.
Liberals have large egos and are provoked easily. When you challenge them and imply that they are
being cowardly by not debating you one-on-one, they will likely respond by accepting your challenge
of a one-on-one. Moreover, if they do not, well, they prove your point that they are being cowardly.
It is simple.
You can even try to ask for a moderator to make sure your debate stays one-on-one, and that it
remains under control. Moderation negates many liberal tactics, and gives you the edge, just like a
one-on-one debate does.

Taking all you have learned in the above sections into account, you are now well armed to outdebate
any liberal. You now understand their mindset, their tactics and how to counter those tactics.
However, there are a few final universals that you should remember, and they are listed below.
Good luck in your debates, and prove to the world how wrong liberals truly are.

Do not get angry, ever

Remain calm, cool, collected, and relaxed
Be professional
Use facts, figures, and statistics, but never excessively
Use a decent amount of emotion- show people you really do care
Be realistic- always imply that youre the more realistic one, because you are

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