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Melati Puspa Putri

Reading Summary
People in Organizations

Managing Your Team

Most seasonal managers think that success is depend on how effectively they can
build a well-functioning team, but based on research most of the new manager fail to
recognize their team-building responsibilities. They primarily focus on managing individual
performance and pay little or no attention to team performances. The new managers
inattention to their team-building role puts them at a distinct disadvantage, especially given
the current competitive environment.
What is An Effective Team?
Managers should apply three interrelated criteria in assessing overall team effectiveness:

Does the team output meet the standards of those who have to use it?

Does the team experience contribute to the personal well-being and development of
the member?

Does the team experience enhance the capability of the member to work and learn
together in the future?

Managing the Teams Boundary

Manager need to manage teams boundary and create the context for team success.
If their teams are to be effective, managers have to continually scan their competitive
environment and monitor the activities of the key external constituencies. Managers also
need to manage relationships with those who are outside their teams but inside their
Managing the Team Itself
To create the conditions for team success, not only do managers have to manage the
teams boundary, but also they have to manage the team itself-design the team and facilitate
the teams process. First thing first is designing the team. One of the first task to design a
team is to set the teams agenda. Mmbers need a clear and compelling sense of what is
expected of the team. After setting the teams agenda, the manager has to determine just
what type of teamwork is needed. Once the team agenda has been determined and the
type of teamwork needed to accomplish that agenda identified, managers have to address
the composition and structure of the team. An important way in which a manager can

facilitate the teams process is by shaping the teams culture- the basic assumptions and
beliefs that are shared by the team members that operate unconsciously. The next step is
coaching the team. Managers should provide timely and spesific feedback to team
members about their role on the team and their impact on the team process and
Managing Paradox
There are five conflicting forces or tension in the heart of the team life. These
paradoxes must be understood, accepted, and as much as possible, balanced.The first
paradox is the need to embrace individual difference and pursue a collective identity and
goal. The second is foster support and confrontation among team members. The third
paradox is focusing on the teams performance and on their learning activity.The fourth
paradox is achieving a delicate balance between the authority of manager and the autonomy
of team member. The last paradox is the manager need to concern about three set of
relationship: manager relationship to team member as individual, manager relationship to
the team as a whole and each individual relationship to the team as a whole.
The Challenge
Managers have to proactively build the collection of individuals who work for them
into a team. Many managers have come to understand that they can be more effective if
they share responsibility and authority in order to managing the team. In the end effective
team can be built if all team member assume responsibility for making it a success.

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