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A. Background Issues
At an educational activity can not be separated from the curriculum. The curriculum
is used as guidance by educational actors in order to improve the quality of
teaching in schools. With the curriculum it is expected that the world of education in
Indonesia is getting quality and character.
The curriculum is currently perceived to have the role and function of the complex.
This is because the curriculum is a crucial tool in the realization of educational
programs, both formal and non-formal, so the description of the education system
can be seen clearly in the curriculum. In line with the demands of the times, the
development of society and the advancement of science and technology and
globalization, it is time for the world of education entered a period of innovation and
walked objective. So in this case the analysis of curriculum needs very urgent, for
the achievement of plans and objectives of teaching and learning.
One of the basic assumptions of curriculum development in the field of education
should be based on the analysis of the needs of students. The procedures used to
gather information about the needs of students known as the needs analysis. Needs
analysis as the first step that needs to be distinguished in the field of education
program planning.
Needs analysis is done so how can merangcang procedures used to gather
information about the needs of learners. But along with its development, the
curriculum is still not uncommon to experience changes that are gaps in its
implementation. For it with their curriculum needs analysis, it will be known about
the distance or gap, solutions and assessment of the educational curriculum in
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation of the problem is
as follows:
1. What is a needs analysis?
2. What is the function of the needs analysis?

3. What steps analyst needs?

4. What is the understanding, from understanding the curriculum needs analysis?
5. What is the purpose of the analysis of the needs of the curriculum?
6. Analysis of the development of the curriculum based on the needs?
C. Objectives and Benefits
a. purpose
The preparation of this paper aims, namely:
1. To describe and explain some of the principal problems mentioned above.
2. In order to fulfill one of the task group, the IPS curriculum development course, in
History Education Graduate Program, State University of Makassar.
Benefits / BENEFITS
Benefits of this paper are:
1. As an addition to Bacan materials and knowledge, especially for the drafting
team, in analyzing kebuthan in curriculum development. At the same time can be
useful as an addition to educational material to anyone, who want to analyze the
needs in curriculum development.
2. With the presentation of this paper is expected to pengiat education, can analyze
the curriculum according to the needs of education and learners in schools.


B. Needs Analysis Curriculum

In the context of curriculum development, John McNeil (1985) defines the
analysis of needs (needs assessment) as: The process by which one defines
educational needs and decide what their priorities are. In line with the opinion of
McNeil, Seels and Glasglow (1990) describes the sense of need assessment: It
means a plan for collecting information about the differences and to use that
information to make decisions about priorities.
Meanwhile, according to Anderson needs analysis is defined as a process of
determining the priority needs at the same time. Need Assessment is a method or

methods to determine the difference between the desired condition / should (should
/ should be) or be expected with existing conditions (what is). The desired condition
is often referred to as ideal conditions, whereas the existing conditions, often
referred to as the real conditions or real condition.
There are some things that cling to the notion needs assessment. First; need
assessment is a process means there is a series of activities in the implementation
of need assessment. Need assessement is not an outcome, but a certain activity in
an effort to take certain decisions. Second; the need itself is essentially the gap
between expectation and reality. Thus, the need assessment is an activity to gather
information about the gap that should be owned by every student with what has
been held.
Needs analysis is a constructive and positive tool for change. The changes are
based on the logic that is rational, functional changes which can meet the needs of
groups and individuals. These changes indicate formal systematic effort to
determine and close the distance gap between "what exists" with "how it should
be". Need Assessment (needs analysis) is a means or method to determine the
difference between the desired condition / should (should be / ought to be) or be
expected with existing conditions (what is). Need Assessment method can be made
to measure the level of gaps in student learning than what was expected and what
has been gained.
he word comes from the Latin curriculum, namely curriculae which means that the
distance that must be taken by a runner. As for the definition of the Indonesian
version of the curriculum in UUSPN No. 20 2003 Chapter I Article I, understanding
the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content
and learning materials as well as the means used to guide the implementation of
learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. Definition of curriculum
there are two senses:
1. The lesson to be learned or studied students both at school or college to obtain a
certain diploma.
2. The subjects offered by an educational institution or a department.
C. Functions curriculum needs analysis
Need Assessment method can be made to measure the level of gaps in student
learning than what was expected and what has been gained. In a measurement gap
analysis should be able to know how big the problems encountered.
Some functions Need Assessment according to Morrison as follows:
1. Identify the needs that are relevant to the job or task now is the issue of what
influence learning outcomes.

2. Identify the immediate needs related to financial, security or other problems that
interfere with work or educational environment.
3. Presenting the priorities to choose an action.
4. Provide data base to analyze the effectiveness of learning.

There are six kinds of needs that is used to plan and conduct needs analysis
(Morrison, 2001: 28-30).
1. Normative Needs
Comparing learners with national standards, eg, UAN, SNMPTN, and so on.
2. The need for comparative, comparing one group of students at the same level
with other groups. For example, the results Ebtanas junior junior A with B.
3. The need is felt, the desire or kinginan owned by each learner who needs to be
improved. This needs to show the gap between the level of skills / reality that
appears with perceived. The best way to identify this need by way of interview.
4. The need is expressed, the perceived need someone able to be expressed in
action. For example, students who enroll a course.
5. Future Needs, ie identifying the changes that will occur in the future. For
example, the application of new teaching techniques, and so on.
6. Incidental urgent requirement, namely a negative factor that appears beyond a
doubt a very influential. For example, nuclear disaster, medical errors, natural
disasters, and so on.

D. The purpose of the analysis of the needs of the curriculum

One well-known division of human needs proposed by Abraham Maslow, who saw
their hierarchy in need, namely the need for:
1. Survival (physiological).
2. Security (emotional).
3. Love and belonging (social).
4. Self esteem (personal).
5. Self-actualization (personality).

According to Maslow requirement can only be satisfied when the needs at the lower
levels have been met.
Definition of needs analysis by Roger Kaufman and Fenwick W. English stating that
the analysis of the needs is a formal process to determine the distance or gap
between the output and the real impact with the desired outputs and impacts, then
placing a row this gap in the scale of priorities, then choose it The most important
problem to be solved. In this case the desired needs is for output and impact
specified. At an educational system, student achievement is the goal, while
education is a tool, a set of processes and ways how to help students to have the
ability to maintain a life of its own and has the role of the local community even if
perhaps the people of the world, after they finish school ,
Before discussing about the distance and the gap between the output and the real
impact with the output and the desired impact, it needs to be known about the
curriculum goals first. Curriculum objectives as follows:
1. As teaching material (knowledge, skills and attitudes and values) to be taught to
and learned, mastered by the learner to the increase in the level or get a diploma.
2. To get the educational experience.
3. To influence the learners in their growth and development.
4. In order for students to obtain the desired learning outcomes.
5. To achieve the goal of education.
The above objectives of the curriculum can be interpreted also to achieve
educational goals. The curriculum is a tool to achieve educational goals. Because
the curriculum is part of the education, the curriculum goal only for the sake of
educational purposes.
E. Steps curriculum needs analysis
Glasgow illustrates the need assessment in the form of activities starting
from the stage of collecting information to formulate a problem. While Morrison
depicts Need assessment in the form of activities starting from planning to make a
final report.
Form steps need assessment according to Glasgow as follows:
1. The stages of collecting information; in this stage a designer should be able to
understand and gather information from the students scope of information
gathering can be as diverse as the students' characteristics, personal abilities, and
problematic in learning.

2. Stages identification of gaps; according to Kaufman identify gaps that by using a

method wherein Organizational Element Models in this method describes the five
elements are interrelated. Starting from the input-process-output-outcomeproducts.
3. Analysis of Performance; This phase is done after designers understand the
various information and identify gaps that exist. In this case when it found a gap,
the gap is identified which can be solved through planning and learning which
require different solutions.
4. Identify Barriers and Resources; in this stage of the implementation of a program
of various obstacles may arise that could affect the smooth running of a program.
Various constraints may include from time, facilities, materials, and so on. The
sources are also of organization, facilities, and funding.
5. Identification of Student Characteristics; This stage is the process of identifying
student problems. Because the main objective in the design of learning is to solve
the various problems faced by students.
6. Identification of interest; identify the destination is one of the important stages
that are in need assessment, because it identifies a goal-setting process that is
considered to be an urgent need to be solved in accordance with the conditions,
because not all the needs of the goal.
7. Determine the problem; This stage is the final stage in the process of analysis,
namely the write statement is as guidance in the preparation of instructional design
Meanwhile, according to Morrison measures need assessment as follows:
1. Planning: needs to be done; classifying students, who will be involved in the
activities and the way it was collected.
2. Data collection: it is necessary to consider the size of the sample in its
distribution (distribution).
3. Data analysis: after the data collected and analyzed by considerations: economic,
rankings, frequency and needs.
4. Make the final report: a needs analysis report includes four parts; purpose
analysis, process analysis, analysis of the results of the table and a brief description,
the recommendations relating to the data.
F. Analysis of the development of the curriculum based on the needs
Curriculum development is a step in balancing the development of science,
technology, art, psychology, political science, economics, and so forth. Which in turn
can give an idea about the direction and purpose of the products existing curriculum

and the curriculum will be implemented by the implementer. This is in line with the
statement Oliva (1992: 12), that the curriculum is a product of time, heal and
respond altered by social forces, the position of philosophy, principles of
psychology, educational leadership at a moment in history. Misalanya, if the
analysis of curriculum development in vocational schools, the curriculum
development should be based on the needs of students in preparing for labor. Terkat
it Daeng Sudirwo (2002: 5), that "vocational curriculum must be able to anticipate
the needs of the workforce, so that graduates have the ability to fit the needs of the
working world."
Associated with the statement, implies that the curriculum will and should change
(for development) in line with the changes taking place in every area of life. Basic
curriculum development is to follow the changes in the social system, society
philosophy, views on psychology, and policies related to education, and in order to
carry out its functions to the public.
The design of needs analysis involves a variety of options. Elections are likely to
give an overall view of the needs of students and it can bring the different interests
involved when the decision-makers. Decisions must be made on practical
procedures in a way to collect, organize, analyze, and report information. It is
important to ensure that the needs analysis does not produce a load of information
that is too heavy. Analysis of needs necessary for an obvious reason to collect a
variety of different kinds of information in order to ensure that only information that
will be used totally collected.

A. Conclusions
As the analysis of the needs of the curriculum is a formal process to determine the
distance or the gap between what exists and how it should be of a curriculum, the
main problem is taken priority and resolved the problem. Needs analysis is a tool
that is constructive and positive to make changes based on the logic that is rational,
functional changes that can meet the needs of citizens, groups and individuals.
Because the curriculum is part of the education, the curriculum goal only for the
sake of educational purposes. The purpose of the analysis of the needs of the
curriculum is to find the right solution to solve the problem of the curriculum. One of
the basic assumptions of curriculum development in the field of education should be
based on the analysis of the needs of students. The procedures used to gather
information about the needs of students known as the needs analysis. The method

of analysis needs in curriculum development can be made to measure the level of

gaps in student learning than what was expected and what has been gained. In a
measurement gap analysis should be able to know how big the problems
B. Suggestions
Penyemarataan education curriculum by the government, ranging from national
bertarap school, until international bertarap schools, should the curriculum analysis,
also consider the needs of education and learners, in schools located in areas
tepencil. Schools are far from access to information and transport, schools in terms
of facilities and means of education advocates are still very far behind. So there is
no gap in the practice and implementation of the curriculum in every school.


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