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Important topics which must not be missed


Manufacture of:
(1) Sulphuric acid(contact process) (2)Ammonia (Habers process) (3) Nitric acid (Ostwalds process)
(4)Bromine (Carnallite) (5) Iodine (sea weed).


Extraction of:
(1)Sodium (Downs process) (2) Sodium hydroxide (CastnerKellener and Kellenersolvay) (3) Sodium
carbonate(Ammonia solvay).


Short notes:
1.Homologous series 2.Functional groups 3.Isomerism 4.Polymerisation 5.Markovnikovs and AntiMarkovnikovsrule(Peroxide effect) 6.Wurtz reaction 7.Test of unsaturation(Bayers test and Bromine test)
8.Acidic nature of ethyne 9.Detection of hetero element 10.Ozonolysis 11.Octane number and Antiknocking agents. 12.Electrophile and nucleophile.13.Dehydrohalogenation 14.Grignard reagent
1.Use of H2S in chemical analysis 2.Moder n periodic table 3.Froath floatation process 4.Alumino thermite
process 5.Smelting 6.Leaching 6.Electronic theory of valency 7.Resonance 8.Contrasting properties of HCl,
HBr and HI.
1.Quantum numbers 2.Paulis exclusion principle 3.Rutherfords atomic model 4.Aufbau principle 5.Hunds
rule of maximum multiplicity 6.Postulates of Bohrs atomic model 7.Hydrogen spectra 8.Ideal gas equation
(PV=nRT) 9.Le-Chateliers principle 10.Pustulates of Kinetic theory of gas 11.Relationship between K p and
Kc 12.Law of mass action .Charles law.

(IV)Lab preparation of:

1.CO 2.H2S 3.SO2 4.Ethene 5.Ethyne
Distinguish or Differentiate:
1.Mineral and ore 2.Alloy and amalgam 3.Bleaching action of SO 2 and Cl2
4.Calcination and roasting 5.Orbit and orbital 6.Oxidation number and valency 7.Hydrometallurgy and
8.Flux and slag 9.Ionic bond and covalent bond 10. S and P atomic orbitals 11.Intra and inter molecular
hydrogen bond 12.Ortho and para hydrogen 13.Electrophule and nucleophile 14.Amorphous and crystalline
solid 15. Real gas and ideal gas.
(VI) Definitions(with examples):
1. Redox reaction 2.Oxidation number 3.Oxidising and reducing agents 4.Equivalent weight of element
a,acid , base ,salt, oxidising agent and reducing agents 5.Charles law 6.Boyles law 6.Ideal and real gas
7.Mole 8.Limiting reagent 9.Atomic spectra 10. Partial pressure 11.Universal gas constant and its value
in Latm mol-1K-111. Coordinate covalent bond 12.Diffusion and effusion 13.Octet rule 14 Viscosity 15.
Surface tension 16.Aqueous tension 17.Ionization energy 18.Dipole moment 19.Allotropes 20.Bohrs-Bury
rule 21.Heisenbergs uncertainity principle 22 de-Broglie principle. 23.Law of conservation of mass,
scale.26.Deliquescent, efflorescent and hygroscopic solid 27. Space lattice and unit-cell. 28.Dead burnt
plaster 29.Slaking of lime 30.Available chlorine.31.Equilibrium constant.32. Characteristics of equilibrium
constant.33.Nuclear fusion and fission 34.Isotpes 35.Radioactivity
State and explain:
1.Daltons law of partial pressure 2.Grahams law of diffusion 3. Avogadro's Hypothesis

Chemistry of:
1.Quick lime 2. Magnesia 3.Epsom salt Plaster of paris 4.Bleaching powder


Chemical properties(From old is gold) of:

1. H2SO4
4. SO2 5. H2S

6.Na 7.NaOH 8. Na2CO39.Ethene 10.Ethyne.

Practice old is gold numerical concerning different chapters.(from old is gold and class notes , model
Draw Lewis structure of different compounds and find out oxidation number of different elements(From old is
gold , class note and model questions)

Practice questions involving the balancing of different reactions by ON or ion electronic method(From old is
gold , term questions and model questions)

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