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PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

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To all Avalon Forum members, and our other friends both old and
Welcome to the third Project Avalon Forum newsletter, 23 December 2014.
The first is downloadable here:
The second is downloadable here:
This one is downloadable here:

The last newsletter covered a variety of subjects, although it went in a fairly straight line
but this one is focused on one main theme.
And the last newsletter was 10,000 words long, which quite astonished me. This one is a
mere 6,000.



I want to start by showcasing the remarkable work of Avalon member DOUG AULD. He's a
painter, and as with any artist the best thing is to let their art do the talking... which is the
entire idea, anyway.
From his website:

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

The above composite is just a screenshot. For higher-resolution images, and detailed
biographies of all these exceptional people (a few of which I have counted as personal
friends), please visit the web page.
The Avalon thread where all this is presented is here:
THOSE WHO BLEW THE WHISTLE: Painted Portraits of Whistleblowers by artist Doug Auld


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

Okay. Speaking of strong, powerful portraits: Who's this?

This is Duncan O'Finioan, whom Kerry Cassidy and I interviewed in January 2007. I count him
as a personal friend, too.
Duncan, a brave, huge-hearted warrior if ever there was one, has done more than almost any
other to make known the issue of SuperSoldiers: military experimentation on human subjects
with the intention of turning a person often a child or a teenager into a weapon.
Here's the scene towards the end of the first Jason Bourne movie, The Bourne Identity, when
Bourne eventually meets and confronts his old handler, Conklin:
Jason Bourne: Who am I?
Conklin: You're U.S. Government property. You're a malfunctioning $30 million weapon.
You're a total goddamn catastrophe, and by God, if it kills me, you're going to tell me
how this happened.

But this subject is real... not fiction. There will be 'Jason Bournes' reading these very words,
now. And the problem is, of course, is that they don't KNOW how "it happened".
There are many variants of this. Military experimentees can be molded into other kinds of
assets: remote viewers, remote influencers, psychic spies, sexual honey-traps (or
playthings), couriers, off-planet personnel. And more.
Note that I'm calling all these victims of military programs 'Milabs'. There's another
definition, too, which is a term reserved for those who've been abducted by the military
in situations that are made to look like ET abductions (or in some cases, abductions that
seem to be jointly military and ET, somehow working together). But in this newsletter,
I'm referring to the wider and more general use of the term.

Regarding off-planet personnel, there are now many accounts and claims of these on the
internet. One such (and one of the very first to surface), that has not recently got much
attention, is the story told by Michael Relfe; who, assisted and supported my his therapist
wife Stephanie, uncovered how he had spent a long tour of duty on Mars before being
mind-wiped so that all memory traces of the period were removed.
The account of how Michael and Stephanie worked together to gradually unearth the entire
story is told in two freely downloadable books, The Mars Records and The Mars Records 2.
A major problem for researchers (and experiencers) is the phenomenon of screen memories.
These are subjectively very real memories that are actually false overlays. Their function is to
mislead, to cause the person to think that something different has happened from what
actually did.
That can either be the memory of a normal existence (when in fact, something quite different
and highly unusual was happening) or an entirely false scenario that is from the start
intended to be revealed as misinformation, a kind of believable decoy, a misdirect to
investigators, if it ever were to surface.

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

This technology is very real. Some of you will remember the classic 1982 movie Blade
Runner. The storyline concerns the hunting down of renegade synthetic humans, called
'replicants', who have artificial intelligence and many kinds of enhanced abilities.

One replicant, a beautiful young woman called Rachel, truly believes she is human. She
protests that she can vividly remember playing the piano as a small girl. She is helped to
realize that these are sophisticated, implanted, false memories... and she could not tell the
difference. The relevance? This technology exists today.
Turning a human being into a programmed military asset is still not an exact science. So
sometimes there are bugs, flaws, holes in the screen memories, long periods of missing time,
a childhood that cannot be remembered, clear anomalies which become evident to the person
which, like a loose tooth, cannot be left alone.
Sometimes, the anomalies can first become visible to a loved one, while the Milab themselves
is still unaware. Here's an extraordinary true story:

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

Candy Jones was the wife of a 1970s radio host called Long John Nebel, who was the
Art Bell of his day. Nebel began to realize that Candy was not all that she seemed to
be... and eventually discovered that she was a CIA asset with not one, but four
programmed alternate identities/personalities ('alters') none of which knew about
the others.
This is significant only because
it's very well written, and tells the story of how Nebel unearthed it all, like putting
together a jigsaw puzzle; and
it's one of the earliest accounts of its kind.
The Control of Candy Jones was first published in 1976. Hot on its heels, in 1978, came
Operation Mind Control, by Walter Bowart. (Click here for the book as a PDF)

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

A third book and there are MANY, so I don't want to overload you is The Trance-

Formation of America, by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips. (Click here for the book as
a series of web pages)

Two of the finest researchers in this complex and strange arena are Eve Lorgen and James

Bartley. In this video [click on the image below], they are as a double act discussing
their research, experiences, and conclusions with radio host Ari Kopel.
There are other interviews of them, both individually and together, but this one stuck
me personally as exceptional certainly in terms of the quality of dialog, and the

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

very advanced and detailed content. Whatever you may feel you know and
understand, this may be an eyebrow-raiser.

Now, there are many Avalon members who are Milabs. And many more reading this, as well,
who are not current members. We don't know how many, and it could be over a hundred. Or
maybe many times more.
Some are known [see below] and others, for their own most personal, totally
understandable and well-founded reasons, choose to keep a pretty low profile. Being a Milab
is tough. And that is the most extreme understatement.
One longstanding Avalon member recently gave a written interview to Eve Lorgen. It was
published on this thread:
Interview with a Female Milab and Project Avalon Member, by Eve Lorgen
And I'm going to copy it all here. It makes for important reading.


(Introduction by Eve Lorgen)

This is an informal written interview of a female "milab" abductee whom I recently became
acquainted with via my research. She prefers to maintain her anonymity at this time and
suggests her name as only, a "Project Avalon Forum Member".
I became interested in her experiences and opinions because she has been actively engaged
in over two decades of healing and recovery work. She has recovered much memory and
understanding of her experiences, especially the methodology which was used to find and
create paranormal abilities.
She also asserts to the liaison of alien and human military involvement in a co-created
project to produce operatives with supernatural abilities like remote viewing, time folding,

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

bi-location and clairvoyant faculties. What I find is that with true healing and recovery,
experiencers of such projects no longer cater to the "entertainment" angle or the popular
opinion aspect of the Paranormal/Conspiracy/UFO community circles.
Healing, recovery and awareness work takes a sober, dedicated individual who learns to trust
inner wisdom. Inner wisdom is not some "program of belief" or ego based defense system,
but listening to the heart and dealing with the emotions carried through traumas.
From what I have gathered with many wise experiencers who have done their own healing
work, authentic awareness and self discovery does not happen with a single quick fix method
of "healing". It takes years of emotional processing, letting go of beliefs and behaviors which
no longer work, while maintaining an inner core of truth and dedication to integrity on all
1. When did you discover you were a "milab" abductee?
I would not say that I "discovered", rather that I have always had memories that were
attached to the military and abduction from an early age. The term "milab" is something
that I've gotten used to over the last five years.
While doing research on people like myself, I realized that the term applied. The
memories that I speak of are attached to an elementary school located in upstate New
York, where I grew up for the first 8 years of my life. Not only were kids like myself
pulled from classes and tested for psychic abilities, but also kids were tagged by the
military due to creativity, intelligence, and hearing abilities.
A white van would park outside the school, unmarked, with testing equipment for
hearing, the other tests were done in the school with the acquiescence of the principal
(who later was fired under allegations of child molestation). The army base that was
involved in this (early 1970's) resided only about a mile away. Access to children, for
them, was a non-issue.
2. Did this also involve alien visitations of various kinds?
Yes, my very first abduction memory, which actually occurred before I started
elementary school (at the age of 4 years old) involved the Navy as well as an alien
element. In this memory I was taken from my bed to a small submarine by men. These
men then experimented upon me using drugs and torture methods to induce my leaving
my body.
Once this was accomplished, I came into direct contact with what one would call
Mantid/Grey intelligence. This creature, which I could see clearly out of body, was
overseeing the project with great interest. I was informed by this intelligence that I was
to return to my body as the experiment had been a success. In later years I recall with
clarity subsequent incidences which involved both military and aliens seemingly working
together physically.
3. What discoveries did you make about your own family history in regards to why
you were chosen for this project?
My family has a strong military background. Navy on both sides. This seems to be an

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

element that may have some indication of a family history. Also, I've done research into
the bloodlines of Milabs, and there is a pattern that includes Native American Indian
mixed with Celtic heritage.
My grandmother was of native blood, and the rest of my heritage includes Viking as well
as a family coat of arms dating back to England and Wales. Another significant aspect is
that the women in my family were considered psychic or sensitive on the Viking side.
On top of this, both sides of the family were Masonic.
4. Are you aware of any official project name for what you were involved in for
"milab operations or experimentation?
The only project name that I recall is "Bluebird", though I do not know if this was the
project name, or the name that I was given. Children were taken in large groups as
well, we were separated by talents in clothing (matching paper gowns, foot socks, and
pants) The group I was in wore hospital blue, there was also a green and red group.
5. Did you have early childhood abuse from family, that you believe is related to
being in a "project"?
Yes. Abuse and access to children for experimentation seem to walk hand in hand. Not
only are children abused by their abductors, yet also families seem to have a history
that is related to such abuse. Perhaps this is generational and by design. There seems
to be a relationship to sexual abuse, energy transference into entities, and families.
Sexual stimulation was also used to induce an out-of-body experience. Feelings of
helplessness and fear create adrenalin which also quickens psychic awareness and
induces a state of altered consciousness. Altered states of consciousness are
fundamental to teach remote viewing, time folding, and the ability to leave ones body at
6. What about the occult or ritual element, was this present in any of your
I have several memories of masonic experiences, which are rather occult and ritualistic.
However, I consider myself fortunate to not have had the experience of being raised by
satanists or people who were cognitively seeking stronger links to darker forces. There
certainly is a darker element involved with this type of abduction experience.
The puppet masters may actually be one in the same when discussing Reptilian aspects,
however, rather then being "black magic" oriented, my experiences have had a very
clinical nature to them. They have always been scientific and militaristic in embodiment,
sterile, and cold. However, this does not exclude the fact that nefarious forces take
notice of gifted people; and the converse is also true, gifted people take notice of
nefarious forces.
In my opinion, black magic is a tool that has been used, and used effectively with
milabs. It also comes with a price. I have had encounters that could be established as
attacks from ritualistic magic, and have seen things that would be considered dark
occult in nature. There is a link here that I feel needs to be considered.

PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

7. What kinds of beings, whether alien/ET or inter or extra dimensional, were

involved in your abduction related experiences?
Human-like beings, some with long dark hair and others with cloth upon their heads,
one being that was seemingly a giant (though these may all be screen memories
implanted by the military, it's important to be open minded about this), I've seen a
Reptilian, ones that would be called Greys, Mantid, also smaller whiter beings similar to
greys but with smaller expressive eyes. Also very small creatures with interesting
It's been a rather mixed bag. Some claim to be "helping" while others are doing a job
with very human military people with them. I was rather young when I saw the
Reptilian, I was shocked and bewildered after the internet became a household tool.
There I found others who described similar beings. It seems to be more then just
coincidental that so many are able to describe these visitors in such detail and
8. Were you ever told by these beings, or humans, medical, etc., that you have been
genetically modified or are of some sort of "hybrid status". Or what they call
No. Though the term "special" was often used.
9. Do you have any unusual medical or physical attributes that you consider "alien
or hybrid?"
No, unless you would consider poor health and a lifelong battle with allergies to be
unusual. I'm a very pale nordic-looking female. Tall and slender. I've been told that I
appear alien, but that is not unusual considering my heritage. One interesting finding
that I recently discovered while doing resonance therapy was that I tested positive for a
"Kuru" bacteria that was rather ancient and not supposed to exist in modern times.
This was with Resonance testing which was created by Dr. Voll. The practitioner said
that this can happen to people who are remote viewers, they can pick up viruses and
bacteria from the past and bring it back with them. I do not know if there is any validity
to this, however, I do find it interesting.
10. What kinds of abilities did you discover you had that were not "average"?
I'm a visual artist. My IQ is above average. I have an innate understanding of quantum
physics. I remote view and am considered to be psychic. I'm what you would call
11. How were you instructed or trained to utilize these "abilities" in milab
experimentation or operations?
Unfortunately, the military uses rather crude methodologies to get results. There is
nothing finely crafted nor subtle about how this is accomplished, at least not in my era.
Torture, drugs, psychological trickery, trauma and more are all utilized to accomplish
any given goal.
For example, a person could be placed out in the middle of a minefield and then told to


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

find their way back to safety using only their abilities to detect where not to set foot.
Another scenario is a group training where people are locked into a warehouse and they
must work as a team to escape. This is to ascertain who works well together, who has
leadership qualities, what a person can take physically, etc.
In terms of training, lies are utilized. For example, I would be given a picture and asked
to find the person in the picture. I would remote view with others the site and astrally
lead them to their goal. However, what would happen next could be nothing short of
murder. This I was never told, but I hung around once and discovered this was indeed
the case.
For a child, innocence is used as a way to coercion. The military knows through profiling
who would pull a trigger and who would not. I would not. As I would not willingly lead
anyone to harm, rather a keen sense of loyalty and a need to help others were used as
tools to get me to do what they wanted. The desire to be loved and complimented is
also a strong force.
12. Did you ever observe cloned people or hybrid alien humans?
Yes. I believe that I had an experience with a hybrid at a gallery that I owned. It was an
unusual conversation. The woman was very tall, and had incredibly thin hair that barely
covered her head. Her face seemed out of proportion, like a person who has had too
much plastic surgery.
I remember looking up from my desk and there she was, asking me if I was happy and
fulfilled in my current position... it was a very unusual conversation. I noted that I had
to really concentrate on her words, as I was effected by her and put into an altered
state. As soon as she left my, brain wanted to forget the interaction, yet I held on to it.
Still it is fractal and not clear what she was telling me. I will never forget that. She
seemed to just vanish when she walked out the door. It was very unusual.
13. Are you aware of any compartmentalized alter personalities that were created
with specific abilities? And did you remember how these personalities were
Yes and no. I was strapped into a chair and tortured until my mind fractured. I
remember that I created hallways and closets in my mind with doors that led to
emotions. Each door had a label or a number. Since then, I've opened up the doors and
reintegrated these fractured parts of myself. I'm not trying to be glib about this, this
process took 20 years of hard work.
"Abilities" is not the right word: persona is more to the mark. Each persona had an
emotional aspect, each emotional aspect would be able to perform tasks. For example,
if one was in a minefield then you would not embody the emotion of fear, rather a calm
and solid state without emotion would be most effective.
However, where does the fear go then? Into the closet. Either way, the "ability" to
detect mines could be compromised by an emotional state. For me personally, it was
always about controlling emotions, not compartmentalizing abilities. However, this is my
own personal experience. I have no doubt that the manchurian candidate scenario is a


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

unfortunate truth for others.

14. Have you ever experienced bi location accidentally or in the framework of being
"trained by your abductors" in milab operations or ET related experiences?
I have to laugh. This is a very loaded question. During this interview I have been very
cautious (sorry) due to the understanding that what I say has a certain retribution.
Milabs in general know this. We put our necks out and things happen. These things can
be very difficult; I know I'm being vague here but it can be targeting, emotional
trauma, and physical targeting that is rather dangerous.
However, I would like to discuss what I call the "change". The change is related to a
change in location for me personally which also encompassed a change technologically
in how these interactions occurred. Which has a great deal to do with bio-location. In
my personal experience, this change occurred in the 1980's.
In the 1980's I had the misfortune to be taken regularly by a group that my have had
military interactions, but they seemed to be more human experimenters, doctors who
had the ability to bio-locate to continue these experiments on a completely different
Meaning: At first I was being physically taken by military that were mostly Navy, then,
when my family moved to another location, a very different type of abduction began to
occur. This may be due to being closer to an area where this tech was being used or it
may be due to technology that was gained during that era, or both.
For example, literally my room would melt when I was going to sleep. Melt. In
describing this everything would turn white, people would "appear" in my room and
then encircle my bed. These people were now not necessarily military, but were all
white coated lab techs/ doctors.
My bed would turn into a very sterile stainless steal bed, all of this would occur while I
was wide awake. I could, in the initial beginnings of this transference, get up and go to
the bathroom for example, but then upon returning to my bed, the transmutation of
reality would occur rather quickly and continue again.
This was very different from the military abductions that I had experienced earlier and
also the ET abductions where I was taken to a craft and had more interactions. This was
an entirely different world than the physical abductions that I was used to.
The abduction technology, which I was familiar with, where an ET could enter through
walls, closed windows etc., was in my opinion being utilized by humans. Human people
knew how to do this and were/are doing this.
So in answer to your query, Yes. Physical and astral both. Perhaps it is difficult to
know which is what. This is where the physical aspects of "BEING" come into question.
Timelines distort, and a person can be placed in the past, present or future... it's hard
to describe, yet I know the truth of this.
Now this "change" really encompassed more. Also, I noted that I could be suddenly


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

needing a nap for instance (which I believe was a programmed response), I would lay
down and find that I would be "pulled in" to a scenario that was using me for a Remote
Viewing operation. Now, this means that we can be taken out of our bodies by another
group through their will. This is concerning. I'm not meaning to scare anyone, but this
needs to be discussed.
Another aspect is being placed into an alien body to perform tasks off world... this was
also a part of my experience. During this experience humans were working with ET's
together to perform tasks, tasks that could be performed by an ET body safely, but a
human mind was needed to complete the task in a human way. There was some type of
agreement that enabled this, but for me, I was only a child and so I was just doing as I
was told.
These experiences have lessoned as I've gotten older to a great degree. Assets are used
until they are no longer useful. Yet also, I've stepped up my abilities and used what I've
been taught against the very format that I was brought into. I RV my own experience
now. This does not mean that I am safe by any means, just that I'm in a cognitive
struggle to retain my own independence.
15. What about telepathy between humans in abductions/experiences or in "real
life/physical life" situations?
I have noted that we can recognize each other. This can be due to being part of a same
grouping, or perhaps it's just that we can tie into each other on a psychic way. It's one
of my talents, to be able to read people, but I feel a pressure and a familiarity when I
walk on the street and feel another that has been used cognitively or not in these
experimentations. A lot of people do not even realize that this is a part of their reality,
that's another can of worms.
16. What are your opinions on the latest revelations by Simon Parkes (Kerry
Cassidy interview this summer in UK) with reference to some ET beings wanting to
ascend, and his general overview of the abduction and milab issue?
Simon is admittedly under the guidance of what he calls the Mantids. He also states that
he is "reptilian" in nature or soul. In dealing with anyone who has such a strong
identification with another race I would advise caution.
What a person can trust is one's own sovereignty and autonomy. Think for yourself
always, and use such interviews as indications of information that may be either
accepted or discarded using one's own discernment. In order to do this effectively, you
need to take an active participation in discernment by taking the time to study.
If you (the reader) are a person who believes all that you hear, you are selling yourself
short. As to the ascension issue, it is interesting to hear the terms "riding on the backs"
of other humans. Reminds me of entity attachment, which is parasitical in nature.
However, the idea that races need to advance (and I would include humans in this) as
we all stand to make room for spiritual improvement, is interesting. True or not? Simon
believes his own truth and what he is told by mantids.


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

I believe my own truth, however, I'm open to new information and open to the idea that
not only have I had to go through programming, but I am continually dealing with
programming issues either through basic media or through my own experiences.
We need to always question everything, including ourselves. That takes courage and the
willingness to personally change your beliefs if need be. Each individual will have a
perception that differs from another. This is based on our experiences. Simon is a
product of his experiences and an interesting person to study.
17. Have you had any experience with the targeting technologies to thwart your
healing and awareness process, which is not " a program", but some external
applied technology or interference? Or have you experiences a "love bite"
disruption or having disrupter agents sent in to derail your awakening, etc.?
Yes, I'm currently being treated for EMF over-exposure, which is unfortunately a tactic
that is used often with targeted individuals. There are a few methods that I've found
helpful, i.e. copper coils shaped like the letter "G" beneath my mattress and also
surrounding my bedroom with copper wire.
A friend recently suggested homeopathic gold, which I am rather excited to try. I
meditate and use methods of energy circulation that I learned through reading Mantak
Chia's books. However, as much as I try to prop myself up, the fact is that this constant
vigilance can be exhausting at times. I am always experimenting.
As to handlers and or disrupter agents, life is full of them. Due to programming anyone
can be used to accomplish this. Frequencies in people can be manipulated just as easily
as electrical frequencies in cars. My husband and I are very careful to negotiate rather
then argue, which is thankfully in our natures.
I ask myself daily if my feelings/thoughts are my own. There is a difference in thoughts
that are patterned interference and genuine thoughtfulness. You can pinpoint this
difference and block the patterning by raising your personal frequency, or rather, change
your frequency. Even doing something simple like taking vitamin C or having a salt bath
can accomplish this.
Be your own programmer. Change the game. I believe that they want to keep a milab in
a constant state of anxiety. Anxious people are easier to herd and control. Paranoia is
also a great way to easily discredit a victim. For instance, I have had at times two
strangers walk up to me to inform me that they were watching me. If you react with
fear, they have done their job most effectively.
Surrounding family or friends can also be used and manipulated to do the work of a
disrupter, or people suddenly appear and turn out to be rather sociopathic. I have
needed to be on guard. Most people do not know that they can be used to target
others; and then there are those who are handlers and very much aware and doing the
In my case, my own parents acquiesced a certain amount of access to me by the
military, as well as my elementary school. I take care to be vigilant, cautious, and make
pains to create intelligent choices with regards to whom I surround myself self with. My


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

family and I are no longer directly involved and I've chosen to live in another country.
As to the alien love bite: I've been in several past relationships that seem to fit this
context. I was stalked by a person who was rather dangerous and obsessive for several
years. I am much more discerning now, thank goodness, and less apt to get caught up
in such emotional entrapments.
My own personal maturity had a great deal to do with my ability to discern "love bite"
love from relationships that are healthy. As we know, sex is entangled in energy
harvesting, abilities, and control methodologies. There is much to consider before
heading into a relationship.
18. Which healing and recovery methods were most useful to you in your own
I've discovered that a form of memory retrieval which repeats traumatic experiences
until they no longer hold charge is most effective. It is horrific, difficult, time
consuming, and exhausting. But, well worth it.
One of the experiences that had caused me much difficulty was the use of flashing lights
to program me. I have always had a hard time with flashing lights. However, when I
went through this memory over and over again until I could talk about it easily... well, I
felt much better after. This was done with two other very qualified practitioners who
were able to help release the charge, protect my space, and let me lead myself through
my own memory safely.
They used some methods that have roots in Scientology, however, they are NOT
Scientologists. There is also the idea of the holographic universe that is utilized to help
release charge and create understanding of motivations.
For example, one could not only go through a memory from your own perspective, but
also through the perspective of others who may also be in the memory with you. All
information has access if one understands the holographic nature of the fabric we are
made of.
In a nutshell, I remote view my own experience. But you need not be a remote viewer
to do this effectively. (Do not try this alone! If anyone is interested I can provide
information to you, Eve, that would allow others to contact the people that are doing
19. What advice would you offer to a person who knows they are a milab and wants
to recover memories and break free of the programs?
Be careful. This will change your life. I will be perfectly honest here.
Things will get worse before they get better. Be prepared for all kinds of ripples in your
life. They do not want you to remember, so there is programming in place to make you
sick, to emotionally sabotage yourself, even to hurt yourself through drugs or alcohol.
Be aware that you have work to do and be resolute in your desire to know yourself.


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

Be ruthless with your memories, stick to fact and reality as you know it to be true. Do
not waver. Take care who you speak to about this, as it will be used against you. Take
care to have support; lone wolf programming is very strong in milabs; find others like
yourself that you can share with.
Research. Give yourself uplifting moments every day. GROUND yourself through
gardening or taking long walks. Seek out all that is real and tactile to base yourself on
two strong feet. Eat well, try to sleep more, and do not alter your state of mind through
the use of drugs or alcohol. Meditate, try out yoga, relax. Cry when you have to and do
not suppress emotions, yet do this safely for yourself and for others.
Most helpful is knowing that I am not alone in this. Long live the internet. I've gotten
the most solace through interacting and talking with others like myself. Sites like the
Project Avalon Forum have been instrumental to my healing. Also, ditching my ego and
my ridiculous notion that I could handle all of this by myself. What we do not know is
far more interesting and revealing then what we do.
(Afterword, by Eve Lorgen)
This is a good point. I've also found that healing is a process that requires that we connect
with others in such a way that a mutuality of benefit takes place to heal one another. I've
mentioned this in the Dark Side of Cupid book in the Healing, Awareness and Recovery
I think what often binds us to "try to do it all alone" is conditioning by our society, and
especially the patriarchal program. Shame is also the biggest deterrent to healing, but also
the defenses which keep us bound to avoidance of the pain of what our heart can tell us.
Our emotions are actually the key, and this requires an open heart connection. When we can
connect with others from a mutual heart space, is when authentic change and profound
healing can take place. I am saddened by so many people especially men who "keep to
themselves" and have conditioning that tells them "they must be strong and do it all alone"
and "I don't need help or counseling".
When people make these statements defensively, they tend to be the ones who really need
counseling and healing. And because they refuse to acknowledge their own lack of healing,
they inadvertently hurt others through their denial and defensive behaviors. If they can let go
of their defenses and longstanding beliefs and programs, a whole new way of being opens up
leading to a heart centered happiness.
I can't tell you how many times I hear this from people seeking answers and yet their egos
forge the way to stop them because they are too proud or too "stuck in programs" to even to
admit to themselves that "they need help". This actually stops the expansion of awareness
and empowerment process in my view.
What you said about "Lone Wolf Programming" is so true within the milab experience and
those who have gone through any kind of abductions or MK Ultra programming. I think the
Matrix sets us up to be this way too, since rejection is so common when we really speak out


PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

about what "really happened to us". Most people just can't handle the truth.
I appreciate your sharing honestly about your experience and opinions on your healing


70,000,000 views on YouTube should tell you something.

With that, we wish everyone reading this every possible good thing for 2015 and beyond.
We stand together for the future of the Human Race.
We will not stand for suppression of the truth.
We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak
out... no matter how radical those ideas may seem.
Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.
We will do everything we can to work towards the establishment of a new way of living
together on Planet Earth.



PROJECT AVALON NEWSLETTER #3 : Whistleblowers, Milabs, and STAND BY ME

Whether you're a new friend or an old one, please keep in touch always. You can write
to the moderators at (it'll be forwarded to us all), or to me
personally at
If you've not logged in for a while and have lost your password, either write to the mods
or click here for a new password to be sent to you:
We'll be happy to help.
If you would like to recommend the forum to friends or family, ask them to register
their interest here:
(and it'll help us to let us know yourself who they are, by way or reference or
The forum still survives from month to month, just able to pay its 3,500 dollars-a-year
bill. We've not missed a payment yet, but we'd be able to do MUCH more with more
funds (Avalon audio conferences, for one, an idea that we've been exploring for a
while). To those who have donated, we most sincerely thank you. If you've always
been meaning to but have never quite got round to it, here's the link: Thank you.

My personal warmest wishes to everyone ~ Bill

Bill Ryan
Founder: Project Avalon, Project Camelot
23 December, 2014

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