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Sri Wahyuni

Penerbit NATURAL ACEH, Banda Aceh Aceh

Sri Wahyuni
Penerbit NATURAL ACEH Jalan T. Iskandar, Lr. Rumbia, Ceurih, Ulee Kareng, Banda
Aceh, Aceh 23117
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang.

: Rosdiana

Diterbitkan pertama kali oleh Penerbit Natural Aceh, Banda Aceh, 2014.
Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dalam
bentuk apa pun (seperti cetakan, fotokopi, microfilm, VCD, CD-ROM, dan rekaman
suara) tanpa izin tertulis dari pemegang hak cipta/penerbit.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah. First of all I would like to express my
praises and thanks to Allah the Almighty, the Lord of universe who has conferred me
enthusiasm, patient, health, inspiration and chance to finish this bok. My greeting,
prayer and love are also presented to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) who has shown us directions to the straight path, and full of knowledge.
Reading process begins with a series of expectations, guesses, or hypotheses
about the subject to read which are confirmed, modified or discarded while reading
takes place. Reading as a thinking process, making a wide use of intellectual abilities
that readers may already posses in their mother tongue. By reading, a reader will
know a writers feeling and messages, and it can increase knowledge. While reading,
a reader is not only finding meaning of difficult words, knowing meaning and
grammatical features of the reading, but also having deeply comprehension. Through
reading, one can enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his problem,
and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal
growth and adopt the change in the world.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form is the
most important element that the students must recognize, because the primary
purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material.
Therefore, reading with comprehension is only a way for the readers to arrive at what
they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is how to make
them comprehend. Comprehending a reading is not as easy as flipping ones hand
over. It needs practice, patience, and curiosity.

The writer realized that this book is not perfectly done, so that she expects some
suggestions and advices will be more necessary for the good impact of this book.
My respect and deep appreciation is also addressed toward the principal of
STKIP BBG Getsempena, and great thank also goes to all of the lecturers of STKIP
BBG Getsempena who helped the writer in doing this book. Finally, my deepest
indebtedness, appreciation and endless love go to my lovely family and my beloved
Thank you for all who helped the writer in finishing this book. May Allah the
Almighty, lead us all to the right path in whatever we do, Amin.

Banda Aceh, December 2014

Sri Wahyuni




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................... iii

READING DEFINITION..................................................................................... 1
A. Some Definitions of Reading.................................................................... 1
B. Schema Theory in Reading ...................................................................... 8
C. The Process of Reading ............................................................................ 9
READING METHOD......................................................................................... 11
A. Some Possible Metods in Teaching Reading.......................................... 11
1. Choral Responding Method .............................................................. 13
2. Paired Reading Method..................................................................... 15
3. PORPE Method................................................................................. 17
4. KWL Method .................................................................................... 18
5. SQ3R................................................................................................. 21
6. Grammar Translation Method (GTM) .............................................. 23
READING STRATEGIES OR TECHNIQUE................................................. 25
A. Some Strategies or Techniques in Teaching Reading............................. 25
1. Cloze Exercise .................................................................................. 25
2. Humor Stories ................................................................................... 27
3. Literature Circle ................................................................................ 29
4. Think Pair Share ............................................................................... 31
5. Number Heads Together ................................................................... 33
6. Games Through Small Group ........................................................... 35
TYPE OF READING.......................................................................................... 37
A. Intensive Reading.................................................................................... 37
B. Extensive Reading .................................................................................. 38
GENRE OF READING ...................................................................................... 39
A. Types of Genre........................................................................................ 39
1. Descriptive ....................................................................................... 39
2. Narrative .......................................................................................... 39
3. Recount ............................................................................................ 40
4. News Item ........................................................................................ 41


Review ............................................................................................. 41
Report............................................................................................... 42
Procedure ......................................................................................... 43
Discussion........................................................................................ 43
Explanation ...................................................................................... 44
Analytical......................................................................................... 44
Hartatory .......................................................................................... 45
Anecdote .......................................................................................... 46
Spoof................................................................................................ 46



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